06x06 & 06x07 - Taking a Chance on Love

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Facts of Life". Aired: August 24, 1979 - May 7, 1988.*
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Spin-off of Diff'rent Strokes; focuses on Edna as she becomes a housemother at the fictional Eastland School, an all-girls boarding school.
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06x06 & 06x07 - Taking a Chance on Love

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ You take the good,
you take the bad ♪

♪ You take 'em both
and there you have ♪

♪ The facts of life,
the facts of life ♪

♪ There's a time you
gotta go and show ♪

♪ You're growin'
now you know about ♪

♪ The facts of life,
the facts of life ♪

♪ When the world never seems ♪

♪ To be livin' up
to your dreams ♪

♪ And suddenly
you're findin' out ♪

♪ The facts of life
are all about you ♪

♪ You ♪

♪ It takes a lot
to get 'em right ♪

♪ When you're learnin'
the facts of life ♪

♪ Learnin' the facts of life ♪

♪ Learnin' the facts of life ♪

♪ Learnin' the facts of life ♪

♪ Learnin' the facts of life ♪♪

Look at ansel adams.

Now, he shot in still life.

His photographs had a
tremendous amount of movement.

I mean, you... You could
feel the trees swaying.

You could hear the
rush of a waterfall.

Oh, I wish our
photographs had movement.

They do. They're blurred.

Don't worry about
that. I'll teach you

All the mechanics of the camera.

But what I want is
for you to discover

The art of photography.

All I wanna do is take
pictures at christmas

Without cutting
everybody's heads off.

Speaking of art,

You must see my still
life series on zucchini.

Art isn't zucchini.

Art is what's hanging
in the guggenheim.

Oh, jo, you're getting
hung up on labels.

Art isn't a word.

It's anything that touches you,
anything that makes you feel.

Oh, that's so true, mr. Hall.

You know, after
taking your class,

I have a meaningful experience

Every time I use my brownie.


Penny, we have french class.

Oh, mais oui! Bye, jo.

Au revoir, monsieur hall.

Au revoir.

I'll rush over those zucchini
photos right away, sir.

Thank you. [Laughing]

Well, don't expect any
museum pieces from me.

You see, I don't do art.

Wanna bet?

What do you mean?

Okay, think.

Hasn't there been something
that's really moved you...

Besides the subway?

No, you'll laugh.

Maybe, but take a shot.

I have always been fascinated

By the grand concourse

That runs through the bronx.


I mean, the way the buildings
sh**t up along the sides.

It... It makes me feel like

I'm deep inside
the grand canyon.

That's good, that's good.

You see, you've mentally
composed a picture

That gives you a feeling
beyond the reality of it.

You've discovered art.

I did? Mm-hmm.

Oh, huh.

You know, well, don't
tell this to anybody.


When I was a kid, I used to go

Up on the roof at night

And watch the lights
from the traffic...

Can you believe
a city kid like me

In the jungles of el salvador
taking pictures for upi?

[Both chuckling]

Anyway, before that, I
was in the peace corps.

I taught 55 aborigines
health care, crop rotation,

And how to use a frisbee.


I bet you got some
great pictures.


You gotta be careful how
you take an aborigine's picture.

If you cut off his head,
he returns the favor.


I don't believe this,
it's 3:00 already.

Can I have a check? Sure.

Uh, well, what do I owe?

Oh, no, no, that's
okay, I got it.

Oh, come on, everybody chips in.

No, i, uh...

I'd really like to
take care of this.

Come on, you shouldn't
have to pay for me, I mean...

It's not like this is a date.

Of course not.

I mean, i... I don't
date my students.

There you go with
those labels again.

What does the word
"date" mean, anyway?

I don't know.

Well, it's certainly something
more than one person

Paying for someone
else's doughnut.

All right, uh...

I guess, it's... It's
two people... Yeah.

Together... Yeah.

Talking and enjoying
each other's company.


That's kind of like
what we're doing.


Except, this still isn't a date.

This is a conversation
among five people.

Only, three of them have left.

Anyway, if this were
a date, you'd worry

About having powdered
sugar on your nose.

No, I wouldn't.

That's good. 'Cause you do.

Anyway, uh...

I think people get
too hung up on labels.

Oh, you're right.

You know, when I first
came up to private school,

I was called this tough
kid from the bronx.

I mean, it was true.

[Laughing] but...

No, I was a lot of
other things, too.

Has anyone noticed that
something very mysterious

Is going on with jo?

I'll say, she's on the
phone every night.

So what?

In the closet?

Well, there is a
rumor around campus.

So, spread it.

They say jo's dating sam hall.


So now we've got jo dating

Some guy named
sam hall. What else?

Oh, he's not just a guy.

He's her photography teacher.


Now that's a rumor.

Doesn't the school have
rules about these things?


Oh, well, he's probably
just a teaching assistant

Right out of college.

Oh, no, he's 30.


I'll bet he shaves.

Every day.

Well, what does he look like?

I mean, is it serious?

Oh, that's enough, tootie.

There's nothing
worse than a snoop.

Hi, jo, what's new?

Did you know there's
an audubon museum

On monroe street? Mm-mm.

I didn't even know it was there

'Til a friend told me about it.

A friend? Yeah.

So I walked home that
way and there it was,

Just like he said it would be.

Right in my own back yard.

Oh, a he friend.

Sam hall! I told you,
jo's dating sam hall.

I understand he's a teacher.

I see blair's mouth
is open for business.

And you two are dating?

Mrs. Garrett...

Dating is... Is just a label.

I see.

Then, if you're not dating,

What is it that you
and this man are doing?

Look, we're spending
time together.

Like a couple of days ago,

We went to this japanese garden.

They have these little tiny
trees that they cut back

So they look like
really big trees,

Only they're still really tiny.

It's not as dull as it sounds.

So are you crazy about him?

Tootie, we have a
good time together.

He's a nice guy, and I learn
a lot when I'm with him.

End of report.

Hey, jo.

Sam, hi.

I was across the
street at the bank.

I thought I saw you.


So, uh, this is where
you work, huh?


And we're who she works with.

Hi, sam hall.

Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

This is, uh, natalie and blair.

[Overlapping greetings]

And, uh, tootie
and mrs. Garrett.

Hi... Oh, mrs. Garrett,
nice to meet you.

How do you do?

Smells like you make
the kind of croissants

Nobody makes anymore.

I do.

I mean, I try.

It certainly is a
pleasure meeting you.

You've probably noticed
me in the halls at langley.

Well... No.

Well, there's usually a
mob of people around me.

Listen, I had a
brainstorm last night.

What's the last thing

You thought you'd
be doing this weekend?

Lion taming?

No, that's next weekend.

Oh. [Laughing]

What do you think
about horseback riding?

On a horse? Mm-hmm.


Jo, on a horse?

[Blair laughing]

Is there something
funny about that, blair?

No, no.

Listen, I know you've
never ridden before

But there's always a first time.

Right, right.

Great, I'll pick
you up at 8:00 a.m.

That way, we'll get 'em
while they're still feisty.

Oh, terrific.

I'll see you tomorrow.

Very nice meeting
you all. You too.

[Overlapping farewells]

See you later. See ya.

[Door closing]

Don't say it.

I am gonna do it,
and I'm gonna love it.

A lot.


Whoa, horsey.

I did it, I can't believe it!

I rode a horse!

I don't think buttercup
quite believes it either.

Most riders don't
thr*aten to slug their horse

If it doesn't stop.

I only did that once,
in the beginning.

You were terrific.

I got him to start,
I got him to stop,

It was incredible!

I can't believe this.

I never would've done
any of this without you.


Well, uh...

We'd better walk the horses out.

There's some beautiful
trails down there.


Come on.

The hamburgers are almost done.

Oh, thanks nat.

Oh, I'm so hungry, I
could eat a horse.

Tootie... Don't say that word.

Why, is there something about
the hamburgers I don't know?

Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot.

Don't worry, jo,
everybody's a little sore

After their first
time horseback riding.

Not this sore.

I'm a walking muscle spasm.

Oh, mrs. G, do you
think I could, uh,

Get some photographs of you?

Me? Oh, of course.

But, uh, without any makeup.

I think not.

Oh, come on, I want
to get stark reality.

Take pictures of new jersey.

Come on, mrs. G. Look,
sam has taught me

That if you wanna see things,

You gotta get
close, really close.

Blair, where's dinner?


So speaking of sam
and getting closer,

Are you and sam getting closer?

Natalie, being with
someone who knows so much

Is an education
for me. [Grunting]

So, what's tomorrow's
lecture about?

Oh, we're going up
to mahopac park.

Sam is doing his thesis
on macro photography.

That's where you photograph
spiders and centipedes

Up close and personal.

Well, there goes my appetite.

Oh, that reminds me.

Look, do you think
you could pack us

A little something
to eat for the trip?

Sure, what do you need?

Well, some fried chicken,

Some cheese, a loaf of bread.


Sounds like a picnic to me.

Well, it's not.

It's a thesis... With food.

Yeah, you need
that loaf of bread

To lure those centipedes
up to the camera.


[Can top popping]

You'll scare them away.

Oh, I didn't know
spiders had ears.

Besides, we've been
waiting for two hours.

I guess he's out
crawling with the guys.

Lunch looks great.

Did you prepare all this?

None of it.

It's all courtesy of mrs. G.

Besides, who would have time?

I've been so busy
with, uh, horses

And little japanese trees.

You know, the past few
days have been really special.

I know.

I was there.

You know, maybe
I should sprinkle

Some crumbs on the blanket.

If you can't find any spiders,

At least we could get a few
interesting sh*ts of ants.

Let's forget the
bugs for a while

And move up to a
slightly higher life form.

I'll take your picture.
No... Ah, come on.


Over here.

I'll call this...

"Beautiful girl from
the bronx meets tree."

Mail's here.

Garrett, garrett,
garrett... Ramsey?

Blair, your neiman's catalog.

Oh, thank goodness.

Occupant. That's me.

Garrett, garrett... Oh, look,

There's a letter
for a jo polniaczek.


You know, that polish
kid who used to work here.

Natalie, if you had the choice,

Would you be in
here pricing mustard

Or in there by the fireplace
with your boyfriend?

Man friend.

Well, I'm gonna take
jo's mail into her.

That looks important.

Blair, nothing with ed
mcmahon's picture on it

Can be that important.

Yes, it can.

She may have already
won her dream rv.

Jo: hi. Did I get any mail?

Oh, nothing important.

So... How's the game going?

Oh, it's great. I'm k*lling him.

I rolled a double
and then I got a...

Who cares, I gotta
talk to you guys.

Oh, too bad.

Game called on account of talk.

What a break.


Sam... [Chuckling]

I never thought I'd say this

About anyone jo's
dated, but... I like you.

Thank you, blair.

And you're a good
influence on her.

Thank you, blair.

And it's only because I
care that I'm doing this,

But I think you should know

What people are
saying about you.

Blair, I don't wanna hear this.

Well, I do.

What are people saying?

Well, you're a
teacher and jo is... Jo.

And they just...
What, blair, what?

Look, some people think
it's wrong for you two

To be seeing each other
and they're talking about it.

What are they saying?

Who cares?

They're saying you're
getting better grades

Because you're dating him.

Blair, can it.

Jo... Blair, go on.

Look, it doesn't matter to me

What anybody says. It never has.

And I didn't think
it mattered to you.

Getting angry isn't
gonna solve the problem.

What problem?
There is no problem.

Well, there certainly
seems to be a problem.

I think I'll just
leave you two alone.

Blair, would you
get out of here!

That's another
way of putting it.

I don't understand why you're
flying off the handle like this.

Because I don't like
people talking about me...

Or you.

Blair, what's going on in there?

I don't know.

I thought I heard yelling.

No, you didn't.

And I didn't have
anything to do with it.

We can talk about it or
we can scream about it.

I vote we talk.

It's just stupid gossip.

Yeah, but it's gossip about you,

And you're very important to me.

And if our seeing each
other is hurting you...

Hurting me?

The only way it could hurt me

Is if it made me lose you.

Sam, you are the best thing
that has ever happened to me.

I don't want this to end.

Neither do i.

Mrs. Garrett, where's
that case of olives

You wanted me to mark?

Jo did it.


Well, then, I guess I'll
restock the pasta bins.

Jo's in the storage
room doing it right now.

Boy, she is really throwing
herself into her work

Since she and sam broke up.

A little yelling doesn't
mean romance is dead.

The fact is, she has
stopped seeing sam.

Maybe she didn't
stop seeing him.

Oh, come on, nat,
it's been six days.

I know, but maybe he
stopped seeing her.

But they were so close.

I mean, what could possibly
have come between them?

Well, don't look at me.

But how come jo
hasn't said anything?

You know when jo's
hurting, she bites on a hubcap.

I hate to say this, but
maybe it's for the best.

But why?

Because, you aren't allowed
to stay happy that long.

That's inscribed somewhere.

No, natalie.

Because this whole
thing happened so fast,

And he is a lot
older than she is.

And I was afraid that
she was in over her head.

Hi, jo.


How you doing, jo?

Fine, and yourself?

Don't worry, jo,
there'll be someone else.

Oh, who am I kidding?

Once in a lifetime
never happens twice.

Natalie, you're babbling.

Jo, I know you took this

Much more seriously
than he did but...

It's over and life goes on.

What's over?

Didn't you and sam break up?

Tootie, what would
make us break up?

Certainly not me.

I mean, it's been so long
since you've seen him.

Sam's kid is visiting

And he wanted to spend
some time alone with him.

Sam has a kid?

I hope you're
talking about a goat.

Blair, sam has a
seven-year-old son

Named robbie.

Jo, you never told us
that sam had a child.

It's no big deal.

Having a goldfish
is no big deal.

Having a kid is a big deal.

He doesn't have a
wife, too, does he?

Look, he's a widower.

And since his wife died,

Robbie's been living with
sam's parents in chicago.

He's just here for a visit.


Hey, jo.

Sam, hi!

How are you? Hi, oh!

I've missed you.

Oh, I missed you, too... A lot.

We were just talking about you.

But it wasn't about your past

Or anything personal like that.

I... I just stopped
by for a minute.

I got a surprise.

Oh, goody.

Blair, it's jo's surprise.

Oh, sorry.

So what is it?

Come on, girls.

Why don't we all go
do whatever it is we do

When we're not listening
to other people's surprises.

Thanks, mrs. G. I'll
lock up the shop.



Here's the surprise.

I had a long talk
last night with robbie.

And I decided... I
can't let him go again.

What do you mean?

I mean, I can't send him back

To live with my parents again.

He's not going home?

He is home.

And I want you two to meet
each other as soon as possible.

Oh... [Chuckling]

Well, okay, let's
not rush the kid.

I mean, he just got here.

That was six days ago.

I know, uh...

Look, do you remember
how I felt about horses?

Well, that's kind of the
way kids feel about me.

I mean, they never liked me,

Even when I was one.

Hey, jo.

What happened to the
girl who was out there

Taking chances in the world?

Who wasn't afraid
to canter a horse

Or to climb a mountain.

Promised to go skydiving.

I said I'd read the brochure.

Believe me... Robbie
is gonna love you.

I don't know.

I do.

And you're gonna love robbie.

What's the worst
that could happen?

Okay, so sometimes
the kid bites people.

But he's had all his sh*ts.

Come on.

All right, um...

Tell robbie we're
on for tomorrow.

Oh, that's great, jo.

That's great.

I can't tell you how
I've missed this smile


I love you, jo.

I love you, too.

God, listen, when
robbie gets here

From school, what should I say?

How about something really

Off the wall, like... Hello?

Hello. Yeah.

Yeah, I could swing that.

Then what?

Jo, robbie's gonna love you.

The kid has some taste.

Could you give me that
staple g*n over there?



[Clearing throat] hello.

This one's out of staples.


Hey, dad.

Hey, robbie!

We were just talking about you.

Say hello to jo.


No, dad, I have to talk to you.

Jo, this is my charming
and outgoing son, robbie.


Robbie, what's wrong with you?

I'm quitting school.

How can you quit
school? It's your first day.

They hate me there.

How can they hate
you? It's your first day.

We were playing basketball

And they said I
dribble like a girl.

Oh, well, kids sometimes
say things like that...

Excuse me. Hi.

Hey. Mr. Hall,

There's a long-distance
call for you in the office.

I think it's about that new
color printer you ordered.

Oh, that's great!

I've been waiting for
that call all week.

Um, tell 'em I'll
be right there.

You got it.

Robbie, you okay?

Well, I'll just leave
you two alone here.

Come on, I have to.

I'll be back in a few
minutes, I promise.

I promise.

Enjoy each other.

[Jo chuckling]


So, what do they mean
you dribble like a girl?

Means I play lousy.

Now wait a minute.

I'm a girl and I play great.

Back home, they
call me "doctor jo."

Yeah. Right.

What, you don't believe me?


Give me that.

That's neat.

I know.

Can you teach
me stuff like that?

Maybe. Listen, I can't go

Back to school 'til I
don't dribble like a girl.

I'm gonna ignore that remark.

Now watch the wrist.

The new dutch
apple tart is free.

We're running a
promotion all this week.

Yes, I know. [Laughing]

♪ Oh tip-toe
through the tulips... ♪

Mrs. G, robbie and
I fixed your hat.

Put it on.


Yeah, now you can look
as stupid as the rest of us.

Girls, please, just
'til the weekend.

The promotion's
working beautifully.

Am I doing this right, blair?


Are you sure you're
not from amsterdam?

Is that near chicago?

Dad said I was born in chicago.

Do you miss being there?

Nah, 'cause my dad's
here, and jo, and you guys.

But what about
your grandparents?

Don't you miss them?

Well, yeah, but here
I have grandma edna.

Auntie edna.

Hi, everybody.

Edna: hello, sam. Dad!


My little dutch boy and girl.


So how's the promotion going?

Oh, we're picking up
a lot of customers.

And losing all
respect for ourselves.

You ready for lunch? Yeah!

Where do you wanna go?

Oh, any place... As
long as we go dutch.

Oh, right, let me get a
picture of you three.

Now, smile pretty, jo.

[Camera clicking]


Oh, real cute, tootie!

Come on, let's eat.

Tootie: bye. Bye-bye.

Tootie: bye-bye. Edna: bye.

[Oven buzzing]

Whoops, another batch of tarts.

Let's go get 'em!

Oh, goody.

You know something, nat?

I just noticed something
really strange.

I can't imagine what
that could be... Katrinka.

No, I'm serious.

Not in that hat.

You know, I was
taking that picture.

It's amazing how much
they look like a family.

Let me see that.

They look like a blob.

Would you give it a
minute to develop?

I'm telling you,
we're losing that girl.

She'll get married,

And then blair will
get married and...

Then we'll get married.

We're just friends,
okay, tootie?

Would you be serious?

It happens that way.

People grow up,
they get married.


I just didn't think it
would happen so soon.

And then, from out of nowhere,

The mighty tabor smashes gorgol.


Reducing him to bits and pieces.

Then he mounts his horse

And rides back to his
castle in the hills, yeah.

But when he gets there,
something awful has happened.

His castle has gone condo!


They didn't have
condos in those days.

Oh, you're a pretty
smart kid, huh?

Robbie, I'm putting carrots
in your lunch for tomorrow.

Don't trade them.


Okay, partner,
it's time for bed.

Saddle up.

Dad. Come on.

Come on, you don't wanna

Be caught snoring
in math, do you?

Okay. Good night, jo.

Good night.

Sleep tight.

[Sam mimicking neighing]




Here you go.

Actually, I'd prefer
something in a nice pump.

He has to wear these tomorrow.

Gym class, remember?

Oh, that's right.
I'd better put them

Someplace I'll
remember... With his lunch.

I'm still getting used
to robbie's schedule

Now that we're
back together again.

You're doing great.

Thank you.

Listen, I'm sorry we missed
the movie the other night.

Oh, that's all right.

Why don't we go on thursday?


We'll go see clint eastwood
and count the bodies.

That's so romantic. [Laughing]

[Door opening]


Robbie, you're not asleep.

I know.

I need some water.


One glass of water, to go.

Oh, uh, robbie,

We're gonna ask
your friend tootie

To sit for you
thursday night, okay?

But thursday night's
parent's night at school.

Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot... I
thought it was next thursday.

You're coming, aren't you, jo?

Uh, you want me to
go to parent's night?


Uh... Don't you
have to be a parent

To go to those things?

Apparently not.


You can meet my teacher,

And see my work,
and sit in my desk.

Well... You wanna get her to go?

Tell her how beautiful she is.

How her eyes sparkle.

Dad, that is mushy stuff.

It doesn't work on jo.

It might. You wanna try it?


But if you go, I'll
eat my carrots.

How can you say no
to a face like that?

Okay, okay, you
talked me into it.


Jo! Blair!

What's the point of going

If we're just gonna
end up in the back row?

Look, sam will be
here any minute.

I'm not gonna just
leave robbie alone.

But he's 15 minutes late.

And it takes 20 minutes
to get to langley and...

Look, you will get a seat!

You will see gloria steinem.

[Whining] but I wanna be close.

I wanna see how she gets those

Two perfect blonde
streaks in her hair.

Look, I am just as anxious
to get there as you are.

I'm on the program
committee, remember?

Don't forget, you promised
you'd introduce me to her.

And I will, provided
you don't embarrass me.

How could I embarrass you?

Buy asking her how she gets

Those two perfect
blonde streaks in her hair.

[Phone ringing]

[Jo sighing]


Sam, where are you?


Yeah, you must be going crazy.

Join the club.

Oh, he's fine. Watching tv.


Yeah, I guess.

No, no, that's fine.

Well, I'll stay with him.

All right, I'll see you later.


Look, blair, he's, uh, stuck
in his faculty meeting.

I gotta stay here with robbie.

Why don't you just go on ahead.

Why didn't you just tell him
you had plans for tonight?

Why? He can't get away.

Well, couldn't you find
somebody else to babysit?


Who? There is nobody
else here, blair.

Robbie is my responsibility.

Just go on ahead and explain
to everybody, will you?


[Door closing]

Was that dad on the phone?

Uh, yeah, it looks like he's
still stuck in that meeting

So it's gonna be
you and me tonight.

Sounds good to me.

Well, what do you want to do?

Play simon.

Sounds like fun.

[Simon beeping]

Thank you and
have a stunning day.

Oh, sorry I'm late, blair.

I had to take robbie shopping.


Didn't you do that yesterday?

No, yesterday, I took
him to get a haircut.

Sam has had a lot
of lab work to do.

Next time I need my roots done,

Will mommy take me?

What's your problem?

You chauffeur him around,
and you take him shopping.

You buy him sodas.
It's not healthy.

[Scoffing] don't worry, blair,

We never use the same straw.

That's not what I
meant and you know it.

Blair, I never know
what you mean

Until you're halfway through it.

Fine, then I'll
skip to the middle.

That kid is taking
over your life.

Your time at home,
your time at school...

Look, I love the time
I spend with robbie.

It means a lot to me.

Well, it better.

Because I know how
much it means to him.

Oh, and I don't.

No, you don't.

But it's happened to me.

When somebody comes

Into your life like
that, it feels good.

They take you places.
They buy you things.

And you start to think,
"he really likes me.

He's gonna stick around."

So what's wrong with that?


Because you start
to depend on them.

And then one day,
you turn around and...

They're gone.

Well, that's not gonna happen.

I'm not gonna do that to robbie.

Well, you'd better
be real sure of that

Before things go any further.

It's just too easy to
break a kid's heart.

You think we need
another umbrella?

No, three's enough,
we got a few hats.

Girls, before you
leave, taste a churro.

What's a churro?

Sweet sticks of fried dough.

A mexican dessert sensation,

And my new special
all this week.

Do you like 'em?

I would, but with every
bite I see four girls

Wearing sombreros
and clicking castanets.

Oh, no, natalie, no costumes.


Ay, caramba.

Well, time to go.

Is it raining?

No, we're going
to see gallagher,

At vance auditorium.

We got front row seats.

It'll be raining
in the front row?

No, no, he's a comedian

And he's got a really messy act.

He sledgehammers watermelons.

[Laughing] that's... Funny?

Tootie, why do I feel like
we're going on a whale watch?

You'll thank me when
the food hits the fan.

[Shop bell ringing]

Hi, everybody.

[Overlapping greetings]

Oh, you're gonna see gallagher.

Hi, jo. Hey!

How you doing?

Can't stay long, my
ice cream's melting.

Oh, mrs. Garrett.

How many chocolate
chip cookies do I need

For... Five seven-year-olds?


I'll get 'em.

What's going on?

Grab your jacket.
You got a hot date.

I do?

You know those
demolition derby race cars

We bought robbie yesterday?

Well, he's invited all
his friends over tonight

To destroy them and he
wants you to be referee.

He does? What can I say?

You're the only one who can
scream louder than they can.

Come on, I'm melting.

Uh... Sam, I already have plans.



Oh, you're going too.

Yeah, I was supposed to.


I guess, if you
really need me...

No, don't be silly. I...

I didn't realize you had plans.

I don't have to go.

Yes, you do.

And you'll have a good time.

Well, here you
are, lots of cookies.

Oh, great.

Uh, can you put it on my tab?

Oh, on the house.


Well, i, uh, gotta run.

Bye-bye. All: bye

Are you sure robbie
won't be too disappointed?

Oh, once he's smashed
a few cars, he'll be fine.



Hey, jo, will you look at this?

After a year and a half,

We finally sold a
can of quail eggs.

Uh, we didn't sell
those. They hatched.

Why are you back so early, huh?

Oh, how was "callahan"?


Well... Did he smash a pumpkin?


Well... As long as
you had a good time.

I didn't.

Oh, what's a matter, jo?

I don't know.

I was sitting there with
watermelon all over me,

And I just couldn't enjoy it.

Do you think I should've
gone to robbie's party instead?

Is that what's bothering you?

Yeah. All night long,

I kept thinking
about sam and robbie

And how I let them down.

Why do you think
you let 'em down?

'Cause sam was counting on me.

When it comes to robbie,

It seems he's always
counting on me.


I mean, I love them, I
love them both, but...

I see.

Look, mrs. G...

Ever since I started seeing sam,

You've been real good
about sitting on your tongue.


I mean, about not
telling me what to do

Or giving me advice or anything.

But right now, I could
really use some input.

Jo, your instincts
have always been good.

And you were right about sam.

He's a wonderful guy.

And you're probably right
about what you're feeling now.

What am I feeling?


Maybe you're
beginning to feel that

Sam wants something out of
this relationship that you don't.


Like what?

Like when a 30-year-old
man with a child

Meets a special woman,

Chances are, he's
gonna think about

Making that
relationship permanent.

What, you mean... Ah.

No, mrs. G, sam has never
said anything like that.

I know.

But that doesn't mean
he's not thinking about it.

Have a good weekend.

Uh, sam, could I talk
to you for a minute?


I've always wanted to
be kept late after school.

Um... Look, about last night.

I'm sorry I let you guys down.

Oh, no, i...

I shouldn't have
assumed you were free.

Sam, we gotta talk here.

Things have just kind of
been moving along real fast.

I mean, you and me and robbie...

Well, things are just
kinda rolling along.

And I don't know
where they're going.

Maybe that's my fault.

I guess I should tell
you where I stand.

I wasn't gonna
bring it up this soon.

I mean, not that I haven't been

Thinking about it, of course.

Well... You know how
much you mean to me.

Why don't I just say it?

I want you to marry me.

Oh, sam.

That wasn't a yes, was it?

I wish it could be.

I want it to be.

But... I don't know what to say.

Just tell me how you feel.

Since I met you,

I kind of see my
life in pictures.

You know what I mean?

I think so.

Like driving cross country,

Or going to italy,
or going skiing.


Things that I never
would've done before.

And some of those pictures
include you and robbie.

And some of them don't.

I see.

Well, my album's...

Mostly family pictures.

I know.

Sam, I don't wanna hurt you.

And I feel like I'm cheating

You and robbie out of a family,

But I'm just not ready to...

Jo... Jo, you're 19 years old.

You don't have to
apologize to anybody

For what you wanna
do with your life.

I love you.

I love you, too.

I've learned so much from you.

About the world.

About myself.

Then I've been a good teacher.

And maybe, uh...

Maybe the sign of
a good teacher...

Is knowing when to let go.

♪ You'll avoid a lot of damage ♪

♪ And enjoy the
fun of managing ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ They shed a lot of light ♪

♪ If you hear them
from your brother ♪

♪ Better clear them
with your mother ♪

♪ Better get them right
call her late at night ♪

♪ You got the future in
the palm of your hand ♪

♪ All you gotta do to get
you through is understand ♪

♪ You think you'd
rather do without ♪

♪ You'll never make it
through without the truth ♪

♪ The facts of life
are all about you ♪

♪ Learning the facts of life ♪

♪ Learning the facts of life ♪

♪ Learning the facts of life ♪

♪ They're all about you ♪♪
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