04x17 - Best Sister: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Facts of Life". Aired: August 24, 1979 - May 7, 1988.*
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Spin-off of Diff'rent Strokes; focuses on Edna as she becomes a housemother at the fictional Eastland School, an all-girls boarding school.
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04x17 - Best Sister: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ You take the good,
you take the bad ♪

♪ You take 'em both
and there you have ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ There's a time you
gotta go and show ♪

♪ You're growin'
now you know about ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ When the world never seems ♪

♪ To be livin' up
to your dreams ♪

♪ And suddenly
you're findin' out ♪

♪ The facts of life
are all about you ♪

♪ You ♪

♪ It takes a lot
to get 'em right ♪

♪ When you're learnin'
the facts of life ♪

♪ Learnin' the facts of life ♪

♪ Learnin' the facts of life ♪♪

All right, I'm ready,

But one crack, and I'm changing.

Jo, you've got legs!

That was the crack.

Jo, you look wonderful.

So you're going for your
first college weekend.

It's not a college weekend.

I'm just going to connecticut.

It's a very big
event in your life.

I want to talk to you
before anything happens.

What could happen?

Oh, anything.

We'll talk later.

Jo... You look
positively tasteful.

That's it. I'm
changing into jeans.

Don't go to yale

Dressed like the marlboro man.

Make a good impression on jason.

I already did.

That's why he invited me.

You're going to yale

For your first college weekend.

Why is everybody calling
this a "college weekend"?

Sounds like something
out of seventeen magazine.

I'm just visiting jason.

And where is jason?

In college.

How long will you be there?

For the weekend.

Call me crazy,

But that's a college weekend.

Jo, you're living our fantasy.

I'm glad you didn't tell jason

To take this weekend and
blow it out his crankcase.

Why would I say that?

You said that to
michael, stuart, chucky...

Oh, jason's different.

He's smart.

He knows a lot about bikes.

And he goes to yale.

Well, nobody's perfect.

I'm going on a college weekend.

It won't become a habit.

I've never done this.

A person should
try everything once.


After you've tried it,

Write it in my diary.

Before you go off on the train,

I'd like to talk with you.

Don't worry about
the train ride.

I got a name tag.

If I get lost,

They'll know where to return me.

I wasn't talking
about the train,

But about what happens
when you get off.


It's your first
unsupervised weekend

At a school... A
college... Far away.


You'll be there with
other girls and boys...

Men, almost.

And you may feel
certain pressures.

Right. Give in to them.


I was talking about
social pressures.

If they ask you if
you belong to a club,

Say yes.

Don't tell them it's
the bronx barbarians.


What pressures were
you talking about?

Oh, nothing, tootie.


You're talking about sex again?

Later, jo.

I have a few things to do.

What a day.

Just think...

Two years ago, she
wore flared jeans.

Now she's attracted
the attention of a yalie.

That's because she
started wearing tight jeans.

Things have been going
good for me lately.

Don't say that!

Why not?

The fates will hear you.

Then your life's in the toilet.

Oh, nat.

Don't give me that mumbo jumbo.

Everything's under control.

I'm at the top of my class.

Near the top.

I'm seeing a great guy.

But he's not perfect.

Life couldn't be better.

She didn't say that!

She didn't say that!

Anybody feel like running away?


I can't believe it's you!

I'm glad to see you!

I've missed you.

You look gorgeous.

Doesn't she look gorgeous?

Yeah! Who are you?

I'm sorry.

Tootie, jo, natalie.

This is my sister meg.


Blair, you don't have a sister.

I do, too.

She's not exactly my sister.

My mother married her father.

It was mother's second
marriage, allen's third.

Monica was daddy's fourth wife.

My mom was dad's
second, dorothy...

Are you two related or not?

Only by love.

And trouble.

You think you're wild and crazy?

We ran away from home once.

To the guest house.

I was exhausted.

Sure. You probably
took along two suitcases

And a garment bag.

How did you know?

Come on, jo. We better hurry.

Meet my sister meg.


Blair, you don't have a sister.

Yes. Blair's father was
married to meg's mother.

No. Meg's father was married

To blair's second mother.

That isn't right.

I'll draw their family
tree on the windshield.

Whoever you are, welcome.

I hope you stay a while.

I'm going to connecticut,

But I'll visit all afternoon.

Great. Make yourself
at home, please.

Thank you.

Bye-bye. Bye.

Are you hungry?

What have you got?

I'll make you my famous peanut
butter and banana sandwich.

I can never resist those.

What have you been up to?

It's almost like
you disappeared.

Well, I've been busy.

We haven't talked
in... Over a year.

Not even on my birthday.

I know. I'm sorry about that.

Here. Happy birthday.

Your bankbook and
the keys to your mg?

Oh, meg, you shouldn't have.

The car would've been enough.


They're yours.

What's this all about?

I always bounce from
one thing to another.

Oh, you're buying a porsche?

No. Like in college,

I couldn't settle on a major.

Well, if you're going
back to paris, that's fine.

No. I'm not going anywhere.

For the past year,

I've been involved in
something that feels right.

Well, that's wonderful.

It does require training.

So what? If you
want it, go for it.

I knew you'd agree.

Before I enter the next phase,

I have to relinquish all
my worldly possessions.

Relinquish your
worldly possessions?

It sounds like you've
joined a convent.

I have.

We call it a formation house.

I'll live there like a sister.

And then I'll
enter the novitiate.

You'll be a nun?




Blair, I've finally
found something

That makes me feel complete.

A nun?

That's so romantic.

She said she would be a nun,

As in mother teresa
with the lepers.

They're always
romantic in the movies...

Julie andrews, sally field...

What kind of nun will you be...

Singing, flying?


Meg, are you serious about this?


You don't look like a nun.

I mean, you look normal.

You look so cute.

Like I could get a date?


Speaking of dates, how
does paul feel about this?

Paul? Paul who? Who's paul?

Paul's her fiance.

Paul's her what?

My ex-fiance.

Well, I should hope so.

What does he have to say?


He was very
understanding... At first.

Now he won't talk to me.

When he realized
this was serious,

He couldn't deal with it.

He shouldn't take it personally.

He did have some
heavy competition.

I think you're out of your mind.

This must be k*lling
your parents.

Why? If meg's happy,

Shouldn't they be happy?

Becoming a nun isn't
exactly the american dream.

Blair's right.

My folks want to see me
married to the right man.

They can't forgive me
for not wanting that.

I don't blame them.

You always were rebellious,

Always trying to shock people.

You once swore off caviar

Just to aggravate your father.

For two weeks, she ate nothing

But liverwurst sandwiches.

And you're still that
stubborn little brat!

You shouldn't talk
to a nun like that.

She shouldn't talk
to anybody like that.

That's ok.

There's nothing
that blair can say

That my parents
haven't already said.

They yelled and threatened.

They called me everything

From a liar to a lesbian.

I thought you
would understand...

Meg, the debutante nun.

I thought it would appeal
to your sense of whimsy.

There is no whimsy in poverty.

Not to mention chastity.

This doesn't make sense.

You don't know
what you're doing!

I know exactly what I'm doing.

How could you do
such a selfish thing?

What do you mean... Selfish?

Your parents want
you to live normally.

They want grandchildren.

I don't understand you.

No, you don't.

Can't you understand

That a person has a calling?

That I want something different?

Let me get on with my life!

What life? What
you're doing is crazy!

You're betraying everyone.

I won't watch you
throw your life away!

Blair won't come down.

She muttered something
about hell freezing over.

Oh, no offense.

I'd better get to the retreat.

Don't retreat. Hold your ground!

She's got to come
downstairs eventually.

No, tootie, I'm
going to a retreat.

It's a quiet place in the
country where I can think.

If everybody's
reacting this violently

To my becoming a nun,

Maybe I'm not handling it right.

Don't mind blair.

She needs time
to accept the fact

That her sister's
going to be a sister.

I'll stop back by sunday night.

Maybe blair will
talk to me then.

I'll have to give
my car to charity.

Give it to tootie and me.

We're a non-profit organization.

I could fix it!

You're back. Is it
monday already?

Would you believe it?

Halfway to the station,
the car broke down.

I warned you about the fates!

Car breakdowns
is their specialty.

The oil plug popped out.

We waited for the auto club.

She wouldn't let me
slide underneath the car.

In those clothes?

You sit there and stay clean.

We'll catch a later train.

I'm glad you're still here.

Jo drew your family tree.

Now I know what
branch you're on.

The guy with the tow truck...

What a character!

He told dirty jokes.

Uh, jo...

This couple were
seeing a sex therapist...

Meg's going to be a nun.

The guy says, "it's
been three weeks..."

She's going to be a what?

Funny how certain words
get that same reaction.

Words like "nun"
and "pregnant"...

Shh! Please!

You can't use those
words together!

So, you're going to be a sister.

Blair thinks she's crazy.

She's not crazy.

It's off the beaten path.

I mean, today, women seem
more interested in becoming

Doctors, lawyers, astronauts...

Being a sister is low on
the list of career choices.

Somewhere after lion tamer.

That's not true.

A nun is the best
thing you can be.

It is?

It's what they always said.

Who said?

The nuns.

When I was a kid at school.

Sister frances always knew

When I was headed for trouble.

She could read my mind.

Can you do that?

Jo, meg's a sister, not
carnac the magnificent.

I'd better check the
schedule for the next train.

You cannot miss your
first college weekend.

That would be a sin.

A crime.

It would be a crime.

I remember my first
college weekend at yale.

My date was the
starting quarterback.

He threw great passes.

You dated?

She was engaged.

To be married?

Can you do that
and still be a nun?

If you return the ring
before entering the convent.

You were really engaged?

Yes. To a harvard man.

Sister frances amalda
was never ever engaged.

Of course, she looked
like ernest borgnine.


The next train's at 5:00.

I'm going to a retreat
house outside new haven.

I'll drive you to yale.

It would be faster.

Sure, if it's no trouble.

I can also drive you
back sunday night.

Are you coming back here?

I have to.

I have to work out
things with blair.

Come in.

What time is it, blair?


It's amazing.

Every sunday night
at 8:00 my watch stops.

Like clockwork.

What are you reading?

The exorcist. It's research.

My sister's possessed.

I have to get her head
screwed back on straight.

Really, blair.

I'll take her to
the country club!

Maybe she'll meet someone.

All she needs is a good date.

I don't think meg's
commitment to the church

Will be shaken by rum
punch and mixed doubles.

I'll think of something else.

Blair, try to understand
meg's point of view.

Why? She's not trying
to understand mine...

Or anyone else's.

Meg's father tried to
give his children the best.

Now meg's saying
that's all worthless.

Worthless? No.

She wants a different life.

She's not condemning
his or anybody else's.

Why can't she
live a normal life?

What do you mean
"normal," blair?

Devoting yourself to
god is not deviant behavior.

She's running from life.

Meg's not running from anything.

She's running to something.

Then I must stop her.

I'll keep her here
until her parents come

And reason her out of this.

Out of what?

Calling comes from faith.

No one could ever
reason me out of my faith.

Why not?

Because it's not something

I was ever reasoned into.

That's why they call it faith.

They're here!

Meg's car just pulled up.

I'm taking jo's picture
in case she's changed.

Girls look different
after a weekend at yale.

Did ya have a good time?

Tell me! Tell me!

It was incredible!

Hold it!

Your grandchildren
will get a copy.

How was your weekend?

What does yale look like?

I want every detail.

There's a lot of ivy.


I didn't stay too long.

Oh? What happened?

Well, we got there,

And I introduced meg to jason.

And he looked different...

Like he'd gained 40
pounds... In the neck.

He ended up in the
infirmary with mumps.

Oh, no!

I'm so disappointed.

You're disappointed?

Think about my poor diary.

Jo, where have you been?

I decided to spend
the weekend with meg.

You mean you retreated?


It was terrific.

Things have been
happening so fast lately.

It was nice to
slow down a little.

I love retreats.

It's a chance to relax and think

And listen to
your rice krispies.

Well, I'd better be going.

You're going back now?

No. I'm staying in
town overnight.

Can we talk tomorrow?


Fine. We'll talk tomorrow.


Well, good night.

I'm glad you had a good rest.

It was more than that.

I took long walks in the woods,

And I saw birds and
little furry things.

You hate little furry things.

Not anymore.

Sounds like you were
at a summer camp.

It was more than that.

You've said that twice.

What do you mean?

It's just that things have
been going well for me lately.

I've been really happy.

Jo, remember,
they are listening.

I hope so.

You see, even with
all the good stuff,

Something's been bugging me,

Like I'd forgotten something.

I know that feeling.

On vacations, I spend
the first day wondering,

"Did I turn off the heat?"

It drives me up the wall.

Well, the thing is
that this weekend

I finally remembered
what I forgot.



Who forgets god?

Everybody does.

Especially when things go well.

These past few months,

I've been thanking everybody...

My mom, the
school, my friends...

Even you, blair.

And as I was walking
through the woods,

I realized the only one
I didn't thank was god.

It's time that I did.

If my grandmother
heard you say that,

She'd pinch your cheeks so hard.

Uh... What are
you trying to say?

She's saying thank you.

It's a wonderful thought.

It's more than a thought.

I want to make it my life.

My whole life.

I want to be like meg.

I want to be a nun.
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