03x04 - There's A Thin Line Between Strengths And Weaknesses

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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03x04 - There's A Thin Line Between Strengths And Weaknesses

Post by bunniefuu »

I never expected Ito to be allied with them I need to tell the Vice-Chief immediately.

The Vice-Chief! Please The Shinsengumi My Our Shinsengumi Protect it.

Please Kondo-san, I'm sorry.

Your flag has become pitch black.

As expected, Sensei You say interesting things.

We've become pitch black? I don't know about those around you But they're different.

They can't be called a color.

If anything, they're grime.

They're stains that you can't remove, no matter how much you wash.

They can't be colored or affected by anything.

Okita-kun, what are you doing? You're supposed to be keeping watch.

What are you doing? I'm asking you what you're doing, you piece of shit.

Okita-kun How dare you talk like that to Ito Sensei?! Let go.

I said, let go of him!! [Ito's faction plans to assassinate Kondo.

Upon discovering this plan, Gintoki and the others chase after the train.


[Hijikata has become a hopeless otaku.

Is there any way to save Kondo?]

["There's a Thin Line Between Strengths and Weaknesses"]

Sogo Okita-kun, so you really were part of Hijikata's faction.

You were a spy who got close to me to find out what I was going to do.

Your betrayal of Hijikata was all an act to fool me.

That wasn't an act.

I told you All I want is to be Vice-Chief.

I'll crush anyone who gets in my way.

Hijikata disappeared You're next, Ito Sensei.

I don't want to work under him or you.

I have only one boss.

Out of the way! That spot by his side is mine!! How ill-natured.

You used me to get rid of Hijikata.

And, now that I'm of no use, you're going to get rid of me.

Why not? I have the same idea as you.

Kondo-san!! At this rate, Kondo-san will be assassinated!! It's none of my concern It's none of my concern It's none of my concern Hijikata-san!! Get a hold of yourself, Hijikata-san!! It's none of my concern It's of no concern At this rate, you may lose all the people and things You hold dear!! It's of no concern It's none of my concern Gin-chan, what should we do? Please protect Our Shinsengumi Kagura, patch us through to headquarters and all cars.

Aye, aye, sir.

Umm Hello? Can you hear me you tax thieves? I'm not sure if it's the Ito faction or the Mayonnaise faction But I'm saying this to all of you tax thieves! Immediately leave your posts and go after the train that Kondo's on.

If you waste time, your boss Might be k*lled.

This is an order.

Those who ignore this order Will have to commit seppuku for not standing by their bushido.

Is this a prank?! Who are you?! Who do you think you're talking to? Who am I? This is Shinsengumi Vice-Chief Toshiro Hijikata, damn it!! Humph! Gin-san I'm sick of seeing that cowardly face.

This is convenient.

If the Shinsengumi is going to disappear, you can disappear with them.

I'll send you to your grave.

No way! I'm not going! I wasn't talking to you!! Hey, are you listening? Are you? Don't retreat and shove your problems onto other people!! Are you the type that asks things of others? Are you the type that shoves the fate of your Shinsengumi onto someone else? If you're going to die, die while swinging your sword along side the things that are important to you!! That's who you are!! That hurts I told you, that hurts!! Could it be? Could it be?! Ito Sensei, the train is on fire! It's dangerous for us to stay here! Don't stop the train!! If we stop, Kondo will escape.

Everyone on this train aside from those two are our allies.

As long as this train continues moving, they're trapped like rats.

Sorry, Sogo.

It's all my fault this happened.

How can I make it up to you? How can I apologize to youto Toshi? How can I apologize? Sogo!! What are you doing, Sogo?! Open up!! Kondo-san If our boss is k*lled, we'll lose this battle.

Please stay here.

No way!! Kondo-san, I've constantly told you that the bad thing about you is that you're too good a person.

You believe anyone and never doubt them.

In the end, a fox like him ended up by your side.

Well, I expected this would happen sooner or later.

But because you're like that, we gathered around you Because you're like that, we fought with you.

Because you're like that You're worth risking my life to protect.

Sogo! Wait!! If you die, I I Sogo!! Okita-kun, I thought you were smarter than that.

Do you plan to fight us all by yourself? You let Kondo escape and remained behind with the enemy.

Do you plan to die a heroic death? Unfortunately, Kondo is going to die according to my plans.

We aren't the only ones on this b*ttlefield.

The Kiheitai, huh? Sorry, Ito-san.

Actually, I'm not alone either.

Impossible That's This is a raid!! All of you surrender quietly!! Hijikata?! Why is he here?! Can't you act cool for just a little longer?! I can't, I can't! It's impossible for me! I'm scared!! In order to raise the morale of your allies, you need to show them that their Vice-Chief is still kicking!! You've got to be kidding me! You only reverted back when you hit me?! Tsk A bunch of eyesores have crawled out But an army isn't enough to take them down.

Hijikata What can he do by showing up now? I'll wipe them all out, including Kondo.

You're the ones who are going to get wiped out.

I see some faces I know.

I hope you're prepared to die for joining that side.

Shinsengumi Regulation Article 21 Those who have been secretly conspiring with the enemy shall be punished! I'll take down all of you.

Don't you see the situation you're in? Here, I'm the faction in power.

You're the rebel.

The laws that he created have no meaning anymore.

Your Shinsengumi will disappear.

Get rid of him.

Yes! As the First Squad Captain of the Shinsengumi, I shall give you your final lesson.

When faced with an enemy who is considerably more powerful, it is best to overcome that power with sheer numbers.

Build up spirit in your heart and body.

When you are at your peak Attack all at once!! And!! Die.

Are those Anti-Foreigner Faction members? Jeez It looks like it wasn't just an internal squabble.

Kondo-san Where in the world is Kondo-san?! There! That car that's moving far behind the train! All the enemies are headed there! That's the situation, Mr.


Take care of the rest yourself!! Hey, wait, Mr.

Sakata! Are you planning to leave me here?! [Note: Parody of Dragon Ball.

Yamcha is thought of as the weakest character.


That's as reckless as sending Mr.

Yamcha to Planet Namek by himself.

And leaving him to decide the fate of the universe!! It's all right! You're Vegeta!! You can do it if you try! [Note: Parody of Dragon Ball.

Vegeta is one of the strong characters.



Sakata!! Vice-Chief!! It's the Vice-Chief! The Vice-Chief is all right!! No matter how you look at this, I'm not all right!! So you've finally come.

I was getting sick of taking care of him.

Take him already.

He's caused us a lot of trouble.

Have the shogunate transfer the reward into my bank account.

Ito, that bastard, has finally shown his true self!! But we're all right now that the Vice-Chief is back!! Hey, are you listening? Transfer my reward into my bank account Vice-Chief, we shall confront the enemy.

You save the Chief in the meantime.

Let's go!! Hey, wait!! Hey, wait, damn it! Something weird has happened to your Vice-Chief.

Listen to me, baldy!! Those guys Why? Why?! You idiot Why are you Why are you here? I treated you so badly.

Why did you come all this way for me? Toshi! Why did you come? You idiot! Huh? Kondo-san, are you all right? It's no good.

He's not here.

What the hell do you think you're doing?! Oh, there he is! Are you all right? Hey, it seems that people are really trying to assassinate you.

No, I was almost k*lled by you just now!! Could it be that you dragged Toshi all the way here? This is impossible.

You help us? It was his last request.

His last request? His soul was devoured by a demonic sword.

Right now, he's just a hopeless otaku.

He won't return ever again.

A demonic sword? Toshi?! Pretty Samurai Tomoe 5000 is here! Damn it!! If all of Toshi's unexplainable actions were the result of the demonic sword To Love-Ru is really great, isn't it? While in that state, what did Toshi ask you to do? He asked us to protect the Shinsengumi.

It would be a pain to do that, so I brought him here and told him to do it himself.

Our job ends here.

I want you to transfer the reward to me.

I will I'll give you all of my savings But, Odd Jobs, I have a request for you.

Consider this a last request as well.

Take Toshi and run away.

It's my fault this happened.

I don't want Toshi to get involved in this battle in his current state.

I ignored Toshi's advice to be wary of Ito.

Furthermore, I punished Toshi for a petty blunder on Ito's advice.

I never even knew that this was happening to him.

I didn't know that he was trying to protect the Shinsengumi, even in his condition.

I didn't know that, despite his pride, he lowered his head And entrusted the Shinsengumi to you.

I'm sorry, Toshi I'm sorry, everyone II'ma big idiot Tell all the cars to immediately leave the battlefront.

Isao Kondo has died in battle.

I don't want my friends to fight each other any more.

Gentlemen of the Yamato, our Chief, Isao Kondo [Note: Spoof of the Space Battleship Yamato anime series.


has been safely rescued.

Victory is within our grasp! We shall get revenge on that lawless bunch for besmirching our Chief's name.

Let me say this.

[Note: Spoof of GUNDAM series anime.


They are all scum! In the name of the moon [Spoof of Sailor Moon.


We will punish them!! Hey, who's that? Who's making that silly speech? Who am I? I'm Shinsengumi Vice-Chief Toshiro Hijikata nari!! [Note: Suffix "Nari" was used by Samurai and by Korosuke in the Kiteretsu Daihyakka anime.


HIjikata-san Mr.

Kondo, we shall protect your life.

In return, you have an obligation to fulfill.

To not die.

Do whatever it takes to live.

No matter how humiliating it may be No matter how many squad members die before your eyes, you must live! As long as you're here, the Shinsengumi is not finished.

We joined the Shinsengumi because we wanted to be with you You're an idiot.

Don't think about such difficult things! You should live the way you want to live.

We just have to protect you from everyone.

Kondo-san You are the soul of the Shinsengumi.

We are the sword that protects you.

Toshi You broke once before.

What can you protect? Hijikata-kun, it seems we have to settle things between us.

I have a sword right here.

One that cuts very well.

Odd Jobs, I heard your rotten sermon! What is it? Don't talk as if you're so high and mighty.

Draw it already! Shut up! I have one more thing to say to you.

Thank you!! Hey, hey, it looks like the demonic sword devoured him again Toshi? Is that Toshi? I'm Shinsengumi Vice-Chief Toshiro Hijikata!! [To be continued]


It changed The rhythm of that man's soul has changed.

It went from a childish anime song to a sturdy rock-and-roll tune.

I guess the same goes for you, too, Ito-dono.

["Important Things Are Hard To See"]

[Hijikata fought off the demonic sword's curse by himself.

He goes to fight Ito one-on-one.


[Meanwhile, Gintoki is in a fateful confrontation with Bansai Kawakami.


[See you next time.

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