01x17 - Sons Only Take After Their Fathers' Negative Attributes

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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01x17 - Sons Only Take After Their Fathers' Negative Attributes

Post by bunniefuu »

[Twenty years since the arrival of the Amanto.

A festival to commemorate the country's opening.


[Gintoki and friends are helping Gengai repair his robot for the festival.


Who's there? Zura Still on the run from the Bakufu, huh? It's not Zura, it's Katsura.

Why are you here? Heard you escaped from the Bakufu's pursuit and were laying low in Kyoto.

I couldn't resist after hearing there was a festival going on.

So here I am.

Better keep that love of festivals of yours under control.

[Bakufu is a common term for the Shogunate or government]

The Bakufu hates you even more than they hate me.

You'll get yourself k*lled.

No way would I miss a festival that the Shogun himself is going to attend.

How did you know? You're not gonna?! I don't intend to do anything that outrageous.

But that would be fun.

If the Shogun's head should fly during the festival, the Bakufu and the entire country would be turned upside down.

["Sons Only Take After Their Fathers' Negative Attributes"]

Hey! You old geezer! Hiraga, you bastard get out! Do you have any idea how much trouble you've caused everyone in the neighborhood? ["Gashakon" is a very loud, clunky noise]

"Gashakon, gashakon" day and night! You some kind of Gashakon Warrior or something?! I don't give a damn if you're the top inventor in Edo! You build nothing but junk.

The Kabukicho Block Association has had it with you! Go get 'em, men! First up, Shinpachi Shimura from Kabukicho.

Thank you! Cho-me cho-mee cho-me cho-mee! Good lord! I said to stop the noise! What is this?! You're making it worse! The two noises are creating a harmony! The best way to handle a bully is to bully him right back.

A guy who's never been punched doesn't know how it hurts.

You're the one who doesn't get it! My eardrums are about to burst! What're you talking about, old lady? Shinpachi's the one who's really suffering.

He's showing off in public that he can't sing.

Looks to me like he's having a blast! Shinpachi, let me sing next.

I bought the latest song by Goro Kitajima.

Come on Hey, are you listening to me, tone-deaf?! What?! Cut it out! Oh, man What're they doing? Sheesh! Heeey! I'm singing next! What did you people come here to do, anyway?! Forget it.

If I have to listen to you guys sing, I'd rather sing myself! Give me that! No one wants to hear you sing! Keep quiet, you rotten old hag! How dare you?! Then how about a duet, damn you! Huh? What?! This is Hiraga-san?! You're taking my head off! I said you're taking my head off, Hiraga-san! Stop it, Hiraga-san! Idiots! I'm Hiraga.

You brats are making a terrible racket in front of my house.

Think about all the trouble you're causing the neighborhood! That's you, you old geezer! That racket you're making is driving everyone in the neighborhood gashankon crazy! I don't recall ever making a racket that went "gashankon"! It's gashuiin-gasshan! Gengai, you're not young anymore.

Try to live in peace and quiet.

You intend to have those wind-up toys look after you in retirement? Shut up, old hag! I don't care how many times you come-I'm not closing up the shop! Go home! Hey, Saburo! Don't hold back.

Force them out! Affirmative.

Hey, wha? Wait! [Gengai's Retreat]

Wow! It's a mountain of robots.

Did you make all of these, Hiraga-san? What're you guys doing, packing up without permission?! Dammit! Untie these ropes! Hey, get me some tea.


Saburo! Why're you working like their servant?! Help me! Boy, you sure make truly good stuff, old man.

Can I get one of these tin cans for myself? Huh? Hot diggity! Serves you right! Saburo can understand human languages to a certain extent.

He responds to people who use aggressive words or actions with his iron fists.

Okay! Release me from these ropes now! Hurry up, you bucket-of-bolts! Otose-san, is that man really Edo's top inventor? Huh? That's what I hear.

But to us, it looks like just junk, you know.

It's not junk.

Creating something is like materializing your soul into reality.

These are all my beloved sons.

Your son's tangled up over there with a delinquent.

No! Rocket Punch Fire! Stop! He can't do that! You're just tearing his arms off! That should do it.

You can make as much noise as you like out here.

Do it all you want.

All I want? But they're all broken to bits What have you bastards done? Don't worry.

Sabu is okay.


Don't "Affirmative" me! It's shaped differently! You're missing your arms! Your arms! What am I going to do?! I won't be able to finish in time for the festival! Festival? In three days, there's going to be a festival to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the country's opening to the Amanto.

Even the Shogun is going to make a rare public appearance.

I have direct orders from the Bakufu to have my robots perform at the ceremony.

What am I going to do? If I don't finish in time, I'll have to commit seppuku! Uh-oh, I forgot I was making curry Hey! Give me back Saburo's arms! Darn those kids They're crazy.

Will you be all right? I've got no choice, do I? If I work around the clock, I might Not that.

I meant your son.

If I'm not mistaken about your son, didn't the Bakufu? Otose, the trick for an old man to live a long life is to quickly forget the bad things.

And, I've told you before, these are my sons now.

Dad! Dad, please stop! What good will making a robot that kills do?! Dad, didn't you say that you wanted robots to help people?! And that time is now.

If things remain as they are, this country will be taken over by the Amanto.

This is the only thing I can do.

Then I'll fight instead.

What're you talking about? Dad, you stopped smiling long ago.

You know, Dad I loved watching you work happily on your robotsall covered in grease.

Like a kid playing in mud.

I don't want to see you working with such a grim look on your face.

Hey, wait! Wait, Saburo! Listen up.

On the day of the festival, the Shinsengumi will protect the Shogun with every last man.

If the Shogun so much as gets a scratch, our heads will roll! Keep that in mind! If you see anyone suspicious, k*ll them without hesitation! I'll take full responsibility.

For real? In that case, I'll start by k*lling every samurai in sight.

You can take the consequences.

Okay, guys! Disregard that last order.

Also, although this intelligence is still unconfirmed, we have information that someone really dangerous is in Edo.

Someone really dangerous? Who could that be? Remember that incident where over a dozen government officials got assassinated during a dinner meeting? That was his work.

The most radical and dangerous man among the Anti-foreigner faction.

His name is Shinsuke Takasugi.

Let's invite Yo-chan, too! This sweet smell must be cotton candy.

Cotton candy! Damn.

Quit playing and get back to work! Good grief, we're short on time! But Hiraga-san, the festival has already begun.

We came to help you, but we're not going to make it.

The robot performance doesn't start till tonight.

If we can somehow finish by this evening, we'll manage.

Don't play dumb! You think I wouldn't know about it?! This shirt has lipstick all over it! You can't lie to me anymore! Affirmative.

"Affirmative, Afffirmative" That's all you ever say! That's why your subordinates look down on you! Try saying "No" for a change, you perpetual manager! Affirmative.

That's it! Domestic v*olence! What're you doing?! Stop that! Who is she?! It's Sachiko, isn't it? That ugly witch who came to our housewarming party! Stop it, I said! What sort of sick soap opera are you playing?! It might be playing to you, but to me, it meant everything in the world! We somehow managed to finish on time.

Though there are problems in spots.

Hmph! If you guys hadn't shown up, I wouldn't have had any problems.

Get off your pedestal, you public hazard geezer! We only came 'cause the old hag forced us.

I still have final adjustments to make.

You'll only get in the way, so go to the festival or something.

Gin-chan, hurry, hurry! Thank you, Hiraga-san! Hmph.

They sure are a rowdy bunch.

Right, Sabu Saburo! Hey, you can't go! Saburo! Let's eat fried udon next! How odd Almost looks as if Saburo's having fun too.

Well, anything's more fun than hanging out with a grim-faced old geezer like you.

You say the same thing my son did.

Son? You had one? He already died, though.

He went off to w*r on his own and died.

He loved robots every bit as much as I do.

A brat who would sneak in to tinker with machines.

When I think back now, that might've been the happiest time of my life.

Back then I tinkered with robots because I loved them.

But ever since people started calling me the greatest inventor in Edo and such, robots just became a means to an end.

That son of mine rebelled against me for that and left me.

And that was it.

That reminds me.

I heard from Otose that you went to w*r, too.

It wasn't anything grand.

Though, I still lost many friends.

Don't you want to avenge them? Huh? Haven't you ever thought of striking at the Bakufu and the Amanto for the friends you've lost? Old man, you're not Oh, sh**t.

I have some final adjustments to do, so I'm going back.

Hey! Saburo, let's go.

Oh, it's that old dude.

Oh no! It's that girl with the venomous tongue! If it isn't Hasegawa-san! You found a job! Congratulations! Well, yeah.

Are the two of youon a date? A sh**ting game? Maybe I'll have a try.

Oh, sure! Go ahead, go ahead! It's on me! If I hit it, will you give me anything I want? Sure, I'll give it to you.

Take good aim and Hand over your shades.

What? You did it wrong You were supposed to aim that way.

The watch is mine.

Now just a minute! Wait! Come on! I said I'd give you anything, but you can't have something of mine! Hey! Are you listening?! Got the beard.

Score the jacket.

A hit on the nipple! Toshi, Sogo hasn't been back since he said he had to go take a dump.

That bastard's goofing off again.

Toshi, you can doubt anyone else, but not one of our own.

I believe in Sogo.

I'm sure he's having a hell of a time pushing it out.

That's what I believe.

If that's what you're going to believe, I think he'd be better off if you doubted him.

But that damn Yamazaki sure is late.

What happened? The Shogun said he wants to eat takoyaki.

He doesn't have a care in the world.

Vice-Commander! I have returned! You're late! You better have had them put mayonnaise on it! Hey, this looks like Actually, I was in such a rush that I tripped and they fell out on the way back.

Forgive me.

I, Sagaru Yamazaki, have made a blunder I will regret my entire life.

I see.

I thought the green nori flakes around your mouth was the blunder you'd regret your entire life.

Yamazaki! Vice-Commander, this isn't what you think! This is the green nori from the okonomiyaki I ate along the way! It doesn't matter! Hey, what are we going to do? You're eating it! Don't get so upset, Toshi.

Today is the festival.

I can't help it.

That bastard Takasugi has no political beliefs at all.

He only enjoys creating chaos.

There's no way a guy like that is going to overlook a huge festival like this! Oh! It's started.

The show by Edo's top robot puppeteer, Gengai Hiraga! A festival has to be loud to be interesting, that's for sure.

Don't move.

To think the man they called the White Knight would let someone attack him from behind.

Gintoki, have you lost your edge?! What're you doing in a place like this? Just shut up and watch.

An incredibly fun show is about to begin.

Saburo, let's do it.


Fire! It's a t*rror1st attack! It's the Anti-Foreigner t*rrorists! Is this a smokescreen? You men secure the area around the tower! Don't let even a mouse get near the Shogun! R-Robots! An army of robots! The crowd has run off.

Okay, go! Men, charge! Do you remember, Gintoki? How I once led a volunteer army called the Kiheitai? There was a man named Saburo.

He wasn't any good with the sword, but he was incredibly good with machines.

He said he didn't join to fight a w*r; he came to fight his father.

His father was all he ever talked about.

But he died without ever returning to his father.

What a sad story.

We all risked our lives to protect our country from the Amanto, but the all-important Bakufu quickly welcomed the Amanto.

Even the Kiheitai was no exception.

We were caught in the purge, and eventually destroyed.

When he saw his son's head exposed for public viewing by the riverbed, who knows what his old man thought.

Takasugi, were you the one who egged the old man on? Egged him on? Don't be ridiculous.

His fangs were already showing.

I just polished them.

You seeI know the suffering that old man is going through.

There still remains a black beast of vengeance inside of me, as well.

Thrashing about all day and all night, saying in my ear "k*ll.

k*ll the enemies of my friends.

Make them suffer the way we suffered.

" Gintoki, can't you hear those voices? No, I suppose you can't.

Looking away from the past and living a carefree life You've lost your fangs to indifference-you couldn't understand how we feel.

Don't underestimate me, Takasugi I've got a beast of my own too.

Itwon't move.

But the beast is a white one.

What's its name? He's called Sadaharu.

No waaay! My famed blade, Kotetsu-chan is! Toshi, my Kotetsu-chan got No waaay! Shut up! This isn't the time for that! But I'm still paying off the loan.

No waaay! Hmph.

We keep cutting them down, but they keep coming back.

There's no end.

What was that?! Who are the bad boys who're ruining the festival? Ah! That's the "Festival Music Lover"! An ancient spirit who punishes biker gangs who interfere with festivals! Uh I don't think so.

The god of festivals has come! Victory is ours! Next, we use real b*ll*ts.

Aim carefully, Saburo.


Please stop this right now! The Shogun escaped already.

That so? My eyes are going bad, so I couldn't see that.

Well, that's okay.

Then I'll go after that group called the Shinsengumi.

Hiraga-san! Hey, hey.

That's quite a dangerous show you're putting on out here.

Is it some sort of superhero show? Let me play the hero! You're not good enough for the role.

Out of the way.

Who're you to diss the actor when you wrote such a crappy script? Revenge flicks are so outdated.

You are making Saburo cry.

Which Saburo? Both of them.

Nobody wants something like this.

You know that better than anyone else.

I do know that.

But it hurts so much Letting my son die like that, while this old body continues to live on.

I'm tired of living my life just staring at useless things.

Actually, I don't really give a darn about the Shogun's head.

I fully realize that there's nothing I can to do for someone who died.

All I want is to live by my principles and die.

So get out of my way.

I'll show you no mercy if you get in my way.

I'm not moving.

I have principles I live by, too.

Fire! Saburo! You idiot! Why didn't you fire?! D-Dad I loved watching you work happily on your robotsall covered in grease.

Like a kidplaying, all coveredin mudhaving so muchfun I loved you like that What is it with all of you?! What do you want me to do?! How do you expect me to go on living?! Beats me.

Just live a long life, maybe? [If you see this face, call the police!!]

Looks like you failed.

We had unexpected interference.

I thought he lost his fangs a long time ago, but, boy, was I wrong! When it's to protect something, everyone bares their fangs.

You, who have nothing to protect, are nothing more than a beast, Takasugi.

I'm fine being a beast.

I have nothing to protect, nor do I need one.

I will simply destroy everything until the beast in me stops whining.

Hey, smelly priest! I'm not a smelly priest.

I'm Katsura.

What're you doing? You broke it.

This is a wind-up toy? Hey, stop touching that! Buy it already.

I'm saying buy it! It's fun! Just buy it! He looks pretty happy.


The Masked Loincloth Bandit? He wears a red loincloth on his head and steals pretty girls' underwear to distribute to unpopular guys! The next episode: "Oh, Yeah! Our Crib Is Number One!" [Protect Otae's panties from the pervert! The pride of men: "Panty Guard Corps"]

[Prime time our ass! [Nose hairs]
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