05x26 - Speaking of Crossovers, Don't Forget About Alien vs. Predator

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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05x26 - Speaking of Crossovers, Don't Forget About Alien vs. Predator

Post by bunniefuu »

Speaking of Crossovers, Don't Forget About Alien vs. Predator

Gin Hey, listen up, guys.

Gin We have a special treat this week

Odd Jobs Gin-chan

Gin to commemorate the th episode of the new season.

Both A special treat?

Shin Wait, is kind of a random number.

Gin Basically, we were told to do a crossover with Sket Dance,

Gin since the anime started at the same time as ours.

Shin Really, Gin-san?

Shin They're finally letting us do that too?

Shin I figured that Jump and TV Tokyo hated our guts by now.

Kagura Since we keep causing problems.

Shin But now I'm nervous,

Shin since I'm actually a pretty shy guy.

Kagura What is there to be scared about?

Kagura We've done plenty of crossovers.

Kagura Have you forgotten when we shared the screen

Kagura with Dragonball, One Piece, Bleach, and other classics?

Shin Uh, those were just parodies we did without permission.

Shin That would be one of the reasons I figured that everybody hated us.

Gin Hey, don't get too excited.

Gin This might be a crossover,

Gin but our goal isn't to have a happy pow-wow.

Both Huh?

Gin Check out the data I've collected.

Gin Pay attention now.

Gin Sket Dance is a comedy manga with a school setting

Gin that began running in Jump in .

Gin The anime began airing in at the same time the new Gintama began airing.

Gin The Sket Dan is a school club that does odd jobs with three members

Gin The leader, Bossun.

Gin The brains, Switch.

Gin The straight man/muscle, Himeko.

Gin The manga's pretty episodic with plenty of laughter and tears.

Kagura Hold on, Gin-chan!

Kagura Look at their time slot!

Kagura It's PM on Thursday!

Shin Huh? Isn't that the old Gintama slot?!

Gin Exactly.

Gin In , after it only took six months for us to be booted from prime time,

Gin we spent the next episodes defending that fortress,

Gin and they just snatched it away from us.

Shin Snatched it away from us?

Shin It wasn't their decision.

Shin There were obviously extenuating circumstances involved.

Gin Well, as I'm sure you can see even from my vague explanation,

Gin these guys...

Gin ...are clearly trying to supplant us!

Shin Uh, why are you trying to twist everything before the crossover's even started?

Gin Clearly trying to overtake us!

Shin Why are you repeating yourself?

Shin Don't make false accusations.

Shin It's pretty common to find a story about people doing odd jobs.

Kagura And there are lots of examples of series with a trio.

Kagura Like this.

Kagura And this.

Kagura They're all the same.

Shin Uh, did you really need to bring that up?

Gin Yeah, that's right.

Gin It's not the same.

Gin After all, one of them uses a computer to talk.

Gin Their characters have more personality.

Gin Compared to that, just look at you, Shinpachi.

Gin Why do you talk normally?

Gin You want me to k*ll you?

Gin Kagura, why haven't you learned any genuine Kansai-style witty retorts?

Gin Why haven't your boobs gotten any bigger?

Gin Why are they shrinking?

Kagura What was that?!

Kagura You're the one who started off wearing goggles

Kagura before they disappeared for no reason!

Shin Why don't you learn how to Connect?!

Shin Why don't you get yourself a twin brother?!

Gin Shut up!

Gin I'm not gonna wear those things around every episode!

Gin Don't you realize the limitations of the author's drawing ability?!

Gin That's why the goggles were removed from the beginning of the anime!

Gin You should be grateful you even get any screen time in the opening sequences,

Gin you worthless goggles!

Shin Uh, are you talking to your goggles?

Gin Besides, in Jump, characters with goggles

Gin are sidekicks like Usopp and kid Konohamaru!

Shin Er, Naruto was wearing goggles in volume .

Gin And compared to the One Piece x Toriko crossover last spring,

Gin Gintama and Sket Dance just lacks pizazz.

It's a boring crossover.

Shin That's not true!

Shin And don't blame them!

Gin Why did Jump bother with this boring crossover?

Gin I guarantee that they're not trying to get us all buddy-buddy.

Shin Then what's the point of this crossover?

Bossun That should be obvious.

Gin Wh-Who is it?!

You don't need two Jump shows

about people doing odd jobs at PM on TV Tokyo.

They're pitting us against one another because of our similar settings.

To see whether the Sket Dan or you guys are more worthy as Jump's odd jobbers!


I think it's amusing.

Let's go along with Jump's little scheme.

We had to settle this sooner or later.

Stop that, Bossun. Show some respect.

They've been in Jump longer than we have.

Sorry about that. He usually isn't so rude.

He's a nice boy deep down.

Stop acting like my mom!

Bossun, that should be, "Stop acting like my ma!"

You rock, Switch!

You already know how to fit in this world!

I mean, ya already know how to fit in this world!

Don't just barge in here and start making fun of us!

Pisses me off!

You're destroying our characters!

You're clearly set on crushing us!

Hey, Himeko. Have they really been around longer than us?

They seem really worried.

Bossun, that's the secret to their success.

They've spent years pretending to be the weak link

so they can bash other series without any repercussions.

Stop spilling the beans, four-eyed computer boy!

Want me to nail down your enter key?!

Spilling the beans?

Why are you talking to yourself anyway? The hell is this?

What was that?! You wanna know how it feels to talk to yourself?!

Shinpachi, let him have it!

What? Me?

Fine then.

H-Hold on...

Recite the th clause of the Tsuu Terakado Fanclub creed!


E-Er, I'm not Taka-chin.

You can't fool me, your childhood friend.

I mean, look.

What's up, Shin-chan?

I'm Taka-chin.

You can't fool me!

Then I'll send in Teppei.

Bossun, where are we?

This makes it harder for me!

Now, now. Stop fighting.

Okay, Runny Diarrhea.


Teach, Bossun-kun and Pachi-boy-kun made Himeko-san cry!

I'm not crying!

D-Does this mean...

It can't mean that...

I was cast as...

Jugem Jugem Shit-Tossing the Life of

Shin-chan's Two-Day-Old Underwear

Balmung Fezalion Issac Schneider

/ True Love / Hangnail Anxiety

Betrayal Knows My Name Or Does It Really

Ignore Calls Squid Dogfish Halibut Trout-Cod Dogfish...

This Is a Different Dogfish,

I'm Talking About The Dogfish Shark

Kaluga Angler Ray

Yuuteimiyaoukimukou Pepepepepepepepepepepepe

Runny Diarrhea

...just for this?!

Yes, just so we could do that.

That's despicable!

We get in the first word since our side of the crossover airs earlier.

Now even in the parts of the manga where we parodied other works,

people will think that you're copying us.

Man, Gintama's desperate.

I'm kinda creeped out.

They aren't aware that in most decisive battles,

the one who att*cks first usually loses.

Fine then!

Let's make it clear which team has the pizazz to be worthy of Jump.

This is supposed to be a crossover.

Let's all get along.

Hah, we'll show you that flashy battles and special att*cks aren't everything.

I doubt the viewers are going to appreciate this.

Yeah, equally boring anime shows should get along.

We should be glad that we're still on air.

Shut up! This isn't just about our position.

Our pride as odd-jobbing Jumpers, and our very existence, is on the line!

You mob characters should just shut up and follow your leader!

That's right!

C'mon down! I got everything set up!

On Screen,SFX Impact

Amethystyx (Pachimon type) Capture Level -

Gin-chan, where are we?

The Gintama world was already a stretch,

and now we're in a place that's even weirder, Bossun.

Okay, quiet down.

Listen up.

We're going to have a little scavenger hunt on this island.

Why are you talking like a teacher?

We're on Treasure Island, an island where shiny gems grow on everything.

This sounds awfully familiar.

There is a legend that every hundred years, the gems bear a very special fruit.

I have a really bad feeling about this.

Yes! One of the famous Devil Fruit!

The Pizazz-Pizazz Fruit!

Hold it right there!

This is supposed to be a Sket Dance x Gintama crossover!

But now we're in the Toriko x One Piece crossover!

We might be boring, but that doesn't make it okay

to steal ideas from series that have more pizazz!

Toriko and One Piece?

What are they babbling about?

You must have had some of that Dream-Dream Fruit.

They're starting to piss me off.

Hopeless fools.

They must have eaten the Argh-Argh Fruit.

As you may have guessed,

the Pizazz-Pizazz fruit can give the dullest people pizazz!

Whoever finds it first,

will be declared the winner of the contest with the flashiness worthy of Jump!

I thought we were fighting over who had the pizazz worthy of Jump.

But now we've given up?

We're going to rely on outside help?

I have a question.

Does this Devil Fruit have any side effects,

such as turning one into a hammer in water?

It's fine. You won't lose the ability to swim.

I see. So you've changed the setting a little.

Only your crotch turns into a hammer.

I see, that's good.


What did you just say?

Well, it's only your crotch that turns into a hammer,

so you don't need to worry.

I'm worried!

Why is there a hammer down there?!

Stop that, seriously.

We're supposed to be innocent, unlike you people.

We don't do dirty jokes!

Himeko-san, I'll handle this.

As the straight man, I'm used to this, so leave it to me!

The hammer's upside down!

It should be like this!

Who cares?!

Aren't you supposed to be the Gintama straight man?!

Why are you acting like the funny man?!

I'm not going to last long if I have to respond to both sides!

I'm sorry, I thought I could let you handle it.

Right. So who cares if it's upside down or not.

If I have a hammer on my crotch, I can't get married.

Are you going to take responsibility?

Isn't that right, Kagura-chan?

Why? What's the problem?

A hammer makes a better w*apon than a hockey stick.

I asked the wrong person!

No, no! Think this through!

You can't survive in this wacky manga

when you have a hammer on your crotch!

You don't need to worry.

If you grow a hammer down there, Bossun will boss into a nail for you.

What the hell?

What's that mean?

Why would I boss into a nail?

Hey, bitch. Enough already.

Did you call me a bitch?!

You aren't in your puny little school anymore.

In this world, your crotch can grow into a screwdriver

or your balls can get crushed at any time.

What kind of world is this?

If you want to do odd jobs,

you gotta be ready for your crotch to do odd jobs.

That's not how it's supposed to work!

Oh, really?

You're picking a fight with us when you aren't ready to get down and dirty?

You shouldn't be so happy just because AKB did your theme song.

It's not AKB anymore!

Are you jealous?

Say that you're jealous that we got AKB!

Your token glasses character must be jealous!

Not really!

Fine then!

I'll be the one to turn my crotch into a hammer!

Uh, wrong objective, Bossun!

No good. Bossun has lost his head.

Your leader doesn't like to lose either.

I want nothing to do with this.

Don't come to me when you lose viewers because your crotch is a hammer.

We'll just have to stand by and watch.

Bossun has always had a complex

about how he's too boring to be a main character.

Yeah, I know what you mean.

Gin-san always complains about how he should have a special attack.

That's why it's so hard to make games.

That's why Bandai Namco gave up on us.

Oh, we're going to have that problem.

There's always Hyperion and Genesis.

Those are crap.

We need something like Bankai or Stands.

Oh, I've seen Gin-chan secretly practicing

his Kamehameha two or three times.

Ouch. Just ouch.

Right. Bossun has that Connecting special power when he wears his goggles.

But really, it just looks like he put on his goggles.

Does he yell, "Goggles on!"

He did at first.

Kind of like how your guy wore goggles at first.

They should stick to it.

To be honest, I don't think it's about special att*cks.

Between his silver hair and that hat, he's tried a lot of things to stand out,

but people with pizazz just have it already.


You can't be a main character when you complain to your buddies

about not standing out.

Luffy would never say anything like that.

You're never going to hear him say, "I will become a main character with pizazz!"


That's why these guys just fail.

If they're going to bother competing, they should set their sights higher.

Really, does it matter who wins?

They're in the same boat anyway.

Indeed, their weak will is embodied by their weak goals.

They don't have any goals like becoming the Pirate King or becoming the Hokage.

I'm getting worried about throwing my lot in with him.

He's too wishy-washy.

I should have gone with a reliable main character like Luffy.

I want Aya Tojo!

I prefer Nishino.

I prefer Raoh!

Uh, none of those are main characters.

Huh? They disappeared.

Oh, they fell down.

Hey, are you okay? Gin-san? Bo-san?

I'm already...

...sick of this.

They said something. But I can't hear them.

I'm already...

...sick of this.

They're the ones who ran off by themselves.

What? You're giving up on finding the Devil Fruit?

Let's go home then.

We need to wrap up this episode.

They really want attention.

They're the ones who dragged us into this... what are they trying to do?

Just ignore them and go back.

I agree.

I must return to my enjoyment of To Love-Ru Darkness.

Uh, Himeko-san.

Sorry about the Runny Diarrhea thing.

Nah, it's okay.

This crossover was new and fun.


Like, you guys don't understand how we feel.

Uh oh, he's going to start monologuing again.

It's not that we want pizazz, or that we want to stand out.

That's not what drives us.

We're doing this for the sake of our teams,

but none of you even care.

Yeah, yeah. Forget it.

There's no point in trying to explain to them.

Wait, I'm really upset about this.

Don't you feel the same way, Sakata-san?

He just called him Sakata-san.

Forget it. Just forget it.

Stop talking.

I know how you feel.

It's not easy being the leader.

They're buddies now.

Uh, sorry.

Could you leave?

Feel free to go join Luffy or Raoh or whoever.

We leaders are going to do this by ourselves.

This is bad. They heard what we were saying.

Hey. Pull yourself together, Bossun.

Can you stand?

Uh, Gin-san. We're sorry.

You've got it wrong! You've got it wrong, Bossun!

We were just joking!

We just wanted to give you a little push.

It's not like you need to apologize or anything.

Everything you said was absolutely right.

An apology won't heal Bossun and Gin-san's wounded hearts!

What's going on?

I can't tell if they want us to apologize or not.

They left. Should we just ignore them?

They got mad when we tried to apologize.

Those leaders are too hard to deal with.

How naive can they be?

Hmm? They're not moving forward.

They're walking in place.

They're waiting for us to say something.

What a pain!

What are they trying to do?!

Hang in there!

Now they're acting.

Where did Bossun injure himself?! His head?!

Hey, this isn't good.

They're not chasing after us.

They've given up on us.

Why?! Aren't they worried about me?

They don't care about their leader?!

At this rate, we'll lose our status as leaders.

We have to find the Pizazz-Pizazz Fruit to regain their trust.

H-Hey, look there!

There it is!

What? They just took off.

Did they find the Devil Fruit?


They've revealed their true colors and started to fight.

Let go! I'm going to get pizazz!

I'll become a brutal genius with an IQ of

whose hair turns silver when my powers awaken!

Over my dead body!

The pizazz is mine!

I'll become a space pirate who's lost his memories with

a Psycho-g*n on my right arm and

travel around space with hot women!

Almost there!

So close to the pizazz!

Who is that guy?

That's a dangerous place to stand.

Honey, forgive me for going on ahead.

I can't do any carpentry when my hand's like this.

Can't even hold a hammer...

Damn it.

But I'm healthy down there.

If my crotch became a hammer,

I could use my rapid hip movements to hammer nails.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

Hold on, gramps!

Gramps! Your request...

...has been accepted!

So in the end, neither of them got any pizazz.

But there's nothing wrong with being boring.

Yeah, that's right.

They're great odd jobbers.

They're great leaders.

Hey, why are you so blue?

Cheer up, guys.

You looked good back there. I'm impressed.

Let's call this a draw.

Next time, we won't lose.

Fine by me.

Next time, we'll wreck you!

To finish, you twist the story into something resembling a good ending.

That's as Gintama as you get.


This way, you have a sense of completion.

Uh, can you stop that?

The episode's over.

Were you really that desperate for some pizazz?

It's okay.

No, that's not it...

When we threw the Pizazz-Pizazz Fruit at the old man,

some of the juice sprayed out.

Everyone, tune in next week for Carpenter Dance

and Gin-Balls.

On Screen ,Next Episode Preview

Notice This footage isn't real.

Next time on Gintama,

Odd Jobs suddenly appears in the Sket Dan clubroom.

Wait, isn't this the preview for our episode this week?!

Why are you showing a preview for our show?!

And why are you showing fake footage?!

Well, it just happened as I was following the original.

What's that mean?!

Is this really okay?


Next time Next time Spirit Dance!

We're the academy support group!

Carpenter Dance!
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