06x05 - Courtesan Turns the Tables

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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06x05 - Courtesan Turns the Tables

Post by bunniefuu »

Suzu: I loathe the moon.

Suzu: With nightfall, it brings you to me,

Suzu: but it also takes you from me when dawn breaks.

Suzu: I wish the moon would never leave us.

Suzu: Then you would always be here with me.

A: The moon will come with the night again.

A: And someday, when it does,

I will take you with me in the morning.

A: Wait before the cherry blossom tree

on the night of the next full moon.

Suzu: Do you promise?

A: I promise.

Both: Promise.

Suzu: I'll be waiting

Suzu: for the moon to rise

Suzu: forever.

Gin: The legendary courtesan?

Tsu: You don't know of her?

Tsu: The other lady of Yoshiwara,

Tsu: the courtesan Suzuran.

Gin: Why is she legendary?

Gin: Is she a descendant of Erdrick?

Gin: From Hand of the Heavenly Courtesan?

Hino: I'm not talking about Nera.

Gin: Nera? I was talking about Bianca.

Hino: Don't forget about Debora.

Tsu: Uh, none of them matter.

Hino: The courtesan Suzuran.

Hino: Her beauty was said to come from the heavens.

Hino: No one could rival her in song or dance.

Hino: Many elite officials sought Suzuran's favor by offering her great wealth,

Hino: but most were sent home after a cup of tea.

Gin: Sounds like she was beautiful enough to topple nations.

Gin: The other lady of Yoshiwara isn't toppling nations

so much as toppling from the weight of her makeup.

Hino: Oh, sorry.

Hino: My hand slipped.

Hino: Must be because our nation is toppling over.

Gin: But it sounds like she's no longer around.

Gin: I would have liked to enjoy her company once.

Hino: You're more than welcome.

Hino: You're such a fool.

Hino: The legendary courtesan was the one who invited you here.

Hino: She wants to meet the savior of Yoshiwara.

Courtesan Turns the Tables

Gin: This should be good enough?

Gin: But wait...

Gin: Maybe I should...

Tsu: It doesn't matter!

Tsu: Aren't you getting ahead of yourself?

Gin: This is important though.

Gin: We're talking about a legendary courtesan.

Gin: If I screw something up, this won't be a Yoshiwara night anymore!

Gin: It'll be Tsukiji instead!

Gin: I'll turn into a dead fish!

Tsu: Don't worry. Nothing like that is going to happen.

A: Lady Suzuran has arrived!

Hino: Oh, she's here.

Here she comes...

Gin: Here she comes! Here she comes!

Suzu: H-Hello.

Suzu: It is an honor to meet you.

Suzu: I am Su-Suzura...

Suzu: Huh?

Suzu: Who am I?

Hino: Allow me to introduce you.

Hino: This is the legendary courtesan, our elder.

Hino: The courtesan Lady Suzuran.

Tsu: Hey, where do you think you're going?

Gin: Just over to Tsukiji.

Gin: Er, sorry.

Gin: I heard she was a courtesan, but she was toppling more than I thought.

Gin: I didn't think she would be completely toppled over.

Gin: You said that this is the legendary what?

Gin: Lady Boomerang?

Tsu: Lady Suzuran.

Gin: You girls are mean.

Gin: You made it sound like she was working with you.

Suzu: U-Um, I'm still on the job.

Gin: What?!

Suzu: I don't mean to brag,

but I've been working here since before Yoshiwara moved underground.

Gin: You're the one who's going to be put underground soon!

Suzu: I may be older now,

Suzu: but my technique is just as good as those younger girls!

Gin: What kind of technique is this?!

Suzu: Please come over here, savior...

Suzu: Huh?

Suzu: Who are you?

Gin: Sakata Gintoki!

Suzu: Oh, I wanted to thank you.

Suzu: Please drink until you knock yourself out tonight.

Gin: This lady's spilling the whole bottle!

Suzu: Huh? It's empty.

Suzu: You drink fast.

Gin: Are you listening to me, lady?!

Suzu: Please knock yourself out tonight.

Gin: Lady, you've knocked yourself out, so can I go?!

Hino: Behold Lady Suzuran's famous dancing.

Hino: Look at her break dance.

Gin: Wait, she's break dancing?

Gin: It looks like she's having a breakdown!

Gin: This is bad!

Gin: Should we call an ambulance?

Suzu: Y-You're too hasty.

Suzu: Why don't we get to bed then?

Gin: No!

Hino: Here is your bed.

Gin: What kind of bed is that?!

Suzu: I-I truly enjoyed our time together today.

Gin: What?!

Gin: You don't look like you enjoyed yourself!

Suzu: Thank you for being my last visitor.

Gin: Don't jinx yourself!

Suzu: You're so kind.

Suzu: You're showing so much concern for an old woman.

Suzu: Can you make me a promise then?

Suzu: Come see me again when the moon rises.

Suzu: I'll be waiting

Suzu: for the moon to rise

Suzu: forever.

Hino: That's known as a lovers' pact.

Hino: Long ago, the women of Yoshiwara would

exchange vows of love with their customers.

Hino: My love belongs only to you.

Hino: I will never be unfaithful to you.

Hino: As proof, the women would offer their hair, nails, and blood.

Hino: Sadly, most of the women made these pacts

to squeeze more money from their customers.

Gin: She's as good as they claim, then.

Gin: That old woman had a man's hair wrapped around her pinky.

Hino: She refused to retire,

Hino: even after she no longer had

any customers and Yoshiwara was set free.

Hino: She offered to do anything if we let her stay here.

Hino: And she intends to spend the rest of her life here as a prost*tute.

Hino: She made a promise long ago

when Yoshiwara was still on the surface.

Hino: A promise to leave Yoshiwara together...

Hino: Judging from her behavior,

she must have mistaken you for that man.

Tsu: Do you mean that

Suzuran has been waiting here all this time for that man?

Hino: I don't know.

Hino: But Yoshiwara has always been a place

where men and women lie to each other.

Hino: Everyone knows that these dreams

will not last beyond morning.

Hino: But we all continue to act our roles.

Hino: It's your own fault if you choose to believe that dream.

Hino: But some may not wish to awaken from that dream.

Hino: She wishes to sleep inside her dream, under the moonlight.

A: Suzuran?

A: My late lech of a grandpa mentioned her before.

B: Yes, I remember her.

B: She was a fine woman.

B: But she was out of my league.

B: I would have loved a chance with Suzuki Ranran.

C: Yes, she was incredibly popular.

C: But personally, I was more of a Miki-chan fan

than a Ran-chan fan

C: when it came to the Candies.

D: I would totally lay Pink Lady.

E: I would totally lay you.

F: I just want one last lay, I don't care who...

Gin: I'm a fan of Ketsuno Ana.

Gin: Wait, I don't mean that like it sounded...

Gin: Kshatriya!

Tsu: Hey, what do you think you're doing?

Gin: Why are you sneaking around

asking old men who they want to lay?

Tsu: It's not my fault those perverted leches got distracted!

Gin: Are you looking for the old woman's darling?

Gin: Are you girly enough to think that the

man still remembers an ancient promise?

Tsu: Who are you calling girly?!

Tsu: I'm the leader of the Hyakka, Lady Death!

Tsu: I came to the surface for a new pipe, but I got lost,

and when I asked for directions...

Tsu: Um...

A: Boss!

A: We have information on Suzuran!

Tsu: Shut up!

Gin: Huh? Why are you telling them to shut up?

Gin: Did you come to the surface to buy girly stuff to make yourself pretty?

Gin: You're such a girl.

Tsu: No! I'm buying non-girly stuff to make myself not pretty!

Tsu: Get back to shopping!

A: Huh? Shopping?

B: For what?

Gin: Yeah, you women are hopeless.

Gin: That old woman was hoodwinked.

Gin: I feel sorry for you women.

Shin: Gin-san!

Shin: We have information on the old lady!

Gin: Shut up!

Tsu: Oh, I see.

Tsu: Fancy that.

Tsu: So you're also doing some secret shopping.

Gin: I'm buying manly stuff!

Gin: To make my curly hair manly!

Gin: So shut up!

Tsu: You shut up!

Shin: Can you cut it out?

Shin: Both of you are so stubborn.

Kag: Gin-chan and Tsu-ki both want to help the

old lady meet her darling before she dies, right?

Both: What?

Shin: Huh? Don't you?

Tsu: I just wanted to make that man pay

for toying with the heart of a Yoshiwara woman.

Tsu: When Suzuran dies,

Tsu: that man will also die.

Shin: This woman's up to no good!

Gin: I made her a promise.

Gin: If I find the man,

Gin: she'll give me all of her wealth.

Shin: Don't lie!

Shin: Don't make up promises!

Shin: So both of you are plotting evil!

Tsu: What do you mean?

Tsu: I'm going to end his life.

Gin: I won't let that happen. The lady's money will be mine.

Shin: Hold on! Wait!

Shin: You need to show more respect, Gin-san!

A: Respect isn't the only thing you need to show, boss!

Gin: Huh? What are you talking about?

Shin: Well, we were able to obtain

information on Suzuran-san's former customer.

A: But this customer is big trouble.

Shin: Long ago, Suzuran-san had many wealthy

retainers as her customers.

Shin: But they all suddenly stopped visiting her.

Shin: It was because of a certain rumor going through Yoshiwara.

Shin: Suzuran-san was the favorite of that man.

Tsu: That man?

Tsu: Who was he?

Shin: It's the man

Shin: who lives over there.

Gin: Shinpachi-kun, are you saying that...

Shin: The former shogun.

Gin: Pachi-boy, can I ask you a question?

Gin: What will happen to us if we're caught sneaking

into the castle to seethe former shogun?

Shin: We'll be ex*cuted.

Gin: What will happen if we wait for the shogun to step outside?

Shin: We'll be ex*cuted.

Gin: Between the old former courtesan and the

old former shogun, who has more money?

Shin: Should be the shogun.

Gin: Okay, I have a plan.

Gin: Tsukuyo will sneak past the guards into the palace.

Gin: Then I report her to the guards and

receive a reward from the shogun.

Gin: A perfect plan!

Tsu: This seems more perfect to me.

Gin: Calm down, Tsu-ki.

Gin: We're talking about the former shogun.

Gin: It'll be hard enough to announce ourselves, let alone meet him.

Gin: What would we say if we met him, anyway?

Tsu: That his former lover is waiting for him in hell.

Gin: This is bad.

: She's going to get us arrested for assassinating the shogun!

Shin: So we won't be able to sneak inside?

Gin: They've got guards everywhere.

Gin: Something must have happened.

Gin: Besides, even if that

old woman used to be the top courtesan in Edo,

Gin: the shogun wouldn't go to Yoshiwara to visit her.

Shin: The shogun was Suzuran-san's customer

before he became the shogun.

Shin: And didn't you know, Gin-san?

Shin: You haven't heard about the th shogun, Sadasada-sama?

Shin: When the Amanto att*cked,

he replaced the th shogun who collapsed from the stress.

Shin: While he was called a traitor for opening up control,

Shin: he's considered a brilliant leader who rebuilt the bakufu.

Shin: Even after abdicating,

he holds incredible influence and serves as an advisor.

Shin: He was known to be a player

Shin: with the highest number of wives ever recorded in the family.

Gin: So he went Abarenbo Shogun every Saturday at PM?

Shin: He went Abarenbo Shogun every night at PM.

Tsu: He used his position to toy with Suzuran, then he tossed her aside.

Tsu: My target is the former shogun.

Gin: Could you not use the word target?

Tsu: I understand that this is reckless.

Tsu: Nevertheless, I must go.

Gin: Hey!

Tsu: The woman devoted her life to Yoshiwara.

Tsu: Yoshiwara must return the favor.

Tsu: She no longer needs the moon to show her dreams that won't last.

Tsu: The last moon she sees will be when her dream comes true.

Shin: Tsukuyo-san...

Kag: Wait, Tsu-ki!

Kag: There's nothing reckless about that dream.

A: Open the gates!

B: Attention!

B: Princess Soyo has arrived!

Soyo: Kagura-chan!

B: Your Highness, behave yourself!

Kag: Soyo-chan!

Soyo: It's been forever!

Soyo: How have you been?

Kag: I'm doing just fine.

Kag: And you look like you're in good shape.

B: Your Highness, it's not proper to embrace someone in public.

Soyo: I've been so lonely since the last time you came.

Soyo: Oh, did you bring me the new sukonbu like you promised?

Soyo: Yup!

Gin: Huh? What's that? Who's that?

Gin: Clara and Heidi?

Shin: If my memory serves me right,

that's Princess Soyo, the younger sister of the current shogun.

Gin: If my memory serves me right,

the princess wouldn't be yodeling with Heidi.

Gin: No way. When did she score a connection

with the princess of this country?

Gin: When did she become more influential than I am?

Gin: This is how Alm-Onji must have felt.

Gin: He couldn't be happy for Heidi when

she came back from Frankfurt all grown up.

Shin: Alm-Onji wasn't that mean.

Kag: I brought my friends today. Is that okay?

Soyo: Of course.

Soyo: Your friends are my friends.

Soyo: Thank you for coming to visit today.

Soyo: You must be Gin-chan.

Gin: Huh? You know me?

Soyo: Yes, Kagura-chan has told me all about you.

Soyo: I'm honored to meet you.

Gin: N-No, I'm the one who's honored.

Gin: You've done a lot for Kagura.

Soyo: You weren't lying about how shaggy he is.

Gin: Uh, Kagura-chan? What have you been telling her?

Soyo: So the glasses wearing the human are Pachi-boy-san?

Shin: Glasses wearing the human?!

Shin: That's backwards!

Shin: What have you been telling her about me?!

Soyo: Who is this woman?

Kagura: She came from Yoshiwara to knock off the shogun...

Soyo: Yoshiwara? Knock off?

Tsu: No, I'm... You know...

Gin: She's a delivery hell girl who came from

Yoshiwara to knock out the shogun.

Tsu: How is that any better?!

Soyo: So she's a delivery hell girl.

Hell: ,Delivery Hell

Tsu: It still sounds like I'm delivering him to hell!

Soyo: I'm sorry.

You came to visit me, but we have to sneak around.

Soyo: Sorry about this, Grampy.

G: I'm used to your willful behavior.

G: At least you haven't run away from the palace again.

Shin: Uh, did something happen?

Soyo: The palace is currently under martial law.

G: Your Highness! That's classified!

Soyo: We can tell them.

Soyo: Lately, somebody has been attacking important bakufu officials,

Soyo: so the palace is really tense right now.

Shin: S-Sorry, it looks like we came at a bad time.

Soyo: No, it's perfectly fine.

Soyo: I couldn't stand the gloomy atmosphere much longer.

Sasa: I see. I have no choice then.

Sasa: Under normal circumstances, I would tell these visitors to leave,

friends of the princess or not.

Sasa: But I'll make an exception in this case.

Sasa: Since one of my e-mail buddies is here.

Gin: Holy!

G: Sasaki-dono!

G: Forgive me, these are...

Sasa: No, it's fine.

Sasa: Since the Mimawarigumi has been

entrusted to protect the palace,

the princess is perfectly safe.

Sasa: And since we've determined

that the assailant is most likely a Joi patriot,

Sasa: it shouldn't matter if a former Joi is allowed inside the palace.

Sasa: Isn't that right, White Yaksha?

email,Caption: From: Sabu-chanSubject: Your New Phone

Sasa: "Throwing away your phone was mean.

Sasa: I'll give you a new one, so e-mail me again."

G: Your Highness, please be quiet!

G: If you cause any fuss, I, Rotten Maizo, will lose my head.

Kag: Soyo-chan, what do you want to do today?

Kag: We can play tag.

Soyo: Yes, yes!

G: Were you listening to me?

Kag: You whine too much, old man!

G: Don't call me an old man!

Gin: This isn't good.

Tsu: Do you know that man?

Gin: We made it inside the palace,

Gin: but we've got a pesky watchdog on our tail now.

Sasa: "Nobu-tasu's guarding the princess right now,

so if you try anything funny, you'll be k*lled.

Sasa: Be careful."

Shin: We could ask the princess to help us.

Gin: How are we supposed to explain Yoshiwara to that innocent girl?

Gin: And we've got Grampy and the watchdog monitoring us.

Tsu: That means we need to lose Grampy and the watchdog

before we can freely move around the palace.

G: I won't let you play tag! It's not proper!

Kag: You're so pissy!

Kag: That's why you're known as "Gram-pee."

G: That's what Grampy stands for?

Soyo: That's wrong, Kagura-chan.

Soyo: The Gram is short for Grand,

Soyo: so it's "Grand-pee."

G: Your Highness! That's worse!

Tsu: Enough of this, Kagura.

Kag: Tsu-ki...

Tsu: If we play tag under the current circumstances,

we'll be making more trouble for the guards.

G: See? Did you hear that, Your Highness?

G: This is how grown-ups should act.

Tsu: Instead, you should keep it quiet and play kick the can.

Gin: Wait, how does that make sense?!

Tsu: If you play tag, you'll be running around and making a lot of noise.

Tsu: But kick the can is similar to hide-and-seek.

Tsu: There shouldn't be too much noise.

Both: Makes sense!

Both: Wait, you're missing the point!

Gin: Is she going to use hide-and-seek as an

excuse to shake Grampy and the watchdog?

Shin: Grampy's not going to accept that!

G: It's not proper for Your Highness to kick cans!

Shin: See?

G: If you want to kick cans,

G: you should kick me instead!

Shin: What?!

Gin: Hey! Grampy's the worst offender here!

G: Now step on me with your pointy heels!

Soyo: Grand-pee!

Nobu: Wait.

Nobu: Kick the can...

Nobu: Kick the Grampy...

Nobu: I can't allow that.

Gin: Damn, here she comes!

Nobu: Let's play cut the Grampy.

Gin: You're joining in?!

Gin: What's cut the Grampy?!

Gin: Some kind of k*lling game?!

Soyo: Are you going to play with us, Nobume-san?

Soyo: Yay!

Nobu: This is more pointy than her heels.

G: Uh, it's too pointy!

G: I'll take a grand piss on that idea!

Gin: Both Grampy and the watchdog are joining in!

Gin: Wait, wait, wait.

Gin: A guard shouldn't be doing this.

Gin: Grampy's going to die, so we should change the rules.

Nobu: Then I'm It.

Nobu: I'll cut down everyone I find.

Gin: That'll mean more casualties!

Gin: Are you that eager to cut people?!

Nobu: Hurry up and kick the can.

Gin: Wait!

Gin: Why are you starting already?!

Tsu: Gintoki!

Tsu: Kick the can as far as you can to buy time!

Gin: Shut up!

Gin: Why do I have to buy you guys time to run away?!

Gin: Damn it all!

Gin: I'll lose my head anyway when they

find out we're sneaking around the palace!

Gin: In that case, I'll kick it good!

Gin: Go!

Shogun: You're being too noisy, Soyo.

Shogun: Honestly, when will you realize that

you are the Shogun's younger sister...

Gin: It-It-It...

Gin: It's the shogun?!

Tsuzuku,Caption: To be continued...

Gin: Guess what?

Gin: This spring...

Gin: No, this summer, the second movie will be hitting theaters!

Kag: Yay! So spring...

Kag: I mean, summer is when it finally happens!

Kag: Time to celebrate!

Shin: This doesn't sound very celebratory.

Courtesan Turns the Tables!

Side Bar Top,Caption: The former shogun arrives

Side Bar Bottom,Caption: right as the current shogun is taken out!!

Side Bar Top,Caption: Given the terrible timing,

Side Bar Bottom,Caption: will Gintoki and crew be able to ask about Suzuran?!
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