02x37 - It's Often Difficult To Sleep When You're Engrossed With Counting Sheep

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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02x37 - It's Often Difficult To Sleep When You're Engrossed With Counting Sheep

Post by bunniefuu »

[During sleepless nights, Okita does not count sheep.

Instead, he counts Hijikata corpses.


[Okita was awakened by Hijikata corpse number 4021.

And was told he had a visitor]

["It's Often Difficult to Sleep When You're Engrossed With Counting Sheep"]

I see, I see.

That's wonderful.

The entire Shinsengumi will attend the ceremony.

To tell you the truth, I had given up on marriage.

My health isn't good, I'm an old lady, and no one would marry me.

I should be grateful.

No, no, you haven't changed at all, Mitsuba-dono.

Pretty, polite and bright.

Sogo often talked about you.

He's very proud of his sister.

Oh dear! Kondo-san, flattery will get you nowhere, you know.

Hey, who is that? That babe.

What're they talking about? Why're they laughing? Didn't they just say something about marriage? What?! He already has Otae-san-the son-of-a-bitch! Shh! Keep quiet, stupid! You guys don't know? That's Okita-san's sister, Mitsuba-san! What? The one who sends those Super Spicy Rice Crackers every month? They're too hot to eat.

But they're so different.

It's hard to believe such a polite and quiet person could be Captain Okita-san's That's why they say: if one sibling is irresponsible, the other is very responsible.

The world balances out that way.

My, things are always so lively around here.

Oh! Sogoyou finally made it.

I'm sorry.

I'll join you after I take care of him.

So-chan, you mustn't.

You mustn't be rough with your friends.

I'm so sorry, Sister! What?! You can't compete with your sister, as usual, eh, Sogo? It's been so long, Sister.

You must be tired after journeying all the way to Edo.

Who is that?! Well, spend some time alone together.

You don't need us.

Sogo, take the day off.

She came all this way.

Show Mitsuba-dono around Edo.

Thank you very much! Shall we go, Sister? What was that, Chief? He lost his parents when he was very young.

Since then, Mitsuba-dono has been like a mother to him.

Let him be today.

A man needs a place where he can let down his guard.

Especially a guy like him who never shows weakness and has lived obstinately all his life.


I'll say I never saw today's Okita-san.

[Battle Royal Host]

[Note: Spoof of the Battle Royale novel and film and the family style restaurant, Royal Host.


So this trip to Edo is also to meet your fiancée's family? Yes.

I'll be staying in Edo for a while, so we can see each other anytime.

Really? That makes me so happy! Me, too.

If you wed and live in Edo, we can see each other anytime we want.

That's right.

I'mso happy.

Me, too.

M-Me, too! [Note: Bushu was a part of the Musashi province.

Which today consists of Tokyo, Saitama and Kanagawa prefecture.


But I'm worried.

Edo's air is filthy compared to Bushu.

I'm worried about your health.

Look at all those exhaust fumes.

What? What? Where, So-chan? Mywhat is that smell? Isn't the air awful? I hope it doesn't affect your lungs, Sister.

Don't worry about my illness.

Thanks to the money you send every month, I'm getting full treatment.

More importantly, are you okay, So-chan? Are you eating three meals a day? I am.

Are you getting enough sleep, even when you're busy? I am.

I don't even have time to count sheep.

Are you getting along with everyone? You're not being bullied, are you? Well, at times, some of the guys are nasty, but I don't give in.

How about friends? Do you have a close friend you can confide your problems in? My good friend, Gintoki Sakata- What's up? Hey, since when did you and I become friends? Master, you don't become friends because you decide to, it just happens.

And friends just happen to leave, too.

Excuse me.

Three chocolate parfaits, please! We're friends, or rather, he's like a younger brother to me.

That's how it seems.

Right, Soichiro-kun? It's Sogo.

I like how he pays attention to details.

Right, Soichiro Yagami-kun? [Note: Name of Light's father from DEATH NOTE.


It's Sogo.

My, so my younger brother made friends with an older person again.

You've always surrounded yourself with older people.

That's okay.

I'm still an eighth-grader in summertime at heart.

Eighth grade? Of all things Were you the most stupid eighth-grader in the world, Takeshi Kaga-kun? [Note: Takeshi Kaga is the Iron Chef Japan host.


It's Sogo.

Master, please.

Sister has lung disease.

She can't handle stress.

I don't want to needlessly worry her.

Please do a better job of playing my friend.

Huh? Just a minute, Sister, what're you doing? Hello? Sister! That's Tabasco! As a show of my appreciation for you taking care of So-chan, I thought I'd show you an especially delicious way to enjoy this.

Do you like spicy foods? Well, this isnot something that's supposed to be spicy.

So you don't like iteven though you're So-chan's friend.

Being friends has nothing to do with it.

You like it, right, Master? What is this? I've never met anyone like this.

If I'm not careful I might like it, now that I think about it.

Spicy foods are good for you.

They enhance your appetite.

Spicy foods have helped me many times when I was ill and had no appetite.

But I've already had two parfaits, so my stomach's full you know.

Master! Get me some water! She wants me to eat this without water?! Sister! Sister! Sister! Please say something! I'm fine.

I just spit out the Tabasco I just ate.

Nausicaa!! [Note: The voice actress for Mitsuba also voiced Nausicaa from Nausicaa The Valley of the Wind.


What the hell is this?! Water Water It's a gift.

"Super Spicy Rice Crackers" from Okita-san's sister.

Yamazaki, are you mocking me? What's with that afro? Don't get angry with me.

Be angry at Mitsuba-dono.

Vice-Chief, why didn't you go see her? Chief told me about it.

You, Chief and Mitsuba-dono were friends back when you were in the Bushu countryside, before the Shinsengumi was formed.

You should've let me take care of the trivial job of checking out suspicious vessels and gone to see Mitsuba-dono.

The kind of weapons the Anti-Foreigner Faction has these days are different from those of the past.

In these times of the Sword ban, it's not easy for civilians to acquire goods like that.

I'm positive someone in the Bakufu government is diverting the goods through illegal channels and selling them on the black market.


Did something happen between you and Mitsuba-dono? Yes, there's something there.

I just know it.

I knew it.

There's still fire in the embers.


If there's a fire, it'll be big trouble.

Seriously? Huh? No, it's nothing like that! Dammit! What're you talking about? I'll k*ll you.

Why're you wearing an afro? I'll k*ll you.

For Pete's sake.

It looks like Mitsuba-dono is going to get married.

It's none of my businesses, I keep telling you! That afro! Hey! Why're you wearing an afro? I really will k*ll you! Her fiancé is a merchant and a millionaire.

A real Cinderella story, I'd say.

What do I care? What's with the "I'd say"? You piss me off.

You only notice the useless things.

In the first place, why're you wearing an afro? Vice-Chief, over there! I had a fun time today.

So-chan, thank you for everything.

[Note: The bag Mitsuba is holding is from JUMP FESTA.


You should stay at our headquarters, at least for today.

You don't have to stay over at your fiancée's place.

I'm sorry.

There are a lot of things I need to take care of.

[Note: Gin is wearing a Chopper hat.

Okita is wearing Usopp glasses.

(from One Piece)]

Sakata-san, thank you very much for your company today.

Don't mention it.

All right, Sister, I'll say good-bye here.

Please go on in.

All right.

Oh, So-chan.

How ishe? I won't let you see that bastard.

He left this morning on a job without saying anything.

He's a cold-hearted bastard.

Work comes first, as usual, it seems.

He gets me mixed up in this and then just up and leaves.

Forgive him.

He's a selfish child.

It's my fault.

He lost his parents when he was very young, so in order to keep him from feeling lonely, I indulged him while raising him.

He's selfish, bull-headed, and hates to lose.

That's why he was always a loner even back then.

He didn't have a single friend.

If he hadn't met Kondo-san, who knows how he might've turned out.

Even now, I'm a bit anxious.

Is he doing okay? You're not really his friend, are you? Is he doing okay? How could he be? He skips work, he's awakened his sadistic side, he's committed scandal, and he's awakened his sadistic side He's no good.

That shitty brat.

What kind of education did you give him? He needs to choose his friends.

If he hangs around with people like me, nothing good is going to happen.

You're a funny man.

But No wonder he's attracted to you.

You're sort of similar.

Huh? Similar? Hey.

What're you people doing here? This mansion Toshiro-sa Hey! Get ahold of yourself.

Hey! She seems to finally be resting.

I heard she was in poor health but it appears her condition is worse that we thought.

But that aside, why were you with Mitsuba-san, Boss? It just happened.

What's with that afro? It just happened.

How did that "just happen"? For youit doesn't look like "it just happened.

" The way she collapsed just from seeing your face Something major must've happened between you two.

It's none of your business.

Forgive me.

It's boorish of me to stick my nose into what happens between a man and a woman.

I'm really sorry.

Don't stop there, Boss.

The Vice-Chief may not look it, but he's very naïve.

I said it's none of your business! What are you doing here, anyway?! Vice-Chief, calm down! There's an ill person right next to you! Shut up! What're you wearing an afro for, anyway?! Everyone.

I'm sorry I couldn't do more for you.

I'd like to thank you for carrying Mitsuba to my mansion.

I run the trading company "Tenkaiya.

" My name is Toma Kuraba.

He's going to become Mitsuba-san's husband.

I had warned her against walking around town because it would affect her health.

My Mitsuba has caused you all a great deal of inconvenience.

Your uniformmight you be members of the Shinsengumi? Then you must be friends with Mitsuba's younger brother They're not my friends.


Sogo-kun, so you came.

Mitsuba-san is Well, if it isn't Hijikata-san.

How odd for us to meet here.

How dare you come to see Sister.

You misunderstand, Okita-san! We came because Ow, ow, ow Sorry to bother you.

Hi-Hijikata-san Are you sure about this? So-chan.

So-chan! So-chan, it's time for practice.

What's the matter? You usually get up early by yourself to go to the dojo.

Did something unpleasant happen? There's a guy who pisses me off.

The one who began coming to the dojo recently? He's junior to me, but he's cocky and talks like we're equals.

Since he came, Kondo-san doesn't pay much attention to me.

I've had it.

I don't want to go to the dojo.

So-chan Okita Senpai.

Time for practice.

You! Why're you at my house?! You jerk! Kondo-san said to bring you.

Lemme go, you jerk! Ow, ow, ow! C'mon, lets go, Senpai.

You! Is this any way to treat your Senpai?! Damn you! I don't like him.

Just a minute! Mitsuba-dono! You shouldn't put on so much chili pepper! How many times do I have to tell you? It's bad for your health! But it's delicious.

But nothing! It's definitely bad for you! It's completely red! Man, today's young people have a strange sense of taste.

Don't they, Toshi? Toshi! What're you doing?! What's that you're eating?! It's an IT taste revolution.

[Note: A line from a joke by Japanese comedian Hikomaro.


What're you talking about?! Who're you trying to mimic?! Come on! Mitsuba-dono, you shouldn't eat that, I'm telling you! The inside of my mouth feels like the Social Insurance Agency coming apart.

[Note: The Social Insurance Agency (found guilty of insurance fraud) was penalized with mass firings and restructuring.

This was a big news item in Japan.


That's because you can't taste anything! What's that supposed to mean? The inside of my mouth is [Note: A famous phrase from the movie "Sailor Suit and Machine g*n.


Doddoddoddodotto! Wonderful! Now who're you supposed to be?! Hiroko? Masami? Either way, you gross me out.

I don't like him.

I don't like that guy.

Yes, he's a guy I never liked from the beginning.


Would you mind giving me a lesson? Forgive me.

The ceremony's been postponed because of my health again, hasn't it? That's all right.

Let's take our time and make you well.

The ceremony is just a formality.

I've thought of us as a couple for quite some time now.

Thank you, Toma-san.

I'll be going now since I have work to attend to.

You mustn't eat spicy foods, okay? It's bad for your body.

I know.

I'm not that much of a fool.

Well then I'll be back.

[Note: Bag says "Daioh Buffet" a spoof of the spicy snack, Dictator Habanero.



You really do anything I ask! I'm an Odd Jobs.

Don't eat too much now.

It'll give you hemorrhoids.

Do you think I collapsed because of hemorrhoids? Hey, you want something, too? I have bananas.

No thank you.

I always carry sausages with me on secret agent activities.

Oh, Yamazaki-san? What are you doing here? Oh no! Ow, ow, ow.

Looks like you've been sniffing around my sister lately.

What's the meaning of this? Don't do anything more to ruin Sister's happiness.

I want you to stop.


They are suspected of conspiring with lawless ronin in large weapons deals on the black market.

He's been selling weapons at high prices to ronin.

He's a black market dealer.

Your sister's fiancée is our enemy.

Does that woman know? No, the Vice-Chief told me not to tell anyone.

Sure you are-you're telling me.

Ouch! But Boss, you What about me? Are you making it my fault? Hijikata-san.

Regardless of what sort of weapons the Anti-Foreigner Faction possess, all we have to do is k*ll them all.

It's a minor problem.

He can't stay in business unless he's willing to deal with all sorts of people.

And you saw the kind of man he is and how deeply he is in love with my sister.

I'm sure he can make her happy.

Are you telling me to look the other way? Is that how it sounded? I'll pretend I didn't hear that.

Your lesson is over.

We aren't finished talking yet! Are you half-asleep or something?! Surely you can't believe your sister will be happy with that She doesn't have much longer.

I'm told she doesn't have much longer to live.

I can't stand it.

Since I was little, she took care of me, ignoring her own needs, and even But now when she's about to grasp happiness at last At least before she dies, I want her to experience happiness like other people.

I'm not saying to let him go.

Just for a little while Hijikata-san, Sister stayed single all this time because you were Hey.

The deal goes down tomorrow night.

Make sure your sword's in good shape.

I don't like him.

He's always like that.

He just happens to show up and swipe everything I hold dear.

Hijikata!! Is it true you're all going to Edo to find success? Where'd you hear that? So-chanhe looked so happy this morning.

That idiot.

Take mewith you I'mafter all, like a parent to So-chan.

If I'm not there, that child And also becauseI Everyone I want to stay with you, Toshiro-san.


What you do is up to you.

Idon't like him [Next time: "Perform a German Suplex On a Woman Who Asks If She or the Job Is More Important"]

[The mingling]

[Of feelings]

[And swords.


[Mitsuba's fiancé, Toma Kuraba of Tenkaiya is a black market dealer who sells illegally imported weapons.


[Hijikata ventures into the enemy's lair alone.

And will Mitsuba, whose body is ravaged by illness, live?]
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