02x15 - Some Like It Hot-Wired

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hill Street Blues". Aired: January 15, 1981 - May 12, 1987.*
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The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city.
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02x15 - Some Like It Hot-Wired

Post by bunniefuu »


I hold here a repeat
divisional memo...

Concerning this precinct's
undying infatuation...

For nonregulation headgear...

Particularly those kinds
of cranial adornments...

Featuring display-type

And, uh, maxims of questionable
philosophical value,

Such as, "cops love a big bust."

This standard octagonal,

Navy blue police chapeau...

Satisfies all requirements set
down in departmental uniform code.

Beginning today, all personnel will be
seen conducting business in said chapeau.

It's a dinosaur, sarge!

Now, you were all issued
one in the dim, distant past.

I suggest you rescue it from whatever
purgatory it has been banished to...

And put it to its
appropriate use.

And this goes for those patrol persons
known for wearing no headgear whatsoever.

We're gonna look like we're in
them old training films or something.

Let's tell the good guys
from the bad guys, huh, folks?


The biannual flying
circus and brain fry.

Annual promotions is over.
From hill street, they are:

Patrolman wilbur
covello to sergeant.

Patrolman enrique
garcia to sergeant.

Detective sergeant alf
chesley to lieutenant. Hey!

- All right!
- Congratulations all around.

Continuing onwards. Item eight.

The following names are to
report for plainclothes assignment...

In this room in one half hour:

Hill, renko,
borellis, smiljanich.

Item nine.

In regard to an operation
under the direction

Of detectives belker
and washington,

The following names are to
see them immediately after roll:

Bates, coffey, paswaugh,
osborne, van dusen, morgan.

This latter assignment
relates to, uh,

A rash of auto thefts...

Afflicting hill area garages
these past several months.

In excess of 200 vehicles
have fallen prey to this plague,

Not the least of which being
one 1959 baby blue, mint condition...

Buick electra 225 convertible
belonging to yours truly,

Stolen from the selano avenue
shopping mall garage last night.

I for one fail to understand the
nature of such heinous behavior.

To deprive a man of
his basic mobility...

Is no less terrible than to
physically maim the man himself.

Now, these captains of modern
piracy cannot be tolerated.

I heartily encourage those
assigned to this mission...

To pursue it with the
fervor of a holy crusade.

Justice must be done.

All right, that's
it. Let's roll.

And let's be careful out there.

And remember those hats.

Now, how much am I offered for
this scrupulously maintained example...

Of prehistoric police wear,

Which I will not, I repeat,
not be wearing today?

Seven and seven-eighths?

I could fall in and hurt myself.

Alf, my man, you have
arrived. Right on, brother.

Right on. Lieutenant
alfred chesley.

Hey, that's great,
alf. It's about time.

alf. Thanks, henry.

Teamwork, bobby.

When there's an objective
to be won, go in strength.

- Sir?
- Nice work snagging
that lieutenantship.

It was alf chesley that got
the promotion, lieutenant.

And to think that that good man
might have been passed over again...

If it hadn't been for your...

Your, uh, black
officers presidium?


By golly, that's what I
call reading the terrain.

This is the day and
age of political clout.

Individual competence and
merits are only factors nowadays.

If you wanna get
where you're going,

You have to associate yourself
with a well-heeled infrastructure.

And your type are way ahead in
that kind of thinking. I got a meeting.

I have been thinking
about building up...

A political front
along similar lines.

Police officers against
regression and decay.


Now, what do you
think of that, huh?

Dispatch. We have a 9-11.

Armed robbery in progress.

See surplus store, corner
people's drive, 124th street.

I understand and support the
reasons why it was done, frank.

Sure. Let's make up for all
the injustices of the past.

But let me tell you.

When you're on the
dirty end of the stick,

When you've stayed up nights
till 2:00 in the morning studying...

And you whip through the exam
in nothing flat, it hurts like hell.

Henry, it'll happen.

When? When? Next time
around? Two years from now?

Maybe then, the department'll
want a... A woman lieutenant,

Or a handicapped lieutenant.

I deserved it this time, frank.

I was ready and I was able. I
can't do any better than that.

I don't know. If they're not gonna
promote me, I'm wasting my time.

- Maybe I oughta pack it in.
- I don't think so, henry.

You're too smart and
you're too resourceful.

Don't soap me, frank, please.

Look, I'm sorry if this sounds
petty, but under the circumstances,

I don't wanna sit around
here all day pushing a pencil...

And watching alf chesley
collect his "attaboys."

So if you could give
me an assignment...

See ray about
operation hookslide.


I just wanted to say, henry, I'm
sorry you didn't make lieutenant.

We all go through these
disappointments, alf.

The promotion board picked you
over me. I'm sure they had their reasons.

Maybe my test scores weren't the
greatest to come down the road, henry.

But there's all
kinds of education.

Some of the best kind, they don't
ask you about on a lieutenant's exam.

Look, alf, nobody's saying you
didn't deserve your promotion.

But I've been
waiting for this one.

You're a good man, henry, but you
don't know nothing about waiting.

I've waited 14
years for this one.

Fourteen long years. So I don't
care how I got to be a lieutenant.

I'll be a damn good one.

I'm sure you will, alf. If I
implied any differently, I'm sorry.

Don't worry, henry. You'll
make it next time around.

Yeah, stolen last night.

'59 Buick electra
225 convertible.

He's going for the file.

Walnut grain dash
and door inserts.


craftsmanship. A shame.

Police interceptor
engine. A thousand over.

Luckily, sir, I can give
you $2,800 for your loss.


You can't be serious! It's
depreciated quite a bit.

Don't talk to me
about depreciation.

The car was immaculate.
You could eat off the engine.

There's not a spot
on my garage floor.

You... I'll show it to you!

No, I will not come and pick up
the check. You bring it to me...

So I can depreciate
your face and limbs.

Sure, I'll pick you up.
Whose courtroom you in?

"Let 'em go" mo.
Yeah, I'll be there.

Right. Bye. I do too. See
ya. Yes, ray? Look at this.

Look at this.

They say they've been taking out less than
required on my f.i.c.a. For five years.

Now, I open my pay envelope,
and between the withholding,

My credit union deductions, and now
this, do you know what I'm left with?

Nine dollars and nine cents!

I've had it. I am
quitting the force.

Ray, you're not quitting.

I can't even make my
car payment this month!

Well, at least you have a car.

Ray, call mildred kleinman down at
division. She's very understanding.

I'm sure she'll spread
out your payments for you.

Bureaucrats. The bureaucracy
is going to destroy us all, frank.

Mark my words!

You know, francis, I hate to
burden you with this right now,

But the fact is, I've been considering
an early retirement myself.

What is it around here today,
phil? Is there something in the water?

My car was stolen. The buick?

Yeah, right out of the
selano avenue shopping mall.

Corinthian leather
seat covers, tinted glass,

In-dash stereo cassette with
a four-channel synthesizer.

You could sit in the backseat
and catch all the lows.

Phil, I'm sorry about your car.

But you're not retiring just
because somebody stole it.

It's symptomatic of a far
greater deterioration.

Do you know in eugene, oregon, you can walk
the streets at night with virtual safety?

You can go to bed at night
with your front door unlocked.

Quality of life, francis.

Well, the quality of life around
here would decline precipitously, phil,

If you threw in the towel.

You don't understand,
francis. They stole my buick.

Number seven on the
calendar. Rene pagano,

Charged with 140.20, burglary,

140.30, possession
of burglar's tools.

Your honor, this case is
on for a bail application.

The defendant also has a prior
burglary on which he jumped bail.

Your honor, this is apparently
mr. Pagano's 11th arrest for burglary.

He also skipped bail
on one prior charge.

This is, uh, a very strong case.

You tell the dude, right, if I could get a
drug program, then I could kick the habit.

I don't have to steal no more.

You flunked out of your last
drug program, didn't you, rene?

Who are you for, me or the cop? Man,
that other program was bogus, you know?

It's apparent to our office that
mr. Pagano is a career criminal,

A complete failure at
everything in life except burglary,

And exactly the sort of
completely untrustworthy person...

Who should be
incarcerated at all costs.

Ms. Davenport, any response...

To this rather
stinging indictment?

Now, you tell the dude I got
my mother, right? She's sick.

No, your honor. Not really.

You're not gonna
say nothin'? No?

What you mean, no?
You're my p.d., Man.

You know how many lying little scum
like you I get off the hook every day?

Lying scum? Yo, your honor,
man, she called me a lying scum!

You got that? I don't want no more
public defender. I want a real lawyer.

Give me somebody
like f. Lee bailey,

Perry mason,
melvin, uh... Silence.

Silence, pagano. I want one
of those guys. You got it?

Ms. Davenport, do you have some
kind of trouble with this client?

Your honor,

The d.a.'S barely finished
looking at his papers,

And he's calling mr. Pagano the
worst degenerate since rasputin.

Now I'm supposed
to tell you that

Mr. Pagano loves his
mother and hates dr*gs,

And all he needs
is one more chance.

You're an advocate,
ms. Davenport.

The truth is, if I saw mr. Pagano
coming down the street,

I'd cross to the other side
and get my mace can ready.

Ms. Davenport, you're treading
on very dangerous ground.

And putting aside my personal
response to mr. Pagano,

The fact that he
insults me by the minute,

The fact that I never saw him
in my life till 20 minutes ago,

We're never going to know whether
mr. Pagano did anything or not...

Because, as everyone
in this courtroom knows,

The police department makes
95,000 arrests a year like mr. Pagano,

But we've got room
for only 700 trials.

So we'll plea-bargain
him at any cost!

Oh, man. Judge, give
me another lawyer.

Ms. Davenport, you're
extremely close to contempt.

Joyce, come on. This is only
number seven on the calendar.

You know my advice to you,
rene? You're part of the system.

Keep on playing. Cop to
three months, maybe six.

You'll do okay. The
system's got a place for you.

But if you'll excuse me, your honor,
I'm feeling terribly out of place today.

We'll be working
washington heights,

And their guys will
be working the hill.

Borellis, unit four,

The 6000 block of lasky avenue.

Renko, unit five,
the 7000 block.

It's a simple con.

The young woman
impersonating a hooker...

Takes the john to a hotel room,

Gets his clothes off,

Then her two accomplices bust in
and identify themselves as vice cops.

After scaring the
hell out of the mark,

They agree to let him
post a cash-in-advance bond.

The guy's usually so grateful,
he pays without a protest.

Are the two men
armed, lieutenant?

Yes, they are, and should
be considered dangerous.

Your backup units will stay
as close to you as possible.

But they won't make a move
until the con actually goes down.

I'll be in the communications
van monitoring your wires.

Remember, you are looking for a
female caucasian in her early 20s.

That description fits half
the street population, ray.

Sorry. It's all we have.

Lieutenant, what if we
were to get up into the room,

And the tootsie turns out to be your
regular eager-to-please type princess?

Just try and keep your pants
on and go back onto the street.

It's a shame to waste
the opportunity.

I didn't plan it that way.

You'll be disciplined, yes?

Schiller could hold me
in contempt. But he won't.

Thank you.

Mike gladstone from my office will probably
call me in and be particularly avuncular.

Frank, I'm going to quit.
You don't mean that.

Yes, I do. Joyce, you're
overworked and exhausted.

Especially with this
pam gilliam thing.

Take 10 days on a
beach in st. Croix, and...

A beach?

Is that supposed to be some
modern-day cure-all for catastrophe?

I'm exhausted from three years of
treading water in an urban cesspool.

No, it's not supposed
to be a cure-all.

All I mean is you've been through
a particularly difficult ordeal,

And maybe a little basking
in some caribbean sunshine...

My tan is fine, thanks.

The problem is a supposedly
idealistic career...

Where the pay is lousy,
the hours are lousy,

And the atmosphere you could
bottle and sell for lab-quality sewage,

Not to mention the wonderful
sense of accomplishment implicit...

In being able to survive
seeing your ideals shattered.

I don't believe
I'm hearing this.

All morning, people have been
telling me they want to quit.

Doesn't anybody have the character
anymore to work a job through?

That's not exactly the
11th commandment, frank.

"Thou shalt work a
job until it kills you."

If things aren't working out,
why not start fresh, keep moving?

The option of the rich, the
bright and the socially acceptable.

And you're the great
proletarian hero.

The first one I ever saw,
by the way, who was a cop.

As they say in the relationship
game, thanks for being so supportive.

'82 Cutlass supreme.
Two latin males.

I'm tellin' ya...
Come on, trace.

What can I possibly do to cheer that
man up, fall down a flight of stairs?

Yes, I'm well aware of that, dear
sister. I am well aware of that.

But what am I supposed
to do to cheer him up?

Tracy, I love dad
just as much as you do,

But sometimes it takes
a real effort, you know?

I mean, he hates me when I don't come to
see him, and he hates me worse when I do.

Okay. Okay, I'll come by
tonight. I can't promise you when.


You lookin' for a date?


You know, joe, you don't
take your clothes off,

A lot of girls are gonna
think you're a cop right away.

You think I'm a cop?

Guess not. You would've
busted me already.

Want a cigarette?

No, I quit.

Hey, you look
nervous or somethin'.

It's okay. It happens to a lot
of guys. Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Look, can I ask you a question?

I don't mean to pry or anything,
but where is your family?

Wichita. Do you see 'em often?

Why would I wanna see 'em?

Because a family's
important to people.

Hey, would ya... Look,
I send my mom stuff.

You tell her you're one of them
high-paid fashion models or somethin'?

Hey, look, joe, you don't
wanna make it, that's fine.

But don't start gettin' your
jollies telling me my life's no good.

This guy you work for, he sort of
makes you feel like family, doesn't he?

Yeah, he does. Fast car, all kinds
of good dr*gs, pretty clothes.

You don't even know
vic, all right? He's okay.

You know who he used to
go out with? Linda farren.

Like, linda farren
of the motettes?

He was her personal
manager for two years.

Oh. Well, that's just swell. He's gonna
make you the next linda farren, isn't he?

Yeah, he is. I'm
just not ready yet.

Now, you listen to me.

I'm not a very good judge or
anything, but I'm a little afraid for you.

No, no, see, I've been around
guys like this vic before, you know.

He isn't like that. It happens
all the time, you know?

It happens all the time. All of a
sudden, a cookie gets off the bus.

Let go of me. In six months, you're
gone. Six months, you're gone.

You're in a rat slum with
two black eyes... Stop it!

sh**t' dope under your tongue so
the johns don't hear you're a junkie!

Let go of me! He
wouldn't do that!

Vic was linda farren's
personal manager for two years.

We got 'em. It's a regular feeding
frenzy in here. Send in the backups.

Hey, what is this,
man? What is it?


Let's go! Come on!

Freeze! Police!

Sniff cement, hairball!

Man, these guys must
have been working overtime.

Yeah, you wouldn't believe
all the stuff in here, neal.

Eighteen brand-new radials,
two crates full of car stereos,

Carburetors, turbo
kits, specialty parts.

You'd think they were gonna
start their own auto shop.

Wouldn't be surprised
if they already have.

Looks like they were getting ready to make
a delivery when we busted in here, huh?

Now all we gotta do is find
out who was on the receiving end.

There's the tow
truck. About time.

Back it up to the cutlass,
would ya? Come on. Come on.

A little more. Come on. Come
on. Hold it. Hold it. Hold it. Yeah.

What's the matter, boss? You
never seen a tow truck before?

Hey, what's happening, babe?

Hey, man, when did you start
driving one of these, huh?

About three days ago
when they realized...

How bad I was screwing up the
filing system down at division.

Yeah. I tried calling you
down there all last week.

You know how they are about
leaving messages. So, what's the deal?

Oh, busted some car
strippers. No big deal.

Who are you kiddin'? Looks like they
ran half of detroit through here.

Uh, don't strain yourself,
ya lunch buckets.

Hi, j.d. How ya doin'?

Whatever I got, they
must think it's contagious.

How's it going, babe? Really.

Stinks, man. I'm eatin' dirt.

Yeah, I'm back in a.a.
I'm seein' a shrink.

I'll do whatever I
have to to get back.

Thanks for asking.

Better get my butt in gear.

The half-eaten cutlass,
right? Yeah, right.

Need a hand, j.d.?

Give me a break, would ya?

Nobody'd blame you if
you dumped him, you know.

I can't do that, mick.

Half the stuff I know about
undercover, I learned from j.d.

Up until last year, I felt lucky
just to be teamed up with him.

You don't owe him nothin'.

He's walkin' a straight razor, neal.
Some guys like it that way, you know?

Oh, my god. What?

See this? It's a steering wheel.

Tell that to esterhaus.
It belongs to his buick.


Sunday drives with marge,
and drive-ins with cindy.

Grace and I cruising top
down along the shore.

I spent the best years of
my life behind this wheel.

Oh, god. I'm gonna
miss that car.

You shouldn't give up
hope. We may find it yet.

You really think so?

Hey, it's probably in some
warehouse just as good as new.

Oh, I don't know
about that, sarge.

The way these creeps operate, it's probably
being sold for parts in 28 states by now.

Where is she, you heartless
little butcher? Where's my buick?

Hey, hey, hey! Take it easy,
sarge. Take it easy. Take it easy.

We'll try to locate
it for you, okay? Easy.

If they don't, sarge, you think a 10
spot would buy that for my motor home?

Uh, just a thought.

Captain. The kid was
so anxious to make a

Deal, he gave us the
name of their big buyer.

How generous. Guy's pretty big.

I've seen his ads in the
paper. Rusco auto parts.

Okay, go down there and
pick him up. Right, captain.

Oh, by the way, I ran into
larue on tow truck down there.

Oh? He's straightened
up his act, captain.

I think he really
means it this time.

I've heard that one
before. So have you.

It feels real different
to me this time, captain.

That's good to hear.

Well, I guess what
I mean to say is, uh,

What do you think the
chances are of his coming back?

I haven't any idea, neal. It's in
the hands of the board of rights.

But I wouldn't bet on it.

Got a minute, frank? I just dropped by
to pat a few newly promoted fannies.

Sure, chief. Come on in.

Chief. Captain, excuse me.


Let's have a frank discussion
about the women in your life.

Oh, now, wait a minute, chief.
I'm sorry about that sit-in,

And I certainly don't
condone fay's participation.

First, your wife.

Ex-wife. Ex-wife...

Excuse me...

Falls under the sway of a politically
ambitious female of suspicious gender.

Then, if that's not bad enough, I
just had lunch with mo schiller,

Who tells me joyce davenport's
up a tree about something.

You're surrounded by
distempered tuna, frank.

What would you have me do, chief?
I don't control either one of them.

That's the understatement
of the year.

Frank, I remember back in '69,

Just when I was getting
ready to make my big push,

My own cora got into a thing
about these antiwar veterans.

Wanted to go marching with
them, the whole damn business.

So I got her tickets
to hello, dolly,

Bought her a dozen roses, new drapes for
the living room, and in no time at all...

She was right back to being
the regular little woman.

Frank, I don't know
how you're gonna do it,

But you've got to find a
way to muzzle her now.

You know how these
menopausal matrons get.

You let them think they're responsible
for a few negroes getting promoted,

And next they'll want
the p.r.'S and the h*m*...

Excuse me, mister. Fay.

Well, how nice to see you again.

I just stopped by to congratulate
some of our new promotions.

We have a black lieutenant
at hill street, fay.

Oh? And what about
the p.r.'S and the h*m*?

Well, just man talk. Frank. Fay.


Congratulations, lieutenant.
If only I'd had a tape recorder.

Well, man talk or no man talk,

The fact is there've been eight
black promotions department-wide,

So maybe your group has
had an influence after all.

Oh, well, they're not
my group anymore, frank.


During the time we were married,

Was there ever anything
about me, you know,

Either, um, emotionally
or, uh, anatomically...

That would lead you to
believe that I was masculine?

Masculine? Your anatomy?

Well, what I mean is...

I mean, did you ever
think I might be gay?


Midge dolson made a pass at me.

Oh, dear.

You see, i-i went
over to her loft...

To tell her I was sorry about not
being arrested with the group, you know?

And, well, she was
so nice, you know?

We had tea, and we sat
around and talked ideas.

I thought to myself,
oh, how wonderful.

At last, a real friend.

And then she asked me if
she could give me a back rub.

Oh. I told her I
wasn't interested.

But, uh, she pointed
out that there's a...

A certain transience in
my relationships with men.

Fay, hal massey died.

That's hardly a transience
you can be held responsible for.

Midge says that I'm suppressing
my true amazonian sexuality.

Oh, midge dolson can
go suppress her... Face.

I just wanted her for a friend,
you know? I really want a friend.

There'll be somebody
for you, fay.

I know there will be.

Sometimes, I wonder.

Well, anyhow,
listen, I quit wad.

So you can tell chief daniels that you
have the little woman under control.

What is it, my breath? I can't
even get arrested out here.

Got your key to happiness, hon.

Got the herbert
hoover suite. Sweet, baby.

I guess business must be
pretty lousy, huh, sweetheart?

Looks to me like you're
really scraping the bottom.

Go suck your face, you smelly
creep! It's okay, baby. It's okay.

Hey, you know the only thing I hate worse
than seeing a white girl with a n*gg*r?

The only thing I hate worse...

Is being stuck on
an elevator with 'em.

Better mind your
own business, pal.

Why don't you just
try to make me, boy!

You make one more move,
I'm gonna bust your face!

You got that? All right!

You got that! Yeah!

Until you post bail,

I think you'd better refer
to me as "officer," pal.

You lousy sneak!

Come on, lady!

You guys'll make the mistake of
your life if you mess with pete rusco.

I'm an established
businessman. Sure, sure.

You're a regular pillar of the
community. I'll grab the captain, neal.

Okay. Right in there.

I don't believe you guys.

Some punk lookin' at hard time tries to
squeal on me, and you guys are buying.

Things must be pretty
desperate around here.

You have a first-rate g*ng of
well-organized car thieves, mr. Rusco.

You don't run an
operation like that on spec.

You saying I'm runnin'
a car theft ring?

Rather appears
that way, doesn't it?

At the very least, you
support their activities...

By being a substantial
outlet for stolen parts.

You damn well better be
prepared to back up those charges,

Or I'm gonna slap you with
false arrest, harassment...

And anything else my
lawyer can come up with.

Oh, I beg your
pardon. Then you have

Factory invoices for
all the parts you sell?

Come on, captain. Have you any
idea of the scope of my business?

I've got six retail outlets
in this county alone.

I buy from over 30
distributors across the state.

How am I supposed to know where
every lousy piece comes from?

Who are you kidding?

Some hype sells you a $200
carburetor for 20 bucks,

Where the hell else is it
supposed to be coming from?

You're a cute piece
of business, mr. Rusco.

The police protect your
home, your family, your business.

Somebody throws a piece
of paper on your lawn,

You holler right away
for the cops, don't ya?

The aggrieved taxpayer,
solid citizen, right,

Doing a land-office
business in stolen goods.

It's that punk's word against mine.
My lawyer'll rip your case to shreds.

For the price he'll be charging
you, I'm sure he'll give it his best shot.

And who knows?
Maybe you'll get off.

Receiving stolen property
is a difficult charge

To press sometimes,
as you probably know.

But before you get
too comfortable, mister,

Let me tell you what I personally
am going to put you through.

Your business is gonna be
padlocked for at least a week...

While we do a thorough and complete
inventory of your entire stock.

Like hell! I know my rights.

What we'll be wanting to
see, among other things,

Is if your stock matches
up with your records.

And if it doesn't, if all your "i"s aren't
dotted and all your "t"s aren't crossed,

We're gonna turn the
entire matter over to the i.r.s.

They eat guys
like you for lunch.

Wait a second! We're talking
major-league police harassment here!

You bet it is, mister.

Neal, throw him in the holding
until his lawyer gets here.

Right, captain.


Hi. Wanna party?

Depends. How much?

Thirty, and 10 for
the room... In advance.

Unless you want
something special, in which...

I don't want special.
Just the way it is.

There's a hotel down the
street. The bradford court.

Let's do it.

Well, here we are. Here we are.

What's your name? Sally.

Sally. That's nice.

Look, I like to get business
out of the way first.


Wanna tell me yours?


Well, henry, you and I are
gonna have a terrific time here.

I can do that.

You're married, aren't you?

You can tell, huh?

Most of my clients
are. You're tense.

Don't be. I'm gonna take
good care of you, henry.

Police! Freeze it right there!
You're under arrest, pal.

Look, I can explain.

Save it. Hey, get your clothes
on, toots. We're going for a ride.

Look, officers,
nothing happened.

I swear it.

My wife finds out,
she's gonna k*ll me.

Maybe you should've thought
of that sooner, hot stuff.

Cuff him and read
him his rights, bill.

Please. Can't ya...

Give me a break!

I-i got kids, a family.

Get a grip on yourself, pal. You
know, it's not the end of the world.

But you... You don't understand. My wife,
she'll sue for divorce. This'll ruin me.

What do you think?

Forget it, o'connor. Just throw the
damn cuffs on him and let's get outta here.

Please. This is
my first offense.

I'll do anything.
I'm begging you.

Hey, if you could only
forget it just this once.

Well, we can't do that.
Yeah, but what we can do...

And that's if our commanding
officer says it's okay...

Is let you prepay your bond.

You'll never have to see
the inside of a courtroom.

That's it. Let's move!

You can do that?

It's been done on occasion.
How much is the bond?

In a case of this
type, 500 cash.

If you don't have it on you, we'll
give you a lift down to your bank.


Let me see how
much of it I got on me.

I put my cash inside my sock.

Neighborhood like this,
can't be too careful.

All right, folks, the party's
over. You are under arrest.

Drop the g*n right now! Drop it!


Hi. How do you feel?

Strong. Very strong.

The doctor said the b*llet passed
less than an inch from your heart.

He said you were lucky
to be here right now.

Gee, I'm a regular
rabbit's foot.

Hey, come on. Don't. Please.

You promised me you weren't
gonna be that kind of cop.

I know.

You have responsibilities...
To me, to your child.

I know. I'm sorry.

For god's sake, henry, what
were you trying to prove?



Dr. Andrews, e.r., Stat.

Dr. Andrews.

I know how henry's doing.
How are you holding up?

I'll be fine, frank.

Let me just go out for
a while and freshen up,

And you two can
talk in private. Sure.

Dr. Pruitt, 1408. Dr. Pruitt.

You know, it's really
something, frank.

I'm lying here
lucky to be alive.

My own wife, first words out of
her mouth, she's busting my chops.

Makes you wonder.

They live with this
fear all the time, henry.

It takes a certain kind of
woman to put up with the life.

Most can't.

You did good work out there.

Cut it out, frank. I
screwed up, and you know it.

We'll have a lot of time to
talk about it. You get well.

I need you back on the job.

Hello, joyce. I heard
about henry. How is he?

Oh, he'll be fine. He was lucky.

I think we have a few
things to talk over, frank.

Uh-huh. I was
about to phone you.

I was way out of line
this afternoon. I'm sorry.

I realize now I was much less
concerned with your welfare...

Than I was with my own.

I was afraid of losing you.

You should know
better than that.

Well, so much of what we
have in common is the work.

Is that the only thing
you think that binds us?

It's a big part of
it, I think. Face it.

We don't exactly run in
the same social circles.

I was afraid if
you left my world,

I wouldn't be able to
hold onto you in yours.

Frank, if our relationship can't
tolerate a change of careers...

For either of us, then
maybe we ought to know that.

There are some things
I'm not sure I need to know.

How about the
fact that I love you?

I'm afraid that's
not always enough.

It's not bad for a start.

Did you quit?

I took a two-week leave...

To assess my situation,
review my options.

Maybe go lie in the sun.

You free for dinner...
To discuss your options?

I was planning on
early retirement.


I had hoped otherwise.

Well, I know we got
serious problems as a family,

But it's not too late
to get things right.

I know it's not gonna be easy,
but when you come right down to it,

All you've got is
your loved ones.

You're right about that,
cowboy. I tell you what.

I'll meet you down here in henry's
room after I go up. All right. Yeah.

Hey, pop, how's it going?
You feeling all right?

If I was feeling all
right, I wouldn't be here.

Well, you're still coming
home friday, aren't you?

We're gonna keep him here
with us a while longer, mr. Renko.

Why? What's going on?

There are a few things
I've been trying to

Discuss with your father
you should know about.

Say, renko, I was waiting for
you up in goldblume's room.

What are you doing down here?

What's wrong? Didn't
you see your old man?

Let's just get out of
here. Wait a minute, renko.

You gotta talk to me, man.
What... What happened up there?


He's got cancer, bobby.

It's all through his body.

Oh, no, man. I'm...
I'm sorry, renko.

That's my daddy up there,

And he's dying on me.

And he won't even let me
sit in the same room with him.
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