03x16 - Moon Over Uranus: The Final Legacy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hill Street Blues". Aired: January 15, 1981 - May 12, 1987.*
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The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city.
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03x16 - Moon Over Uranus: The Final Legacy

Post by bunniefuu »

Item nine, people,

regarding the recommencement
of Operation Big Broom.

Despite yesterday's
curtailment of said operation,

and for reasons which will not
be speculated upon at this time,

the Broom will descend once again this
a.m. on the 1600 block of Dekker Avenue...

for the fourth consecutive
day of social sanitization...

under the continued direction
of Lieutenant Howard Hunter.

Supporting cast... uniforms and
otherwise... stands as follows:

Tepaz, Hurley, Jekilek,
Eaton, Hill, Renko, Peterson,

Joyce, Coffey, Bates,
Gorman, Augustine...

and all EATer personnel.

Item 10.

Those of you understandably
concerned over

the chief's alleged
bout with hydrophobia...

may be relieved to learn
that the responsible rodent,

subsequently bludgeoned
by our own Detective LaRue...

and airfreighted to the Atlanta
Disease Control Center for further testing,

has been conclusively
determined to be non-rabid,

contrary to the initial misdiagnosis by
our local boys down at County Health,

bringing to a fortunate end the chief's
painful one-day encounter with the needle.

More importantly,
people, this terse memo...

from the State Health
Informational Bureau.

And I quote: "The specter
of the rabid rat is a fallacy.

"The rodent-borne urban rabies
epidemic is likewise a fallacy.

"Rats do not carry rabies.

"We heartily discourage you
from insinuating this possibility...

"upon an uninformed,
overly imaginative...

and easily panicked
inner-city population."

That's right!

On a final and somewhat
less pathological note,

peer-group kudos to our
own Officer Andrew J. Renko.

Coming off a rather
ignoble and well-publicized

public exposure
incident last weekend,

said officer more than
redeemed himself yesterday...

with the above-and-beyond-the-call
rescue of three citizens...

from a blazing
tenement on East Utica.

All right!

Among other things, the
flights of heroics inspired...

by a transfer to scooter duty.

Said transfer having
been revoked as of today...

in favor of a deserved
return to routine patrol.

All right, all right.

And a recommendation
by Captain Furillo...

for a Meritorious Service Award.

All right, Renko.

And our customary
and less formal...

Hill Street silver
whistle salute.

All right. That's
it. Let's roll.

And hey, hey, hey, hey!
Let's be careful out there.

You got the silver whistle, huh?

Hey, on me. Congratulations.
"Mucho gracio," goombah.

Real fine. Thank
you very, very much.

You know, Bobby, I could get
used to this hero routine real quick.

Hill, Renko. We've got a knifing up at
Nichols High. They need backups, pronto.

Welcome to the real world, hero.

You know, I-I could
go back and just, uh...

Yeah, you could, but... Good
morning, Bobby, Andrew.


I am wearing a toupee. Mm-hmm.

I mean, I see. Well?
What do you think?

Uh, it, uh, certainly...
says something, Ray.

I mean, it really
makes a statement.

Rosa says it makes me look
10 years younger, at least.

Is there something wrong?

Uh, no, no. I just
have a slight headache.

It's the change of weather.
Sinuses. Excuse me a moment.

Uh... Ray.

These are new guidelines
on search and seizure.

Would you distribute them
to the appropriate personnel?


Leo, Howard.

That was the
lieutenant, wasn't it?

I believe so, Schnitz.

Either that or an overly
familiar tango instructor.

Dispatch. We have a 9-11.

Armed robbery in progress.

See surplus store, corner
People's Drive, 124th Street.

Hey, Raymond, you
don't look so good, man!

Yeah, puke! How's it
feel to be dead, man?

Hey, man! How would it feel if you had
a little more classroom decorum, man?

How would that feel?

So, uh, he, uh... He
came at me, you know,

and, uh, well, he
pulled this blade,

and I didn't have no...
I didn't have a choice.

Okay. We'll get your side of
the story down at the station.

Two years till retirement, and I
try to break up a knife fight. Dumb.

What else can you
tell me, Mr. Jewett?

Well, like I said, it
was self-defense.

They started to argue, and
Eugene came at him with a knife.

Easy, man.

Raymond backed
up far as he could,

and then he grabbed a
screwdriver off the bench.

He let the g*ng kid have it.

I'd have done the
same thing myself.

How did it start? With
these kids, who knows?

Oh, man! Eugene was
provoked! Pipe down.

Get your hands off
me! I said pipe down!

That punk jumped
his turn on the lathe!

You're dead, Hawkins!
You hear me? You're dead!

Be quiet, man! I mean it.

All finished here,
Dibble. Yeah, okay.

We'll need you down at the station
to sign a statement later, okay?

Bobby, take him out the side...

because we've got the
makings of a full-scale riot in front.

All right.

Unlawful assembly.
Unlawful assembly.

Obstruction of
pedestrian traffic.

Loitering with intent?


When did you get
in? About an hour ago.

That's some party your guys are
throwing down on Dekker, Frank.

I'm out of town less than 24 hours
and they repeal the Constitution.

All the more reason for you
not to leave town, counselor.

Uh, we have some
things to talk about, Joyce.

12:00 lunch okay?

I better go interview my
first gross of suspects.

This makes the fourth time in two
months these punks started up after my boy!

And that's not even counting the
times that they come into my store,

tryin' to rip me off,
bustin' things up.

And all on account of Raymond here refusin'
to join that g*ng of theirs, the Blood...

Whatever they call themselves.

The boy never been in any
trouble in his life! Thank you.

Uh, Raymond, would you mind just
telling us your version of what happened?

He's already told you
three times over! It's all right.

Pop. Like I said, this Eugene...

He's one of the g*ng dudes...

He started hasslin' me about going
out of turn on the lathe or somethin',

but really he was just lookin' to mess, on
account I never joined the Blood and all.

And I told him to back off,
and he pulled this blade and...

Well, that's when I grabbed that
screwdriver off the workbench and...

We've got a signed
statement from the shop

teacher fully corroborating
my client's story.

Lieutenant, I've got an
11:00 court appointment,

and, uh, frankly, I don't feel
at all disposed to file on this.

I don't think we have
any problem with that.

Thank you for the
quick disposition.

You're free to go. Thank
you for your time, Raymond.

Can I speak to you for
a second, Mr. Hawkins?

Raymond! I'll be
with you in a minute.

You know this
won't be the end of it.

What are you talking about?

Your son k*lled a
g*ng kid, Mr. Hawkins.

Self-defense or no, they won't
be happy until the score is even.

Maybe they'll come after you,
too, or other members of your family.

Listen to me, Hawkins.

The only law these
kids know is payback.

All right. I'll take the boy out
of school for a couple of weeks.

That grocery store of yours is
right in the heart of Blood turf.

How long do you think it's
gonna be till they pay a visit?

Then give me some protection.

You're the police.
That's your job!

I can't stake out your store 24
hours a day, sir, much as I'd like to.

We just don't have the manpower.

I don't have an easy
answer for this. I really don't.

But have you ever considered maybe
relocating to a different neighborhood?

I don't believe you.

Is this what I pay my taxes for?

I work my butt off for 20 years
trying to build a decent life,

and the first sign of trouble,
you tell me... the police...

That I oughta move.

Hey, forget it, man.

I got one shotgun under my counter.
I'll go out and buy myself another one.

For God's sakes,
think about your son.

At least send him
out of town for a while.

I ain't breakin' up my family.

Now, get out of my way.

Let's go, Ray.

Mary Hicks all over again.

Something bad's gonna happen
to that kid, Frank. I just know it.

Frank, your car is outside.

Let's get Sonny Freeman from g*ng
Intervention up here for a little talk.

And let's get a plainclothes down
in Hawkins's store, okay? Right.

Mick? Can I talk to
you for a second?


As the troops
are fond of saying,

"That's why they make the badges
round instead of star-shaped."

Why is that, Howard?

Hurts less when they get
jammed up the old lower corridor.

All right, people.

Single file, I.D.'s out.
This is not a clambake.

Seriously though, Frank, I doubt there
is a captain in the entire department...

who could have a direct order to his
men publicly countermanded by the chief...

and handle it as
well as you have.

You may have been handed
the brown helmet, squire,

but you sure wear it
like a goldarn party hat.

Just keep it by
the book, Howard.

For God's sake, Neal, we're not
talking the My Lai m*ssacre here.

Hey! We're talking psychology.
You know, human dynamics.

Urban repression. Early
retirement, babe. Hmm.

Morning, children!

You see, you got to dig
this on a gestalt level, babe.

You don't napalm these
suckers. You just show

'em a picture of the
napalm. Subtle, huh?

Yeah. 'Bout as subtle as
a .357 in a bowl of oatmeal.

- Yo, Paulie!
- Hey, right on time.

Hey, baby. Paulie Schoellkopf, my
partner Neal Washington. What's happenin'?

Me and this bozo go all the
way back to junior high together.

Hey, I pulled her in here this
morning around 5:00. It was still dark.

Government property? His C.O. from Nam
is the head honcho at the Lafayette Armory.

Yeah, Scottie Wheeler. Look...
I even got a parade permit.

The dude that owns this building
says that if this does the trick,

then we can keep
it here all year.

You know, I think one day
will be more than enough.

Get out of the way!

Totally unauthorized,
of course, but,

goldarn it,

the sight of that heavy metal...

still sends a shiver
up the old bowels.

Hey. Look, bro, I don't
want to hear about it.

I am telling you, Neal, all
the great legends ain't dead.

Okay, Lawrence is gone.
Rommel, Patton, they're gone.

But in that great tradition,
there is still LaRue of the Hill!

The desert rat.

Where did he get the t*nk?

I don't know. Some
acid-casualty buddy of his.

He probably thought
he was buying a jeep.

Think I could talk to you for
a minute, Luce? Mm-hmm.

You don't mind, do you,
Joe? Hey, no problem.

I'll just finish this under a
parked car or somethin'.

Thanks. Great.

That's exactly it, Robert.

Don't you understand the
extraordinary chain of circumstances...

that led me to be outside that
burning building on my little Vespa?


I just kind of take it
with a grain of salt.

Do you expect me to believe
that that was mere chance?

No, I guess not. No!

That was a message, Bobby Hill.

I was offered an opportunity to clean up my
act, an opportunity that I am taking now.

I am going to lose weight. I am
going to register my motorcycle.

I am going to read a book
a week, not including...

Wait, wait. Hold it. Hold
it. Renko. And finally...

And you may laugh, if you will.

I'm gonna study and
pass that sergeant's exam.

Now, I know you think you've
been hearin' all this before.

Oh, no. I've never heard this
before. We'll see. Time will tell.


Now, not to change the subject,
but I would like to address...

another set of circumstances,
Mr. Sugar Ray Hill.

That is the dismantling of
one Salvadore Benedetto.

Don't know the
man. Midtown vice.

Got his watch wound
last night at Mulligan's

around midnight by an
unnamed black officer.

Do tell.

Would you care to, uh, offer
those knuckles for inspection?


I see.

I don't want to
have this kind of

situation, uh, continue
between us, partner.

What's that?

Fighting another guy's battles.


Of course, you know that, uh,

I would've done
the same for you.

I know.

Only not as well.

Thank you, Bobby
Hill. Forget about it.

What do ya say I
take care of this today?

All right. Thanks, Rusty. Hey.

Oh, mercy.

No, I'm sorry. If you don't want to
answer it, it's none of my business.

No, it's all right. It's okay. It's not
like the subject has never come up.

Uh, Joe and I...

have been sort of
kissy-face, I guess, for a while.

And then at Christmas...
Remember when I got hit?

He came to the hospital
and spent the night, and, uh...

And the short answer is no,
we have never made love.

It's about Belker, isn't it?

I don't know what to do.

I mean, I really...

I feel like something
might happen between us,

but I just don't
think I can let it.

Aw, I guess I was hoping you'd tell
me you and Joe had slept together...

and it hadn't hurt anything
about your being a cop.

Forget about it.

Robin, if you're gonna
really be serious about Mick...

and you really want
to take it all the way,

you've got to know that
it could hurt your job.

Oh, I guess I was just trying
to sell myself a bill of goods.

There are a lot of
guys on the force...

that would love to find
a reason to not trust us.

This kind of stuff just
makes it more complicated.

You really got the
hots for him, don't you?

Yeah. I think he's
sweet, and he's so kind.

And I feel so comfortable
around him. I...

Robin, if you're gonna do this,
go into it with your eyes open.

Thanks, Luce. I gotta go.

I really appreciate it.

Then after that, we'll play
it by ear. Henry Goldblume?

Thank you. Bye-bye.
Yeah? Sonny Freeman.

Got a message from
Division you needed to see me.

Ah, if this isn't for g*ng
Intervention, I don't know what is.

It's about Ray Hawkins
Jr. And his family.

Don't place him. The kid who
was being hassled by the Bloods.

Wound up with a
justifiable homicide.

In g*ng Intervention we're
calling that the Coleman k*lling.

It's a g*ng-related death. How the
hell can you say it's not your problem?

Because the Hawkins
boy is not in a g*ng.

I don't believe this.

Lieutenant, our
program spent the last six

months building
credibility with the gangs.

We've got a leg up on a treaty that'd hold
for the Hill, East Ferry and the Heights.

Bloods would have
to sign that treaty.

I'd like to help you with this,

but I'm not about to
blow six months' work...

'cause you're worried
about one boy and his family.

Yeah, you wouldn't want to put
your federal grant in jeopardy.

Hey, there were 300 g*ng
homicides in this city last year.

Now, if we blow this treaty,

you people will be cleaning up
the mess for the next six months.

Why don't you tell 'em to move?

I did. We got a great
police department.

Got troubles? Get out of town.

I'm sorry.

There's somebody
lookin' for you.

I want to punch
you in the mouth.

Why is that? How do you
feel? Are you proud of yourself?

I suppose you're talking about
Richard Brady. And Mary Hicks!

Lieutenant, let me tell you
something... I am a public defender.

I was assigned to defend Richard
Brady on a charge of as*ault.

Now, he's got the right to be
defended, and I performed my duty.

And now a girl is dead.

I am very sorry that happened.

But I am not gonna get
into a crying contest with you,

and I am not going to allow
myself to feel responsible.

We are officers of the court. If we
know a crime is going to be committed...

I did not!

Did you? Did you
have a legal certainty?

Do you get this way about all your
cases, Lieutenant? How do you stay sane?

What did you come here for? I am defending
Richard Brady in the m*rder of Mary Hicks.

I want to get the
papers on his arrest.

I'll have the desk officer
prepare them for you. Thanks.

Are you all right, Henry?
No, I'm not all right, Ray.

- Tell me everything.
- I think it went well.

Didn't have to leave any blanks?

That's how I felt going into the interview.
I felt like I was back in high school.

Then everything was all right.
Clark did everything he... Clark?

Deputy Director Galloway.


He did everything he could
to make me feel comfortable.

Did he?

Anyway, the job's with
the antitrust division.

44,000, civil service waived.

Antitrust... your passion. I can
understand why Clark would come after you.

- I'm getting angry, Frank.
- Best defense a good offense.

I don't understand
what's happening to you.

I get this way when
I've been up all night,

phoning a hotel where
you never checked in.

I'd like to know where you were.

I spent the night in Clark
Galloway's very large house.

Look like these punks
got me licked already.

Look like I'm whipped
without even a fight.

You did the right thing sending
your wife and son away, Mr. Hawkins.

They'll be a lot safer
at your sister's place.

Spent my whole life trying
to keep my family together.

Now everything's
just falling apart.

Hey, come on, now. They'll
be back before you know it.

Everything's gonna be just fine.

- Can I help you, fella?
- You Mr. Hawkins?

That's right.

Bloods say yo!

Come on!

Get him! I gotta
stay here. Get him!

You are busted, you little punk!

Who was with you?

I don't talk to you
guys, man. I'm juvie.

Get the juvie officer in here.

- Was it Marcus? Tweetybird? Oofus?
- Stick it! I'm juvie!

- Who told you
to throw the b*mb?
- Your mama!

You wanna hose down Lassie and give
him a dog biscuit? He don't scare me none.

Lieutenant, you've been repeating
the same questions for 20 minutes now,

and my client has made
a legitimate request...

to be attended to by
the juvenile authorities.

I shouldn't have to remind
you he's 14 years old.

Get him down to the Hall, Mick.

You're juvie now, kid,
but you won't always be.

Now the 14-year-olds can handle
us, Frank. The Hawkins bomber?

My advice to Raymond Hawkins
was to send his son away.

That's what I've been good
for since making lieutenant...

Telling honest citizens
to get out of town.

Damn it, Frank. We were better off
when we handled the gangs ourselves.

Somebody's gonna get
k*lled, and I can't stop it!

Henry, I don't want anything to happen to
the Hawkins family any more than you do.

Do what you have to do.

Furillo, I gotta talk to you.

The Civil Liberties Union
and the P.D.'s office...

are bringing an injunction into
Judge Grogan's court to close it down.

Does the chief know about it?

Furillo, what do you think, the
sun sets on Hill Street? Chief knows.

He wants you down there right
away. Grogan's waiting for you.

Do you have a car? Out front.

I need three names:
Oofus Martin, Tweetybird

Brown, Marcus
Talmadge. All Blood.

What are the charges?

Uh, arson, conspiracy, destruction of
private property, whatever sounds good.

Mmm. All right, Lieutenant.

Get these guys for
me, will you, Phil?

Ah, Captain Furillo.
Glad to have you with us.

If you'd care to
approach the bench.

I believe you have a passing
familiarity with the issue at hand.

I have.

I assume you have something to
say in defense of Operation Big Broom?

Uh, I would say that, given the
existing circumstances, we did our best.

Your Honor, I take
it that by "our best,"

Captain Furillo is referring to
such unmitigated absurdity...

as arresting my client three
times in a 48-hour period.

The last time he was
picked up, he was

committing the illicit act
of buying a newspaper.

If I could just say... I don't think
there's anything more to say, Captain.

In the last two days,
your department...

has paraded half the population of
the Hill Street precinct through here...

for no better reason than for
me to see their happy faces.

I don't consider it
grossly out of line...

that Ms. Davenport and the Civil Liberties
Union has taken exception to that.

I hereby grant an injunction for
the immediate halt of this fiasco...

on the grounds that the
Fourth Amendment to

the Constitution's
guarantee of protection...

from unreasonable
searches and seizures...

applies to citizens of the Hill as
much as to any other American.

All those persons being held in this
room and elsewhere are free to go.

Your Honor, the district
attorney's office will appeal.

Go ahead. Captain, this injunction is
binding on you and your entire department.

Let me warn you that if immediate action
is not taken to comply with its provisions,

I shall hold you and your
chief personally in contempt.

And in conclusion,

I would like to say...

that this has
been a sad affair...

for the police and for everybody
connected with Operation Big Broom.

I sincerely hope in the future you behave
in a manner more responsible to the public,

whose welfare you
are supposed to protect.

That's all. Next case.

Fay Furillo, violation
246B, State Vehicle Code.

Ralph, let's see if we can move
13029 over to Judge Hansen's calendar.

- I'm really overbooked.
- Oh, no, you don't, buster!

Now, I have been sitting
back there for two hours.

You may not return my phone calls,
but you're gonna give me my trial!

Let's have a 10-minute recess.
Clear the courtroom. Great!

I mean, do you
always face up to all

situations like this by
clearing the courtroom?

Okay, Mrs. Furillo.
What do you want?

Justice! I went
through a red light.

How do you plea?
Guilty, with an explanation.

Okay. Make it short.

Well, Paul,

I realize how difficult it is...

for a man to carry on a
relationship with a divorced mother.

I mean, nobody wants to
have a ready-made family...

with all of the difficulties and the
sacrifices that come along with it.

It's just that... Well, I think
I deserve another chance.

Fay, this is not the time or the place to
have a conversation about relationships.

If you'd just look at it, you'd see
that I have a lot of good qualities.

I mean, you would see
that I've got a lot to give.

Fay, stop it, damn it!
This is a court of law!

You're not gonna shut
me up with that one, buster!

Now, one way or the
other, we are gonna talk!

- Madam, you are in contempt!
- "Madam"?

You wanna know something?
You're the contemptible one.

You took me to dinner every
Saturday night for a month!

You wrote poems and put
them on the seat of my car.

You called me a p*stol.

Now, I want to know...
What happened to us?

I want to know
what's wrong with me.

Nothing's wrong with you, Fay.

The simple truth is that
I've met somebody else.

Some, uh, young
tootsie, I suppose, huh?

Well, I mean, it makes sense.

Why waste your time wearing
secondhand polyester...

when there's so much
virgin wool around, right?

What's wrong with that?

It's what I want.

I count too.

You know, I guess I
never thought of it like that.

Case closed, huh?


Frank, right now you are looking at the
safest 200 yards of asphalt in the country.

Why, we haven't had so
much as a purse snatching...

Shut it down. Send
everybody home.

Shut it down?

Big Broom again?
On whose authority?

An injunction...
State superior court.

May I see the
papers? Yes, Howard.

And then you can show me your
request for transfer to another precinct.

Simple professional
curiosity, Frank.

I always stand by my
commanding officer.

Just get these
people off the bus.



Sound recall. We have been
terminated with extreme prejudice.

The t*nk too, sir?

The t*nk too. All right.

I tell you, man. I
can't believe it, Neal.

We got this whole neighborhood
knocking its knees with one lousy t*nk.

You know, it's nice
to be loved, but there's

a lot to be said for
cringing respect.

Hey, give 'em time, babe.
They get used to anything.

That's why I got to keep
the old noodle working.

Escalation. One step
ahead of the competition.

Hey, why don't you put
up a spotlight on a building?

You could sweep the whole
block all night like a prison yard.

Hey, Neal! Man, that's
sensational! I know which building!

Hey, J.D., babe, uh, you were
supposed to laugh. Mm-hmm.

J.D., Neal! They got the
t*nk! They stole the t*nk!

What do you mean? Who? It's
gone, man. It's down the street.

They rolled over a bus.
Didn't I tell you to stay with it?

Didn't I tell you this neighborhood
has a lousy rep for t*nk theft?

I was there. I was
inside watching my Sony

when two guys knocked
on the hatch with g*ns.

They told me to get out,
and then they drove it away!

Oh, man, this is bad.

Washington! LaRue!
Lieutenant says we're movin' out!

Operation's been canceled.

Hey, aren't we lucky, Paulie?
We don't need the t*nk now.

But what am I gonna do?
How am I gonna get it back?

Hey, look, Paulie. Why don't you
come on back to the station, huh?

We'll help you fill out a
stolen vehicle report. Okay?

What if they rob
a bank in my t*nk?

Get him, sucker! I ain't no
shopping cart! Don't push me!

Ow! Oh, man! Don't
step on my foot!

You step on my foot, man,
I'm gonna bust your face!

We got 'em, Lieutenant.

Ow! Oh-ho-ho! Hey,
what's happening?

Get him off! Get him
off! Get him up! Come on!

Get over here! Get
over there, man!

What's the matter? What's so
funny? What are you laughing at?

What's the matter?
What's so funny?

Hey, Jim. You better put your
top down. Looks like rain, baby.

Shut up!

Hey, bro, you got to freeze on that
'cause you was laughing too, man.

I said shut up.
Sorry 'bout that.

Hello, Ray.

Hiya, Phillip.

You know,

I, uh...

I tried a rug once.

I thought I needed it
with Cindy. She hated it.

She said it made
me look less sexy.

I was humiliated. I
humiliated myself.

Oh, come on. You
know the humor up there.

Look, Ray, you can tell
me to butt off, but, uh,

you want to talk about anything?


Ray, what's going on?

They want young people.

Who does? The department.

Dynamic, youthful. I don't know.

Slim, hairy.

What's funny?

Oh, nothing, nothing.

Everyone knows
these things, Phil.

"If you have the image of
a South American despot,

"chrome your dome.

But climbing the corporate
jungle gym takes hair and lots of it."

Oh, come on, Ray. That's
only one man's opinion.

You know, a lot of great
men have been bald...

Eisenhower, Genghis Khan, Kojak.

I knew this morning when I was
talking to Frank what everyone was doing.

They were laughing at
me. I just couldn't admit it.

Ray, everyone up here
respects the hell out of you.

You do a job, and it
doesn't go unnoticed.

Everyone expects
you'll be the next captain.

Do they, Phil? Where
have you been?

What are you talking
about? The new promotions.

Who got promoted, Phil? Who?

Mike North,

Wally Peterson, Henry...

Henry Goldblume.

He was always Frank's
confidante. I never was.

Now we're the same rank. I'm not a
petty man, Phil, and I wish Henry no ill.

Look, maybe this is something you
should discuss with Henry and the captain.

In the store, you know, I
tried all the different styles.

Finally I found this one.

I looked in the mirror...
This way, that way.

I thought I looked handsome.

Sounds ridiculous,
doesn't it? "Handsome." No.

I have this great pride...

that I seem to
keep stumbling over.

Forty-eight years old.

My ambition for 20 years
was to make lieutenant.

I took the test, passed
it four years running.

Three years there
weren't any slots.

Fourth year I didn't get picked.

How's this sound, Marcus? We're
talking personal responsibility now.

Anything happens to
Raymond Hawkins...

The store gets robbed, glass
gets busted at 3:00 in the morning,

family gets hit by a bus...

I'm coming after you.

And I swear to
God, I will find you.

And when I find you, you're gonna
wish you had never been born.

Do you have any little brothers
and sisters at home, Marcus?

Well, let me tell you something.

You better pray Hawkins
doesn't sprain an ankle.

You had better be
there with a shovel...

making sure there's no ice on
Hawkins's sidewalk for anybody to slip on.

Say Hawkins has a heart attack,
Marcus. Know what happens then?

I come and I break your face.

Dude's got a heart, that's not
my problem. Yes! It is, Marcus.

Yes, it is.

I told you, we're talking
personal responsibility here.

In fact, something
does happen to him,

I hope you didn't do it...

because then, when I put my thumb
through your eye, it'll just be for fun.

The man can't even
do... The man can't what?

Let me tell you something more!

As far as I'm concerned, you're
garbage and you're always gonna be.

I cannot rehabilitate you!

And I can't run your entire turf
making sure you behave like angels.

But I can protect this
one store, this one family.

They're off limits.
That I can do.

That's police brutality, sucker.

No, it isn't. This is.

Get my attorney!

Go ahead. Get your attorney.

You won't be able
to prove anything.

You wanna know why?
Because I'm a nice guy.

Nobody'll believe a
nice guy like me hit you.

Mick, tell him what
a nice guy I am.

Henry Goldblume is
the nicest guy on the Hill.

You stay away from
Raymond Hawkins!

You stay away from his place,
his family, his house, his whole life!

He gets to stay there! He's
not moving! Am I understood?

Crimes against persons and property
on this one-time worst block in the city...

are down 87%...

compared to the week
preceding Big Broom.

I want to mention
simply, in this regard,

the exemplary work of the
entire Hill Street precinct...

and to further thank the
Constitutional Liberties Union...

and the public
defender's office...

for alerting us to certain
constitutional requirements...

with which we
promptly complied with.

This office remains responsive to the needs
of the community... Command performance.

Uh, except the criminal element.

Did you hear? We
saved the Constitution.

Uh, Francis,

aware as I am of the
heat you've taken for

your somewhat unpopular
stand in this matter,

I've conducted my own little
survey of incoming complaints.

You see, in the adjoining
blocks, we're up 67%.

Precinct-wise, we're right where
we were last week. Thank you, Phil.

Oh, on an unrelated matter,

I received a phone call
from a grateful pugilist.

It appears Frank Jr., based on
some rudiments I taught him last night,

bloodied young Clarence
Davis's nose this afternoon.

Oh, there's no harm done.
Just a few bruises on both sides.

And they're fast becoming pals.

- I come in a minute?
- Sure. Come on in, Henry.

How'd it go?

You'll want to know, I hit
a manacled suspect twice.

- That's against policy.
- I understand that.

I want a complete report on
my desk first thing in the a.m.


I wasn't gonna let it happen,
not the way it did with Mary Hicks.

I wasn't gonna just sit... I
don't have to tell you, Henry.

We cost ourselves
more than we gain. Right.

You carry these things.

Yeah, we used to have these at Doughty's
corner store when I was growing up.

I didn't think they
still made 'em.

Wholesalers beat the hell
outta me... 4.36 a 12-pack...

Jimbos, those,
Swirls over there.

Still have real
chocolate in 'em. Hmm.

Oh, I don't... The
Jimbos are on the house.

Thanks. Um, what
about my family?

Should I bring 'em home?

I don't know. Maybe
in a couple of weeks.

We may be all right. But we
gotta keep our end of it up, okay?

All right. I'll be right
here. I ain't goin' nowhere.


Good night. Good night.

You don't have to do this.

No, I like doing this. Honest.

You got quite a domestic streak,
Mick. I wouldn't have thought it.

Well, so do you. That meal was
wonderful. Nah. I overcooked the pasta.

That meal was great. What, are you
kidding? That clam sauce was fantastic.

Al dente. Pasta's
supposed to be al dente.

So, uh, when we're finished
up here, what do you want to do?

You want to go out? You
want to go to a movie? Do you?

I don't know. I mean, if
you want to, we could go out.

Or we could stay here and put on
some music or watch TV or something.

Yeah, okay. Unless
you'd rather go to a movie.

No, no. That's fine.
We could watch TV.

Look, can we get this over with?

Get what over with?

Oh. Yeah.



That wasn't so bad. Yeah.

No, I mean, no, it wasn't.

I really like you, Mick.

I really like you too.

I was out of place today.

It just threw me so when I
couldn't get you at the hotel.

My imagination ran away with me.

I'm afraid of losing
you, you know.

Do you really think you
could lose me to a job, Frank?

It's not just a job, it's a
whole other way of life.

Joyce, I don't want to... Frank, they
haven't even offered me the job yet.

Tell the truth... Do you
think they're going to?

Yes. I think they probably will.

Do you think that's all they're gonna
offer you? What's that supposed to mean?

Tell me I'm crazy.

Tell me I'm completely
irrational over nothing.

Tell me that this guy, this
Clark, doesn't want you.

Tell me all about his house,

about staying at his house when
you had hotel reservations going down.

I told you, I stayed there because
it was nicer than a hotel room...

and he was nice enough to offer.

- How much nicer?
- Don't start again, Frank!

I have to know. Did
you sleep with this guy?

- No, I didn't.
- Did you want to?

What if I did? Does that give you the right
to treat me like this? It's not like you.

I'm not perfect, counselor.

I have to struggle with some feelings
that may not be the noblest in the world.

And maybe I'm a little jealous.

And I'm also sorry I'm not being
sophisticated enough about this.

But we're not just talking
about a job offer here.

We're talking about
a real challenge to us.

I may be afraid of a lot of things,
but I'm not afraid to look at that.

- Is that the truth
according to Furillo?
- Yes. Tell me I'm wrong.

Frank, I'm just so tired. I...

Do we have to
keep discussing this?

I feel like we're going
around and around.

What do you want to do?

I want...

I want to get into bed.

I want you to hold me.

I want us to make love.
That's what I want to do.
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