05x46 - Letter from Thorny

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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05x46 - Letter from Thorny

Post by bunniefuu »

Tetsu My name's Tetsunosuke Sasaki and I'm tied up like a hog.

Tetsu Been stuck like this for two weeks straight.

Tetsu Somebody get me outta here, yo.

Both Outta here, yo.

Tetsu Collar grabbed, knife in the face, letter torn up, and shunned.

Tetsu Been abused and tied up like a hog.

Tetsu Been abused and strung up like a log.

Tetsu Been stuck like this for two weeks straight.

Tetsu Somebody get me outta here, yo.

Both Outta here, yo.

Tetsu Tied up and almost k*lled, yo.

Tetsu But then my ass was saved.

Tetsu My tied-up ass was saved, but then he kicked me off.

Tetsu Tied up and almost k*lled, yo.

Tetsu But then my ass was saved.

Tetsu My tied-up ass was saved, but then he kicked me off.

Tetsu My tied-up ass is falling.

Tetsu If I fall, it's over.

Tetsu Been stuck like this for two weeks straight.

Tetsu Somebody get me outta here, yo.

Both Outta here, yo.

Toshi Hey, this is supposed to be a serious arc.

Toshi Cut this shit out, yo.

Both Out, yo.

Tetsu Yeah.

Gin Really. Well, then.

Gin Time to do things my way.

Gin Show me what you got, Vice Chief.

Gin You're first.

Gin Let's see if you can take down

the Joi patriot known as the White Yaksha.

Toshi I'm not gonna give up on trying to

save people like Mr. Smartypants over there.

Toshi We brats have to stick together.

Toshi But if you still want to k*ll him, go ahead.

All Huh?

Toshi You really k*lled him?!

Gin You told me to k*ll him!

Isabu Wrong.

Yama I have the hostage!

Kondo Way to hang in there.

Kondo Go crazy!

Kondo Thornies!

Letter From Thorny

Isabu It was a feint!

Isabu Pay them no heed!

Isabu k*ll them and the t*rrorists!

A Ch-Chief!

A The windshield is cracked!

A And we can't see anything through the smoke!

B Cut 'em down!

B Where are they?! Where did they go?!

D They're hiding in the smoke!

Em I got it!

Em We can escape while the police are k*lling each other!

A How?

A We can't see anything in this smoke!

Em The hole!

We can escape through the hole that was opened by the expl*si*n!

Okita And one!

Okita And two!

Okita And three!

Em Wait!

Okita And four!

Em It's an SM batting cage down here!

Okita And five!

Okita Six.

Okita Seven.

Em We got a total sadist batting down here!

Okita Eight.

Okita Nine.

A I've never heard of an SM batting cage!

Okita Ten.

Em And we got another one starting a rally!

Em Hey, what kind of game is this?!

Em Some new SM sport?!

Okita And , , ,

Okita , ,

Okita .

B Th-The stairs!

B The Mimawarigumi isn't watching them right now!

B -Hurry up!

Yama -And one.

Yama And two.

Yama And three.

Yama And four.

Yama And five.

Yama And six.

Emi Wait! It's an anpan factory over here!

Yama And seven.

Yama And eight.

Emi Turn back!

Yama And nine.

Emi Head for the pole outside!

Yama And ten.

Both Huh?

Kondo And one.

Kondo And two.

Kondo And three.

Emi We can't use it!

Kondo And four...

Emi The gorilla keeps sliding up and down!

Emi He's enjoying the stimulation to his crotch!

Emi What the hell do we do?!

Emi There's nowhere to run!

Isabu Fire.

A But we won't be able to tell friend from foe!

Isabu It doesn't matter.

Isabu Every moving body is a foe!

A I can see black uniforms!

A Fire!

B Wait!

B The Shinsengumi have already been defeated.

Isabu Is anyone moving?

A Nobody.

A There's one friendly...

A Hijika...

A A grenade!

A Evasive maneuvers! Quick!

B Can't pull up! Mayday! Mayday!

A Eject! Hurry!

Okita Looks like they're finished over there.

Okita We should also be...

Nobu It's not over.

Nobu Never sheathe your sword

before you've dispatched your target.

Nobu Isn't that right, k*ller?

Okita You're better at k*lling buildings than people.

Okita I don't carry a sheath.

Okita Maybe you have a good place to stick my sword?

Okita Don't get too worked up.

Okita You aren't my target.

Okita Sorry, but I took the last one from you.

Okita You and your big sword

Okita belong in there.

Okita The perfect sheath to rest

our dull edge.

A Ch-Chief!

A The building collapsed!

B It's one thing after another!

B What's going on?!

Toshi Help...

Toshi Summon reinforcements!

A Hurry!

A Ch-Chief!

A The t*rrorists have been tied up!

We surrender.

A They've given themselves up.

A H-However, we don't see the Shinsengumi anywhere!

B No, they're lying on the roof!

A Wait, look!

A These are Mimawarigumi officers in Shinsengumi uniforms!

A W-We can't find them!

A The Shinsengumi and the hostage have vanished!

Isabu I see.

Isabu They've likely disguised themselves as Mimawarigumi officers

Isabu to fool our advance force

Isabu and trick our helicopter into sh**ting our own men.

Toshi But since there wasn't much space on the roof,

Toshi we can tell the inspectors

that the Joi were responsible for everything.

Yama And while the Shinsengumi

were responsible for instigating the fight,

Yama the Mimawarigumi att*cked first.

Yama The responsibility is all yours.

Kondo What do you think?

Kondo The crisis has been averted,

Kondo and there's enough credit to go around.

Kondo Why don't you call this a draw and back down?

Toshi How about it, Chief?

Isabu Secure the t*rrorists.

Isabu That will do.

Isabu You can have the hostage.

Isabu This crisis is over.

Toshi You have my gratitude, Chief.

Isabu No, we will both be working hard to keep the peace in Edo.

Toshi Yeah, we'll try not to get in the way of your elite asses.

Isabu Don't be so humble.

Isabu You are just as elite.

Isabu An elite thorn in my side.

Kondo Toshi, are you sure about leaving the t*rrorists with them?

Toshi Don't worry.

Toshi They won't k*ll people who have surrendered.

Toshi I'll put in a word with Matsudaira about their punishment.

Yama But everyone will be talking about the Mimawarigumi now.

Yama They took all the glory.

Toshi That's not true.

Toshi After all,

Toshi we landed ourselves the jackpot.

Toshi Isn't that right, White Yaksha?

Gin That's former White Yaksha!

Gin I saved your asses back there,

and now you're turning on me?!

Toshi I knew there was something fishy about you,

Toshi but I never dreamed that you were

a big-name Joi like Katsura.

Gin Former big name!

Gin You know that I'm a model citizen now!

Yama We can charge him with attempted m*rder.

Yama He kicked Tetsu off the roof.

Gin Okay, fine!

Gin So I'm a former Joi!

Gin But so is this boy here!

Gin Right, Tetsu-kun?

Gin If you start digging into the past, everyone will look like a criminal!

Gin If you're gonna arrest me, you better arrest him!

Tetsu He's right!

Tetsu Allow me to take responsibility!

Tetsu I will commit seppuku!

Gin What?!

Tetsu This crisis was my fault!

Gin No, er, wait!

Gin That wasn't my goal here!

Tetsu I was afraid to tell everyone,

to tell the vice chief, that I was a former Joi.

Tetsu But my secret led to this mess!

Tetsu I knew nothing!

Tetsu I envy you.

Tetsu So please don't run away from your brother!

Tetsu I thought I could offer you advice,

Tamegoro Hijikata

Tetsu but I couldn't even deliver your letter!

Tetsu Not to your brother...

Tetsu Not to mine...

Toshi You can always deliver another one.

Toshi And this time, you can write it yourself.

Toshi Didn't you promise that you

were going to become stronger than me?

Toshi It's your turn now.

Toshi You might not get the message to your brother.

Toshi But your dirty bros here can hear you loud and clear.

Kondo Yeah, but some of them probably can't read.

Toshi Tetsu, we'll always be waiting for your letter.

Toshi Never forget that.

Tetsu Vice Chief!

Kondo Hey, Toshi!

Kondo Toshi!

Taka Fishing in a pile of rubble?

Taka You're pretty whack,

Mr. Triple Threat.

Taka So? Catch anything?

Isabu Yes,

using cheap bait.

Isabu But I released my catch.

Isabu Since it would have been a waste to devour it now.

Taka Are you sure?

Taka Don't you owe it to the Bakufu heads who are backing you?

Isabu I have no intention of starting a turf w*r on broken land.

Isabu The Sasaki family is doomed to fall.

Isabu In that case, I will continue to use what bait I can.

Isabu If he can provide me entertainment, so much the better.

Isabu I now know that there are some dirty fish

waiting out there in this sea of rubble.

Taka So you're saving the best for last?

Isabu I'm sure we'll meet again.

Isabu Once we clear the rubble from this land,

Isabu we get to see how the fish act out of water.

Isabu I can't wait.

Gin Man, why do I have to do this?

Tetsu Don't say that!

Tetsu I'm the one who vouched for your innocence!

Gin I was innocent to begin with!

Gin I saved your asses back there!

Tetsu Please! You're the only person I can ask!

Tetsu I'll pay you!

Tetsu I finally finished my letter.

Gin Huh?

Tetsu This time, I'm going to deliver it!

Gin Who's the letter for?

Tetsu The vice chief wrote a letter to my brother for my sake.

Tamegoro Hijikata

Tetsu So it's my turn now...

Gin Huh? A letter for a dead person?

Gin The hell is wrong with you?

Gin What's the point?

Tetsu Please, I want to return the favor.

Tetsu So I must tell his brother that the vice chief is doing well.

Gin You must be joking.

Gin This is so funny it's sad.

Tetsu Uh, I believe the vice chief's brother's grave is over...

Tetsu Huh?

Tetsu Somebody's already there.

A Oh? This is unusual.

A Normally, there's only one other person who comes to visit.

Tetsu Huh? A-Are you his brother's...?

Tetsu Oh, I'm, well...

A Oh, that letter.

A I understand now.

A You came to deliver his letter.

A He always leaves his letters here without a word.

Tetsu Huh? You mean the vice chief?

A Yes, once every month.

A When my husband was still alive, he always looked

forward to Toshi's letters.

Tetsu Th-Then the vice chief and his brother were talking to one another?

A Only through their letters.

A The last time they met was many years ago.

A Yes, I believe it was the day before he left

for Edo with Kondo-san and his friends.

A We hadn't heard from him in years,

but then he suddenly showed up.

A But he refused to talk to his brother.

A They ate dinner in silence and drank in silence.

Tame Toshi, send letters.

A And then he left in silence.

A After that, he would send a letter every month.

A His brother was so thrilled.

A He couldn't see, yet he was always so eager.

A Has Toshi's letter come yet? Has Toshi's letter come yet?

A That's why I continue to read these letters for him.

A Though he's still a stubborn and tight-lipped boy in his letters.

A I suppose his brother, blind as he was, could see something in him.

A Their bond needed no words.

A No, I'm sure that brothers, family,

A just want to hear that you're still alive.

A Dear, you have another letter from Toshi.

A Here it is.

A Oh?

Gin You failed to deliver your letter again.

Gin Are you okay with that?

Tetsu It's okay.

Tetsu Now that I've seen his letters, I would be

too embarrassed to show his brother my letter.

Tetsu The vice chief and his brother were always linked.

Tetsu After hearing that, I'm content.

Greater Edo Hospital

From Thorny

Toshi Damn.

To Thorny

Toshi Can't think of anything to write.

A Ask Mr. Ginpachi!

Gin Okay. I'll read the next postcard.

Gin This is from someone with the pen name Akari-san.

Gin Hello, Mr. Ginpachi.

Gin There's a question that's been bugging me.

Gin Hijikata-san said that he would quit

smoking in the Ooey-gooey Balls episode, right?

Gin But I keep seeing him with white sticks in his mouth.

Gin Why is that?

Gin Is he trying to maintain his image?

Gin Are you the same, Mr. Ginpachi?

Gin I don't have a problem with smoking,

but please let me know if there is a reason.

Gin Okay, here's your answer.

Gin People who try to quit smoking always fail.

Gin I'm sure that Hiroshi Tachi will prove that soon,

so keep an eye out.

Gin By the way, this is a lollipop in my mouth.

Gin Did anyone forget?

Mino Welcome to Who Wants to Be a Madaonaire.

Mino The unemployed and middle-aged Taizo Hasegawa

Mino will be attempting to win an unheard of amount of money!

Madao Next time

Madao Madaodog Madaonaire.

Madaodog Madaonaire

Madao Is that your final answer?

Trace back through your hazy memories for a chance to turn your life around!!

What will the Madao inside Madao declare to be his final answer?!
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