01x15 - Jungle Madness

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hill Street Blues". Aired: January 15, 1981 - May 12, 1987.*
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The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city.
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01x15 - Jungle Madness

Post by bunniefuu »

Item 12.

The u.s. Weather service's
long-range forecast indicates...

A stagnating low-pressure
system. Stagnating...

This means that we can expect
continuing unseasonable warmth,

With predictable consequences...

Oh, an air conditioner. v*olence-wise,
drug-wise and hormone-wise...

So let's be particularly
alert out there.

Item 13, operation
dust and clean,

Otherwise known as d &
c, will commence this a.m.

Lieutenant hunter's
emergency action team,

Along with units from
von stueben avenue,

St. James park and northeast,

Will make a weapons sweep of
the jefferson avenue playground.

Not again. Yeah, again.

Ours is not to
question why, cowboy...

Ours is to go down and
don't ask why. That's right.

Item 14 concerns
female personnel.

As you may recall from
last year at this time,

The women's police officers
association confronted division...

Over the required wearing
of a supportive undergarment.

I'll lend a hand.

It was determined that for reasons
of safety, comfort and administration,

And in spite of individual
characteristics or tastes,

Said supportive
undergarment stays on.

We're all sorry
about that, ladies.

The last item.

As you're all no
doubt well aware,

We have been decimated
by the asian type flu bug.

Night shift has been
particularly hard-hit,

So I've taken the liberty of volunteering
several of you for a double shift.

Lyle, hill, renko.


All right, that's
it! Let's roll!

And, hey!

Let's be careful out there.

What does... What
does "maybe" mean?

I got school tonight. You
mean you got sandra tonight.

Same difference. No, it's
not the same difference.

Don't argue. Same difference.
It's not the same difference.

Good night.

Hey! J.d.!

Don't you eat dinner?

Joe, my man, you have the opportunity
of a lifetime right in front of you.

You take my shift
tonight. Forget about it.

Joe, I'm begging you
on my knees here.

It's my education, joe. I
have plans too, renko.

We'll take it. I have to go...

What are you talkin' about?
Lucy, my swan, you are a soul mate.

You have a rare understanding
of the male hormonal imperative.

Yeah, you can say that
again. What are friends for?

Lucy, my... Hey, hey, come on!

Hey! Hey! J.d.! J.d.! What happened
to you last night there, boy?

Wanna get it out of
your system now, renko?

My partner was just
wonderin' how you got

That car situated in
that showroom last night.

I said, "well, it's
simple. You just drive

Through the front window,
turn left and park it!"

Yadda, yadda,
yadda, renko. Yeah?

Dog breath. What's the matter?
You didn't get any of my messages?

Yeah. My house... Excuse me.

Come here. I got
a bulletin for you.

That sweep... That
sweep comes down today.

That means warrants,
arrests, the whole schmear.

So if you didn't take care
of that problem of yours,

If you were hoping it was gonna go away or
somethin', you better take care of it now.

Look, mick. Mick, look.

The broad's a stewardess.
You know, fly now, pay later.

I haven't been able
to get to her yet.

Come on. Can't you
help me out on this?

Pull the paper or something. No.

You're overdrawn
at this bank, hair bag.

Thanks, mick. Yeah, right.
Thanks a hell of a lot.

Remind me to give you a hand
sometime when you're hurting, okay?

Oh, come on. There
aren't enough hands in this

Whole department to
help what's hurting you.

Dispatch. We have a 9-11.

Armed robbery in progress.

See surplus store, corner
people's drive, 124th street.

Nicely done.

And now, ladies and gentlemen,

You will face the
fence, spread your legs...

And grasp the fence
firmly with each hand.

You can't take my neighbor.
You can't take my neighbor!

Lo siento, señorita.

Bobby, I don't understand
what we're doing here.

If we're not making
arrests, what's the point?

The point is twofold,
cowboy. Twofold?

That's right. Fold number
one is we were told to do it.

Fold number two is that we get
these weapons, and no one gets k*lled.

You got enough stuff to start
your own south american army.

Hey, amazon lady, where's
your warrant? You got no... Hey!

Respect! Okay?

All right. All right what?

All right, officer, ma'am.

And what's this?

I'm into personal
grooming. You want a shave?

I know what you're
thinking, bates.

You're thinking
that I'm thinking...

That a patrol person of
your particular gender...

Has no right being
near this b*ttlefield.

Oh, no, that's not true, sir. Bates,
I've been keeping a close eye on you,

And I must admit you really
cut the cheese out there.


That is to say that you know how
to handle yourself in the clinches.

Bring miss brown
around to the corner.

Thank you, lieutenant.
You can call me howard.

Howard. The fact is,
though heretofore,

I have always felt more
comfortable fraternizing with men.

Lorraine has sensitized me.

Lorraine? Is a very special
woman I've come to know.

She has really rotated
my sexual orientation,

If you acknowledge my drift.

But what I wanted you to know
is that, as far as I'm concerned,

You are simply a person.

Like me.

Thank you, howard.

Keep up the good work, bates.

You have no right to take it.
I came here, and it was gone.

I thought I'd been robbed. I was
suspecting my roommates, my friends...

Get me back my jewelry,
j.d., Or I swear... I will. I will.

Relax, will you?
It's no big thing.

No big thing? A diamond
necklace is no big thing?

I needed the jewelry for the
scam I've been runnin' with the feds.

If you were here, I
could've explained it to you.

It's kind of complicated,
but it goes like this.

I had to hock the jewelry for $1,900
in marked money. I got it right here.

Then I was supposed to take
the money and make a dope buy.

Then when the feds drop the net on
the dealers, you get your jewelry back.

Oh, that is so lame, j.d., It
won't stand up on crutches.

You stole my jewelry, plain
and simple, and I want it back.

Or I'm gonna go to the police.

Okay, the truth, all right?

I had an emergency. I needed
the dough to bail myself out.

I was gonna replace the
jewelry. Honest to god I was.

It turned hinky
on me. I got caught.

I don't know which one of us
is more pathetic... Me or you.

You didn't think I was so pathetic the
first night we spent in bed together.

No, that was pathetic too.

You were so bombed,
you just don't remember.

Oh, god, my life
is such a mess, jen.

Baby, baby, you
gotta go to my boss.

You gotta tell him you
loaned me that jewelry.

Why the hell should i?

Because I can take
a heavy fall on this.

Because my life can
go down the drain.

Jenny, please,
please. I'm begging you.

All right.

Oh, boy. Really?

Oh, baby, baby, I'll make
it up to you. I swear I will.

I only want one
thing in return, j.d.

You name it, you got it.

Turn around, open the door, walk
through it, and don't ever come back.

Jen... I mean it. Lose my phone
number. I don't want to see you again.

Get out.

Hello? Hello?

Hey, what do you
know? What do you say?

Hey, what a terrific place
you got here, pal. Thanks.

Yes, sir, you got some smart merchandise
here. So, tell me, how you doing?

Good. Good. You got something
there you'd like to sell?

Yes, sir, I sure do. You got a guy here...
Sort of a short guy with a mustache?

Oh, you mean shecky.
That's the guy. Shecky, right.

Yeah, well, he's kind
of tied up right now,

But I will be glad to help you.

Yeah? No, no, thanks.
No. Hey, no offense made.

You could be the best in
the business, you know?

But my friends told me stick with
shecky. He's a very good dealer.

A little rough around the edges,
but you can trust him, you know?

Yeah, well, he's out to lunch, so
you'll just have to deal with me.

You see what happens when
you put your help on commission?

You gotta be shecky,
right? You got it, pally.

Hey, shecky. So, what are we gonna
do? Stand around and schmooze?

You gonna show me
your wares? What?

These are imported from havana.
They are hand-rolled imperiales.

Right from the boat to
you for three bucks apiece.

In miami, you get five dollars for
these. That's if and when you can get them.

We'll take 'em. They're from
cuba, and I'm fidel castro. Come on.

You're puttin' me
on, please. Uh-uh.

He took me.

Look, shecky, I'm busted, man.

This is bottom line,
you know? Broke.

I'll give you the chair, man.

Two hundred
dollars. Take it. Please.

Don't do that. I
can't take your chair.

A hundred and 75 dollars,
man. That's the bottom line.

Look at this chair. It's a
beauty. It's worth at least $600.

Have a heart, will you, shecky? A
hundred and 75 dollars, it's your chair.

It's got everything. Look, it's got
reverse gears. Look at this. Go backwards.

Go forwards. Two gears.
Look, goes to the right like this.

Watch this go. Look
at this thing corner.

This corners like a dream.
Look at this thing corner.

This is all chrome. That's
not tin there. That's chrome.

Watch this thing go
through here. Look at this.

Shecky, it's got two
rearview mirrors.

It's got a 16-inch wheelbase.
It's got low center of gravity.

It's got everything. Wait a
second. Knock you out with this.

Look at this. Look at the
undercarriage. Shecky, look at that.

Huh? Is that a beautiful thing?

I drove that right out of
the chippewa sickroom supply.

With $300 worth of suppositories.
You don't dare stop a cr*pple.

You're smart. You're very
smart. You're a regular genius.

Thank you. Right out.

Here you go. One
hundred and 75 smackolas.

Thank you. Thank you. Hey,
can I tell you something?

It's a pleasure to
do business with you.

Thank you. The feeling
is mutual, dog breath.

On the level, captain,
she loaned me the jewelry.

No lie. I'll have her in here the
first thing tomorrow morning.

She'll verify it with
receipts, everything.

Sorry, john. Francis,
you're running late.

Thanks, phil. Maybe you'd
like to come with me, j.d.

I have to go back downtown
and explain to chief daniels...

How we managed to
turn a routine stakeout...

Into $30,000 in property damages
and a near riot last night.

Hey, you know, I'm really
sorry about the car, captain,

But it's not my fault
that those brakes failed.

"I'm sorry, and
it's not my fault."

Just one thing after another, larue,
and somehow it's never your fault, is it?

Did you make that phone
call I suggested last night?

You need help, j.d. You
should've made that call.

It's funny. I meant to, you know,
but with one thing and another, I got...

Don't bother, larue. I just can't
have drunks working for me.

Come on, captain.

I suggest you put
through a transfer, j.d.

I don't want you
around here anymore.

Hey, you think I need
this crap, furillo!

Four hundred and
90 dollars a week...

To cozy up to the slime of
this city for 10 hours a day!

You think I need that?

Let me tell you something, man!

I put my butt on the line for
12 years for this department!

I got three citations!

I got a higher arrest tally
than any clown in this room!

And if I got... If I got a
few personal problems,

It's this lousy, stinkin',
rotten job that gave 'em to me!

Sit there, you lunch buckets!

Go ahead! One of your own's
in trouble, and you sit there...

Like you're watching some kind
of a freak show or something!

Hey, no offense to you, henry, but it'll
go a lot easier if I do the talking, okay?

Yeah, looks like we
came at a bad time.

Yeah, anytime's a bad time.

Hey, look, you got it all wrong if you
think we come up here to trouble you.

It's just that there's
certain things about

Your brother's death
we don't quite understand.

Like what?

Why your man only used two
slugs instead of the routine six?

We were wondering what, uh,
curtis might have been doing...

Down in that alley
at 3:00 in the morning.

Look, I just went through all that
with that other salt and pepper team...

From internal affairs
about an hour ago.

So suppose you guys just
clear yourselves on outta here...

And go ask them
what we talked about.

We'd rather hear it
from you, mr. Gilford.

Since you're gonna have to talk to us, why
don't we go inside and get it over with?


What is it? Nothin', mama.

Who's out there? It's
nothin' to worry about.

Go back in with the others.

Hey, I can dig the h*nky, man,

But how do you figure into this?

Are you the front
window company n*gg*r?

Is that how you
make your livin'?

Jive talkin' us brothers into
lettin' another white cop walk?

I got a good mind to kick your
pale butt right outta here.

Let's go, neal. Our
condolences to your family.

Come on. Let's go.


I buried my brother
this morning,

And your man weeks,
he gonna pay for that.

See, this time, they shot
down the wrong man.

You see, everybody knew
how special curtis was.

He was even headed
for college in the fall.

You tell your white bosses...

That open season on
us is over, gray meat.

For the sake of
simplicity, frank,

Let's put aside all the peripheral
issues raised here by the media,

The community action
groups, the lawyers.

In case you haven't heard, the owner
of that building your boys demolished...

Is filing a $200,000
suit against the city.

But just for the moment,
let's forget all that.

You see, frank,
what I want to know,

What the mayor's
office wants to know is...

What in hell you were doing up there in the
first place four days after a major riot,

Risking the peace of an entire
community for a damned routine drug bust.

Excuse me, sir, but that was far
from being just a routine bust.

You're telling me...

11 Units, 28 personnel,
two tow trucks,

Four paramedics and
over 200 spectators...

That's a nice crowd for
1:00 in the morning, frank.

And I suppose it was
just a happy coincidence...

That this all went down
on the same damn block...

Where the gilford kid was shot.

We had a reason for
being there. A good one.

That operator we busted
last night was the same one...

Weeks was staking out
the night of the sh**ting.

No one gives a damn about that.

All the public sees
is a police blitzkrieg...

To scrounge up a last-minute
alibi for one of their own.

You screwed up, furillo.

I told you to cool it up there. You
deliberately went against my orders.

It was the only way we could
prove weeks's credibility.

At this point, maybe
the only defense he has.

Forget weeks.

Even if I think he
may be innocent?

I said forget him!

He's a write-off, furillo.
In less than four hours,

The man is headed straight
from that coroner's

Inquest to a board
of rights hearing,

After which I am personally and
publicly going to hang him out to dry.

And, believe me, it couldn't
come at a better time.


Oh, yes, sir.

No. I want my babies
back today, or I'm getting

Me a lawyer. I don't
wanna hear no more!

You're not here to tell us
anything, girl. You're here to listen.

The only reason
you're not in jail this

Very moment for felony
child endangerment...

Is that officer hill had a word
with his captain on your behalf.

You just get this through
your head, shirret.

Those children of yours are
gonna remain right where they are...

Until they can be
placed in a decent home.

It's a closed case, girl.

You don't have any
say in it anymore.

Why are you doing this to me?

It ain't right to take
'em. It just ain't right.

Listen to me, shirret.

Listen to me.

I know how you feel
about us right now,

And I know you think that we've
done you some terrible wrong.

But it is not
about you... Or us.

It is about april and chris.

For once, just for a minute, stop
and think about what is best for them.

You can't take care of them.

Not at this point in your
life, not the way they need.

And even if you could
get them back, you know

In your heart that
things would be the same.

That you would leave
them alone again one day.

Not today or tomorrow,

But definitely one day.

And if on that day...

Something were to
happen to those kids,

How do you think you'd feel?

Does this mean I can't
ever get 'em back?

No, it doesn't mean that.

Of course not.

But a lot of that
depends on you.

You just watch. Both of you.

I'm gonna make things
change for me but good.

I'm gonna get me a nice job,

A decent place to live,
somewhere out of the pit.

Maybe even a steady man.

And I'm gonna come back
here and take my babies home.

I hope you do, shirret.

I really do.

You know, I'm not
usually this cynical,

But I guess after eight
years of just keeping

The lid on, I wonder
what I'm doing up here.

Well, I know exactly
what I'm doing up here.

At least what I'm trying to do.

It better be a hell
of a lot more...

Than just trying to
keep a lid on this place.

You're not exactly your
average cop, are you, robert?

How about dinner? And then
you can find out for yourself.

Oh, god.

Sounds just like a
pick-up artist's line.

I'm sorry.

But I would like to take
you out to dinner sometime.


Please... Please
don't take this wrong.

But I spend five days
a week with uniforms.

This is not a tattoo. These
blues come off at night.

I bet they do.


I don't make it a habit of giving
my number out in public buildings,

But here.

I'll call you for friday night.

Ooh, man... A date, sugar daddy.

Hey, no lip from
you, buddy. Come on.

Okay, ladies, ready. Hup,
two, three, four, step.

Three, four, five,
six, seven, eight.

Circle. Three, four, five, six.

Upstage, upstage,
upstage. Three, four, hips.

Over the shoulder
at the audience.

Five, six, seven, eight. Good.

Three, four, five,
six, seven, eight.

Hips. Hips. Five,
six, seven, eight.

Circle. Three, four, five, six.

Upstage, upstage,
upstage. Three, four, hips.

Over the shoulder
at the audience. Hey.

Over your shoulder. Three.

You're the early one today.

Hey, bee gee,
how's the girl, huh?

Oh, pretty okay. Nothing a
few hours' sleep wouldn't cure.

And circle the hips.
What is this, your day off?

Yeah, you could say that.

Three, four, five,
six, seven, eight.

Turn, turn. Five,
six, seven, eight.

Well, if I had a day off like this, I'd
be up on the roof catching some rays.

I mean, look at me.
I'm white as a sheet.

I had such a great tan
last summer. Remember?

Hip. Hip, hip. Five,
six, seven, eight.

Hips. Step. Step,
step, step, step.

So, what's your pleasure?

Uh, scotch rocks.

Coming up. Hold it, bee gee.

What? Tell him.

- Perry.
- Tell him.

What? Tell me what?

Perry wants to know...

If you're paying this
with cash or what.

He says no more on the
tab. You're way over the limit.

- And circle, circle.
- I'm sorry.

It's okay. It's gratitude
for you though.

I've brought that little creep
over a hundred customers.

You tell him I'll
pay the stinkin' tab.

I'll send him a check in the mail, 'cause
I'm never walkin' in this toilet again!

J.d., Here. No, no, thanks.

On me. No, that's all right.


Please. It's already poured.

You're a good kid, bee gee.

Right foot. Circle
hips, into the circle.



Oh, frank! Thank
god you're here.

I have to talk to you,
frank. It's really important.

Is this gonna take long? I don't
know how long it's gonna take, frank.

It'll take as long as it takes.
All right. What's the trouble?

It's not frank jr.?

No, no, no, no.
It's not frank jr.

I, however, am in big trouble.
What kind of trouble?

I received a phone call
at work this morning...

Threatening my life if I
go to st. Louis with otis.

Oh, fay, I'm so sorry.

These kinds of phone
calls are just r*cist filth,

And those cowards
never identify themselves.

This coward did. Good.

Then we can file a complaint.
Who was it? Mrs. Redman.

Uh-oh. Her exact words were,

"If you ever see my
husband again, I'm gonna

Cut your heart out
and feed it to you."

Am I in any danger, frank?

Not if you don't see
her husband anymore.

You are planning to terminate
the relationship, aren't you, fay?

Fay? Imagine the
gall of that guy!

I should've known. It was
just too good to be true.

Where does this
leave you with harvey?

Oh, harvey. Harvey is boiled
beef, frank. I want escargot.

You know, I had more
fun with otis in one week...

Than I had with harvey
the whole last year.

Well, then, maybe it
was worth it after all.

I suppose you're right.

So you don't think I need police
protection or anything like that?

No, I don't think so. Well,
you're the expert, frank.

But, I mean, let's face it. You know
I'm as liberal as the next person,

But some of these women have
been known to carry razors.

Hey, come on.
Wake up. That's it.

Hey, friend, wake up, will you.

No sleepin' on
the bar. That's it.

Hey, pal. What's
it gonna be, pal?

Uh, a shot and a beer.

A shot and a beer. All right.

Hey, uh, let's see
some money on the bar.

Come on, pal. I
ain't got all day.

That's it. Look in
all the pockets.

Look, either put some money on
the bar or get the hell outta here.

Come on. Come on. Get out.

Four days ago, my man,
out back in the alley,

We had a chat about that
sh**ting that went down.

I'm detective washington.
This is sergeant goldblume.

Oh, yeah. Right. Right.

Retail tax office tells us this business
is owned by a mr. Abraham medveded.

Is that right? Uh-huh.

I take it you manage the
store for him. That's right.

Abe runs the store downtown,

And his son bernie runs the
one out in jefferson heights.

So, like, uh, I'm just
one of the family.

That sh**ting in the alley out
back... The more we investigate it,

The more it starts lookin' like the victim
and his pals were leaving this place.

We've been through all
that, brother, two times...

Once with you and once with
those dudes from internal affairs.

Hey, hey, hey, why
don't you talk to the

Guy next door? He's a
strange dude, brother.

If anything, they came
outta the back of his place.

I don't know, mr. Monroe. We
canvassed every merchant on this block.

And the cop says
it was your door.

Then the man was wrong.

This place was locked up tight.

I got this hay fever,
allergy problem.

You know, first
couple days of spring.

Why don't you tell your man there
to go get himself a cup of coffee.

What for? Because I
think it's a good idea.

Ernie? Yeah.

Take a break. You're the boss.

All right, my man, this is
how the situation goes.

It's your word
against the cop's...

That the kids were leaving
the back door of this place.

I believe the cop.
Uh-uh, man. No way.

What are you doing, neal?

Turn around.
Assume the position.

Now! Ah.

Oh, you got a real expensive
hay fever allergy here, monroe.

We got enough toot
here to call you a dealer.

Hey, man, that's nothing. That's
just for myself. Turn around, sucker.

This the reason why those kids
were here at 3:00 in the morning?

To get their nose packed? Oh,
come on, man. No way. No way.

Henry, tell the man
about the delaney act.

One year mandatory incarceration
for possession of that much cocaine.

So you got one choice, my man.

You talk to us, or we stick
it to you. You dig? Oh, man.

We're pressed. Neal!

Okay, there's these boys.

They work the garment district
ripping off what they can from the racks.

The menswear they bring up here,

I work it in with the regular
merchandise for cash.

Does the owner know
about this? No, no. Abe's

Got a bad heart. I
don't want him to know.

Look, look, look, look.

You either buy what they got,
or they take you down hard.

I mean, they'll cut you for fun.
They don't care. They're crazy.

Yeah, me too, sucker.

Ain't no need to shove.

All right.

Which one's roland
dewitt? Right here.

This your car here,
roland? Any car keys?

Yeah, right here.

Oh, man.

Quite a little business you
got goin' on here, roland.

Wow. Yeah.

Better call in for an
impound truck. You got it.

Hey, what do we got here,
roland? New license plates?

This is unit 026.

Let's see here.

Bingo. Yeah.

b*llet-holed real good,
roland, just like we said.

Uh, they ruled it was
a justifiable sh**ting.

You did it. White men
exonerating white men.

From the ghetto, it
all looks the same.

Everything in that inquest
is part of the public record.

It sure as hell isn't a secret.
You can bet it'll be on the 5:00 news.

You just won't get
it, will you, frank?

A white cop k*lled a black kid, and all
the people on the hill are gonna see...

Is that white cop walking away, the
way white cops have always walked away.

Gee, it's that simple,
huh? That simple.

Maybe not so simple.

Maybe you're
underestimating something.

Maybe there's more integrity and
intelligence on the hill than you recall.

I, for one, think so.

Let's hope so.

Surprise, my hot little darling.
Andy renko to the rescue.

Mmm. Feels so good. Okay,
okay. I wasn't expecting you, andy.

I wish you had called. I
did call. Nobody was there.

So I thought, what the
heck, I'd come down here.

You know, you look
real hot and real pretty.

I'm gonna take this
bag from you. Come on.

What's the matter? I say
somethin' wrong? What?

Yeah. I don't like being ambushed,
okay? I just thought I'd fall by.

Listen, I'll just take the groceries
upstairs for you, and then I'll leave.

You got a lot of homework... Andy,
thank you. I'll take it from here, okay?

I'll call you.

You got someone waiting
up there for you, don't you?

Why didn't you just say
that? I can understand that.

Actually, I can't
understand that, sandy.

Andy, uh...

I haven't been very
honest with you.

You see, what happened is I've been
seeing somebody for a long time,

And, well, we... We've had
our problems on and off.

So you were just sort
of filling in with me, huh?

No. I'd like to know what
it was we were doing.

You said a lot of
things to me, and we...

I can't believe you didn't
mean those things you said.

Andy, you don't
understand. He needs me.

He really needs me.

What? And I don't?
I don't need you?

No. Not like him.

That's no answer at all.

Sandy, this whole thing
does not make any sense.

Not after what
we've been through.

Now, you either love
somebody, or you don't.

And you love me.

And if you haven't got the nerve to go
up and say something to him, then I will.

Andy, damn it! Will you
just get out of here!

For what? What?
Please. Please. Just go.

Is it my job? I know us cop types
don't make it in the academic world.

What is he? Some tweed-coat-wearing
college professor?

Speaks seven languages? Makes love to
you in french? Is that it? Is that it, huh?

He's a writer.
Yeah, I bet he is!

Well, let me tell
you something, lady.

I haven't exactly been
honest with you either.

See, I score a lot, and
I never get involved.

Sort of like a hobby
with me, you know?

I do teachers,
dental hygienists.

- A - six-foot-tall c.p.a.

Six foot tall!

I need you.

I do.

Folks? Folks? Can we
bring the meeting to order?

Joe? Come on, joe. Come on.

All right. This is the
tuesday night meeting...

Of the midtown chapter
of alcoholics anonymous.

My name is ben,
and I'm an alcoholic.

Hi, ben.

I've identified myself as such.

Now, are there any other
alcoholics in the room?

Great. Great. Looking
good. Looking good.

Now, not to embarrass you,

But to get to know you better
and say hello at the break,

Are there any newcomers here
in their first 30 days of sobriety?

If so, would you raise
your hand, please.

Would you stand
up for us, please?

Can you tell us your first name?

My name's john.

I... I guess I'm an alcoholic.

Hi, john.

How you doin', j.d.?

You're most welcome
at this meeting, john.

There's a new life for
you here, if you want it.

And we all hope you do.

There you go. Well,
thank you. Thank you.

No sweat. Just come
back again, ya hear?

Dinner is served. Great.
Hey, what do I owe you?

On the cuff. Wait a minute, joe.
You gotta let me pay my own way.

Hey, the guy wouldn't
take my money.

He said we'd be doing him a
favor if we sat out here and ate.

I am starved.

Will you stop it.

I can't help it. I
love lookin' at you.

It's hot enough without
you adding to the steam.

Well, it wasn't me who chose
this over a ride to the shore.

Oh. You missed a great
opportunity, luce.

I know this great nude beach.

Very secluded.

Are you into that?
Yeah, all the time.

There's a nude beach
around here? Where?

My bathtub.

You herring.

Hey, look, it's not too
late to change your mind.

Great. I'll throw some
sand around my bathroom,

And then we can put
on a beach boys album.

You're not gonna
give up, are you?

Well, I figure
if I stay with it,

I'll wear you down by july...

And you can move
in by september.

I don't know what I'm
gonna do with you, joe.

I do. You're gonna say yes.

Hey, you idiot! Don't
you know how to drive?

Oh, man, he's going
the wrong way.

Go for it.

Dispatch, we're in pursuit of vehicle
bearing license plate 100292. Over.

Repeat, please, unit 16.
My reception is breaking up.

License and
registration, please.

Bargain? These two weeks
are gonna cost a fortune.

Furillo, don't start.

Well, I'm not used
to going on the arm.

Even if the arm is attached
to a beautiful shoulder.

You're having
separation anxiety.

Lots of your workaholic types,
of which I consider you one,

Break out in hives at the very
thought of going on a vacation.

Uh-oh, I'm that
bad, huh? Mm-hmm.

Worse than I am, pizza
man, and I'm pretty bad.

Could we just
close this book now?

No. Just let me finish this.

No, now.

I have a sudden need for
your undivided attention.


So much for undivided attention.

Don't worry and don't move.

The urgency of
the need lingers on.

When does it stop, francis?

I wish I knew, phil.

Is he gonna make it?

I don't know. They rushed
him to county medical.

Where's bates? She's over there.

He's gonna die. I know he is.

If I had said yes, it would
have never happened.

Said yes to what?

Oh, I should've gone with him.
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