01x14 - Rites of Spring

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hill Street Blues". Aired: January 15, 1981 - May 12, 1987.*
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The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city.
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01x14 - Rites of Spring

Post by bunniefuu »

I can well understand
your spirited feelings...

Towards spring's final,
albeit belated, arrival.

Nevertheless, be forewarned.

Everybody out there is gonna
feel just as feisty as yourselves.

I don't know. Statistically

Speaking, expect a 25%
increase, felony-wise,

- 30-35%, Misdemeanor-wise.
- I don't feel feisty.

From us that means extra care,
extra alertness, extra professionalism.

It does not mean
drag racing our units,

Siestas in the sunshine...

And/or flirtatious interludes...

With, no doubt,

Scantly dressed individuals
of the female persuasion.

Next item...

Item 12.

Three memoranda from division
concerning a joint meeting thursday next...

The black police
officers association,

The hispanic police
officers coalition,

The jewish police
officers caucus.

Please endeavor to attend.
Please endeavor to contribute.

Item 13 regards blood.

As you are no doubt well aware,

The county blood bank
remains woefully understocked,

And, given our particular indebtedness
to that life-saving institution,

What say we find the
time in the next few days...

To stop by, roll
up our sleeves...

And give a little back?

I'm gonna be booked
next week. Can't do that.

I'm booked.

All right. The last item...

Concerns the ongoing
armed robbery situation...

Plaguing the
transportation authority.

To date, they have 18 incidents
on bus and subway cars.

It's apparent this perpetrator's
getting more cocksure all the time.

Per transport's request,

We're pulling six
plainclothes teams to assist,

So check for change-of-duty
assignments posted upstairs.

East side park units,
write this one down.

3727 Von steuben
avenue... That's us.

Needs crowd control.

All east side park units.
All right. That's it. Let's roll.


Let's be careful out there.

I swear, I haven't even had breakfast
yet. Would you stop complaining?

I'm not complaining.
I'm simply stating a fact.

I'll tell you. I'm meant
for better things.

It's gonna happen to
me out there today.

Well, stick with me,
and we'll find them.

We'll never get to breakfast.
I'll guarantee you that.

Dispatch. We have a 9-11.

Armed robbery in progress.

See surplus store, corner
people's drive, 124th street.

I don't need to write
it down, man. Just say it.

Ah, you got that? Three black,
two cream, two cream and sugar.

Yeah, yeah.

That's the last you'll
ever see of that guy.

Maybe, maybe not.

You wouldn't want to make a
little wager on it, would you?

Such as?

Uh, I'll bet you
lunch. You're on.

Hey, man! What's going on here?

Why you want to know what's going
on? You in the f.b.i. Or something?

No. I just want to
know. We don't know yet.

Keep your mouth shut. Get out of
here. We're just trying to help out.

You got a name? No name.
No name, man. No name.

What's up? Two more
dead still upstairs.

Somebody stepped real
hard on the heroin he sold 'em.

Strychnine? Yep.

That him?

No. He just made
the buy for 'em.

One of the victims
was his girlfriend.


Nice day. Almost beach weather.

Wanna go to the beach?

Yeah. Let's get out of here.

Weeks? It's goldblume, weeks.

This all of it? The coroner
took two bags for lab analysis.


Well, we'll take it from here.

I was wondering how
we're gonna proceed on this.

I wouldn't worry
about it, sergeant.

Well, it seems to me bad heroin
means we notify street drug analysis,

Free clinic, county health.

You know, get the word out.
We got it covered, man, okay?

Don't push.

Unit 02, unit 02,
see the woman...

Oh, lord have mercy. That's us.

Bobby, get in the car. Let's go.

Get out of the way! Hey!

All right, you people.
Get out of the way.

Just get out of
the way of this car!

About time. You the
lady who called in?

Over an hour and a half
ago. Well, we just got the call.

Poor things been screaming
their lungs out all morning.

This is the last time
she gonna be pullin' this.

- You say a woman left her kids
in the apartment unattended?
- That's what I just told you.

All the time. I told that to
your station an hour ago.

- Police officers. Open up, please.
- She ain't in there.

I saw her go out all dressed
up to meet some you-know-what.

Why don't you all go
back to your apartments?

Police officers. Will you open up, please!
Does anyone have a key on the premises?

Oh, my lord!

Thank you.

Ah, will you look at
this? No, hey, hey. Okay.

Hey. Say, little
fella. Don't cry.

Little man, it's okay. Little
baby, what's your name?

April. April? What's your name?

You okay? You are dirty, april.

Is there a rag or
something, please?

Thank you. I'm just gonna
wipe this off. There we go.

Yeah. There we go.
That's pretty good.

Come on here. Come on. Come on.

Everything is gonna be okay.

Get the peanut
butter off of you.

Is that the mother? That's her.

Got any bread, I
could make a sandwich.

Oh, that's so cute. You
little beautiful thing, you.

Okay, you think you
could stay with them

And change their
diapers and clean 'em up...

While we try to
locate the mother?

I've done enough. I-i don't think I
want to be any more involved in this.

Lady, you're already involved.

- She's down the street
in the tavern.
- The mother?

That's right. That's
where she goes.

Then why didn't someone say
something before we broke the door in?

I don't believe it. Watch out.

What happened to you friday night?
I thought you were gonna drop by.

I told you I had some
business to take care of.

Business? What kind of business?

Just business, baby. That's all.

More important than me?
You know that's not true.

You know that.

Excuse me. Are
you shirret anders?

Would you please step outside?
We'd like to talk to you for a minute.

- You are shirret anders?
- Why don't you back off, man,
and get the hell out of here.

Come on, please.
It's okay. It's okay.

Take off that badge
sometime, white meat.

One more word out of you, my friend,
you're going to county emergency.

She could've called, but
she didn't. I just went ahead.

She has the key. She said
the babysitter didn't show up.

Is that right?

Listen, in the future, shirret, don't
leave your children alone. You understand?

We're gonna be back
to check up on you.

Okay, now, you go on upstairs
and tend to your babies.

"My babysitter didn't show up." I don't
know what's wrong with these people.

They leave their children all
day long in those apartments.

Renko, renko.
She's all of 19, man.

She's on welfare with two
babies and no life to live.

Why can't you be a little more
understanding about it? I understand.

I understand maybe she
should've thought about

That before she
started crankin' 'em out.

It don't work that way,
my friend. Oh, it don't, huh?

Look, lady, you can ameliorate
the situation yourself...

By merely lowering
your window shades.

Three undercover
officers on the same bus?

Who are they
protecting, each other?


Been on the telephone
all morning, so we hear.

Hold on.

That's right. No, that's wrong.

You keep your nose and your
face out of what you don't know.

I know enough.

What's going on, weeks?

Into my office. You too, henry.

Hold on. I'll talk to you later.

The word's out on
the street already.

Not a junkie on the hill doesn't
know it's rat-kick out there,

Not that that's gonna make
much difference to most of 'em.

So, what's your problem
with the investigating

Officers notifying
the proper agencies?

I'll tell you what
the problem is.

Look, both of you. Narcotics runs its
own shop up here. That's understood.

But it does not own the hill,

And it doesn't walk all over other
personnel trying to do their jobs.

You got problems, you
bring 'em in here. Understood?


They got the kid waiting
for you in interrogation.

He's all yours.


They just love it.

Nothing like a little terror in the
streets to bring up the collar count.

They're a breed apart, henry.


You know if we got support from
division in putting out the word?

No support.

Four kids are dead from this.


It's six dead, henry, and it's
solely narcotics' operation.

I'm sorry. Division.

I don't believe this.

They're concerned our interference
might impede their nailing the pushers.

Now, what division
means is that a couple of

Dozen dead junkies
isn't worth the trouble.

I mean, it's a public service.
That's what they mean.

I wish I could say no to
that, henry, but I can't.

In the meantime, we'll do what
we can to notify the street people.

This is wrong, frank.

I know, henry, but there isn't a
hell of a lot more I can do about it.

Hey, babe, do you see
belker in the back of the bus?

Hey, I'm having trouble
just seeing the bus.

Rotten way to make a buck, man.

Hey, it's part of
the j-o-b, babe.

It's stupid, man. It's a
total waste of time.

I'm bored silly.

Hey, green light, babe.

All right. You really hurt yourself
for a change last night, huh?

There's seats back there.

Look at him. He looks like a pervert.
My goodness. Look at that beard.

Let's go back over here.

I don't know what they've
let driving on these buses.

Yo, belker! Lunch break, babe.

We're going in.

A fried chick, please!

Mick, you gotta buy something,

Or I can't let you
take up a stool.

Okay. Would you bring
me a glass of water, hot?

Big spender. A real gotrocks.


It's a gift from my new squeeze.

She's a stew. Man,
she's k*lling me.

Flies nights, sleeps days,

And all she wants to do with her
time off is boogie all night long.

You ever do a stew?
Couldn't say, man.

Hey, man. Something
bothering you?

Yeah. You.

Drinkin' a lot these
days. This? Come on.

It's-it's just the
hair of the dog.

Look at you, man.
Your paws are shaking.

Don't get righteous
with me, neal.

We've closed too many bars
together. Yeah. Off-duty.

You never see me drinkin' on the job,
man. Never. What are you, my mother?

Closer than that, man. I'm
your partner. Hey, look, man.

I don't give a damn what
you do on your own time,

But on my time, you better
be taking care of business,

Which you can't be doing when you
got your lips wrapped around a pint.

You dig? I can give this up
anytime, my friend. Anytime.

Yeah, sure. That's right.

- How's saturday night?
- Sounds fine.
- Fine.

Bobby? I don't know.

He'll be there.

Just 'cause you just broke up with pamela,
that's no reason to crawl into a hole.

Ah, man. Okay, okay. This is a good
group here. You're not gonna miss it.

- All right.
- Come on, bobby.

I said okay! All right. I'll bring some
champagne or ripple or something.

Now, you just bring yourself.
Here's what I got in mind.

We're gonna take some steaks that
I got, and we're gonna broil 'em up...

And get a bottle of sauvignon
cabernet and drink that.

- Then we're gonna get
in the old hot tub.
- Hot tub?

I've never been in a hot tub.

You know you have to go naked.

- Am I one of the boys,
or am I one of the boys?
- Yeah.

You may be one of
the boys, but you're a

Hell of a lot prettier
than my last partner.

Not prettier than my
perez here. Bigger maybe.

Excuse me, boys. Nature call.

You don't have a hot tub.
What are you talking about?

I got a bathtub. I
got attachments.

Want to keep your hands to
yourself, cooper? What did I do?

You're so hot for body
contact? Let's go, right now.

Come on. I'll give you body
contact. Hey, come on, bates.

You wouldn't hit somebody smaller than
you, would ya? Hey, partner. Let it go.

We gotta ride.

Look, I can handle my own beefs,
joe. You want to try me or what?

I dream about it, lucille.

Hey, why don't you just sit
down and order your lunch?

Come on. What do you say?


I'm okay, okay? I'm just fine.
I'm okay. I'll see you at the car.

She's a feisty little heifer,
but she couldn't take him.

- Don't bet on it.
- Bet she can take you.

What do you say? You
want to go to work?

What did you have for
lunch, belker? Sewage?


What is your name?

Officer, she left 'em again, just as
soon as you boys were out the door.

I don't want to hear it.

Look, could you just take this
stuff and stay with the kids?

We're gonna go get the mother.


I think you'd better come on outside
so we can talk over this situation.

Shirret, you can't keep
leaving your kids alone.

Why don't you leave
her be, brother?

Come on outside so we can talk this
problem over, so we can get it settled.

It ain't no problem. Lady
next door is looking after 'em.

You can ask her. We did.

Now, if you want me to arrest your
butt for child abandonment, I will.

But it'd be a lot easier if you'd
just come along voluntarily.

- You better
let her arm go, brother.
- I am not your brother!

And if you don't shut up,
I'll run your butt in too.

You can make it hard
or you can make it easy,

But we're gonna take
you and the kids in.

You can't take my babies.
My babies is all I got.

You should've thought
of that before now.

It's not up to us anymore.
It's up to the welfare agency.

She's with me, chuck,

And she don't go
nowhere she don't want.

All right! That's it!

I want everybody to put your
hands on the bar right now!

Come on! Get 'em up there!

I said get your hands
on the bar right now!

All right, bobby, you call a unit
and ambulance for this big guy here.

Get 'em up. Shirret!

Come on. I better
go with them, honey.

Come on.

I want y'all to keep your hands
on this bar till I'm out of here.

Get your hands on the
bar till I'm out of here.


Brazilian blend with a little,
uh, touch of colombian for body.

Ooh, you have an
amazing nose, howard.

Thanks, phil. Why
don't you have a cup?

Uh, don't mind if I do.

I need a little bracer.

It was a long night.

Oh, that hostage
situation on margate?



To be frank, phil,

I spent the entire
night with a woman.

You too? Mmm.

Lorraine duval. Oh,
that's a nice handle.

It's kismet, phil.

We rode up in the
elevator together,

And, uh... And
then it turns out...

That she lives just three
doors down from me.

Well, anyway, we went to
our respective apartments...

And, uh, to make a
long story short,

Her key broke off in the lock,

And I was in my uniform, so I
blew her lock off with my .357.

And we got to talking.

Well, it turns out that
she is a translator...

For the belgian consulate.

Tall and, uh, shapely.

Auburn tresses.

Mmm. A master's degree
from georgetown university...

And... And a former
artist's model in paris.

I mean, she is a very, uh...

Worldly woman.

Hmm. Well, then she'd certainly
appreciate this, howard.

You know, last sunday, grace and I
took her four-wheel up to the country...

And went nude horseback riding.


I'm still a little chafed,

But it was worth it.

Hey, maybe you and miss duval
would care to join us sometime.

No, no, no. I know what
you're thinking, phil.

But believe me, we just
talked the entire night.

I showed her my dueling p*stol.

Then we...

We went up on the roof
and watched the sun rise.

I haven't had this...

This sense of my essence, phil,

Since, uh...

Since before i... I
broke up with audra.

Oh! Howard.

Women. What are we without them?


Excuse me.

Where's his paperwork?
They're writing him up now.

Another 10 minutes, if
you'd like to wait. It's okay.

Mr. Davis, I'm your public
defender of record.

My name's davenport.

You're charged with r*pe
as*ault. Is that correct?

Were your rights read to
you by the arresting officers?

Did you say anything to
the arresting officers?

What caused the
injuries to your face?

I didn't say nothing.

Them pigs just grabbed
me, pulled me down,

Started slamming away.

I didn't say nothing.
I didn't do nothing.

Okay, mr. Davis.
I'll be right back.

Your suspect, mr. Davis... Why
wasn't he taken to county emergency?

It's pretty simple, ma'am. His
eye is practically swollen shut.

He didn't want to go,
ma'am. We asked him.

Then those injuries were
sustained during his arrest?

Ma'am, he resisted arrest,

Not to mention the fact
that he assaulted both of us.

What's the problem, counselor?

The problem's a
battered suspect, furillo,

And who knows what else once these two
gentlemen kindly produce an arrest report.

- It's almost done, captain.
- Okay.

May we?

Since you have an interest in
the suspect, I thought I'd fill you in.

He's being charged with r*pe,
statutory r*pe, object r*pe,

as*ault with a deadly w*apon, resisting
arrest, assaulting a police officer.

Look, furillo...

Before you put me
in my place, I think you

Should know this
mr. Davis tied the victim,

A 15-year-old named
estelle hernandez,

To a chain-link fence near the
underpass in van buren park,

r*ped her,
sodomized her... Frank.

Tortured her with lit cigarettes,
r*ped her again with a bottle.

Officers further observed streams
of blood running down the victim's legs.

That's enough!

I'm sorry,

But you assumed those two
cops out there were the heavies.

More than that, I don't want
you anywhere near that animal.

That's a little old-fashioned,
wouldn't you say?


I've got a lot of
old-fashioned ideas about you,

So you can turn this
case over to someone else.

All right? I don't
think I can do that.

See ya.

What the hell does
that mean, "inconclusive"?

Here you go. Here
you go, shirret.

You mean they have to run
the whole series again? Ah, geez.

Can't we find a doctor who'll
do it right the first time?

No, rachel, I'm sorry.
I'm not yelling at you.

You're gonna take him in now?


Well, call me as
soon as they're done.

Rachel, I don't
care. Just call me.


Everything all right, henry?

Ah, yeah. You know, ray, little
ones have such delicate systems.

They sneeze, you got to
race 'em off to the doctor.

I know what you mean.

I heard something
about some tests.

Yeah, my youngest, josh,
he's a little run-down.

Actually, he looks like hell.
Dark circles, tired all the time.

So they're running a bunch
of tests on him at st. John's.

He's probably a little
anemic. That's all, henry.

It's funny. The little guy'll
be sittin' there talking to you,

And all of a sudden
he's asleep, mid-sentence.

It's a little scary.
Happens all the time, henry.

You know, when my
joselito was four or five

Years old, the doctors
had to put him on...

Excuse me. I've gotta go.
Henry, he's going to be all right.

I can't sit here while they're
sticking my kid full of needles.

I'm looking for an
officer hill or renko.

Yeah, right here.
Hi, I'm officer hill.

Denise thompson. This way.

Is there someplace I can
interview the woman privately?

Uh, no, I'm afraid not. The
interrogation... Never mind.

This is my partner,
officer renko.

- This is shirret anders.
- Shirret anders.

Yes, ma'am. I'm filling in for your
old welfare worker, shirret.

She retired rather suddenly,
and I'm still waiting for her files.

Do you know who the father
or fathers of the children are?


- How old are the children?
- Christopher is five,
and april is three.

How old are you? Twenty.

- I take it you're
still receiving a.d.c.?
- Yes, ma'am.

Officer hill, have you
done your paperwork?

Uh, no. Why don't
you? I'm running late.

Wait a minute. We're talking about
a charge of child endangering here.

That's pretty heavy stuff. Why
can't we be a little more creative?

In what way did you
have in mind, officer?

The point is, if you can open up
a file, just give her a warning,

Maybe we can help the situation.

Officer, I already have a
caseload I can't adequately service.

Conditions which provoked the situation
will, in all probability, not change,

And my own personal experience
tells me that miss anders here...

Doesn't yet have what
it takes to adequately

Provide for her
children's well-being.

Lady, I love my kids, but I just
got to get out sometime, you know?

What happens to these
kids if I charge her?

They become wards
of the court. Exactly!

Which means they're dumped
into some overcrowded

Institution or farmed
out to some foster home.

That's not right. You're
making this very difficult.

You're damn right I am. There
are three people involved here.

Why don't you give
the lady a chance?

I think that she can turn
this whole thing around.

You do, do you?
You're so sure of that?

Well, not as sure as
you are that she won't,

But sure enough
to bet a dinner on it.

You think officer hill's right?

You think you can get
your act together, shirret?

Yes, ma'am. I love
my babies. I will.

I won't make you
an official case,

If officer hill is willing to
share the responsibility...

And periodically look in
on you to see how it's going.

- All right?
- All right.

Come on, girl.
I'll ride you home.

"Sure enough to bet a
dinner on it." Mmm-mmm-mmm.

She didn't say
one word, did she?

Talk about ice water.

It doesn't matter. I wasn't hitting
on her anyway, renko, so cool it.

Yeah, she cooled you. I saw you looking
at her with those big, brown eyes of yours.


Yeah, she was
something to look at.

She sure was, buddy, but all
you're gonna get to do is look.

No big deal.


Yeah. Weeks.

Face forward.
Look straight ahead.

Number two, take your hat off.

Look 'em over good, kid. I wanna
know which one of 'em sold it to you.


Just got a call from fuchs at
midtown. They turned your case.

Just a couple of amateurs going
into business for themselves.

They didn't even know what
the hell they were cutting.

So, it's over and out, weeks.

What say we charge the driver kid with
possession and get on to some new business?

Recognize any of
'em, sweetheart?

Uh, I don't know. Try harder.

I'm not sure. Could
you let go of my hair?

Come on. Try a little harder,
kid. Help me on this one.

Number four.

- Four?
- Yeah, I think.

- You sure?
- Yeah.

You lying little cockroach!
Number four's one of my guys.

Stand up. Stand up!

Get up.

I hate liars.

You lying little scum.

Hey, you guys. Over.

Yeah. Over.

Uh, it's pretty slow here.

We got two more stops, then we're
coming back the other way. Over.

We got you covered, fido. Over.

How'd you like a collapsed
lung, kidney breath? Over.

And out. Best in
show, mixed breed.

Why don't you lighten
up on the dude, huh?

Pull into that gas station. I
gotta make a pit stop. Will you, man?

Be a couple of minutes.
Monitor the radio, okay?

No sweat. I got you
covered. All right.

Exit the rear of the bus, please.
Exit at the rear. I have to get off.

Look at me!

Get down. Get down.

It's happening.
It's coming down.

It's coming down
now. You guys there?

Give me that! Give me the
watch. Give me that wallet!

Freeze, little hair bag!

Do it, and we're both dead.

Back out the door before
one of us gets reckless.

Drop it!

Stupid idiot! You
wanna get k*lled?

Move it. Move!

Move! Get out of there!

Get down! Get
down! Hey! Watch out!

Freeze it!

Where were you? Huh?

I radioed, so where
the hell were you?

He could've k*lled
me. He had a shotgun.

He could've k*lled
those people on the bus.

Easy, man. Easy, easy.
Okay. Now, take it easy.

Don't you tell me to
take it easy, washington,

Not with him standing
there stinking of booze!

- And where the hell were you?
- Pit stop, babe. Sorry.

Both of you? It takes both
of you to go to the can?

I just ran in for some
cigarettes, mick. I'm sorry.

You're full of crap,
larue! You're a drunk.

I won't have no drunk
coverin' my back.

Oh, man.

team's on its way up.

I'd ditch that pint and do
something about my breath.

Yeah. Hey, look, uh, maybe you'd
better talk to belker or something.

He's liable to, you know, say
something to that investigating team.

This is the last time, j.d. I
mean that, man. The last time.

Now, you do something about
that problem, or you've lost me.

It won't happen again,
man. You got my word. Okay?

Okay. I'll see you
next week. Bye-bye.

Uh, miss pauley. Excuse me.

Yeah. Andy renko from, uh...

Yeah. Anyway, I wanted to ask
you about our essay that's due.

Now, you say you want it
written in the third person,

But you want it written about
something we know about.

So wouldn't it be better if I
did it from the "i" point of view?

Well, this is practice.

You see, this way
it gives you an

Opportunity to experiment
with the language.

Experiment? Yeah.

Good. Okay. Okay?
See you next week.

Yeah, good night. Good night.

Miss pauley, I'd feel a lot better if I
could walk you to the parking lot.

This isn't the best of neighborhoods.
There's all kinds of creeps around here.

There's some people
here that'd steal the smell

Off a junkie, if you
know what I mean. Uh...

Subway. Subway.

Yeah. I don't have a car.
No car? Well, that's worse.

That's four blocks from here,

And I'd just feel better if I maybe
gave you a ride or something.

What are you driving, a
spaceship? Ah, no, ma'am.

You'd be riding on the back...

Of a 1957 harley-davidson
hydro glide hog.

That's the original,
mind you, not a chopper.

I have a 1,250c.c. Panhead
and a su1c1de clutch.

Of course, uh, being as
you're wearing a skirt,

Maybe I ought to walk you home,

Unless you like
to ride sidesaddle.

If you don't mind my
asking, mr. Renko...

Why is it that you
come on to everyone...

Like you just spent the
afternoon shoveling horse manure?

Evening, ma'am.

Mr. Renko.

Mr. Renko.


Look, I've read some
of what you've written.

You've got some fine ideas
and some fine perceptions,

But I'll tell you, no one in this
class seems able to get past...

That continual line
of macho garbage,

Which is to say, yes, I
do mind riding sidesaddle.

I mind the innuendo.

Ma'am, I'm sorry.

It's just that I don't think a
woman as fine-looking as you...

Should be all alone walking around in
the middle of the night, not around here.

I'm a policeman, you know?

Yeah, I know.

Well, like you said, it
is a four-block walk.

Lots of creeps out there.

Besides me, right? Yeah.

You, uh... You know
anything about motorcycles?

Not really.

I bought this motorcycle from
this old boy down in oklahoma.

He had it shipped up here on
a flatbed truck, so I kind of...

Thanks, frank.

What's the next step?

Well, they're still
running blood tests.

They're gonna run what they call
a... A myelogram tomorrow morning,

See if there's any problem
with his nervous system...

Blockage or
something from a fall.

How's rachel holding up?


She, uh... She'll wait till something
happens one way or the other,

Then fall apart like me.

Don't knock it.
It's a good trait.

Why don't you take a couple
of days, see this thing through?

Yeah, rachel'd love that. Me down at
the hospital with her, making her nuts.

I'm better off up here.


I've been doing a lot of
thinking about myself, frank...

About my life, about this job.

I'm no cop, frank.

The masquerade's
gone on long enough.

You've had a hard
couple of days, henry.

It's not that.

It's not just since josh.

It hasn't gotten any
better out there, frank,

Not in my 12 years.

Hell, it's worse than ever.

We can't even make a dent in
it, and I'm not built like that.

I can't live day-to-day with
that hopeless sewer out there...

Just getting worse and worse.

I'm not ashamed to say
they can take it and I can't.

- They're tougher than I am.
- I doubt that, henry.

I wanna take my wife and my
babies and get the hell out of here,

Where I don't have to worry about
the v*olence and dope and race riots...

And my children getting
r*ped coming home from school.

- Sorry.
- It's all right. I worry
about mine the same way.

You know, mostly I wanna...

Take 'em somewhere where...

I can tell the good
guys from the bad guys,

'Cause we don't have
that luxury anymore.

Not in this department we don't.

That's not true, henry.


Not completely.

Most of us are still the good
guys, and most of us are still trying.

It's hard.

We're imperfect.

The system sometimes makes
terrible mistakes, as it did today.

Come on. Don't do this. It's a big,
cumbersome, imperfect system, henry.

If you leave it, it'll be
just a little bit worse...

Because you're good.

I like to think I am too.

So before you put through a
resignation, think about it, would you?

Hey, I don't want to
be here all night, man.

I'm taking care
of business, ain't i?

Police officer!
Hold it right there.

- Hey, cops, man.
- Freeze!

Get down!

Curtis! Come on. Let's
get out of here. Come on!

Police officer! Open up!

Police! Open up!
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