01x25 - A Shared Soup Pot Is A Microcosm Of Life

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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01x25 - A Shared Soup Pot Is A Microcosm Of Life

Post by bunniefuu »

Well, Gin Tama the anime is about to start its third season.

For a while there, I thought they were gonna cancel us.

We made it by the skin of our teeth.

No one expected us to last, so they didn't write any stories for the third season yet.

Whatever, they can just create those special "highlight" episodes using old clips and rearranging them.

They can insert two or three new clips and fool everyone.

Hey! Well then, why don't we go down memory lane with the past episodes? So what sort of things have happened, huh? Like Shinpachi getting stuck in that ditch and Shinpachi puking in his sleep, and Shinpachi puking in his sleep Hey! That's a big lie! Besides, why mention it twice?! Whatever! Shinpachi, recap everything that's happened up to now.

No thanks.

Men don't relive the past.

Hey, you're talking back! I guess six months does make a difference to humans.

Oh yes, they change.

In six months, this little weakling has turned into a macho lover boy.

That's not true! Absolutely not true! Act now and you can get a can of protein powder free! No thanks! I still have some at home.

You actually ordered it? Yeah, unsuspectingly.

A jug works better than those silly muscle-building machines.

It doesn't work.

You're being fooled! She means jugs you fill with water and use to do lifts.

Are you some Jackie Chan? And besides, he's already fifty! Oh man, when'd I stop going to see his movies? I guess Jackie Chan is the turning point when a boy turns into a man.

That's a disputable dividing line.

Jackie will make those who belittle him cry! I will not! Try jumping off a watchtower or a chandelier! I will not! Like I can! Why are you so hooked on Jackie today?! Do you live in Jackie Village or something?! Okay, has it been five minutes, yet? Nope, only one minute and fifty seconds.

There's still lots more time.

Don't you think, maybeif we keep doing this, the higher-ups will get angry? Higher-ups? Like who? Well, I mean Someone watching this or being shown thisor being made to listen to this.

People like that.

Man, what a pain.

Oh well, let's start then.

[The Gin Tama anime third season special! Famous, exciting and moving scenes by Odd Jobs members.


[By the way, the host for "Ladies 4" was changed to the son of Tokumitsu-san, you know.


Hey, are we still on this cut?! Let's start then.

The Gin Tama anime third season special! The "This happened, that happened, so many things happened" highlight special! Let's get started! Hey, this is supposed to be a highlight special.

We're supposed to look back.

Someone reminisce! Nope.

The pot needs to be watched.

I'll watch it, so you two can reminisce.

I'll watch the pot, Shinpachi, so start.

You were made for this kind of thing! Have some confidence in yourself.

I don't like compliments like that.

Kagura-chan, say something.

No way! While I'm looking away, you guys will eat all the meat.

Sheesh, give us a break, will you? You really think we'd do anything that despicable? Really, this is such a happy occasion.

Don't say such hurtful things! Yeah.


Sure, we hardly ever get to eat sukiyaki.

But this is a special occasion and we're here to celebrate.

And you had to say such an awful thing.

I'm depressed.

You were wrong just now, Kagura-chan.

So apologize.

M'kay, dammit.

My bad.

I said a stupid thing.

Now! ["A Shared Soup Pot is a Microcosm of Life"]

Oh man, the precious meat is broken up into bits.

You guys pulled it apart.

So much drama over silly sukiyaki.

Damn it! You guys tricked me! It's your fault that my heart is turning blacker and colder! That's how we grow up to become adults.

Aren't you lucky? You took one step towards becoming a grown up.

Didn't I teach you that meal times are like a b*ttlefield? Have you forgotten? I'll never believe anything Gin-chan says ever again! You're all enemies! I won't trust anyone.

That's a good thing to keep in mind.

Hate me more.

Blame me! And curse me! Use the power of that hatred to make it through this rotten world.

It's your head that's rotten! Then tell me what's inside that hair bun head of yours? This is bad.

So it's come down to this.

Having a sukiyaki dinner here at Odd Jobs What's in here are the pure thoughts of a young girl.

is like throwing Tomoko Matsushima into a den of lions.

Pure? Well then, my Gin Tama soul is filled with a man's ambitions.

At this rate, all the beef will be torn into shreds before it even hits our tongues.

More like radioactive waste.

Rather than thinking about how to eat more meat than anyone else, What's that supposed to mean? There isn't a pun anywhere in that line.

I should be thinking about protecting it from those greedy two.

I'm sick and tired of your old jokes.

But they're hot-headed right now.

If I clumsily stop them, it may backfire.

I don't give a damn! The cute little girl with the poison tongue.

That's so yesterday.

The old, ignorant man.

That's old news.

No They're stupid, but their pride is first class.

If I provoke that Yuck! What's this smell of old age!! It's a huge risk, but this is the only way to protect the beef! A kid like you wouldn't understand the mature body odor of a grown-up.

That's enough for me.

I don't want to eat if we're gonna fight over it.

This is stupid.

Actually, I had yakiniku with my sister yesterday.

I had too much to eat More like, I can have it anytime I want.

So you two can go at it.

Come! Come on! Bring it on! Oh well It's not like I really wanted to eat meat anyway.

We came into some money, so I thought we'd splurge and have a nabe hot pot.

If it's gonna be like this, I give up.

Let's stop.

You all okay with that? Yeah, fine with me! I'm not particularly eager to eat beef.

I'm a vegetarian, after all! Let's stop already, forget the sukiyaki! You can have it, dammit! Yes! But I think my act was more effective than I anticipated.

It feels like this might end right here.

Damn, I'm the one that started saying such a thing.

So I can't backtrack and suggest we heat up the nabe again.

Besides, it's embarrassing.

This is bad.

I wanted to gauge the situation, so I followed along with Shinpachi, but I didn't expect Kagura to agree.

It'll be next to impossible to start up the nabe again.

However, if I don't do anything, there won't be a nabe dinner.

And we haven't even started.

No way! I must avoid that at all costs.

Someone, make a move.

I want to eat meat.

I'm craving it so badly.

I want to stuff myself with it! Come on, Shinpachi.

Say something.

Please! I'll give you 300 yen! Come on, someone! Say something! I want to eat meat.

Actually, I haven't eaten any meat for nearly six months! We're all the same! We're all one at heart! Huh? What? Hey, Kagura, what's up? Are you hungry? No, I'm not.

That was a fart.

No, that wasn't a fart.

That was your stomach growling.

I'm sure of it.

So what? Are you that hungry? I'm not hungry.

I'm full.

Well, if you're that hungry, shall we have the nabe, after all? It doesn't matter to me, but what do you wanna do? Kagura-chan, don't hold back if you're hungry.

I'm okay either way.

Well, it's right in front of us.

But it doesn't matter to me.


It is wasteful, I guess.

I'm okay either way, though.

I'm hungry, but it's okay.

I have my pickled seaweed.

You idiot! You're a growing child! What do you think will happen if you suck on stuff like that and don't eat properly?! Don't you feel grateful towards the farmers and the cow?! C'mon.

You can have some of mine.

Really? Sure.

I said I bought it for you guys.

Hurry and eat, kid.

Or I'll k*ll you! Oh well, shall we eat too, then? Not that I'm especially hungry.

What a bother.

But if I don't join you, I'll spoil the mood.

Shinpachi, you eat too.

Oh okay.

I'm not craving meat much either.

But I've been taught that it's wasteful to leave such things uneaten.

Phewgot past that hurdle.

But it's harder than before to reach for some meat.

After refusing the sukiyaki, there's an air of hesitation now.

Isn't there something to break this tension? Isn't there something? Isn't theresomething?! That was a close call.

[Finally lost them.


Never mind that.

What're you guys doing here?! [Excuse us.


There was an unforeseen circumstance.

Oh yeah? You big liar! Sorry, but we need to hide out some egg here.

We'll try our beef not to trouble you and take advantage of your green onions.

We're sorry konjak.

We're grateful - sukiyaki.

What's he saying?! [Don't mind us.

Please continue eating.


At it again, eh, Zura? It's not Zura.

It's Katsura.

Yeah right.

It's so obvious he's lying! But his entrance has helped change the mood in here.

But we can't let him join in.

Oh, you figured it out? I'll bet he's got it all planned, up to that last line.

Oh please.

Let's all enjoy this together.

Wh-What?! What is this pretty boy thinking?! Trying to act so nice and sweet! Sweeter than mixing strawberry milk and sweet bean jam! Hey, that sounds good.

I'll try it next time.

But anyway! [Oh, really? Well then, maybe just a little.


Thank you.

The aura of hesitation that our w*r of words created has dissipated thanks to their entrance.

So now The challenge is who will go on the offensive in this quiet calm and grab the first piece of beef! The one prepared to own up to the descriptions, "nasty-spirited" and "food greedy.

" Whoever takes the first grab regardless of the others before him, will have the right to control the nabe! And he is the [Nabe Shogun]

Nabe Shogun! Here goes the first strategy! The one who takes command wins! At this point, the one closest to being the Nabe Shogun is Kagura-chan.

Although she hasn't actually touched the nabe pot, once she finishes eating what's in her bowl, she has the power right now to reach naturally for the next serving.

But there's no need to worry about her.

From her face, it's obvious that she's relishing the taste of the shirataki.

Among girls her age, there are many fools who think that eating stuff like shirataki is cooler than eating high-caloric meat.

And these other two.

They're not too dangerous.

That's because both are here as guests.

In their position, the chance that they'll make a grab for the nabe first is zero.

After several urgings, they'll meekly take some white cabbage or shirataki.

Nope, can't underestimate Zura.

It's not Zura, it's Katsura.

There's a high possibility that he'll ignore this high-charged atmosphere and go right into the nabe with his chopsticks.

I guess we can ignore that weird-looking beast.

No way can he use chopsticks with those hands.

Whoa! He's so dexterous! The biggest problem is with Shinpachi.

He quickly figured out a young girl's tastes and preference, and offered up a huge serving of shirataki.

No doubt, that guy is shrewd.

Darn it! Why didn't I offer a bowl to Gin-san after Kagura-chan?! I take on the role of the generous friend, and then take a serving last for myself.

And in the process, if I had changed the layout of the food in the nabe or given myself the opportunity to reach into the nabe more often the title of Nabe Shogun would have been mine! Wait! Kagura-chan is almost done eating.

How about if I offer to fill her bowl again? No! I won't have a second chance.

That's because she's sure to want to do it herself this time.

She won't take kindly to someone's offer.

Well thenit's all or nothing! But, don't you agree? Friendship, persistence, victory Kids these days know how short-lived friendship can be, as well as the futility of victory.

So all you need is to be a genius.

Got it! Hey, isn't the heat too low? Wha--?! The Nabe Shogun is me! Chopsticks?! No way! Not in that instant?! Go! Chopstick Scud m*ssile! [Whoa]

All these days of obscurity were for this moment! Damn, my side is wide open.

Curse you, Zura! It's not Zura, it's Katsura.


Oh sorry, I think I may have caught a cold.

[She sneezed.


Huh?! What?! She didn't use her hands or her chopsticks, but with one sneeze She decided the outcome in one move?! This strategy [Whoever thought it could happen.


Well frankly, I don't feel like eating a nabe like that.

She's the only one who'll eat the nabe now.

Even if she won through her innocence and purity Nothis woman!! Heh-heh, the title of Nabe Shogun is mine.

She's not pure at all! This kid has shirataki coming out of her nose! Kagura, what a frightening child! [Shivering]

Did you just realize it, boys? It all started when I made my stomach growl.

All the while, I was concentrating on eating my shirataki.

It was all an act.

It was a ruse to put all of you greenhorns off guard and take the seat of the Nabe Shogun.

Well, you can suck it up and watch as this little girl eatsall your beloved beef! [N-No way!]

[Total defeat]

What?! She's swallowing it in one gulp! People of the Yato Clan must have monstrous bellies! 'Evening! Say, what's this? Don't tell me you've all started? How rude! I told you to wait until I closed shop.

As if they know what patience means.

Too bad, old biddies.

The beef you came to eat is all Hey, what's this meat? Don't tell me you're having pork in sukiyaki? Come on! Isn't this a party? How pitiful.

It's perfect for these guys.

Pork?! Th-That's ridiculous?! Pork? Impossible! I know it tasted like beef.

The flavor of beeflike the beef bowl, beef and egg bowl and BBQ beef bowl I always eat.

She's right! It was the same scent that I always get a whiff of The aroma that wafts through the air the moment that shop door opens.

Well, I got the chance to taste it, but I know it was beef! Move.

This is my seat.


No way! No way Yes, way.

The "beef" that you've always been eating was all Cheap pork!! Beef is such an expensive delicacy did you really think a poor shop like ours could afford it, kid?! Even I'd like to get a taste of such a thing.

Th-That's! So everything I believedwas a lie! So my entire life has been fiction? And nothingneither the people nor the associations were real?! At that moment, I felt an uncertainty, and my legs crumbled under me.

I won't trust anyone I can't! That was porkand the pork was that! I hope you all break the bone in your little toe! One down.

Zura is not easy to take down.

It's not Zura, it's Katsura.

And as if I'd die over something like this! I haven't accomplished anything yet! [That was a nice line.


We have to eat good things once in a while.

I splurged and got the expensive stuff today.

Let's eat delicious food, drink delicious sake, and celebrate! Oh! Mt.

Fuji! Geisha! Sukiyaki! All right, it's almost ready.

This is it An old hag with one foot in the grave, and a middle-aged broad with one foot in the mud.

Call him alive, but poor.

Call him alive, but a mystery.


Easy foes! He's the problem.

Gin-san, let's settle this.

Otose-san, may I serve you? I made the first move! That guy! He's using the same strategy! This time, I'll becomethe Nabe Shogun! Don't worry.

Let's just all serve ourselves.

Shucks! I didn't see that coming! Now everyone will indiscriminately reach into the nabe pot! It backfired He failed in his attempt to be generous.

And he didn't bank on the possibility that it could counter his strategy! Blame your youth on that! [That's a mistake not easy to admit.


I failed, that's for sure.

But I won't concede defeat yet! That's true No need to think deeply anymore.

I agree.

Men don't turn their backs on a fight.


Considering the amount of time left, we have to gamble right now! The winner is the one who first reaches the nabe! The Nabe Shogun is me! is me! is me! Wh-Wha--?! What's that?! [What is it?]

R-Ridiculous! How could this?! Can't reach the beef Can't get my chopsticks even close to the nabe! [Squash]

However, there's no way we will lose! They're not Nabe Shogun They'reEmperors! [Nabeleon]

Th-They're in a different class from us! The pot is so far I can't reach it! Damn, why'd they come anyway? Just to torment us?! What were we fighting for until now? We were like frogs in the well, fighting and hurting each other.

Was all that suffering meaningless?! [Defeat]

No! No! What?! What?! That's why! We can't let our fighting be in vain! That's why, this battle can't be lost! No way! Go, Kagura! Become Nabeleon! Huh?! [Oh, the pain!]

It sorta smells like milk and doesn't taste that good.

I think I prefer pork.

Why you?! Are you teasing us?! Spit it out! Spit it all out! Humans are so worthless.


Taka-chin? You're Taka-chin, my classmate at temple school! But why'd you join a bike g*ng? IfIf I had rescued you back then The next episode: "Don't Be Shy - Just Raise Your Hand and Say It.

" [The Tsu Terakado Fan Club Special Attack Squad "Maltese" has arrived!]

[The next episode will be a blood bath.

See you there!]

But, why are we using this cut again? For time adjustment! In some area, they are announcing presents.

For real?! And now, here's our last message of the day.

"Gin Tama" supports "DEATH NOTE"!
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