05x23 - Seems Like Old Times

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Facts of Life". Aired: August 24, 1979 - May 7, 1988.*
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Spin-off of Diff'rent Strokes; focuses on Edna as she becomes a housemother at the fictional Eastland School, an all-girls boarding school.
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05x23 - Seems Like Old Times

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ You take the good,
you take the bad ♪

♪ You take 'em both
and there you have ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ There's a time you
gotta go and show ♪

♪ You're growin'
now you know about ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ When the world never seems ♪

♪ To be livin' up
to your dreams ♪

♪ And suddenly
you're findin' out ♪

♪ The facts of
life are all about ♪

♪ You ♪

♪ You ♪

♪ It takes a lot
to get 'em right ♪

♪ When you're learnin'
the facts of life ♪

♪ Learnin' the facts of life ♪

♪ Learnin' the facts of life ♪♪

Girls, I outdid myself
on the lemon pie.

My meringue peaked perfectly!

Mrs. Garrett, why are you
cooking up a storm for eddie?

His idea of gourmet
food is chicken mcnuggets.

Oh, now blair, this
is a special occasion.

We haven't seen
him for two years.

Are you sure it's
been that long?

Oh, I'm positive. Jo
was dating eddie

At the same time I was
in love with scott baio.

I had it all planned.

If I ever met scott, we'd
have a double wedding.

Hey, I just filled that bowl!

I only took one peanut.

Well, can't you wait
till eddie gets here?

Ok, I'll put it back.

Oh, blair. That's gross!

Jo, he's here!

It's him!

Go ahead. Answer it.

Oh, I'll answer it.



I'm going to spin my salad.

I'm gonna finish
brushing my teeth.

There's such
warmth in this house.

Don't mind them.

They're doing cartwheels

Because eddie is coming.

Who's eddie?

Eddie brennan is a
high school dropout

In a toy sailor suit.

He's in the navy?

Like richard gere?

More like popeye.

Eddie is jo's boyfriend.

Actually, her ex-boyfriend.

He was more than
just her boyfriend.

They almost got married.

No kidding!

But they broke up a
couple of years ago.

No kidding.

He used to write
these long letters,

Then he got shipped out
and wrote short post cards.

But he called a couple days ago,

And he's coming up for a visit.

No kidding!

No kidding, you sure you
didn't leave anything out?

Not a thing. Positive.

I knew you had a life,

But I never knew you had a past.

Well, now you know.

So your boyfriend's coming back.

I guess that means you don't want
to drive me to the movies tonight.

You guessed it.

Come on, you've waited
two years for him.

What's one more night?

No! Now beat it.

Ok. He can come with us.


I've got everything under
control in the kitchen.

Mrs. G., I really appreciate
all the trouble you're going to.

Oh, jo, it's my pleasure.

That kid doesn't know how
to take no for an answer.

Now, look, I thought I told
you to stop bugging me!

Ok. I'll come back in
another two years.



All right!

You look fantastic!

So do you.


Blair, how you been?

What happened to
your little sailor suit?

Don't tell me. You went a.w.o.l.

No, it's at the cleaners.

And I'm on leave.

Mrs. G., This house is terrific.

Wait till you see the shop.

Yeah, well, we'll have
the vip tour after dinner.

The boeuf bourguignon
is almost done.

She remembered you were
a meat-and-potatoes man.

That's good because I
brought along a nice bottle of...


Ooh, la la.

Let me see that.

It is french.

And it's almost a good year!

Maybe you should open
it now. Let it breathe.

Oh, thank you, eddie.

Oh, you might want
to breathe, too.

I have got so much to tell you.

Let it breathe?

Yeah, isn't that right?

Of course it's right,
but how'd you know that?

Blair, he's been at
sea, not under it.

I spent some time in greece,
italy, the south of france...

Wait a minute,

What'd you join, the
navy or the love boat?

I had some really good times.

All that moving around makes you
appreciate what you left back at home.

So where you gonna
be stationed next?

Probably exotic brooklyn.


Yeah, you wouldn't
mind, would you?

Hey, I do not argue
with the u.s. Navy.

So how long will
you be visiting us?

Visiting her.

Got a week's leave. I
figure I'd stick around here,

If it's all right with you.

Well, of course
it's all right with us.

With her.

No, that'll be great.

But what am I gonna
do about all my classes?

I guess I could
go along with you.

It might be interesting
seeing what college life is like.

Why? You didn't find
high school interesting...

Enough to stay.

Didn't I tell you, blair?

Since I last saw you,

I got my petty officer's badge,

And my high school diploma.

That's terrific!

I'm so proud of you!

Me, too.

I mean... I'm impressed.

Actually, I'm stunned.

I'm harder to
hate, aren't i, blair?

Don't worry, we'll find a
few things to fight about.

Give it a couple hours,
it'll seem just like old times.

The jo and eddie story...

What a miniseries
that would make.

"The winds of bronx."

"They fell in love
as mere delinquents.

"Then he heard the ship's bell,

"And she heard the
school bell so they parted.

Years later..."

Natalie, it's closing time.

Why don't we start
with your mouth?

Oh, come on, I want
to hear how it ends!

Come on, would you cut it out?!

She's so cute
when she's in love.

I have been a lot of things,

But I have never been cute.

Nonsense! Everyone
who's in love is cute.

Look at me.

I'm in love with cliff,

And I'm absolutely adorable.

Will you give me a break
with this love stuff?

Now just a minute.

You've been with eddie all day,

Every day, all week.

You say he's funny, he's
profound, he's sensitive,

And he still does
great wheelies.

If that's not love,
you give me a break.

What a day! What a day!

My disposal is grinding,

My freezer is humming,

And now eddie's gonna
fix my cuckoo clock.

Thank goodness.
Every hour on the hour,

That bird squawks 12 times.

Well, at least it's
right twice a day.

Edna's edibles? I got
some flowers for you.

I'll take those.

That cliff.

He's so sweet.

I know you're waiting for a tip,

But the cash register's locked.

Uh, here, why you
take one of edna's

Freshly baked huckleberry
croissants instead?

Why don't I come back
tomorrow for the tip?

Jo, I think you
should read this.

I am not reading your
sappy love letters.

Ok, I'll read it.

"It's been a special week

"With a special girl.

"You're still the best.

Love, eddie."

Eddie sent you flowers?

Eddie sent you flowers.

Give me my sappy love letter.

He shouldn't have done this.

Jo, don't ever
say that to a man.

He might think you mean it.

Just gonna go say thank you.


Oh, they came.

Eddie, these are real nice,

But I don't like to see you
wasting your money on flowers.

I mean, sure, they look
great for a couple of days,

But then they die.

I knew you'd go and say that,

So I made sure it was a
very practical bouquet.

Check in between the mums, huh?

Oh, a socket wrench!

Oh, it's beautiful! It's
just what I wanted!

Thank you!

Oh, and thank you
for my note, too.

I meant it.

You know, it's really been terrific
spending all this time with you.

I hope I wasn't out of
line in your class today.

Oh, come on, are you kidding?

We were just spouting theories,

But you've been
to those countries.

You have seen those
problems firsthand.

Hey, will you look at us?

Are we something, talking
about the world and politics?

Yeah, it's kind of
like "meet the press."

This week has been
very important to me, jo.

I'm glad you're
back in my life again.

I missed you, too.

Eddie, have you...

Oh, excuse me. Am I
interrupting something?

What a silly question!

Of course I'm
interrupting something!

No, really, that's ok, mrs. G.

Hey, what do you say we
get a pizza before the movie?

Great, I'll go upstairs
and get a coat.

Well, have you figured out
what's wrong with the bird?

I think I finally
found your problem.

Oh, well, I don't
know what happened.

One day, it just went crazy.

I guess that's why they
call it a cuckoo clock.

Tootie, are you ever gonna
pay me back the $4 you owe me?

Natalie, you've been
asking me that all week.

And every time you
ask me, I tell you,

All I have is a 10.

I'll pay you back
when I get change.

Tootie, make change!

Mrs. Garrett, can I have
the key to the cash register?

I have to break a 10.

I've got plenty of
change in my wallet.

It's in my jacket.
Help yourself.

Thanks, eddie.

Ok, here's your problem.

You've been turning
this counterclockwise.

You have to turn it clockwise.

Mrs. Garrett: clockwise, right.

And these chains, don't ever,
ever pull these chains here.

Oh, dear, I pull
them all the time.

Never pull them again.

Thanks a lot, eddie.

Now I better check on
the bird I've got in the oven.

Ok, tootie, did you
find what you need?


Who's the woman in
the picture with you?

She's wearing a wedding dress.

Eddie... Are you married?


Oh, eddie.

Tootie, it's not what you think.

The marriage is over.

You mean you're divorced?


Well, what do
you mean, it's over?

Tootie, it's very complicated.

I'll bet!

Does jo know?

Not yet.

Well, she's about to
find out right now!

Tootie, wait, you
gotta let me tell her.

Please, I'll tell her tonight.

I swear it.


Well, I'm ready to go.

How about an extra-large
pizza with everything on it?

You want it, you got it.

Oh, great, then I'll have a
side order of spaghetti, too.

See you later, tootie.


"I-t." That's it?

Yeah, that's it. "I-t."

Two points, please.

You know, tootie,

Playing with you is
almost as challenging

As playing with a
cabbage patch kid.

This game is not the most
important thing in the world.

That's why they call it a game!


Your turn, blair.

Hey, guys, how's it going?

The same. How was your night?

Where'd you go for dinner?

Oh, we just went
out for a pizza.

Then what?

Oh, we went to see a movie.

A guy eddie knows was in
one of the crowd scenes.

Yeah? Then what?

That's all you're getting, nat.

Where is eddie?

Oh, he had to go
back to the city.

He's meeting with his c.o.
First thing in the morning.

He'll be back tomorrow.


I never thought
I'd be saying this...

You and eddie have my blessing.

Blair, do you know
what this means to me?



I'm admitting I was wrong.

I used to think
eddie was nothing

But a low, irresponsible bum.

But he's changed.

He's become an officer
and a gentleman.

Gentleman, my eye!


I'm sick and tired of
hearing about eddie!

What's your problem?

Eddie's such a gentleman!

Eddie's this! Eddie's that!

Listen, you pick on eddie,
you're picking on me.

Now, what's your problem?

Nothing. Just
drop it, all right?

I don't want to talk about it.


Wait a minute.

He didn't say anything
to you tonight?

You guys didn't talk
about anything personal?

Tootie, you don't ask
jo questions like that.

Tootie, what is it?

I can't believe this.
How could he do this?

He promised me
he would tell you!

Tell me what?

Jo, eddie's married!


Eddie is married.

What are you talking about?

I saw his wedding picture.

That's a lie,
tootie. You're lying.


Why would I lie about it?

This is awful. I
just can't believe it.

I can usually spot a
married man a mile off.

I don't understand this.

Well, I do.

Eddie's the same
as he always was...

A low, irresponsible bum.

He is nothing but an
officer and a slime!

Blair, I am not
interested in your opinion,

So just butt out!

Oh, jo, I know what
you're feeling.

Natalie, would you stop it?!

Oh, jo, please, I know what
you really want is a good cry.

What I really want
is to be left alone!

Now we're not gonna
talk about this anymore.

How could he... Nat!


I knew I heard something.

What are you doing down here?


It's 3:00 in the morning.

Yeah, well, uh, it's almost
the first of the month.

And you have to order new stock.

You won't know how
much to... Order...

Jo, what is it?

What's the matter?

Mrs. G., Eddie's married.



I found out tonight,
and not from him.

Eddie's married?

And he didn't tell you?

Oh, I don't believe it.

I mean, he's been
around all week,

Sending you flowers,
taking you places...

We treated him like a
member of the family!

I know.

How could eddie do
something like that?

Wait a second, mrs. G.

He's stuck in a bad marriage.

We both know how
painful that can be.

Jo. No!

But I could always
count on eddie.

He's gotta have a good reason.

What reason could he have

For not telling
you he's married?

I know he's wrong.

I know this whole
thing is wrong, but...

Are you saying you
don't want to give him up?

What am I gonna do?

I love him.

Oh, jo...

You love the eddie
you used to know.

How do you feel about
the eddie you know now?

It's a little early
for the milkman.

It's not the milkman.

I know it's late,
but I saw the lights.

May I come in?

What are you doing here?

I thought you had
to meet with your c.o.

Wasn't true.

I just needed some
time to think, so...

I got to the city, turned
around and came right back here.

Jo, we need to talk.

Oh, it's past my bedtime.

Jo, turn out the lights
when you're finished.

Jo, I can't lie to you anymore.

You don't have to.

Tootie told you, didn't she?

Damn it, I didn't want
you to find out that way.

I wanted to tell you.

Then why didn't you?

I'm sorry.

Is she someone from
the neighborhood?

Gloria feeney?

No. I met her in italy.

She's italian.

No, she's american.

She works for coca-cola.

Anyways, we had some good times,

So we decided to get married.

Seemed like the closest
thing being to home...

Till we got home.

Jo, we're just not
right for each other.

How come?

I never knew two people could
find so many things to fight about.

You know, we can't even get out
of the house on saturday night.

I want to go to the bike races,

She wants to go dancing.

It doesn't even matter.

Wherever we are, we just
have a lousy time anyways.

I'm sorry it's been so rough.

Anyways, one night,
we're out for pizza...

At least we could both
decide we were hungry...

I saw you in the restaurant.

Actually, it wasn't
you, but I thought it was.

I got this funny feeling
right down in my stomach.

After that, I started looking
for you all over the place...

At the supermarket, the movies.

I just know I had
to see you again, jo.

Well, when you did see
me, why didn't you tell me?

I was afraid if you knew
everything, you'd send me away.

Come on.

We would have talked
about it like we always have.

Like we're doing now.

I know it was a
lousy thing to do.

So I cut out last night.

I needed time to think.

I ran out of places to run.

I couldn't stay here,
I couldn't go home.

What was I gonna do?

I already joined the navy.

Eddie, you gotta stop running.

Take it from somebody who knows.

You don't get the answers.

You just get out of breath.

I don't have to run anymore.

Everything's fine now that I
know we still love each other.

Jo, I know you love me.

How can I not love you?

You wine me, you dine me.

You gave me a wrench.

How could you do that to me?

How could you use me to
get yourself out of a jam?

I did not use you.

Yes, you did!

You wanted me to love you

No matter who it hurt.

What's terrible about
wanting you to love me?

I never stopped loving you, jo.

Eddie... Love isn't
just hugs and kisses.

It's honesty and trust.

And why did you have
to take all of that away?

I'll make it up to you, jo.

I swear.

Please, don't.

What do you want me to do?

I just think you should
take care of your own life.

Jo. Please.

I'm sorry.

So am i.

♪ You'll avoid a lot of damage ♪

♪ And enjoy the fun of
managing the facts of life ♪

♪ They shed a lot of light ♪

♪ If you hear 'em
from your brother ♪

♪ Better clear 'em
with your mother ♪

♪ Better get 'em right
call her late at night ♪

♪ You got the future in
the palm of your hand ♪

♪ All you gotta do
to get you through ♪

♪ Is understand ♪

♪ You think you'd
rather do without ♪

♪ You'll never make it
through without the truth ♪

♪ The facts of life
are all about you ♪

♪ Learning the
facts of life... ♪♪
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