03x04 - Rain of Terror

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hill Street Blues". Aired: January 15, 1981 - May 12, 1987.*
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The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city.
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03x04 - Rain of Terror

Post by bunniefuu »

Item 10... Yeah, the weather.

Today's anticipated
high... 103 degrees.

Of course, those of you who edify
yourselves with the a.m. television news...

are aware of the picture...

The most beautiful picture
this crusted desk sergeant...

has had the pleasure of
viewing from a weather satellite.

Cumulus clouds.

Cool, Canadian cumulus clouds.

Fluffy white billows of angel
hair pregnant with moisture...

due to arrive this late p.m.!

Be advised, there is a
cautionary addendum.

Of passing in the
night like felons...

without giving us as
much as a day's shade.

Item 11. And I want you all
to look for the moral in this.

It seems our space
cadet, Mr. Smith of

Jefferson Avenue, has
been found here on Earth.

A, uh, transferal form,

half of which was incorrectly filled
out, half of which was left blank,

caused the suspect to be
placed erroneously on a bus...

for the Hutchison white-collar
lockup in the country.

Mr. Smith's unlawful
incarceration was discovered...

only after he signed up
for the bridge tournament.

Be aware, this story may very
well have had a different ending...

had the suspect
been instead the triple

m*rder*r put away by
this precinct last month.

The homily goes... the job isn't
over until the paperwork's done.

And you all had better
start living with it...

or else you'll find yourself being
replaced by student officers...

within whom I am imbuing the
necessity of bureaucratic detail!

And with that, I conclude the
items on this morning's agenda.

But I would please like you to hold
your seats for a few personal notes.

Sarge, it's hot!

Lieutenant Hunter was admitted to
Mercy Hospital yesterday afternoon.

The exact nature of the malady
is unknown to this podium.

But even as we speak, Lieutenant
Hunter is on the operating table.

The front desk is closely
monitoring the situation...

and will keep the squad room
informed as news develops.

In the meantime,

let's send the lieutenant all our prayers
and best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Yeah. Hear! Hear!

On a more celebratory note,

the birthday wagon
is amongst us today.

- Officer Andrew Renko.
- I didn't say anything.

Officer Renko's sister,

I have acquired certain
historical information...

of that glad occasion
of so many years ago.

Time of birth... 4:04 a.m.,

weight... 10 pounds, one ounce.

characteristics... Enormous feet.

He went home with
mother the following day.

Happy birthday, Andy.

Happy birthday! All right!

All right, that's
it. Let's roll.

And hey, hey, hey!

Let's be careful out there.

If a man hasn't made his mark
by the time he's 35, it's all over.

All right, Renko, I'm taking you to
lunch today at the Café Bardeau.

It was gonna be a
surprise, but, uh, sounds

like you might do
yourself in before noon.

What do you mean by
lunch? Lunch, food, eat.

If this is gonna be a surprise
party, I cannot take it, not on this day.


Happy birthday,
cowboy. Ooh, older men.

Happy birthday, cowboy!

You know, this is rapidly
becoming a situation

of public amusement,
and I am not amused!

I only hope that people treat
me as nice as they treat you...

when I'm your age,
sweetheart. My age!

Hey, Renko, I got you this... a
pictorial history of the Super Bowl.

pictures, 10 in color.

A guy should sit down
right on his birthday.

Well, at least there's
one person in this group...

that understands the
nature of a personal gift.

Thank you, Leo.

Hey, birthday boy, don't forget... the
job ain't over till the paperwork's done!

Dispatch. We have a 9-11.

Armed robbery in progress.

See surplus store, corner
People's Drive, 124th Street.

Did you load the
camera, babe? Mm-hmm.

All units vicinity 900 block,
there's a store alarm. Possible 459.

Hey, we're on the air. This is
unit 2214. We'll take the call.

Coley and Lyle? Yeah.

Doesn't it bother
you, Neal? What?

Spying on cops. You don't
foul your own nest, babe.

Hey, man, I've been on the other side
of this thing. It's not so black and white.

Coley and Lyle, a couple
of choir boys, for God's sake.

Man, it must be a 120 degrees in here,
Neal. What do you say? Hey, cool it, babe.

Uh, about this Bahamas
thing, you goin' or what?

Hey, J.D., man, I told you when I
know about it, you'll know about it.

Okay, okay.

Coley's out.

Man, I don't believe it.

This is unit 22...

Oh, Ray, the prost*tute in the Goldblume
situation, do you have an address?

An approximate address. I
want her in here right away.

Officer, uh, Robert Hill,
where can I find him, please?

Uh, third desk against the
wall. Here you go, Councilman.

- Thank you.
- Can I help you over there?

Officer Hill.
Councilman Detweiler.

You look like a man
that likes baseball. I do?

I've had a, uh, season box for
about eight years, third base line.

I've got city business
tonight and, uh, such an

important game, it'd be
a shame to waste them.

You and a lady friend?

I'm sorry. I can't accept them.

Officer Hill, I, uh... I
appreciate character,

but I also applaud
spunk when I see it.

And I want to tell you
that I approve 100%...

of the way you handled our little
misunderstanding the other day.

So I thought we could settle
it like a couple of old allies.

Case closed.

You're a good cop, Robert. You know,
you're on the best force in the country.

It's people like you that keep us
voting those high appropriations.

Thank you. So take the tickets.

Just my way of saying
keep up the good work.

I finally got this thing to work.
I-It was the battery. Let's go.

I thought because it was made by them
Nipponese people that it wouldn't work,

but the reason it didn't work was
because it didn't have the battery.


This for the drug buy? Yes, sir.

Run it down for me.

We meet this afternoon,
uh, do a little flexing.

No action at the meet?
No, there shouldn't be.

Uh, I'll show him the money, he'll
tell me he doesn't have the stuff,

we'll hondle for a little bit, we'll set it
up for tonight. Take Gennaro with you.

Captain, you're making me nuts! I'm
just passing on an order from the chief.

You know, you sort
of have to admire him.

Juicing up Daniels like
that, showing up at 5:30.

A.M.? That's what
the night man told Leo.

Yes, sir.

Hey, morning, Mick. Morning.

Look, uh, about last night.

You know, I get...
Sometimes I get wound up.

When I mean to say one thing
and it comes out like something else.

I was just trying to
say how grateful I was.

Hey, I got something for you.

I was walking by the Front
Street Market, you know.

That's very thoughtful.

This ought to do it.
Just sign right here.

This is a game, you know, between me
and the insurance companies, that's all.

Nobody stops the criminals. I
just keep paying higher premiums...

for the privilege of getting
robbed every three months.

Lucky for you you're only
down a couple of VCRs.

Maybe you'll get lucky

Do you think we like this?
Heat wave like this? This stinks.

We got cops home sick, out
on vacation, tied up in court.

We're doing good to get
six units out on the street.

And in the winter, it's too wet.

All I know is the crooks are too dumb
to pay any attention to the weather.

Are we done here
or what? We sure are.

If I were you, I'd get
that door fixed right away.

Yeah, there's a
locksmith across the

street. I'm putting his
kid through Harvard.

Lyle and I rode together for a
month when we were rookies.

You know, one time I saw him go
through two Dumpsters and a grease rack...

to get to a cat burglar,
can you beat it?

Can you beat that?

Do we bust 'em now? No. Let's
wait and see where they dump it.


Coley and Lyle? LaRue
and Washington are still on it.

Diane Koslo? Fifteen
years old, maybe.

We found her working on a 133rd
Street and Dekker. Good work, Joe.

Ray, let's see if we
can find out if Joyce

Davenport is still in
conference with her arsonist.

I'll be there in a
minute. All right.

Captain, any word
on Lieutenant Hunter?

Well, he's out of
surgery, but we won't have

a report on the biopsy
for a couple of hours.

Thank you.

They can't make you stay
here if you want to leave, Diane.

Nor can they force you
to answer any questions

you don't want to.
It's entirely up to you.

And I'll be here if you're
unsure about anything, all right?


Do you know Henry
Goldblume? Yeah. I guess, sort of.

There are stories coming out of the
Jefferson Heights Police Precinct...

that you know him a lot
better than just sort of.

Hey, look, I don't have
to be here. She said so.

So why don't you
just leave me alone?

Henry resigned yesterday
after 10 years on this police force.

The reason he resigned was these
rumors that he'd been sleeping with you.

It's not too late to save his
career, but only you can do that.

Well, what about my case?
Can you help me with my case?

Diane, Captain Furillo's position is
that he can't offer you any deals...

because he doesn't want to encourage
you to tell anything but the truth.

You know, I get people
wanting freebies all day.

I think Ms. Koslo doesn't
wish to speak any longer.

Diane, Henry helped
you. He listened to you.

He fed you and sheltered
you and did everything

he could to get you
into the best program.

Are you gonna abandon him now?

Are you gonna treat him the
same way your parents treated you?

Is that how you pay back one of the few
people who have ever been kind to you?

Don't abandon him.

At least give him the same
consideration he gave you.

Did you sleep with him? Did you?

Then when you were picked up
the second time in Jefferson Heights,

why did you tell the
detectives you did?

Because I spent
the whole night in jail.

He should have come down
and gotten me if he was my friend.

He wouldn't even talk to me.

It would mean a lot if
you'd give a statement.

He was really nice to me.

I just slept on the couch.
He didn't touch me once.

Ray, Ms. Koslo will
give us a statement now.

I haven't gotten
through to Henry yet.

All right. Just keep trying.
Rachel's, his apartment, everywhere.

Well, whip my wire.
I cannot believe this.

Two play-off tickets for tonight
right behind the dugout. That's right.

I cannot believe this. This must
have set you back 60 bucks, partner.

A mere flesh wound,
my man. Happy birthday.

Happy birthday to me.
We're gonna have a ball.

But I can't go. You can't go?

No, I have a date tonight.
Will you look at this.

Thirty-five goin' on
50, in a one-way job...

and a roach-hole apartment
goin' up to 500 bills next month...

and a checkin' account
on the disabled list...

and I can't even get my partner
to be my date on my birthday.

No, you're not gettin' older,
you're gettin' downright maudlin.

Whoops. The woman
is lookin' at you again.

What are you talking about?
She's not lookin' at me. She is.

She is not. She's probably just
waitin' for somebody. Now be quiet.

You know what your problem
is, Renko? A bad attitude.

If you lost a little weight...
Don't talk to me about my weight!

And got some decent clothes, you'd have
to fight the ladies off with a nightstick.

- Excuse me, Officer Hill?
- Yeah.

We have a phone call
for you at the front desk.

I left this number with
the dispatch. Why, thanks.

You're welcome.

Excuse me, Officer. What?

I'd like to report
a misdemeanor.

You mean, to me?

Aside from your partner, I don't
see any other uniforms in here.

I guess you're right, ma'am.
What is the nature of the complaint?

How about breach of
contract for starters?

My lunch date's a no-show.

Well, I'd call that a
major felony, ma'am.

Except judging by
appearances, I'd say that your

suspect has an excellent
chance of acquittal...

due to temporary insanity.

San Sagelo, Muskado, Saint
Apoxy, Perriere, uh, Lunch Nay, uh,

anything you say, François, as long
as it doesn't have a screw-on cap.

Don't let the backwoods charm fool you,
ma'am. He's really a very boring person.

Cheryl, I'd like you to meet my
lesser half. Bobby Hill, this is Cheryl...

Bradford. Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you. Seems the lesser
half's sister got her car impounded.

So maybe we should drive down to
South Street and check on the situation.

Why don't you drive down to South
Street and check on the situation.

I'll cab it back to
the station after I

finish my little tête-à-tête
with Cheryl here.

Suit yourself. Ma'am.

Well, here we are. Here we are.

You, uh... y-you sure you don't want
to have something to eat or something?

No, thank you.

Officer Renko, uh, do you think it
would be terribly forward of me...

to tell you how
attracted I am to you?

Well, ma'am, uh, it's
a free country, isn't it?

Just put it down, fellas, and
get your hands up real slow!

What are you guys doing here?

Get 'em up, huh? Don't make
this any tougher than it has to be.

Make what tougher? What the
hell are you guys talking about?

You're under arrest,
my man. Grand larceny.

Hey, come on. Wait a minute.

We were just taking it down
to the station for prints. Move it.

It's a stereo shop heist. We couldn't
carry it around in the unit all day.

We're just dropping it
here till the end of the shift.

Save it, man. Will
you just save it, huh?

Come on, J.D. I'm
34 years old, man.

You're talking about my
life here! I got a family, man.

I got a father who thinks I'm
some kind of neighborhood hero.

Now this is gonna
k*ll him. Come on, J.D.

Come on, J.D., please, man. No
cuffs. Come on now, I'm begging...

Shut up, man. Just
turn around and shut up!

Oh, Cheryl, I swear you have
rotated my day 580 degrees.

And I'll tell you something, lady, nothing
like this has ever happened to me before.

First time for everybody.

Yeah, and what I'm dyin' to know
is... I mean, c-can I see you again?

- Sure.
- When?

We'll run into one another
again sometime. No, no, I mean it.

We had a wonderful time together.
Maybe we should leave it at that.

Leave it at what? Are you in the
habit of bedding down with somebody...

and then never seeing
them again? Really, I gotta go.

I've got a dentist at 3:00.
Oh, come on. Now, come on.

Happy birthday.

Wait a minute now. H-How'd
you know it was my birthday?

You told me at the restaurant.
No, I didn't. I definitely did not.

Now wait a minute. Now what's going
on here? Now just talk to me, Cheryl.

What is going on here is
that we had a terrific time.

And you're an attractive,
charming man and a wonderful lover.

Don't lie to me, Cheryl.
Just don't do that.

Just tell me how you
knew it was my birthday.

Because I was your present.

I do this for a living, Andy.

But that's got nothing to do with how much
I've enjoyed these last couple of hours...

or what a sweet man I think
you are. You are a hooker.

I arrest people like you.

All right, now, what
do you want? Huh?

Do you want $10? $20? $40?

Why don't we make it an even 100
and just put 10 bucks in for the charade?

Or do you give a special professional
discount for cop's birthdays?

Here, take this! Your friends
already took care of that, Andy.

Get out.

Aside from the alley sh*ts, we've
got a good five minutes of tape...

from the wire we planted
on the store's owner.

Webster and Charles
are running serial numbers

on the stuff we hauled
out of the garage.

Looks to be $20,000,
$30,000 worth.

- The store owner
cooperated in this?
- Yes.

I'd say we got
these babies cold.

I've seen those.
There's nothing to say.

You'll be booked here, then
moved downtown for statements.

You'll be kept in special lockup overnight
and make bail, if you can, in the morning.

As of now, you're suspended
from all police duties. That's all.

Captain, please don't book us here.
Take us down to Midtown or anywhere.

Don't book us in
our own station.

I don't think I could stand the sight
of it, either. Can you take them?

Here. Midtown. Doesn't make
any difference with the department.

Just leave your badges.

Your best friend takes
you to lunch... so he says...

And then sets you up
for the most humiliating

experience of
your entire lifetime,

expecting you to get naked in the middle
of the afternoon with a total stranger!

Lighten up, Renko. It was
only a birthday present.

What kind of a friend
would do a thing like that?

The kind who has to
listen to you moaning

about your love life 10
hours every work day.

Don't you think I don't know
who else was in on this?

In on what? He didn't
like his birthday present.

We thought it would make your
day. It made my day, all right.

It made it downright
miserable. What made his day?

Would you stay out of
this? I don't believe you.

Why can't you just accept it
in the spirit that it was given?

I accept it in the spirit in which it
was given! You mean a hooker?

Will you keep your
mouth down, please?

A spirit of malice, moral bankruptcy
and a total lack of human consideration!

What are you yelling at me for?

Boy, I do not believe you guys.

Frank. Frank, Chief Daniels's
office called. He wants to see you.

Bayside Athletic Club at
5:30. I've been waiting for this.

I'll be with Howard until
then. Did you phone Henry?

He hasn't been in his apartment
all day. We're still trying.

Well, try Rachel's, his folks,
friends in the department.

Use your imagination,
but get him here. All right.

What's your most
favorite role? Um...

That question
stinks, doesn't it?

Listen, what I really
wanna know is...

Well, what's John
Gennaro really like?

Once in the papers, I saw a picture
of a guy who shot five people in a bar.

I went to a mirror
and I didn't leave it...

until I had that same
look in my eyes.

You see, the thing was, I
mean, I could see the bar.

I could see the
b*ll*ts hitting the wall.

I could hear the
barmaid screaming.

You see, it was all there in that
look, and that's John Gennaro.

Don't you ever scare yourself?

It's just acting, Fay.

Come on, motormouth.

How are you, Mrs.
Furillo? Hi, Mick.

Uh, thank you, Fay.

Who's the extra baggage?
That's my maiden aunt.

I got 10,000 here.
You got the stuff?

Sorry, fellas, but there ain't
no stuff. Maybe next time.

What are you talking
about, Woodley?

Profit motive, my man. I got offered
a better price about an hour ago.

We got an arrangement,
hairbag. I got orders to fill.

Now let's not get pushy, cousin.

Given the circumstances, I didn't
even have to show up for the meet.

It's just my way
of being cordial.

You're gonna blow this over chump
change. What's the matter with you?

My people can move 10 times
this weight on a weekly basis.

Well, maybe we'll do
business... some other time.

How much? How much
more are they offering?

One "G" on top of the 10.

Now there's 500
worth of good faith.

And there's 10 more
of these on delivery.

Now that's one and a half on top of
10. And I don't even know it's missing.

I'll call you later where
we're gonna meet.

Oh, we'll be here, my man.
But look, before you go.

I tell you, you just better dig yourself.
You jack us around one more time,

and I'm personally gonna chop off
your right arm and have it for lunch.

Man, you got
some ugly relations.

What are you doing?
What are you doing? What?

I told you to be quiet! I thought
the deal was going south!

You thought? You're not supposed to
think! You're not even supposed to be here.

All right, I'm
sorry. Okay, I am.


What the hell are you
trying to do to me, Furillo?

Less than 24 hours ago, I
ordered you to get rid of somebody.

And what do I get
instead of his badge?

A statement from a
15-year-old prost*tute.

I won't get rid of
an innocent man.


Alleged boffing aside, Frank, you know how
many department regulations you break...

when you take a runaway home
with you instead of arresting her?

Is that really the issue here,
Chief? Department regulations?

Need I remind you,
Frank, you're the one who

first raised this whole
damn holiness issue...

vis-à-vis our dear
departed Lou Hogan.

Now the chickens come
home to Hill Street...

and it seems that you're
not prepared to live by it.

I'm precisely
prepared to live by it.

I'm the only precinct
captain in the entire city...

who has followed up on all the
charges that Hogan sprayed at your roast.

I took the badges of Coley and
Lyle less than two hours ago,

and I'm prepared to take
more of them if it comes to that.

And just as I expected Lou
Hogan to be responsible for his men,

I take full responsibility for
Henry Goldblume right now.

Meaning what? Meaning I
won't use him as a scapegoat.

Meaning, if you take his badge and
g*n, you'll find mine in the same envelope.

You're replaceable, Frank.
Don't imagine you're not.

I've got Ron Thompson and Joe
Butler wasting away in Internal Affairs.

I'm sure either would find it
most congenial up on the Hill.

But if I go down on
account of Goldblume,

I take Arnie Detweiler with me.

You what? It makes an
interesting story, don't you think?

City councilman, six times
arrested for drunk driving,

released yesterday at the expressed
command of the chief of police...

because said councilman holds
the department's purse strings.

Oh, be careful, my friend.
You're treading on thin ice.

That's the deal.
Goldblume for Detweiler.

I've put up with a lot of
crap from you, Furillo...

that I don't tolerate
from my other captains...

because I respect your idealism.

But you're playing politics now.

And if I were you, my friend, I'd be
damn sure I knew what I was doing.

If I weren't, I wouldn't
be here right now.

Okay, Frank.

But I want to tell
you something.

You're forcing me to eat
something here that I don't like.

And believe me, you're
gonna pick up the tab on it.

One other thing.

If you ever want to play
poker with me again,

you better be damn sure you have
another Arnie Detweiler in the hole.

Because I promise you, your
badge ain't gonna be enough.

Detailing, Frank.

With proper detail,
a good pair of

regulation U.S. Naval
Last will outlast you.

You see here where the upper is stitched to
the sole? You got to get polish in there.

Leather rot sets in, and
before you can say Ho Chi Minh,

you've got a malignant growth that is
spreading insidiously through the shoe.

How are you feeling, Howard?

Oh. Now look at this.
You can't let residues

of polish accumulate
around these eyelets.

It'll eat through that brass as quick as
a carcinogen through a white mouse.

If it comes to that, Frank...

Promise me a spartan
cortege, will you, old chum?

"Taps" at sunset, a lone
volley from an M-16...

and, uh, a simple
limestone slab.

Howard, stop it. Well.

She could stop a
Plymouth at 90 yards, Frank.

Find her a good home.

Howard, please.

Excuse me. Lieutenant, could I,
uh, speak to you in private, please?

Uh, Frank, I may need
a backup on this call.

I expect you to be entirely
frank with me, Doctor.

How much time have I got?

All things being equal,
I'd say 30, 40 years.

Just got the biopsy
report back from the lab.

The tumor was benign.
You've got a clean bill of health.

I'll check in with you tomorrow
to okay your release. Captain.

Howard, in case you didn't hear, you're
gonna be out of here in another day.

You ought to be jumping out of
your bedsheets. Maybe so, Frank.

Oh, goldarn it, Frank.

When they wheeled me
down here this morning...

and I wasn't sure whether this
was gonna be my final battle, I...

It all came to me like
a breath of brown wind.

My life is an unfired shot.

No wife, no children,

no one to give my love to.

Here I lie, 45 years old...

with money in the bank,
education, professional repute,

yet I am bereft of all the
most important things in life.

Oh, I yearn to wake
in the morning...

to the sound of little
eaters on the steps.

Time for dinner, Lieutenant.

Oh, could you help take
those things? Oh, sure.

Thank you.

By the way, you
know, about parenting,

it's the mother's age, not the
father's age, to be concerned about.

Because many men remain virile
way up into their 80s. Oh, really?

And if you've been alone in your life
up until now, you mustn't blame yourself.

Because people just have different
cycles for when they're able...

to do certain things in
their lives. Uh, Nurse...

Wulfawitz. I'm on till midnight.

So if you need
me... just whistle.

Those are the nicest
words I've heard from

a partisan of the female
gender in 16 years.



Washington, you got a
Miss Fowler on line six.

Got it, Leo.

Do you mind, J.D.?
Huh? Oh, sure.

All right, just take it easy.

Hello, Miss Fowler.

I appreciate all the time you're giving
me to think over the offer, and well, uh,

I want the job.
That's wonderful.


But there's one thing we need to
talk about before I can actually take it.

I'd like to bring along my
partner as part of the staff.

John LaRue. You talked with him.

Yeah, I know he's had a few problems
in the past, but I can vouch for him now.

Well, I'm sorry, Miss
Fowler, but the job

really isn't that important
to me without him.

To be honest, we're
pretty much of a team.

Yes, I'm afraid it does.

No, I don't think there's a
chance I'll change my mind.

I'm sure you'll find a
good man for the job.

Thanks for considering me. Bye.

Now why not?

Because I won't compromise a
major operation out of this precinct...

just to satisfy an
actor's artistic itch.

We've bent over backwards for
three days to accommodate you.

This is where it stops.
You're not going out.

Look, I said I'll absolve the police
department of all responsibility.

I'll sign any kind of release
you want. I've made my decision.

You're right,
Captain. I apologize.

Thank you, Captain.

Mick, ask Henry to step in
here, would you? Yes, sir.

Where have you been?

I took Josh to the movies,
dropped him off at his mom's.

I was driving around afterward
trying to find another movie to go to.

There was a fender bender.
Guys had the tire irons out.

So I move in to break it
up, reach in my pocket,

there's no badge, no g*n.

I felt naked.

I don't like early
retirement, Frank.

I guess I want to fight
this thing. Nothing to fight.

The girl made a statement
withdrawing all charges.

What about my jacket? Didn't I violate
a thousand department regulations?

Nothing is going into
your jacket, Henry.

Why not? Just let it go.

I can't. Henry.

What'd I cost you?
What's the difference?

The difference is protecting
me instead of believing in me.

How am I supposed to do that
when we both know you screwed up.

No, I won't own that one, Frank.
I did what I thought was right.

Henry, a lot of people
have soiled themselves...

cloaked in what they
thought was right.

I did what I thought was right in
the Hogan case. Hogan is dead.

I didn't stand up for what I thought
was right with Arnie Detweiler...

and the result is I had
something to trade for your badge.

Now explain to me what
notion of right survives all that.

I don't know the
answer to that, Frank.

I just don't know.

Maybe a civilian can get
away with playing daddy...

to a 15-year-old hooker at 2:00
in the morning, but not a cop.

And the fact that you
didn't have sex with

her is no excuse for
a lousy judgment call.

What do you want me
to say, I was wrong? Yes.

All right, I was wrong!

Maybe I did make a mistake,
but I am what I am, Frank,

and I can't promise you I'm not gonna
make the same kind of mistake again.

And I can't promise you I'll be
there next time to cover your losses.

But in the meantime, Henry...

Take back your hardware.


Oh, Lord. What
are you doing here?

I went by the station to see if I could
find you. They said you might be here.

I felt bad about this
afternoon. You're a nice guy.

I thought maybe I
could buy you dinner.

I have had enough extravagant
celebrations today. Thank you very much.

Well, how about a slow
walk around the block?

Look, lady, I'm a big boy.
And I gotta tell you something.

I don't need any sympathy
from someone such as yourself.

You caught me on
a bad day, that's all.

You know, it could
have been real good.

It could have been the best
thing that ever happened to you.

I'm talking about
sincere human affection.

I'm not incapable of that, Andy.

You know, it might
come as a surprise to you,

but even a whore
has a personal life.

I was hoping maybe you'd
wanna be part of mine.


Do you, uh, do you like,
uh, baseball? Not especially.

Hot dogs, beers.

I got these two tickets
to a game tonight.

I'd love to. If we're lucky,
maybe the rain will hold off.

If we're luckier,
maybe it won't.

Lieutenant? I heard a noise.


Isn't it silly...

to have a nightmare after
getting the good news.

No. Postoperative
dreaming is very common.

It's the anesthetic
on top of the tension.

Would you like to talk
about it? Sometimes it helps.

Well, I was back on Hill
317. That's in Vietnam.

It was night, a
flare had gone up,

and I was standing
in the light...

fully exposed, as it were.

Scared to death.

You're a very special
man, Lieutenant,

to take on society's
most thankless task. Me?

Do you think it's going to rain?
Can I get you anything? Oh.


Well, I guess I'd better
get back to the desk.

Nurse Wulfawitz.

You touch me to the core.

I'm sorry if I'm being
forward, but I found it

impossible to keep
from thinking about you...

since you first
walked into this room.

And each time I see you, I experience
a sensation of inner awakening...

that is too profound for words.

Oh, Howard.

I realize that sick
male patients...

frequently develop an
emotional fixation for their nurse,

but this feeling is...

You called me Howard.

Call me Linda, Howard.

And, yes, I've heard
every story there is.

But a woman...

A woman must never rule out the time
and place when her man may appear.

I... I have something
to confess.

I was watching you
sleep from the door.

I feel something too.

Do you think...

Do you... think that a woman...

Uh, like yourself...

might like to get to know...

an old warrior better?

- This one.
- Mm-hmm.

Say, bro. What do you say?

Where's your mean maiden aunt?

She got a headache.

Let's do it.

You do it, Shorty. Lie down.
What the hell is this, a rip off?

No, stupid, it's the
Democratic Convention.


Where's your
friend, that cr*cker?

I'm by myself.

Then keep us company.

We're going to our car. Wouldn't
want anybody to try and stop us.

Police! Freeze!

It's funny. I can't feel nothing.
Ah, you're gonna be okay.

Hey, Mick. I think
I'm dying. Cut that out.

Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I wanted to see the damn thing go
down, so I figured I'd trail you, you know.

Just take it easy, kid. Hold me.

I'm right here with you.

- Some scene.
- This ain't a movie,
you hairbag.


Oh, my. Come here.

I've been thinking. You know
what I'd like to do? Enlighten me.

I'd like to secure a night's
lodging at, say, the Barton Arms,

take a nice leisurely bath,
order up some room service,

then slip between a set of crisp,
cool sheets and ride out the storm.

Sounds like a wonderful idea.

The ball's in your
court, pizza man.

Let it ring, Frank, please.


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