03x45 - Don't Trust Bedtime Stories

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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03x45 - Don't Trust Bedtime Stories

Post by bunniefuu »

I'm still fighting.

What are you doing, idiot? Get going already.

Take your mom and get outta here! No! No way! You said so! That there were bonds stronger than family, even when people aren't related by blood? Everybody Gin-san You're all like family to me! The one and only people that taught me what's important! And you're telling me to abandon you here?! Let you die in this place?! Hearing you say that is more than enough Get going.

Don't turn me into a loser again.

Gin-san Gi Gin! Gin-san!! ["Don't Trust Bedtime Stories"]

How pathetic.

Your nation, your master, losing everything you had to protect, and you die protecting for someone.

You want to find a purpose for your sword so badly? You can't protect anything with a sword like that.

Not even your own life.

G-Gin-san Gin-san!! Do you have time to be crying? A man made a request with his dying breath.

Shouldn't you do as he asked? Get going already.

Take your mom and run away! Don't turn me into a loser again.

A useless effort Mom! Let's run away! Run away from this place with me right now!! Hurry, Mom!! Mo Mom? Why aren't you doing anything Why won't you try to move? I can't escape.

I can't escape from this place Whatare you saying? What are you saying at a time like this, Mom?! I'm sorry, Seita.

You run away by yourself.

Mo! S-Stop, Seita!! Wh-What is this I told you.

The woman of Yoshiwara Hinowa belongs to me.

She cannot escape anywhere.

She can try to take off to the surface, but there is no sky here.

Let alone wings for her to fly with.

They were torn into pieces long ago.

M-Mom That woman can no longer stand on her own legs, much less walk on her own! She can no longer go anywhere.

She cannot escape from me.

You even took her legs to chain her down, huh? How could you What did Mom ever do? Why does Mom have to suffer all alone like this? It's okay.

That's enough.

You've already saved me, Seita.

I was able to see you.

That's enough for me.

You called me your mom.

That's enough to keep me going no matter where I am.

So don't mind me and get going.

Please live, Seita.

You're my Yoshiwara's hope.

To us women of Yoshiwara, unable to live as women or mothers, you are our only child.

As long as you're alive, we can survive in any hell.

We can bear any hardship.

So live in freedom for our sake with all you've got.

Get going already.

Just like eight years ago.

Entrusting the child with your hopes and letting him escape to the surface.

It's exactly the same.

The only difference is, this time the child cannot escape.

Time to stop playing mother, Hinowa.

A filthy prost*tute could never become a mother.

You can never be a mother.

I'll prove it to you.

By k*lling that child.

Man Never expected you to be into her this much.

I find it hard to believe you were my master.

Looks like you haven't made any progress in the past eight years.

Ruining a prost*tute and taking away her value as an item.

Yet you still keep her at your side.

Boss, it appears you need her not as an item, but as a woman.

I need her? What nonsense.

You've got it backwards.

Money, authority, women, everything I wanted, I obtained with my power.

But there is one thing even I cannot obtain.

Something not even the King of the Night could bring down I was forced to run deep into this underground world.

Yet even in this eternal darkness, it still exists without change.

My No, the Yato's most dreaded existence, our one and only predator! Yes, the sun! No matter how much she suffers, those eyes never lose their light.

No matter how low she sinks down to, her spirit wouldn't break.

Her noble sight is just like the dreaded sun.

My thirst won't quench.

No matter how much I drank No matter how many women I took to my bed No matter how much blood I spilled As long as the sun was shining, my thirst shall never quench.

I had to drag the sun down to earth.

Not through death I would drag that noble spirit down, and force Hinowa to yield to me! Pressure her until she broke down into tears and begged me for mercy! I would obtain the sun! There is no other way to quench my soul's thirst.

I would break you down and make you mine! Come down to me! You belong to me!! Bring it down if you can.

It doesn't matter how many times you try to bring the sun down.

As long as the sky is clear, the sun will rise again and again! It doesn't matter how many times you try to cloud the sky, I'll clear it up again and again! It doesn't matter how many times you try to cloud my Mom's face, I'll make her smile again and again! Child! You Seita, put me down!! You think you can escape from Yoshiwara while carrying an adult?! You can scream all you want.

I was probably screaming like that when I was in Mom's belly.

When you're a baby, your parents would carry you.

Once you're grown up, it's your turn to carry the aging parents.

That's what a parent and their child are, right? Let me carry you, too.

Don't just have yourself carry the entire burden.

A son is supposed to carry a mom or two.

This isn't heavy at all.

I've never carried anything before.

So this is just fine.

This weight makes me happier more than anything.

S-Seita That sounds quite encouraging.

This is?! In that case, can you carry everybody here? Your mothers All 49 of them.

We're happy to have such a nice son.

Tsukuyo! Fools! What is this? A rebellion?! You're rebelling against me, the King of the Night?! Don't blame us.

We were merely fooled by a rude guest.

Bluffing us with a bedtime story about launching a sun into Yoshiwara.

Everyone here was tricked by his words.

See? It's the guy lying over there.

We come here believing in him and this is what we get.

What a joke this is.

After all that big talk you made, look at you! Where's that sun you promised? I was a fool for expecting anything from you.

You Big stinkin' liar!! I didn't lie.

The sun did arise.

All around the place! The sun did rise.

All around the place! Y-You It's so bright I can't even sleep.

Gi Gin! Gin-san!! Oh wow, he's up.

So he's still gonna fight.

Guess I made a mistake.

I thought you were dead.

But it doesn't look like you'll be much help.

You can barely stand.

Shut it, bitch.

I could say the same to you.

Nice of you to finally show up.

I followed the smoke and crawled back from hell.

I appreciate the hard effort, but you took so long so I already sucked on it.

Though it saved my life.

What are you talking about? I don't remember using a dirty pipe like that.

My pipe isn't a cheap piece of crap.

It was made by the name brand "Bitch".

You can't buy one here.

If you lost it, you'd better buy me a new one.

On the surface.

Man This is why I can't stand women in the night business.

Talk about being ripped off.

Win or lose, its hell for me.

You half-dead fools.

No matter how many ants you gather, it won't change a thing.

Why can't you understand? Why don't you die? Why do you stand up? Why do you have that look in your eyes?! Can't stand I can't stand those eyes! Get rid of that look!! Go, Seita!! Gin-san! Tsukuyo-Ne!! Fire! Did we get him? The thirst That undeniable thirst.

No matter how many times I make them fall No matter how many times I destroy their hope They always stand back up.

Their eyes are the same.

These noble spirits are just like Hinowa's I don't need it.

In this eternal night I do not need a sun! Every time you fools light a pathetic flame, I'll wipe it out! I'll tear apart that abominable body and spirit.

Hinowa-sama! Bear with us just a little longer! Hang in there! There! The rebels! Damn it! Here, too! We left behind too many to battle Hosen! I didn't think so many would still follow him! Mom! We won't be able to escape like this.

Seita You go on ahead.

Mom! Don't worry.

I won't tell you to escape by yourself again.

Let's fight.

Together, with everyone.

If I'm here, I can distract the enemy.

You head to the control room.

Defeating Hosen with numbers alone is difficult.

But that doesn't mean we don't have a chance.

Do you know why the King of the Night built Yoshiwara deep underground? Yes, this place isn't a Shangri-la for anybody.

It was made for that man to escape the sunlight.

A Shangri-la built for that man alone.

More than anything, Hosen hates and fears the sun.

The Yato have always feared the sunlight What would happen if a Yato, who hadn't seen sunlight in years, was exposed to the sun? This underground space where Yoshiwara was built, it was originally a shipyard for building Bakufu ships.

You can't see it now, but there's a hatch in the ceiling for ships to come in and out.

Go to the control room.

If you go there, you can force open this lead-tinted sky.

You're telling me to use you as a decoy for that? That's We won't find freedom if we simply run.

We must fight.

We must fight from inside the cage.

If we don't smash through this cage, we'll never obtain true freedom.

Let me fight to the end, Seita.

Mom The next time we meet, there won't be any cage bars So spoil me all you want, okay? Seita Hey, are you ready? Momma's boy! Come on, let's go.

To bring back the sun to Yoshiwara! You bastard!! Hold together the soul! Draw together, the life! Cling on! Hang tight! Bite! Pray! No matter what happens It's over Go!! Protect it!! [To Be Continued]

Uh, this is a bit sudden but today we have an important message from TV Tokyo.


Well, I'm telling you this important message because they told me to, and I'm gonna pick my nose while I deliver it, so listen carefully! Wait, isn't this an important message? So here goes.

The current analog broadcast will be ending on July 24, 2011, and switching to a terrestrial digital broadcast.

After that, analog televisions will require a digital tuner to work properly.

Hey, I picked a big one.

Oh wow, that is a big deal.

Our TV will stop working.

Well, does it even matter? That's true.

Huh? Why's that? Because this anime Won't last till 2011.

That's true.


You can't blow out my flame.

As long as I have them, I'll burst back into flames every time you blow them out.

Someone like you can never blow out our flame! ["The Color for Each Person's Bond Comes in Various Colors]

[Gintoki and Hosen settle the score for real!!]

[And then we finally learn of Hosen and Hinowa's past.


[See you next time.

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