06x02 - Kintoki and Gintoki

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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06x02 - Kintoki and Gintoki

Post by bunniefuu »

Gin: So, so...

Gin: Who is this guy, this man with blond straight hair?

Gin: Who is Sakata Kintoki?!

Shin: Why was the main character's throne changed from silver to gold?!

Gin: Sakata Gintoki's accomplishments and history

Gin: have been stolen by Sakata Kintoki!

Tama: In that case, you should stand up and take this sword.

Gin: We're taking back our color.

Gin: We're taking down this world of gold!

Kin: Sorry to keep you waiting.

Kin: I was washing my head.

Tama: Yes, Sakata Kintoki was created

Odd Jobs,Caption: Odd Jobs Kin-chan

Snack,Caption: Snack Otose

at the request of Shinpachi-sama and Kagura-sama.

Tama: The Perfect Super Golden Alloy, Sakata Gintoki Unit .

Tama: Or Kin-san, for short.

Gin: A perfect Sakata Gintoki who had overcome his weaknesses...

Gin: Wait? What?

Gin: Are you saying that...

Gin: What are you saying?

Tama: He's a plastic model.

Gin: Ah, he's a plastic model.

Gin: How am I supposed to believe that, fool?!

Gin: That's too simple!

Gin: How about some details?!

Gin: How can he be a plastic model?!

Gin: You must be lying! Tell me you're lying!

Tama: The newer plastic models come with detail before assembly.

Gin: That's not what I meant!

Gin: Why does this even exist?!

Gin: Why has it taken over this anime?!

Tama: As I explained earlier...

Doll House,Caption: Doll House

Shin: I can't believe our leader ditched us at such a busy time.

Kag: No kidding.

We need every hand we can get.

Gen: I can't offer any hands, but I can provide help.

Both: Huh?

Gen: I've been working on this useless toy for a while.

Tama: Gengai-sama first built the robot to serve as an assistant.

Tama: But then they decided to use it as a substitute leader

Tama: since you were gone all the time.

Tama: Yes...

Tama: That was...

Tama: Perfect Gintoki Unit .

Kag: Yes! This is great!

Gin: Is that what the leader is used for?

Gen: You feel better now, right?

Tama: In the beginning, it still resembled Master Gintoki.

Kag: I thought his hair was more wavy.

Tama: But then they began making improvements

to make it more like the Odd Jobs leader.

Gin: No, that's the wrong leader!

He leads a different trio!

Tama: This was a better leader.

Tama: This was the leader they wanted.

Tama: At some point, they began customizing

the robot into their ideal leader.

Gen: How's this?

Shin: Looks good.

Shin: Okay, I'm up next then.

Shin: Die, Gintoki!

Shin: Give me more screen time!

Tama: It was no longer Master Gintoki.

Kin: Hey, freaks.

Kin: What's so fun about beating up a helpless man?

Kin: And you're supposed to be Odd Jobs members?

Tama: They had created their ideal leader.

Tama: A perfect leader that surpassed the original.

Kin: If you're going to do dirty business, quit now.

Tama: Covering silver...

Kin: Stand up. Come with me.

Kin: Today is the birthday of the New Odd Jobs!

Tama: ...with brilliant gold.

Tama: Things took off from there.

Tama: He led Odd Jobs on a campaign of good deeds.

Tama: Word spread and Odd Jobs quickly became

accepted as heroes by the town.

Tama: However, he didn't stop after taking over as the new face of Odd Jobs.

Tama: In order to fulfill his one and only duty, to replace Master Gintoki,

Tama: he made every person in this town forget

the real Odd Jobs leader, you.

Tama: He used special hypnotic waves to manipulate their brains

Tama: so they would replace you with him in their memories.

Tama: Sadaharu-sama and I are the only ones who weren't affected

Tama: because his hypnosis didn't work on machines or animals.

Tama: Do you understand now, Master Gintoki?

Tama: His goal...

Tama: Kintoki's goal...

Tama: ...is to completely replace the original Odd Jobs leader.

Tama: In other words, to become the real Odd Jobs leader.

Gin: The hell?!

Gin: Why did you just sneak in the episode title Bleach style?!

Gin: This is turning into a different anime!

Gin: This is how we roll!

Kintoki and Gintoki

Tama: That's wrong too.

Tama: Anyway, one day is all it

should take for you to understand what's happened.

Gin: One day was all it took for them to switch from silver to gold.

Gin: Why am I letting a plastic model dictate my life?!

Gin: I'm not Kyoshiro!

Gin: You people need to take responsibility for creating the monster!

Tama: Unfortunately, Gengai-sama was also brainwashed.

Tama: The creature is out of the creator's control.

Tama: If you intend to take him on,

you'll be going up against all of your friends.

Tama: First, we must help everyone remember you.

Gin: Is that possible?!

Tama: While your past accomplishments have been overwritten,

Tama: the only difference is straight hair instead of wavy,

Tama: and nothing you did was changed.

Tama: In other words, there is a disconnect because

perfect Kintoki behaved like a buffoon in the past.

Gin: Wait, what's that supposed to mean?

Tama: If we bring out that disconnect, their memories may return.

Tama: We'll need their help to defeat Kintoki.

Tama: You must take back your friends.

Tenny,Caption: Tenny's

Tama: Help them remember the man called Sakata Gintoki.

Smile,Caption: Snack Smile

Otae: Oh, I'm very worried.

Otae: Do you know where

Tama-san and Sadaharu-kun may have gone?

Kin: We searched the whole town with Gran,

but we couldn't find them.

Kag: Oh, no...

Kag: What if Sadaharu and Tama don't come back?

Kag: I'll... I'll...

Kin: Don't worry.

Kin: You couldn't k*ll them if you tried.

Kag: Kin-chan...

Kin: I'll find them. Promise.

Kin: So don't look so sad.

Kin: We came here to cheer you up.

A: What's that, Kin-san?

A: I thought you came here to see me.

Kin: Oh, sorry about that.

Kin: Hey, can you bring every table a bottle?

Kin: Guys, I'm buying!

Kin: Drink as much as you want.

Kin: In return, let us know if you see them!

B: Kin-san does it again!

B: You can count on us!

We'd do anything for you!

Otae: It looks like Kin-san has everything under control.

Kag: Yep.

A: Uh, please wait.

A: We don't allow animals inside.

Tama: As far as I'm concerned, humans are all animals.

Tama: Besides, he's a member of Odd Jobs Sepia.

Tama: Isn't that right, Master Gintoki?

Shin: What are you people doing?!

Kag: Sadaharu! And Tama!

Kag: You're okay?!

Kag: But why are you dressed like that?!

Tama: We are not Tama and Sadaharu.

Tama: We are Tamagura and Sadahachi of Odd Jobs Sepia.

Shin: What's the idea, Tama-san?!

What are you talking about?!

Kag: Hey! Are you the one who made Tama and Sadaharu sepia?!

Gin: Excuse me, Otae-san.

Gin: I heard you had work for Odd Jobs.

Otae: Huh? You mean the request to repair the karaoke machine?

Otae: But Kin-san's group is on it.

Gin: You should try us instead of those slackers.

Gin: I promise that we'll be more useful.

Kag: Hey! First you copy us, and now you're stealing our work?!

A: Oh, it's over here!

Shin: Ah! H-Hold on!

Tama: Understood?

Tama: We must steal their glory and draw attention

Tama: to help them remember you.

Gin: Yeah, I know. I got this, Matagura.

Tama: It's Tamagura.

Gin: Okay, this is it?

Gin: This is a new model with all the parts to TRA-BRYU's "Road"?

A: Yes, that and , other songs.

Gin: Okay, I got it.

Gin: There isn't enough room here so I'll move it over there. Upsie...

Gin: Oh, sorry!

Gin: The , parts to "Road" are so heavy that I lost my grip!

Tama: Master Gintoki!

Tama: Calm down! It's not the time to unleash your rage!

Gin: "Road," Part One!

Gin: "Road," Part Two!

Gin: "Road," Part Three!

Gin: Boo!

Shin: Why are you talking like it's a haunted house?!

Shin: Cut it out!

Shin: Why do you keep doing this?!

Gin: Shit, I lost control!

Shin: You've completely destroyed the karaoke machine!

Tama: It's fine. He was simply preparing this machine for me to dive inside.

Gin: Right, she can communicate with broken machines and repair them.

Oil,Caption: Fresh Oil

Tama: Want a drink?

Tama: So what's wrong? You look blue.

Tama: You still can't forget about Mr. Steamer?

Gin: There we go! Machines on their afternoon break!

Tama: I told you to give up on him.

Tama: He's not going to leave his wife.

Tama: Plus, he's been cooking it up every night with Telly the receptionist.

Tama: He's always ready to move on to his next target.

Tama: If you let that man play you,

it won't be long before you're fizzled out.

Tama: Oh, there's a mixer with Dyson from Foreign Capital tonight.

Dyson,Tama: Dyson

Gin: Go, Tama!

Gin: Show them the true power of Odd Jobs!

Kin: Wait.

Kin: Mr. Steamer wants to talk.

Gin: H-He can also communicate?!

Kin: Mr. Steamer was turned off a long time ago.

Kin: Ever since he returned from a business trip

Healsio,Kin: Healsio

to find his wife cooking it up with Healsio.

Kin: After that...

Kin: He turned to you and Telly out of loneliness.

Kin: But you should know well that he can no longer cook anyone.

Tama: You mean that Karaoky and

Mr. Steamer had a platonic relationship?

Kin: When you went to the karaoke bar,

he felt himself get a little warm,

even though he wasn't turned on.

Tama: He's lying! Don't be fooled!

Tama: Mr. Steamer would never say that!

Kin: Could you play that song for him again?

Tama: Don't, Karaoky!

Otae: And cry on your own...

Otae: Then you'll shine bright,

Otae: Ultra Soul!

All: Hey!

Shin: Way to go, Kin-san!

Shin: You always come through!

Kag: I'm up next!

Kag: Let me sing!

Kyu: As you can see, after I gave him a scolding,

he's refusing to come down.

Kyu: I'm not sure what to do, so I went to you.

Gin: Okay, okay. I got this one.

Gin: Rise of the Planet of the Apes, right?

Gin: We can handle this.

Shin: Hey!

Shin: Cut it out already!

Shin: Can you stop butting in?!

Gin: Damn! This time, I'm going to steal the show!

Gin: Sadahachi's on the move!

Translation,Caption: Translation: So what's wrong? You look blue.

Gin: Can he communicate with other animals?!

Gin: Nope, it didn't work!

Gin: Dogs and monkeys just don't get along!

Kin: That's enough.

Kin: I don't know what you were saying, but I can say this.

Kin: I understand you.

Kag: Wow, Kin-chan! You were instantly able to understand him!

Gin: Hold on!

Gin: That's not Kin-san!

Gin: That's not the Odd Jobs leader!

Gin: Look closely! That's a different leader!

Gin: Everybody together now...

Kin: Then you'll shine bright,

Kin: Ultra Soul!

All: Hey!

Gin: Why do you have to end everything with a performance of Ultra Soul?!

Gin: And Tama!

Gin: Why are you guys over there?!

C: Stop! Come down!

Sa: Stay away! I'm going to jump!

Tsu: Apparently, her favorite customer was stolen by a harlot.

Tsu: I'll never understand romantic affairs. It's beyond me.

Gin: I'm feeling blue.

Gin: I'd like to be alone, so can you go away?

Shin: There's someone who's completely blue!

Ocha,Kin: Green Tea

Kin: Calm down.

Kin: Care to join me for a drink before you die?

Shin: Kin-san's also up there!

Tama: Master Gintoki, this is a direct showdown!

Tama: You can't lose!

Sa: Stay back! Leave me alone!

Kin: If you wanted to be left alone, you wouldn't try to die in public.

Gin: She just wanted to see the gloomy sky one last time.

Gin: Gloomy as I feel inside.

Shin: The other guy's not even trying to persuade her!

Shin: He might jump first!

Kin: Let it out.

Kin: It's easier to talk to strangers sometimes.

Gin: You can't help me...

Kin: He's not talking to you!

Tsu: Then I'll hear you out!

Tsu: Start talking!

Shin: You're not part of this either!

Sa: Um, this may sound strange coming from me,

but I believe you should let everything out before you die.

Shin: You too?!

C: Yeah, bro! Tell us what's wrong! Cheer up!

D: Don't give up!

Shin: Wait!

Shin: Hey, who's helping who here?!

Gin: Shut up! Don't be nice to me!

Gin: I'm gonna cry!

Gin: I'm glad I met some total strangers who

actually cared about a loser like me.

C: Wait, bro!

Tama: No.

Tama: Jumpers are usually so worked up about their own problems

that they don't pay attention to other people.

Tama: But if they see someone more unfortunate than themselves,

Tama: they will hesitate.

Tama: He's faking it!

Tama: Silver can decipher human emotion in a way

that the golden machine cannot!

Gin: Oh, sorry!

Gin: My heart's so heavy that I slipped and fell!

Sa: Stop!

Sa: What are you doing to Kin-san?!

Gin: I-It's you?!

Sa: I just wanted Kin-san to give me some attention!

Gin: Sa—

Kin: Gintoki, you're finished now—

Tam: Master Gintoki!

Shin: That was crazy!

Gin: It wasn't crazy.

Gin: I knew you'd be there for me.

Odd Jobs ,Caption: Odd Jobs Kin-chan

Snack ,Caption: Snack Otose

Sugar,Caption: Sugar Content

Shin: What exactly happened?

Shin: When I saw him falling, my body moved by itself.

Tama: Master Gintoki! Sa-chan-sama!

Tama: Are you hurt?

Gin: Yeah, her head's a little funny, but it always has been.

Gin: We're fine.

Tama: Shinpachi-sama, Kagura-sama.

Tama: Thank you very much.

Tama: You've finally remembered Master Gintoki.

Both: Huh?

Shin: What do you mean?

Gin: It's okay, Tama.

Gin: That's how they are.

Gin: It doesn't matter who I am.

Gin: They'll move without thinking to save someone in trouble.

Gin: They can't stand around when something bad is going down.

Gin: They move without considering the consequences.

Gin: Those are the kind of fools who join Odd Jobs.

Gin: They haven't forgotten that.

Gin: That's all I needed to know.

Gin: As long as they've got that,

it doesn't matter who the leader is.

Kag: Master Gintoki!

Gin: You saved my life, kids.

Gin: Well, yeah...

Gin: I guess.

Gin: Thanks for everything.

Gin: Take care, Odd Jobs.

Kag: Why did he look so sad?

Kag: Why do we feel so unhappy?

Kag: It's like we've forgotten something important.

Kag: Like we threw away an ice cream carton lid without licking it first.

Shin: Kagura-chan...

Shin: Wouldn't that just be garbage?

Otae: That's right, and then he used

the karaoke machine to hit Kin-san in the head.

Kyu: Oh, so he was acting the same when you saw him.

Otae: He's such a strange person.

Kyu: Yes.

Otae: Oddly enough, this seems so familiar.

Otae: Didn't we used to laugh like this before?

Kyu: Don't we laugh all the time?

Otae: I'm having fun now, too.

Otae: But something seems different.

Otae: It feels like something's missing.

Kyu: What's that?

Otae: I don't know...

Otae: But if I had to describe this feeling,

Otae: it's like I've dropped a glove in the middle of the road.

Tea,Caption: Hinoya Tea

Tsu: Fool.

Tsu: What are you doing?

Tsu: You should take better care of yourself.

Sa: I wasn't planning on dying!

Sa: Besides, Tsu-ki, this wouldn't have happened

if you hadn't put moves on Kin-san!

Tsu: When have I ever put moves on him?!

Tsu: That would be you!

Tsu: Honestly, what would have happened if that guy wasn't there?

Tsu: In any case, he was crazy.

Tsu: That was beyond reckless.

Sa: Tsu-ki, something's wrong with me.

Tsu: Yes, I know.

Sa: No, that's not what I meant.

Sa: I wanted to thank him,

but my chest started to hurt and I couldn't speak.

Sa: This feeling couldn't be...

Sa: I'm not cheating on Kin-san, right?

Sa: I'm okay, right?

Tsu: No, you're not okay.

Sa: Seriously, that's not what I meant.

Sa: I was wondering why I would be attracted to this loser.

Tsu: Yes, you're guilty.

Sa: Can you drop it already, bitch!

Hino: That means you're attracted to men who fail.

Hino: You're in for a hard life.

Sa: You're in no position to talk!

Hino: But I understand what you're saying.

Hino: Kin-san is a wonderful person, but he used to be more...

Sa: What? You've made me curious.

Hino: Then you have to promise to keep this a secret.

Hino: He used to be more complex, with a peculiar charisma.

Tsu: What's that mean, Hinowa?

Hino: Kind of like...

Jump,Caption: Jump

Hino: A copy of Jump on Thursday that everybody's already flipped through.

Zura: Did that really happen?

Madao: No, nothing happened. I haven't gotten any screen time.

Zura: At least nothing happened!

Zura: This seems so familiar.

Zura: Didn't we used to laugh like this before?

Madao: No, we barely ever talk.

Zura: But it feels like something's missing.

Zura: I feel like there was someone always with us.

Madao: Are you talking about Elizabeth?

Zura: No, when I was out of work,

I k*lled time by partying with that really fun guy.

Madao: Huh? Who are you talking about?

Zura: You know?

We went to an island together. Can't remember his name...

Madao: Oh, him!

Madao: I can picture his face, but I can't put a name to it!

Madao: It's, uh...

Big: Are you talking about me?

Both: Yes! Big Dadd—

Ep Title,Caption: Big Daddy

Tama: You're not thinking of doing something foolish, are you, Master Gintoki?

Gin: What do you mean?

Tama: Nothing.

Gin: You think I'm going to ditch all of this and leave?

Gin: Want me to be honest?

Gin: The hard feelings are gone.

Gin: He did a pretty good job after stealing my place.

Gin: He cares about his friends and does good work.

Gin: He kept everyone safe while I was gone.

Gin: His past is a lie, but his present is real.

Gin: If that's the ideal leader you wanted,

is it worth taking all of that away

Gin: for me to return?

Gin: I have to wonder.

Tama: Master Gintoki...

Gin: That's why I've made up my mind.

Gin: I want you to promise me something.

Gin: No matter what happens to me,

Gin: even if I fall,

Gin: you won't lay a hand on them.

Gin: In return, I'll also make a promise.

Gin: Even if my friends want my head,

Gin: even if I have no home,

Gin: I will take them back.

Gin: The truth may be harsh,

Gin: but that's the world we've built.

Gin: Tama, don't insult me.

Gin: You stayed on my side through it all.

Gin: You think I'm going to run away and let you

live in this strange world alone?

Gin: I'm not going to ditch anyone.

Tama: Master Gintoki...

Tama: Then let's call it a day.

Tama: I need a pillow to charge, so I'll be heading back to the bar.

Tama: You'll have to find a place to sleep by yourself.

Gin: You're ditching me?!

Gin: Hey! Kintoki knows that you're on my side!

Gin: Be careful!

Tama: Master Gintoki, I've realized that you will always be yourself.

Tama: Did you think I would be angry if you wanted to run away?

Tama: I wouldn't be angry.

Tama: Not if you took me with you.

Gin: Hey, where did you learn that act?

Tama: From the K-drama Catherine-sama is watching.

Gin: Okay, I'll add it to my data for when I pick up girls.

Tama: I must...

Tama: I must do something,

Tama: or Master Gintoki and Shinpachi-sama's crew will

end up fighting each other.

Tama: However, he hasn't given up yet.

Tama: Even though he's alone, he shows concern for us.

Tama: I must find a way to restore everyone's memory.

Tama: There must be a way.

Kin: Having trouble?

Kin: Want me to lend you a hand?

Kin: Leave it to Odd Jobs Kin-san

Kin: and he'll save the day.

Continued,Caption: To be continued...

Next Ep Title,Caption: Kin-san's Kintama

Kin: Next time on Kintama:

Kin: Kin-san's Kintama.
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