02x06 - Cranky Streets

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hill Street Blues". Aired: January 15, 1981 - May 12, 1987.*
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The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city.
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02x06 - Cranky Streets

Post by bunniefuu »

Item 9. - Sarge.

Oh, bates, I'm getting
right on it. Ladies.

Thank you. Item 9.

It appears the more juvenile
among us are at it again.

Be advised, the female police
officers advancement coalition...

Has filed a complaint against
an unnamed prankster...

Who insists upon stretching
clear plastic food wrap...

Over the toilets
in the women's john.

Oh, so funny.

Guys, we all appreciate
a practical joke,

But really, health-wise,
hygiene-wise and...

Dry cleaning-wise,

Let's keep our food wrap
where it belongs. Right.

- On the sandwiches.
- Item 10.

Training officer duty.

By that response, I see
you're all aware of...

The recent abolition of the
full-time training officer post,

Due to the ongoing city
government's austerity programs.

Therefore, the following patrol officers
will be assigned one new transfer each.

And it'll be their job to
indoctrinate said transfers...

Into the machinations
of the hill.

Vermaine, harris, hill, renko.

The, uh, last item.

The last item is a special communiqué
from the police association...

Negotiating team.

"As of 11:49 last night,

All negotiations between the city
and the association are suspended."


- Already?
- "The reasons for this drastic
action are as follows.

"When presented
with our new demands...

"Regarding pension
and retirement benefits,

"The city council
responded, 'no.'

"When presented with the
upgraded health package,

"Including the highly
sought after dental plan,

"The city council's
response was, 'no!'

"When presented with
our keynote demands,

"Wage-wise, fringe-wise
and cost-of-living-wise,

The city council..."
And I quote...

"Laughed in our faces."

Why should I even
go out there then?

Laughed in our faces!

All right. All right.

Let's roll. And hey.

Now, let's be... Damn
careful out there.

Let a councilman take the...

Bust your butt all
the time out there...

Dispatch. We have a 9-11.

Armed robbery in progress.

See surplus store, corner
people's drive, 124th street.

Hey, hey. Come on, man.
Have a heart. I'm blind. Belker.

I'm telling you.
I'm totally blind.

Inside, nosebag.

It's intermittent. It happens
every once in a while. Move! Move!

I swear. I swear. You work your butt
off trying to compile a decent record,

And how do they treat ya?

Do they promote ya? No. Do
they get you in plainclothes? No.

Do they let you work for a decent
wage? No. You go out on strike,

And then they take you away from your
partner and make you into a tour guide.

Well, it's only for
two days. Besides,

It'll do me good to get
a rest from you. What?

Let's go find our new partners.
You're lookin' at yours, pal.

Jerry nash! Hey. How you doin'?

How in the hell are you? Great.

Say, renko. Jerry nash. I used to work
with this guy down at jefferson heights.

That's just peachy, bobby.

You get old home week,

And I'll probably end up...

Playing captain kangaroo
to some wide-eyed

Mental defective straight
off the turnip truck.

Officer renko? Yeah.

I'm estella sanchez. I
believe you're my t.o.

Andrew j., Ma'am.

Uh, and I'm here to protect and
serve you for the next two days.

Maybe, uh, we could get
together out here in the hallway...

And I could explain just how
productive... I'll catch up with you.

The next two days
are gonna be. All right.

Coffey, bates. Outbreak
of domestic strife.

1175 Richmond
avenue, apartment 4-d.

Hey, frank.

- You got a minute?
- You bet.

I was going out there to
find you. I just don't know...

If you realize how much I appreciate
what you did for me. It's nothing.

Internal affairs had the
rope out for me, frank.

If you hadn't done what
you did... I don't think so.

I think they know what kind of pressure
you've been under since annie died.

Well, anyway, you wield a
heavy bat in this league, frank.

I want you to know
I won't forget it.

Well, looks like my
t.o.'S gettin' antsy.

You go ahead. I'll
catch up with you later.

Huh? No, no, no. Leave it.

I told you to shut up!

- We gotta get in there.
- Come on.

What do you guys want?

Look. I'm gonna have to
ask you to settle down. Hey.

I'm gonna swat you in the mouth! You
understand? I'm gonna slap you silly!

Look, sir. We're just trying
to be reasonable. Don't start...

Reasonable? With this meatball?
How can you be reasonable?

You shut up. I'm gonna slap your
mouth down your throat! Understand?

- Go ahead! Go ahead!
- Hey, hey, hey. Just relax. Please.

Look what he brings home
last night. Look at this. Ah.

"Jackie. 2743 Elmwood avenue."

It's jackie. Jackie decarlo.
He's a friend of mine.

He bowls. He drinks. He's got hair
on his palms like one of the guys.

You liar! You
liar! I told you...

Wait, wait. Wait a
minute. Jackie decarlo?

A big guy. Big thick neck
with a lot of body hair? Yeah.

Yeah. He's got a tattoo up
here on his arm? Yeah. Yeah.

I grew up in this neighborhood.
I know jackie decarlo.


- I used to, uh, sh**t pool
with him at the deuce ex.
- Yeah.

- Nice guy.
- Great guy.

Do you mean that?

Why would I lie
about jackie decarlo?

See? You see?

Oh, vito. I'm sorry.

Oh, vito. I'm sorry, baby.

Forgive me. Seriously.

I'm sorry. I forgive you.

I love you. You're
the only one. Oh.

Let 'em make up in private.

How can I do that to you? Oh.

Very creative stuff, joe.

What? "What?" "I
know jackie decarlo.

Lot of body hair. Used
to play pool with him."

Who you kiddin'? Hey.
Come on. It worked, right?

Oh, it worked. Besides,
what's the harm?

Guys like vito, they have a
couple of beers after work... Yeah.

They buy a little
tomato a drink... Uh-huh.

Maybe squeeze a little
flesh under the barstool.

Then they go home to their old ladies.
What's the big deal? You know something?

I am real glad to see that under that
uniform is just a swell, old-fashioned guy.

Hey, luce. See this place?

I spent nearly every friday night in junior
high hanging out in front of this joint.

You did?

Yeah. It was me
and vinnie scalese...

And rocco "six
fingers" mangotti.

You would have loved
this guy. A real classy guy.

You really miss this place, huh?


You know, after my father
died, my mother sold the house.

Yeah. I guess I
do. A little bit.

Hey. There's guido barbari.

He used to rent a room from my aunt.
Worked at the cleaners near our house.

Hey! Guido!


"Hey," what?

What do you mean, "'hey,
' what"? It's me. Joseph.

Nah. It can't be.

The only joseph I
know is joe coffey,

And he don't bother to visit
the old neighborhood no more.

He's got one of those "swingles"
apartment on the north side,

And he forgot about
all us dagos down here.

Hey. Come on. You gonna
break my arches, or what?

The only time I hear from this bum is
when he scares his aunt half to death...

- And he gets shot or something.
- Come on. That was nothin'.

"Nothin'"? "Nothin'," he says. I
know this bum since he's this high.

Yeah. He's like
one of my own. Oh!

Come on.

Ah! You're lookin' good, joseph.

I'm lookin' good? Look at you.
You look like the next mario lanza.

$400 Suits. Custom-made shirt.
What'd you do? Rob a bank?

What is it? Against
the law or somethin'?

Hey. You got your own
business now, or what?

What is this?
What's my line, huh?

Hey. A guy can't put on a
decent set of threads...

Without you making like a
one-man kefauver commission.

No, no. I'm just really surprised
to see you looking so good.

I mean, you're,
uh, really decked.

Why shouldn't I be? Because I
worked behind a counter one time? Ah?

Hey. Imagine this kid...

Talkin' to me like I'm a
hardship case or somethin'.

And after the way I helped
his family. What do you mean?

How'd you help my family, guido? I
mean, you rented a room from my aunt.

Who... Who do you think kept your father's
business out of bankruptcy, huh? Who?

Bankruptcy? What
are you talkin' about?

When my father died, I checked the family
records. You never gave him any money.

Records. Records.
What records? Huh?

You think friends carry
papers on each other?

And all I did for his father.

And that's the respect
I get from the son.

Guido, come on. And you think I
gotta stand here and take this.

Huh? You think that, huh?

Hey. You watch.

It's a fine respect.

Come on. Come on.

He never gave my father a dime.

You, uh... You get into some kind
of beef over at jefferson heights?

One or two.

They had this
captain... Villicoff.


We had what you might call
your basic personality conflict.

Oh. You didn't exactly see
eye to eye with the man, huh?

Couldn't bend over that far.

Hey, bobby. Mm-hmm?

I know it's a
little late, but, uh,

Thanks for the
flowers after annie died.

I never did get around
to sending out cards.

No big deal.

How you makin' out
with your kids? Great.

Hey. Did I tell you? I'm
goin' to night school. No.

Yeah. I'm two years into a
bachelor's degree in accountancy.

Gonna be a c.p.a. Wow.

How in the world do you
manage to get all that in a day?

Unit, 714 on the corner
of 12th and hyacinth. Code 3.

That's us. Unit 18
acknowledge and will proceed.

Hey there, lady!

- Stuck.
- Hey. We got a burner.

You got an extinguisher?

No. Mine got stolen. I'll call
for help. Keep your head down.

Get your head down.

Come on!

I got her.

You got her? Yeah.

Damn. Get out of there,
jerry. She's gonna blow!

I got ya, buddy. I got ya.

It's okay. I got ya. I got ya.

Your hand, man. It's hurt
bad. Are you all right?

No. I'm fine.

Hey, man. I'd send that one back
to the chef. He ain't cooked enough.

Jerry! Jerry!

Come on! Ease
up, man! Let him go!

Jerry. Come on, man. Forget it.
Just forget it. Are you all right?

I'm fine. Let's go
see about that hand.

Come on. I'm okay.

Lousy cop! Pig!

Well, right over here we have,
uh, hymie's deluxe cafeteria.

It's a real chicken hawk
place. Little boys and all.

It's real slime
with a capital "s."

Don't get me wrong, estella. I love
these streets, and these streets love me.

That's what it takes to do real outstanding
police "officorial" work up here.

Aside from all this
reciprocal love,

What other kind of action do
you generally see around here?


I've been shot at, stabbed,
hit with a ball peen hammer,

Called names you wouldn't
even know what they meant.

Have you really been shot?


Do you want to see?
Uh, I'll pull over in this

Alley here and show
you if you want me to.

If you don't mind, renko, I'd
rather just cruise the area.

I got an awful lot to
soak up in just two days.

And soak up you shall.

Now, right over here...

Is your basic
k*ll-or-be-k*lled bar.

They throw a body out
there about once a week.

Oh. Will you look over there?

I'm gonna take care of something
right now. I got some business to tend to.

Watch out.

All right. Didn't I tell you two
insect, lice-ridden social defects...

That the next time I saw you out
on the street I was gonna run you in?

Who are they, renko? Who are
they? They're the scum of the earth.

They are chump-chuckin',
fleabag, lice... Oh, now...

Get up! Get in there. Get over there
and assume the position. I mean that, boy.

Get over there. I was...

Will you go over and assume
the position? Thank you.

All right. Now, you kick
the leg out like that.

You're gonna search 'em. I'll watch.
Go ahead. I know he gonna sh**t us.

I can't stand it.

You're not supposed
to make him laugh. It's

Supposed to hurt. Run, man. Run.

I can't stand it. I
gotta get out of here!

Come back.

Lord have mercy.


What did you do? I
didn't do anything.

Oh, lord. She done k*lled him,
mr. Renko. She done k*lled lance.

Oh, my lord. Looks like
old lance here's dead.

I'm gonna go call the paramedics, and
you just give him some mouth to mouth.

Wait. Instead of the paramedics,

Why not the mouth to mouth?

Oh, my lord. Ah! You...

You're so beautiful.
You're so beautiful, neal.

Some training officer.

Oh, lance. That was almost
as good as the time we...

Hey. Hey.

She took the car.
She stole the car.

Oh, lord!

Sorry. What was the
city council's final offer?

Lieutenant, I know this
should go to the sergeant,

But as a fellow
latino, I thought you...

Okay, sanchez. What do you want?

A new training officer. That's
what I want. I can't work with renko.

No dental plan. Damn.
What about the pay hike?

Look, lieutenant. If you don't have
the staff, just give me another unit.

I'll learn the area on my own.

Four percent
cost of living tops?

Are they crazy? That's a joke.


Look, sanchez. I'll have the sergeant
assign you to temporary office duty. Okay?

People are testing my
patience. What did you hear?

They're talking a possible
wildcat strike. ¡Madre mía!

Just another light loafered
step on the road to socialism.

Excuse me, howard?
Judas priest, ray.

Those union wags have got cream of
wheat where their bone marrow ought to be.

Can you imagine what kind
of a republic this would be...

If civil employees
were allowed to strike...

Every time a dental plan
dropped a molar or two?

I am talkin' garbage
in the streets.

The pravda in every newsstand
and a goldarn land bridge to cuba.

Howard, what choice have we got?

No choice. Mon ami.

Let's all take our blues
and put 'em in mothballs.

Then we'll just climb
into some warm p.j.'S...

And, uh, play pinochle for
the rest of the fiscal year,

While 45,000 of
your brown types...

Go on a discount shopping spree.

Would you like to
repeat that, lieutenant?

Excuse me, captain.

Are we having a
problem here, gentlemen?

Well, uh, some of us seem to be overly
concerned with our dental plan, frank.

Some of the guys are talking
about a possible walkout, frank.

Who have you been
talking to? Captain.

Captain, have you got a
minute to spare for the missus?

Tell her to call back, would you,
leo? Sorry, captain, but, she's, uh...

Tell her I'm out. Tell
her anything, but, leo...

See what I've had to put up
with for the last 12 years?

Frank, I want you to
meet... Hal massey. Pleasure.

Well, that goes double for me
too, frank. Listen. By the way, use this.


Thank you.

Uh, would you like
to come in my office?

gentleman, hal massey.

And I suppose francis isn't?

Well, um,

Frank, I am speaking
tomorrow at a, uh,

Fund-raiser luncheon
at the statler.

Now, fay and I have
discussed this already, and...

We both would really
like you to come.

Uh, i... I... I don't know, hal.

I'm, uh... I'm pretty pressed
around here right now, you know.

Oh, frank, we thought this would be just an
excellent opportunity for you to learn...

Where hal stands on the issues affecting
those of us with school-age children.

I mean, especially since
he's going to be stepping in...

As father figure for
frank jr. In just five days.

Unless I'm terribly mistaken,

Frank jr. Already
has a father figure.

He has a damn good
father figure, frank.

Oh, frank. Uh, there's
no need to get defensive.

All I meant was that since hal is
going to be a constant in his life,

I mean, frank jr.'S bound
to pick up some of his values.

May I remind you both that since I intend
to remain a constant in my son's life,

He's bound to retain a
hell of a lot of my values.

Frank, listen. Believe me, nothing is going
to change between you and little frank.

His name is frank jr.
Well, excuse me, mister,

But it's very hard
to tell whose name is

Frank jr. Here from
the way you're behaving.

Fay, please. No.

Now, this just isn't fair.

Uh, fay, you're right.

You're absolutely right. I'm
sorry. It's... It's not. And, uh...

I apologize. I don't know
why I'm behaving like this.

Things have been pretty
tense around here lately.

Listen. If I had to spend 50
hours a day in a place like this,

I would be tense too.

Excuse me.

Yeah. Furillo.

Yeah, captain. There's
a blue monte carlo...


Yeah. I think I do.

No, no, no. Good. Yeah. Okay.

Thanks. Uh, hal.

Do you own a blue monte carlo?

Yes, I do, frank. Why?

It's being cited for parking
in the red zone out front.

What? Oh, god.

Fay, I told you we
couldn't park there.

Well, I have always parked there,
and there's never been any problem.

I'm not in the habit
of, uh, fixing tickets,

But in this case I'd be
glad to make an exception.

Thank you. It's all right.

So, frank, will you come?


Sure. I'd be happy to. Oh.

All right. Good.

We'll see you tomorrow.

Where you get your cologne,
belker? Waste treatment plant?

You're gonna look awful
funny minus a nose, baby.

Better minus that than
some things I can think of.

Mmm. Mmm. You hear
from your old lady?

Yeah. She called me
last night from l.a.

That dude she made this
commercial with last month... Mm-hmm.

Says she could do real
well out there. Hmm.

Yeah, sure. Up to her earlobes in his
hot tub with the quiche and freebase set.

Hey. You know jill better than
that, man. Come on, neal. Hey.

It's none of my business,
right, but hollywood...

Man, those guys'll just
be all over that chick.

Hey, hey. The lady's got
career plans. Okay, j.d.?

Besides, man, when you really
care for someone... Mm-hmm.

That self-fulfillment supersedes
all those petty jealousies.

Hold the meringue,
huh? I'm gettin' diabetes.

Oh. Miss, my friend here...

He'll have the sewage surprise
and the human hand for dessert.

Could I have an empty glass
and a sandwich setup, please?

What kind of sandwich is that?

Oh, it's not a sandwich. It's a sandwich
setup. Doris always gets it for me.

Tell you what you do.
Bring me a kaiser roll,

A nice thick slice of bermuda onion
and a piece of cabbage, all right?

That's it? No pastrami
or ham or nothin'?

Uh, no. Not unless you
got these on the menu.

Oh, god.

Three weeks ago, my new housekeeper
comes to me and tells me she wants a raise.

I tell her I'm already
busted, so she splits.

And on top of everything, I hear
the union's walkin' out of negotiations.

I'm already
overextended as it is.

A strike now is really
gonna put me in the toilet.

It's not easy for any of us, jerry.
Besides, what else can we do, huh?

If we don't get their attention,
they don't even take us seriously.

I got my oldest at home
now, lookin' after the baby.

She'll be flunking out
of school because of it.

Ah. Better give her a call.

I mean, where does this
guy get off spreadin'

Lies around the
neighborhood like that?

I don't know.

It was my old man who was
always helpin' out guido.

Car loans, christmas money.

You know, he once borrowed 500
bucks from my old man back in 1966,

And he hasn't paid it back yet.

Look, joe. I know this union
thing is gettin' everybody tense,

But I really think you're
lettin' it get to you.

How's christopher? The
union has nothin' to do with it.

- Did you take him outside?
- Guido barbari was somethin'
special to me.

He was like part of my family.

I used to bring him beers
when he used to watch

The fights with my
father on friday nights.

Guido used to
give me a penny tip.

Now he's bad-rappin' my old man,

He's hangin' around with
these shady characters,

And he's handlin' small talk
like it was the third degree.

Now, that's... That's not guido.

None of it.

What? What?

I'm sorry, baby.
I can't hear ya.

It's very noisy in here. You'll
have to speak up some. No. Don't...

Baby, if I've told you once,
I've told you a hundred times.

You have to check the disposal
for dishcloths before you turn it on!

You can put your hand down it
as long as you don't turn it on!

Do you have any idea how much a
plumber's gonna gouge us for this?


You wait till I get home,
young lady. You just wait.

Joe, I think we really better
stick with police business.

I don't think you should do...

Look, luce. I'm sorry. I can't
work when I'm feelin' like this.

I couldn't even finish
my lunch. Yeah. Me either.

Eee, maria. When
it rains, it pours.

Why don't you call first,
joey? We gotta talk, guido.

Later, all right? Later.
Look. Mrs. Spinelli's here.

It'd be a big scandal if the
people found out. He's got a point.

I don't care if the pope himself
is visiting. I want to talk to you.

Look, joseph.
About your father...

Forget I said anything. I
was only kiddin' around.

See? There you go.
It's settled. That's it.

Look. There's something going on
with you, and I want to know what.

What are you talkin' about? I'm talkin'
about a guy I've known my entire life...

Who's walkin' around
in these $400 suits and

Actin' like he's some
big mob guy or somethin'.

That's what I'm talkin' about.
You're imagining things, joseph.

Nothing's going on
with me. I swear. I swear.

Hey, guido! There
ain't no size... Holy sh...

Mrs. Spinelli, huh?

What is this? Polizia.

What the hell's goin' on here?

My apartment was overflowing.
I had to get rid of some stuff.

There's no problem. Keep
shopping. This is all new merchandise.

You got a bill of
sale for this stuff?

You got anything
you can show me?

Come on, joey boy. It's
all taken care of. Capisce?

No "capisce." What
are you talkin' about?

Where'd you get the stuff? I
got connections, sweetheart.

Let's just let it go at that.

Is this stuff hot? Is that
what you're tryin' to tell me?

You're wastin' your time, kid.

Look, guido. You better give
me some answers real quick,

Or I swear to god,
I'm gonna run you in.

I mean it. Joseph coffey, you
oughta be ashamed of yourself.

Mrs. Amico, please,
stay out of this.

This is your last
chance, guido. In 1958,

Your family would
have went bankrupt...

'Cause your papa didn't
know how to run his business.

But guido here bailed you out.

Wha... What are
friends for, huh? Yeah.

That's it. I'm gonna
run you in, guido.

Where's your coat? Hey,
luce. We're gonna take

All this stuff with us.
Come on. Get your coat.

Ooh, nice weave.

Wool worsted. 100%.

Just, uh, keep movin'.

Hey, luce. Did you have to
arrest this wardrobe too?

Renko, may I have a
word with you? Hmm?

How many did you take?

Frank, did you have a chance
to read hill's report yet?

Oh, yeah. Looks as if jerry nash
will be nominated for medal of valor.

I want to talk to you about that,
soon as you have a moment. All right.

Ah, you know, without
putting too fine a point on it,

This sanchez woman was
more than somewhat upset...

About your curbside
theatricalities this morning.

So she came in here and kicked
up a ruckus, didn't she? Mm-hmm.

I sent her out with perez and
ellis for the rest of the day.

She's threatening to
file harassment claims.

Come on, sarge. It's a practical
joke. A lot of new fish get gooned.

You know that. Nevertheless,
I'm sure you can appreciate...

A certain sensitivity on her
part to these atavistic traditions,

Minority- and
gender-wise as it were.

She's a fine officer. She
wants desperately to fit in.

She was terribly hurt.

I... I... I didn't mean
to do anything.

I just...

Sarge, I've been feeling
real distracted lately.

You know what I mean?
Even bobby's been seein' it.

I feel like I'm caught in some kind
of weird downward spiral, you know.

Well, it's a high-stress
occupation, andrew.

This whole job walkout stuff is
blowin' all my plans half to hell.

I gotta lose 16 pounds in three and a
half weeks, or I won't pass my physical.

I'm 31 years old. I haven't even
applied for the sergeant test.

You know, I'm... I... I'm...


I never in my life meant
to hurt that little

Lady. I know that.
Don't feel too bad.

It's not easy maintaining
harmony in a job such as ours.

Well, you sure as hell
seem to do a good job of it.

Well, I've been at
it over 20 years.

And in that time I've come to see the
precinct house for what it really is...

A tenuously balanced
social microcosm,

Composed of highly diverse
and competitive individuals.

Now, without some sensitivity
to their various dispositions...

There'd be absolute chaos.

Ray, if it's not too much trouble,
will you file these, please?

I beg your pardon, phil?

Well, I'm up to my hips in a serious
tête-à-tête with officer renko,

And I was wondering if
you could file these for me.

I realize budget tightening has
forced us to lose several perks,

But nevertheless, there are still
appropriate channels for filing.

Oh, I see. Perhaps I should
have, uh, asked someone...

Of a slightly lower rank
than lieutenant, lieutenant.

That would have been more in line
with established procedures, sergeant!

Well, forgive me for thinking that
favors between friends required procedure.

I don't believe this.
Negotiations hit a

Snag, and you two are
at each other's throats.

Well, the sergeant
was... Sarge, sh*ts fired,

112Th and maplewood.
Probable homicide.

Hill and nash responding.
That's two blocks.

We'll need backups...
Coffey, bates, renko, go.

Thank you.

Police! Drop everything!
Hold it right now!

What are you talkin'
about? I got 'em.

Stop! Drop the bottle!

I got ya.

Who you pushin', pig?

I'm pushin' you!

Help! Jerry!

Help! Oh, man!
He's gonna k*ll me!

Jerry! Jerry! Stop
it, man. Stop it!

Jerry, you're
gonna k*ll him, man.

Jerry, what's the matter, man?

I'm okay.

Move along.

Bobby, nash.

Captain wants to
see you in his office.

I may need your help now, bobby.

How's your suspect?

We left him at county.

Condition? He got
a little hurt, frank.

Doctor said there's a
possible concussion.

They're taking x-rays.

He mentioned something
about a couple of ribs too.

You want to run it down for me?

We pursued the
suspect down a hallway.

He threw a bottle at me.

- Where were you, bobby?
- Bobby was behind me.


About eight to 10,
uh, steps, captain.

And then?

I grabbed the suspect...

As he was going
out the fire escape.

He was high on something.
He popped me in the eye.

What steps did you
take to control him?

It was an escalating
force thing.

He was goin' crazy, like
angel dust or somethin'.

He popped me in
the eye. I popped him.

I tried for an arm
restraint, but forget it.

Uh, he kept resisting,

I cracked him with the
baton, and that was it.

Did any other officers
strike any blows?


Is that how it happened, bobby?

That's about it, captain. It
was reasonable and necessary.

I want 592's from everybody who
saw anything on my desk by 9:00 a.m.

Was he read his
rights before you left?

That's affirmative. And he called
the public defender's office.

Thank you, gentlemen.


Nice work at the accident
scene this morning.

Oh, thanks, frank.

You sure about that?

Yeah. Yeah. They were
all the labels that I had.

Right. Uh-huh.

None of it?

O-okay. Thanks. Thank you.

That was division. They ran
checks on the maker labels...

For every garment bust
in the last six months.

Can't prove their stolen, huh?

Book 'em or lose 'em, joe.

Henry, you don't think...
Strings could have been pulled?

You know, downtown.

Couple racks of suits, maybe
two seasons out of fashion.

Maybe guido gave chief daniels
a three-piece for christmas.

Hey, joe. You think
maybe your cousin...

Could pull me a size 46, uh,
regular in, like, a poly-dacron...

Oh. Or western
cut kind of thing?

You think you could...
How about this nice gray?

That's beautiful. Little
stripes comin' down like that.

Little lone star pin here in the corner
do me just fine. Thank you very much.

Now what do we do? Get the
rubber hose treatment or what?

Oh, come on. Knock
it off, will ya, guido?

Kid from my own
block. Joey coffey.

Turns cop and he busts
me. Hey. Do me a favor too.

Cut the paisan routine, all right?
'Cause I don't want to hear it anymore.

How may times do I gotta listen
to "I knew your father when..."

I don't care when you
knew my father, guido.

I'm out of that. It won't
work. So forget it.

Look. I didn't mean
it quite like that.

All I meant was is that
we all change. That's all.

Guido, I looked up to
you when I was a kid.

You were somebody special to
me. You were somebody in my life.

And now I look at you,
and you know what I see?

I gotta tell you the truth.
I see a third-rate wiseguy.

I always was a third-rate
wiseguy, joseph.

You just never knew it.

That was the whole problem. Nobody
ever took me seriously. Even your father,

One of the finest
men I ever knew.

Even he didn't
take me seriously.

The dry cleaners. "Guido,
the pants ready tuesday?"

"Guido, the spot
didn't come out."

Now, finally, finally,
they take me seriously.

Because of you or because,
uh, they think you're connected?

I'm an old man. I
got their respect.

What do I care how I got it?

And I'll tell you
something else.

All those old people
outside there...

Nobody. Nobody
messes with any of us.

That's right.

The snatchers, the muggers...
They don't come up on 118th street.

'Cause the word's
out. I'm a cheese.

And you're not.


I ain't connected.

I buy all the clothes
at distress sales.

Last year's stuff.
Tag is still on it.

I talk it up and let people
think what they want to think.

I don't hurt nobody, joseph.

Guido, why didn't
you just tell me?

I mean, you could have
saved us all this grief.

'Cause I got pride, joey.

Don't you understand that?

Maybe my life ain't
everything you thought it was.

And maybe I'm not a
good example to the kids.

But most of them don't know
anyways, just like you never knew.

Ah, it's funny.

Right now, joseph, my life...

Is more than I ever
thought it would be.

Look. You didn't
commit any crime.

There's just some things
that I gotta straighten out...

For myself... About
the neighborhood.

There's nothin' to
straighten out, joey.

Like you said, you're out of it.

You moved.

I'm sorry, guido. I should have never
dragged you down here like this.

Hey, joseph.

Everything works
out for the best.


And don't be a
stranger, huh, kid?

Yeah. Yeah, lenny. I know
you special ordered it for me.

Yeah. Well, it's
only 178.50 a month.

You tell me how I'm gonna make
the payments if the union walks out.

You tell me. You're... Come on. They're
gonna be lined up around the block...

To take the camper
off your hands.

Sleeves are a little
short. I like the buttons.

What do you mean? Lime
green's a great color.

I think the sleeves are a little
short. It'll be okay, lieutenant.

Think so? Oh, sure.


Take care of it, guido? Hey. Who are we
talkin' about here? Guido barbari. Come on.

Hey. Fats.

Excuse me.


Fill out the green form, and I'll look
at it when I get back from the john, okay?


Listen. We're gonna have to do something
with the racks, get 'em back to his house.

Mm-hmm. Yeah.

That's right, bill. We'll get the
papers down there as soon as we can.

Sure. You too.

Hello, counselor.

You feel like talking
about an as*ault, frank?

You have a client
accused of as*ault?

Victim of an as*ault...

By a police officer,

Resulting in multiple
contusions, abrasions,

Three fractured ribs
and a severe concussion.

Sounds like excessive
force to me, pizza man.

Not to mention as*ault
under color of authority...

And a violation of
the man's civil rights.

In which case, your officer, gerald nash,
could be looking at some serious time.

I talked to my men, joyce.

They weren't aware of the
full extent of the injuries,

But they assured me it was
a necessary force situation.

I heard you were, uh, instrumental in
bringing him from jefferson heights.

I also heard he had some
disciplinary trouble over there.

Did you also hear he
pulled two people out

Of a burning car less
than eight hours ago?

I'm sure he's an
exemplary human being.

But my client is being
charged with resisting arrest...

And attempted as*ault on a police officer,
and he's the only one that got hurt.

Internal affairs will have the
entire matter tomorrow morning.

Regardless of their
conclusions, frank,

Jerry nash stepped way
out of bounds on this one.

One of my most reliable men
says otherwise, counselor.

All you have to do is
when you file the reports,

Just say you saw it, and it
was reasonable and necessary.

The guy's got
some real problems.

Sure he's got problems. He's troubled
and maybe even should see a psychiatrist,

But the guy helped me
get started on this force.

He saved two lives this morning,

And what happened to him could
have happened to any one of us.

Now, if we don't back him,

His whole career is
goin' down the tubes.

Bobby, you're asking me to cover
for a guy that I hardly even know.

Maybe I was wrong, but
that's the story I told furillo.

So, see, uh,

If we don't back bobby, then...

He's gonna get hung out
to dry out there with nash.

What we're talkin' about doing
now could lead to perjury.

Okay. Okay, then. Just...

Just write that you
didn't see anything.

You and joe came up
after we put the cuffs on.

It's a lie, bobby. It might be
easier to defend, but it's a lie.

I'm backin' him.


We didn't see anything.

But you gotta know this,
bobby. This one's for you.

And it's askin' a lot.

Well? We're gonna back you.

But let me tell
you somethin', pal.

We may cover for you,

But none of us are goin'
back on the street with you.

Goodwill's a short
ration up here,

And you just used
up all of yours.
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