02x03 - The Last White Man on East Ferry Avenue

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hill Street Blues". Aired: January 15, 1981 - May 12, 1987.*
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The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city.
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02x03 - The Last White Man on East Ferry Avenue

Post by bunniefuu »

Please be reminded that this
creature's material evidence...

In a criminal case...

And, as such, is due all rights and
privileges of a ward of the court.

Uh, said rights and privileges,
however, do not include...

Happy hour guest appearances
at madigan's bar and grill,

Midnight forays to
mike's submarines,

Nor unauthorized overnights...

At the homes of certain
unnamed officers.

Glad to see you're
datin' again, mick.

Oh, yeah, sure. Yeah.

All right. Come on. Eyes
front. We're almost through.

Item 15. Regarding arms
and munitions missing...

From the national
guard armory in newark...

That was hit two weekends ago...

As you're all probably aware by now,
said weaponry was located last week...

By several of our people in a
warehouse off niagra street.

Though we haven't, as yet,
established any solid links,

The present investigation is proceeding
on the, uh, premise of g*ng activity.

More specifically, that of jesse
john hudson and the black arrow.

Now, with this in mind, people, let's
keep our antenna tuned, shall we?

All right.

The last item brings us...

To the annual precincts'
small-arms qualifications...

At the westside academy
firing range tomorrow.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Without recapitulating last year's
embarrassingly substandard performance,

I think you're all aware...

That a 57.4 overall
accuracy percentage...

Does not a crack team
make. See that? Forget it.

Now, believe me, it's gonna take
a sight better effort than that...

To wrest the kubiak memorial trophy
away from that gloating bunch at midtown...

And back to its
rightful home upstairs!

So let's be prepared
for this one.

And that means a good
eight hours' sleep tonight...

And, uh, a little
uncommon temperance...

In the beer and, uh,
gender department.

All right. That's
it. Let's roll.

Oh, wait a second! We're
not through here just yet!

Uh, "uncognizant" as I am...

Of who among you is responsible,

Nevertheless, in deference
to our more female coworkers,

I'd like to express
my profound dismay...

At the peephole discovered
earlier this morning...

Channeled from the men's lavatory
into the ladies' powder room.

No. No!

Now, aside from the obvious
vandalistic overtones,

I find this sort of behavior
deviant in the extreme. Thank you.

All right. That's
it. Let's roll.

And hey, hey! Let's
be careful out there.

These idiots.

I was adjusting my damn bra.

What would you do if you
were in your little jockstrap,

And there's some weirdo looking
at you through a hole in the wall...

Wait. What makes you so sure that the
hole was drilled in the ladies' direction?

Man, I've been practicing on tin cans
on a country fence, lee van cleef style.


Trust me, this year is gonna
be different. That's right.

Because this year you're
gonna lose someone else's money.

Stay with me, oh, my brother.

Uh, joe?

You think I might be able to
interest you in a small wager...

On the qualifications
in sh**ting tomorrow?

Oh, I don't know.
What'd you have in mind?

Maybe a small tag team
sh**t' match between partners.

Me and bobby here against
you and lucille. Dollar a point.

- Dollar a point? I'm al...
- Dollar a point!

Best lead per volley,
double for bull's-eyes,

Maybe a five-dollar nassau with an
option to press in the second half.

Bates, coffey! I got a neighborly
squabble for you on east ferry.

Yeah, right there,
sarge. Uh, you're on.

Joe, uh, I think we
gotta think about this.

Money in the bank,
luce. I gotta talk to you.

Yeah! Your money!
My bank! Hey, watch it.

Hill street. Officer
hanks speaking.

Judas priest! Hah!

Dispatch. We have a 9-11.

Armed robbery in progress.

See surplus store, corner
people's drive, 124th street.

I don't know.

You can do a little
girl-watching per se, but, uh,

You would have to be seriously
whacked to go to all this trouble.

Frank, it's just indicative of the
goldarn cancer of permissiveness...

That you have allowed
to take root up here.

Morning, howard.
What's indicative?

Oh, judas priest,
man. Open your eyes.

This precinct is virtually a petri
dish of laxity and insubordination,

Not to mention
chronic irreverence...

For the art of
small-arms marksmanship.

Howard, the men make bets
every year on range qualifications.

Oh, wow.

So, how'd your evening
go with grace gardner?

Just fine. Wonderful, in fact.

Couldn't have gone better.

Why? What did you
hear? Nothing, howard.

But you're looking a little ragged
around the edges this morning.

Could I be totally frank...

With you, frank?

Of course, howard.

The woman's deranged.

Frank, you know me.

I am not a rookie when it
comes to night maneuvers.

I mean, libidinally speaking,

I have been known to snap
a few wet towels in my time.

But this gardner woman...

I mean, she is a case
for the manuals.


She heats up her body lotion...

In her microwave.

I mean, judas priest!

How is any right-thinking male
supposed to keep his powder dry...

Under that kind of ungodly
erotogenic pressure?

Howard, if you're trying to
tell me you experienced a little...

Momentary equipment failure...

I don't care what
you've heard, frank.

My equipment is as good as any man's, and
I don't wish to discuss this any further.

Please, mrs. Santilia,
just try and stay calm.

Two of our officers
should be there any minute.

Bates, coffey, I thought you
were on that call to east ferry.

We were, sarge, until we found
these shrimps ripping off our radio.

Yeah, in the parking
lot in broad daylight.

My, my. Aren't we ambitious
early in the morning?

In your nose, grandpa! Your
mama swims after troop ships!

Watch it! All right. Put 'em
in holding for the time being.

Come on, all three of
you! Radio hill and renko...

Those kids are members
of the dragon, frank.

Former members, it appears.

You really think they've
thrown in with the black arrow?

I think they'd like
to, ray, and if they're

Any indication of what's
going on out there,

I'd say we have some serious
trouble coming our way.


I have wasted nearly
the entire damn

Morning going through
those warehouse files.

Yeah, I know, henry.

It was a good try, but I figured that
warrant would turn out to be a bust.

Fake waybills, phony
addresses and names, yes?

How can someone stash over half
a ton of hot armory and hardware...

Without leaving
some kind of trail?

We didn't expect hudson
to make things easy for us.

So what now?

Just so your morning
won't be a complete washout,

Uh, what say we drop some citations on
that warehouse for creative bookkeeping?

Oh, and see if you can raise
belker for me, would you? Yeah.

Two hours a day I
spend in my garden,

Weeding, pruning, watering.

But what do they care?

They play their radios and
collect their welfare checks.

And they don't
care about nothing!

You are uncivilized!

- You have no culture!
- Calm down.

If he doesn't hand it over, I'm
gonna go up there and get it myself.

He's the one that's always on
my property! Mr. Popovich, please.

Mr. Popovich, calm down. How am I supposed
to do my job if you all don't shut up?

Mr. Popovich, please,
just calm down.

You're gonna cause a ri...
Mr. Popovich, calm down.

Thirty-five years I live here.

I won't be chased
out by these animals!

I don't care if you're a
man or a woman! Shut up!

Yo, bobby. We are not animals.

I hate to start off a shift
with these nickel-and-dime beefs.

You think I like it, renko?

Look, the old guy
claims that the kid

Stomped half his
marigolds chasing the ball.

Ah, heavens. Marigolds and
soccer balls. Ain't that terrible?

You wonder why I'm so hot
to get into plainclothes?

Will you be quiet?
Thank you very much!

We oughta negotiate some kind of unilateral
agreement and get the hell out of here.

Wait a minute. The old guy's gonna
need some kind of token damages...

I think I can squeeze a fin out
of the san juan contingent.

How do you, uh,
say "five dollars"?

Cinco dólares. Cinco dólares.

- Okay, mr. Popovich,
it's gonna be settled.
- Cinqo dólares americano.

Nice negotiations. Y'all
keep a leash on this ball, boy.

Get out now. Go home. Go home.

Go wherever it is you live. Don't hang
around, bother this old man anymore.

You know, he's got an awful
lot of anger stored up in him.

Well, can you blame him?

How would you feel if your home turf was
being invaded by ill-mannered foreigners?

I wouldn't know, cowboy.

Hudson's called an emergency meet
of the weapons committee for 3:00.

Look, I wanna go in
there with a wire, man.

Forget it, virgil. Let's just wait and
see what the warehouse bust gives us.

Nothin'. That's what
it's gonna give us.

Look, I've been under on this
operation for nearly nine months.

We don't move now,
it's gonna be too late.

Just tell furillo. Tell
him I want a wire. All right?

Hit me. What?

Don't turn around. Just
hit me, damn it. Hit me now!

Hey, what's happening, virgil?

Hey, clay, uh, just cleanin'
up the neighborhood, man.

That right? Yeah. Stinkin' wino
tried to hit me for my lunch money.

What? Say.

Look here, boy.

This here's black arrow
territory, owned and operated.

No riffraff allowed.

Especially white riffraff.

Come on. Let's
head up out of here.

Come on.

You okay? Yeah.

I just got this
from division, mick.

Three positive i.d.'S off those prints
virgil got from hudson's inner circle.

Oh, yeah? Mm-hmm.

One of them's an ex-green
beret named jenkins

Who's wanted for
manslaughter in oakland.

The other two, tabbs and
ferris, did some time in michigan.

You figure we can, uh, bust
hudson on a parole beef? Uh-huh.

Consorting with known felons.

We stand an excellent chance if we can
get virgil into that meeting with a wire.

Captain, these black arrow guys
play for keeps. They waste people.

I'm aware of that, mick.

So is virgil, or he wouldn't
want them so badly.

Captain, virgil is
such a gung-ho type.

Why can't we wait till
something sure comes along?

Okay. I'll have him
wired up this afternoon.

I just wanted you to know that I
don't feel good about the whole thing.

I know you don't,
mick. Neither do i.

Phillip. Howard.

It seems I've drained
the last of the java.

I trust there's no
hard feelings, phil.

Of course not, howard.
I'll just, uh, brew a fresh pot.

I was referring to our situation
vis-à-vis the gardner woman.

Rest easy, howard.

Our estrangement is
quite unconditional.

Orthopedically speaking, it
couldn't have come too soon.

Yeah. After last night's soiree, I
couldn't concur with you more.

Why? What happened last night?

Nothing, phil.
Absolutely nothing.

Congratulations, howard.

In view of the woman's
insatiable needs,

That must qualify
as an all-time first.

Doggone it, phil.

I have proven myself a first-rate
nimrod from dartmouth to da nang,

And I'll be damned if I'll be
crucified for one wet squib.

- How've you been, howard?
- Wouldn't you like to know?

What's eating him? Well, fay.

To put it bluntly,
grace gardner.

Grace gardner?
With howard hunter?

Fate makes strange
bedfellows of us all.

Only two weeks ago I never
imagined I'd be seeing margaret again.

Your ex-wife margaret? Mm-hmm.

I stopped over to help
her install her storm

Windows and ended
up staying for dinner.

After six months on the carnal
frontiers with grace gardner,

You've no idea what a joy it is
to spend the night with a woman...

Just sleeping.

That's called
"domesticity," phil.

Oh. Hiya, mac. What's
the good word?

Well, it's four centerline
tickets for the sabre game.

Oh, great! Oh, I'd like
you to meet fay furillo.

How do you do, fay? Hello.

You're the captain's
missus? Former.

Well, in that case, fay, do
you like contact sports?

Is your friend aware
that he's propositioning

A woman engaged to
be married in 10 days?

No! Well, who's
the lucky fellow?

His name is hal massey.

He's running for reelection
for the school board.

Nice going, fay. You
finally bagged a live one.

- Phil!
- Francis must be
happy as a clam.

Well, he is. And, in fact,
that's why I came by today.

I want to invite you
both to the reception.

Oh, thank you. How civilized.

And congratulations.

Thank you, phil.

Say hi to margaret for me, okay?

It was nice meeting you. The
pleasure was totally mine, fay.

I'm just sorry it
didn't happen sooner.

Bye-bye. Good-bye.

Oh, phil!

And so the women come and
go, speaking of michelangelo.

Chin up, macallister.

Amour-wise, it's a wide and
woolly world out there.

Can I see you for a minute,
captain? Sure. Come on in.

I was wondering if you knew what
was going on in this downey case.

They make a deal
with the d.a. Or what?

Not to my knowledge.

You know, it's a hell
of a thing, frank.

You nail some drugged-out,
two-buck mattress buster,

And all of a sudden they
got you under a microscope.

What can I tell you, ben?

You know, my wife's a great
gal. You'd love her, frank.

I've been on the vice squad
for almost five years now,

And, you know, she
hasn't squawked once.

But even she's getting edgy.

It's like having a sword over
your head or something. I know.

But the department has to investigate
all charges against its officers.

You know that
too. Yeah, I guess.

So just go about your business,

And I'll keep you apprised
of what happens, okay?

Thanks, frank. I mean it.

How are you, joyce?

Fine. Yourself?

Sitting on a rainbow.

That's good.

What can I do for you?

I've just come back from the
d.a.'S office about susan downey.

- Mm-hmm.
- They're looking
to plea-bargain.

Assistant d.a.
Ramsey, I believe it was,

Said they'd reduce charges if we
wouldn't press our ben lambert complaint.

I couldn't figure out
why they'd give a damn

About ben lambert at
this stage of the game...

Unless you talked to them.

I reviewed the
case with them, yes.

Well, I told your mr. Ramsey
no deal. We fight all the way.

You have to do what you
think is right, counselor.

Frank, I need an
objective viewpoint,

An opinion I value.

Come on. I'll buy you a hot dog.

Dispatch, we got a replay on that
neighbor squabble on east ferry.

What say let's send hill and renko out to
domesticate the situation once and for all?

Tell me about
lambert. What's he like?

Good cop. Not
exceptional, but good. Solid.

He's a family man.
Clean record. That's it?

Those are a lot better
credentials than susan downey's.

You know, job description
of topless waitress...

Does not exactly generate a
lot of character references.

Frank, I really ran
the number on her.

Women's rights. The
importance of assertion.

Her rights and
responsibilities as an individual.

The entire party line.

She just sat there, blown
away by the big-shot lawyer,

And all but delivered
herself into my hands.

So what's your problem?

Am I being so stiff-necked
about my ideals...

That I'm harming my client?

I wouldn't call you stiff-necked,
counselor. As I recall, your neck's...

Sorry. That wasn't
exactly proper.

If she's telling the truth
and we take the deal,

Then lambert gets swept under
the carpet without even a reprimand,

And susan downey becomes just another
victim flushed down the system's toilet.

Exactly right.

But if you don't take
the plea and you lose...

Then she's doing time,
and I'm kicking myself.

But that's a given
in every case.

The point is, susan downey
should not have to be compromised,

And neither should i.

What he did to her
sickens me. If he's guilty.

You wanna know something?

Whether you win or lose,

We're never gonna know,

Not for sure.

How've you been, frank? Really.

I've been missing you.

Me too.

Joyce, I didn't
dislike what we had.

It just made me
want so much more.

There are men in my life
who'd k*ll to have what you had.

I only wish it'd been
enough for me. It wasn't.

Thanks for the
hot dog, pizza man.

Old man, what are you
gonna do with that bat?

Who do you want this time?

Well, I'll take the white man,
and you take the third world.

Get out of my way, pal.
Get out of my way. Back off.

Let us through. Let us
through. Let us through.

Now, I thought we cleaned
this mess up. Stay away from me!

No problem. Now,
you put that bat down.

Do you have any idea
what the penalties are...

For wielding a bat like that
at an officer of the law?

Tell them! Tell them! Because
they're all just animals!

Understand? My son
was doing nothing!

And this... This animal came
after him calling him filthy names!

Hey, do you expect me to believe that
he's the only one doing this? Come on.

M... Mr. Popovich, we have
got to talk about this.

All I was doing was playing my tape
deck while I was waxing my brother's car.

These people are your neighbors,
whether you like it or not.

Look, I know how you feel...

Being the last white man in
the neighborhood and all.

And if these jokers have
committed some kind of a crime...

Shut up! There he
goes! He's crazy!

Get behind the fence. Behind the
fence. Everybody, behind the fence.

Mr. Popovich, will
you open up this door?

Now, I'm... I'm a police officer.
You're required by law...

Now, you guys, every
time you always say...

Behind the gate. Son, that's
you too. Behind the gate.

g*n, renko!

He's in the house
with a shotgun, frank.

Our guys are okay. We got a
wounded kid in the line of fire.

Can't get to him. We
don't know if he's alive.

There's been no
motion from the house,

And the old man hasn't
responded to the bullhorn.

Hunter's setting up a field
phone now to contact him.

I got the paramedic. Can
you tell if he's still alive?

I just got here. Well,
work on it then, will you?

Henry. I'm here, frank.

I got a number
here for popovich.


- Hill? 555-3501.
- Right.

This is hunter at the scene,
acknowledging your circuit, frank.

We've secured the
perimeters. Over.

Outstanding, howard. Henry, you
tell me, how do you want to handle this?

As slow and easy
as I can, frank.

Once we establish a line of dialogue,
we can go in there and bring the boy out.

Frank, henry, one word, please.

That boy has to be desanguinating
at a horrendous rate.

I repeat, we don't have
the time for slow and easy.

Just let my boys lay down
a little lead umbrella.

We'll sweep right under, pick
that boy up, and presto... Home free.

What do you think, henry?

Evacuation isn't complete. There's
still people in the surrounding buildings.

Okay, that's out, howard.

Henry, all I can say is initiate
contact as quickly as possible.

Will do. It's ringing, henry.

But he's not picking up.

Hey, simmon, get down here!

A waste of time, henry.

Maybe you're right, howard.

Maybe just trying to talk
to the man is a waste of time.

Hey, now your
crosshairs are lining up.

We'll deploy a strike force...

And use the new cyclops urban
warfare grenade launcher.

It'll be zappo, zilch.

Please, howard. No
strike force, not yet.

Joe, will you hand me that
bullhorn in the front seat?

Right, lieutenant.
How's the boy?

Can't tell. He hasn't moved
in five, maybe six minutes.

Mr. Popovich?

My name is henry goldblume.

I'm gonna come out there
and get the boy. Judas.

I won't be armed.
I'll come alone.

I'll pick him up and bring him
back here. Okay, mr. Popovich?

If the need arises, henry,

You won't go down unanswered.

Thanks a million, howard.

Hey! Get out of here!




You really showed 'em the
size of your brass, henry.

I'm proud of you.

The kid's dead, howard.

I don't know, captain.

Virgil was supposed to
show up at 2:00 for his wire.

It's now almost 2:20.

You have any reason to
smell anything wrong, mick?

Not really.

Damn it. I didn't like this. I
told him we should pull out.

I know you did, mick.

But for all we know, he went down to
his car, and somebody boosted his battery.

- Let me go find him, captain.
- No, no, no. Wait.

Just 10 more minutes. If he doesn't
show, then go after him. But be careful.

Keep ray apprised
of your whereabouts.

Do you think
virgil is all right?

He's late.

That's all. There's nothing
more to it, ray. All right.

There's one thing
you learn in the joint.

Ain't no such thing as loyalty.

Someone would always
sell you out for a price.

So it didn't surprise me when
someone told 'em where we put the g*ns.

The only question is, who?

Was it you, earl?


I know this man since
he was a little boy.

Now, it had to be...

Someone who was on
the weapons committee...

Or someone who was told by
someone on the weapons committee.

Baby, when you lie down with
traitors, you are a traitor.

I didn't know, jesse.

You sure must have
pleased this girl a whole lot.

You made her betray
the brotherhood.

And when you betray the
brotherhood, you pay the price.

I don't know who you are, boy.

Maybe a cop. Maybe a fed.

All I know is I got
history with these people.

I ain't got nothing with you.

Afraid to die, virgil?

Are you holding it together?

Or are your legs getting weak...

And your mouth going dry?

Answer me, boy!

You're gonna do it.

You're gonna do it, do it.

Do it!

Oh, yeah,

I'm gonna do it, virgil.

You know I'm gonna do it.

Look at me, girl.

You're weak, baby,

And I will not
tolerate weakness.

- No, jesse!
- No!

As far as I'm concerned,
it's cut-and-dried.

With that boy dead, I suggest that we
just saturate that target with tear gas...

And drive him out of there.

Let me try and make contact
with him one more time.

Henry, I am not insensitive
to your humanitas,

But this is my operation, and
I think at this point in time...

Mr. Popovich. Yeah, this is
sergeant henry goldblume.

I'm the one who pulled
the boy off the street.

Look, mr. Popovich, I know how
you must be feeling right now,

And I thought maybe I'd come over
there, maybe talk about the situation.

Stay away from my
house if you want to live.

Mr. Popovich, I'm
not your enemy.

Let me come over there.
We can talk easier there.

I'm... I'm coming over. No.

You can't. Great. He says
he's gonna k*ll himself.

I can't give you approval
to go in there. Howard.

Henry, you are dealing with a
demented, suicidal psychopath.

He's demonstrated his willingness
to k*ll people without provocation.

I'll keep that in mind,
howard. Oh, good.

Mr. Popovich?

Sit down.

What is your name?

Henry goldblume, sir. Jew, huh?

Well, pour yourself a drink.

Well, mr. Popovich,

Looks like we've got a
hell of a situation here.

I thought maybe we should talk it through
before it gets any more out of hand.

Nothing to talk about.

I'm figuring to k*ll myself.

You're catholic, aren't
you, mr. Popovich?

- So?
- su1c1de's a mortal sin,
isn't it?

- You go straight to hell.
- Shut up!

I want a sermon,
I'll go to mass.

Do you have a
family, mr. Popovich?

Had. Had a family.

When mary and me were
raising up our little ones,

This was a nice neighborhood.

I could send my
daughter, lebushka,

Down to the grocery
store for milk any time,

Day or night.

There was this polish bakery.

They made fresh bread every day.

You would bring it home
still warm from the oven.

Now you go to the supermarket,

You pay $1.80... For what?

A loaf of chemical garbage.

People used to
keep up their places.

Now you got the
n*gg*r*s and sp*cs...

And gypsies,

And there is garbage all over,

And no one gives a
damn about it anymore.

No one.

I see them going to the
bathroom in doorways,

For god's sake.

Nobody gives a damn...

About human life.


You know,

They poisoned my dog.

My dog.

I found him right out
front in my garden.

I'm sorry.

Now you tell me,
what's the sense?

I work hard all my life,

And I hate it living like this!

It doesn't have to be
this way, mr. Popovich.

They're gonna send
me to the gas chamber...

For k*lling that boy.

You didn't k*ll him.

He's just wounded.

Now, I'm gonna be straight
with you, mr. Popovich.

- You'll probably have
to go to jail for a bit.
- No jail.

Look around you.

You're already in jail.

You got three locks on the
doors. You got bars on the windows.

You can't even go out after
dark. Give yourself up, mr. Popovich.

I promise you, you'll go to a-a
minimum-security prison farm upstate.

You could even have
your own garden up there.

Go away now.

Why don't I just sit here?

I said go away!

I'll wait for you
out on the porch.

Mr. Popovich,

Whichever way it goes,

I enjoyed our talk.

I also have one
female in the r & p t*nk.


Let's go.

Let's go, mr. Popovich.

I can't condone
your actions, henry.

Nevertheless, it
was a first-rate job.

How'd you pull it off?

I lied through my
teeth to him, howard.

I told you, but you
wouldn't listen.

I told you we should have pulled him out
of there right after the warehouse bust.

I begged you.

And on the phone, when he didn't show up
for his wire, you kept telling me to wait.

Mick, it wouldn't have
changed anything.

How do we know that?

He had it all ahead of him,
and you threw his life away.

His death is on your head.

They all are, mick.

Ray, put out a warrant for
jesse john hudson's arrest.

Get him for consorting. Get
him for anything, but get him.

All right.

Come in!

- Freeze! All right. Get him. Come on!
- What the hell's going on here?

- I got a warrant
for your arrest.
- Hey, you must be joking!

Jesse. Check the bedroom.

- Jesse, what's going on
out there? Jesse!
- Don't move. Hold it.

Just keep your hands in view,
and everything'll be just cool.

All right, baby. Don't worry
about a thing. Okay, let's see here.

♪♪ Hey, wait.

That's my purse.
Get out of my purse.

Oh, my.

What are these,
honey? Hey. Please.

They're prescription
for migraine.

Then you have a pharmacy label?

Neal, looks like we have
illegal narcotic substances here.

I told you never to bring anything
in here... Not even an aspirin.

I know they're mickey mouse charges,
but what other choice do I have?

Listen. Listen!

I watched three years of hard-won
treaties go right down the toilet...

Because your office felt it was
politically inadvisable... And I quote...

"To lean on jesse john hudson."

So while you play patty-cake
with the mayor... You bet I'm hot!

I've got a dead cop on my hands,

And I had to break the news to his
mother that her son was ex*cuted...

By a man who is putting
down a $200 bond on charges...

About as serious as
spitting on the sidewalk.

I pushed violation of parole
because I had no other choice.

You know, I don't give a damn
about heat from the mayor's office.

You're the chief. You handle it.

A perfectly understandable
outburst, francis.

Nevertheless, discretion-wise,

Why don't you let me draft a little
note of apology to the chief for you?

We could send it down to
division in the night pouch.

Good idea, phil. Thanks.

You got it.

Henry, what are you doing here?

I could ask you the same thing.

Well, I don't have a wife
and kid to go home to.

Well, it seems
that I don't either.

In my office.

About three or four
times over the years,

Whenever I've been...

Particularly moody
or uncommunicative,

Rachel's asked me if I've
been seeing another woman.

I always say no. She'd
always believe me.

She knows I'd never lie to her.


Tonight we were
at dinner, and, uh...

The fact is, I have
been spending time...

With this other woman.

And rachel suddenly looked
me right in the eye and asked me.

I didn't have to say a word.

She knew. It was
written all over my face.


Do you believe that?
1981, She gives me the boot.

What are you gonna do?

I got a lot of paperwork
I thought I'd catch up on...

And then find a
motel for the night.

To hell with paperwork, henry.

Come on. I'll buy you a beer.

You can come home and bunk
on my couch for the night.

Sure it's not a bother?

No bother.

Slept on a few couches myself.
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