03x15 - Moon Over Uranus: The Sequel

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hill Street Blues". Aired: January 15, 1981 - May 12, 1987.*
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The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city.
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03x15 - Moon Over Uranus: The Sequel

Post by bunniefuu »

Very good idea, J.D.

Item 13: Regarding the commencement
this a.m. of Operation Big Broom.

This being the definitive fumigation
of that most infamous local landscape,

the 1,600 block
of Dekker Avenue.

Lieutenant Hunter will be
conducting a final briefing...

shortly after the
commencement of this roll call.

Please check the duty roster
for the names of those officers...

whose attendance is
respectfully requested.

And be advised that the scope of
this operation has been expanded,

due in large part to Chief
Daniels ill-fated encounter...

on the block yesterday
with an allegedly rabid rat.


A creature subsequently and heroically
dispatched by our very own J.D. LaRue.

You may wish to extent
your sympathies to the chief,

who is currently undergoing the unpleasant
ordeal of acute hydrophobia therapy.

And in doing so, people,

please exercise
a little restraint.

Keep any humorous
references of a rodential nature...

to an absolute minimum.

Last item: Concerning an irate
communiqué received by this office,

as regards an unfortunate
jurisdictional dispute...

between an officer from this precinct
and a member of that thankless sorority,

a meter maid.

Leave us attempt to toss some
bread upon these troubled waters,

and remember that no matter
how futile, inconsequential...

and unappreciated we may
perceive our own lot to be,

the beleaguered
maidens of the meter...

traditionally occupy
the lower-most niche...

of our particular food
chain, law-enforcement-wise.

And for the purposes of a
sane and balanced ecology,

in any future dealings
with said maidens,

I urge you to consider the
gentle, enduring wisdom...

of pity and compassion.

All right, that's
it. Let's roll.

And hey, hey, what do you say?
Let's be careful out there, huh?

Hey, Renko. Not now, Bobby, I
got some stuff I gotta take care of.

Boy, Bobby, Renko
doesn't look so good.

You think he's in bad shape,
you ought to see the meter maid.

Judas H! What in the
world happened to you?

Well, sir, I fell off
my motor scooter, sir.

Well, where were
you parked? On a cliff?

Look at this baby. It's
got your pizza slice,

your egg roll, your
burrito, your chicken wing.

It's even got your
bagel, Sergeant.

- Lieutenant.
- Hey! Lieutenant!

Have a bagel and
a schmear on me.

- Thank you.
- Congratulations.

Why, yes. Congratulations,
Lieutenant Goldblume.

- Welcome to the ranks.
- Thank you, Howard.

It must be a comfort
to know that the wheels

of justice may grind
slow, but they grind sure.

I have been trying to console
myself similarly this morning.

Your Calletano-types win prizes.

Your Chesley-types and now
your Goldblume-types get promoted.

And my types?

I say it's a little like the
food you're eating, Henry.

My food? Pumpernickel bagel.

White bread, Ben. Whatever
happened to white bread?

The bread of white
Anglo-Saxon males.

No wonder we can't get promoted.

We can't even eat in
this department anymore.

That man is a gifted
social critic. Yes.

Dispatch. We have a 9-11.

Armed robbery in progress.

See surplus store, corner
People's Drive, 124th Street.

Hey, Washington, you know
a guy named Benedetto?

Works Midtown Vice.
Big dude, got an attitude.

Unless there's
another Benedetto.

No, no, no. That
sounds like him.

Thanks, bro. All right.

Man, something is
dead in my intestines.

See, maybe you're
being punished...

for letting the chief keep
eating that needle sandwich.

I can't tell him now
that I nailed the wrong

rat. I'll be on the
Rodent Patrol for life.

You ever see the size
of those needles, man?

I hear the treatment's
a piece of cake.

I told you he'd come back! He's crazy!
He wants to k*ll me! It's okay. Come on.

If the guy next door hadn't heard me
scream, he would have. Oh, God, please.

Mary. Mary.

Did your neighbor
see him do this to you?

No, he ran out the back.

Why'd you let him in?

He said he would bust down
the door, and he would've done it.

There's no place else you
can go? I can't quit my job.

He knows where I work. He's callin'
me all the time. I don't have any money.

You're supposed to help
me. I'm so scared of the guy.

Now, you can arrest
him. He beat me up.

You gotta. You said
so. You gotta, please.

Mary, I don't want to
mislead you. I can do that.

I can go bring him
in, hold this over him,

maybe get a high bail
set, try to scare him off.

I can do that. But you're gonna have
to stick with me all the way on this.

You're gonna have to go
sign a complaint downtown.

You're gonna have to testify maybe three or
four times in court with him right there.

And even then,
there's no guarantee.

It's gonna be the judge's decision.
I want you to understand that.

I'll do it.

I'll do whatever you say. Just please
keep him away from me, please.


With our barricades
in place here and here,

we will move into the
north end of East Utica.

And we will begin a pincer
movement from the south,

moving the suspects
into our holding area,

which is the playground
here in the center of the block.

Lieutenant, what kind of
charges are we talking about?

Well, obstruction
of pedestrian traffic,

loitering with intent, unlawful
assembly, whatever you feel applies.

Now look, remember, people, we're
not looking for convictions per se,

as we are intimidation and
a demonstration of force.

Lieutenant, you know, some
of us gotta live on this street.

You want my opinion,
this whole thing's jive.

That's enough, J.D. If I may
speak for him... Excuse me, Howard.

What the chief is after here...

is a demonstration of our
ability to clean up one bad block,

uproot the drug traffic.

While we're not after convictions
here, neither is this license to run amok.

I expect you all to
exercise restraint.

I don't want to hear
any horror stories.

Phase two begins
with the mass booking...

and transport of
suspects to this station,

Michigan Avenue
and to South Ferry.

Don't you have a plane to catch?

I'm on my way. I've
got a cab waiting.

Frank, are you all right?

Uh, fine. Really. How are you?

Oh, I'm... kind of nervous.

I wouldn't worry
about the interview.

I think the Justice Department
knows a class act when it sees one.

Frank, about last night... I
didn't... I haven't said word one.

It's the things you haven't
said that I'm concerned about.

Look, if they
offer you this job,

we'll have a lot to
talk about, won't we?

Frank, I wish you
wouldn't do this to me.

It's just something
I've gotta do.

I love you, pizza man.

Uh, excuse me, Francis. What?

You wanted me to remind you
about a 10:30 appointment...

with Fay down at
Frank Jr.'s school. Fine.

Fine, great. Everything
all right, Francis?

Yeah. Just...
Just... It's fine, Phil.

Uh, was there
something else? No.

Frank, correct me if I'm wrong,

but it seems to me that I had the
distinct impression downstairs...

that you're not exactly
chomping at the bit...

for this operation
to go forward.

Howard, the chief wants
it and the mayor wants it.

What I think about it
hardly matters at this point.

Well, it's just a
cockroach roundup, Frank.

Nobody's saying
it's Omaha Beach.

That doesn't mean
I have to like it.

Frank, it is my perception that a
day like this is good for morale.

The men go out there and they feel they're
really impacting the criminal population.

In my opinion, Howard,
it's a shallow gesture,

politically motivated, principally
for the benefit of the media.

Forgive me if I can't
share your enthusiasm.

Democracy's dialectic, old chum.

Where else but in
America could two officers

fundamentally disagree
about an operation...

and still go out there
and ream the opposition?

All right, move it. Hold
it right there. Okay. Hey!

Up against the
fence. Hold it there.

Don't move.

All right. You... You,
line up these suspects.

Hold it right there. Hold
it. Up against the wall.

You have the
right to an attorney.

If you cannot
afford an attorney,

one will be provided for
you before questioning.

Now, during your stay
with us today, people,

I hope that you will all
reflect upon the fact...

that without the
law, we cannot live.

The best of man's hopes
are ensured by its success.

Its failures are our failures.

And the measure to which
it can reconcile our passion,

our will and our conflict...

is the measure of our
opportunity to find ourselves.

Measure this, sucker.

How you doin', Leo?

I'm doin' great, Luce. I was just running
to my car to put a dime in the meter.

What a great day. You're making
a mistake. I work at the liquor store.

I love being out in the
fresh air this time a year.

If you work there, what
are you doin' packing this?

I been robbed five
times in the last year.

I need to tell you what
it's like down here?

I'm sorry. I'm gonna have to take
you down to the station anyway.

Get a load of this.

- Fine bike there, cowboy.
- Yeah, I know it.

Renko, did you put your
Harley in the dryer again?

Hey, don't pay him
any mind, cowboy.

Sticks and stones, my
man. I just come down

here to see what you
guys are up to today.

Well, you're not missing
much today. I can tell that.

No money? Uh-uh, uh-uh. If
you want to play, you got to pay.

No ducats, no ducci. Don't
you get sick on me, man.

Hey, look at this.
Here comes the man.

Hey, fool, who you trying
to kid with all this stuff?

This is just bogus, jack! Are you
talking to me? Are you talking to me?

You see any other
fools out here, heat?

I'm looking at a real
prizewinner right now.

Hey, look, I knows my
rights. I knows my rights.

You can't touch me. Oh,
yeah? Well, watch this, huh?

Turn around. Assume
this position. Back off!

Illegal search! Illegal search!

This is bogus, man. You
can't do this. I know my rights.

Let me tell you something about
your rights, cupcake. I own this street.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. What's
this, chippy? We bakin' a cake?

Hey, get off me! Get off of me!

Come on! Come on! You ain't gonna
do this to me! Do it! I want you to!

Anybody else want
a conversation?

I'm waitin'! Come on! Come on!

I never touched her.

She says I did, she's lyin'.

So how'd she get the bruises?

She's a little clumsy. Falls
around the house sometimes.

I don't think you're getting it,
Richard. You're in real trouble this time.

The judge could put
you away for a year.

You got nothing on me that'll
stick, and we both know it.

It make you feel like a
man beating up on women?

Is that your trip, Richard? Going
after the weakest person you can find?

Nobody touches her but me.

She knows that
better than anybody.

You leave us
alone. I'll work it out.


I'm sorry. I got lost.

I was halfway to Europe
by the time I realized it.

Marty Rodrigues,
Public Defender's Office.

Lieutenant Goldblume. I
usually work South Ferry.

Lieutenant, can I get a
moment with my client, please?

I'd like a word with you when
you're done, yeah? You got it.

Easy, Lieutenant. The
damn thing doesn't work.

Are you sure you put in the
correct amount? Yes, I'm sure.

Well, maybe you inadvertently
used Canadian coinage.

Phil, whose side are
you on? This is a machine.

Henry, this machine culminates
four decades of vending science.

I'm sure the problem is
attributable to human error.

"Open the pod door, HAL."

Well, it sounds as if the
worst is behind you, Chief.

Yes, I understand they've modified the
severity of the treatment considerably.

Uh, that's fine too.
Yeah, I'm clear.

Something over
200 arrests already.

Yeah. Well, we're thinking
of you too, Chief. Right. Yeah.


Officer McCoy.

I hope I'm not interrupting. Not
at all. What brings you to the Hill?

Paperwork... The
tie that binds us all.

I wish I could say I don't
know what you mean.

Well, it's nice
to see you again.

It's nice to see you too.

Well, I should get
back to the wars.

Right. Thanks for stopping by.

Sure. It was good to see you.


Do you bowl? Bowl? No.

Me neither. Do you
like going to the movies?

I, uh... I used to.

I don't know. I
really hate the lines.

I know exactly how you
feel. I feel the same way.

Most of what you see
isn't worth the effort.

Um, are you an opera
buff, by any chance?

It's funny. My mother
used to listen all

the time, and it drives
me absolutely crazy.

Me too.

I could tell that we
have a lot in common.

How about I buy
you a drink later?

Oh. I don't drink.

Well, there's got to be something
that we both enjoy doing.

I like to eat. Maybe
we should have dinner.

I'd like that.

How's tonight?
Tonight would be good.

Phil, I'm seriously considering
putting him back in private school.

I never had to worry about
anything like this happening there.

You know, yesterday
he was so frightened,

he hid behind the
auditorium all during lunch.

Frank Jr.'s a bit small
for his age, isn't he, Fay?

Small? Well, so what?

Oh, well, what I meant
is, that's part of what...

makes him a target
for the bully contingent.

Has he had any acquaintance
with the manly arts?


No, boxing.

Oh. No. No. Well,
I don't think so.

You see, the nature of young
men being what it is, Fay,

I've always believed
that a boy ought to have...

some grounding in the
rudiments of self-defense...

for situations
just such as this.

Now, if you'd like, I'd be more
than happy to come over...

and tutor him in a few
of the fundamentals.

You know, I used to coach
the precinct's boxing team.

Gee, I... I don't
know, Phil. Um...

Ready, Fay? Yeah.

Listen, thank you anyway.

Gone about an hour, Phil.

Are you gonna keep your
temper in this meeting, Fay?

Contrary to what you may
think, when it's called for,

I am perfectly capable
of self-restraint.

And if that little bully of

I'm gonna give him the spanking
he deserves! Wait. Wait a minute.

And if that doesn't help, my
ex-husband here is a cop. Fay.

Mrs. Furillo, I don't think there's
anything to be gained by making threats.

Well, excuse me, but I just thought
being the parents of a shakedown artist,

that's the kind of talk
they'd understand.

- You wanna deal with this, please?
- My son is no shakedown artist!

I called this meeting
to try to come to some

sort of an understanding
among the parents.

Both as to what the
facts of the situation are...

The facts of the
situation are...

that my son is out his lunch money,
and he's afraid to go to school.

Hey, lady, will you please
stop running your mouth?

- Mr., uh, Davis. Is that your name?
- That's correct.

Uh, I'd appreciate your not
addressing my wife in that tone of voice.

I would like to establish
the facts of this situation,

and then decide
how best to solve it.

I told you what the facts are.

Their son is some
kind of a junior hoodlum.

Well, you're some kind
of a senior fat-mouth.

Mr. Davis, this is the last
time I'm going to ask you nicely.

- Can we please...
- Well, wait, what do you expect...

with her calling
our son a criminal?

From what I understand, her description
of your son's behavior is pretty accurate.

Oh, is that right?

Who are you? Thurgood Marshall?

Look, pal, I've been trying
to be polite about this,

but, frankly, I don't even know
what Mrs. Furillo and I are doing here.

My son's a victim,
not a perpetrator.

- Who you callin'
a perpetrator?
- Gentlemen, please.

This is not what I call
initiating a dialogue.

Now, can we just try...
Try to ascertain the facts?

Someone's in there!
On the fourth floor!

Please, help me!
Help me get him out!

Oh, Mama, look down on me now.

Help! Help!

- Help!
- Help!


Help! There are more
people inside! Somebody help!

There's a policeman. There's an old
man up there. His wife can't get him out.

Hurry, please!

All right, ma'am, hold this
and call this in. Call it in!

All right. They're on
the second floor. Hurry!

I can't get him out! I can't!

Get out!

Ma'am, I'm outside this door!

I'm gonna kick
it, so stand clear!

Oh, my God.

Oh, he's gonna be all right.

Oh, they got him out!

In English, in English!

My little boy upstairs.
Please! Miguel!

Third floor, third floor!

Where are you, boy?

I'm about to burn
up in here. Miguel!


Help! Help! Help!


It's okay, boy. Come on.

There's a cop in there.

He went after the boy. He's
been in there a long time.

The whole building
might blow up!

Where is the fire trucks?

Oh, there he is.

Way to go, babe. Good for you.

I heard about the
kid. Cowboy, good job.

Renko, the captain wanted to
see you as soon as you came in.

In his office? Mm-hmm.

Andy, nicely done.

Thank you, Sarge.

Hey, Sarge, did I
get any messages?

Yes, you did. Detective
Benedetto from Midtown.


Excuse me, Captain, sir. The
sergeant says you want to see me.

Come on in. How's the burn?

Well, it's... it's okay.
I'm just... I'm real tired.

You'll be back on motor patrol
with Officer Hill starting tomorrow.

Thank you, sir.

I'm also recommending you for
the Meritorious Service Medal.

You did a fine job out
there. I'm proud of you.

Thank you, sir. I appreciate
this very much. I'm very grateful.

Uh, why don't you just take
the rest of the day off, okay?

Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.

If you could, tell Benedetto
I'll be at Mulligans.

I'd like for him to meet
me there anytime after 7:00.


And tell him... tell him
I'll be waitin' for him.

That's right. Thanks.

In what? In cold blood?

And... And just
left him lying there?

No. No, no. I don't
know anything about it.

Yeah. Well, I'll... I'll
look into it personally.

Yeah, I will.

Uh, no, no. Thanks for the call.

Yes, ma'am. Yes, Francis?

A woman says that one of our guys
shot a junkie out on the block sweep.

Well, it appears a pair of our detectives
were involved in a bit of "street theater,"

and, uh, in their thespian exuberance,
got somewhat carried away.

A couple of our detectives?

Yes. John LaRue
shot Neal Washington.

Phil, I won't have
anarchy out there.

Your activities on this block
will henceforth be monitored...

with the scrupulousness that
Othello brought to bear on Desdemona.

You will be wearing our
attention like a pair of stolen jeans.

Fourteen bucks? What kind
of a criminal are you, huh?

You know, one thing I can't stand is
somebody who's lousy at what they do.

J.D., a minute? Yeah. Jack.

We really got their little
tails motating today, Captain.

I hear you k*lled
your partner today.

Oh, yeah, yeah. A
little street theater. I see.

And what do you call it when a
suspect thinks you're so crazy...

he sh**t you
before you sh**t him?

All will be recorded, and
all will be held against you.

Webster, will you...

There is someone watering the
chain-link in your sector. Howard.

Howard. Take half an hour if you need
it, but bring in your men and shut it down.

Shut what down? Operation
Big Broom. It's over.

Frank, you can't... However
you do it is up to you.

Keep anybody you have a felony
or warrant on and release the others.

By whose authority?
By mine. That's an order.

Just empty the buses, take down
the barricades, and let 'em go, now.

Come over here
and stay by this fence.

Counselor, I was hoping to
speak with you at the station house.

I'm sorry. I've been running
late all day. What's on your mind?

Before we go in with this,
I just want you to know,

I think it'd be a genuine disservice if
we handle this case by the numbers.

I'm not sure I know
what you mean.

I think there's more going on here than
just a sloppy end to a bad relationship.

This woman is genuinely
terrified of the guy,

and I think she may
have good reason to be.

Well, my client's got
his side too, you know.

And he thinks she's a real
loony tune. I mean, who can say?

All the more reason not to let this
slip through the cracks, don't you think?

Lieutenant, I
appreciate your concern,

but I can't very well not
represent my client's interest here.

If there's just some way to keep
him away from her for a few days.

Look, we both got jobs to do.

Why don't we just
do 'em? All right?

Excuse me. I have
to go find my client.

Regarding cases N396-511...

through cases N396-517,

Mr. District Attorney,

this is the fifth batch...

of pedestrian
traffic obstructors...

you have brought forward today.

Now, at the risk of
sounding like a broken record,

I would like to say that none of these
charges will hold water in a monsoon.

Defendants' constitutional
guarantees are trampled...

practically beyond recognition.

We've had to turn around half the
traffic courts for this "major" crime wave.

The backup is even starting
to affect the plumbing.

So, uh, it shouldn't come
as a great surprise, sir,

that I have to again find
in favor of the defendants.

- Cases dismissed.
- All right!

What are we doin' here in
the first place? You hump.

You button your lip,
sir, or in your case,

I'll happily make an exception.

Next case.

Case number N396518
on the calendar.

Richard Brady, charged with 120.06 of
the penal code, misdemeanor as*ault.

A.D.A. Baxter?

Your Honor, this applies to a
situation between former cohabitants,

in which defendant has consistently
harassed the complainant,

culminating in an
as*ault which took place...

Wait a second.

Will the counsel
approach the bench.

Your Honor, may I
approach the bench as well?

Step forward, Detective.

What are we looking at here?

Why is this anything more than
the most routine domestic squabble?

Your Honor, I think your instincts
are on the mark. A 50-50 proposition.

They have both been
a little intransigent.

My client's record is
completely unblemished.

He's a mechanic,
apparently good at it.

Prosecution in this instance is
just gonna cost him grievous injury.

Excuse me, Judge, it's my gut
reaction that we are dealing...

with a seriously
disturbed individual here...

who has already caused
this woman "grievous injury,"

fully capable of more extreme and
unpredictable v*olence against her.

In all due respect to
your gut, Lieutenant,

there is a familiar pattern
here, in my experience.

And I think I do know
my... my... my domestics.

Then set bail.

If you can hold it over him in
any way, I beg you not to dismiss.

Thank you, Lieutenant. I
have no intention of dismissing.

Please take your
seats. Thank you.

Mr. Brady, I am on to you, sir.

Be advised, I am placing
a restraining order on you.

I am setting a
date for a hearing,

and I am going to be
watching your every move.

And if you do anything
between now and that date,

if I hear one word of
complaint from Miss Hicks...

or you go anywhere
near that woman,

I am going to throw you into jail
and hold this over you indefinitely.

Now, this is outrageous conduct.

And it's only your lack of criminal
record that I don't take that step now.

All right.

Counsel will advise
you of the hearing date.

And until then, sir, I
want you to walk the line.

Do I hear bail application?

Your Honor, People
ask a thousand dollars.


O.R., Your Honor.
Defendant is a working man.

Well, I'm setting
this for a long date.

Defendant is excused
on his own recognizance.

And don't you forget one
word I told you, young man.

Next case.

What does this mean? He's
setting a date for a hearing.

You mean, what... But wait,
you mean they're letting him go?

No, just until the hearing. He
didn't dismiss the charges. Mary...

Are you just letting him walk out
of here? I can't believe this! Please!

Your counsel will outline
the particulars, ma'am.

Wait a minute! You can't
just let him walk out of here!

He's gonna k*ll me!
What's the matter with you?

I don't believe this! Counsel,
will you restrain your client?

Mary, please. Come
on. No! Let go of me!

You're... You're just
worthless! You're all worthless!

Let me drive you home. Don't
touch me! Don't you dare touch me!

We have two
hours left in the day.

We have precisely the
kind of results in hand...

that this operation was
intended to produce.

Enter our captain.

Exit the rug beneath our
feet. I did what I felt I had to do.

It was a public embarrassment.
That certainly wasn't my intention.

Frank, mano a mano, you
will always have my respect,

but I have to say that
your official conduct today...

has been incomprehensible
and deeply disappointing.

I'm sorry you feel
that way, Howard.

Goldarn it, Frank,
I hate to say this,

but it seems to this old warhorse
that all your starch is in your shirt.

I want a moment
with your captain.

I suppose I shouldn't
really be surprised.

It's just that I keep thinking
you've turned the corner.

What's on your mind, Chief?

I consider what you did out there
nothing less than a personal betrayal.

That operation came
straight from the mayor.

It had my own
unqualified support.

Not only have you compromised
the entire chain of command,

you've opened this department to the
worst kind of media second-guessing.

What the hell is
the matter with you?

I felt things had gone too
far. There were... You felt!

This is not sensitivity training,
Captain. I don't care what you felt!

We were taking
liberties with their rights...

that I couldn't, in good
conscience... Where is it written...

that you need to agree with
every order you're given?

I happen to be in the middle...

of an extremely painful
course of medical treatment.

You think I have nothing better to do
than clean up after your bleeding heart?

Tomorrow morning, same time,

you're going to run
that operation again.

And you're going to keep on
running it until I say it's over.

Am I understood? Yes.

Aren't you going to offer
me your badge, Captain?


Hey, you looking at me? Huh?

Huh? Huh? You looking at me?

Say what? Huh?

Oh, yeah, yeah!

Easy! Ooh.

Furley, will you take
this from me, please?

Henry. Phone for you.

Lieutenant Goldblume.


Thank you.

We got witnesses say she
was coming out with a suitcase.

He just came at her
and started slashing.


Hi, Ma.

No, I couldn't go last
night, Ma. I had to work late.

I'm going right after work.

Ma, if he's throwing fruit at the nurses,
so you don't take him any more fruit.

Right, especially canned.

I'm going tonight.

I told you, right after work.

As a matter of fact, if I wasn't on the
phone, I'd be on my way right now, Ma.

I'll kiss him for you.

Well, I love you too. Good-bye.

Hi, Mick. Hi.

How's it goin'?

Okay. Feel like a
beer and a burger?

No, I can't. I gotta
go see my father.

Want some company?

No, thanks. I
could sit in the car.

We could go out after.
Would you want to do that?

Got a radio?

Cop radio. So I'll
listen to cop calls.

Okay. Give me a
minute to change.

The kid looked so happy, Frank.

He looked so satisfied,
this poor girl lying there.

I don't know what
to tell you, Henry.

We'd do better off
running a restaurant.

We'd do more damn good.

Pizza joint.

With a deli counter.



"Frank and Henry's." Bingo.

I'll grow one of those
pencil mustaches.

Mangia, Frankie.

I'd make that bastard
a poison pizza.

Oh, Francis. Look what I found
from our old P.A.L. tournaments.

What were you looking
for, Phil? Well, these.

I thought, with your leave, I
might swing by Fay's tonight...

and instruct young Frank in
some pugilistic fundamentals.

Oh, I don't know, Phil.

I gathered your meeting with the
other boy's father left matters unresolved.

We behaved like any two apes.

Francis, I'm certainly not
trying to tell you your business,

but if I had a son in
Frank Jr.'s situation,

I'd want him to be able to
defend himself in a way...

that would discourage this kind
of treatment in no uncertain terms.

And a good left jab can give a boy the
confidence he needs to see this through.

You may be right, Phil.

You know, a man has to draw
the line somewhere, Francis,

even if he's nine.

Excuse me, Mr. Furillo,
there is a phone call for you.

You're telling me I'm over
the limit on my card, right?

- Yes, sir. That is correct.
- Um, how about we go dutch?

Oh, no. No problem.

Thank you.

Thank you, sir.

How did you know
there wasn't a phone call?

No one's calling me.
I have a beeper. Oh.

I hate it when they do that to
you. He's working the wrong crowd.

I used up my blushes
a long time ago.

Frank, I've really enjoyed
getting to know you.

Um... Thank you.

Well, it's not really
that I know you.

It's I know that you're
something special.

Does that seem forward?

No, not at all. It's a lovely compliment.
You're pretty special yourself.

I hope your lady friend
appreciates what she's got.

Can I ask you something? Sure.

Just how heavy-duty
is this relationship?

Pretty heavy-duty.

Then what are we doing out?

She's in Washington interviewing
for a job which I'm sure they'll offer her.

And what will that mean for you?

I don't know. I don't
know if she'll take it.

What if she does?

It's true, isn't it?

Timing really is everything.

Frank, um,

at the very least, no
matter what happens,

I hope that we're
gonna be friends.

I think you can count on it.


You're Hill.


Your messages are
clogging up my desk.

Do we have a problem?

You know my partner.

The smart mouth?

How's his scooter?

How's his face?

Now you want a piece too?

You're not as
stupid as you look.

What's the matter, Sal, huh?

You can't hit someone
standing in front of you?

Come on, Sal, huh?

Come on, Sal! Come on, Sal.

What you want me to do? Turn
my back on you, Sal? Come on, Sal.

You done, Sal? Huh?


Yeah, we're done.

Hello? Yeah, operator, would you
ring Joyce Davenport's room, please?

Davenport. Yeah.

I'm sure she's a guest there, operator.
Would you check your reservations?

Joyce Davenport. That's correct.

She never checked in? You sure?

Yeah. Yeah. All right.


Uh, would you ring,
uh, Clark Galloway's...

Uh, never mind.

Operator? Yeah, no.

No, never mind.

Yeah, thanks very much.
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