02x31 - The Martins and the Coys

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Father Knows Best". Aired: October 3, 1954 - May 23, 1960.*
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The series, which began on radio in 1949, follows the lives of the Andersons, a middle-class family living in the town of Springfield.
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02x31 - The Martins and the Coys

Post by bunniefuu »


Announcer: robert
young and jane wyatt,

With elinor donahue, billy
gray and lauren chapin,


Jim: this is a fine
time to bring it up.

This letter was mailed 10
days ago. Look at the postmark.

Oh, quit waving that
thing under my nose.

I've seen the postmark. It doesn't
mean a thing, and you know it.

That letter was delivered to
my office in this morning's mail,

And that's when I got the
cancellation on my fire insurance.

Of all people, frank,
you're the last one

I'd expect to use a
cheap dodge like this.

That policy was canceled
10 days ago, and you know it!

Look, if I knew that
policy was canceled,

Do you think I'd let that warehouse
sit there with no insurance?

Maybe you couldn't get
another company to insure it.

When I wrote that
policy six months ago,

I told you the place
was a questionable risk.

If you hadn't been a friend of
mine, I wouldn't even have touched it!

Oh, come off it,
for pete's sake.

Don't give me that
"friendship" bit.

I had three other
brokers hounding me for it,

And I gave it to
you as a friend!

Well, thanks a million!
Big-hearted frank!

Well, I'm not gonna
yak about it anymore.

Are you gonna pay off on
that fire damage or not?

Not a nickel. You did not
bring that warehouse up

To standards specified
in the contract.

Your policy was canceled,
and you were so notified.

There it is, in black and white!

All right. If that's
the way you operate,

You and I are
washed up, finished!

That's fine with me.

And you can take my
name off your business

And your social
list, mr. Anderson!

It will be a
pleasure, mr. Tyler.


Betty's purse.

Your daughter left
it in my car last night...

When she was out with my son!

Oh, I wish you and father
could've been there last night.

It was such a perfect evening.

Bob and I had every dance.

Oh, we were completely
out of this world!

Oh, it sounds wonderful.

Bob's so nice.

You know, after he picked me up
here, we didn't go straight to the dance.

Oh? He insisted we
stop by his house

So the tylers could
see my new dress.

Were frank and dorothy
properly impressed?

Oh, sure, they loved it. Thought
my corsage was beautiful.

Did you see my corsage? I
almost had it in the salad.


I think bob's the nicest
boy I've ever known.

Remember how you
fought against meeting him?

"Oh, father, not the son

Of another business

Well, you know what usually
happens when father comes up with that,

"Betty, I want you to meet
the son of mr. Do-and-so.

A fine boy."

Oh, I've gone out with some
of the moldiest characters.

I'll admit, they haven't
all been rock hudson.

Bob's the exception
that proves the rule.

Frank and dorothy
are the exception too.

They're the first
people we've met through

Business who've become
really good friends.


I'll get it!

Oh, hi, bob.

Is your dad here?

He isn't home yet. Do
you want to see him?

No, no, no. I mean,
is betty here?

Oh, sure. Betty!

Hello, bob.


Mother, call kathy.

Margaret: kathy! Hmph!

Come on in.

I'd better not.
What's the matter?

Something awful's happened.

What time does
your dad get home?

Well, he's usually home
before this. What happened?

Does he usually come in the
front door or the back door?

It all depends. Why?

I don't want to get trapped.

There's big trouble. Your
dad and mine had a fight.

A fight? In your dad's office.
I don't know what happened,

But my dad came
home boiling mad.

He's through with your dad
for good. But they're friends.

Oh, not anymore. I don't
know what your dad did

Or what my dad did,
but mine is steaming.

He's never gonna have anything
to do with your dad again.


I got to go. I don't want to be
here when your dad gets home.

Now, wait a minute...
Oh, let's face it.

There's gonna be a
feud in our family,

And we're caught
right in the middle.

What are we gonna do? We've
got to figure out something.

Meet me in half an
hour at the malt shop.



What's all the whispering about?

Father and mr. Tyler had a
fight... A quarrel or something.

No kidding? Bob said
mr. Tyler's raving mad.

It happened in father's
office. What happened?

Bob didn't know. Just that
it was a terrible battle.

Well, did they punch each
other? Were they "rassling"?

I don't know. I don't know!

Who's rassling? Who got punched?

Dad and mr. Tyler had
a fight in dad's office.

Really? Who won? I don't know.

Did they bust up furniture

And dive over
tables and all that?

I told you, I don't know!

Bob didn't know what
the quarrel was about.

Apparently, it came
on all of a sudden.

I can't believe... Did you
hear about the fight, mommy?

Daddy and mr. Tyler
slugged it out!

Kathy! Well, they did!

Big fight! Broke
windows in the office,

Busted up everything,
and daddy threw a chair,

And mr. Tyler jumped on
him, and the police came in...

Wait! Wait! Who told you
that? Haven't you heard?

Did bud tell you
all those things?

He doesn't know
a thing about it.

Well, you're not to make up
stories like that. It's not true.

Hey, what about dad
beating up on mr. Tyler?

Stop talking like that.
Nothing of the kind happened.

What did happen?
Well, I'm not sure,

But I know that the whole
thing is very much exaggerated.

It was probably
nothing more than a...

Why are you all staring at me?

You came out pretty good.

No cuts or mouse or anything.

"Cuts"? "Mouse"?

Bob came by with some terrible
story about you and frank.

Oh, so that's it.

What happened? Nothing
to be alarmed about.

Frank and I had, shall we say,

A difference of opinion
over a business matter.

Bob said his father's never gonna
have anything to do with you again, ever.

That's right, and I intend to
have no further dealings with him.

Either business or
social. It's as simple as that.

But, dad... Wait a minute!

Boy, that fight was a fizzle.

I didn't want to say
anything with kathy listening,

But the truth is, I had a
real blow-up with frank.

It just proves you never
really know a person

Until you get in a
business deal with him.

Well, what did you do?
Bob said his father's furious.

He's furious? He came to
my office trying to collect

On a fire insurance policy
that was canceled 10 days ago.

A full week before a fire broke
out in that warehouse of his.

I knew I shouldn't have written
the policy in the first place.

But, you know, it was
for good, old frank.

Well, are you sure it
wasn't a misunderstanding?

"Misunderstanding"? I have the letter
of cancellation with the date on it.

I even have the envelope it
was mailed in with the postmark.

It went through the mailing machine in my
office and was dated right on the envelope.

And he had the
gall to accuse me of

Looking out my window, seeing
the smoke from his warehouse,

And canceling
his fire insurance.

You know what he did?

He looked out his window,

Saw smoke coming
from the warehouse,

And canceled my fire insurance!

Jim wouldn't do
a thing like that.

Oh, wouldn't he? I'm
telling you, dorothy,

You never see a man in his true colors
till you get him into a business deal!

Oh, but, dad, you and
mr. Anderson were good friends.

"Friends"? Hah! Why, he was
setting me up for this deal all along.

Something told me I shouldn't
let him write that policy,

But I did it anyway,
just for good, old jim.

He cultivated our friendship
for just one mercenary reason:

To get me to insure that
broken-down warehouse.

Is your company gonna pay him
for the damage? Certainly not.

A reputable insurance company
will always pay an honest claim,

But it will never hold still
for a deliberate shakedown.

It was an insult to the
integrity of my company.

And it was an insult to me!

He implied that I cooked up the
whole deal to cheat his company.

He practically said
it in so many words.

Oh, believe me, I have my
eyes open to jim anderson.

He's ruthless,
calculating, treacherous...

Scheming, unethical, two-faced.

It was a revelation,
I'll tell you.

I hope I never meet or have
any contact with him again.

Your purse. You left it in
the tylers' car last night.

Are you leaving?

I have to meet somebody.

What about dinner?

I'm not hungry.


Did you have
trouble getting out?

I didn't tell father
where I was going.

Hi, kids. What'll it be?

Oh, hi, herb. A couple of malts.

Really gonna live it up, huh?

What happened at your house?

When father came home,
he didn't say much at first,

And then mother
and I cornered him.

We've got an audience.

Look, pretend we're
talking about other people,

Like "his father"
and "her father."

Okay, and when we speak
of ourselves, we'll be

"His son" and "his daughter."

Well, her father was angrier
than she'd ever seen him in her life.

He was practically raving.

Well, his father was so mad,
he couldn't eat his dinner.

His son sneaked out.

If his son had told his father

That he was gonna meet
the daughter of her father,

His father would've
blown his top.

No telling what her
father would've done

If he'd have known where
his daughter was going.

And all the time his father
was blasting her father,

His son was thinking,
"what are his son

And her father's
daughter gonna do?"

The daughter just
couldn't believe it.

Her father never
acted like this before.

It was almost as if the daughter's
father was a man she'd never seen before.

Well, his father never
acted that way either.

Here was a normally quiet,

Calm, intelligent man

Suddenly impassioned with hate

And v*olence.

And her father, his
face twisted with rage.

Hey, what's the name of
that picture? I think I seen it.

There are more people
around here with big ears.

Move, herb. Go.

What got into our dads anyway?

Yesterday they were buddy-buddy.

Who knows?

Well, what's this gonna do to...

To you and me?

It doesn't mean we have to
stop seeing each other, does it?

How can we have dates, with
your father hating my father

And my father
hating your father?

Well, why do they
need to know about it?

That wouldn't seem right.

I don't want to sneak around,

Always be having
to make excuses.

You know, this is exactly what
happened to romeo and juliet.

Well, how did they work it out?

He took poison and she
plunged a dagger into her heart.

There's got to be an easier way.

As long as our
fathers feel as they do,

We just can't see each other.

Well, I can call you
sometimes, can't i?

Your father'd find that
you were phoning me,

And my father'd find that you
were calling... It'd just make trouble.

Of all the guys my father knows,

Why does he have to pick
a beef with your father?

I got to go home.



Oh, hi, dad.

What weighty problems
are on your mind, son?

I was thinking about this
train mr. Tyler gave me.

It was for my birthday.

You and I and mr. Tyler

Sat around the kitchen table.

Remember how we planned that
train layout we were gonna build?

It was gonna be in the attic.

We were gonna have mountains

And tunnels and bridges.


You and I and mr. Tyler and bob,

We were gonna build
the tracks and stuff.

Mom, betty and mrs. Tyler,

They were gonna
paint the scenery

And make the trees.

We were gonna call it the
anderson and tyler railroad.

Well, we can still build it.

We'll, uh, just

Call it the anderson railroad.

I guess the tylers aren't
gonna be coming over anymore.

No, they won't.

Dad, you know, you're
kind of like a locomotive.

Who, me?

Well, all fathers are.

In what way?

Well, whichever
way the father goes,

The family has to go.

Like you're the locomotive
and we're the cars.

We've got to go the way you go.

We've got to follow along.

Now, mom and betty and i,

We like the tylers.

But you're sore at
mr. Tyler, so there we are.

Now, look, bud...

Where have you been,
princess? At the malt shop.

You've been gone quite a while.

Well, I would've been home sooner,
but the street was blocked by a train

At the fourth street crossing.

What happened?
Was there a wreck?

Betty: no, the locomotive
blew a gasket or something.

Am I a locomotive?

Well, you don't look like one.

Let me hear you whistle.

Our son just compared
me to a locomotive,

Dragging my family behind me
like a string of freight cars.

There goes the caboose.

I think he has the idea
because frank and I split up,

We have a family feud going.

Margaret: it's a
natural conclusion.

Why is it?

I'll admit we're not gonna be
visiting back and forth the way we did,

But outside of that,
nothing should change.

My differences with
frank aren't a family matter.

They only concern frank and me.

Dear, when two
trains collide head-on,

Does the locomotive of one turn
around to the cars behind and say,

"Look, fellas, I hit
this other train,

But don't be concerned...
This is just between him and me."

That's a pretty
farfetched comparison.

Well, all right,
but the fact remains

That your quarrel with frank
has affected the whole family.

Well, it shouldn't. But it has.

And the one who's
suffering most is betty.

She likes bob tyler
and probably feels now

That she can't go
out with him anymore.

But that's ridiculous. I have
nothing against bob. He's a fine boy.

Well, you'll have to clear the
track. You're the locomotive.

Oh, this whole thing is
being over-dramatized.

I'm going up and talk to betty.


Betty? Who is it?

It's me, bob. You left your
purse at the malt shop.

Is your dad home?

Yes, I'm home, bob.
It's jim anderson.

Bob, wait!

Oh. I came up looking for you.

Bob was outside.
Something about your purse.

Betty, you're being a little
melodramatic about this.

You and bob don't have
to play romeo and juliet.

We're not playing romeo and juliet,
we're just not seeing each other.

But that's ridiculous!
My quarrel with frank

Has nothing to do
with you and bob.

How can you say that? Don't you
realize it involves both our families?

Oh, nonsense. Why do you insist
on making this a family feud?

We're not living in dogpatch.
We're not gunning for the tylers.

We're supposed to
be civilized people.

We're supposed to be.

Oh, honey, you know I'm
not the kind of a father

Who would involve his children
in his personal problems.

Believe me, there's no
reason why you and bob

Shouldn't see each other
as freely as you did before.

What are you worried about?
Worried about jim? About what he'll say?

Forget it. I'll give
the devil his due.

He won't cause you kids any
trouble. He isn't that kind of a man.

Oh, but, dad, it doesn't
matter how mr. Anderson

Feels about me or how
you feel about betty.

Well, then, there's
no other problem.

Come on. Brace
up and quit moping.

You go out with
betty all you want to.

You don't have to
sneak out to see him.

Bob doesn't have to come
throwing rocks at your window.

I want you and
bob to go together.

Oh, it just won't work,
father. Why won't it?

Because it won't.

I met bob because his
father was a friend of yours,

And all along it's been wonderful
because our families liked each other,

But now it's different...
Something's gone.

Oh, betty, you're
exaggerating this.

I'm not exaggerating.

It can never be the same as long
as you and mr. Tyler are feuding.

Well, I'll be confounded if I
can see what difference it makes!

But, dad, it does
make a difference.

You wanted me to meet
betty in the first place

Because she was the
daughter of your best friend.

Your pal, jim anderson.

Oh, no. That's in the
past. That's gone.

Sure, and everything
else is gone too...

All the fun, all the good times,

All the families
getting together,

Just because you and jim anderson
had to blow your tops at each other!

Stop arguing, you two. They can
hear you clear over in the next county.

Well, meeting over?

Mother, you were
a girl once. Yes.

Would you have gone with a boy if his
father and your father were fighting?

That's not the word.

Fighting, feuding,
quarreling, bickering...

Call it whatever you like.

Father insists that I
should go on seeing bob.

Now, should i?

Well, I'd say it was
entirely up to you.

Then I'll say I can't.
There you are, father.

Look, this ruckus with
frank wasn't my idea.

Don't try to pin it on me.

But you two talk as if I brought
this whole thing on. I didn't start it.

Doesn't matter who
started it. Be honest, dad.

Jim wouldn't cheat
you. Why should he?

And he knows you
are not dishonest.

That isn't what
he said! He said...

Okay, okay. So you both
said a lot of crazy things.

Oh, frank, is it worth it?

Whatever the mistake
was, whoever did it,

Is it worth it...
Losing the andersons?

The longer you let it go on,
the harder it'll be to patch it up.

We've said enough.

From now on, it's up to
you, dear. You know best.

Why should I be the
one to apologize?

I-i... I'm not being bullheaded.

I realize someone has
to make the first move,

But why does it have to be me?

After all, it should
be the person

Who was to blame
in the first place.

If I go over there, I'm
admitting it was my fault.

It wasn't my fault!

All right.

This is embarrassing.
You know that.

Frank wouldn't come over here.

He wouldn't make the first move.

No. Has to be me.

Uh... Hi, jim.

Hello, frank.

Uh... Come on in.

Oh, thanks.

Well, take your coat off.

Uh, where were you going?

To your house.

I, uh...

I've been catching the
dickens from my family.

You too?

We both got pretty
steamed up this afternoon.

We probably said a lot of
things we shouldn't have said.

Ah, just one of those bad days.

Come in. Hi.

Dad here? Frank: no point in
going into how it happened or why.

Oh, it was probably
a mistake somewhere

That delayed the cancellation
in getting to your office.

I, uh, shouldn't have
accused you the way I did.

Well, rest assured, jim,

That letter wasn't delivered
to my office until this morning.

I wouldn't have told
you that if it weren't true.

Oh, I know, frank.
I believe you.

But I also want
you to believe me

When I tell you the letter
left my office 10 days ago.

Oh, I'm not doubting
your word, jim.

I just want you to know that I
didn't get it until this morning.

All right, you didn't
get it until this morning.

It took 10 days for a letter
to get from my office to yours.

Three blocks.
Impossible, but I believe it.

Well, after all, jim, it isn't gonna
break the insurance company

To pay off on that
policy. "Pay off"?

Oh, no!

Well, you just admitted that I didn't
get the cancellation until this morning.

Look at the date on the letter!

Oh, don't start that
"look at the date" routine.

Why are you ducking this?

Because I'm not gonna
pay off on a phony claim.

Not for you or for anyone else.

Go in there! Go in
there! Stop them!

No. This is your
father's affair.

Well, if that's the way you
feel, then we're finished!

As far as your family
and my family is concerned,

We've had it! This is
the end of the line!

All right. For all I
care, you can go whistle.

Frank, we're a couple of
locomotives off on the wrong track.


Something bud said this evening.

Frank, what the
devil is wrong with us?

You didn't come here to start
this wrangle all over again.

Well, no, I didn't.

Let's go back to
where you came in.

We'll, uh, take it
from the beginning.


Why are they so
quiet all of a sudden?

Well, what happened
to the argument?

It just quit.

A fine time to have visitors.

I'll see who it is.

Hello, frank! Hi, jim!

Come on in! Thanks!

Oh, I'm glad to see you.
Good to see you, jim.

I was just about to
come over to your house.

Say, I've been catching the
dickens from my family. You too?

I'm sorry I flipped
this afternoon, frank.

It was my fault too.

I had to sh**t off my big mouth.

What's the matter, mother?

I know I saw frank tyler
come in a few minutes ago.

But right now, I could
swear that i... I saw...

Oh, my... I hope I'm all right.

Jim: on the insurance, frank,
I'll take it up with the company.

We'll figure out something.
Whatever you say, jim.

Handle it any way you want.

You miserable old goat!

What a character!

Jim, wonderful idea...
Let's have a big celebration.

Get the wives, all the kids...

I know a wonderful place
to have a reunion party.

Great food, wonderful
atmosphere. What do you say?

It's a deal, son.

Say, you know, I
forgot what reason

I was using to come over
here in the first place:

To return betty's purse.

Well, this is where we came in.

Oh, watch it, boy!

There we are.

That's fine. Atta boy.

Hey, somebody goofed.

That one's on the house.

I propose a toast.

Uh, to the tylers
and the andersons.

A hearty toast we drink.

The chain of
friendship strong again.

We patched the busted link.

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