03x05 - Officer of the Year

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hill Street Blues". Aired: January 15, 1981 - May 12, 1987.*
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The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city.
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03x05 - Officer of the Year

Post by bunniefuu »

Item 10, folks!

If only my professional
police officers...

were as attentive and as
well-mannered as my cadets.

Item 10, which may be of particular
interest to those among you...

who have some knowledge,
passing or otherwise,

of a string of massage
parlors and adult bookstores...

on the south end of Hay Street.

Said establishments
have experienced a rash...

An unusual number of
holdups in the last two weeks.

So, should any of you be
regular patrons of the, uh,

Scandinavian Holistic
Massage Institute,

don't be surprised to find Det. Belker
behind the counter on your next visit.

LaRue and Washington will be
across the street on this one...

and additional units may
be required on short notice.

Item 11.

Officer Renko,
if you don't mind.

A memo from Lieutenant
Rosemary Zurilli,

who will be conducting
interdepartmental aerobics...

starting tomorrow
morning before roll call.

In addition to exercises
and general fitness,

Lieutenant Zurilli will be giving advice
along the lines of diet and nutrition.

I advise you to consider
the relative benefits,

appearance-wise, mobility-wise
and cardiovascular-wise.

It couldn't hurt.

Last item.

There will be a very
special brunch this morning...

for our own Ray Calletano,

who has been named
Hispanic Officer of the Year.

So, before we're
all catapulted...

into another grueling
confrontation with the urban wilds,

let's take a moment to
congratulate Lieutenant Calletano...

for this highly prestigious
and much deserved award.

All right, that's
it. Let's roll.

And, hey, let's be
careful out there.

Come on. Let's go. I can't.
I can't find my memo book.

I left it right here
before I went to roll call.

Some jerk probably
thinks he's being cute.

Luce, would you just
relax? I'm relaxed.

You'd think you were getting ready to go
to Jupiter or something. It's no big deal!

I know it's no big deal.

Miss Davenport? About this afternoon,
is there anything we should bring with us?

Just the arrest report and your memo
book. Property will supply the rest.

This is the first time
I'm on the stand.

I've done a lot of preliminaries before.
It's just that I've never gone to trial.

Don't worry. It's really
not very different.

Chief Daniels, my
esteemed colleagues,

it is with great...

I would like to offer my sincere
congratulations on this Hispanic thing.

Good job.

Thank you, Howard.

Anything wrong, amigo?

To tell you the truth, I'm not looking
forward to making this speech today.

Oh, well,

when you analyze the situation, Ray,
there is no reason for you to be nervous.

After all, you're the
hombre of the hour.

You get up there, you
express your appreciation,

you elaborate on how much the department
has meant to you, then you sit down.

Now, how tough could that be?
When you put it like that it's easy, but...

Besides, given your somewhat
limited command of inglés,

no one expects you
to be Noel Coward.

Dispatch. We have a 9-11.

Armed robbery in progress.

See surplus store, corner
People's Drive, 124th Street.

You live with somebody, you
work with somebody every day,

and then all of the sudden,
out of the clear blue nowhere,

they start in to criticizing
your physical constitution.

All I said was, maybe it wouldn't
hurt you to get more exercise.

For your information, I am
in top physical condition.

I don't need to put on no leotard
and show up at the crack of dawn...

to prove it to anybody,
thank you very much.

Fine. Let's drop it.

On whose life, Bobby
Hill, do I have to swear...

that I get up and do 100 push-ups
the minute my feet hit the floor...

every single morning?

Look at this.

This is 2-2-0-2.
as*ault in progress.

Moving vehicle. Foot pursuit.

People's Parkway and Central.

I got it!

Why me, Lord? Why?


Keep movin', and I'll break it.

I know what you're
thinking, Bobby Hill,

but I tripped on the stairway,
and then the cars were comin'...


I'm gonna get him to
the car. Order a backup.

I can show you the exact
spot on which that occurred.

Renko, I believe you.
Go pick up the lady.

Give you a chance to show
off your physical constitution.

And don't forget to pick up
the blade. Go pick up the lady.

You all right, ma'am?

I'm terrific, Officer.
How are you?

It's a good thing me and my
partner showed up when we did.

I guess I should fly into a
"my hero" routine. Right?

No, ma'am. That won't be necessary.
Just a simple "thank you" would do.

I'm sorry.

I'm afraid being assaulted this early
in the morning kinda makes me cranky.

Thank you.

You know, ma'am, if you
don't mind my saying so,

this isn't exactly the
finest neighborhood...

for a woman of your obvious socioeconomic
stature to be strolling around in.

Well, I much would have
preferred my car to break down...

in front of the Hotel
Marquis, Officer,

but I really didn't have
a lot to say about it.

Hey, Renko!

Whenever you're ready.

Ma'am, I know this isn't what
you had planned for today,

but me and my partner are gonna have
to have you come down to the station...

and make a statement on this.

We'd be glad to have a
tow truck come take your car.

What the hell.

Morning's kinda
shot anyway, huh?


Number four, your time is up.

You want another
half hour, it's 17.50.


Do I look like a
Jeannie to you, hairbag?

Just tell her that Max is here.

Ooh! I'm sure she's
holding her breath.

Unfortunately, she's booked
solid for the next two hours.

I could give you
Vanessa or Bernice.

I'll wait for Jeannie.

Suit yourself.

I'm telling you, man, it's
a miscarriage of justice...

putting that little bozo
in a massage parlor.

Life can be cruel, baby.

Hey, Belker wouldn't know a good
massage if it came up and bit him.

Matter of fact, that is Belker's
idea of a good massage.

I gave you 17.50, you give
me this? Hang it up, Tarzan!

You brought 'em in with you.

Keep it down in
there, number four.

You infested me, you pig!
Hey, would you be quiet!

You got a beef,
bring it in here.

You're damn right I got
a beef! Just look at this!

Will you shut up! What?

This! What does
that look like to you?

A speck. It's moving!

It's a moving speck.

It's a crab, you moron!

This whole place is
infested, and now so am I!

How am I supposed to
explain this to my wife?

Tell her you went to the
beach on your lunch hour.

I'm calling the state board of health!
I'm gonna have this place shut down!

You're gonna be hearing from me!

It does appear to be moving.

Not anymore.

Come on, pal, move
it. I said move it.

Not bad, bro. You want
me to frisk her for ya?

What I would like you to do is
shut your face before I relocate it...

in the vicinity of your butt.

Nice place you've got here.
Well, it's a little quiet here today.

Leo! I got a personal as*ault
case and an impounded vehicle.

I need some forms... Excuse me.

Do you have any idea how long
this is gonna take? Half hour. All day.

I also need to see a policewoman to
deal with this woman's cuts and bruises.

Excuse me. I have an appointment
with my lawyer for lunch.

So if I could just use the phone,
perhaps I could cancel that.

Thank you.

Is he here? Please
tell me he's here.

- Who? - Frank Jr. He's missing.

- What do you mean, missing?
- We had a fight at breakfast.

He wanted to go camping with the
Benjamins, and I told him he couldn't.

He stormed out of the house in
the kind of Mediterranean rage...

he could have
only inherited from...

He forgot his lunch box.
When I went by the school

Frank, I called everyone, I walked
every inch of the neighborhood.

Fay, kids have been playing hooky
from school since the dawn of time.

In a couple of hours he'll get
hungry and hightail it home for lunch.

But what if something
happens to him?

What could happen to him?

Well, I don't know!

I mean, this isn't some little
street-smart urchin that...

This happens to be a very
sensitive little eight-year-old child...

who happens to be far too
trusting for his own good.

Lieutenant Ganeles, please.

Captain Furillo.

- What was he wearing?
- Um...

He had on blue jeans
and a white T-shirt,

one of those gray sweatshirt jackets,
the kind with the zipper in the front,

tennis shoes and a
ca... A baseball hat.

Hi, Ted. Frank
Furillo. Just fine.

- Yeah. And you?
- Good.

Listen, Ted, I have
a small problem here.

My son, Frank Jr., he's eight...

Uh, he took a powder
from the house this morning.

- His mom is a little concerned.
- A little?

Give me a description.
I'll see if I can find him.

Great. Yeah. Uh-huh.

Four feet one or two,
brown hair, brown eyes,

blue jeans, white T-shirt,


one of those sweatshirt
jackets... gray, zip up the front.

And a baseball cap.

Dark blue.

Oh, I expect him to come waltzing in in
a couple of hours under his own steam.

Hey, you want me to...

If you could put the
word out, that'd be great.

Maybe a phone number. Sure.


3-1. 3-1.

Fay? Frank Jr.?

Yeah, he ran away
from home this morning.

Believe me, it is
nothing to worry about.

I've done it myself a
few times. Recently.

Yeah. I appreciate it, Ted.

Say hello to your wife for me.

I'll be here.


He's putting out the
word to all his uniforms.

In the meantime, I want
you to go home and just wait.

If anything happens to him...

Nothing's happened to him,
and nothing's going to happen.

Go home, and I'll
call you a little later.

Okay. Don't worry, Fay.

Running away from home
is as American as apple pie.

I hope you're right.

Just to be on the safe side, why don't
I have Dispatch put out his description.

Good idea.

Harry. Good to see you again.

Drink up, gentlemen.
Enjoy yourselves. Thank you.

Chief. How are you?

What is this? Huevos rancheros.

Don't you have anything else?

Sorry. That's the menu.

I could get you some
more refried beans.

Hi. How are you? Oh, hi.

Well, here's to you,
Ray. Congratulations.


I never drink more
than one margarita.

Oh, come on, Ray. You're not
gonna be a killjoy at your own fiesta.

I guess one more wouldn't hurt.

If I could have your
attention, please.

Several years ago...

I was instrumental in
establishing a program...

to promote Hispanic officers...

to positions of prominence and
visibility within the department.

This occasion...

marks the great strides that
we've made in that area...

since the inception
of the program,

and I think that we can all
take great pride in our progress.

At this time...

Frank Furillo has a few words to
say about our officer of the year.

Uh, Chief.

If you don't mind, sentiment-wise,
I can speak for all of us on the Hill.

I don't mind at all, Howard.


Thank you, Chief.

If I might digress for a moment,

I remember back to
a day in Dartmouth.

I was arguing the
con side of a debate...

concerning statehood
for Puerto Rico.

The lines were drawn,
the battle was clean,

and I, uh... I won the thing.

But having had the good
fortune to work with Ray Calletano,

I can say now with
a clear conscience...

that I am damn glad
we took that island over.

Ray Calletano is a
credit to his people.

He is one of the finest Puerto
Rican-Americans in the department.

And without further fanfare,

I give you Ray Calletano,

a man that I am proud...

to call amigo.

Chief Daniels,

my esteemed colleagues,

it is with great pride that I accept
and thank you for this award.

At a time like this I feel...

that there is only one
thing that I can say.

Why huevos rancheros?
And why margaritas?

Why do you assume that all
Hispanic people like that kind of food?

I don't like that kind of food.

I'm not Mexican. I'm
not even Puerto Rican.

You go to all this trouble to
give this banquet in my honor,

and no one even bothers to
find out that I'm Colombian,

not Mexican or Puerto Rican.

And furthermore, phrases
like "credit to his people"...

and "fine Puerto

tend to stick in the
throat of a man...

who has been a citizen
of this country for 22 years.

And why is it that when you're
down here today to honor me...

as Hispanic Officer of the Year,

I look around a room
full of ranking officers...

and the only other
Hispanics I see...

are waiters and busboys.

As far as I'm concerned,
you can keep your award.

Oh, no! I'm telling you!

He was screaming in
Spanish, throwing guacamole!

I heard it was all because
he hates margaritas.

Piña coladas.
Margaritas, Coffey.

Piña coladas is
a Caribbean drink.

Where do you think he
comes from, Leo? Cuba.

Cuba is the Caribbean. Forget
about it. He's Costa Rican.

What's everyone looking at?

Look, Lieutenant, I know this
is none of my business, but...

maybe you'd like to talk about it over
a nice, hot cup of margarita... coffee.

Teresa, you're a businesswoman.

Can you afford to close
your shop long enough...

to make eight or nine
court appearances?

You gotta consider
the bottom line.

You'd be better off legally
if the guy had r*ped you.

As it is, the cops saved the day just in
time to get the charge knocked down...

to aggravated as*ault.

That won't put anybody
away for six months.

Officer Renko?

What do you think I should do?

Well, I don't do a whole
lot of thinkin', ma'am.

I'm too busy showing up
at the scene of a crime...

just in time to mess
up the judicial process.

I tell you, you take all
them gray-suited lawyers,

you round 'em all up, put
'em on a boat to Indochina,

you wouldn't have no more problems
with the criminal justice system.

What are you getting so worked
up for? That won't solve anything.

"I don't wanna
close my boutique.

"I don't wanna mess
up my pretty blonde hair.

I don't wanna get involved with
some stinkin' crime out on the street."

Just a minute.

Excuse me. You
wanna know what I think?

Miss Hyler, if you
are truly interested...

in my personal opinion on this
matter, I'd be glad to give it to you.

If you think you are
inconvenienced now,

just think where the
hell you would be...

if me and my partner hadn't
showed up this morning.

We went in after that guy
at considerable personal risk.

I could have been shot, stabbed.

I could have been
plain stomped to death.

I don't mind doing
that. That's my job.

But it just kicks the wind out of me
to think that I went through all that...

and I'm risking my life so some
turkey can go out there next week,

get behind a bush and
jump out on somebody else.

Sorta makes me wonder why I
bother to get up in the morning.

Well, that's all very
inspiring, Officer Renko,

but not particularly pertinent
to my client's situation.

Come on, Teresa.

"That's all very
inspiring, Officer Renko,

but not very pertinent
to my personal situation."

Regular epidemic around here
today, Captain, temper-wise.

You heard about Ray. Yeah.

Where is he? In the locker room.

You'd better check
your desk first, Captain.

Is there any word
about Frank Jr.? No.

I've been doing some reading. I
thought you might wanna talk about it.

There is nothing
to talk about, Frank.

My career is over.

I made a fool of myself
in front of my friends,

in front of Chief Daniels.

Madre mia.

Personally, I think your
reaction was understandable.

I don't think anybody
meant to be malicious,

but there wasn't an abundance
of sensitivity involved.

I don't know what
came over me, Frank.

Something inside
just boiled over.


I was at one of these functions about
seven years ago, when I was still drinking,

sitting next to
Commander Swanson,

and all night long he kept telling these
bad ethnic jokes, one after the other.

I'd had a little
too much to drink.

I'd had a lot too much to
drink... I wasn't drunk, Frank.

I'll admit, those two
margaritas loosened my tongue,

but I wasn't drunk.

And I meant every word I said.

I know you did, Ray.

Well, by the time
Swanson got to...

about his fifth
paisan routine...

I finally took exception,
I was so annoyed.


Rumor has it I poured a double scotch
on the rocks down the front of his shirt.

No. Really?

Then I stormed out of there,

came back here,
wrote one of these and...

Fortunately, no
one would accept it.

You're damn good at your job, but
you're no less human than the rest of us,

and nobody expects you to be.

If it'll make you feel any better, I
think you made some valid points.

Thanks, Frank.

"Yo Ramón Calletano
ofrezco mi resignación?"

Ray, aren't you carrying this
Latino thing a little bit too far?

Judas H., man, if you're
gonna throw in the towel,

sit on a sword, not
a goldarned tamale.

I got four guys in the alley, you got
five. What's that, Einstein, 4.5 guys?

Luce, I promise, you're
making too much out of this.

I wouldn't be surprised if
we didn't even get up there.

Cases like this, most of the time
they make a deal at the last minute.

So I might be going
through all this for nothing?

That's what I've
been trying to tell you.

So why do I worry until
I have to worry? Exactly.

Would you please recount
exactly what took place...

after you witnessed my
client's alleged drug purchase?

Joe... Officer Coffey and I...

had just pulled up...

and the guy took
off down the alley.

- The guy being?
- Your client.

- Clarence Jenkins.
- Please continue.

Well, the other
guys... The buyers...

Took off in all
different directions.

We went after
Jenkins down the alley.

And he dropped this envelope in
a trash can and then kept going.

So we finally caught him and got
the envelope out of the trash can.

Officer Bates, how many people were in the
alley when you and Officer Coffey arrived?

I think there were four
or five. Four or five.

Then you don't recall
the exact number?

Well, it was three months ago.

Officer Bates, I'm aware that
the details of the situation...

may have slipped your mind
in the time that has lapsed.

In fact, given the ephemeral
state of your memory,

how can you be certain my client is
the person who dropped the envelope...

into the trash can?

Because I saw him do it.

Then your memory is
only selectively flimsy.

I'm just telling you
what I remember I saw.

Prior to the
convening of this trial,

- did you rehearse this testimony
with Officer Coffey?
- No.

What if I were to tell you that, just
10 minutes ago on this witness stand,

while you were
being sequestered,

Officer Coffey testified...

that you did in fact discuss
this case extensively...

on your way to the
courtroom today?

Would that change your answer?

We talked about it...

Then you now admit that you did
discuss the case with Officer Coffey.

We did discuss it, but...

Officer Bates,

if two suspects were...

confined together, alone,
in an interrogation room...

so that they had ample
chance to compare their stories...

and agree on what they
would say before questioning,

would you be likely to
believe anything they told you?

I guess not. I mean...

So, Officer Bates,

given the fact that this is exactly
what you and Officer Coffey did...

immediately prior to this trial,

and given your sporadic lapses of
memory concerning the details in this case,

and especially given the fact...

that, when questioned
a few minutes ago,

you did not divulge
the entire truth...

as to the nature of your
conversation with Officer Coffey...

Given all of this,
Officer Bates,

how can you expect this court...

to have any faith in anything
you've told them today?

I have no further
questions, Your Honor.

Six, your time is up.

Can I help you? Yeah.
I'd like to see Jeannie.

She's booked. I can give
you Vanessa in 10 minutes.


uh, when's Jeannie
gonna be free?

Not in your lifetime.

Well, she must be kinda
popular around here, huh?

Yep. I don't know what it is with her.
She must really be something special.

Yeah, she's something
special, all right. She's my wife!

Hey! You can't go back there!

There you are, you tramp. Get your
clothes on! I'm taking you out of here!

Who said you could come in here?
You mess with my wife, fat boy?

Is that what you're doing?

This guy says he's your
husband. He's not my anything.

I kicked the creep out three months
ago and he won't leave me alone.

I told you if you came back around
here I was gonna call the cops.

I'm not leaving
without you, Jeannie.


I don't know what your problem
is, but this area is off-limits...

unless you pay your 17.50.

You heard him! Get
out of my life, you creep!

Did you ask for her special, fat
man? Did you get everything you want?

I am a legitimate, licensed
masseuse, you slime!

Sure you are! I bet you got a
wife back home somewhere too!

She know you're getting your
oil changed every afternoon?

Get outta my way!

Mister. Mister, are you all...

Heart attack. We got
a heart attack in here.

Dispatch, Angel One.

Give us an ambulance at 2524
North Park. That's 2524 North Park.

Come on. Come on!

Roger, Angel One.

He's breathing.

You stinkin' creep. You
almost k*lled my best customer.


What you said this morning, all the
brothers have been talking about it.

We're proud of you, man.

You said something
that we all wanted to.

Muy bravo, bro. Gracias.

Ray, I don't think you have
anything to worry about...

concerning your little
fusillade this morning.


Why, you're a
20-year man, hombre.

With your pension and a
little security work on the side,

you'll be in serious
centavos until you're 85.

I have had serious reservations
about remaining a cop today.

What else is new?

I risk my life
catching criminals...

only to have some college-educated
attorney throw the case out of court.

It don't make sense
to me. Officer Renko?

What, did you forget something?


I forgot my responsibilities.

I'll... I'll catch
up with you later.

Responsibility to what?

To you, to other women,

to myself.

Uh, I would like to press charges
against that man, if it isn't too late.

No, it's not too late.

Of course, there's a
whole lot of forms to fill out.

I don't mind. Then I
don't mind helping you.

- Thank you.
- Tell me why you did it!

- In here?
- Just forget it, Luce.

Whose business is it anyway
if we talked about the case?

Just forget it. This is bogus!

Sit down and shut up! You can't
bring me here against my will!

I want justice! I ain't sittin' down
and shuttin' up till I get some!

Why did you have to
tell her? What for, huh?

What for? She asked me.

Where do you get off dumping this on
me? If this guy walks, it's because of you.

What's the trouble here?

Luce is all bent out of shape because
she blew her first court appearance.

Now she's blaming old motormouth
here. You the man in charge?

I'm suing the police. This
guy refused to sign a citation.

I got somethin'
you can "citate"!

When I tried to bring
him in, he resisted arrest.

And a lot of help you were.
What was the violation?

I didn't violate nothin'!

Go ahead, tell him,
Luce. He's your collar.

Driving with a
mutilated license.

- A mutilated license?
- That's a lie!

That's a damn lie! Show him!

You see? That license don't
mutilate for two more years!

Don't start in with that
absent father routine.

I do the best I can
under the circumstances.


You're right. We're not helping
each other talking like this. I'm sorry.

We'll find him.

Everything will be all right.

Yes, I'm sure.

I do too. Yeah. Call me
if you hear anything. Bye.

Left this at the coffee machine.

We handle a hundred
lost children a year, Frank.

Ninety-eight of them turn
out with happy endings.

He knows how to use a
phone. Why hasn't he called?

Is he tall enough to reach
a slot on a pay phone?

There is no more irrational
creature on this planet...

than a frightened parent, Frank.

Can't think straight. Can't do
anything but worry yourself sick.

I'm speaking from experience.

I never knew what gut fear
was till Josh was in the hospital.

You were there with me, Frank.

Henry, I've been
a cop for 18 years.

Eighteen years of murders and
r*pes and senseless brutality.

After a while, we learn
how to distance ourselves...

You know, build walls...

so it can't touch us and
so we can sleep at night.

But this...

He's all right, Frank.

I know he is.


Am I beat.

Any chance I got a
slow day tomorrow?

You don't have a
slow day till June.

Sometimes I wish I wasn't so
good at what I do, you know.

Listen, I gotta tell you
how terrific you were today.

I mean, you saved
that guy's life.

You were sensational.

Well, thank you very much.

You know, I got this
friend... Rosanne.

She'd go nuts for you.

Now she's got a tootsie for
him. You believe this dame?

What line of work is she in?

She's a dentist, Belker.

She's got a good job. Yeah?

She's an exotic dancer
over at the Crazy Horse.

They really make the
dough, let me tell ya.

This is priceless.

- Let me give you her number.
- Quick, Neal, give me a pen.

She's home Sundays and mornings.

Or you can leave
word with her landlord.

Well, gotta run.

- See you tomorrow?
- Yeah, sure.

Really. Call her, okay?

You two would be
perfect for each other.

Neal, it's criminal.

Locked in with merchandise like that,
and an exotic dancer in the bullpen,

and he's gonna go
home and eat a TV dinner.


Freeze! Police officers!

Police! Freeze!

Move back! Move back!

You k*lled the wrong guy!

You stupid cop! That's
not a crook! That's Enrico!

He owns the place! No, no, no!

I can't bel... You
k*lled the wrong guy!

You had to buy the
g*n, huh? You big stupid!

You want to be a big hero!

You couldn't wait for
the police to come, huh?

You had to show everybody
how brave you are!

Look at how brave you are!

There's no way you could have known.
If you hadn't fired first, I would have.

Detective, I'm Connally from
Officer-Involved sh**t.

This is Lieutenant Stevens.
We'd like to talk to you now.

Look how brave you are!

Where are you taking
him? No, no, no, no, no!

Please leave him here with me!

Leave him here!
I'll take care of him!

Enrico! Enrico!

It's okay. It's okay.

O dios mío!

Let's take it inside, huh?

Not gonna get
anything done out here.

Yeah, okay.

My writing hand
feels paralyzed for life.

I haven't done so much
paperwork since my divorce.

Don't say I didn't
warn you. I know.

So, what happens now?

We go to the courts, file a
bunch of papers. Then what?

If you're lucky, he'll cop
at arraignment tomorrow...

in front of Judge Maurice "Mo, Let
'Em Go" Schiller and be done with it.

But if not, there's the
preliminary, which isn't so bad.

You just answer a bunch of questions
like, "What were you doing there?

"Have you ever
seen this guy before?

Do you always wear
that kind of perfume?"

What? What has the
perfume got to do with it?

You know how these
defense lawyers are.

They always try to make it
look like you enticed the...

Oh, yeah.

Well, what do you think?

Is it too enticing?

I can't answer that on the
grounds of self-incrimination.

Anyway, there's the
trial and the preliminary...

Are you hungry?

- Pardon?
- I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything.

Well, I... It's a rather
familiar question, you know.

No, I...

Well, ma'am, what I'm
trying to say, Miss Hyler,

is that you and I ought
to be able to go get

something to eat...
dinner or something...

Since we're gonna be
spending so much time together,

legal-wise, that is.

Well, um,


to answer your
question, Officer,

I'm famished.


Second man came running
out. He stopped about here.

We yelled for him to freeze. He turned
around, pointed the shotgun right at Neal.

How much time
would you say lapsed...

between the first gunman
and the store owner?

Couldn't have been more
than two, three seconds.

Detective Washington, do you
concur with the facts that's been given?


That's exactly how it happened.

Captain Furillo, we've
gotten the same account...

from five civilian eyewitnesses.

Though I'd be a fool to
guarantee clear sailing,

at this time I don't
anticipate any problems.

Fine. Thanks, Lieutenant.

Anything else I can do, Captain?

I don't think so. Go
home and get some rest.

Hey, Neal. Feel like dinner?

No, man.

Call you later?


You be at your crib?
It's okay, babe. It's okay.

You really okay?

Yeah, I guess.

I just want you to be prepared.

You're gonna get a lot of heat from
the media in the next couple of days.

What can I tell 'em,
except the truth?

Press Relations will help you with
any statements. I'll set that up tomorrow.

Look, it's probably not a
lot of help... I know, I know.

I did everything just
like I was supposed to.

If I had to do it all over
again, I'd do the same thing.

So what does it get me?

I'm a good cop, Captain.

And an innocent man is dead.

And you know
what's the worst part?

I don't feel a thing.

You will.

Might be 3:00 in the morning, it might
be a month from now, but it'll hit you.

You'd just better
be ready for it.

What about tonight? You
have someone to go home to?

I just feel like spending
some time alone, Captain.

I'll work it out by myself.

You have my number.
Don't hesitate to use it.

Henry? Still nothing, Frank.

All the precinct night
shifts are being briefed,

all the hospitals, the bus
company, the cab companies...

and the driver alert program.

Joyce is up here, I
guess on her case.

- Thanks.
- Frank? Frank.

Frank, I'm sorry. I
couldn't stay at home.

Frank, I'm going crazy.

I mean, I feel so helpless
just sitting and sitting.

Where is he?

Please, God, don't let
anything happen to him.

Is anybody home, in case he
calls? Yes. My mother's there.

Frank, if anything
should happen...

I mean, I just... I just think
we should be together now.

- You wanna stay here a while?
- If I won't be in the way.

No, I want you to. Henry.

How about a cup of coffee with
a veteran in these things, huh?

I'd... I'd like that, Henry.

You took a cheap
shot at me this morning.

If you have a specific problem,
Officer Bates, perhaps we can discuss it.

You're damn right I
have a specific problem.

You manipulated me, made me look like
I was lying. I wasn't, and you knew it.

Don't blame me because
you didn't do your job, Officer.

Oh, great. That's perfect.

That's your job? To make
the truth look like lies?

You care about winning, and you don't
care who you drag through the mud to do it.

Officer Bates, I want you in
my office right now. Captain...


I talked to Assistant District Attorney
Rogers this afternoon for 20 minutes.

In his expert opinion,
your testimony was shaky,

and poorly prepared.

I understand it
being your first trial,

but all the more reason why
you should've been extra careful.

She didn't have to
make me look like a jerk.

She didn't make
you look like anything.

Again, according
to A.D.A. Rogers,

her cross-examination was
competent... no more, no less.


Go ahead. I'm listening.

Do you think you're
being completely fair?

If you want to discuss
fairness, Bates,

let's start with your implication
that my objectivity is compromised...

by my personal life.

That is simply unfounded
on any level, and you know it.

The bottom line is that she
did her job and you didn't.

I think you know
that as well as I do.

That's all.

Hi, Bill.

Boy, don't I wish.

Listen, just one thought.

You know that haunted house
that kids play in over at 441 Ramsey?

Could you send a car to
check it out? Sure thing.

Thanks. I appreciate
it. No problem.

Why didn't you tell
me this morning?

I was too busy
trying not to go crazy.

All I've been able to think about are all
those phone calls I've made over the years.

Mr. and Mrs. So-and-so,
I have some bad news.

I used to imagine the horror
of being on the other end.

Frank, I'm sure he's
fine. I'm just sure of it.

Is there anything else I can do?

I just have a few loose
ends to tie up here.

Then I'm gonna take Fay home
and climb a new set of walls.

You get things
straightened out with Lucy?

She was hurt.

And she was a lot closer to
being right than she got credit for.

I could have made my point
without tearing her to shreds.

Well, she'll be stronger
herself the next time.

That's what I'm afraid of.

Frank, there's a situation out
here I think you oughta look into.

Don't go away. I won't.

What's the problem?

We've got a perpetrator cited
for inflicting unnecessary anxiety.

I think he wants to
discuss a plea bargain.
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