04x11 - Ratman and Bobbin

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hill Street Blues". Aired: January 15, 1981 - May 12, 1987.*
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The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city.
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04x11 - Ratman and Bobbin

Post by bunniefuu »

Or are you gonna come inside?

previously on
"hill street blues..."

The locker's at
the 119th street depot.

There's more payoffs there
than a bank!

Seltzer also claims
that midtown vice

Is completely compromised.

Let's follow it out, frank.

This could go anyplace.

This could reach into
my own office.

and now tonight
on "hill street blues..."

They're both dead,

Slackner and o'connell.

You hit your boy,
mr. Rutledge?

He do something bad,
I punish him.

That's a parent's right.

Every dirty finger points

To the special vice
enforcement unit.

Hey, man, they're in.

Marino, goldblum,
and fox.

I had an appointment with
my doctor this afternoon.

- Is something wrong?
- Yes.

Go ahead, let her jump!

He's under arrest,
get him off the roof.

k*ll yourself and jump!


Item 11--

[Squeaking and screaming]


Okay, rats.

That's five sightings
this morning.

We've told division,

Pest control is supposedly
on its way.

In the meantime,

I suggest you all
step carefully

Wherever you'd expect
to find them.


Item 12: because of the
recent bag lady slashings,

Det. Belker goes undercover

Mick will be working
the vicinity

- Of decker and waverly.
- [Blows kisses]

Backups are hill and renko.

What's he supposed to be?

- A bag or a lady?
- [Laughter]

- [Bangs podium]
- item 13--

Inner-urban anti-crime
visible presence pilot program,

I.e., A federally-funded
storefront on van buren.

This storefront will operate
as a kind of mini-precinct.

Federal government
wants to find out

If high-profile police presence
will ameliorate relations

Between police and locale.

Will having police
on the block

Make people feel safer?

I think we could
answer that, "yeah."

Officers bates and coffey
will be in charge.

Item 14:

Officer joe farintelli
of polk avenue

Died at 4:00 this morning.

37 Hours after he and
his partner tom lars were shot

While their unit was stopped
at a signal light.

As you know,
tom lars died instantly.

That's two fellow cops dead,

Ambushed mercilessly
apparently at random.

I don't have to tell you how
extra careful you should be

With a cop k*ller at large.

Okay, let's roll.

Hey, is sarge gonna be
back tomorrow?

Sarge is in for a check-up.

My guess, he'll be
back tomorrow.

So maybe they should
just postpone

The whole storefront thing.

I mean, until we get
the sh**t.

We still gotta be cops.

Man, it's gonna take a week

Just to read
what they want us to do.

Might as well just barricade
the door with this thing.

- You know farentelli?
- Went to the academy with him.

I'll tell you something, man,

If this is some kind
of political thing--

No way of knowing, renko.

- Hi.
- Hello there, angel face.

Look, I got it right here,
1,600 beans.

Now, I want you to bid slow,
minimum jumps,

in your sawbuck range.

Hey, what's that?

Do you remember that
500cc norton we found

Abandoned under that bridge
last fourth of july?

- Yeah.
- Well, today is...

the police auction.

Now that's why you went around
tearing down all those posters?

Did he tell you that one?

Tell me?
I was his lookout.

It's only $1,600

To buy a $4,000
custom dream machine.

- One has to cover one's bases.
- [Screaming]

What are you doing?

What are you doing up here?

- Get out of here, you little--
- [rat squeaking]

Bad, bad, very, very bad!

- Daryl ann!
- Ooh.

Now what's all that fuss about

A little itty-bitty
mouse like that?

[Siren blaring,
police radio chatter]

[Maudlin piano]


Next thursday?

Would you live with rats
until next thursday?

Sir, you insult this precinct.


What is your name?

- What?
- Lieutenant.

Take a look at this.

"Vibra-pests: eliminate rats
without poison or traps.

Sound vibration removes rodents
quickly and permanently.

Money back guarantee."

Exterminate rats
with sound?

Leo, old sport, how's your cash
and medical plan forms?

just a second, lieutenant.

Uh, just a handful of those
137 yellows oughta do it.

Hey, howard, leo says
we could exterminate our rats

With sound vibrations.

"Reimbursement for psychiatric

Or other mental health care

Thank you.

It's a strange and largely
unexplained phenomenon, amigo.

It seems that your basic
european brown rat

Is super-sensitive to certain
ultrasonic frequencies.

Their nervous system cuts out
and the little fellas

Just roll off and h*m*.

Can we move up to meet
at the house in an hour?

Uh, sure, I guess.

Is it a problem?

Well, I have
to call finneman.

Maybe we should
look at it tomorrow.

No, I want to see it,
don't you?


Well, I'll have a main
for 10:30.

Great, thanks.

I've got an appointment

- Hi, irwin.
- Joyce.

- Bye.
- [Sighs]

Fletcher's arrived,
he's up in the w*r room.

You're really lucky!

You know what it's gonna
take to persuade you?

Your whole apartment on fire
and blown up

And then you'll
lower that music.


[Overlapping shouts]

All right, get your hands up!


Oh, no!

- What?! What?! What?!
- Wait! Wait!


mick, phone call.

- Hey, get up!
- [Grunting]

- Get up here.
- Get in there!

Get up and walk or
I'm gonna sh**t you out.

You put me in a bad mood
today, man!

What? [Wheezes]

- Hi, ma.
- Mick.

I'm fine,
just on my way out.

How are you?

hold on, let me grab his hand.

In what sense
"second thoughts"?

Ma, I asked you last night,
didn't i,

And you told me it had
no sentimental val--

get the ink over here
right now.

- So what's the problem?
- Hey, hey, all right!

[Chuckles] no way, ma.

Because you could never
put on that much weight.

Aunt sophie's much broader
through the chest,

Which is a curse
as you grow older, I know.

The point is--

Ma. Ma!

- Leo, leo--
- ma, enough now!

leo, get him out of here.

I asked you where
I could find an outfit

And you volunteered one of
aunt sophie's, rest her soul.

I can't, I'm in it!

No, I'm using it.

No, I am keeping it on.

I look fine.

I'll talk to you later.

I will talk to you later.


I love you, too.


Every dirty finger points

To the special vice
information unit.

It's lt. Marino,
sgt. Fox, sgt. Goldblum.


Henry's goldblume,
not blum.

What about jerry fuchs?

- Marino reports to fuchs.
- Nothing so far.

Look, that's a tentative link
to marshack

And i.a.d., Down with
the several vice squads,

But the real deal makers
seem to be those three.

Everything's still inferential
or statistical, chief.

Your bookie seltzer
hints at corruption,

He ends up with five
b*ll*ts in his skull.

We don't have a witness.

- And judge cole dead-ends?
- su1c1de's like that.

The man was a coward.

He had his chance,
the hell with him.


Keep a secret, gents.

Our mayor-elect visited
the governor last week

And proposed a new
anti-corruption commission.

Sandler went nuts
about the idea,

Wants it in place
in two weeks.

And you want us in there

Damn right.

Durt's in cleveland's
old precinct

And he's angling to come out
like the white knight,

Pardon the expression.

Give me some options.

Marino and his partners

Have their meals
and spend some time

At the showroom lounge
over on clifford.

About the week ago
the owner, eddie bobbin,

Got popped with
a 13-year-old girl.

We could try to turn him,
send some bugs in.

Downside is that
bobbin's got a mouth.

In which case
we'd lose marino

But we'd still be seen
as fighters

Actively battling the cancer.

And no disrespect
intended, chief,

But irwin and I have had
no home life for six weeks.

We're looking for more than
just public relations here.

No one wants to be rid
of systemic corruption

More than I do, frank.

Do you doubt it?

- Basically, I don't.
- Good.

Your plan's a go.

I've spoken with the d.a.,

He's in step with
whatever we decide.

Let's move today.

we'll need some equipment.

Call me
with your shopping list.

Frank, the day you walked into
ben seltzer's bookie joint

To buy gum, the stars
were looking out for us.

I thought goldblum
was one of yours, frank.

That's goldblume.

Ah, right.

desiderata number four,

To selectively interdict
aggressively antisocial crime

By forbearance
vis-a-vis behaviors

That are technically illegal
yet acceptable

As part of the local ecology."

In other words, don't bust
anybody for pot, right?

That's all that stuff
is sayin'.

You know, this thing is
costing, what, 1,200 a day?

- Yeah.
- Why don't they just
take the money

And give it to us,
put it in our pockets?


Okay, your stolen bicycle
was red?


And how much was it worth?

50 Dollars.

Momma saved it up for me.

Look, we'll try to find it
for you, okay?

I hope so.

It was a christmas present
from my momma.

Hey, you got a problem
out here.

- What?
- [Horns blaring]


Turn this car off!

Hands off the garbage!

Hey, pull the plug and
step out of the car.

Tell him to shut up!

I gotta get to work, man!

Hey, you're disturbing
the peace on this block.

You can't be
blowing your horn.

Well, he's the one
who's disturbing.

Hey, jose, you pimp,
get your butt down here!

Hey, if you know where the guy
lives, why don't you--

I don't know nothin' except
he's some rican pimp.

What good's a ticket?

The man's got
out-of-state plates.

- You got a coat hanger--
- no.

Hey! You start talking again,
you're gonna get my dinner!

Just-- just shut up
up there.

Well, come on up here
and make me!

- Hey, you're on the list, pal.
- Take it easy.

- I'm goin' crazy up here!
- There he is.

I'm gonna rip
your face off, chump.

- [Bates] hold it!
- Yeah? Well, just try it.

- I'm ready for you, come on.
- You smelly worm!

Here, take this with you.

I've been late three times
this week because of you.

- Let's move it.
- But what do you care, huh?

What do you know about making
an honest day employment?

- Huh? Huh? Huh?
- [Tires screech]

If I get docked for this
I'm coming for you, jose!

[Brakes squeal]

What is he doing?

Hey, jose, n.g., Man.

Jose, just keep doing it,

We're gonna keep towing you
until you stop.

Yeah, well, tow me all the way
to cuba for all I care.

Just quit hassling me,
all right?

- Hey, hey, hey.
- Leave it on the windshield.

Forget about it, we can't
sweat the small stuff.

I'll go call a tow truck.


- Hey!
- I'm goin' crazy up here!

Okay, here it comes!

Lucy, the guy threw a steak.

This is elvira, I just found
a very nice, um...

Uh, nightshirt.

It could be an excellent
dipstick rag.

[Police radio]
got anything in 44 stout
there, elvira?

No, but I just found a dress.

Can't get good cheese anymore.


You ask for american,
they give you cheddar.

- What are you, a martian?
- No. Why?

You got noises
comin' out of you.

Ooh, that's right,
I am a martian.

My last husband was
a martian.

It's none of people's
business anyway.

Earth to elvira,
y'all let us know

When you want me
to beam you up, ol' scout.


Hey, andy,
you and daryl ann

Want to join us
for a late flick?

Love to, robert,
but contingent

On a serious
norton dream machine

In my conceivable future


You know, andy,
you're a lucky man.

That daryl ann is one fine
straight-ahead woman.

You callin' my tennessee
buttercup simple, robert?

No, not at all.

I was just thinking about
how much marty confuses me.

That woman turns on and off
faster than a yellow light.

Any creature that gorgeous
has a right

To a few eccentricities,
my friend.

all units, sh*ts fired.

67Th and monroe.

Officers down,
repeat, all units--

Mick, we got some cops down.
We're coming to get you.

2202 Responding.

You got that, mick?
We're coming to get ya.

[Sirens blaring]

[Crowd murmuring]

They're both dead.

Slackner and o'connell.

So if I'm a little nervous
you'll understand.

There's a lot more than money
invested here.

Oh, I think it shows, lou,
in the detail work

And the way you've kept it up.

Dorothy and I did it
for each other, really.

You know, before she died,

We were talking about
remodeling the kitchen.

Oh, no, no, no, what's there
is good enough for now.

I love the backyard
and I like the neighborhood.

It really has
a good feeling about it.

And figure-wise?

Well, I think it's in
the ballpark, don't you?

I think we need
to talk about it.

Frank, uh, you're
my best salesman.

I was hoping you'd get
a sense of it.

Here or, uh, here
they can take a message.

Like I said, I close on the
place in florida next week--

We'll call you
by this afternoon.

I'd appreciate it.

I had better lock up
in back.

Mrs. Furillo.

Thanks, lou.

It's almost everything
we want.

It's also the first house
we've looked at.

- I know it's within our means--
- [pager beeping]

I really think it's special,
I realize that--

I think so, too, frank.

I just don't think we should
rush into anything now.

Uh, we'll talk about it
later, okay?


I don't understand, you guys.

So they're making
a few buys in here.

They're undercover cops,
they're supposed to make buys.

They make buys from a dealer
and then you pop somebody--

Hey, eddie, come on, huh?
Don't insult our intelligence.

These are dirty cops doing
dirty deals on your premises

And there's no way
you don't know about it.

Oh, get out of here.

These guys, these guys
are the most elite guys

In the whole department.

hey, man, they're in.

Marino, goldblum, and fox.

Come on, guys,
corner booth, corner booth.

it's cold out here.

If marino finds out about this
he ain't gonna be very happy.

Hey, good reason for not
telling him, eddie.

Great reason
for not taking minors

To no-tell motels, eddie.

She's my niece.

Oh, well, in that case

They probably wouldn't
take your liquor license.

Hey, look, eddie,
the d.a's not gonna press

Unless you give him
a reason, okay?

Scrambled, crisp bacon,

A prune danish
and a cup of coffee.

Yeah, uh, let me have
half a grapefruit

And a bowl of, uh, uh--

What do you call
that hot stuff?

- Cream of wheat.
- Cream of wheat, yeah.

You know how gorgeous
you look today?

- Ohh.
- [Chuckles] hey, thanks.

They're reading the newspaper.

- [Giggling]
- where's the sports?

These-- these guys
are real bad criminals.

I mean, you see,
the grapefruit,

That stands for heroin.

And the bowl of cream
of wheat. [Chuckling]

That's the bag to put
the payoff in.

- [Gasps]
- shut up, eddie.

Who was it, frank?

Slackner and o'connell,
south ferry.

Bastard's got a deer r*fle,

It's like open season
out there.

Get in touch with division,
find out which piece of this

- They want us to take care of.
- Right away, cap.

Frank, talk to you a second?


You wanna go up?

Uh, let's go to my office.

Line-up's empty.

I played cards
with slackner once.

I tell you what,

It makes you hesitate
putting on a uniform.

So what are you hiding up there,
the alchemist zone?

I think you know we're in the
middle of an operation, henry.

I know what I've heard.

I've heard inklings.

The captain hasn't exactly
been too forthcoming.

Want to tell me
what's on your mind?

I understand you have
something in vice

That seems pretty big.

The truth is
I feel left out.

Well, I shouldn't even be
saying this much,

But that's an ad hoc
operation up there.

It's essentially
outside the precinct.

Irwin bernstein was afraid
his office might be compromised

So we improvised a secure place
for him to work.

I guess this isn't
the only thing I've been
feeling left out on.

Why don't you tell me
chapter and verse?

I could, frank,
and I'm pretty sure you'd have

A rational explanation
for every instance.

It's my perception that since
there's been a change

In my personal situation

There's been a change in our
professional relationship.


Meaning since I've been
with fay.

there, we said it.

Well, I have to tell you,
I've known about that

For six weeks.

We've made
no effort to conceal it.

And I haven't done anything
I'm aware of.

Your not being aware of it
doesn't mean it hasn't happened.

Look at it, frank.

You kept me away from
the ben seltzer homicide,

Calletano's chief liaison
on the cop killings.

You've locked me out.

If that's true, henry,

It was against
my best intentions.

Frank, are we gonna keep
tap dancing here

Or are we gonna work this out?

What do you want?

I want you to stop
beating me up

Because I've got a relationship
with your ex-wife.

I want to do my job.

You can't run
the precinct alone.

All right.

You've certainly given me
plenty to think about.

That's all
I was trying to do.

Why don't you coordinate
with ray on the sh**t?

All right.

All right, everybody,
we still got work to do.

Anything we can do on this,

I'll let you know.

Andy, it was pretty confusing
but not as much as you said.

I had to raise twice
to get around this guy

But I've got it.

- How much?
- $925.


Lord, I must've done something
right in this lifetime!

Congratulations, cowboy.

And it's the safest model
they make, too.

- That's what the man told me.
- Was it blue, daryl ann?


Lacquered midnight blue?

More like a powder blue
or a puffin blue.

You bought the wrong
motorcycle, daryl ann.

- I what?
- Lot 259,

Chopped '59 lacquered
norton midnight blue special.

- You bought lot 239.
- sh**t.

I sent you out to buy
the best motorcycle

In the history of
western civilization

And you come back
with some powder blue

Diesel-fueled japanese
boof scooter.

Well, I guess I got the three
and the five mixed up.

Yeah, I guess you did.

Well, I'll go back, okay?

I'll go back
and I'll make it okay.

Excuse me.

Stuart casey, I write
for the times-tribune.

I was wondering if I could
just talk to you guys

- About these cop killings.
- No, you may not.

Not at this time, bud.

Can I help you?

Yeah, I hope you can.

[g*nsh*t, clamor]

- Here we go.
- Men's room, let's go.

- Mucha gente, mucha gente.
- Check the stairs.


Oh, judas, I'm sorry, frank.

I never would have discharged
my w*apon in the station,

But that little bugger got me
with my flanks exposed.

Nice shot.

- I'll get a mop.
- Let's go, no problem.

Excuse me.


Mr. Orsini.

Mr. Robinson.

Uh, it's sonny, please.

Hey, sonny.

Call me dave.

Sit down.

So, did you find
the place okay?

Yeah, fine, sure.

What'll you have?

Uh... Rum and coke.

A rum and coke and give me
another one of these.

So sonny, uh,

I'm hearing some pretty
reputable things about you.

Think we can make
this thing work or what?

Well, like the man says,

"You got the time,
I got the beer."

Atta boy.

So what are you moving?

Five, usual.

Uh, a heavy week, seven.

So far
he's by the book.

Yeah, it's early.

Thanks, fran.

Currently, uh,

I was looking for maybe,
uh, one or two.

The figures we discussed.

Yeah, well,
that's manageable.


And if everything shakes out
to everybody's satisfaction,

Maybe we can work together
on a regular basis.

That'd be good.

I tell you what--

You come back here
about half past 3:00,

You meet my associates,

You'll bring
a little something

And, uh, we'll do
some business.

All right.

All right.

Hey, finish your drink.

Hey, this guy's
a real charmer.

He's scum.

Unbelievable, the stuff
people throw away.

Look at this chair.


Oh, this is a perfectly
good lamp.

- [Chuckling]
- what the hell is this?

- Oh.
- [Chuckles]


[Screams, groans]

- [Clatter]
- cowboy, come on.

You filthy--

[Siren approaching,

[Tires screech]

- Get up.
- Mick, what happened?

- [Grunts]
- he cut me.

He sure did.

Come on, walk this way.

- No, no, no!
- Take it real easy now, man.

- Just walk back here to me.
- All right, let's go.

- You see this, you see this?
- Yeah, at least we got him.

Hit me from behind.

Oh, frank, we got
positive ballistics.

A 30-aught-six,

The same w*apon was used
in both sh**t.

- amm*nit*on sales?
- We're running a check.

Press hard, ray,
good work.

Frank, I heard about
the two we lost.

God, makes me wish
I was back on the roster.

Yeah, we could use you
up here, lou.

It's been a nightmare,
a real nightmare.

What's up?

Well, I wanted to talk to you
about the house.

Oh, listen, joyce and I
haven't had a minute to--

Good, good, because
I had a brainstorm.

I wanna do something
special for you two.

I'm gonna knock the price
down $3,000.

Oh, lou, are you sure?

Frank, I gotta
tell you this.

I was really impressed
with you two.

I want to try
and make this work.

Tell you what--

We're meeting for dinner
at kincannon's on west fifth.

I'll try to get her there
a half hour early.

Nice, I go there myself

He's the exterminator?

Hi, monty marr,

Exterminator's an ugly word.

Personally I prefer "rodent
audio services specialist."

He's going to do it
in a tuxedo?

Well, you know, I tried
a turquoise three-piece once,

Looked sensational,

Only it didn't work as well
as the monkey suit.

It's an accordion.

Yep, take a look at that
mother of pearl graining, huh?

Switzerland, 1907.

You won't find one like it
this side of st. Paul.

What are you going
to do with it?

Well, I would like to start
with the "beer barrel polka,"

And then kind of vamp right
into "the teddy bears' picnic."

Your ad said you will k*ll
rats with sound.

The ad doesn't say k*ll.

The ad says "remove".

Mr. Marr, you actually
expect the rats

To follow you
out of the building?

- Or your money back.
- Oh, this is crazy.

First, you gotta tell me
how far I can take 'em.

Now I can take 'em
ten blocks, if you want,

But that's gonna
cost you more.

Oh, no, no,
whatever's the usual.

Well, the usual
is four blocks.

Okay, rats, let's go!

[Playing polka music]


I'll call
the exterminator back.

Guy's pretty good.

- What happened to your arm?
- Nothin'.

I think we got our slasher.

- Where is he?
- He's in the hospital.

Anything on the cop k*ller?

We have no leads,
good or bad.

Put me on it, lieutenant.

- I want to work on it.
- All right, mick.

Welfare checks come tomorrow.

I want a new mailbox with
a lock that works on it today.

Hey, a new mailbox
is 25 bucks.

And if they take you to court
it's gonna cost you plenty more.

- All right?
- Okay.

Hey, I'm gonna come by
and check it out.

All right,
all right, all right.

Excuse me.

My name's casey
from the times-tribune.


That's right.

I've read your stuff,
not bad.

Yeah, what could we
do for you?

Yeah, lt. Goldblume referred me
here at your precinct.

Uh, okay if I ask
a few questions?


Great, listen,
if you don't mind

I'd like to record this.

Hey, wait, uh,
what kind of questions?

Somebody's k*lling cops.

Yeah, that's right, so
you gotta write about it?

Well, yeah.

Look, pal,
the last thing we need

Is you telling us how tough
it is, okay?

It's bad enough.

Wait, you suppose this guy
reads the papers?

Yeah, and I bet he picks up
the phone when it rings, too.

- So?
- Well, maybe he should read

About some cops
with faces on 'em, huh?

I mean, maybe he should know
he's just not sh**ting badges.

Turn it on.

Hurry, it's my brother,
he's gonna k*ll him up there!

Hurry! Come on!

He's in there.

He's beating on him, hurry.

- [Man] yeah?
- Police. Open up.

Yeah? What's the problem?

Mr. Rutledge, we would like
to see your son.


I mean, what do you want?

Leave him alone.

You hit your boy,
mr. Rutledge?

He do something bad,
I punish him.

- That's a parent's right.
- Well, why is he in bed?

Hey, man-- look,
he gets sick a lot.

You know, he can't hear,
he's deaf.

Ma'am, are you
the boy's mother?


He was sick this morning.

You ain't got no right!

This is my kid,
that's my kid.

Hey, you back off,
I'm not gonna tell you again.

Let's go.

- We gotta call child welfare.
- With what?

You can't make much of a case
without evidence of injury.

So then what are we
doing here?

What are we talking about?
We can make a case.

We'll be back.

Ray, how are we coming
with the amm*nit*on check?

There have been a lot
of purchases, frank.

It will take a while
to sort them out.

I'm not optimistic.

Coordinate with division
and keep me posted.

I'm sorry, mr. Marr,
I can't pay this.

- Why?
- Well, your music was nice.

It was top-notch, really,

But to tell you the truth

I didn't see a single rat
follow you out.

Well, you tell me
where they are, then.

Have you seen one rat
since I started playing?

Mick, you seen any rats
around the building

- For the last couple of hours?
- Nope.

- I really enjoyed your music.
- Oh, yeah, thanks.

So you think it's funny, huh?

Guy playing the accordion
for rats.

- It's a talent.
- Oh, I see, it's a talent.

Let me tell you
a little story.

It's about this kid who used
to stay in his room

All hours listening to
lawrence welk on his hi-fi,

Playing d*ck contino riffs
till his fingers bled.

Then one day he gets invited
to play a church social.

Well, this-- this kid,
he's so thrilled.

It's his big chance.

The social is held down in
an old building by the river.

So the kid starts playing,
and he's good.

He's playing
"the camptown races."

All of a sudden everybody
starts screaming.

There are rats
all over the place.

Pretty soon there's nobody
left but the kid.

The kid... And the rats.

It's a curse.

The kid is cursed.

All he ever wanted to do
was to make music.

Wait a minute, I'm gonna
write you out a voucher,

But you have to take it over
to the municipal building.

Mr. Bernstein, hi.

Officer nichols, what
brings you to the slums?

[Laughs] must be
some attraction here.

Rumor has it that you've
practically moved in.

[Scoffs] who said that?

Oh, just my grapevine.

Hi, marty.

Uh, sorry.

I called,
you were already gone.

- Oh, what's up?
- Cop killings.

I'm gonna do another
half shift.

No problem, I understand.

- Hi, daryl ann.
- Well?

I tried, andy.

All sales are final.

What about my norton?

Somebody bought it.

- How much?
- 1,400.

- 1,400.
- [Sobs]

I'm really sorry.

I never felt so bad
in my life.


I'm just so dumb sometimes.

Daryl ann, it's not like
it's the end of the world
or anything.

[Sobs] I can't help it.

I feel like it is.

[Sniffles, sighs]


- What's this?
- It's $175.

It's all I got except
for $10 I had to leave in

So they wouldn't close
my account.

Plus I can
give you $25 a week,

And more when I get overtime.

- Daryl ann.
- Plus I'll put
an ad in the paper

For the bike, it should
sell real fast.

I rode it around,
it rides like a dream.

Keep it.


I want you to have it.

But if I don't sell it

It'll take me forever
to pay you back.

It doesn't matter either.

But why?

It's only money.

Life's too short, darlin'.

I care about you too much.

Andy, I gotta do something
to square it with you.

Uh, well, I tell you what.

Tomorrow night, you take me out
for a great big dinner

And then we'll
call it even, okay?

[Siren blaring]

hey, get your hands off me,
man, get your hands off me!

- Go ahead, let her jump!
- Leave her alone!

She can take that brat
right on to hell with her!

He's under arrest,
get him off the roof.

k*ll yourself, bitch, jump!

Get him the hell
out of here!

She ain't nothin'!

Jump, bitch, jump!

I know you don't want to hurt
your child, mrs. Rutledge.

Let the boy go.

It's better he dies with me
than with him.

Your husband will never know
where he is.

He'll be placed
in a special school

Where they can help him,
he'll be safe.

- It's too late.
- You're wrong.

Look at me, mrs. Rutledge.

Look at me.

I promise you.

I swear...

...if you're just
saying it...

I swear to god
I will make it happen.

Please, mrs. Rutledge.

Let your son live.

Now you, mrs. Rutledge.

Come on, give me your hand.

My baby's all I have left.

Is she coming down?

Oh, judas, uh--

I know
this isn't kosher, henry,

But I'd like to have a try
at talking to her.

All right, howard.


Ma'am, I know-- I know
you're very tired.

I guess I just--

I just want to say one thing

And that is that, uh...

Well, the world
is full of stories

Of people that were rescued
at the last minute.

People trapped
in burning buildings,

Lost in the forest, uh--

Now, I don't mean
to sound flippant,

It's just that...

I know what kind of hell
you're going through.

You know, most people have
a misconception about su1c1de.

They think it happens
out of anger or bitterness.

It isn't that way at all.

It's fear, it's--

It's like-- it's like clinging
to a piece of wood in a flood

And your arms are aching.

Ah, judas-- I guess
what I'm trying to say

Is that I tried
to k*ll myself once, too.

And I was rescued
at the last minute

By a friend.

And now, now,
life is very precious to me.


I'm-- I'm here
to save you, ma'am.

I'm here to pull you in
out of the flood.

Please let me be
your friend.



- Orsini just came in.
- Where's he headed?

Corner booth.

Two guys in behind him:
goldblum and fox.

- No marino?
- Uh-uh.

No marino.

Hey, mr. Orsini.

You guys friends
of mr. Robinson?

Yeah, as a matter of fact.

You got something for us?

A possibility.

We're real busy, mr. O.

We'd like to take a quick look,
if that's okay.

Well, uh, I like
to keep my friends happy.

Why don't you step
into my office?


Hey, headed for the john.

Hey, I'm a cop!

Hey, it's a mistake,
sonny, come on.

What do you think I am,
some kind of slob here?

You know--
this is not a takedown.

- This is not a takedown.
- We're cops, man.

- Easy!
- Look, easy, easy, easy.

I'm not going for my piece,
I'm going for my badge.

For my badge, okay?

All right, no problem.

What, that's supposed
to make me feel better? Huh?

Turn around!

Hold it!

- Think orsini stashed a guy?
- Turkeys.

- We back 'em up?
- No way.

What are you gonna do, sonny?

Are you gonna sh**t
a couple of cops

- In a public bathroom?
- There's no wire.

You the one sh**ting cops?

Come on, you're
smarter than that.

You guys are setting me up.

What, am I supposed
to be grateful?

- Bring the wire!
- There's no wire.

- There's no wire, man.
- Sonny, this is not
what you think.

You got the wrong idea,
hear it out.

Come on, you got some brains,
you're smarter than that.

[Exhales] all right.

What? What?!

- Son of a--
- all right, okay, okay!

We don't want a mistake,
nobody wants a mistake here.

This is not a bust.

Put the piece away.

Wait a minute,
the other guy, uh, dave.

He's a cop, too, right?


We're, uh, partners,
we can all be partners.

That's really where
we're going with this.

Oh, yeah?

What are you gonna do
for me, partner?

Can we lose
the hardware, please?

- Can we talk without that?
- Yeah, lose the hardware.


Okay, you're showing
some talent, sonny.

Yeah, just talk.

We get the badges back,
we'll have a discussion.

[Screams, grunts]

Get down!

- What's going on here?
- I don't know.

You make one sound,
you're dead!

What do we do for you?

I will tell you
what we do for you.

We are your partners,
scum face.

12 Grand a week, every week,

And the first installment
is tonight.

You got that?

And I'm gonna tell you
what your incentive is.

- Your incentive is that
we don't k*ll you.
- [Whimpers]

We let you live, and every week
we're gonna vote on it.

You got that?

- In english.
- Yeah, yeah.

Two more popsicles
headed for the deep freeze.

- What about marino?
- Patience, neal.

Five bucks says
he's calling the sh*ts.

Sorry if I'm
disturbing you, frank,

But I was on my way back
from government center

And there's something I feel
we ought to talk about.


When was the last time
you saw frank jr.?

I just took him to the zoo.

That was two weeks ago,

And since then you haven't
even called him.

You know, he left
two messages on your machine

Which you never returned.

He thinks you're mad
at him about something.

Did you tell him
I've been busy?

Well, I would have if
I thought that was the problem.

Look, I have cop killings
to deal with here.

I mean, we lost
two more men just today.

With all due
respect, frank,

It's about henry,
isn't it?

I mean, he told me you two
had a discussion this morning.

- Fay.
- Frank...

You have been treating me
like I'm typhoid mary

Ever since henry and I
got together.

And your son's getting
caught in the fallout.

[Clears throat]

You're right,
I just think--

I'm sorry, I'll, uh...

I'll do better.


Whether you learn to accept
henry and me is one thing,

But don't punish your son.

I'll phone him tonight,

You know, frank,

It wasn't easy for me,
your marriage and everything,

But I knew you were happy,

So I worked very hard
at being happy for you.

I know that.

I guess all I'm asking is
can you do the same for me?

Yeah, I can.

I will.

But give me a little
more time, okay?


- Everything okay?
- Everything's clearer.

- Am I gonna see you tonight?
- I'll be late.

I'll wait.

Howard, hell of a job
out there today.

Thank you, henry.

I'm not sure
what kind of a life

I may have saved
the woman for,

Given her social-economic


Still, in all, uh,

I guess that's not
for us to say.

Well, that was the reason
I advertised in the "gazette."

Didn't list it
with an agent.

I don't know, frank.

Been a cop's home 30 years.

Guess I want to
pass it on, you know.

I appreciate that, lou.

- Here's hoping.
- [Laughs]

Oh, good, let's see
what joyce has to say.

- Hi, sweetie.
- Sorry I'm late.

I was just telling
your husband, mrs. Furillo,

- Whatever it takes.
- Sorry, mr. Finneman.

I can't speak for my husband.

Forgive me, but it's my feeling
we shouldn't take the house.

But that surprises me.

I'm sorry.

If you could excuse us,
we have a lot to discuss.

If it's in the numbers,
i-- heh.

It isn't.


You want to talk, uh,
call anytime.

Thank you.

[Clears throat]

What's going on?

We don't really need
a new place.

The apartment's big enough.

Well, for now, maybe, but--



I had an appointment with
my doctor this afternoon.

Is something wrong?


It's a physical problem.


I can't have children.


Oh, no, joyce, I'm sorry.

I'm not really hungry.

Why didn't you tell me you were
seeing a doctor about this?

I didn't see any point
in upsetting you

Without a reason.

We hadn't even
discussed kids.

I couldn't put it
out of my mind forever.

The first time I was married,
we tried for a while,

It didn't work.

The marriage soured
so I didn't pursue it.

I always suspected...

I wanted to find out
once and for all.

Now we know.

Well, seems to me you forgot
you had a partner.

I don't think that's fair.

I also think that
what we're discussing

Has nothing to do
with the real reason
why you're angry.

- I'm not angry.
- Upset, then.

I think you're upset
that your wife

Will never be able
to have your child.

What are you doing?

Captain furillo,
armed robbery in progress

In the 200 block
of east cordova.

- Request backups.
- Frank!

[Tires screeching]

Don't go in there, please!

- He has a g*n.
- Please--

Please wait for someone!

Police, drop it!

[Sirens blaring in distance]


We need statements.

There was an employee
in the bathroom.

Just get what she heard
and let her go.

Uh, lieutenant, if there's
anything we could defer,

I'd appreciate anything
you could spare me tonight.

Sure, I think we got
about 45 minutes here.

Thank you.

I'm gonna heat some milk,
you want some?

No, thanks.

[Answering machine beeps]

Hey, uh, hi,
it's lou finneman.

Look, uh, I don't want
to be a pest

But if it's about money
I think we can work it out.

I didn't want to say it
'cause I know it sounds silly.

It's just that--

Well, my wife and I
were happy in this house.

We raised our kids here.

I could see what
a happy couple you two are,

And I wanted a happy couple
to have our house--

[Machine stops playing]

[Theme music playing]

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