03x22 - Florida the Woman

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Good Times". Aired: February 8, 1974, to August 1, 1979.*
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A spin-off of Maude, which itself is a spin-off of All in the Family, making Good Times the first television spin-off from another spin-off; revolving around a poor family making the best of things in the Chicago housing projects.
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03x22 - Florida the Woman

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Good times Any time
you meet a payment ♪

♪ Good times Any
time you need a friend ♪

♪ Good times Any time
you're out from under ♪

♪ Not gettin' hassled
Not gettin' hustled ♪

♪ Keepin' your
head Above water ♪

♪ Makin' a wave when you can ♪

♪ Temporary layoffs Good times ♪

♪ Easy credit
rip-offs Good times ♪

♪ Scratchin' and
survivin' Good times ♪

♪ Hangin' in a chow
line Good times ♪

♪ Ain't we lucky we got 'em? ♪

♪ Good times ♪♪

Hey, Thelma.

When are you getting
out of there, girl?

You've been soaking
in that bathtub

45 minutes.

You're gonna
come out so wrinkly,

you're gonna look like one
of those prune commercials.

Hey, girl, what are
you trying to do?

Make the bathroom a
51st state called "Thelma"?

All right, now, girl,

this is your older
brother speaking here.

I'm giving you three
to get out of there.

One, two... Still
want to try for three?

Oh, Ma, I didn't know
that was you in there

taking a bath.

Yeah, it's my
chauffeur's day off,

and I had no way

of getting to my private spa.

I'm sorry I yelled,
Ma, but, uh...

Turn your back for one minute,
and O.J. Simpson runs by you.

This is ridiculous.

Ma, are you gonna let him

get away with that?

That's your problem.

I've got to make breakfast.

I've got to get to
work early today.

Florida, you still didn't
sew that button on my cuff

like I asked you to.

I didn't have a
chance yet, honey.

I was taking a bath.

What do you mean,
you was taking a bath?

A bath.

You know,

you put a little hot water
and a little cold water?

That's what they
call "taking a bath."

Baby, what I mean is,

why didn't you take
your bath last night?

I told you, I was too tired

from taking
inventory at the store.

Well, that's the perfect time

to take a bath...
When you're tired.

It was not the perfect time

to take a bath last night.

Why wasn't it the perfect time?

Because you were taking a bath.

And, uh, Ma, while
we're on the subject,

when are you gonna
tell my little brother

to get out of there?

I've got to get to
work early today.

Delivering spare ribs?

Who orders ribs
this time of day?

You'd be surprised, Ma.

Spare ribs is a
perfect breakfast food.

They fill you up,

and then you can
use the extra grease

to give your car a lube job.

Stop being ridiculous.

Okay, James, let
me fix your button.

It's about time.

Hey, Ma,

did you press out
my dress for me?

I didn't have time
last night, honey.

Oh, Ma, what am I
gonna wear to school?

Why don't you wear a mask

and give the student
body a break?

Look who's talking.

You could be a witch doctor

with your natural face.

You got some nerve...
Yeah, you know...

All right, now, knock it off.

That's enough.

Hey, Florida, you're
supposed to be sewing

the button on the shirt,

not the shirt to my hand.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry,

but this place isn't exactly

peace and quiet
around here today.

Ma... Wear your
skirt and blouse.

But the fellows
will laugh at me.

J.J., will you go
into the bathroom?

I can't.

There's still an occupied
sign on the door.

Michael, will you hurry it up?

I'm all through, Ma.

It's about time you got...

Hey, mind your business!


Looks like I'm
gonna have to start

using the gas station again.

If I don't get a car soon,

they gonna start
asking questions.

Mama, did you write my note?

What note?

The one giving me permission
to go on the trip with my class.

I forgot, honey.
I'll do it tonight.

But Ma, I need it now.
We're going today.

Michael! Ma... Michael... What?

Don't bother Ma with
these small, trivial problems.

Do what I'd usually
do when I was a kid.

Forge Ma's name.


Whenever did you forge my name?

Uh, really, Ma,

it was just small,
insignificant little things,

like report cards.

If I'd known you
were forging names,

I'd've knocked them
naps off your head.

Dad, I never really
forged your name.

I mean, I always showed
you my report card,

so you know I got to be jiving.

You're right on that.

Every time I saw
your report card,

I said, "He got to be jiving."

Oh, now look what
you did, Florida.

You broke the thread.

If you'd sit still, it
wouldn't happen.

Well, hurry up, will you?

I'm late for work as it is.

I'm going as fast
as I can, James.

Ma, what about my note?

Write it yourself
and I'll sign it.


Hey, Thelma, when you
getting out of there, girl?

Hey, don't rush me!

Hey, Ma, did you
see my makeup kit?

I can't find it.

Don't worry about it, Thelma.

We got a brown
paper bag out here

to cover your face.

Oh, shut up out there.

All right, knock it off, Junior.

Ma, how many M's

does "permission" have in it?

I can help you with
that one, Michael.

There's either one or two.

It's one, honey. Thanks, Ma.

Hey, the oatmeal's burning.

Oh, good lord.

Oh, now, that's just great.

Now we ain't got no breakfast.

Florida, will you
come on, please?

I'm running late for work now.

Yeah, me too.

Hey, Thelma, when you
getting out of there, girl?

When I get
finished, that's when.

You are finished!

Ma, should I end this letter

"sincerely yours"
or "yours truly"?

Hey, Ma, did you
see the hair spray?

At last, justice!

Ma... Ma!


Florida, are you
gonna finish this button

or ain't you?

I have to take care of
this three alarm fire in here,

if you don't mind.

I'll tell you
something, Florida.

If you'd've took
your bath last night

when you were supposed to,

you could have got up,

made this oatmeal
without no mess,

fixed my button

so I could get to work on time.

Now where you going?

I've got a job too,

and I've got to get
to work on time.

Now, if you want
that button sewed,

you sew it yourself.

And if you want
breakfast, make it yourself.

Then make the
lunch for the children,

wash the dishes, do the
laundry, make the beds,

and sweep the floor.

And see how you would like

being mother, housewife,

diplomat, referee,
counselor, cook,

seamstress, and
sparring partner,

with no pay and
no fringe benefits.

Good morning, Flo.

It's a beautiful day, ain't it?

Don't get smart, Willona.


I wonder.

Sometimes I really wonder.

About what?

If the whole thing is worth it.

You beat your brains out,

but does anybody appreciate it?


"Sew the button on my shirt,"

"Make the breakfast,"

"Press my skirt."

Oh, Abe, you freed our
people, but you forgot me.

Let me take a wild guess.

You are sick and
tired of the rat race.


So why don't you
change your life

and become one of the Supremes?


Oh, honey, you serious, huh?

Look, meet me for lunch

and you can cry on my shoulder.

I always like to have

a little water in
my Scotchy-poo.

Thanks, Willona,
but I can't get away.


That's funny.

You know this the
second luncheon invitation

I turned down for today?

Second? Uh-huh.

Mr. Harris, the head
of my department,

he invited me to lunch too,

sort of celebrating
finishing up the inventory,

but naturally, I didn't accept.


I didn't want to take the time.

Of course not.

I got too much to do.

Of course you do.

Wait a minute.

Why can't I take the time?

Why can't you?

Why does it always have to be

work, work, work all the time?

Yeah, why does it have to be

work, work, work all the time?

The man is a gentleman.

He offered me an
invitation to lunch.

Why can't I accept?

Why can't you?

I'm gonna go.

Why don't you?

Oh, Willona, I'm so glad

I bumped into you this morning.

You always have
such good advice.

You've been so much help to me

with the inventory,

I wanted to bring you
someplace special.

It's beautiful,

but I think they
forgot the chairs.

We sit on the floor.

You've got to be kidding.

It's a Japanese custom.

Well, so is hari-kari, but
we don't have to do that.

It's really very comfortable.


Try it.



Are you all right?


Last time I tried this

is when we were
behind in our bills

and they repossessed
our furniture.

A backrest for the lady, please.



"Hai" means "yes" in Japanese.


Well, how do you
say "chiropractor"?

If you please.

Yes indeed.


That's better.

Thank you.

Don't touch your what?

Two sushi to start
with, and sake, please.

Well, I'm so glad we
finally got together

for lunch.

I've asked you so many times.

Well, I usually brown bag it,

but I felt the need
for something different


I felt the need to
forget about everything.

Yes, well, I'm
glad you accepted.

That's a, uh...

That's a new outfit, isn't it?


It was nice of you to notice.

Well, it's because
it's a habit of mine.

I've been selling
women's clothes

for two years.

It fits you well.

Can't say that about
many of my outfits.

Oh, you have a perfect figure.

I'd say a perfect 14.

And I'd say you are
one heck of a salesman.

The sushi and sake.


Which is the sushi
and which is the sake?

Well, uh, this is the sake.

It's a wine made out of rice.

No kidding.

The only thing I
ever had with my rice

was red beans.

Hey, you know,

I don't think I
ought to drink that.

I didn't have any
breakfast this morning.

Oh, it's very relaxing.

To our first lunch.

Are you all right?


These Japanese
are something else.

First they take your shoes off,

and then they
blow your head off.

Okay. Try one of these.


What is it?


Oh, I like tacos.

It don't taste like tacos.

Well, that's because
it isn't. It's octopus.

I ain't never ate nothing

with eight legs before.

Well, I guess you have to, uh,

acquire a taste for it.


Is your side of
the room spinning?


Well, mine is.

It's going round and round,

like we're on the Ferris wheel

at a carnival.

Have you ever
been to a carnival?

Oh, many times.

Oh, my father used to take us

every time one came to town.

I remember one time

he bought a box
of cr*cker Jacks,

and there was a prize in it,

a wind thistle.

A what?

Um, a thin twistle.

Wait a minute.

A tin whistle.

Every time you blew it

it made the prettiest sound,

but then I lost it.

After that, I'd buy cr*cker Jack

and keep hoping that
I'd find another tin whistle,

but I never did.

Well, a toast

to cr*cker Jacks
and tin whistles.


You know, when I
left home this morning,

I was upset about something,

but for the life of me,

I can't remember
what it was now.


Love this rice.

Now, Dad, promise

that you'll be real nice to Ma

when she gets home tonight.

Oh, Thelma, I'm
being nice to her.

Didn't I tell Junior
to bring home

a bunch of them ribs
from that take-home place?

Now your mother won't
have to cook tonight.

She can be a lady.

All she'll have to do
is serve up the food,

and then clear the table,
wash and dry the dishes,

put them away,

and then maybe
she can get around

to fixing that
button on my shirt.

Oh, Daddy, I'll do all that.

You know, Daddy,

maybe Mama's tired
of the same, old routine.

She might need
an outside interest.

Hey, maybe that's it.


why don't you and
Mama have another baby?


Well, that's an
outside interest.

I'll get it, Dad.

Greetings from the Roundup
Roast Beef and Rib Palace.

Our ribs are tasty,
tender, and brown.

That's because our cook
has soul and knows how to...

get down!

J.J., stop acting ridiculous
and give me that bag.

Wait a minute, now.

This is an official delivery.

I got to go through
the official routine here.

Now, uh...

this is the Evans
residence, isn't it?

You are the woman of
the house, aren't you?


Could have fooled me. Aah!

You better take that
steer off your head.

I think it kicked
your brains out.


No tip, huh?


I knew you were a cheapo
when I walked in here.

Hey, Dad, good news.

I got the special
employee's discount.


10 cents off.

I'm all choked up, Junior.


This stuff smells good.

Yeah, I had the chef give us
the special choice cut there.

I'll have you know

that is 75 percent
Grade A government fat.

What you talking about, Junior?

You know I told the guy
to give us the best he had.

Hey, you know what?

I think ordering food

is gonna make Mama real happy.

Yeah, it ought to, Michael,

but I don't know.

I mean, your mother's

been awful unreasonable lately.

Yeah, unreasonable.

I mean, she act like she don't

appreciate what we got here.

Don't appreciate it.

I mean, we don't
live all that bad.

We sure don't.

We got a great family.

Yeah, great family.

Three wonderful kids.

I'll tell y'all one thing.

I ain't gonna put up

with no foolishness
from her tonight.

No, sir, not after I
done laid out almost $8

for that food.

She come in here

with a whole lot of
yang-yang tonight,

I ain't gonna go for it.

I don't want to
hear no lip at all.

Hello, everybody!

And how is my wonderful,

handsome, favorite husband?


Boy, she's mad.

Shut up.

And how's the rest
of my beautiful family?

Fine. Fine, Ma.


How'd you do in
school today, Michael?

Well, Mama, the
trip was real nice.


I got a C on my English test.

Oh, you'll get an A next time.


Man, what a temper.

Shut up, Junior.

Florida, how come you so happy?

Well, why shouldn't I be, honey?

I had a wonderful day,

and I'm sure you
had a wonderful day,

and here we all are
together at the end of the day.

What more could you ask?

I could ask why you're so happy,

that's what.

Uh, Ma, we have
a surprise for you.

You don't have to cook tonight.

Daddy had J.J.

bring home some ribs for us.

Thanks, lover.

Tell you, boy. Vicious. Vicious.

What'd you say, J.J.?

I said the spare ribs
are delicious, delicious.

Okay, everything's ready, Ma.

We can sit down and eat now.

Come on.

Let's eat!

♪ Poor butterfly ♪

♪ La, la, la, la ♪

Wait a minute,
what's going on here?

Now you singing?

Was I?

Yeah, and I ain't heard
you sing in weeks.

Oh, well, that's
because I feel so good.

I don't get it.

I'll get the door.

Singing about butterflies.

You come in here
grinnin' and skinnin'.

I don't know. There's
something wrong here.

Good evening.

Is Mrs. Evans in?


Mr. Harris!

Ah, ah, ah, ah.

Who is this?

Remember what I
told you this afternoon?

It's Oscar.

Who is this?


These are for you.

Oh, thank you.

Well, I just happened

to be passing by this florist

and I saw those
Japanese tea roses.

It reminded me
of this afternoon,

and I just couldn't
resist buying them.

Now, who is this,
what's going on,

and what happened
this afternoon?


We just had lunch
together, that's all.


James, this is Oscar Harris,

the head of my department.

Oscar, this is my
husband, James.


Ah... And these are my children.

That's Michael, Thelma, and J.J.

Hello. Hey. Hi.

A very handsome looking group.

Well, you know, what can I say?


I just love these flowers.

Thelma, will you put
them in some water

for me, please?

Uh, there is something

in the envelope for you too.


Excuse me.

A tin whistle.

I had to buy 25
boxes of cr*cker Jacks

before I found one.

Go ahead, try it.

See what it sounds like.

All right.

It's just as I remembered.

Somebody want to tell me

what the hell is
going on around here?

At lunch today,

Oscar and I were
talking about the carnival,

and I was saying
how when I was a kid,

I had one of these tin whistles,

but I lost it,

and I never could
find another one like it.

Then why didn't you tell me?

I'd have bought you a whistle.

Oh, but no, James,
you can't buy them.

You have to get them
out of the cr*cker Jacks.

Well, somebody
tell me something.

What were you two
doing having lunch

in the first place?

Celebrating finishing
the inventory.

We had a wonderful time,

once your wife got
comfortable on the floor.

You want to run
that by me again?

James, it was a
Japanese restaurant.


Now I understand.

♪ Poor butterfly ♪

♪ La, la, la La-la, la-la ♪

Oscar, we were just
about to sit down to dinner.

Would you care to join us?

We ain't got enough food.

No thanks.

I have another engagement.


It was nice meeting you all.

Nice meeting you.

Good night.

I'll see you to the door.

I'll see you outside the door.

James, please!

Florida, I hope you
enjoy the whistle.

Oh, I will, and thank you.

You're welcome. Good night.

Good night.

Good night.

Are you ready to
tell me about this

right now?

James, you don't have to shout.

Uh, I think we better
get lost for a little while.

Uh-uh, Thelma. I want to stay.

This is getting interesting.

Come on.

You too, chopstick. Come on.

Get in there.

Come on, Florida,
now, what is it?

Because if it's
what I think it is,

I'm gonna pluck that turkey

feather by feather.

Oh, James.

Are you jealous?

Who, me?

No, of course not.

I wish you were.

What do you mean by that?

Well, maybe then I'll feel

that you think of me
as something more

than somebody to sew
a button on your shirt,

somebody that you
think of as a woman.

Well, Florida,

how do you think I think of you?

When was the last time

you made me feel like a woman?

How about the night before last?

James, I'm not
talking about that.

I'm talking about treating me

the way a woman
likes to be treated,

the way Oscar treated me.

Now, how did Oscar treat you?

Well, he was kind.

He was thoughtful.

He even noticed that
I had on a new outfit.

Is that a new outfit?

I'd have noticed
it was a new outfit,

sooner or later.

James, it's more than that.

He was very polite to me.

He was courteous.

He showed me all the attention

that a woman likes.

Yeah, but I thought
you didn't go

for that stuff no more.

I mean, not with all that
women's lib jive and all that.

James, women's lib don't mean
we want to stop being women.

It just means we want our
chance in this world too.

Honey, the main
thing on my mind is,

am I just a habit with you,

or do you love me?

Do I love you?

Hey, what kind of silly question

is that, huh?

How about a silly answer?

I got one for you.

What's that for?

To call the
children in to dinner,

and then let's get rid of them

as fast as we can.

Have mercy.

All right, let's get it!

All right, move!

Come on, get it, get it!

Move! Hit that table.

Man, let's eat!

Come on!

♪ Mm-mm-mm ♪

♪ Just lookin' Out
of the window ♪

♪ Watching the asphalt grow ♪

♪ Thinkin' how It all
looks hand-me-down ♪

♪ Good times Good times ♪

♪ Keepin' your
head Above water ♪

♪ Makin' a wave When you can ♪

♪ Temporary layoffs Good times ♪

Good Times is recorded on tape

before a live audience.

♪ Ain't we lucky we got 'em? ♪

♪ Good times ♪♪
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