03x10 - Phantom of the Hill

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hill Street Blues". Aired: January 15, 1981 - May 12, 1987.*
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The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city.
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03x10 - Phantom of the Hill

Post by bunniefuu »

Item seven. You've
all seen the pictures.

Three bodies burned to a crisp.

Each shot behind the
ear for good measure.

A portion of the vehicle
which survives the barbecue...

identifies the
victims as Peruvian.

Circumstance and
methodology of the deceased...

suggest probable
involvement in the drug trade.

Experience teaches that
these airport episodes...

often repercuss on the Hill,

particularly on that section
known as Little Lima.

Item eight. You're reminded, uh,

as if reminders are necessary,
that the MCB continues current...

on the governor's wife's
beloved Lhasa apso Lamont.

Whoo, whoo, whoo!

The subject is male,
sand-colored coat.

Distinguishings are
bulging brown eyes...

and a blue bow in the forelock.

People, the more timely
this canine's recovery,

the more expeditious
will be this precinct's...

return to appropriate
police pursuits.

A personal plea
from your sergeant.

Please, please. Let's
find the damn dog.

Item nine. In view of seasonal
and flu-related absences,

temporary assignments
are as follows:

Crawford and Nicholas,
Hernandez and Wykopf,

Mersky and Deutsch.

On a more somber note.

Item 11.

Night duty Sergeant Devane
records at 2300 hours...

an attack on foot
patrolman Fred Weiss.

Officer sustained a flesh
wound to the right ankle,

requiring eleven stitches.

A regiment of tetanus
injections has been initiated.

Suspected perpetrator...
The Hill Phantom.

Uh-oh. Ooh!

It's clear we're witnessing
one of those periods...

of increased activity characteristic
of this unfortunate individual's...

haunted subterranean existence.

As we roll, therefore,
it behooves us...

not only to keep our
heads up as appropriate...

but when we pass those
storm drains and sewers...

which are the intersection of this
poor creature's world with our own,

we'd best keep our
eyes down as well.

All right. That's
it. Let's roll.

And let's be very
careful out there.

Oh... Belker.

Will you step to the
podium for a second?

Would you do me a
monumental favor, Mick? Sure.

You know where
Katzenbach Jewelers is? Yeah.

Could you pick something up for me? I'm
chained to the desk with this dog business.

I got a couple reports. How 'bout
after lunch? Oh, sure. Perfect.

What the hell is it,
the Hope Diamond?

You must have two
weeks' pay in here.

Keep a secret? Yeah.

It's an engagement ring.

I'm poppin' the question
tonight to Grace Gardner.

Oh, Sarge!


Dispatch. We have a 9-11.

Armed robbery in progress.

See surplus store, corner
People's Drive, 124th Street.

Yes. I'll give him
the message directly.

Yes? Excuse me. Yes, um...

Would you know where I
might find Officer Renko, please?

Oh. Yes, he's just around the
corner to the left. Thank you.

Morning, Phil. Oh.
Morning, Francis.

Francis, that was
the coroner's office.

They just exhumed the
Castaneda body. Autopsy's at 9:15.

Thanks. Oh, uh, Francis. Uh...

You keep a secret?


I'm asking for
Grace's hand tonight.

Oh, Phil, that's wonderful news.

Mum's the word until
I get an acceptance.

You upset about something
when you left the party? No.

How was Wilt? Doug.

Did you have a good
time? Yeah. He's a nice kid.

Where'd you meet him,
at a day care center?

Someday I should figure out how
much time I spend waiting for Renko...

by this bench.

Uh... he'll be right out.


Oh, here comes the man.

Hi there, sweetmeat. What're
you doing up in these mean streets?

Good morning. Um, I'll just
wait for you outside. Bye.

Good morning.

I... I need to talk to you for
a couple of minutes, please.


What can I do for you?

Well, there's... really
no easy way to say this.

I don't think we should
see each other anymore.

- Is that right?
- Yes, it is.

Would you mind telling me why?

Does it really make
any difference?

Yeah, it does. It does.
I mean, I... I thought...

We did have that little
set-to at that gallery opening...

with your high-and-mighty
friends, but...

Yeah, it does make
a difference. Tell me.

We're just too different. We...

Wait a minute.

We're not too different two or three
times a week for the last two months.

- There's a lot of things I could say...
- Say 'em.

- What's the point?
- Say 'em.

What's the point?

I don't like your bullying.

I don't like your
reverse snobbery.

- Bullying.
- Yeah. Forcing me to do things,

like making me take
a drink I don't want.

That was at a party. Just
so I can be one of the guys?

Your attitude about women, the
way you treat me like an object...

and your whole stupid
idea that the only real

people are people
who sweat for a living!

You don't have the
slightest idea what I

think about women!
Don't tell me what to do!

What are we doing?


I liked you. I... I
still like you a lot. I...

There's no reason to pretend
that we had more than we had.

There's no point making this
more difficult than it already is.


You're right.

No sweat. No pain.

Just chic, polite.

- I'm sorry.
- You get out.

I need a pen.


How you doing?

Um... Look, I'm sorry
about last night. I...

Don't... Don't worry about it.

I just talked to Andrew. We're not
going to be seeing each other anymore.

So, um, if you want, we...

We can get together some time.

Teresa, that's not a
good idea right now.

Look, uh, I gotta go.

Can I call you?

I don't know.

I'll see you, okay?

What are you doing here? Didn't
I tell you never to come up h...

What's wrong?


I'm so frightened.

I'm so afraid!

He k*lled those Peruvians!

Oh, my God, Mick! He was
covered in blood. Calm down.

Tell me what happened.
He came home around 4:30.

That's your boyfriend. Jose.

The one that bailed you out when I
first busted you? No. That was Ramon.

I watched him burn his
clothes, wash the blood off.

My God, he was soaked
in blood! Take it easy.

And then when I
saw those pictures,

the bodies in the
car, Mick... Oh!

The boyfriend's been setting
up the deal for two months.

Now he loses his bankroll, so he
decides to take the Peruvian suppliers.

He meets 'em at the
airport and blows 'em away.

I'd say our $50
yesterday was well spent.

Captain, I promised Eddie
he wouldn't have to testify.

He's terrified of that lover.

He'd be next to useless on
the witness stand anyway.

Let's have him go
over the mug books,

see if he can identify anybody who's
done business with the boyfriend.

We'll try to bust him
and roll him over.

Autopsy, Frank. Keep Ray posted.

Dog hotline.

Mm-hmm. When was this?

Yeah. Yeah.

Who am I speaking to?

Yes, Mr. Caldwell. $1,000.

No, uh...

That's very scrupulous of you.

After the recovery'd be fine. Let
me just get this one more time.

It's 466 Carmine,
apartment 2A, right?

Thank you much, Mr. Caldwell.

Doggie hotline. Any luck, Henry?

Lhasa apso in
abandoned apartment.

Guy doesn't want to be paid until after
the governor's wife identifies the dog.

Great. Howard. Uh...

This is a white male,

Five-seven, 158
pounds, 47 years old.

Exhumed 22 days after...


Superficial tissue.


Exhibits first stage
of decomposition...

consistent with introduction...

preservation... fluid.


Castaneda was 47 years old.

Isn't that what
we've got? Yes, sir.

This man is not 47.

Well, see, Frank, uh...

he's been underground
three weeks...

Come on, Wally!
This guy's in his 70s.

Check the toe tag.

Castaneda. They dug
him up this morning.

Some kinda screwup!

What in the hell's
going on here?

Frank. Frank, I'll... I'll
get the right body for you.

Seventy-two hour
rule, Coroner Nydorf:

Either I charge or we release.

Is he dead or what?

Come on, pal. Come on.
No snoozing in a red zone.

Pete! Pete!


Officer Tataglia. Is
something wrong?

It was the Phantom. Grabbed her
leg from a storm drain on Dekker.

Just about tore it
off. Oh, imadre mia!

He got my shoe. Shoes?

Ooh. A new and
disconcerting twist.

Oh, the Phantom, huh?

Yeah. I got him a good one
with my stick. I think I hurt him.

Speaking of injuries,
Officer Tataglia,

perhaps we should
have that ankle x-rayed.

No, no. He didn't even break
the skin. I'm okay. Honest.

Phil, call A.D.A. Bernstein.

Tell him I have to get
with him this afternoon.

Anything wrong with the autopsy?

Other than a no-show by
the body, it was just grand.

Washington. Yo, man.

I got a snitch. Picked these
dealers out of the book.

You know any of 'em? Nada.

Mm-hmm. Nada. Nada.

Sid. Sid.

You tight with this guy? We were
about to bust him when Myzell went south.

He thinks we're a
couple of cupcakes.

Can you set me up a meet today? I
got a hook on those three Peruvians.

Just a phone call away, my man.

Thank you very much. You got it.

Frank. I don't know if this is
the right dog or the wrong dog.

But it is definitely the last
dog that I am going to recover.

Francis, A.D.A. Bernstein
can see you this afternoon.

But he'd like you to include
everyone on the Edwards case...

Washington, LaRue,
Coroner Nydorf.

Phil, one second, please.
Could you take our charge here...

somewhere where he can
be reunited with his owner?

Well, of course!
Come here, poochie.

That's a good fella.

For the record, Frank,
in my entire career,

I've never suffered a
more humiliating indignity.

Frank... I was urinated on.

Be sure to submit a
dry-cleaning voucher, Howard.

Damn foreign-type dogs.

Give me a shepherd any day.

Yo, Mr. Policeman.

Martinez requesting a
viewing of the alleged...

Lasso apsis Lamont,

which I have a personal
knowledge is a fraud.

Bogus, Henry.

Fake. Not even close.

What makes you say so, Jesus?

Trust me, Henry. Trust me.

The dog's a hummer.

That is not Lamont.

This is a bitch. Didn't
you even sex the animal?

Did I explore the dog's privates? No,
madam. I denied myself that pleasure.

But I can certainly attest to the
fact that they are in working order.

I'd like a word with you.

Of course.

I myself don't know
who has the mutt.

I don't have the slightest
idea where the mutt is at.

But I think maybe...

I know somebody who knows
somebody else who knows. You know?

Don't push your luck, Jesus.

Cool it, brother.

I'm just a concerned
citizen here.

- I could have you arrested
as an accessory.
- Yeah, maybe.

But I don't think
Lamont would like that.

- Why don't we hear him out?
- Thank you, Frankie.

You're always a
gentleman. Like I said...

the mutt's available.

But it's gonna require a thousand
dollars for the people he's staying with.

And what is your cut? Me?

Got no cut, bro.

Bottom line, Jesus. Right now.

I got a proposal with the federals
for the Inner City Pilot Program.

We must put a stop
to this urban decay.

Right, brother Ray?

We must harness the energy...

of the troubled g*ng youth.

Get 'em off the
corner and on the job.

Captain. Speed it up.

The rebop kings in Washington are always
talking about revenue sharing, right?

Funneling the
conscience money...

through the state
capitols and all of that.

When Trudy's main squeeze
gets me the grant, she gets Lamont.

That's out-and-out blackmail!

Sounds to me like a good faith
request for a recommendation?

You tell Trudy it's blackmail.

You're just jiving us,
aren't you, wise guy?

You don't know where the dog
is. You're lying like all the others.

Well, I will make sure
that you never, never...


M"... Let me see that.

I hear these guys are
pretty tough, Furillo.

They wanted to send Lamont's
paw as a token of friendship.

Okay. I'll see the governor gives
you a priority recommendation.


are for job applicants.

I want a grant.

Otherwise, these guys
are gonna fillet Lamont...

and mail him home
in an envelope.

When will the dog be returned?

I'll get back to ya.

Hey, we're on, babe. 3:00
sharp. Hasen's Restaurant.

Sid likes to sit in the back.

Great. Gives me a
chance to run an errand.

See you there. Yeah.

Grace, my sweet...
Our favorite restaurant,

our favorite wine, Venus
sitting over the water.

I think tonight's
gonna be a night...

that you and I will
long remember.

One more shoe, pizza man.

We're due back on
the Hill in 15 minutes.

What are you doing?

The Furillo diet...
Plenty of exercise...

and no time left for lunch.

We can munch on these
in the cab. Gee, thanks.


- Fay.
- Um...

- U-Uh, this is Paul.
- Ah, how are you?


Judge Grogin of Traffic Court.


Well, Paul...

we seem to have
made a terrible mistake.

The Rainbow Room's
not on this floor.

- Uh, is it?
- No?

I think you want the 18th.

Oh! Well, what floor is this?


Uh, we...

We... We were just
leaving. Enjoy your lunch.

They have very good food here.

I have a cold. We
really have to go.

It's nice meeting you.
Nice meeting you too.

Have a nice lunch.

May I help you? Yeah.
I got a ring to pick up.

Esterhaus. Esterhaus? I
don't believe I know the name.

- Do you have a sales slip?
- Yes, I do.

Oh, yes. The half-carat
Midnight Jubilee.

Just a moment, please.

Uh, no smoking here.

I believe there's a
balance remaining of $400.

Yeah. I got it right here.

You want to step back,
please? Come on, move back.

I'm... I'm... I'm all right.

You sure? Yeah, I'm
positive. I'm... I'm fine.

I'm fine.

I just need some fresh air.

I'm fine. Thank you.
You sure you're all right.

I'm fine. Okay.

I'm sorry. Thank you.


Hey, you... hold it!

Move! Oh!

Police! Freeze!

Where's the ring, dirtbag?

I want that ring!

Sit down, armpit, or I'll
eat your lungs for lunch.

Who's the suspect, Mick?

Hi Sarge.

I caught him taking a
five-finger discount...

down at Katzenbach's
jewelry store.

No kidding. Right when you were
down there picking up the ring?

Yeah. Him and another guy.

Well, where's the other one?

Well, he kinda got away.

I gotta talk to you about
something, Sarge. What'd they get?

A bunch of bracelets,
earrings, watches, rings.

Lotta rings. Rings?

Yeah, well, I mean,
sure. Rings. Kinda.

That's what I gotta
talk to you about, Sarge.

Where's my ring? I
think the other guy got it.

Excuse me, Mick.

Young man, I intend to
interrogate you personally forthwith.

I don't say nothin'
without my attorney, man.

Maybe I oughta stick with you on
this, Sarge. I got Constitutional rights.

Oh, Miss Davenport. A
moment of your time, please.

Mr. Crane, concerning
the ring in question.

I believe you might
find it advisable...

from a negotiating
point of view, as it were...

You're coming dangerously close to
unconstitutional coercion, Sergeant.

Miss Davenport. It was
his engagement ring.

He was gonna ask Grace
Gardner to marry him tonight.

Mr. Crane, please comprehend
that I don't give a damn...

whether you ultimately
receive a jail term or not.

- I've got a phone call to make.
- Hey, wait a minute. You ain't leaving!

Unless you feel like giving over
the name of your running mate,

you insidious little termite,

I may be forced
to do something...

that I haven't done
in many years.

Herman Fowler. 337 Maplecrest.

- What's that name again?
- Herman Fowler. 337 Maplecrest.

Fourth floor. Room 49.
Right next to the trash chute.

Mick. I believe Coffey and
Bates are available for an arrest.

Because I just don't feel
right about it, that's why.

Tonight? No way. Uh-uh.

Look, I'm sorry. I
can't. Yo, Joseph.

We got a felony trash
pickup on Maplecrest.

Sarge says pronto. One second.

Look, I gotta go.

I'll get back to you
later, okay? Right.

Sorry I'm late, guys.

But, uh... we have
a bit of a problem.

What kind of problem, Wally?
Did you find Castaneda's body?

No. Castaneda's body is N.R...

- nonretrievable.
- What do you mean,

Look, I'm really very sorry
about this, guys, but, uh...

Frank, you know that wrong stiff
we had on the slab this morning?

Well, it seems that he was a...

John Doe we scraped up
off the streets in skid row...

the same day Castaneda died.

Then the way I figure it,

we got the toe tags mixed
up on the two guys by mistake.

Frank, I'm embarrassed
about this, but it happens.

Course, the, uh...

upshot of it is that, uh...

Well, look, Frank, we would
never cremate a homicide, but, uh...

we do cremate bums.

So... Castaneda was cremated?

I'm afraid you're
out one victim.

Oh, man! I don't believe this!

We put in over a hundred
hours building the case,

- you lame, incompetent...
- J.D. Neal.

Don't you have some
business to attend to outside?

Right. Yeah. Sure.

Just for the record, Wally,

I'd have to agree with LaRue's
evaluation of your abilities.

Now you just stow it, Frank!

I'm not one of your departmental
stooges around here!

Wally, Wally, Frank, please.

Let's try to figure a way
to deal with this mess.

No cause of death.
No m*rder case.

That's how I've always
understood the law.

Well, technically, yes.

I see no reason to
continue this meeting.

Unless it's to discuss the
immediate release of our suspect.

Look, Frank.

I'm as sorry about this
as anybody in this room.

But, Frank,

I've gone over the
crime lab photos,

and believe me, there is nothing
mysterious about how Castaneda died.

Hell, I could describe the
cause of death in my sleep!

Come on, Wally. That's
not nearly good enough.

I submit a report. I talk a couple
minutes on tracheal blockage.

And then the defense attorney...

starts a line-by-line
cross-examination of the autopsy report.

Wait a minute, Frank.
Let's not be hasty.

You would be amazed how
informal these prelims can get...

with regard to cause of death.

We get past the hearing, maybe
we can get a plea out of Edwards.

And what if he
blows it up there?

Look, Frank, it's
a bad situation,

but Wally is making some sense.

Let me talk this
out with the D.A.

I'll get back to both of you.

No, it's good to meet you,
Lee. It's a real pleasure.

No, no. It's my pleasure.

Look, you guys want anything
to eat here, chips or hot stuff?

Yeah, thanks. No.

Wanna try the wine?
Oh, that great wine?

Hey, I'm on the
wagon. Only dope.

So, you are Teddy
and Steve's amigo.

Oh, yeah. For a long time.

They're good people. Even if they
are too busy for their Uncle Sid here.

Yeah. Hey, come on, you bums.

I haven't heard squat one
from you in two weeks. Hey!

Hey, we went skiing, baby.
Yeah, down in Dade County.

Hey, I tell you what.
The powder was deep.

Listen, I gotta tell you, Lee.

Did you tell him
the story... What?

Let me tell the story. I
felt terrible with these two.

I'm movin' these
two a little soda...

Just a couple pounds...

And another guy
who I'm also movin'...

turns out to be the heat. No.

So... boom! No.

Somebody kills
him. Tch, tch, tch.

Now, evidently, these two
guys got a little scared...

Which I don't blame them...

Because the next
day they call me,

and they're in Atlantic City.

That's the only place
he could pass for Italian.

Hey, watch it, man. And
this guy. This guy's too much.

He's always making
jokes. Man, I love him.

And you. You. Come
here. come on. Try it.

You want one on there? Try it.

I wouldn't do it.

Last time I saw you, you had a
collar like the Budweiser horse.

I got it from the horse.

It was a little insurance gift.
Did you make out on that?

Pocket change. You know.

So we all right here or
what? Yeah. Absolutely.

Listen. When are we
gonna do a little business?

We a little short
right now, babe.

We've just been moving
some copper wire.

Soon as we get off it,
we're back in action, okay?

Okay. But don't forget
your uncle. Hey, never.

I also wanna tighten you
up for this introduction here.

Forget it.

No. I'm gonna do it.
Hey, not necessary.

Take care, huh?

- Easy.
- All right.



So, I, uh, I told the fellas I
was lookin' for a little stuff.

I'm exclusively soda, Lee.
Can I call you Lee? Absolutely.

Okay. I'm soda. Exclusively.

Well, good. 'Cause
that's my action too.

Now, um, how much
weight were you lookin' for?

I'm lookin' to do...

Kilos? Pounds.

Uh, there's no problem with
if-come, am I right, Lee? Because...

Cash on delivery.

'Cause we're taking
about 100% Peruvian soda.

Nobody has stepped on this.

I'm... I'm gettin'
$30,000 per unit. Mmm!

When can we do this?

Well, I gotta tell ya.

This is such a coincidence,
because I happen to be in a position.

How's tomorrow look for you?

Tomorrow couldn't
be better for me.

You're a citizen, Lee.

You're just who Steve
and Teddy'd bring along.

Thank you very much.

Sure you won't try the wine?

Yeah. I'll have a little. Good.

'Cause I think
you're gonna like it.

I think they get
it in California.

He got my purse! He grabbed it!

He got my purse!

Who took your purse? That
creep! He ran in the sewer!

Okay, okay. Calm down.
Can you give us a description?

Description? Yeah.

Sugar, he looked like
something that somebody

left in their refrigerator
for six months!

- What's the trouble here?
- It's the Phantom.

Well, are you gonna go down
there and get my purse back or what?

Throw down the light.

They're inside,
babe. Hey, listen.

Don't spring it too soon, okay?

Hey, what, and spoil my fun?

I own these four bozos
for the rest of the afternoon.

Listen, guys. If he's
lived down here for years,

he must know every
inch of this place.

- Nice thought.
- Maybe we ought to wait for backup.

And say what when they show up,

we were too scared of the dark
to go in by ourselves? Come on.

What are you doing?

I don't know. I think I
tripped on something.

It's mine. Will
you look at that?

Oh. That creep
must have chewed it.

What was that?

Down there.

Man, no, no!

Hello, Teresa?
Yeah, this is Andy.

Listen, I'm sorry
about this morning.

Listen, I gotta see you
tonight. It's real important.

There's a lotta things I
gotta talk to you about.

Oh, is that so?

You sure don't waste
any time, do you, girl?

All of a sudden, Art Delgado
comes outta the sewer rafter.

No, no, no. Wait, wait. He's got
a bullhorn full of compressed air,

two dead rats
hanging from his...

Two dead rats
hanging from his ears.

Okay? I'm terrified!

But I got the joke.

I laughed.

I didn't pull my service revolver
and try to blow his head off.

You know? What?

Oh. Hi, sharpshot.

Pretty rough day today, huh?

You jiving me? Almost
k*lled your partner.

Wanna talk it out?

I went crazy. I choked.

I don't even remember
pulling my g*n.

And now you figure you don't
have what it takes to be a cop.

Maybe it's lucky I found out
now. Saves me a lotta time.


I oughta quit. I'm a
coward. Good idea.

Hey. What?

Maybe you oughta lighten
up on the guy, Mr. Kelp Suit.

Oh, yeah. That's right.
I'll bet you're just dyin'...

to go ride with him
again tomorrow.

That's none of your business.

Ya got hair, kid.

You're all right.

Well, it must have been something
that got you through the academy.

Must have been something
that made you want to be a cop.

Would you believe dreams of a
desk job? Mm-hmm. No, I don't.

It's happened...
Even to a veteran cop.

Things get confused.

He fires his g*n at
an innocent person...

I don't want to talk
about it anymore.

Two months ago...

I shot and k*lled
an innocent man.

You did?

Two guys coming out
of a liquor store holdup.

One pointed a shotgun at me.

I fired.

He owned the store.

Oh, man.

Lotta sleepless nights between
then and now. Lotta questions.

All of us on the job, we all
live with your kind of doubts.

Five days out of every seven.

Questions that there
just aren't any answers to.

Look, Nate, I'm not saying
that you're meant to be a cop,

but if you decide that's
what you wanna do,

then you better learn
to live with 'em too, man.

Something... Something to
think about anyway, okay?




I can't do it. Do what?

Stay with Jose tonight. I'm
afraid of him. Of what he did.

Every time I close my eyes,

I see those charred Peruvians.

It's horrible. I can't.

So don't. Just whatever you do,

make sure he thinks it's an
ordinary night, will you, please?

Go on. Scram. Beat it.

I have no place to go.

I was wondering if maybe, uh,

I could stay with
you. Are you nuts?

You and me, in
together? Absolutely not.

Wait a minute.

Go get yourself a room.

Come here.

Sleep on the sofa.

Oh, Mick. You're wonderful.

I'll make you a
breakfast fit for a king.

You make me breakfast, I'll ram it
down your throat. Do you understand that?

You're such a treasure.


Oh, Grace!

My God. Aren't you early?

Well, you said 6:00 sharp.

You were quite adamant
on that point, as I recall.


You sounded so mysterious. Do you have
something special in mind for this evening?

Oh, no, no, no. Not really.

Oh, well. Yes.

There was gonna
be something special,

but, uh... if you have
another plan in mind...

Anything, darling.

Just as long as it's with you.

Oh, my God.

I don't deserve you, Grace.

- Sarge. Here's your ring.
- Oh. Thanks, Joseph.



Grace, um...

I've never been at a
loss for words until now.


For me?

Well, perhaps it's not the
most elegant surroundings,

but, uh...

Will you... marry me, Grace?

Oh, Phil.

I don't know what to say.

Well, say yes.

Excuse me, Francis. Can I
have a moment of your time?

Sure, Phil.

She said no to me, Francis.

Grace? I'm sorry.

She said, uh... I don't
even know what she said.

She said that we didn't
need to get married.

What the hell does that mean?

Maybe she's a free spirit.

I wanted children, Francis.
I'm not getting any younger.

You gonna go on seeing her?

I don't know.

I oughta make a clean break.

Well, if you don't need
me anymore... hmm?

Sure. Take off.

You know, it seems the
Phantom struck, uh, today...

under Dekker Avenue.


Seems young Crawford
overreacted somewhat...

and discharged his
w*apon at point-blank range.

Oh, he missed.

That gag should have been
retired a long time ago, Phil.

Tomorrow let's put Crawford
with Bobby Hill, okay?

Yeah. That's a good idea.


If you don't need
me anymore, hmm?

Phil, how... how 'bout
if I buy you a beer?

That'd be nice, Francis.


You really are a very
nice man, Joe Coffey.

Yeah. I'm a regular prince.

When can I see you again?

I'll call ya, okay?

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