02x26 - The Persistent Guest

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Father Knows Best". Aired: October 3, 1954 - May 23, 1960.*
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The series, which began on radio in 1949, follows the lives of the Andersons, a middle-class family living in the town of Springfield.
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02x26 - The Persistent Guest

Post by bunniefuu »

Robert young...

And jane wyatt.

With elinor donahue, billy
gray, and lauren chapin...

You having algebra trouble?

You think I'm doing this
at lunch for the fun of it?

Mind if I sit down?

Free country.

I'm in the ninth, too.

Guess we're in
different classes.

I have algebra second period.

Mind if I make a suggestion?

Instead of dividing
there, you should multiply.

Hey, you're right.

And on that next problem,

You cancel out the 3s
and divide through by 5.

I get x = 6. That's right.

Well, thanks a lot. You're
pretty good at this stuff.

I saw you were having
kind of a tough time.

It's not hard once
you catch on to it.

You eating?

Uh, no. I had lunch.

I've seen you
around school here.

I've seen you, too.

Algebra and math
are easy for me.

Where I have trouble is english.

I'm pretty good at that.

Who do you have? Miss jackson.

Oh, she's good. I have clark.

He gave us an essay
to write for monday.

I'm gonna be dead on that.

I'm cooked on this
algebra. I just don't get it.

We ought to make a deal.

I'll help you in algebra,

And you help me on english.

Yeah, why not?

Where will we meet?

Could we do it at your house?


You're bud anderson, aren't you?

Yeah, we live at 607 maple.

My name's fred. See
you tonight, bud.

Yeah, I'll see you, fred.

Is that fred guy gonna help
you with your homework?

We're gonna help
each other. Why?

He's a creep.

Maybe I don't think so.

Is he coming to your house?

Yeah. What about it?

You'll be sorry.

Thanks for stopping by, lou.

I think we can work out that
insurance, no big problem.

I'll get the specifications

For the building in the morning.

You and grace are coming
over tomorrow evening.

Why don't you bring the
specifications with you?

Then we can combine a
little business with pleasure.

All right, will do.

Good night, mr. Miller.

Kathy, I think I'll
take you home with me.

We don't have any
little girls at our house.

Just little boys?

We don't have any
little boys, either.

We don't have any
children at all.

You ought to live at
our house... We're loaded.

Margaret: kathy!

I gotta go. Bye, mr. Miller.


Grace and I would give anything
to have a family like yours.

Well, they say they're a great
comfort to you in your old age.

The trick is to live that long.

Hiya, bud.

Oh, hi, mr. Miller. Hi, dad.

Hello, son. Just getting home?

Uh, yeah, I had some
work to do at school.

Excuse me. Yes.

Fine boy. I wish I could
buy him from you.

Heh! See you
tomorrow night, jim.

Right, fred. Good
night. Good night.

Bud: hi, mom.

Oh, hello. We'd
about given you up.

Why so late?

I stayed after talking
to mr. Schweitzer.

That's my algebra teacher.

Getting some of the
stuff explained, you know.

Oh, that's fine.

Was this staying
after his idea or yours?

Well, it was... Mostly his.

Get your books off the table.

Keep your fingers out of things!

Don't be so grumpy.

When's he ever gonna
learn some manners?

You should've seen him in the
cafeteria at school this noon.

And the characters he eats
with... Uhh! Horrible creatures.

That's enough.

I was embarrassed
eating in the same room.

If anybody had asked me, "is
that your brother over there?"

I certainly wouldn't
have admitted it.

And where he finds those things
he runs around with I'll never know.

What about your algebra?

Do you understand it now?

Pretty good. But fred's
coming over tonight,

And he's gonna help me on it,

And I'm gonna help
him on his english.

Oh, that's fine. Go get washed

And call kathy and
your father to dinner.



Dinner's ready.

Thank you.


Hey, kathy! Dinner's ready!

Kathy: I'm coming!

Bud: kathy! I heard you!

Betty: father, make
them quit screaming!

I thought when you had children,

All you heard was the
patter of little feet.

I was thinking of
grace and lou miller...

Just the two of
them in that big house.

Must be pretty quiet.

Would you like to
trade places with them?

Heh. No. But they'd
trade places with us.

Lou said just before he left

He'd give anything
to have a boy like bud.

He didn't make any
cash offer, did he?

All right, kids. Dinner's
on. We're sitting down.

Would any of you
kids like to move down

And live with the
millers? Why, dad?

Your mother and I
were just thinking

That maybe we're not being fair,

Hoarding all this
wonderful racket you make.

Maybe we ought to
spread it around a little bit.

Poor mr. And mrs. Miller

Don't have any pandemonium
at all in their house.

Father... Can I go,
daddy? They're nice.

Mrs. Miller always
says she'd like to buy me.

How much could I get for me?

Anything over a nickel
would be cheating.

That must be alice.

She's coming over to
borrow my green sweater.

Oh. Gee, did I scare you?

Uh, no. I was expecting
someone else.

I'm fred.

Bud and I were gonna do
our homework together.

I'm kind of early, I guess.

Yes, a little.

Well, you'd better
come in, I suppose.


I'll tell bud you're here.

Okay, thanks.

Bud, there's someone to see you.

It's one of those awful
things he was eating lunch with.

Who is it?

Something named fred.

Fred? Oh, yeah... Fred.

Hiya, fred.

Hi, bud.

Uh, fred... Mom,
dad, this is fred...

I've forgotten your
last name. Wyman.

Hello. Hello, fred.

Hello. Hello.

These are my sisters,
kathy and betty.

Hello. Hi.

I guess I got
here kind of early.

I'll wait for you outside, bud.

You certainly don't
have to wait outside.

I mean, well...
We're just starting.

Won't you sit down and join us?

He's probably
already had his dinner.

Well, if you're
sure it's all right.

Oh, of course. Um, betty...

Go get a little plate and
silverware from the kitchen.

You fellas have
plans for the night?

Yeah, we're gonna do
our homework together.

Fred's a whiz at algebra.


Oh, yes, thank you.

Margaret: string beans?

Fred: yes, thank you.

Pickled beets? Yes, thank you.

Swiss steak? Yes, thank you.

Hot biscuits? Yes, thank you.

It was... Sure nice of you folks

To ask me to eat with you.

Oh, we're... Glad
you could join us.

We thank you, father,
for thy blessings.

That was a fine
dinner, mrs. Anderson.

You're an awfully good cook.

Thank you, fred. You boys
go ahead with your homework.

Betty can help
me with the dishes.

That's a good
deal, fred. Let's go.

I'd like to help
you, mrs. Anderson,

If you don't mind.

I don't mind, but what
about the homework?

Oh, we'll have plenty
of time for that.

I'd like to help, really.

All right, if you insist.

Betty, give fred a dish towel.


It's bad enough when you
get trapped into this job,

You gotta ask for it?

If you ask me, I think fred's
got the right attitude.

I'd like to see more
of it around here.

So would i.

Okay, okay.

What are you trying
to do, set a new record?

Gee, I'm sorry.

Don't apologize.

We're just not accustomed
to speed around here.

Bud's so slow, you'd have
to look twice to see him move.

Mrs. Anderson, could i...

I mean, would you
mind if... What, fred?

Would it be all right
if I did the dishes?

Just myself, I mean... Alone.

You're sick! You've gotta be!

Oh, no, fred. That's too much.

It's one thing to
sing for your supper.

We're not gonna ask you
to put on a floor show.

Oh, no kidding.
I'd really like to.

Could i, please?

Heh. All right. If
it'll make you happy.

Thanks a lot.

It's real. You're not dreaming.

I'll be finished with
these in a minute, bud,

And we'll start on the algebra.


You sure you don't
want us to help?

No, I'll have these
finished in a flash.

Just 'cause a guy eats dinner,

He doesn't have to work
all night to pay for it.

Can't you get it through your
thick head? He wants to do it.

What happened to fred?

He's doing the dishes.

You're kidding!

We couldn't talk him out of it.

He insisted on it.

Poor boy, I feel sorry for him.

He looks as if he hadn't
had a decent meal in a week.

Kind of an odd kid.
Where'd you find him?

He's around school.

Do you know him?

I've seen him around.

Met him in the cafeteria today.

Did he eat lunch?

No, I don't think he did.

Where does he live?

I don't know.

Fairly mysterious character.

How about the homework?

I got to wait until
he finishes the dishes.

I'm going to bed. Good night.

Good night. Good night.

Good night.

Good night.

Here's the problem
about the two trains.

X goes 20 miles an hour
and y goes 30, right?

You got it. That's real good.

Well, I guess
we're finished, huh?

We'd better do some work on
that next bunch of problems.

I think schweitzer's gonna
give a test on those monday.


Well, if you gentlemen
will excuse me...

I'll be up in a few minutes.

Don't stay up too
late, bud. I won't.

I hope you come again, fred.

And next time, you won't
have to do the dishes.

I enjoyed it. Good night.

Good night.

Good night, mom.

So, y would equal
x divided by 2.

You fellas about finished?

It's getting pretty late.

Yeah. It is.

Funny how late it
gets so fast sometimes.

Hmm? Huh?

You'd better turn in, bud.

Yeah, I guess it
is about that time.

Yeah. Just about.

You'd better go to bed, son.

I guess it's time you
turned it, too, fred.

It's getting
pretty late, I guess.

I'll, uh, be glad
to drive you home.

Thanks, mr. Anderson, but
you don't have to do that.

Well... I guess
we'll call it a day.

Uh, if you think you
could stay overnight,

I imagine we could
put you up somewhere.

Well, if it isn't
too much trouble...

No, no. It's no trouble.

I, um... Can fix up
the couch here.

That'd be fine.

Well, you'd better call home.

To tell your folks
where you are.

Oh, well, that's all right.

They won't worry about me.

Maybe not, but you
can't be gone all night

Without calling
and telling them.

The phone's in
the front hallway.

As a favor to me, call your home

And tell them where you are.

Well, okay.


Hello, dad?

This is fred.

I won't be home tonight.

I'm staying at the andersons.

Good night, dad.



Somebody's making coffee.


It's saturday. I'm
gonna sleep awhile.


I smell breakfast. Who's up?

Mother probably.

So early?

Come in.

Oh, good morning, angel.

Who's fixing breakfast?

Probably betty.

But she's just getting up.

Then it must be bud.

No, it's not you.

Beat it.

Who's that? What's the matter?

Come in.

He's down there! I saw him!

He walked right in the house!

Get up! Get up!
We're being invaded!

What are you talking about?

Fred! He walked right in
the house just now. I saw him.

He's downstairs now?

Opened the front door and
walked in, reading the paper.

But that can't be. He
went home last night.

Didn't he?

No, he didn't.

You mean he stayed
here all night?

What happened? Nothing.

He just didn't go home.

It got to be 12:00, bud
was falling asleep.

I was falling asleep.

I did everything except
turn out the lights.

He didn't move.

I finally had to
ask him to stay.

What else could I do?

Kathy: hey, come on!

Hurry up! Fred's downstairs!

We know, kitten.

He says to "come and get it"!

Breakfast's ready! Hurry up!

Well, what are you gonna do?

Well... We can't just
let him camp here.

I'm gonna tell him
he has to go home.

I'll... Tell him, that's all.

How do you like this?
Some service, huh?

Fred cooked the whole breakfast.

Good morning.

Well, good morning.
Good morning.

I hope you don't
mind that I did this.

Breakfast, I mean.

Well, fred, the fact
of the matter is...

Isn't that sweet?

Would you like your
coffee now, mr. Anderson?

I thought you might
like your morning paper.

Yes, thank... You.

I'll... Talk to him
after breakfast.

He didn't say that.

Really! You were walking
past the drug store,

And jerry said, "hey,
fellas... Elizabeth taylor."

You're just making that up.

Who do I look like?

You look like a
little... Cricket.

When we're through, I'll
show you my motor scooter.

Did you want something, father?

No, I just came in

To see how you're getting along.

Do you play tennis?

I never tried. I'd
sure like to, though.

It's easy. I'll teach you.

You're not gonna play with him!

He's gonna play
with me! He promised!

Bud: hey, maybe we could
go see a show tonight.

Fred: well, maybe.

Kathy: you don't have
to go home, do you?

Bud: no. You can
stay, can't you?

Fred: well... Sure.

If it's okay.

I think he's decided
to live here.

He seems like such a nice boy.

But why doesn't he go home?

Didn't you say anything to him?

Well, I haven't
been able to yet.

I didn't want to embarrass
him in front of the children.

When they finish
out there, I'll, uh...

Get him alone and talk to him.

Kathy: you're my prison,
and you've gotta follow me.

Fred and I are playing.

Keep your eyes closed.

We're going through
a secret passage.

Where are we now?

Let's see.

This is the royal throne room

Of the king of mars.

You have to kneel
down in front of the king.

You stay right here,
good prince fred.

I have to answer a royal summon.

Don't open your eyes.


Hey, betty! Alice is here!

Hi, alice. I bet you
want your sweater.

Yeah. Just a
second. I'll get it.

All right. Get up, prince.

You can open your eyes now.

She sure has an imagination.

Have fun. You know
my mother and father.

Oh, sure.

Oh, I see you've got him now.

What do you mean, we've got him?

Oh, he's been sponging
off everybody.

He's just a bum.

He was at our house last week.

Came over to help my
brother with his homework,

And ate everything in the house.

That's the way
he gets his meals...

By sponging off people.

Gets there just at dinnertime.

And you know where he lives?

In the back of the junkyard.

He sleeps in an
old abandoned bus.

Fred isn't sponging here.

We invited him. He's our guest.

Good-bye, alice.

You certainly have
undesirable friends.

And you're one of them.

Is that true, about
the junkyard?

Does your family live there?

I know the fella that runs it.

Dad and mom... They separated.

I don't know where she is.

That was about six years ago.

Last month, dad left.

Didn't come back.

I didn't know where
to go or anything.

So the fella at the junkyard

Said I could sleep
in the old bus.

I see why you didn't want
to go home last night.

I had no place to go yesterday.

They sold the bus.

Well, fred, why didn't
you tell someone?

I was afraid they'd
send me away someplace.

I have an idea.

But first we'll have
to polish you up a little.

New clothes, shoes, and haircut.

We just about have time.

What's your idea?

Grace and lou miller...

They're coming over
tonight. No children.

They're always wishing
they had a boy like bud.

Boy, if you could live
with them, they're great.

You'd live right
down the street.

That's a wonderful idea!

We might make a
deal. We just might!

Come on, fred. Time's
flying. We have a lot to do.

I think you'll like this boy.

And he really needs a home.

Jim checked with the
social welfare agency.

He's never been in any trouble.

I talked to the people at the
high school this afternoon.

He's a bright boy,
shows a lot of promise.

But he needs a
father and mother.

He needs to belong to someone.

Jim, all we can
do is meet the boy

And see if he's right for
us and we're right for him.

There won't be any question.

You see, lou and I
are strong believers

In first impressions.

If, uh... Fred likes
us and we like him,

We'll know it immediately.

There won't be any
doubt. Will there, dear?

No, none at all.


You can come in now.

Fred, I'd like you to meet
grace and lou miller.


Hello, son.

Dad, is it a deal?
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