03x14 - Cousin Cleatus

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Good Times". Aired: February 8, 1974, to August 1, 1979.*
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A spin-off of Maude, which itself is a spin-off of All in the Family, making Good Times the first television spin-off from another spin-off; revolving around a poor family making the best of things in the Chicago housing projects.
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03x14 - Cousin Cleatus

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Good times Any time
you meet a payment ♪

♪ Good times Any
time you need a friend ♪

♪ Good times Any time
you're out from under ♪

♪ Not gettin' hassled
Not gettin' hustled ♪

♪ Keepin' your
head Above water ♪

♪ Makin' a wave when you can ♪

♪ Temporary layoffs Good times ♪

♪ Easy credit
rip-offs Good times ♪

♪ Scratchin' and
survivin' Good times ♪

♪ Hangin' in a chow
line Good times ♪

♪ Ain't we lucky we got 'em? ♪

♪ Good times ♪♪

Ooh! Hurry up, Daddy, hurry up!

Yeah, Daddy, we
can't wait to hear

how our new stereo sounds.

Yeah, my body's
ready for boogying.

All right, cool it.

I'm just trying to make sure

I got these speaker
wires hooked up right.

Come on, let's hook 'em up.

Let's get on with it.

Your daddy is right.
Be patient, children.

Boy, Ma, that stereo's a beauty.

You going to
church all this time

has finally paid off!


for the first time in
my life, I won a raffle,

but that ain't why
I go to church.

I go to pray.

Well, Mama, you must have
prayed real hard this time

to win that.

Yeah, for a $250 stereo,

you gotta give the
Lord a few extra amens.

And hallelujahs.


Yeah, well, let's
get on with it.

You all cut that out.

I didn't pray to win no raffle.

Well, it's about time
you won something.

Well, it's all set.

Thelma, you can
put a record on now.

All right! All right!

Let's go on.

Whoa, listen to that sound!


That's stereophonic soul!

Soul Train, watch out!

Go ahead.

Go on, Thelma!

Hey, look at this.

Go ahead, Junior!

Look at you.


Michael, I didn't
know... Look at Daddy!

Come on, baby, let's dance.


No! No!

Come on, your knees is waiting.

Honey, I... We can do the bump.

Do the bump! Do the bump.

Hey... Hey!




Hey! What happened?

Power failure.

Somebody must've
raised the price of oil again.

That's all right. I'll
hit the breaker switch.

That ought to get it.

That's better. Whoo!


Aw... It must be
something in the building.

No, it can't be.

All the lights in the
other apartments are on.

Wait a minute. Thelma,
turn that thing off a minute.

I wanna try something.

Okay, Dad.

It's off.

All right.

Now, turn it back on.


Oh. No, that's it.

Turn it off. Turn it off.


That's what it is,
baby. It's the stereo.

But how can that be,
James? It's brand new.

Oh, that don't
mean nothing, baby,

not the way they
build stuff today.

You know, they
used to build stuff

to last a lifetime. Hmm.

Then they started
building it to last

until you made
your final payment.

Now they just build it to last
until you get it out the door.

What a rip-off.

Don't worry, children.

I am sure they will exchange it.

Now, settle down everybody.

Mrs. Evans?


Federal Bureau of Investigation.

I'm Special Agent Reardon.
This is Special Agent Monroe.

I never thought blowing a
fuse was a federal offense.

Can we talk to you, please?

I don't understand. What about?

Hold on there, Ma. You
don't have to say a word.

They forgot to say,

"Anything that you say
will be held against you."

Now, just be quiet, Junior.

Uh, you may continue
the interrogation.

Go on.

What you want
to talk to us about?

If you let us in, we'll explain.

Oh, well, come on in.

Mrs. Evans, uh...

You have a nephew,
Cleatus Jackson?

Yes, that's my
sister Clara's son.

What about Cleatus?

We have reason to believe
he was involved in a robbery

of the Dayton National
Bank in Atlanta, Georgia

four days ago.

Twenty-five thousand
dollars was stolen.

Cleatus? Oh, that can't be.

Oh, I bet you're
just picking on him

because he's a member
of the Black Falcons.

All right, now,
be cool, Michael.

Daddy, I'm just standing
up for what's right.

Yeah? You keep
popping your chops,

you're gonna be
standing up all night.

Y'all sure about this?

Well, closed circuit TV
cameras took pictures

during the robbery.

Though they're not too
clear, it looks like him.

Well, "looks like"
ain't the same as "is."

That couldn't be Cleatus. He
would never do such a thing.

We're not saying
definitely he's the one,

but it is a coincidence

that he's suddenly
dropped out of sight

and we can't find him,

and until we do, he's a suspect.

Well, what's all that
got to do with us?

Yeah! What's this
got to do with us?

Uh, shutting the mouth.

Mrs. Evans, have you
seen him at all lately?

I haven't seen Cleatus
since two Christmases ago.

Instead of wasting
time with Cleatus,

why don't you find the guy
who shot Medgar Evers?

Well, uh...

If you do see him
or hear from him,

we'd appreciate
you letting us know.

We're very anxious
to get in touch with him.

You can reach us at
this number right here.

Well, I'm sure it's a mistake.

Well, if he's innocent,

then he has nothing
to worry about.

Um, sir?

Can I ask just one question?

Certainly, son.

Who is looking for the guy
who shot Medgar Evers?

Well, thank you for your time

and, uh, good night.

James, I'm still shaking.

All this crazy talk
about Cleatus,

FBI coming to our
house investigating us...

Maybe they're getting tired
of people investigating them.

Boy, oh, boy, the
FBI in our house.

Wait till I tell my
running partners

how cool I was and how
easily I handled them.

No, Junior.

That's exactly what
you ain't gonna do.

We're gonna keep
this in the family,

and we don't let
it get no further.

Last thing we need is
neighbors knowing about this.

Don't worry, Dad,
my lips will be sealed.

Hmm. It'll take an awful
lot of glue to seal those lips.

Oh, will you two knock it off.

And, Florida, please,
whatever you do,

don't tell Willona.

You don't have to
worry about that, James.

Oh. This kind of
news is something

I wouldn't like to get around.

Well, that's good.

I tell you, last person
needs to know about it

is motormouth.


Those FBI dudes
give y'all a hard time?

Well, the news will be
in Uganda by morning.

Willona, how did you
know it was the FBI?

Are you jiving?

Two white dudes walking
through the projects at night

with their Efrem
Zimbler suits on.

Flo, I hope you didn't say
nothing about Cleatus to him.

Willona, how did you
know about Cleatus?

You know, I think
one of her earrings

is a listening device.

Well, let's just say I have
instinct and intuition...

and, besides, it's
in the newspapers.

Huh?! What?!

Hold it! What's going on here?

How can you tell?
That picture's so fuzzy.

I don't know.

Yeah, but it does
look like Cleatus.

Oh, no, it can't be.

You can't tell anything by
this picture. It's too far away.

Besides, the cat in this
picture's wearing dark glasses,

and he's not even
facing the camera.

You know, Michael, as a rule,
when you're robbing a bank,

you don't stand there
and pose for pictures.

Amen. I say that too.
I say it was Cleatus.

But you know me.

I do not stick my nose
into nobody's business.


Well, I say it isn't Cleatus...

and I should know
better than anybody else

what Cleatus looks like.

Even the FBI ain't sure.

Well, if you want my opinion,

I think that, uh...

Uh, when I have one,

I will definitely
relay it to you.

Oh, who's that now, the CIA?

The CIA, the FBI, we being
alphabeted to death here.

Junior, just answer
the door, will you?

One more alphabet,

and I'm gonna leave
home and never come back.


And answer the
door on your way out.

Oh, boy, keep that up,

I'm gonna get the feeling
I'm not wanted around here.


Yeah, what y'all want again?

Good evening
again, uh, Mrs. Evans.

Do you mind if we
use your phone?

Of course not.
It's right over there.

Thank you very much.

It better be a local call.


Well, as a matter of fact,
it is. He's calling a cab.

Somebody stole all
four wheels off our car

while we were here.

Did they steal the spare too?


Mere amateurs, then.

If they were professionals,
they would have left you nothing

but the driver's manual
in the glove compartment.

Uh, I'd like a cab, please.

Yeah. 963 North Gilbert.

Yes, that's right. As
soon as possible, please.

Thank you very much. Bye.

Thank you, Mr. and
Mrs. Evans, uh...

Uh, you really expect
a cab to come here?

Well, sure. Why not?

James... They really... They...

They really expect...

You expect a cab... tonight?

In this neighborhood?

And you work for the FBI?


If this is The FBI, no
wonder they're into rerun.

Yeah, we laughing...
but that was the FBI.

This whole thing is
turning into a nightmare.

Flo? What?

Have you heard anything
from Cleatus lately?


but the last time I talked
with my sister Clara,

she said everything
was just fine with Cleatus.

She's real proud of
the work he's doing

with the Black Falcons.

You know, the free lunch
programs for the kids,

counseling youngsters
that are in trouble, all that.

Mama, maybe that's the reason

why they're hassling Cleatus.

You know, a lot of
people don't like the idea

of the Black Falcons trying
to help us stand on our own.

Hey, Cleatus is a hero.

Hey, now, wait a minute, now.

We ain't sure if he's
innocent or guilty.

I mean, this
picture in the paper

looks too much like him.

It could be him.

You just be careful how
you pick your heroes, mister.

Oh, James...

Now, I have known Cleatus
since he was a little boy.


And he's always had
nothing but good in him.

Flo, I know you're right, honey,

but if anything
happens, let me know.

Why? You always
know before we do.

Very funny.

You know, J.J.,
I'm just like you.

Sometimes, I get the
feeling I'm not wanted.


Whatever you was
about to fix in your mouth

to say, forget it.

I'm going.

Aw, don't worry, Ma.

We haven't seen
Cleatus in over two years,

and he's not our responsibility.

Yeah, she got a point there.

Florida, look here, that
store we got the stereo from,

is it still open at night?

Yeah, until 9:30.

Good. Why don't we go down
there and talk about exchanging it?

Ain't no sense in this thing

sitting up here just
blowing out the lights

every time you turn it on.

You know, James, you're right.

I think I still have the
guarantee in my purse.

Sure. Hey, yeah!

Let's get one that works,

then I could call up
one of my current foxes,

invite her over,

and we can do... the hustle!

The hustle, huh!

I saw your current fox.

She looks more
like a cow you rustle.

You got some nerve
insulting my chick.

You should be in that
new movie Mahogany,

as one of the termites.

Who you calling a termite?

You got a body like
an anteater's nose.

James, I got the
strangest feeling

that's Cleatus.

Oh, Florida, don't be silly.
That could be anybody.

No, James, I think it's him.


If that's Cleatus,
he sure has shrunk.

Hello, son. What is it?
You selling something?

You the Evans family?


Is anybody else here?


Well, thanks. Bye.

Now, what was that all about?

I don't know, baby, but...


I've been running
hard, Aunt Florida.

I need a place to stay.

Can I come in?


Yeah, let him come in, Florida.

We ain't sure he did anything.

Come on in, Cleatus.

Thanks, Aunt Florida.

Hi, Uncle James.

J.J., Thelma, Mike. Cleatus.

Cleatus... The FBI's
been looking for you.

I know. I saw them downstairs.

That's why I sent that
little kid up to check

to see if they left
anybody up here.

All right, Cleatus, I'm
gonna ask you a question

right down front.

Did you rob that bank?

No, I didn't, Aunt Florida.

I knew it.

I knew he couldn't have done it.

Yeah. Well, if you
didn't rob the bank,

how come you've
been slipping and sliding

and dodging and hiding?

Because I'm a Black Falcon.

You know how they feel about
the Black Falcons, Uncle James.

They'd never believe me.
I wouldn't stand a chance.

See, what'd I tell you?

J.J., what you doing?

Just, uh, checking
something out here.

Just checking something out.

Mm-hmm. How you doing,
Cleatus. Nice to see you.

Uh, why don't you give
me a little sideways there.

Give me a little pro-fill.

Oh, come on, man!

It would be easy
to recognize you

if you had a pair of
dark sunglasses on

and a p*stol in your hand.

Stop that nonsense.

This picture don't
look nothing like him.

I don't know, Ma,

for somebody that
don't look like him,

it sure look like him.

I know it looks a little
bit like me, but it ain't me.

But if I told the Man that,
do you think he'd believe me?

No way, man. You
wouldn't have a chance.

Right on, Michael.

Aunt Florida, I could
sure use a cup of coffee.

I'm beat.

Oh, of course, son.

Thelma, make him some coffee.

You think you got
trouble now, Cleatus,

wait till you taste
Thelma's coffee.

You know, Cleatus, you
sound very convincing...

but you can't stay here.

Now, I got a family,

and you got the
FBI on your tail.

Hey, Daddy, why
can't he stay here?

You know, one
more word out of you,

and you're gonna have
something on your tail.

Cleatus, son, you can't
keep running forever.

I know that, Aunt Florida,

but I gotta get
my thing together,

scrape up some money

so I can get myself
a good lawyer.

Yeah, but, uh,

what about that
$25,000 you took?

You looking for it, J.J.!

All right, now.
Hey, hey, hey, hey!

Calm down, Cleatus!


Just jiving, man. Just jiving.

Hey, look, I'm sorry I yelled.

I'm... I'm kind of
uptight. You understand?

Of course, son. Of course.

I mean, if I could get
myself a good night's sleep,

I'd be all right.

I promise to leave
in the morning.

All right, you can stay tonight.

Thanks, Uncle James.

Yeah. Aunt Florida.

Thanks, Thelma.

Cleatus, your Mama's
gonna be awfully worried.

I know she is right
now, and I would call her,

but they've probably
got her phone tapped.

Hey, Cleatus, can't you get
help from the Black Falcons?

I mean, they have
lawyers. They can help you.

Well, I've been thinking
about that, Michael,

but right now, it's
pretty hard for me

to make contact with anybody.

You must feel like
the city of New York

trying to get in contact
with President Ford.

J.J., you ain't changed a bit,

still clowning around.

Hey, man, I see
you're getting yourself

a mustache.

Oh, what can I say, bro?

Yeah, we call his
lip the Astrodome.

It needs artificial turf.

Son, you look exhausted.

Yeah, I can barely
keep my eyes open.

I really gotta hit the sack.

All right, son, why don't
you go in there and wash up.

You can sleep with the boys

on the sofa tonight.

Hey, thanks a lot.

Now, if y'all excuse me...

Hey, Cleatus the man,

let me help you with your bag.

Oh, no, Michael, that's
cool. Come on, I'll help you.

No, man, let go of it!

Look like we hit
the $25,000 jackpot!


Okay. Okay, so now you know.

Hey, Cleatus,
man, I don't get it.

I thought Black
Falcons didn't steal.

That's right, brother,

but I ain't a Black
Falcon no more.

I got tired of being
hassled for the cause

and getting by on
chump change...

so I decided that the only
cause worth fighting for

is me.

Cleatus, you
didn't have to steal.

Maybe, but I wanted
my bread in one big loaf,

not one lousy slice at a time.

Yeah, well, take your
bread and get out of here

before I turn both of
y'all into a jam sandwich.

Hey... Easy, now.

I ain't here to put you
through no changes.

In fact, I'm willing
to offer you top dollar

for temporary room and board.

What do you say
to five big ones?

What you say to
these five big ones?

Hey, don't y'all need the money?

Not that kind, Cleatus.
Now will you just leave.

But Aunt Florida, we blood.

Yeah, and yours is
gonna be all over here

if you don't hit that door.

Now split, man!

Cleatus, will you please go!

I don't want nothing
to do with you!

And I feel sorry for your mama.

It's gonna break her heart

when she find out
what you've done.

No chance of me staying?

Not in one piece.
Now, hit the door, man.

Cool, man. Cool.

I guess I ain't wanted
here, so I'll just split.

One thing I don't need
right now is more trouble.

Hey, Cleatus, man,
I'm disappointed in you.

I thought you were
a Black Falcon

willing to help the
people and their problems.

What you doing? Get off me!

My God, Cleatus,
what are you doing?

I'm just taking
my little coz here

for a little walking insurance.

I mean, I'm gonna make sure

that you don't call the fuzz.

Oh, we won't call
the police. Honest.

Cleatus, please.

Yeah, let him go!

He's never harmed you.

And I ain't gonna
harm him, either,

so long as y'all keep cool.

Now, like I said, he's
my insurance policy.

Hey, Flo, girl, I was...

Uh, uh... Avon calling, uh...

Y'all, uh... You don't
want any cosmetics today?

Okey-dokey, I'll drop
off the free gift later.

Uh-uh, you're gonna
drop your butt in that chair

right over there.

You telling me to drop
my butt in that chair?

You got it.

Dropping my butt in the chair.

That's it.

Nice and quiet.

Matter of fact, it's too quiet.

Turn on the stereo.

The stereo?

The stereo.

Yeah, give me
a little exit music.

I mean, make things sound
normal around here, dig?

Yeah, I dig.

We don't want no
trouble, Cleatus.

We don't want no trouble.

Now, Thelma, do like he
say and turn on the stereo...


Okay, Dad, that's
just what I'll do.

♪ Let's get on down ♪

Hey, be careful!

Turn on the lights, Thelma!

Get up!

Boy, you lucky he got
to you first, Cleatus!

Aw, be still!

Aw, Junior, stop all that
bouncing around like a fool!

Are you all right, honey?

Yeah, Ma.

Relax, Flo. Everything's
cool now, honey. Okay?

Cleatus, I just
don't understand.

You were always such a good boy.

You had dreams and ideals.

What happened, son?

Do you know what it's
like out there, Aunt Florida?

I mean, scratching
and scrounging

for every little penny?

I mean, what you
gotta do to make it

if you're poor today?

Damned if I know, Cleatus.
See, we so rich, we don't know.

We've been setting up
here in this big penthouse

on Lakeshore Drive,

and all we do all day long, son,

is eat caviar, count
our stocks and bonds.

What the hell would we
know about being poor?


Yeah, come on in!

Uh, do you mind if we
make another telephone call?

We've been waiting downstairs,

and that cab still
hasn't shown up.

Yeah, but look who has!

Hey, what do you
know, Cleatus Jackson.

J.J., get the suitcase
with the money in it.

Ah, here's his g*n.

You did have to remember that,

didn't you, Dad?

Get the suitcase, boy!

Just jiving. Just jiving.

This is Special
Investigator Monroe, FBI.

We've got an emergency here.
We need transportation fast.

963 North Gilbert
Avenue. You got it?

Thank you.

Okay, let's go.

Thanks a lot for helping
us out, Mr. Evans.


And, Mrs. Evans, I'm...

I'm sorry it turned
out this way.

So am I.



I wanna apologize.

For what, Michael?

For thinking Cleatus was a hero.

I acted just like a kid.

Oh, that's all right, son.
You didn't know no better.

But I do know
one thing for sure.

When it comes to heroes,

there's only one in this house.

Well, it's nice of you
to say that, little brother.

J.J., I was talking about Daddy.

Oh, now, Michael, as
much as I appreciate that,

I ain't no hero.

You don't have to be no
hero to catch a chump like that.

You know, I think, son,

if you're talking about heroes,

you're thinking
about people like

Martin Luther King
or Thurgood Marshall

or Medgar Evers.

And James Evans, Sr.

Right on, James Evans, Sr.

If you've been outvoted,
you've been outvoted.

Give me a smile.
Give me a smile, babe.

You did your thing.
You did your thing.

♪ Mm-mm-mm ♪

♪ Just lookin' Out
of the window ♪

♪ Watching the asphalt grow ♪

♪ Thinkin' how It all
looks hand-me-down ♪

♪ Good times Good times ♪

♪ Keepin' your
head Above water ♪

♪ Makin' a wave When you can ♪

♪ Temporary layoffs Good times ♪

Good Times is recorded on tape

before a live audience.

♪ Ain't we lucky we got 'em? ♪

♪ Good times ♪♪
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