04x37 - A Vacation in Disorientation

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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04x37 - A Vacation in Disorientation

Post by bunniefuu »

Some things in this world aren't meant to be known, little girl.

Besides, you shouldn't go off talking out of character like that.

See? You've triggered my death flag.

Kirie?! Don't move.

If you don't want to take the daughter's life after taking the father's.

Right, Mr.

Sogo Okita, the m*rder*r? Kamiyama, listen to me.

Forget everything you just saw.

Rokkaku was already dead when we found him.

He was caught up in the battle and k*lled by the Anti-Foreigner Faction.

["It's Goodbye Once a Flag is Set"]

Liar You tricked me.

You said you would help me avenge my father! You promised to help me k*ll this man! You were using me?! Oh? Don't make me sound so bad.

Weren't you the one to break our promise first? You were supposed to approach the boy and serve as bait to draw him out.

Yet, you moved on your own and created a mess.

This boy is our prey.

You aren't allowed to act on your own.

Be grateful that we've used you as a tool to k*ll the boy.

Revenge will still be yours.

Your dead father must be happy for you.

Honestly Such a foolish daughter, just like her father.

Dying while manipulated by others.

That is the fate shared by you and your father.

Manipulated? Father was? Do you know something about Father?! What a pitiful child.

Shall I tell you? How your attempt to avenge your father is misguided? How your father isn't worthy of being avenged by his daughter? What are What are you saying? I don't understand.

You see Your father, Muneharu Rokkaku Are you a Rokkaku Inn staff member? Get a hold of yourself! Are you hurt? Everything's fine now! We've taken care of the Faction! Can you stand? This is? Kamiyama! You okay?! The next thing I knew, the Rokkaku owner was lying on the floor, covered in blood.

Captain Okita wasn't the one who k*lled her father.

It was me! The Rokkaku owner was a member of the Sokai Faction.

I heard from the captain afterwards.

His wife and daughter were taken hostage and he was forced to cooperate with the Sokai Faction.

Not only was he forced to offer his inn as a hiding place, his savings were also used to help fund their activities.

His wife and daughter never knew.

That's right.

The Rokkaku owner was fighting all alone to keep his family safe.

Never telling anyone else so they wouldn't have to suffer! Even then, he was trying to protect his family, his daughter! Listen to me.

Don't tell anyone that he tried to k*ll you, that you k*lled him.

No one will find out if we stay quiet.

But, Captain! Hasn't he suffered enough? He's drenched in blood.

There isn't any point in shaming him any further.

Let him die a father.

The captain didn't do anything wrong! It was all my fault! Even after being forced to shoulder the crime After people have tried to k*ll him He's still protecting that secret! Even after being called a m*rder*r, he's still hiding the fact that the father got his hands dirty, lost his life for the sake of his daughter! He's trying to protect what the Rokkaku owner was protecting! That idiot.

Please help the captain! The girl isn't the only one who's after the captain! The girl is being used by remnants of the Sokai Faction! Sotatsu Tendo, the younger brother of the Sokai Faction leader, Koutatsu Tendo, who died at Rokkaku Inn! He intends to crush us for destroying his brother and the Sokai Faction! So the kid wasn't the only one who wanted revenge.

We should let Kondo-san and the others know immediately! Before something terrible happens! We can't! He said he'd k*ll me if I told anybody else in the force! This isn't the time to be worrying about that! A call from Captain Okita! You have him under super sadistic bastard.

You were crying just a second ago, but you have him under super sadistic bastard.

Why don't they k*ll you and get it over with? Beats me.

Maybe they plan on using me as bait to lure in the Shinsengumi and fry all of us together.

Where's the kid? The lady's asleep.

Staying up late is bad for your beauty.

She isn't asleep.

You're the one who knocked her out.

You see Your father, Rokkaku Would you normally knock someone out because you didn't want her to hear something? It seemed like you really wanted to hide something.

You were the one who was saying to tell the kid the truth.

Pretty abrupt change of heart.

Like they say, Kaela Kimura's hair and a woman's heart [Note: A Japanese celebrity known to frequently change her hair style.


Two things that constantly change.

That would mean Kaela has it rough when her hair and heart are changing all the time.

More or less.

Don't reply like you're Kaela.

Well, Kaela schamaela, you have my thanks.

I don't need a weeping kid next to me in this situation.

I'm the one who wants to cry.

I've never seen you look so unsure.

Sadists can't take the heat.

I wish people would be more considerate to me.

What have you done in your life to make so many people hate you? Even if you have a million lives, isn't enough make up for it.

It's because I live by k*lling others.

No difference if a kid or two starts hating me now.

Since I can't deny that I'm a k*ller.

You're one hell of a k*ller.

You've managed to piss off all of these people yet you can't stand to watch a little girl cry? A kid wouldn't understand.

Some things in this world must be protected, even if it means getting your hands dirty.

Some things can only be seen through a tainted eye.

Of all the things that have to stay clean, no matter what Well, I'm not saying that it has anything to do with a kid's tears.

Oh, and one more thing I want to ask you something.

Is it okay if I take a dump here? Not good! Definitely not good! I've got it bad! Real bad! What, are you serious?! Hold on! You just said some things has to stay clean, and this is what comes next?! This is the part where you CAN'T get dirty! Impossible! It's impossible! It's gonna come out! Hey, lend me the covers on your head! They'll do, so hand them over! What are you going to do with them?! It's not going to fit! Help! Excuse me, guards! This guy wants to poop! Could you let him go to the restroom?! He's probably trying to escape.

Tell him to hold it in.

Don't give me that crap! Do you know what will happen if he poops here?! Don't underestimate a sadist's poop! I've seen one Gin-chan forgot to flush! It was super huge! It was super long! You could spell the letter "S" with it! S-Sis, wait up.

Take me with you.

Huh? Why is there a river? Oh, it's a washlet.

He's seeing things now! He's trying to cross the washlet Styx! Hey, get a grip! Hey! Don't get the place dirty! Don't we have a bedpan or something?! B-Bedpan? I'll go look! Oh, it's okay now.

What? It's okay? Huh? Could you have Uh? Let it out? No, I didn't.

Wait, h-hold on.

Uh? But you have this enlightened look on your face.

You're looking far into the distance! I didn't let it out.

Please give me a break.

He's sitting funny now! He's trying to keep his ass from touching! No! How filthy! Clean! Clean it up immediately! I'm starting to feel sick Gonna hurl Nooo! Now the kid who's feeling sick from the poop is gonna hurl! Hello! Do something about that kid! Bring a Kitaro barf bag quick! [Note: From "GeGeGe no Kitaro".

"Gegege" is the Japanese onomatopoeia when vomiting.


How much did that kid eat?! It's like a waterfall of barf! Ew! Do something! Hurry! Do something quick! Filthy Lord Sotatsu! Here's a Kitaro barf bag Is this what you meant when you said some things must be protected, even if you have to get your hands dirty? Are you an idiot? My a**l sphincters aren't weak like Kondo-san's.

Like I'm going to poop my pants at this age.

They escaped! After them! After them! Don't let them get away Can't get anywhere when we keep slipping Damn it! Don't let them get away! What do we do?! What should we do?! I have to come alone! They said if I call for help, Captain Okita's a dead man! They intend to k*ll everyone who was involved in the Rokkaku incident! Oh really? Let's go, Shinpachi.


Hold on! Didn't you hear me?! If I bring any help, the captain! You don't need to worry.

We aren't on your side.

You aren't on our side? Then why are you going? Because we're the same as him.

Samurai, that's why.

Don't let them get away! After them! The kid sure hooked up with an annoying bunch.

There's no end to this.

This is bad! The three of us won't be able to escape together! At this rate, we'll be wiped out! We have no choice! Leave it to us! While we run away, you deal with the enemies! What do you mean, we have no choice? You're making me do all the work.

A couple of little girls will only hold you back! Get going! To be a decoy! You call yourself a little girl when it suits your purposes! What are you doing? My leg! It won't move! A r*fle? Those bastards are even armed with?! Stupid girl! This way, hurry! Stop taking your time! I want to take my time! Damn sadist! Look over there! Yes, sir! I'm beat.

This is why I hate kids.

I refuse to be a burden on you.

Take Kirie and run.

I refuse to be in your debt.

Besides, there'd be no point if the kid stabbed me from behind.

They're after me.

Once I show myself, run in the opposite direction.

You should be able to make do with one leg.

Listen up.

Don't talk to anyone about this business.

You intend to settle this alone? I fabricated evidence in this case.

If Hijikata finds out, I'll be fired.

Is that really what you're trying to hide? Aren't you trying to silence them all so Kirie doesn't hear about what her pappy did? That's not it.

Do you really think that's the right decision? I don't know what kind of bad stuff Kirie's pappy did.

I don't know why he died.

But do you really believe that shouldering the sin and covering up what he did is best for Kirie, best for you? Like I said.

Some things can only be seen through a tainted eye.

Her old man died with dirty hands for the sake of his family, to protect his daughter.

Now the daughter is getting her hands dirty for the sake of her old man.

Isn't that stupid? As long as she considers me the target of her revenge, she'll stay clean.

Since I'm invincible.

Revenge won't make anybody happy.

Especially not her old man.

That should be our job.

It's our duty to get our hands dirty.

You Look.

The enemy's found us because you took too long.

It's the same as two years ago.

You fighting alone to protect your comrades.

While we have you surrounded.

The only difference is in the numbers.

Which means, boy You're the one who will lose this time.

Lose? That'd be the same result as last time.

When you fight, it doesn't matter how many enemies you k*ll.

If you fail to protect what you're supposed to protect, you lose.

We lost that battle two years ago.

We weren't able to protect what we needed to.

I refuse to let that happen again.

I refuse to lose again.

This time, I'll protect what I need to.

No matter what happens.

I won't let a single person get past me! D-Don't insult us! What can you possibly do by yourself?! D-Don't fall back! Everybody rush him at once! Hurry up and run! Th-That's right! Snipe him from afar! Fire! I said that it's useless.

Can't you understand? I'm not budging one step, not even if I die.

That guy's an idiot.

He still made a girl cry in the end.

Were you holding it in the whole time? Were you pretending that you weren't awake? You probably wanted to stay and stop that stupid fight.

You probably wanted to apologize.

You probably wanted to thank him.

But you pretended you didn't hear a thing for his sake? You didn't have a choice but to leave without a word, out of respect for his feelings? You don't need to cry.

There's no need to thank or apologize to that idiot.

That isn't why he's standing firm.

Just try to k*ll him the next time you see him around.

The idiot will be happier that way.

You don't need to worry.

He won't die until you've gotten your revenge.

This is looking a little bad.

I keep swinging away but their numbers won't go down.

Hell, it looks like there's more of them now.

My vision is starting to fail me I see that you've finally given up.

Now! This is our chance! Everybody attack him! Because that idiot has Plenty of more idiots around him.


Sounds like a pain, so I refuse.

Captain! Are you okay?! Who are you? Who are we supposed to cut down next? The idiot who violated bureau policy? A written apology won't be enough this time, Sogo.

Sh-Shinsengumi! Why are you here?! What are you doing?! Hurry and dispose of them Sorry, we already disposed of them all.

Why?! Why did this happen?! Seriously Why did this happen? Who was the snitch?! There are these things known as death flags in our world.

A spoken line which foreshadows death.

A bad guy who suddenly becomes a good guy.

Well, in any case, it means that you shouldn't do anything out of character.

Even if you manage to survive the flag, you'll end up suffering as much as if you had died.

Captain, how many more do you have? I'm gonna die That's right, Captain.

Did you ever run into the Rokkaku owner's daughter again? No, haven't seen her.

What?! Doesn't that mean she still thinks you k*lled her father?! She might come after you again! I heard that she was taken in by some relatives in the country.

We probably won't ever see her again.

Man, that kid was one hell of a troublemaker.

I hope she's able to lead a happy life.

So happy that she forgets about the captain.

But you tend to leave a lasting impression.

You're one to talk.

But it's possible that these flags don't always bring misfortune.

Sometimes, it isn't so bad to trigger a flag.

You may find yourself feeling that way on rare occasions.

Huh? What did it bring? Hey, old man.

Give me this, this, and this.


And top it off with tabasco sauce.


That's something for you to find out when you trigger a flag.


One boiling hot summer morning A middle-aged man who's lost everything A boy who's been emotionally scarred That was the day they met.

["An Observation Journal Should Be Seen Through To The Very End"]

[Daigoro reads his observation journal for a free study project during summer vacation.


[In it were the summer memories of an encounter with Madao, and then their farewell]

[See you next time.

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