04x02 - Ba-Bing, Ba-Bing

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hill Street Blues". Aired: January 15, 1981 - May 12, 1987.*
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The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city.
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04x02 - Ba-Bing, Ba-Bing

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on
"hill street blues"...

You just get me jesús martínez
on the phone now!

Who's jesús martínez?

He's talking about
the w*rlord of los diablos.

Find him.

I'm pregnant, frank.

Paul grogan.

Who else?

What are you going to do?

I don't know.

I don't know what you think
you got here.

I haven't done nothing.

The courier id'd the valdez
brothers in a lineup.

We sweated them and they both
gave you up, jesús.

I wanted so much
to have natural childbirth,

But paul grogan doesn't
want to be seen with me,

So I don't have
a delivery partner

And I'm really
beginning to think

The whole thing's
a horrible mistake.

You had it all right
there at your feet.

You didn't want to make it.
You got scared.

You don't know beans.

As I recall, it doesn't have
to be the real father.

Just as long
as it's somebody...

I know.

Well, I'm somebody.

[ Siren wails ]

And now tonight on
"hill street blues"...

Who could've done
such a terrible thing?

I'll tell you this --
I don't think it was you.

A man is moving into
the dante projects tomorrow

Who's running for mayor.

He wants to see
what it's like, huh?

Heard about the stabbing.

It was about 20 feet away from
the door of the building

You chose to move into.

I thought you wanted
to change things.

I do.
And I'm going to.

Then help us
to stop this k*lling.

State law forbids the engaging
in political activity

While in uniform.

Beware of embarrassing
the department

Or mayoral candidate daniels by
failure to comply with this law.

I don't care if I am six points
ahead in the polls.

If we don't walk
the line on this,

Fiske'll close
the gap like that.

[ Laughter ]

Oh, I just won 100 grand!

Betty, babette, you okay?

yeah, artie, we're okay.

We're scheduled an hour earlier
for our lamaze class.

I wouldn't miss it.

Homestretch, kiddo.

Testing, testing.
One, two, three.

Item five --

Detective belker commences
operation piskador today

At the, uh,
merton fish and poultry

In the decker markets
complex, 1,100 block...

[ Laughter, indistinct
conversations ]

Man: ...one of
your girlfriends?

Be attentive to your radios
for possible backup,

Uh, just for the halibut.
[Hell of it]

[ Laughter ]

Item six --

From the wardesk --

4:00 P.m. Yesterday we, uh,
record an ice pick attack

On a tomás hernández.

Now, mr. Hernández
is presently in critical,

But stable condition
at mother of mercy.

He is a diablo.

If present patterns of g*ng
v*olence prevail,

We can expect to learn
rather quickly

Whom the diablos
consider responsible.

Since jesús martínez's
inglorious departure

For clarktown five months ago,
we now total 37 incidents

On turf that was once diablo's
and is now no man's land.

The recent ascendancy
of the alleged liberator,

Lazaro majana,
over the beleaguered diablos

Only served
to fan the flames.

5 Homicides in 6 weeks.

16 Assaults,
3 incidents of arson.

For what it's worth, our own w*r
footing will continue.

Patrols, let's trouble
our pass-bys

That know
the gathering points.

Interdict all g*ng members
on foreign turf.


Could you define
the word "interdict"?


[ Laughter ]

And on account of any

With whom you've developed
relations over the years,

Don't fail to urge them
on the futility,

The tragic waste of this
cycle of v*olence.

Item seven -- on this
inhospitable horizon

Appears this afternoon
a councilman benjamin fiske.

Mayoral candidate fiske's

To move into the dante projects
appears unshakable.

Special assignments to be posted
on the duty board

After the councilman's morning
meeting with the captain.

Let's check the board on each
visit to the squad room

From here on out.

more oft than not,

We're gonna be double shifting
right through the election.

[ Groans, indistinct
conversations ]

In which further regard a memo
from deputy chief mahoney.

"You're reminded
that state law forbids

"The engaging in political
activity while in uniform.

"Beware of embarrassing
the department

"Or mayoral candidate daniels by
failure to comply with this law.

"Nothing in this reminder,
however, should be construed

"As restricting off-duty,
out-of-uniform activity.

"Members of this department
are citizens.

"You have the right to campaign
as vigorously as you choose

"For the candidate
of your choice.

The department encourages you
to exercise this prerogative."

Last item's also a memo...
From vehicle maintenance.

"Summer swan song brings the
worst time of filth in the cars.

We could fill an encyclopedia
three truss."

I believe
that should be plural.

[ Laughter ]

"Rags for cleaning dipsticks,
healthy and rotten food,

"Personal aftereffects,

"Especially as the heat

"As occupants of these vehicles,

"We ask you to remember
the heart of consideration.

"You may not remain
in your units,

But what you leave
in your units, remains."

[ Laughter ]

All right, that's it.
Let's roll.

And hey, hey, hey, hey --

Let's be careful out there.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

[ Telephone rings ]


Decker avenue, mick?
Sounds like a fishy assignment.

Hey, uh, be sure not
to "flounder" down there, mick.

Mick, mick --
not a word.

What, he's got a haddock
or something?

Officer hill.

I just got a call from
the state lottery commission.

It says you're holding
ticket number j7j7663

In the lottery's
"rainbow runoff."


Well, it could be a gag, but
they say you just won 100 grand.




Take my hand

I'm a stranger...

[ Laughter ]

Oh, I just won 100 grand!

Sarge, sarge, I just won

Oh, congratulations, bobby.

$100,000, Sarge!


One -- oohhhhhh!

Oohhh! Oh, lord,
I forgive everybody!

We have a 911 --

Armed robbery in progress,

Surplus store, corner of
peebles drive and 124th street.

[ Slow piano music plays ]

[ Mid-tempo piano music plays ]

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Lucy: come on, joe.
Will you hurry up?


Coffey: if it looks so easy,
why don't you try it?

Lucy: police! Open up!

What seems to be
the problem here?

Somebody had a party and it got
away from them in there.

$100,000. $100,000.

[ Loud music playing,
people arguing ]

I'll take care of this.

Don't get k*lled now.

[ Yelling ]

Man: what are you doing?
What are you doing?

Oh, lord. Will you please...

Lucy: will you get your stupid
body out of there?

Get off her!

Get off her!

All right. Party's over.

Coffey: just get your hands
against the wall.

You want me out of here,
you come in and get me!

[ Indistinct arguing ]

...you're all
covered with mud,

All messed up...

Man: come here, you little...

[ Woman screams ]

Come here!
Come on!

All right. All right.
That's it.

That's it. Come on.

We paid you
50 bucks apiece!

We didn't get
nothing from her!

Did they pay you for this?
Did they pay you for this?

No, they didn't pay me.

Yes, we did!
We paid you 50 bucks!

Does this fall under
the category of entertainment?

Renko: you're under arrest.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Lucy: good. Perfect.

You all right?

What are you talking about?

Coffey: who's this guy?

Betty, babette, you okay?

yeah, artie, we're okay.

You son of a --


Nobody hurts my girls!

Hey, just shut up.

What's wrong with you?
Cuff him, bobby!

Hey, wait a minute.
I made the call.

These guys come in here, they're
supposed to be out by 8:00.

I-i didn't get my money.
M-my girls got att*cked.

I don't know
what's going on here.

Yeah? Well, I don't care.
Cuff him!

Everybody gets cuffed!

She took my wallet!

We're going downtown.

You'll find your wallet

You want me to hose 'em down
before we put 'em in the car?

Grab a towel.
I don't know.



Thanks a lot.

Hey, no problem.

Are you girls
twins or what?

[ Telephone rings ]

Hi, phil.

Let's get you
off your feet, here.

Phil, I'm fine.
Don't fuss.

Is henry here?

He's somewhere.

Look, I was going through
the baby book.

A few more names.
Phil, I don't --

Just consider 'em --

With particular attention to
clarice whilst I fetch henry.

Hey, mrs. Furillo,
how are you?

Officer coffey,
officer bates.

How do you feel?

Ah, like I'm about
to deliver a basketball team.

No, otherwise,
I'm 40 years old,

I-i'm 3 to 5 days
before I give birth,

And I never felt better
in my life.

I wish you the best
and...god bless.

Thanks, lucy.

Can I touch it?

Sure, go ahead.

Hey, did you feel that?

Ha ha. Yeah.
Yeah, it moved.

It's amazing.

Hiya, fay.
How goes it?

Hi, henry.

Henry, i-i came up to tell you

That we're scheduled an hour
earlier for our lamaze class --

Um, if it's convenient.

I wouldn't miss it.

Homestretch, kiddo.

Fay, I don't know
if I approve,

But, uh, you could catch
a bug up here.

Phil, I'm as healthy
as a horse.

[ Telephones ring ]

Fay, how nice to see you.

Chief daniels.
How's the campaign?

By the look of it, not quite
so advanced as yours.

Best of luck, fay.
Good -- good to see you.

Ramón, good to see you.

Good morning, chief.

How's my minority affairs

Just fine.
I'm eager to talk with you.

And I'm eager to listen.

Have you set a time
with ron lefferds?

I'm waiting to hear back.

Well, let's get on the stick,
ray. I need your ideas.

Will do. Will do, chief.

Top o' the mornin', frank.


Hey, looks like your ex is close
to dropping the b*mb.

You know my poster, don't you?
Byron whitcamp.

How are you?

Deputy chief mahoney will be
joining us.

Have to hand it to ben fiske.

He moves into the projects,

I take up residence between
a rock and a hard place.

I can see how that
might be awkward.

Hello, dennis.

Frank, you know
you've got, uh,

Units parked in all of
the spaces for visitors?

Uh, I'll tell
the khaki officer.

All right. Here's how it
shakes down, frank. Byron.

If you give him full protection,
you validate his platform.

Urban decay and all that.

and he'll call you

On using your office
to play politics.

I don't care if I am six points
ahead in the polls...

Or eight.

If we don't
walk the line on this,

Fiske'll close
the gap like that.

Underprotection just
isn't an option, chief.

Politically speaking,

Full protection is by far
the lesser of evils.

Politics aside,

The dante projects
are a w*r zone right now.

And it would be helpful if both
candidates realized

That there's an agenda
going on out there

That couldn't have less
to do with this campaign.

Five murders in six weeks.

I'm not sure we can guarantee
anybody safety.

I hope it'd be clear that my
personal safety

Is a subordinate
issue here.


Councilman fiske.


It's the living conditions
of these people

In the projects that I'm
concerned with.

I think we might
more properly leave that

For the rubber chicken
crowd, ben.

Frank, I'll simply repeat.

My deep reservations
not withstanding,

Ben's to have full cooperation
and protection.

Shall we leave them to it,

Hope to hell you know
what you're doing, ben.

Hope to hell it works out.

Well, I'll rest a lot easier

Knowing that you're
behind me, fletcher.

Henry, could you ask howard
to step in here, please.

I, uh, heard about
the stabbing on the way up.

Yeah, it happened
about 20 feet away

From the door of the building
you chose to move into.

You're not going to
talk me out of this.

Okay, then let me explain
this to you, ben.

Those projects belong to
the diablos, not to the city,

Not to any federal agency.

There's been a power struggle
inside the diablos

And they've been weakened.

Blood and mau mau
are trying to muscle in.

People have been k*lled.

I'd be less than honest
if I didn't say to you

That what you're doing is
ill-timed and ill-conceived.


The place
is about to explode.

Well, I'm going ahead
with it anyway.

I think it's stupid.

I'm not a stupid man...

Or a reckless one,
but these people have to know

That somebody
is willing to listen.

Lieutenant hunter here will be
in charge of security.



An adventure awaits you.

Excuse me, gentlemen.

Francis, we have a homicide
at the dante projects.

Henry: gangs?
Just found the body.

Woman: need someone to sign
your shipment on dock four.

Dump 'em.

You know fish?
I know a little.

Yeah, I've been in business
30 years.

Long time.

Yeah, 30 big ones.

I know fish.

Are you sure
this is gonna work?

I mean, the guy that threatened
me was like a tractor.

Don't worry about it.

I need a whale,
they send me a shrimp.

Testing, testing.
One, two, three.

Testing, testing.

The guy said if I don't
come up with the cash today

They're gonna stop
the deliveries,

They're gonna stop hauling
away all my extras,

Plus they're gonna
bust my arms.

We get them on tape, you're not
gonna have any more trouble.

Better light that up --
help the smell a little.

Woman: mr. Merton.

Mr. Merton,

Am I gonna have
a birthday here?

Oh, uh, he's got you,
mrs., Uh, mrs. Silverman.

How could I help you,

That chicken is fresh?

You kidding? That chicken was
running around this morning.

Yeah, well, l-let me see.

Would the driver
of the truck

Parked at the loading dock
please move it?

This chicken is not fresh.

I want very fresh.

Does someone have
the bill of lading

For the poultry delivery?

This chicken is not fresh.

I want fresh chicken!

Lady, could you
pass a test like that?

[ Siren wails ]

chalk up another one.

Henry: I thought we were getting
more crowd control?

They're on the way.

Any i.d. On the victim?

Leon selwood.
He was a blood.

According to s.i.d.,
They k*lled him someplace else

And then strung him up here.

Hey, that cold enough
for you?

They snuff the kid
and then hang out and watch.

Probably wasn't them.

Diablo turf, a blood
strung up by his colors

And you don't think
diablos did it?

There are two
groups of diablos.

How fast can they
get him down?

Almost done.
They just gotta finish dusting.

How fast?
Five, ten minutes.

Tell them five -- no more.
There could be more trouble.

Hector, can I talk
to you a second?

It's, uh, too bad about
the blood, henry.

I wonder who could've done
such a terrible thing.

I'll tell you this --
I don't think it was you.

You're too smart
for something like this.

Maybe, but maybe not.

But then who's to say?

Look, we can do each other
some good here.

I don't see how.
Sure you do.

It's gotta be now.
Come see me, hector.

I'll be back in my office
in 1/2 an hour.

Hey! Hey, you! Hold it!

Okay. Okay, come on, come on,
come on, come on.

Let me talk to you.

Man, look what they did to my
bro-- my man leon, man.

Get out of here.
Go on. Now.

We're blood. And we're here
for our brother's body.

This is a crime scene
and you gotta stay clear.

You're damn right
it's a crime, man!

That's my brother laying up
there dead!

That's the crime!

Call up the station house.

We'll let you know the minute
the body's released.

You ask for me,
lieutenant goldblume.

Go. Go on.

We're going.

And we're coming back.

You hear that, punk?!

We're coming back!

I'm waiting for you, brother.

You be here, square.

Your mama.

[ Helicopter whirring ]

Woman: you lying creep.
Trying to make us look bad.

My clients are not about to drop
any attempted r*pe charges.

Then my clients
won't drop grand larceny.

That grand larceny
is a crock.

Your r*pe's a crock.

How can you say that?
And you're a woman.

Mr. Feinstein,
these are cross complaints.

There's no outside witness.

The only thing likely to result
from pursuing the matter

Any further is a stack of legal
bills and an early dismissal.

What kind of legal bills?

We'll talk about it.
Don't worry.

I can't be specific,
but on the average

If we even go
to a hearing, $3,500.

$3,500? $3,500?

shall we drop it?

Hey, wait a minute!
I ain't droppin' nothin'!

Shut your pants,

Mr. Thompson,
I thought we agreed.

Agreed, sure, if the thieves
give me back my wallet.

Both: we didn't steal
your wallet!

It was in my pants!

Maybe we can split
the difference here.

You guys ain't
behind me on this?!

We're behind you,
but --

Whore accuses me of r*pe!
I am taking her to court!

It was my wallet
and I ain't walking away.

Whatever you say,
mr. Thompson.

Be prepared
for a civics lesson.

Hal, what, are you crazy?

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Well, uh, you girls want some
soap or something to --

To wash up before
you get on the bus?

You got a bathroom?
You got a bathroom?

Yeah, but, I'm gonna
have to guard you.

[ Laughs ]

On the outside --
outside the door.


[ Telephone rings ]

Henry...there's someone waiting
for you in lineup.

If frank asks
for the homicide report...

You kept saying "come in."
What the hell does that mean?

I guess what
you're doing now.

I ain't doing nothing, man.

I'm just seeing
what you got to say.

We try to keep tabs, hector.
We saw the new diablos flier.

Milk programs, escort service
for the elderly.

That's right.
What's it to you?

Those are good ideas.

And with the bloodletting
going on,

Not one of them
has a chance.

So what.

If I were you, I'd figure they
had a lot better chance

With lazaro out of the way.

Just take more blood.

Not necessarily.

Not if someone could put him
at that homicide

Or giving the order.

That's not how we do it.


Us, man.
La gente.

We don't work that way, bro.

We don't use cops
doing our business.

I thought you wanted
to change things?

I do.
And I'm going to.

Then help us do our job.
Help us to stop this k*lling.

And do some good for yourself
at the same time.

What the hell kind of
loyalty do you owe

Someone who's gonna come after
you the day he finishes

Fighting the other g*ng?
Someone who's a stone k*ller?

Man, lazaro is way out of his
league, all right?

I mean, the guy is nothing but
jesús martínez's right-hand man,

His -- his enforcer.
He ain't made to head no g*ng.

Yeah, well, jesús is upstate
and lazaro is k*lling people.

Man, it's you, man.

You're the one that --
t-that makes us --

You are the beast.

That's jail talk, hector.

This is the outside.

You really want
to try your ideas?

You ready to do some good?

I wouldn't.

I...i wouldn't make no --
no testimony.

I-- it would have to come
from a -- from a phone booth.

[ Telephone rings ]

What's up, frank?

We can get something
from him, frank.

He's talking about
giving up lazaro.

Was he at the m*rder?

He'd inform. It'd be
the beginning of a case.

In exchange for?
Our backing his group.

He's an unstable kid with five
or six teenagers behind him.

He's also got
a lot of good ideas.

Let's see what we accomplish
with the summit.

What summit?

We're bringing in the g*ng
leaders this afternoon

To see if we can
buy a truce.



I understand you're working
the mud wrestling circuit.

Your people got there just
before the main event.

Listen, I'm going
to be late tonight.


Well, maybe you
and some of the boys

Can catch the, uh, dinner show
at the mud palace.

A moment of your time,
miss davenport.

I'm afraid that's
all I've got, sarge.

I just want to get
a woman's perspective.

[ Telephone rings ]

Hmm? What do you think?

[ Laughs ] it's lovely.

Fay's coming to term
in three to five days.

It's a little big
for a newborn, isn't it?

Oh, this is
for seven to eight months.

I'm amassing
a progressive ensemble.

I'm the child's godfather,
you know.

So I understand.
It's really lovely, sergeant.

I'm really flying blind.

I'm just, uh...going from one
moment to the next.

You're doing fine.

Woman: roger. 7L94, 7l94.
45984. 45...

All right.
The first thing I'm gonna get

Is a pair of those good-looking
boots that we were looking at.

You mean snakeskin?

Ooh, I could use
a pair of them myself.

Robert, do you remember
a conversation we had --

We made a vow and swore an
eternal vow on our friendship?

Which was that?

It happened in this very vehicle
about six months ago.

Something about, uh, unexpected
strokes of fortune.

After that armored truck job?

Uh-huh. We found
that $1.6 million.

Something about
sharing found money.

Oh, I just thought we were
chewing the fat, renko.

Huh. Yeah.

Which doesn't mean I'm not going
to be spreading this around.

Renko, would you just let me get
my feet on the ground?

Robert, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

All right.

I-i-i-i was just thinking,
you know...

Andy, I have
never won...


Ain't that the truth.

I gotta figure out how
to organize all this.

What do you think
I ought to do, renko?

Well, first off, I think you
ought to get real cautious.

You're gonna have people running
at you from all sides

To share in your good fortune.
Police! Open up!

You think so?

I do.
I definitely do think so.

Yeah, what?

Lazaro majana?
Yeah, that's me.

You get a call to come
down to the station?

Free ride.

Come on,
let's shake it, man.

Boy, it seems like
all of a sudden

I've got a whole lot
to think about, renko.

Yeah, a whole lot of

Comes with that
amount of money.

I'm not riding
with a mau mau.

Yes, you are, and you ain't
gonna say one more word to me.

Stinks back here.

Then shut your mouth.

And get off me.


Now, gentlemen, travel time
is approximately 12 minutes.

Don't make me
come sit back here.

Woman: the driver of the truck
parked at loading dock three,

Please move it.

Your boss around?

Who's asking?

You don't want to know.

You got the contracts?


Yeah, well, my boss
told me to handle it.

Uh, you wanna come over here?
There's more light.

Just sign all three copies.

800 Pounds of scrod
is a lot of scrod.

It's all been signed.

Don't play with
the merchandise.

Janitorial service?

I think we got
a janitorial service.

We'll give you better.

Our janitorial service
you don't get burned down.

You wanna keep your hands
off the carp?

It's very delicate.

What is this?
Police officer.

You are under arrest,

mr. Hill.

That's it?
I can go cash it?

It's all yours.
Hold it up.

Woman: how does it feel,
officer hill?

It's great.
It just feels great.

Give us one of you
and mr. Jefferson together.

Oh, mr. Jefferson,
come on in.

What do you say,

Worth a couple bucks to the man
who sold you the winning ticket?

...check for $500.

The last winner tipped
the seller 5%.

The man knew
how to be grateful.

Officer hill, uh, can you
shake hands with my boy?

This is timmy.

Timmy, shake hands
with the officer.

Yeah, sure.
How are you doing, timmy?

Uh, not good, officer.

Not good at all.

Timmy, tell the officer
how you feel.

Mr. Whip, I'm tired
of warning you

About soliciting
on these premises.

The next time I see you here
I am calling the authorities.

My kid's sick.

He's gotta have an operation
or he's gonna die.

The kid's sick?

He's as healthy as a mule.

You've gotta look out for these
types. Good luck.

Well, morning,
chief mahoney.

Boss in back?

Yes, sir.

Belker: hey, knock it off.

Evidence or lunch?

Hands on the counter.

I owe you one.

[ Grunts ]

All right.
That's enough.

[ Yells ]

Don't do that!

Take your hands off me,
you little ape!

I'm very --

Turn in your shield, mister.
You're on report.

What's your name?

Belker, sir.
I was not --

Shut up and stand there.

Get this fish
out of here.

This is deputy chief mahoney.

Get someone from your office
down to, uh, hill street.

I want to file charges
against --

What's your first name?

Detective michael belker.

Well, tell him
to look for me.

Turn in your hardware
and take your desk.

What's the problem here?

No problem.

He was not wearing
his tag --

That's enough from you, son.
Take your desk.

Your office, captain.

Mick...come on, huh?
Come on.

Your boy's got
a hair trigger, frank.

Heat of the moment, dennis.
He was --

He was working out
on a citizen's skull

Is what he was doing.

And nobody moved in
to stop him.

Damn. This suit just came back
from the dry cleaners.

He said you weren't
wearing your i.d.

So what am I to conclude?
That as a matter of course

Anybody who walks in here
without a tag is assaulted?

If you'd
identified yourself --

Excessive force and
assaulting a superior officer --

It goes to i.a.d.

And I get to explain to my wife
why I smell like fish.

All right, now, run
this g*ng thing for me.

Excuse me. Uh, they're ready
downstairs, francis.

Thanks, phil.

This'll have to wait.

Maybe they should.

I have people down there
ready to k*ll each other.

You'll have to excuse me.

Any word on the release?

Well, he's supposed to be
in a cab on his way up here.

Man, if there's a meeting, we're
supposed to be there, all right?

I don't know if now's --
you said one thing, henry.

I didn't guarantee.

Back, hector.
No scenes.

Come on, man.

A man is moving into the dante
projects tomorrow

Who's running for mayor.

[ Laughter ]

To visit his mother, huh?

He wants to see
what it's like, huh?

I know those projects are
disputed territory,

But if there's any v*olence
in those projects,

Anything that endangers
this man's life,

The police are gonna
sh**t to k*ll.

What's new, man?

Is it understood?

9:00 A.m. Tomorrow, the dante
projects are off-limits.

That's one.

The other's this --

I'm putting the leaders
on notice.

In the past six weeks,

There have been six murders
in my precinct.

My precinct.

You got a w*r, you got your own
system of justice --

That's fine.

I put you on notice.

From this day I say
the leader of each g*ng

Is responsible for the crime --
furillo's law.

[ Laughter ]

Blood -- ronnie james.

Mau mau -- dudley hicks.

Blood commits a crime,
mau mau commits a crime,

You two get put away.
And I'll make it stick.

Shamrock -- tommy mann.

Dragons -- russell mobley.

Diablos -- jesús martínez.

What the hell
are you saying, man?

That's just how
jive you are, furillo.

Martínez is upstate.

You're rolling some
big numbers, furillo.

Your laws and your rules.

Let me tell you,
jesús gets out --

No, lazaro.

My strong right arm.

Jesús martínez is out.

Jesús, you're looking
kind of used.

They must have turned
you out up there.

No one turns me out!

What, you want to touch it?

You and I will discuss this one
on the streets.

Wherever you want.

Come on.

Yo, furillo, go ahead.

Continue, please.

When lazaro gets outside

He'll be arrested for
the m*rder of leon selwood.

From today,
you're responsible.

You better move it, man!

Let go of me!

Hey, pig!

You brought me here
under amnesty!

You were arrested
on the outside.

Come on!

You jacked me up, henry.

I didn't know, hector.

Oh, man, you told me you was
gonna put me in charge.

You lied, man.

All the time you're bringing
him back, right?

Yo, hector, what's this
I hear about you, huh?

You in charge of
the young diablos?

Los diablitos.

Are you crazy, man?!

Hold it!

Henry, clear them
out of here.

Get off, okay?
Get off of me.

Damn good idea arresting this
lazaro youth, frank.

I'll tell you,

This preventative retention is
working wonders in south africa.

We have a case
against him, howard.

Of course you do.



I ain't never been up
in front of i.a.d. Before.

I want you to know
I would never do anything

To embarrass this
department or you.

I know that, mick.

I'd quit before
I'd let that happen.

Well, you're a long way from
having to worry about that.

I don't know what happened.

The guy was resisting and
mahoney grabbed me from behind.

That's exactly
what you'll tell i.a.d.

What kind of trouble
could they give me?

I don't know, mick, but
it's not just you, you know.

Mahoney has it in
for the whole precinct.

Yeah, well, he can't get away
with that, right?

I bet everything's
gonna be okay.

Just tell the truth...

Tell the truth,
they can't hurt you, right?

[ Telephone rings ]

Pretty slick, frank.

The hidden martínez trick.

Come in.

When did you start working on
his release?

Two days ago.

He was eligible
for an early parole.

I just asked them to expedite.

Nice going. You really
kept it under your hat.

I did what I thought was
appropriate, henry.

You thought it was appropriate
making an ass of me and a liar?

I had to buy a truce.

Do you know what an

Would do to this city?

I'm talking command policy.

You kept me
and everyone else in the dark.

I just didn't think
there was enough time.

Didn't feel
there was enough time,

Or didn't feel
it was necessary?

Just figured you'd
be the king maker?

Henry, phil coordinated
the release,

Ray organized the summit,

You were detective in charge
of a new homicide.

I just didn't see
any opportunity.

We stood in that hallway
and talked!

And you tried to sell me a kid
as new leader of the diablos

Who'd go off like cheap

The first time he got

So we disagreed!

Does that give you the right
to...shut me out of policy?

To make me into a lying,
conniving manipulator?

I'm sorry.

I just -- i-i-i stood
there with you

And I saw a 20-minute
argument coming and...

So you failed to respect me as
a person and I passed it on.

Well, I hope you got what you
wanted out of it, frank.

'Cause I bet we're gonna pay on
the other end.

I'll bet on it.

My papers indicate that as to
these various

And very serious
cross complaints --

Attempted r*pe, robbery, sex
abuse, as*ault, grand larceny --

All defendants are agreeable to
dropping charges

Except one mr...thompson.

Whore stole my wallet.

Hey, watch your mouth.

Can't we settle this matter,
ms. Davenport?

I'm afraid not, your honor.

I did try.
I've also informed them

That they'll get a public
defender for arraignment only.

They can afford private counsel.

Mr. Thompson, allow me to say,
"this is the most asinine,

Self-indulgent, time-wasting set
of complaints

To cross this bench today.

This court has murders to deal
with, g*ng wars,

And if this entire matter
isn't settled

By voluntary dismissal

I'm holding you all
on $100,000 bail

And setting a hearing date
after the new year.

You could do seven years of
peace on these charges.

Mr. Thompson?

Okay, okay, I quit.

Hell of
a system of justice.

What's that?

I said it's a great
system of justice.

Thank you. Dismissed.


Docket n639737.
Lazaro majana.

Charged with m*rder on complaint

Of detectives larue
and washington.

Detective, you have statements
in this matter?

Not at liberty,
your honor.

He ain't got nothing but
jesús martínez's pig lies!

[ Yelling ]

Order in the court!

[ Gavel bangs ]

Get him out of here!

Hold him till morning
and then bring him back!


Ooh. That's a whole
lot of zeros, bobby.

Yeah, but it's this number one
right over here that gets me.

I'll tell you, my friend,

You don't find some fast
shelters for it,

Uncle sam and the relatives

Are gonna shrink
that dude down to size.

Yeah, that's what
they tell me.

You acquainted
with money markets?

You know, iras...
A little.

Personal corp. Pensions,

investment credits --

A little, a little, j.d.

What's on your mind?

Oh, it's just I've been looking
into that a lot myself lately

For my own investment

I just want to say you want
somebody to kind of

Guide you through the rapids,
hey, consider me a boat.

Thanks. I will.

Well, I'm there for you,
you know.

I'm a source.

Thanks, j.d.

Only too happy to help.


Hey, my pleasure.

Bobby, can I talk
to you for a second?


I hate doing this, it's just,
I don't have nowhere else to --

What's up, perez?

Okay, um, a few months ago my --
my brother-in-law,

He talks me into going into this
cuban chinese restaurant...

Cuban chinese?

Cuban chinese.

I don't know, maybe it was
the location, you know.

And it didn't go, right?

Well, I wanted to give it
a chance

And I started putting house
money into it --


So, uh, look, I need $1,500
in mortgage arrears...

Or I'm gonna lose my place,
you know.

I'll pay you back
as fast as I can.

You know that, right?

Just let me
think about it.


You're not mad,
are you?


Did I say something wrong?

No. Just let me think about it,
okay, perez?

Sure. Thanks.

[ Telephone rings ]

Well, spank my monkey.

Don't you two little gals
clean up good.

I swear if there
wasn't two of you,

I never would
have recognized you.

Thanks a lot.

You know, uh, after the day like
you've had today,

I bet you're ready for some
serious relaxation.

Am I right or am I wrong?

It just so happens I'm without
social engagements

Myself this evening.

Ladies, you ready?

Hi. Hi.

You look lovely.

Joseph, my brother.

It looks like
you're suffering from

A slight male
deficiency, here.

It's okay, andy.
I got it covered.

Lucy: I guess he thought you
were going to be a fifth wheel.

What's that? He ain't got
no fourth wheel.

That one man.

Ba-bing, ba-bing.

Oh, ba-boy.

Hey, since when's coffey

Been going out
with the demarco sisters?

Those are
the ba-bing sisters, j.d.

Yeah, and I'm pee wee reese.

No, that's the demarcos.

They used to taxi-dance this
joint over on the parkway.

You're kidding me.
Oh, yeah.

Hey, would you forget
a face like those?

It's okay. The bets are down
fellas, the bets are down.

We're ready to close.
Are we ready?

Ready to roll. Here we go.

Roll 'em.

Come on, baby, come on.

Come on, baby.
Six for me, baby.


No six. Sevens.

Got a new sh**t,
give me a new sh**t.

All right, place your bets.

Play the line.

All right, you got your bets
down, gentlemen.

Three. Crap.

All right, same sh**t.

Place your bets, gentlemen,
place your bets.

All right, let's get it down

We're ready to roll them.

Okay, there you go.
Roll them.

Come on, man!

Baby, come on, now!

[ Sighs ]

Soon, frank?


When are you
going to be done?


What are you doing?

Figuring out
how much I'm worth.

[ Laughs ]
don't be crass.


How is it
5:00 this afternoon

Bobby hill could buy me
three times over?

[ Sighs ] so what?

So, I'd like $100,000, too.

What would you do with it?

A couple more days like today,


No sale.

Book the flight.

We've got that much,
you know...

In my trust fund.

You wanna know
how much exactly?



And change.

That's all?

[ Laughs ] that's all?

I thought you were rich?

You gigolo.



We're rich beyond counting.

[ Telephone rings ]

[ Siren wails,
helicopter whirring ]

Little drive-by action,

Lookin' for diablos,
hit a nine-year-old kid.

Hey, everybody
makes mistakes.

Any clue
to the perpetrators?

Montagues, capulets.

Stop it, henry.

Lot of good jesús did us.

We do what we can.

When the bosses let us.

That was cheap.

I'll have the report on your
desk tomorrow morning.
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