04x01 - Here's Adventure, Here's Romance

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hill Street Blues". Aired: January 15, 1981 - May 12, 1987.*
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The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city.
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04x01 - Here's Adventure, Here's Romance

Post by bunniefuu »

[Police siren sounding]

Carbon copy of
last night, frank.

A nightmare.

He came out
of the john.

Presumably, he assembled
his w*apon there.

Which was?

Same, 9-millimeter

He comes out,
goes to the front,

Blocked the door,
opens fire.

How many fatalities?


Two more wounded,
one critical.

Which isn't
half bad, frank.

With all the lead we
dug out of the walls,

He could have k*lled
a dozen more.

Anyone get
a description?

Nothing solid.

It's too dark,
it's too smoky.

Everybody's been

Besides, a place
like this,

Four in the morning,
guys are all clinching

In the corners.

Get any witnesses
down to the station,

Have them go through
the mug books.

That'll be
a waste of time.

Do it anyway.

Yes, sir.

oh, come on.

item one,
the power outage.

At approximately
4:05 this a.m.

For reasons as
yet undetermined,

A chain of
transformers blew,

Rendering 30%
of the city

And 100% of
this precinct

Without electricity.

[Crowd groaning]

The department
of power estimates

Repairs will take

From 12 to 24 hours.

[Crowd groaning]

In the meantime,
we can anticipate

traffic jams,

Countless people stuck
on elevators,

You know the list.

Added to it, your forecast
of temperatures

In excess of 95 degrees.

With a relative humidity
of 91%.

[Crowd groaning]

What can I say,
it's going to be a doozy.

Our own generator is
currently supplying

Electricity at
capacity of 70%.

So please,

Don't use any more
than you need.


Uh, can we flush
the toilets?




Now, lt. Calletano
is coordinating

A specific duty
roster for the duration

Of the blackout.

Uh, item two

Detectives larue,
washington, and belker, only,

Are excused from blackout
related duties

To continue

Of monday's multiple

At the starlight lounge,

And last night's
similar mayhem

At the elbow room
on hampton.

While the rest of you attend
to the multitude of problems

Caused by the
power failure,

Do remain alert to
such street discourse

As may pertain to
those events.

Item last.

A personal
indulgence, people.


[Crowd murmuring]

Monmouth riding stables
on decker heights

Reports an
early morning theft,

Their alarm wasn't

Missing, one light tan,
all-leather bridle

With matching reigns,

One multi-colored saddle
blanket of 100% wool,

And one 7-year-old
pinto gelding

Answering to
the name of butch.

[Crowd laughing]

[Imitating horses]

Now, you're not to
spend valuable time

Combing the city
for this equine.

But, if you were to
happen upon butch

In the course of
your daily round,

That, of course,
would be, uh,

A horse of
another color.

[Crowd laughing,

Okay, folks,
let's roll.

And remember,
it's a difficult day.

So let's be extra
careful out there.

[Crowd chattering]

[Phone ringing]


pit breath!

[Accordion sounding]

[Accordion sounding





No, dorsey.

[Phone ringing]


Hi, ma.

I know, ma, everybody's
electricity's out.

They don't know,
maybe soon.

Just stay indoors,
and take it easy,

That's all.



It is not going to
be 120 degrees.

Maybe it'll
be 95.

If you open
the doors and windows,

Then you'll be fine.

I really
got to go.

I got a perp
sitting here,

I got a fresh
multiple homicide.

Okay, I will
check with you

Every hour,
I promise.

I love you, too.


You really
make this tough

On the old folks, huh?

You keep
out of it.

Well, she still
got cold water.

Yeah, if it
gets too hot,

She can fill up the tub
and sit in it.


Hello, ma?

[Police siren]

we have a 911.

Armed robbery
in progress.

See surplus store,

Corner of peebles drive
and 124th street.


[Distant siren]

There was
no meltdown.

A couple of
power company

went out.

No, it's
nothing like...

Howard, for you.

What's the address?

Lt. Hunter.

Lt. Goldblume,
hill street.

I assure you, sir,
this has nothing to do

- With the unthinkable
- all right, ma'am.

Somebody will
be there right away.

Address and location
of the elevator?

[Phones ringing]


Looting in progress.

Delarue and mcelroy
are close.

Ray, the streets
out there.

Parking lot for about
a ten block radius.

Don't we have somebody
in traffic control?

They're on
their way.

They just got
their assignment.

there are some people
waiting in your office.


A neighborhood
citizen's group

And the west side
gay rights committee.

Did we have to put
the together?

Where else would you
have her put them?

I'm sorry.

Are you all right?

I was up all night.

Doctor says it's
a kidney stone.

You want to
go home?

On a day
like this?

Besides, nothing
will help.

All I can do is
wait for it to pass.

Excuse me, frank.

[Phone ringing]

Henry, anything
in the mug books?

No, neal and j.d.
Are at the hospital

Going through them with
the ones that were wounded.


Let me guess.

The sergeant's manual.

Yeah, so what?

You're going to
go blind.

It's only
an exam, luce.

It's only an exam.

Did you ever
hear of career?

Yeah, well,
I'm not going to

Lose sleep
over it.


You be the

And I'll be
the ant.

You be the what?

I'll be the ant
who stores food,

So that he has
plenty of food

For the winter.

And you'll be
the grasshopper

Who plays, and never
has any food

When winter comes.

Was that a joke?

- It's not a joke.
- It's not funny.

It's not supposed to be
funny, it's not a joke.

It's a lesson,
it's a parable.

Oh, now you're getting
religious on me?


There's a horse tied to
a lamp post right there.

What, another parable?

The horse and
the lamp post?

Look, there's a horse.

Let's go.

[Car honking]

[Car doors closing]

Are you sure sarge
meant this one?

I don't know.

I think we're going to
have to send in

The hoof prints to
fbi headquarters.

Hasta luego,

Remember to
send the voucher

Directly to
the studio.

- Excuse me.
- Hey, hey you!

- You.
- Excuse me.

What do you know about
this horse over here?

How should I know
anything about a horse?

Hey, slow down,
amigo, we're trying...

He's got a g*n.

What's the matter
with you?

- Hold it right there.
- Up against the wall.

Can't you see
it's just a prop?

This is a mistake.

The horse is my
trusted companion.

I can prove it.


Stomp your
front hoof

Three times!

Are you supposed
to be--

You are somebody,
you should--

Who are you
supposed to be?


Untie the reins

With your teeth!

You have the right
to remain silent.

What's the matter
with you?

- [Reading miranda rights]
- this is a take!

The cisco kid,
it's the cisco kid.

Muy bien.

- That's it.
- Call my agent.

He can explain

- You're right.
- If you so desire

And can not afford
an attorney,

One will be appointed...

Yo, art.

J.d., Neal.

Hey, what's going on,

They bring you in
for the blackout?


Listen, how's it going
with that gay thing?

Any luck?

Dry well, man.

Nothing on forensics.


Zero on
the mug sh*ts.

Did you work
the first sh**ting?

I-- I thought
the night shift guy

Was andy gerard?

Hi, art.


Look, uh...

...can I talk
to you guys?

Somewhere private?

I was in that bar
this morning.

I saw him.

I recognized him.

His name
is vincent.

First name.

First name's vincent.

Uh, what were you
doing there, art?

Same thing I was
doing two weeks ago

When I met him.

Trying to meet
a guy.

Look, art--

here's an apartment number.

If he's, uh,
if he's not there,

Try the crayfish.

I met him at
the crayfish.

On 34th.

Dark hair,

Medium build.

Mid 30s.

Kind of a
sharp chin.


Take it.

We should take
this to the captain.

You can't.

Listen, just...

...just say I was an
anonymous informant.

I'll go
outside, I'll--

I'll put a dime
in the payphone.

Come on, art,
if you're anonymous,

We can't get a
search warrant.

But you can
pick him up.

You can question him,
pick him up,

Sweat him.

He'll crack,
I promise--

Come on!

I thought you were a
better cop than this.

Damn it, mick,
two medals of valor

In 13 years,
is that bad?

I came to you
guys for help.

I got a wife at home,
I got three kids.


J.d., How long
we work vice?

Three years?

Hell, i--
I covered you guys

A couple of times.

Hell, more than
a couple.

Hey, art.

We covered each
other, huh?



I'm staring
into a pit.

Wait outside for
a minute, will you?

Go on.


You believe it?

Art bradley.

Maybe we do
owe him, j.d.

This way's enough to
give him half a chance.

We came on
the force together.

I like this guy.

I feel sorry
for him.

Me too.

I just don't
believe it.

Ah, hell.

We'll pick him up.

No promises
after that.

Do you mind
telling us

Your whereabouts
last night, vincent?

Sure, I was
at home.

Hey, what's all
this about?

Is this about
those q*eer killings?

Anyone with
you at home

Last night,

What are you
inferring by that?

Hey, what were you doing
in that bar just now?

I'm trying to
tell you guys.

I'm a graphic designer.

A client wanted me
to meet him there.

What's the
client's name?

Hey, wait
a minute, wait--

I'm not q*eer
or nothing.

What are you saying,
you never

- Frequent that bar?
- Vincent, we know

You frequent
the crayfish.

The hell with you.

The hell with this.

[People shouting
in foreign language]

All right!
All right, be quiet,

Just be quiet now,
and get this conversation

Down to a
civilized level.

- This man is a crook.
- Si.

I do nothing,
it's these people.

We need ice
for our food.

He won't sell it.

I sell you ice,
ten dollar!


I swear, bobby,
just once

In my law
enforcement career,

I would like to
encounter a situation

Where my native tongue
is an advantage.

Okay, let's get
this situation straight.

You want to buy
some ice.

- Yes.
- And this man won't

- Sell it to you.
- I go,

I sell ice,
ten dollars!


How much was ice
selling for yesterday?

It's not yesterday,
it's today.

- Ahh.
- I need ice

For keeping my food.

Why can't you sell
these people

One bag of ice
at a regular price?

No, I need
every ice!


All right, you people,
stop this squabbling!

It is just
too hot!


Now, you listen
to me, friend.

Profiteering is against
the law in this state.

You could get sent up
for 15 years.

So, I suggest
you sell ice

For what ice is
supposed to cost.

Now, this man has
a store to run.

And according to
the state penal code,

Division 2301-a,
in the event

Of a power failure,
if you should need

To purchase ice from
a store owner,

You must also purchase
a portion of the food

That that ice was
meant to protect.

Therefore, you get
yourself a bag of ice,

And you get yourself
a pound of meat.

Is that perfectly clear?

All right, now I
don't want to hear

One more word out of
any of you.

Come on, bobby.

I swear, you just
have to know

How to deal with
these people.

You have to come
with your strong suit,

Which is that you're
smarter than they are.

Whatever you say,

unit 2202,

Proceed to 9000 block
of north park avenue.

[Arguing in
foreign language]

Interrogation one,
some guy who thinks

He's the cisco kid
or something...

In here, armpit.


Captain, we got
a live one

On the bar massacres.

Vincent kirby, unemployed
graphic illustrator

With more than
a few kinks.

- Got off a snitch?
- No, phone tip.

Caller said he was
a friend of kirby's.

Described him like one of
those psycho cryptos

Who all of a sudden
pops his cork.

And, we picked him up
in a gay bar.

All right, let's put
him in a lineup.

Get his history.

anything corroborative.

Send his picture
over to the wounded

At the hospital,
and see ray

About the search warrant
for his apartment.

Uh, we may have a little
problem there, captain.

The tipster called
from a payphone,

Wouldn't leave
his name.

All we have
on this suspect

Is an anonymous
phone tip?

Yeah, I'd say we have
a little problem, j.d.,

Like forget
the search warrant.

Captain, look,
I know we don't have much.

But I get a real sick
feeling off of this guy.

Can't we at least
try for a warrant

On his crib?

All right,
let's try.

See what we get
out of the lineup.

But, remember something,
both of you.

I want to be apprised of
all developments

In this case,
and that includes

Anonymous phone calls.

You got it,

The studio told me

The horse was
rented for today.

How was I to know
the training schedule

Had been changed
to friday?

The fact that
horse theft

Is not usually

With hardcore
urban crime,

And that the animal
was not mistreated

By you in any way,

I could get us
a dismissal,

Provided we get a judge
with a sense of humor.

[Hitting table]

They took away
my spurs.

I am financially

For my spurs.

Do you think
it's easy

Working in

Also, it would
be advisable

To downplay
the wardrobe.

It's never good to
go into court

As the cisco kid.

I am not
the cisco kid!


That is a
fictional character.

I am an actor.

Duncan renaldo.

I created the role.

Alan branford,
1906 friedman street,

Apartment 12 over
the last five years,

A.k.a. Jack webb,
a.k.a. George reeves,

A.k.a. Robert young,
a.k.a. Gale storm.

Detained half
a dozen times

As a public nuisance.


When did your family
get a television set?

The very first one?

Mid 50s.

Do you remember
the nights?

You would sneak
out of bed

To watch
texaco star theater

From the hallway?

Tom corbett,

And it was the
top of the stairs.

Mr. Branford,
hear me on the subject

Of your conduct
in court.

Extravagant behavior

Could jeopardize
a dismissal.

It could also buy
a court recommendation

That some doctors
look at you.

In the 50s,

After the day's

We would drive
our studebakers

Out to
nicholas canyon beach.

[Flicking lighter]

Which is today called

Leo carrillo beach,

And drink margaritas

As the sun set.

Hey lieutenant,
did you pass your stone?

No, why?

I don't know,
I was just asking.

Is there a pool
as to what time

I will pass it?

- I don't think so.
- Am I approaching

The time you bet
in the pool?



Huh, me?

It's my costar,
leo carrillo.


It's good to
see you again.

I don't know you.

I have never met you
in my life.



If this is somebody's
idea of a joke,

I am not amused.

The man gets a beach
in california

Named after him,

Forgets he was
just comic relief.

Counselor, a moment.

I think I may
have come up with

An arrangement that'll
solve the situation.

Hey, that's him,
that's the guy?

This is
mr. Comstock

From monmouth
riding stables.

Now, he understands
our need to keep officers

On the street during
a blackout.

So, he has agreed
not to press charges

In return for
an apology

And proper

That's 12 dollars an hour,
five hours,

60 Bucks.

I think that's

You mean...

...and then
I could go?

That's right.

Because I am
duncan renaldo,

Who is a
gentleman first,

I am sorry for
any inconvenience

Caused by this

Which was due only

To the incompetence of a
production manager anyway.

As for
the horse,

It is the studio's
responsibility to pay.


Why don't you pay,
mr. Renaldo?

I'm sure the studio
will reimburse you.

Take a check?

Look carefully,

Not just at the faces,
but the way they stand,

The way they move.

number two?


This one's being used.

Oh, sorry, frank.

number three?

It was just
too dark.

The one on the end
is the right height,

But, that's all.

number four?

I can't tell.

I just
couldn't see.

Maybe you could
move the process

Along even faster
if you brought in

A few short
order cooks.

Counselor, there were
no p.d.'S available.

We've had a rash
of law breakers

Around here, and half
of your officers

Stuck in a
traffic jam.

Then you should have
delayed the lineup.

What are you
doing with him?

We're moving him
back downstairs.

May I ask why, when
five eyewitnesses

Fail to identify him?

We ran a name check.

He's been in the
puzzle house twice

For evaluation,
and he has a prior

For lascivious carriage.

Lascivious carriage,
I'm shocked.

Plus, we received
a tip on him.

Ah, mysterious
phone caller.

Maybe he'll get
back to us about

Who bombed
the hindenburg.

Excuse me,
miss davenport.

Frank, I've been
on the phone

With the judge
for 15 minutes.

No way are we
getting a warrant

On kirby's place.

I'm due in court.

When I get back,
I want kirby

Charged, or gone.


You're not kicking
him loose, are you?

It's under serious

Well, we got to
have more time.

What for?

There's going to be
no warrant issued.

The lineup
was a zero.

Uh, look,
we want to go

Talk to his

That's no reason
to hold him.

Lean with us
a little on this,

Will you, captain?


Well, we don't have all
the mug book results yet

From the victims
down at county.

One of the guys is
still in surgery.

Guy's got priors,

Talk to the neighbors,
right away.

Hey, I mean it, j.d.

Somebody id's the guy,
that's one thing.

But, what we're doing
now is lame.

In for a buck,
in for a bundle, mick.

Either we help
art bradley, or we don't.

I like him too, john,
but he's a cop.

He's got

Hey, there he is.

Right over there, j.d.

Uh huh.


Hey, willie, my man,
what do you say, huh?


Hey, you know
I ain't pulled a b&e

Since the day
you busted me.

That's real good,

You want to look inside
my coat, don't you?

No, willie,
I want you

To jump
up and down for me.

I'll tell you what,
I'll jump with you.

Come on,
come on.

Come on, hey,
this is fun, huh?

Jump higher,
it's exercise.

Huh, come on.

- Ohh!
- Oh, oh my.

- Willie, my man.
- What's the matter?

Ain't you guys ever
seen five people in love?

In a schoolyard,
only a block away, huh?

Hey, you boys
are rough.

First, you bust me for
the thing I'm good at.

And now you won't let me
pick up a few nickels.

Willie, you can
keep your pictures.

And you can buy
yourself an awful lot

Of future good will.

How's that?

By doing what
you're good at.

You want me to break
into some place?

Yeah, a room
on 88th.

Look for an
as*ault r*fle.

Don't get any
prints on it.

Uh, guys,
excuse me.

Excuse us, would you--
come here.


This is wrong,
I'm out.

Hey, hey, come on, mick,
not now, man.

- No, I said I'm out.
- Oh, that's just great.

Hey, on behalf
of art bradley

And his entire family,

Thanks a hell
of a lot.

Hey, that's great.

Your own man's

Well, I'm
hinky, too.

No room for you
to be hinky, willie.

Sorry about that.

Now, we want you to
make a whole lot of noise,

So the super can
hear you, okay?

Then we'll show up.

Hey, but I could
go to jail.

Well, not if you don't
get miranda, you can't.

Sometimes we forget.

Whatever happens,
you're deaf and dumb.

- You got it?
- Yeah.

An hour.



Cops and robbers,

Cops and robbers.

Hey, yes!

Come on in here,
yeah, mama!


Come on,
come on!

Come on
down here.

Come on, baby!

- All right!
- Hey, hey buddy?

You're going to have to
get out of the street.

My pleasure, officer.

- You're going to have--
- I'm responsible!

Rico, take him,
take-- take him.

[Overlapping yelling]

The whole city
gone black!

What has that got to
do with anything?


[Brakes screeching]

- Hey, man.
- What's wrong with you?

- Drive around!
- Get up!

Get out of here!

- I can't.
- Yes, you can, buddy.

[Shouting and sobbing]

All right,
go and wait.

Get up on that curb,

And go off the
street, right now.


I am buck naked!

[Police siren]

[Alarm going off]

Yeah, this is
unit 2203,

immediate backup,

We have a 407
in progress

At decker and 117.


- You want to wait?
- No.

Just a suggestion.

Come on, they got
the stuff in their hands.

All right!

Okay, up against
the wall,

Everybody put the stuff
down on the ground.

I don't want to have to
tell you more than once!

Forget you!

Yeah, what are you
going to do, sh**t us?

Don't do
anything stupid.

Nobody has to
get hurt.

Yeah, you got
that right.

Hey, hey,
you just drive away.

This is our

Hey, the hell it is.

Just because there's
a power failure,

Doesn't mean the
laws are cancelled.

Yeah, they're cancelled.

What are you going to
do about it?

[Cocking r*fle]

You ain't going
to do that!


[Crowd chattering]

Hey, diablo,


he's crazy, man!


[Police siren]

- Hold it!
- Hey, hold it!

[Car hitting curb]

[Overlapping chatter]

[Through megaphone]
all right,
on your belly!

On your belly!


Hands behind
your back!

No quick or
unnecessary movements.


Or assisted

Is your current
choice of options.

Should we go after
him, or what?

I mean, which way
did he go?

I don't know, but I'd
sure like to thank him.

Hey, lieutenant,
we got it!

The w*apon in those
bar murders.

Incredible, we show up
for a little

Q&a at the
suspect's building.

The super here
comes running out

And tells us
somebody's ripping off

Kirby's apartment.

Get it to

Get prints and
run the number.

Tell him it's priority
on everything.

- All right.
- Hey,

Let's get his prints
for a cross check, huh?

Take a seat,
jerk face.

Looks like our luck's
changing, captain.

All the looting,
and this guy's

Pulling a job in
kirby's apartment,

Steals his r*fle.

I heard these
noises upstairs,

And I knew the cops
were in the building.

So, when I saw
the guy on the stairs,

I grabbed him
and I started yelling.

This mean we get to
hold kirby, captain?

- Ballistics?
- Already working.

I want to know as soon
as we have a go.

Hunter, where is
miss davenport?

They arrested that
stupido cowboy again

In the heights.


Hi, how are you?

Well, uh,
I've been better.

What can I
do for you?

Get a divorce
and marry me?


I wanted so much to
have natural child birth.

But, you know,
paul grogan

Doesn't want to be
seen with me,

So I don't have a
delivery partner, and...

Well, I'm really
beginning to think

The whole thing's
a horrible mistake.

Oh, you've come
this far--

No, really, frank.

I'm afraid that
something terrible

Is going to happen.

I just don't want to
be alone right now.

Uh, if-- if
you're looking

For a surrogate
partner, fay,

I just can't be that
for you right now--

I wasn't going to ask.


I'm sorry.

Can I have a
glass of water?

Oh, sure.

Just a minute,

Just a minute, irwin.


A lot of generations
have come into the world

Without natural
child birth.

Yeah, and
look at us.

All I wanted was to
be awake this time.

I mean, it's going to
be my last baby.

I just wanted to know
what it was like.

I'm sorry.

I got to go.


Thanks, henry.

What's the matter?

Oh, you know how moody
pregnant women are.

It's nothing.


I wanted to have
natural child birth

With my baby.

They won't let you
take the training

Without a partner?

As I recall,
it's doesn't have to be

The real father,

Just as long
as it's somebody.

I know.

Well, I'm somebody.


Did it with annie,
it was a great experience.

I always wanted
to do it again.


Sure, I'd love it.


Oh, henry goldblume.


- Oh, oh.
- Ooh, ooh, ooh.




We got a match up
on the U*i, captain.

Kirby's our man.

we got him.

great, good work.

Excuse me,

My latest client
informs me

Your detectives failed
to mirandize him

Both on arrest,
and subsequently.

Who did?

Larue and

Laporter's as good
as on the street.

You forgot?

I thought
neal did it.

Sorry, captain.

And just so you know,
I'm getting

Willie a new attorney.

I don't want a conflict
with my defense

Of vincent kirby.

What does that mean?

I believe laporter's

Going to be charged
with felonious conspiracy

And collusion with regard
to his acquisition

Of mr. Kirby's w*apon.

News to me, joyce.

That'll be my contention
at mr. Kirby's trial.

I'm going to get
an exclusion

On every piece
of evidence

Laporter stole for you.

Hey, he didn't steal
anything for us.

Now, he got busted
because the super

Heard him breaking in.

By two cops who couldn't
even get a warrant?

Think you can sell
the coincidence, irwin?

They happen.

Try to sound that
convinced at the trial.

where are you
going, irwin?

Calling my boss.

You were the officers

On two of
laporter's priors.

Laporter just happens
to be burglarizing

The apartment of
a m*rder suspect.

You just happen
to be downstairs

Talking to a couple
of neighbors.

we thought that--

We get a piece
of evidence

That nails the suspect
to the floor.

A piece of evidence
we wouldn't have,

Except for the
break in.

But laporter
walks because

You forget to
read him his rights.

Hey, it was
an oversight.

It stinks,
I don't believe it.

You two aren't
lazy cops,

And until now, I didn't
think you were stupid.

what the hell's going on?

Excuse me, captain.

I'm just back
from county.

Negative on the, uh,

Last guy that could
have i.d.'D kirby.

It's kirby's r*fle
that did the killings.


But there's
an a-1 chance

We might lose the g*n
as evidence,

Because of the dicey
way it was acquired.

- D.a. Says kick him.
- Excuse me, irwin.

He says somewhere
down the road,

They're going to
sure to be excluded.

What the hell's
the matter with you?

Hey, kiss my butt,

I want full statements
from both of you.

Every detail
of your involvement

With the arrest
of willie laporter.

You got our reports,

I want them signed,
I want them sworn.

I don't know
what the hell else

Is at stake here,
but it better be

Worth your badges.

- Hey, captain.
- 30 Minutes, both signatures.

The guy's a nut,

- Put him under high profile.
- I'm not going to release.

Wait a minute, wait a minute,
put him under high profile.

- I'm not going to release!
- Maybe he'll crack!

What do you think
you're going to do?

Let me get my
detectives' statements.

[Glass breaking]

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.


Don't talk to me.


We're in deep
sewage, neal.

What we did's
a felony, babe.

Lying about it's
a felony, too.

Man, if we could only
count on willie laporter

To do the right thing
and give the right story.

Mm mm, it's still
a perjury, babe.

Even this.

All the falls I could
have taken in my career,

I'm going to buy it
for art bradley.


A minute for me,


I understand you got
some detectives

Writing statements.


Why do you need
statements from them?

With all
due respect, art,

That's a not a question
you get to ask.

It seems like
we're treating them

Like some kind of
wrong guys.

You're out of line.

Your assignment was
the power outage.


I got reason to know
that they're correct.

They popped
the correct guy.

How do you know?

A friend of mine
was there.

He saw the sh**ting,
these-- these guys

Are just trying
to help him out.

Your friend?


Help him out, how?

He's a cop.

He's h*m*.

He can't
come forward.

That's why
j.d. And neal...

My-- my friend begged
them not to use his name.

Don't bust them
for trying to help.


...your friend has
to come forward.

He can't.

He has to.

He's got a wife.



I was at the bar.

Kirby came in, and,
he never even saw me.

He went into
the bathroom.

And when he came out,

He just started

People were screaming,

My g*n was
in the car.

I ran after him.

I ran to my car
to get my w*apon.

But he was gone.


I left.


Uh, captain?

We'd like to explain
the situation.

I think
art's doing that.

Frank, this case is
made on ballistics.

The guy's print
is on the piece.

Let j.d. And neal
just testify

That they recovered the
g*n after a burglary.

A day like today,
power outage,

Must be a million

They're out of it.

I'm not going to
let them testify.

I'm not going to use
anything they brought in,

And I'm sure as hell not
going to let that guy go.

I can't do it.

Can't do what?

Can't testify
against a m*rder*r?

Sign a complaint to
keep a m*rder*r

Off the streets?

You do it, art,
or I will.

I'll sign the complaint,
I'll name you the witness.

I'll deny I said
anything to you.

I don't have any
motive for lying, art.

It's going to come out.

It ought to
come from you.

Miss davenport,
I understand your client's

Committed this offence
twice today.

Nevertheless, I feel
tempted to let the court

Get on to more
serious business

On these conditions.

The studio told me,

I was to be the
next gilbert roland.

And then, they put me
in a jungle picture.

That was a crime.

Your honor,
we'd be willing

To comply with anything
the court has in mind.

I'd like the accused
to promise

That he'll never
take another horse

He hasn't rented,

Or taken
in trade.

I was robbed,
in syndication!

I also got nothing
for the cap pistols

Or the autographed
lunch pails.


All right.

I promise.


With contemplation
of dismissal.


docket number 070--

how did it go?

You know,
the opening narration

When the cisco kid
was riding

Through the desert?

"Return-- return
with us now

To those thrilling days
of yesteryear."

That was
the lone ranger.

Oh, that's right.

That's right.

[Spurs clinking]

It hurts me to see
you this way, poncho.

Maybe someday,

You'll get
another series.

Adios, amigo.

docket number 07095,
your honor.

Vincent james kirby.

Three counts of 499
in the penal code,

m*rder in the
first degree.

The complainant's
francis x. Frujillo.

Defendant is on
for arraignment

And bail setting.

is provided by

The public defender's

Where the hell
is bradley?

We don't need him for
arraignment, irwin.

We need him
for trial.

What the hell's
the point of arr--

You're tying my
hands and feet.

You make me work
with my hands tied.

Bail application,
miss davenport.

I'd suggest a very
low bail, your honor.

Mr. Kirby would be
crazy to go anywhere,

Given the state's case.

We believe we have
the right man,

Your honor, we'd ask--

Do you believe you have
any evidence?

certainly do.

Anything you
can use?

Your honor, we are not
in discovery here.

Now, we have
a signed complaint--

Yes, signed by
captain frujillo,

Who was told by
detective bradley,

A hearsay witness.

Perfectly acceptable

For the present
proceeding, your honor.

All right,
mr. Bernstein,

But now, we're at the
question of bail.

Can you be a little
more forthcoming?

Who are they
saying saw me?

Be quiet.

Are they accusing me
of h*m*?

Is that what this
is turning into?

Mr. Kirby,
I'm trying to determine

Whether you should
receive bailments.

And if so, to
determine the amount.

Now, please,
keep still.

One question,
your honor.

One question.

Is this society

Become a breeding ground
for perversion?

Is that the instruction
we're under?

[Gavel striking]

Be still now, and let
me get this settled.

Mr. Bernstein,
six people are dead.

My inclination is toward
high bail or remand.

On the other hand, I'm
hearing allegations here,

That the state's case
is without substance.

Can you give me
some broad indication?

Our case is our case,
your honor.

a hearsay.

I demand to know
who saw me.

[Gavel striking]

Now, I said
be still, sir.

I saw the complainant,
your honor.

you are?

Detective, uh,
arthur bradley,

Hill street station.

And I was there.

who's that?

Some f*gg*t?

Yeah, the one who's
sending you away.

[Gavel striking]

held without bail.

72-Hour return date.

the court will now take
a 15 minute recess

At the request
of judge cole...



Makes the case.

Look, why don't you
try to take this

One step at a time?

The worst
may be over.

Come on, frank,
I'm finished.

I wouldn't be
so sure of that.

Your protected
by civil law,

By department policy.

They'll always find
some way to get rid of

Someone like me.

Don't presume other
people's judgments.

I've seen a lot
of judgment

In my time on
the force, frank.

f*g walks
into a bar.

f*g walks into
a beauty salon.

Jokes my friends
used to tell.

My buddies.

Jokes I told

I think maybe
you're overreacting.

Tell that
to my wife.

Tell it to
my children!

I've got a
14-year-old boy

Going out for
football, frank!

Tell that to him!

Excuse me.

although electric power

Has been restored to
most of the city...

What are you going to
do about your detectives?

Well, it's a
complicated situation.

They thought they were
helping out a friend.

That sounds
like nothing.

What if it
costs you kirby?

That's hypothetical,

Fact, they did
no reparable harm.

They had the opportunity
to recant,

And they took it.

Few enough chances
for mercy.

he was identified
as arthur bradley,

A detective at
hill street station,

And two time winner
of the department's

Medal of valor.

A police department
spokesman would not

Comment on speculation
that bradley

Had a prior
personal relationship

With the accused,

Except to say that
bradley was off duty

At the time
of the incident,

And was not on
official police business

While at the elbow room,

A bar that caters
primarily to h*m*.

[Tv turning off]

They're going to
crucify him.


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