03x05 - The Homing Pigeon

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Father Knows Best". Aired: October 3, 1954 - May 23, 1960.*
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The series, which began on radio in 1949, follows the lives of the Andersons, a middle-class family living in the town of Springfield.
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03x05 - The Homing Pigeon

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ ♪

Narrator: robert young...

And jane wyatt...


With elinor donahue, billy
gray, and lauren chapin...

In father knows best.

[Pigeon cooing]

Take it easy, mable.

Your charlie will be home.

What's the report
from the pigeon family?

Charlie ought to be
coming in any minute now.

Oh, let's see.

Claude and his dad
released him at rockford,

That's 100 miles from here.

The homing pigeon
averages 40 miles an hour.

How long will it
take him to get home?

About two and a half hours.

When claude phoned,
they said they tossed him

At exactly 11 o'clock a.m.

Well, it's 1:30 now.

If he didn't run into headwinds,
he should be buzzing the field.

Anderson pigeon
fort calling charlie,

Anderson to charlie,
you're cleared for landing.

Come in on east-west runway.

Look out for television antenna.

Over. [Canned laughter]

He'll circle a couple of
times before he comes in.

He always does.

Sort of hard to
see up into the sun.

I got kathy in an upstairs
window to watch for him.

[Canned laughter]

Hey, bud! Here he comes!

There he is!

Charlie's coming!
He's home, my dove!

He's coming!

[Canned laughter]

Come on, dopey!
Charlie's coming.

He's gonna land!

I hope he lands on
his head. [Canned laughter]

Thank heaven, when I
move into my apartment,

I wouldn't have those
awful pigeons around.

Mom, he's coming in!

Give him room to land.

[Pigeon cooing]

Good 'ol charlie.

How do you like
that, a hundred miles,

Clear from rocksford,

In two and a half
hours, right on the nose.

Oh, let me kiss him.

Take it easy. Now let
him go in his house.

He's had a long trip and
his wife's waiting for him.

I'll bet he's one tired bird.

No, he's in great shape.

I'll let him rest tomorrow,

And then the next day he'll
be ready for the big test.

The big test?

Yeah, the long
flight, 500 miles.

Oh, no.

Eddie frazer, one
of the truck drivers,

Delivers ice cream
to the malt shops,

Said he'd take him up to
green falls on his next trip

And release him up there.

Five hundred miles
from home? [Pigeon cooing]

Sure, but he can make it back.

Can he, dad?

I think so.

Well done,
charlie. [Pigeon cooing]

How does he find his way home?

Well, kitten, that's one of
the great mysteries of nature...

No one knows.

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[Clock ticking]

[Phone ringing]

[Phone ringing]


[Phone ringing]

Is that the phone, doorbell?

What's ringing?

I'm getting it.


Is that you, bud? This is eddie.

I'm talking from a farmhouse
just outside of green falls.

Yeah, great.

Have you got
charlie? Is he okay?

Oh, he's fine.
Ready to take off.

The fellow that owns the
place here has him out in the field.

He's gonna let him go just
as soon I give him the high sign.

Are you ready?

[Clock ticking]

Okay, toss him.

Let him go!

[Wings flapping]

He's off and flying, bud.

It's a long 500 miles.

Thanks a lot, eddie.

I'll... I'll pay you for the long
distance call when you get back.



Come in.

Mom, dad, he's off!

Who's off? What happened?

Well, that phone
call is from eddie,

The truck driver
from green falls,

And he just tossed charlie.

Oh, where did he
toss him? In the air.

He's on his way. He's
flying home 500 miles.

Well, that's fine. I
hope he has a fine trip.

Let's see, 500 miles
at 40 miles an hour,

That's 12-1/2 hours,
at 5:30 this morning.

5:30 To 5:30 this evening is...

He ought to be coming
in at 6 o'clock tonight.

[Canned laughter]

Are we gonna have any breakfast?

At 5:30 in the morning?

Go on back to bed. [Snoring]

[Comic music]

♪ ♪

[Canned laughter]

Let's see, it's 8 a.m. Now,

That means he's been
flying two and a half hours.

That's a hundred miles.

He ought to be
just over clinton.

Darn pigeons.

Mother, I was thinking...

Where does he stop?

What do you mean?

Where does he stop
for lunch? Mother...

A homing pigeon that's
heading home never stops

Unless something happens to him.

But nothing is gonna
happen to him, is it?

That's enough about
charlie for now.

Put the map away and
eat your breakfast.

Mom, I can't eat. I'm
a bundle of nerves.

Charlie is way out there
in the wild blue yonder,

Flying around all alone.

Well, I gotta keep track of him.

Mother, as I were saying...

It looks like they're gonna
put that new highway through.

Say, dad, can I see the
middle section in the paper?

Financial section?

No, weather forecast. Oh.

Just the northern
part of the state.

You should have given
charlie a weather chart

Before he took off.

Oh, thanks, honey.

Now, may I say what
I've been trying to say

For the last 15 minutes?

Go right ahead, princess.

You have the floor, or
the table as the case may be.

[Canned laughter]

I'm going to move.



But where're you going to move?

Erwinville, high cloudiness
and scattered showers.

With jean barrette,

Uh, you know jean? Yes.

Well, her folks are in
europe for a couple of months,

And jean is living in an
apartment while they're gone.

Last week, she asked me if
I'd like to move in with her.

It's a real nice apartment

And... And you both
know the barrettes...

Princess, um,

There's no question
about jean or her parents.

Just the idea of
you, all of a sudden,

Pulling up stakes.

Leaving home and
living in an apartment,

It's, uh, kind of
a serious move.

Well, you've mentioned
the apartment,

But I did not know what
you were talking about?

The whole thing
is sort of sudden.

What, uh, brought all this on?

Low fog in the foothills.

Look, it's something
I've always wanted to do.

And with jean and i,
we'd be going to state,

We've been planning
on being roommates.

Then, you know, you-

You never really know someone
until you've lived with them.

Well, it's not as if I was
moving to the north pole

Or something.

The wellington arms apartment
is just over here on glen oaks.

It's about five blocks.

Is mommy going with
you? Of course not.

Who's gonna find
your stockings for you

In the morning?

I'll find my own stockings.

You never have yet.

You and mother don't seem
to realize that I'm growing up.

I'm not a child anymore.

I... I... I can't live
at home all my life.

I have to make the
break sometime,

So why not make it now? Well?

We, um, can't give you an
answer right this moment, betty.

Uh, your mother and I will
talk about it after breakfast.

Well, what's there
to talk about?

I never should have let him go.



He's flying straight
into a thunderstorm.

I know exactly how he feels.

[Canned laughter]

Mabel getting lonesome?

She just looked up at me
and said, "where's charlie?"

[Chuckles] [canned laughter]

Patient wife waiting for
her flier to come home.

Take it easy, old girl.

It won't be long.

Um, betty's upstairs.

What are we gonna to do
about this apartment thing?

Well, honey, a year ago,
it would have been easy.

We could have said
sorry and nothing doing.

[Pigeon cooing]

That would have
been the end of it.

Now, it's not quite so simple.

But she's still too
young to leave home.

Sure, but she'll point to jean.

Jean's parents let her
live in an apartment.

Well, jean barrette's
older than betty.

I know, honey, but that
doesn't mean anything to betty.

Well, how are we
gonna talk her out of it?

Just between you and
me, I don't think we are.

Look, we could say,

"No, you can't move into
the apartment with jean."

We could lay down the law and
be within our rights as parents,

And betty would obey.

But inside, she'd feel that
we were being just arbitrary,

That we didn't understand,
that we didn't trust her.

And that's no good.

Under the circumstances,

I think it would be smarter to
gamble on her own common sense.

Well, if it was about
anything else, I'd agree.

But the chance to
move into an apartment,

Oh, it sounds so
glamorous and so exciting.

It... It's such a temptation
to a girl of her age.

I know, dear.

I was 18... Once.
[Canned laughter]

Sure, it's a temptation.

But I don't think
she'll fall for it

If we just leave her alone.

After all, when
conditions are right,

Home is the very
best place to be.

Not because we
taught betty this.

Love of home is instinctive
in almost every living thing.

Take these pigeons for instance.

Well, it's true.

This morning at green falls,
charlie was tossed into the air,

Given his freedom.

Why doesn't he fly away?

[Door opens]

Off to the woods and fields
instead of back at his box?

[Door closes]

It's home.

So... What do we do about betty?

We let her go.

Toss her into the air
and give her her freedom.

And then?

Then we do what bud is doing.


[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪



Come in.

♪ ♪

What's the verdict?

Betty, are you sure you
thought this move over?


Sure, I have.

This isn't just a
spur-of-the-moment thing,


What did father say?

Oh, we are leaving it up to you.


If you feel that moving
in the apartment with jean

Is the right thing to do,

If you feel that
you'll be happier there

Than you are here at home...

Then you are free to go.

♪ ♪


You don't have to make
up your mind right away.

Think it over.

Weather bureau?

I'd like some information...
About the weather.

Yeah, uh, flying conditions.

No, I'm not flying myself.
This is for a pigeon.

[Canned laughter]

Now, he's somewhere
between here and green falls,

About half way, I think.

What was the reaction?

Maybe this was
the right approach.

What's the weather now
around harperstown?

That's where he ought to be.

What'd she say? Nothing.

But I think we're
on the right track.

She's doing a lot of thinking.

Well, leaving the decision up to
her seemed to make a difference.

She may see it in a new light.

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪



Thank you very much.

The weather bureau says

It's raining at
harperstown right now.

Storm front's moving in,

And all the airlines
are grounded.

[Thunder rolling]

He'll probably
follow this valley,

But it's raining
pitchforks right in here.

Well, the rain won't bother him.

Well, he can't fly
if he's soaking wet.

He won't get wet.

Pigeons have a powder
on their feathers like dust.

It's called moult.

Sheds water like a raincoat.

Any word from charlie?

What do you expect him to
do, call us up on the phone?

When is he gonna be home?

He ought to be here
about 6 o'clock tonight.

I wish I was a pigeon.

[Canned laughter]

[Door closes]

Betty, come down yet?

I haven't seen her.

I presumed no news is good news.

I never shoulda let him go.

Oh, charlie will
find his way home.


He's never flown this far
before, and he's so young.

The weather is
bad and everything.

Son, when a homing
pigeon is coming home,

He's a hard bird to stop.

There have been cases on record

Where a pigeon has
flown over 7,000 miles.

They come home after
being att*cked by hawks

And shot by hunters.

There's even the case on
record where a pigeon was injured

And couldn't fly and
actually walked home.

Really? Yeah.

So, you don't have to
worry about charlie.

Wherever he is right now, he
has only one thought in mind,

And that is to...

[Dramatic music]

Where are you going?

What's the idea of the suitcase?

Well, mother said you
were leaving it up to me.

I... I've decided to
move in with jeanie.

Oh, well, you... You were
gonna think about it.

I... I did. I thought
a lot about it.

Well, uh... Uh,

Isn't this rushing it a bit?

I feel when a person's
going to make a move like this,

She should... Should
make it right now.

Go and get it over with.

But you... You can't leave home
like this, just... Just walk out.

Oh, mother, I'll only
be five blocks away.

I have enough
things for tonight,

And tomorrow I'll come over
and get the rest of my junk.

Are you moving?

To the wellington
arms, apartment 3.

Is she really going?

You heard what she said.

You won't be here
when charlie gets home.

Oh, it'll break my heart, but
I'll try to bear up under it.


Goodbye, shrimp.


Goodbye, bud.

So long.

Bye, mother.

Don't worry.

I'll be all right.


Bye, father.

Wait a second.

I'll drive you over.


I'll be in the car.

[Door closes]

Jim, we... We can't
let her go like this.

Well, it's too late
to stop her now.

We've tossed her in the air.

She knows where home is.

Let's see which way she flies.

[Jolly music]

♪ ♪

[Doorbell buzzes]

Oh, there's something about
an apartment, isn't there?

Yes, I suppose.

I'm not quite sure what it is.

[Door clicks open]

Well, hi, betty.

Hi, jeanie.

Oh, can you stay? Uh-huh.

Oh, how wonderful!


Oh, jeanie, you know my father?

Oh, sure.

Huh, nice to see
you, mr. Anderson.

Hello, jean.

Oh, well, come on in but
don't look at anything,

The place is a mess.

Oh. Isn't it horrible?

I never seem to get
anything put away.

I think my mother and dad
ever saw this, they'd have a fit.

Oh, who cares?

Isn't it adorable, father?

Hmm? Quite comfortable.

Just put your
suitcase in the bedroom.


Oh, thanks, for
bringing me over, father.

Oh, can't you stay for
a while, mr. Anderson?

No, no, i... I'd, uh,
better get back.

Oh, well, it was nice
seeing you again.

Sure, goodbye.

Bye. Bye-bye.


[Door closes]

[Canned laughter]

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[Thunder rumbling]

Charlie home yet?

Where is he?

He'll be here, kitten.

It seems kind of
funny without betty.

[Wind gusting]


It's only the wind.

[Wind gusting]

[Thunder rumbles]

Are the windows upstairs closed?


[Suspense music]

♪ ♪

It's almost 6:30.

Where do you think charlie is?

Well, quit worrying,
bud, and eat your dinner.

He'll come home.

I'm not hungry.

I wonder what betty's
having for dinner?

You know what time it is?

Who cares?

Oh, it's after 6:30.

Okay, what about it?

Well, it's dinner time,
shouldn't we eat?

Oh, what's your rush?

Eat when you feel like it.

You're not at home
now, remember?

You don't have to live
by that darned old clock.

Your family is
probably just like mine.

Eight o'clock in the
morning, so we eat breakfast,

12 O'clock noon,
so you eat lunch'

6 O'clock, so you eat supper.

Forget all of that.

[Breathes heavily] we're free.

We can eat whenever
we feel like it.


Well, look, if you want
to eat something, go ahead.

I have a date with
larry tonight.

We'll probably get a
hamburger out somewhere.

You're going out?

Uh-huh, later.

Oh, there's some salami
and eggs, and stuff

In the refrigerator

If you wanna fix
yourself something.

[Soft music]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

I bet it's gonna
rain like crazy.

Just sure hope larry can get
the top up on his convertible.

[Thunder rumbles]

It's gonna be
raining in a minute.

I... I got to go out
and watch for charlie.

Well, you have to eat something.

I can't, mom, my stomach
is all twisted up.

I got to get out there.

The thunder's probably
scared mabel, she's all alone.

Wait, bud. Where are you going?

I got to go out and help
bud watch for charlie.

What about your dinner?

I'm not hungry.

[Thunder rumbles]

I know I shouldn't
worry about betty,

She's only a few blocks away.

But the fact that
she's left home

To live away from us,
and that we let her go,

Oh, it scares me, jim.

But we had to let her go, honey.

We had to let her try it.

But she's not a little
girl just playing games.

She's not gonna come running
back as soon as it gets dark.

I'm afraid she's
called our bluff.

I'm not hungry.

[Thunder rolling]

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[Thunder rolling]

♪ ♪

[Clock ticking]

♪ ♪

[Thunder rolling]

[Pigeon cooing]

Oh, I feel so sorry for bud.

I know just what
he's going through.

Me too.

We've both set our pigeons free,

And we're wondering
if they'll come home.

Storm's coming awful fast, dad.

Is charlie all right, daddy?

Do you think something
has happened to him?

No. Don't you
worry about charlie.

It's just taking him a
little longer to get home

Than bud figured that's all.

It's not the time
that bothers me.

It's the storm.

It's coming right in from the
north, that's where he's flying.

After all, you see
all that lightning,

That's where
he is. [Pigeon cooing]

Oh, don't be so upset, bud.

Look at mable, she is calm.

She knows that charlie
is going to come home.

Does charlie love mable, daddy?

Yes, he does, kitten.

She's his wife.

Homing pigeons
are very faithful.

Charlie and mable would
be married to each other

All their lives.

[Thunder rumbling]

It's getting too close, dad.

He's never gonna make it.

Don't give up, bud.
There's still time.

He... He could be flying
ahead of the storm.

You don't know.

[Pigeon cooing]

We better go in, dear.

Oh, you take kathy in.

Bud and I will wait a
couple of more minutes.

Come along, angel.

I wanna stay out here
and watch for charlie.

You can watch from inside.

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Why are you waiting
out here with me, dad?

You know he's never gonna come.

Why are you're kidding me?

I'm not kidding you,
bud. I think he will.

I think he'll fly through wind,
and rain, and storm, and night

To get here.

I don't think anything will
stop him from coming home.

♪ ♪

This is where he wants to be.

This is security and... And
shelter and... And warmth.

And here are the
things he loves.

The darker the night
and the worse the storm,

The... More important
they become.

This is home, bud.

He's got to come home.

It's too late, dad.

[Thunder rumbling]

I saw him, dad.

I saw him in the lightning.

He's... He's coming, dad.

Mom, he's coming.

Charlie! Charlie!


Oh, poor little fellow,
he must be freezing cold.

Five hundred miles he flew,
through the rain in the dark,

Always flying, never stopping.

Mabel's happy.

Oh, it's just miraculous to
me how he ever found his way.

How do they do it?

There's a poem by
william cullen bryant

About another bird that
might give us the answer.

It's in this anthology.

If I recall correctly it goes,

"There is a power whose care,

"Teaches thy way along
that boundless coast,

"Long wandering, but not lost.

"All day thy wings have
fanned at that far height,

"The cold, thin
atmosphere, yet stoop not,

Weary to the welcome land,
though the dark night is near."

Oh, here it is margaret.

"He who, from zone to zone,

"Guides through the
boundless sky thy certain flight,

"In the long way that
I must tread alone,

Will lead my steps aright."


[Theme music]
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