03x06 - The Weekend

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Good Times". Aired: February 8, 1974, to August 1, 1979.*
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A spin-off of Maude, which itself is a spin-off of All in the Family, making Good Times the first television spin-off from another spin-off; revolving around a poor family making the best of things in the Chicago housing projects.
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03x06 - The Weekend

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Good times Any time
you meet a payment ♪

♪ Good times Any
time you need a friend ♪

♪ Good times Any time
you're out from under ♪

♪ Not gettin' hassled
Not gettin' hustled ♪

♪ Keepin' your
head Above water ♪

♪ Makin' a wave when you can ♪

♪ Temporary layoffs Good times ♪

♪ Easy credit
rip-offs Good times ♪

♪ Scratchin' and
survivin' Good times ♪

♪ Hangin' in a chow
line Good times ♪

♪ Ain't we lucky we got 'em? ♪

♪ Good times ♪♪

I got it!

The perfect anniversary
present for Ma and Dad.

An electric blanket!

The 20th anniversary is china.

You're supposed to get
them something in china.

How about a Chinese
electric blanket?

Aw, J.J., I never heard

of no Chinese electric blanket.

Yeah, that's one
that warms the bed

and fries the eggrolls
at the same time.

I tell you, Michael,

when it comes to jive,
J.J. is the best alive.

I tell you, J.J., when
it comes to fool,

you're at the
head of the school.


Thelma's usually the
one that puts me down.

I know. She's been
giving me lessons.

She taught me
everything she knows.


You're a good student,
Michael, but let's get serious now.

The anniversary is Sunday,

and like I said, the
thing to get is china.

Now, I saw this
beautiful serving dish

at Sears.

The only question is,
do we have enough?

It costs $12.

Hey, well, I've got $3 saved up.

And I've got 6.

Well, y'all's $3 short.

J.J., don't give us that
routine about being short.

Yeah, you've
always got some cash

stashed away someplace.

I don't.

I swear.

You do... and we know where.

We sure do.

Hey, what are y'all
doing over there?

Give me that, man.


I got $2.

Ooh! And I got 3.

And you're broke, huh?


Ooh, J.J., how
selfish can you be?

Okay, now y'all
blew my surprise.

I was saving that
money for paint.

I was gonna paint a
portrait of Ma and Dad

as my own personal
present to them.

Oh, I'm sorry, J.J.

Yeah, me too.

Well, in honor of Ma and Dad,

I will humbly accept
your apologies.

And besides

painting a portrait of them, I
also made up a greeting card.

You did?


Ooh, that's beautiful!


And I already thought
of a slogan to put on it.

What's that?

"Our love for
you is out of sight.

"That comes from
Thelma, Michael, and Kid...


Okay, J.J., Michael and I'll
buy the china serving dish.

We'll get the money somehow.

Sure we will.

Uh-oh, if that's Ma,

let's not blow our surprise.


Hi, children.

Hi, Ma.

What's going on?

Nothing's going on, Ma.

Oh, I think I get the vibes.

You kids are plotting

to buy your daddy and
me an anniversary present,

but I just want you to know

that is not necessary.

But, Mama, this is a
special anniversary.

And we want to.

I know you do.

But you worked hard for
whatever you got saved up,

and your daddy and me

don't want you spending
it on any present.

Really. Really, children.

You three are the best present

we could have.

And you're looking at the
pilot that started the series.

So, listen now.

All of you forget
about the present.

Aw... Oh, Mama...

And, J.J., you can keep
that money in your sock.

Ma, you know about

my secret hiding place too?


It's as private as
the men's room

at O'Hare airport.

♪ Happy anniversary to me ♪

♪ Happy anniversary To you ♪

♪ We got some
miles On us, baby ♪

♪ But we're still good as new ♪♪

Thank you.


We're standing in the
used car lot of love.

And in 20 years,

we only turned out one clunker.


Now, James, you know
you don't mean that.

Just jiving,
Junior. Just jiving.

Speaking of our
three musketeers here,

do you know they
were getting ready

to spend their money

to buy us an
anniversary present?

You mean Junior
was getting ready

to dip into his sock again?

I got a feeling my sock is
listed in the Yellow Pages.

Well, look,

as much as I appreciate
what you kids were gonna do,

it ain't necessary,

because I'm fixing
to give your mother

the best anniversary
present she could ever have.

What's that, James?


Yeah, baby, you're gonna have

two whole days of
uninterrupted me.

What're you talking about?

Baby, I hold here in my
hands the keys to paradise.

Remember me telling you about
my friend Charlie, the foreman?


Well, Charlie owns
this cabin up by the lake.

I told him about
our anniversary,

and he's offered to lend
it to us for the weekend.

Oh, that sounds so romantic.


When are we all going?

Florida, it'll be just like
a second honeymoon.

You know, Charlie's a bachelor,

and he's got it all
set up for romance.

It'll be some weekend, baby.

What's the matter?
I told you about it,

but you don't seem to
go for the idea too much.

Oh, I do, James,
it's a wonderful idea.

But, well... But what?

Well, it's just that we
never left the kids alone

for two whole days.

Oh, now, come on, Florida.

Look at them. They
ain't kids no more.

They're old enough to
take care of theirselves.

That's right, Ma.

You and Dad deserve a
couple of days alone by yourself.

Now, see that? They
ain't worried about it.

Why you gonna
be worried about it?

Okay. I guess you're right.

It is a wonderful idea.


Two whole days, just me and you.

All alone.

Well, looks like they
getting started early.

Uh, Michael, let's go
finish that checker game

we had going in the bedroom.

Hey, good idea, J.J.

I've got all four
kings, and all you got

is one little lonely checker

trapped in a corner.

You haven't got a chance.

That's what he thinks.

While he wasn't looking, I
painted on some more squares.

Well, I better go referee.

Hi, y'all.

Hey, Willona.

♪ For you're a groovy
dude You're a foxy chick ♪

♪ You've been married
For 20 long years ♪

♪ How'd you make it stick? ♪♪

Oh, Willona.

Twenty years.

Honey, I'd be
celebrating my 20th.

I came that close. Mm.

Eighteen and a half more
years, and I would have made it.

Although our marriage only
lasted a couple of innings,

honey, that man sure
knew he was in a ball game.

Oh, you'll catch yourself
a husband some day.

Honey, I hope not.

I'm having too much fun looking.

I didn't come up
here to talk about me.

I came to bring you
some anniversary goodies.

For she.

Thank you.

For he.

Hey, Willona, thank you.

Have a happy. Come on, open it.

Oh, all right.

Willona, they're beautiful.

Now, the 20th is china, right?


You are now the honorable

Mr. and Mrs. Egg Foo Yung.

Most grateful thanks.

Hey, James,

these will be
perfect for the cabin.

Ah, so.


Did I hear you say cabin?


James's foreman is gonna let
us use his cabin over the weekend

to celebrate our anniversary.

Ooh, child!

Now, when you get there,

get the lights down low,
get the fireplace going,

slip into those robes,

go in your neutral corners,
and come out loving!

For breakfast tomorrow
morning, there's oatmeal and eggs.

And for lunch today, there's
gonna be fried chicken.

I stayed up late
last night making it.

Ma, I wouldn't count
on that fried chicken

if I was you.

What do you mean?

I stayed up later
last night and ate it.

That's just great.

Now you don't have
anything for lunch.

Oh, don't worry, Ma.

You know I can always
cook up something.

That still leaves
us with no lunch.

All right, Michael.

Thelma, now,

if the plumbing gets stopped up,

don't call the janitor.

It'll take him a
week to get here.

The plunger is
right under the sink.

Oh, let me make
sure it's under there.

That's okay, Ma. I'll find it.

And if I don't,

I can always use J.J. instead.

And if the vacuum
cleaner don't work,

we can always use your mouth.


Hey, J.J., why don't you
stop barking at Thelma?

All right. All right, children.

Now I don't want any
of that while we're gone.

You promise?


Oh, okay.

Thelma, I'm putting you
in charge of everything.

Hey, ma, how come
she's in charge?

I'm the oldest.

Well, she knows more
about running the house.


But, ma, you need a
man around the house

to defend against
lawless intruders.

You're absolutely right, J.J.

Michael, I'm putting
you in charge of security.

Ma... JAMES: We
better get a move on

if we don't want
to miss that bus.

All right, James.

Listen, Michael,

they say it's gonna turn
real cold this weekend.

So if you go out
to play basketball,

I want you to dress
real warm, you hear?

Yes, Mama.

I want you to put on your hat.

Yes, Mama.

And your scarves. Yes, Mama.

And two pairs of
socks. Yes, Mama.

And your mittens. Yes, Mama.

Michael, how are you
gonna sh**t baskets

with mittens on?

I don't know, but I was doing
so good with "Yes, Mama,"

I couldn't stop.

Come on, Florida, let's go, huh?

Okay, James. We better split.

Bye, children.

You take care.

See you later, Ma.

Be a good boy, now.

J.J., I want you to
take care of everything.

And we'll call you as
soon as we get there.

Have fun, Ma. Bye-bye.

Oh, and there's
money in the cookie jar

in case of emergencies.

Okay, Ma. Bye-bye.

Oh, and be sure and
keep the door locked

and don't let no strangers in.

Okay. Don't worry. Bye, y'all.

Come on, James.

And, look, in case
there's anything

you can't handle,

just call Willona, all right?


You sure y'all
gonna be all right?

Florida, will you
come on, please?

My mother didn't give
me this big a sendoff

when I left for Korea.

Let's go.

All right, James. Bye.


Bye, Daddy.

Bye, children.

Bye, Daddy.




We're running short
on peanut butter.

Now, in case you
have to buy some more,

get a medium-size jar.

And there are
coupons in the drawer.

And be sure you go to...


Oh, James, this is silly.

Come on, now.

All I'm trying to do

is recreate our honeymoon, baby.

Yeah, but on our honeymoon,
I only weighed 110.

Yeah, you was just
skin and bones then.

But... you just right now.

Just enough to fill my arms

but not too much to
make my knees buckle.

Oh, come on, baby.


Yeah, this is some
place he got here, ain't it?

Boy, this cabin is everything

Charlie said it was, baby.

This is gonna be some weekend.

Yeah. Honey? Huh?

Do you think the kids
are gonna be all right?

Oh, now, Florida, the
kids are gonna be fine.

Look, we supposed
to be Liz and d*ck,

not the Swiss Family
Robinson. Huh?

We only left them
a few hours ago.

Yeah, but you know how they are.

Yeah, and you know how I am,

so... let's get it on.

Well, look at that Charlie.

Got logs in the fireplace.

Look here, baby...

A bottle of
champagne just for us.


Look here, why don't you go

slip into them Chinese robes

that Willona gave us?

I'll get these logs going.

And we can get real cozy, huh?

Mm-hmm. What do
you say to that, baby?


What's wrong?
What you looking for?

James, there's no phone.

Well, that's good.

That way, can't
nobody bother us.

No, but I promised the kids
I'd call as soon as we got here

and let them know we were safe.

Honey, I'm worried about
them. Oh, now, Florida,

stop worrying
about the kids now.

We came up here to relax,

get away from it all. Remember?

Just you and me, baby.

You and me.

I guess you're right, James.

You know I'm right.
Give me some sugar.


Excuse me, honey.

Well, now where you going?

I just remembered
there's a phone booth

in that gas station
down the road.

No, Florida, leave it.

I won't be long.

Yeah, but, Florida,
it's cold out there.

Cold in here too.

Get up and get dressed
and clean up this living room.

Says who?

Says me.

You heard Ma.

She put me in charge.

Well, I got news
for you, Thelma.

You've just been un-in-charged.

From now on,

I'm giving the
orders around here.

What did you say?

That's right.

This is what's known
as a military coup.

From now on, refer to me as...

el presidente!

And we can get things rolling

by you starting to
vacuum the rug here,

you fixing us dinner,

and you doing the dishes.

Michael, you in charge
of garbage detail.

And what are you going to do?

I'm gonna rest up from
all this military couping.

Something tells me

this weekend's gonna
be longer than I thought.

No, it ain't.

Hey, Thelma, what
you doing over there?

El presidente has
given you the orders.

Well, el presidente, the
people have gone on strike,

and you can make
your own dinner.

Hey, hey, hey... Hey, hey, hey.

That's no problem at all.

Besides being your
leader, I'm also known

as the Galloping
Gourmet of the ghetto.

I will prepare for you
now the perfect dinner.

What's that, J.J.?

Soft-boiled eggs.

Hey, Thelma, answer the phone.

You answer it. You
running the country.

Boy, Thelma, you are definitely
asking for a court martial.

Your attitude is abominable.


Oh, hi, Ma.


Yeah, everything here is groovy.

Oh, Ma, everything here

ain't groovy, it's a mess.


Those were the sweet
tones of your daughter Thelma

speaking sweet words of ecstasy.

How's everything up there?



J.J., give me the
phone. Come on.


That was Thelma
saying, "right on."

No, she wasn't, Ma,
she was complaining.


Well, Ma, uh, how's
the vacation going?

Is it really going
that... Well, goodbye.

You just wait until Mom
and Dad get back here.

I'm gonna tell them everything.

Yeah, me too.

Hey, I'm getting tired
of all this yakking.

Y'all are getting on my nerves!

Hey, hey, hey... All right.

Well, baby, you
wasn't gone long,

and look at this
fire I got here.

You not Charlie.

No, I don't think so.

I know I ain't Charlie.

Well, where's Charlie?

Uh, he ain't here, uh...

He gave me the
place for the weekend.

Oh, wow... I'm supposed
to meet him here.

Isn't this the, uh... 17th?

No, it's the 10th.

Really? All day long.

Oh, sh**t.

I am always so confused.

You know, I pose for calendars,

but I never look at
the little numbers.

Uh, I thought you
looked familiar.

I seen your picture

on Charlie's wall in his office.

You Miss December.

Right. That's me.

You sure wasn't dressed for it.

Well, you know
those calendar people.

I'm Gloria Jackson.

Uh, James Evans.

Ooh, it's just a shame
about this mix-up.

You know, it took
me three whole hours

to drive up here
in all that snow.

Oh, that's a shame.

Ooh, that fire sure looks good.

Do you mind if I
warm up a little bit?

Uh, no. Not at...

Lord have mercy.

Uh... uh, Miss Jackson, uh...

Ooh, I sure hate to think

about that drive
all the way back.


Ooh, this is just,
mm... just too cozy.


You know something?


You a better looking
dude than Charlie.

Uh... Look here, Miss Jackson...

Oh, you can call me Gloria.

Uh, Gloria... Uh-huh?

I think it's only right

that I tell you I'm
a married man.

Oh, congratulations.

Uh, what I mean to say

is that my phone call is
down at the wife making...

I mean...

I mean, my wife is
down at the phone booth

making a call,

and she'll be back any minute.


Well, that's the way it goes.

Don't worry, sugar. I'll split.

Ooh, that fire's getting
just a little bit too low.

Ooh, Lord.

Honey, I spoke
to the kids, and...

James... Uh...

I think you better do
a little speaking to me.

Oh, you must be Mrs. Evans.


Uh, baby, this is, uh,
December Jackson...

I mean... I mean,
Gloria Jackson.

She's a friend of Charlie's.

She got the calendars...

I mean, the weekends mixed up.

You ain't too together
yourself, lover.

Well, I think I'll be going now.

Just thanks so much
for the use of the fire.

Aw, you're welcome,
Miss Jack... And...

I'll just be getting
on down the road.

And I'll just see you
guys... Oh, James...

You know, if you like, I'll
stop by the office some day

and autograph that
calendar just for you.


Bye-bye, Miss Jackson.

Bye. Bye.

What calendar?


Oh, you know,

one of them
nature things that...

Mums and trees,

and all that kind
of stuff, baby.

I saw you admiring the scenery.

Now, Florida, you know

you the only scenery
I want to look at, baby.

She might have
been Miss December,

but you my calendar
girl all year long.

Every year.

You just keep getting better
and better and better, baby.

You improve with age too, lover.

All right.

Now, how are the kids doing?

Fine. Just fine.

See? Didn't I tell you?

Now, look, you march yourself

right in there,

put on that robe
Willona gave you,

I'll pour some champagne,

and we'll get this
20th anniversary

on the road.

Ah. There's the starting g*n.

Now we are off and running.


♪ Scooby-dooby doo ♪

♪ Doo doo do doo ♪♪



Well, bless my fortune cookie.

Baby, you look beautiful.

Thank you.

Well, step up, lotus blossom.

The bar is now open.

I kind of dig the bartender.

In that case,

I'll have a drink
with the customer.


Here's to 20 years, baby.

And they've all been
good ones, James.

You even make the
bad ones good ones.


These next two days
gonna be the best of all.

Who you telling? Mm.

♪ Mm-mm-mm ♪

♪ Just lookin' Out
of the window ♪

♪ Watching the asphalt grow ♪

♪ Thinkin' how It all
looks hand-me-down ♪

♪ Good times Good times ♪

♪ Keepin' your
head Above water ♪

♪ Makin' a wave When you can ♪

♪ Temporary layoffs Good times ♪

Good Times is recorded on tape

before a live audience.

♪ Ain't we lucky we got 'em? ♪

♪ Good times ♪♪
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