01x03 - Nobody With Naturally Wavy Hair Can Be That Bad

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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01x03 - Nobody With Naturally Wavy Hair Can Be That Bad

Post by bunniefuu »

And so outside of certain areas, we kicked off the Gin Tama anime series with a one hour special full of non-stop laughs and excitement.

This time, we'll be taking a trip back to when Gin and I first met.

[Sorry, we got carried away a little during last week's special.


[This episode, we're starting from when Gin and Shinpachi first meet.


A samurai's sword is not something that is kept in a sheath.

It's something that you hold in your soul.

These days, samurai aren't needed.

But no matter how much times change, there are things that people mustn't forget.

Even if there comes a time when you must give up your sword, you must never lose the unwavering sword kept in your soul.

Father! The cloudless Edo sky I wish I could've seen it one last time.

The land of the samurai.

There was a time, long ago, when our country was called by that name.

Those dream-filled blue skies upon which the samurai once gazed, are now filled with ships from strange worlds.

The towns where the samurai once proudly walked are now filled with swaggering, arrogant aliens.

This is our world today.

This is our city.

No, you idiot! That's not the one! It's right there, there! Nowadays even a chimpanzee could do this! You're human.

You've been working here for more than a year.

Why can't you do this?! II'm sorry.

Swordsmanship is the only thing I've ever done Loser! You're still clinging to your sword?! Samurai and swords are all ancient history now! How long are you going to act as if you're a samurai?! Huh? Oh, come on now Just leave it at that, boss.

Hey, kid, don't you bother with the register.

Just get me some milk.

Oh All right.

Right away.

Sir, you mustn't go so easy on him.

Nah, just that lately whenever I see a samurai, I feel kind of sorry for them.

When we first came here, the samurai were always spoiling for a fight.

But, now, it's as if we've lost an irritable friend.

It's lonely.

So I end up wanting to mess with them.

Twenty years ago, aliens called the Amanto suddenly came to Edo.

The rise of the Amanto led to the decline of the samurai.

What are you doing, Shinpachi?! We were stripped away of our swords and status and we abandoned our honor and everything else.

No, it wasn't only the samurai.

It was everyone in this country Hey.

A samurai?! Who the hell are you?! Strapping on a wooden sword in the age of the Sword Ban! Blah blah blah.

Are you in heat or something? Look at what happened to my chocolate parfait because of your fussing.

All of it spilled out! Wh-What the hell are you doing? Who do you think we are? My doctor told me my blood sugar level was too high So I just have one parfait a week! He was too fierce to be called a samurai, but too focused to be called a thug.

Tell your manager that it tasted great.

["Nobody With Naturally Wavy Hair Can Be That Bad"]


[Oedo Shop]

All right, all right, out of the way.

Oh! There he is! So you're the one who's waving around a wooden sword and causing a riot! All right, don't move.

Hold on Wait.

You're mistaken! Hey, Yashichi! Check inside! Yes, sir! Uh-oh It's the ambassador from Chatoran.

This is an international incident Do you realize what you've done? I told you, it wasn't me! The man who did it already ran off! Yeah, yeah, that's what they always say.

Next time make your excuses after you hide your w*apon.

I'm going to file a report.

Come with us to the station.

Huh? [Denny's]

[Oedo Shop]

What?! It just doesn't feel right I get all cranky if I don't have some sugar.

How dare you make me take the blame, you bastard! Everything's a mess because of you! What an honest kid.

You came to give me back my wooden sword? It's okay.

It's just something I bought on a school trip.

That's not it! I just barely managed to get away from the cops! I keep telling them they've got it wrong, but they won't listen to a samurai! My manager even said that I was the m*rder*r You got sacked, eh? A clerk who can't use a cash register is about as useless as a mom who can't make fried rice.

Just what did you say about my mother?! You're getting all worked up just because you got fired Nowadays, there isn't anyone who will hire a samurai! How am I supposed to survive from now on?! Damn it! Quit your whining, you four-eyed idiot! Don't think that you're the only one who's got problems! In this world, there are samurai who call cardboard boxes their homes! Can't you be more positive like them? Do you even know the meaning of the word "positive"?! Oh.

Shin? What are you doing here? Why aren't you at work? Ack! Sis! Oh, hi.

What are you doing screwing around not working, you little punk! Do you know what kind of trouble we're in this month?! Even your pathetic paycheck is crucial! W-Wait, Sis! This is all his fault.

Hey, wait! Sorry, gotta catch a rerun of a soap opera this evening.

[Kodokan Dojo]

I'm really sorry.

That was my big intro scene, so I got a little excited I kinda went overboard.

I'm sorry.

If "sorry" was enough, we wouldn't have seppuku.

Thanks to you, our dojo may not be able continue to exist.

It's been twenty years since national isolation was lifted Amanto began to come here from far-off planets and Edo has grown beyond recognition But samurai and swords Those who once held power are now dying out one by one.

The same goes for our dojo Because of the ban on swords, all of our students have left.

Right now, the two of us take part-time jobs in order to try to keep it going.

Even so, we try to protect the dojo that our father left behind for us.

We've been trying so hard until now, but Because of you It's all over, you idiot! Calm down, Sis! Was your sister raised by gorillas? Wait, wait! Calm down I can't commit seppuku, but I do clean up my own messes.

What is this? A business card? [Odd Jobs - Gintoki Sakata]

Odd Jobs, Gintoki Sakata.

You can't be too picky about jobs these days, right? My business is to do whatever I'm asked to do.

I'm Mr.

"Odd Jobs" Gin.

If you've got problems, I'll solve them, no matter what You're the one who's causing us problems! Find me a job, damn you! Calm down! I can't find you a job, but I can teach you a chant so you won't be nervous at interviews No thank you! Sis It's just impossible to run a sword dojo in this day and age Swords won't ever be revived again.

We don't have anything to gain by desperately protecting this dojo This isn't about profit or gain Does a child really need a reason to protect the things that its parents cherished? But, Sis, what did Father ever do for us? Today I'm definitely going to make you pay me back.

I can't take it anymore! Now I'm really getting irritated! Hey, are you in debt? You're leading pretty dangerous lives, for a couple of kids We didn't do it.

It was Father Shin! What the hell are you blabbering about?! Hurry up and bring me my money, stupid! I gotta get home, my favorite soap opera is on.

Wait a minute, today is Shut up! I've been waiting ever since your pop was still alive! I'm starting to go bald! You promised that you'd sell the dojo if you couldn't pay! You're going to keep that promise! Wait a moment Why?! That's good enough, isn't it? You don't need to feel obligated to your stupid father who left you nothing but debt when he died! Get rid of this dojo.

You little What the hell are you doing?! Sis! You fool Do you think that I won't hurt you just because you're a woman?! What?! That's enough.

Even though she was raised by gorillas, she's still a woman.

Who the hell are you?! Does this dojo still have students?! Honestly, the lot of you Forget the dojo! But I'm going to make you work to pay off your debt.

[High-Leg Shabu Shabu Heaven]

I've started a new business.

It's called High-Leg Shabu Shabu Heaven.

H-High Leg?! Wh-Why?! Because I like girls in high-leg outfits, of course! [Heaven]

Well, simply put, it's a flying nightclub.

Technically, they're prohibited in Edo now.

But if it's in the sky, it'll be out of sight from government officials.

I can do whatever I want.

It'll be shabu shabu time while I get to stare at girls in high-leg outfits! I'll ensnare my customers with sleaze! I've gathered beauties from many worlds, but you'd be more than welcome.

Well, it comes down to either selling this dojo or selling yourself.

Which will it be? No way! She'd never do something like that.

All right.

I'll go.

What a dutiful daughter you are.

Hold on Sis! Why would you do this?! We've done enough, haven't we?! Hey! Sis! Shin, it's as you say.

Nothing good will come from saving this dojo only pain.

But it's also painful to let go.

It's painful to keep or to discard something that you can never get back If it's going to be painful either way, I'd rather suffer trying to protect it.

What the hell?! Damn it! My stupid sister! She keeps talking about Father.

What did baldy ever do for us?! He only played Othello with us once in a while! Was your dad bald? Well, he was mentally bald.

Hey, you're still here?! And why are you cooking in my house?! Well, I can't go on without eating something sweet periodically.

Then make something easier! Shouldn't you go after your sister? I don't care.

It was her decision to leave.

She really is my Father's daughter.

She's just like him.

Father was a good-natured person who always talked about duty and compassion.

Because of that, he got taken advantage of and died in debt.

Why was he so careless? I don't want to die with only grand principles to my name.

But no matter how much times change, there are things that people mustn't forget.

Does a child really need a reason to protect the things that its parents cherished? That kind of thinking only gets in the way nowadays.

I plan on living smarter and longer.

Is that so? But you don't seem very smart to me.

Samurai don't need a reason to act.

If they have something they have to protect, they should draw their sword.

Do you love your sister? "Watch the beautiful sunset from heaven," "first boat leaves this afternoon at four.

" This is bad! The ship's about to leave! Can't you go any faster?! Hey, safety first.

That's my motto It'll also hurt if we crash.

Now's not the time to be saying that! Sis is in high-leg shabu shabu danger! Hey! You, without the helmet, stop! What are you saying? We don't need road traffic laws in this day and age.

That's true, but it'll hurt if you crash.

I'm just telling you because I'm concerned.

I'm all right.

I have a hard head.

Huh?! What?! I'm trying to be considerate! It really hurts! It's terrible! Shut up.

I'm telling you that it's hard! I've got a nose bleed! I've got a nose bleed! And at my age! The Shabu Shabu Heaven has taken off! What are we going to do?! It's so high up! Sis! Damn him Mocking me like that! After him! Yes, sir! Hey, you! Do you think that you can outrun the police?! [Oedo Police]

I'm Otae.

Please treat me gently.

I told you, that's not how you do it! You're supposed to show more cleavage there! Stupid! I've never had cleavage before in my life! Oh, sorry.

You couldn't show any even if you wanted to.

Fine! Next we'll work on your technique! It's time to put on your high-leg outfit and give us some shabu shabu heaven! Hold on That cut is This cut is what we're going for.

What's wrong? Put it on already.

If you've lost your nerve now, it's too late! If you think that I'm going to go easy on you just because we're on prime-time, you're mistaken.

This is for your dojo.

So buck up, little soldier! What's that?! Hold on.

What's going on?! Boss! What's going on?! A car crashed into us.

This is bad.

It's a police car! The cops are onto us! Don't worry.

It's just a rental.


Odd Jobs at your service! Sis! You haven't put on that high-leg outfit yet, right?! Shin?! What the hell are you doing?! We've come to get my sister back! You idiot! Don't any of you understand that it's too late already?! Your dojo won't be any safer after this! I don't care about the dojo.

I want a dojo where my sister is always smiling.

If I have to see my sister cry I don't need the dojo! Shin Fool! What can just the two of you do? Get them! Hey, I'll distract 'em.

Go find an escape pod or something and get outta here.

Wh-What about you? You just think about protecting your sister.

I'll protect what I want to protect.

What the hell are you going on about? Die! All right! Next! Who is this guy?! What? H-His style is crazy but strong! Shinichi! Go! It's "Shinpachi," you idiot! Shin! Will he be all right? Why is he doing this for us? I don't know! But he'll come back! Because I sense it in him! The thing that Father talked about.

He really came back! That was tough! It was far tougher than I thought! Try a little harder! You didn't even last a minute! You idiot! It's really tough to make a minute-long anime! Just find an escape pod right now! Where are we? The engine room?! It's a dead end.

Let's end this game of tag.

How pathetic The samurai who once protected the country with their swords are now good-for-nothings who can't even protect a single girl.

There's nothing for you to protect.

This country This sky, they all belong to us, the Amanto.

The country? The sky? You can have 'em.

I'm busy protecting the things in front of me.

I don't know how many things I have failed to protect.

I don't have anything left, but at least if I find something falling before me I want to pick it up! What pathetic warrior spirit I've had enough of you! Die! Hold on Sir, no! What'll happen if we hit the you-know-what? We'll die along with the ship.

O-Oh no, I forgot Hey, he's climbing it! Hey! Hey, wait! That's not good! That's the ship's engine core.

What's precious to my client is precious to me.

In order to protect them I'll do anything! No! He really did it! What is this floating sensation? I feel sick! Is this thing falling?! Are we falling?! Luckily we were over the ocean, but who knows what would have happened if we had fallen on the town.

I've never seen such a crazy samurai.

But In the end, he saved us.

What?! I aided in the arrest of ruffians who were disturbing the peace in Edo! You can let the fact that I borrowed a police car slide! "Borrowed"? My car and I are a complete wreck! You've always been a wreck! You actually look even better like that.

Seriously?! What part? Sis, I Go.

You found something in him, right? Go and find your sword.

I'll look for it my own way.

It's all right.

I won't do anything rash anymore.

I don't want to see you cry either.

Sis Even if there comes a time when you must give up your sword, you must never lose the unwavering sword kept in your soul.


What sort of soul does this guy have? It's very difficult to tell.

I think it's dim but it's definitely shining.

Right now, I think I'd like to watch it shine for a while.


Oh no! I forgot that Jump goes on sale today! Should I use this opportunity to grow out of it? No! Men are boys at heart until they die! The next episode: "Watch Out! Weekly Shonen JUMP Sometimes Comes Out on Saturdays!" A super strong beautiful heroine who's a big eater? Kagura appears!! Come over again, Sorachi-san.

Next time, let's go to that store.

I wish I could sh**t something like Getsuga Tensho, too
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