04x06 - Dearest Mommie

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Facts of Life". Aired: August 24, 1979 - May 7, 1988.*
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Spin-off of Diff'rent Strokes; focuses on Edna as she becomes a housemother at the fictional Eastland School, an all-girls boarding school.
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04x06 - Dearest Mommie

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ You take the good,
you take the bad ♪

♪ You take 'em both
and there you have ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ There's a time you
gotta go and show ♪

♪ You're growin'
now you know about ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ When the world never seems ♪

♪ To be livin' up
to your dreams ♪

♪ And suddenly
you're findin' out ♪

♪ The facts of
life are all about ♪

♪ You ♪

♪ You ♪

♪ It takes a lot
to get 'em right ♪

♪ When you're learnin'
the facts of life ♪

♪ Learnin' the facts of life ♪

♪ Learnin' the facts of life ♪

♪ Learnin' the facts of life ♪

♪ Learnin' the facts of life ♪

You'll get an expense account.

And ask about a
car and chauffeur.

Congratulations, natalie.

Thanks, kids.

You'll need new clothes

To be with the
new york in-crowd.

Natalie green and woody allen

Dancing till dawn!

Come on!

Natalie and warren...
Natalie and dustin...

Natalie and... Girls, girls.

Natalie's life isn't
going to change.

She'll be a columnist
for a new york newspaper.

She'll be traveling to
the city for meetings.

Her name will become
a household word...

Boy, is her life
going to change.

Really super about the new job.

Even if it means losing
your friends, your family.

I didn't know you joined
the foreign legion.

I can't wait to read it.

"Nat's chat... A teenager's
look at the world."

Why would the beat want that?

Because the beat
is an artsy paper.

It's hip and it's happening.

A lot like you, brenda.

Your mother just pulled up.

I'll get my shades.

We're having lunch to celebrate.

I want to project the right
aloofness, sophistication.

Besides, I need bubble gum.

What are you doing
with that y0-yo?

I was cleaning out my trunk.

We go way back.

Pay attention. Around the world.

How did I ever get through
childhood without one?

You couldn't have handled it.

This takes someone with
skill and concentration...

Someone who isn't a klutz.

Give me that.

Sure. It'll be nice to
see you look foolish.

Pay attention.

What did you do to it?

You've got it trained.

See, klutz?

One week... And I'll do
anything you can do.

You're on.

All right, I'm here.

Mrs. Green!

Good to see you!

Good to see you!

Edna, good seeing you.

How was the trip up?

Train rides are interesting.

Someone spoke chinese
to me for two hours.


I think we have a date friday.

Well, where's my daughter
the famous journalist?

She's coming soon.

How's she taking the excitement?

You know nothing fazes nat.

Hello, all.

Some people just know
how to handle success.

Hello, darling.

So absolutely
delicious to see you.

It's delicious to see you, too.

Who are you?

There's my kid!

Where are you having lunch?

Someplace nice.

Josephine's is really fancy.

They got a dress code.

No bare feet is
not a dress code.


I can't get this off my finger!

It's cutting off my circulation!

Don't panic, blair.

Uh... If you'll excuse us.

Hey, don't cut that string.

We'll just cut off my finger.

I'll get the cleaver.

Maybe we should
talk to mr. Parker.

I'll have to miss classes

To go to editorial meetings.

We'll discuss that.

Since you're here,
you might as...

Let's talk about this
over some omelets.

Uh-oh. Last time we had omelets

You made me take cello lessons.

Ok. We'll get some
crepes instead.


You and your mom get going.

Whenever there's tension,
first it's my head, then...

What's going on, mother?

All right, natalie.

Your father and I

Have given this column
a lot of thought.


It's an opportunity for you.

But... Taking it
would be a mistake.


You'd be a columnist for
a new york newspaper.

You'd be dealing with
deadlines, pressure.

I can handle it.

You shouldn't have to.

I want to. It's very important.

School work is enough.

You need time for fun.

I hate fun!


Tell her I hate fun!

Remember you wanted
to have fun downtown

And I wouldn't go?


Try to understand, natalie...

My journalism teacher
says I'm very creative

And my creativity
should be expressed.

There's plenty of
time for journalism,

But not much time
to be a teenager.

Mother, please!

I'm sorry. I hate
saying no to you,

But I have to do what's best.

This isn't such a surprise.

You can't imagine what
this means to a writer!

I know you're upset...
You were a nurse.

You can bandage my knee,

But you can't understand
what's inside me!

I'm your mother.

Not my real mother!


Well, she's not!

My real mother would understand!

You adopted a stranger
and I'm still a stranger!

Nothing's changed!

You'll never guess
what happened!

Tootie, I'm not interested.

Brenda did something dumb!

You live for those moments!

You're upset about
having to give up that job.

Don't worry.
Woody'll wait for you.

It's not the job, tootie.

It's this thing with mom.

Then call her.

Tell her you're sorry

And that you didn't mean it.

But I did mean it.

I love my parents,
but it's true.

They just don't understand me.

Everybody feels that way
about their parents sometimes.

Remember when I
wanted andrew young

Tattooed on my shoulder?

It seemed important at the time.

I'm talking about
something deeper here.

This creative thing,

The way I feel about writing,

It's got to come from somewhere.

I want to know where.

You want to find
your real parents?

I've been writing
to organizations

That help adoptees find
their natural parents.

I can't believe you
never said anything.

I don't know why
I kept it secret.

Thinking about it

Makes me feel
disloyal to mom and dad.

Can any of these
places help you?


When I'm 18.

That's not so long to wait.

I could have a
brother in the army

That needs a pen pal,

Or a sister in columbus.

I go to ball games

And look at a sea of heads,

And wonder if one belongs to me.

[Knock on door]

Come in.

Natalie, this just came for you.

It's from my mother.

It came special delivery.

She couldn't wait
for the regular mail

To tell me I'm rotten.

It's nothing like that.

Then it's worse.

If she's nice, I'll feel guilty.

Save yourself the
agony and open the letter.


Mrs. Garrett... Don't go.

I may need warmth
and understanding.

"Dear natalie, on my way home,

I thought about
everything you said."

I'm dead.

"I'm glad we had the argument.

"I realized it wasn't
really about your job.

"It was about your
needing answers.

"Your father and I

"Have been saving
this for the right time.

"Your mother's name...

Is ellen manheim."

My mother's name
is ellen manheim.

Check my closet
for something else.

Sure. You want your
bathrobe or hockey stick?

I thought I'd have years
to prepare for this meeting,

But a week?

Button me, tootie.

I'm shaking like a leaf.

How you tracked her down

Was fancy detective work.

What detective work?

I looked up every ellen
manheim in the phone book.

I hate this look.

Will you relax?

I don't know what to call her.

My natural mother,
my birth mother,

My biological mother.

What have I gotten myself into?

Mother's day will
cost a fortune.

What will I say
when I get there?

"Hi! Why'd you dump
me 15 years ago?"

Nat, she's probably just
as nervous as you are.

Ellen manheim.


I'll probably be german

And have to attend
the oktoberfest.

I need some help.

What's the well-dressed
adoptee wearing today?

What you have on is fine.

Fine? I look like an eggplant!

Maybe some jewelry?

Wear one of my gold chains.

I'm glad you're here.

I've been practicing
and now I'm ready.

In a minute.

Nat, I wanted to wish you luck.

It's all in the wrist.

I understand what
you're going through.

You're nervous,
scared, a little angry.


Crawling up and down the thread

With dazzling simplicity.

Up... When I met my dad

After not seeing
him for five years...

And down.

It wasn't as bad as I
thought it would be.

It's like diving
into cold water.

Once you get over
the shock... Thanks, jo.

Returning ever so smoothly
to my welcoming fingers.

You'll do fine.

Didn't you see any of that?

Any of what?

All right, polnaczek.

Stand back and eat my smoke.


Go crazy.

Around the world.

Hit the dirt!

What is happening?


Somebody stop it!

It's alive!

What in the world
were you doing?

I don't understand.

I did it perfectly before.

We'll discuss it later.

Right now, the
kitchen's calling.

Lunch, remember?

I was brilliant.

You're hopeless.

I had that thing singing.

Break a leg, kid.

We better hurry for that train.

Mrs. Garrett.

Been thinking about my parents.

You must be very excited

About finally making contact.

Not those parents.

Your real parents?

Not the real ones.

Which ones aren't real?

They're all real.

See how confusing
this is getting?

Natalie... I've been thinking

About the parents who raised me.

I can't believe how
helpful they've been.

They love you very much.

I know.

That's why I've decided
not to go today.

It wouldn't be fair to them.

Natalie, your parents
made this meeting possible.

My mother sent the information

Because of our fight.

She sent it because
she felt you needed it.

What's she doing,
sending me things I need?

I need boots and a car.

Will she send me that?

Aw, natalie.

What's this really about?

In two hours, I'll
have the answers

To 15 years of questions.

What if they're
not the ones I want?

A few years ago,

You wanted to find
your natural mother.

I said you should wait

Until you'd done
some growing up.

Well, whatever happens today...

I think you can handle it.

I'll be downstairs in a minute.


Hi, mom.

Natalie, why are you here?

I thought you were your father.

I've got to stop
wearing his after-shave.

Don't you look nice?

I was in town

And felt like spending
the night at home.

Mrs. Garrett gave permission.

I'm glad.

There's a garbo movie
coming on in five minutes.



How's it going?

Fine, fine.



I feel bad about the other day.

I do, too.

Not this bad.

I do, honey.

Believe me, I feel worse.

I think we're headed
for a hug here.

How about if I make
popcorn for the movie?

I met her today.



I just looked her
up in the phone book.

Can you imagine,

She lives two blocks
away from my orthodontist?


She's got a great apartment.

An old one with high ceilings.

Anyway, I was really
nervous at first.

So was ellen, I think.

She made cake and
we talked a while.

I told her about me.

She brought out pictures.

I look like my grandmother.

You got a letter
from susan kramer.

I have ellen's lips...

If it's possible you can
have someone else's lips.

I must organize
this desk someday.

She wasn't married
when she had me.

That's why she gave me up.

It was tough...

Wasn't susan kramer
the one from camp?

Don't you want to hear?

I don't want to hear
another word about it!


Honey, I'm sorry.

I didn't expect to
react that way.

I shouldn't have told you.

Of course you should.

I'm happy that you found
your natural mother.

Finding her is important to you,

So it's important to me.

But I can't help
feeling anxious.


Because I don't
know this person.

Because she has a bond with you.

Because I like being the
only mother in your life.

You didn't have to
give me her name.

Yes, I did.

Like I had to make
you study the cello.

And turn down
that newspaper job.

It's hard for any mother
to say no to her child,

But for an adoptive mother,

It's... What? Tell me.

You feel like you're always

Competing with someone,

Someone who'd be more lenient

Or more understanding
or more fun.

Do I make you feel that way?

Of course not.

It just comes
with the territory.

I didn't go looking
for my natural mother

Because I wasn't happy with you.

Being adopted,

You just automatically
have questions.

Did you get your answers?

Some, but not the way I thought.

I figured I'd spend
five minutes with ellen

And know everything about me.

Like why writing's
important to me.

If ellen's a pulitzer
prize winning journalist,

I don't want to know.

She's a very nice person

Who works for the phone company

And makes great cake.

It was really
something, talking to her.

It was like fitting
pieces into a puzzle.

You know how I'm
allergic to strawberries?

Well, she's allergic
to strawberries.

There've been things

I've been curious
about all my life.

I don't have to be
curious anymore.

That's wonderful.

I kept looking
around her apartment,

Studying it,

Trying to find something of me.

And I couldn't.

This is me.

Remember how dad
would read the times to me,

Whether I wanted him to or not?

All these bookshelves.

I was going to become
a writer or a carpenter.

You're no carpenter.

I still have that
ashtray you made.

That was a spice rack.



I don't know how
much of what I am

Has to do with
bloodlines or genes,

But it has a lot to
do with you and dad.

Thank you, natalie.

I still have questions
about myself.

Give it time.

Living will answer most of them.


Are we going to make
popcorn, or what?

Tell me about ellen.

Maybe after the movie.

Garbo's been
hiding for 40 years.

She can wait a few minutes.

Are you sure?

If ellen will be
part of our lives,

Shouldn't I know her?

Well, she's 38
and kind of quiet.

Nice quiet, but quiet.

Me, I just keep on talking.

She was born in michigan,

But moved here when she was 3.

Her father was
6'6"! I saw a picture.

They're from the rhine valley.

Your father and I drove
through there once.

Where is it?

I'll show you later.

Anyway, I still have a
slew of relatives there.

Ellen doesn't keep in contact.

She doesn't even
speak the language.

Someday I'll go and visit them.

They're all farmers,

Except the ones that emigrated.
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