13x01 - Shintaro

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu". Aired: January 2011 to present.*
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"Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu" revolves around the adventures of six ninja: Kai, Cole, Jay, Zane, Lloyd, and Nya.
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13x01 - Shintaro

Post by bunniefuu »

Are you seriously playing video games right now?

It's my day off.

Why wouldn't I be playing video games?

We've been gone for weeks, Cole, and
this monastery won't clean itself.

We've got laundry to do, leaves to rake,
firewood you chopped.

And don't even get me started and repairing
the sentry cannons outside the wall

It sounds like a lot of work

You sure you don't want to play?

Did you just hear me?

Cole, we've got a time to do it

Wait! What game is this?

Prime Empire.


What what?
What's wrong?

Oh nothing

Except we were just trapped
inside that game, and got cubed.

You need to let go of the past, Loyd.

Anyway, it's totally safe.

Munna Gandhi and Dyer worked
out the kinks and its really fun.

Look, I gotta concentrate.

Just about to beat this level.

I guest one game wouldn't hurt.

How are there this many leaves?

I don't even see any trees.

They've blow over the walls, Jay.

And we've been gone a while.

The mirrors invasion.

Our little trip to the never realm.

Being stuck in prime Empire.

This will take forever to clean up.



Don't get any ideas.

What? We could be done instantly.

If master Wu sees you using Spinjitzu
to take shortcuts like raking leaves.

He's gonna be furious.

No, he won't know.

He's been locked in with his Scrolls all day.

Please, don't.

Master Wu!

Sorry I got all hopped up on dreams of efficiency in...



That was weird.

Master Wu just totally passed up an
opportunity to lecture you on something.

Yeah, he didn't even notice.



Master Wu?

Is everything okay?

Nya and Jay said you seemed a little distracted


Oh, no, I'm fine.

Just reading a scroll.

You haven't even unrolled it.

You were staring out the window.

I've noticed it too, Wu.



You've been quiet lately.

You haven't been yourself.

Are you sure nothing's bothering you

perhaps I'm...

How should I put?

It feeling my age a little bit.

Your age?

But Master,

that's ridiculous.

You don't look a day over a hundred.

That's not old.

And besides,

you're the most skilled fighter I've ever seen.

You know more about spinjitzu
than the rest of us put together.

You fought all of us at once and kicked our butts.

Remember that?

Yes, yes I do.

That was fun.

We couldn't have saved Ninjago all these
times without your help, Master Wu.

Saving Ninjago is for the young.

And your last few adventures you did just fine on your own.

That's not true.

You handled yourselves admirably
in prime Empire without me.

And against Asphira.

And in the nether realm.

The truth is, you don't need me anymore Lloyd.

That is not true.

It's okay Lloyd.

All masters face this moment eventually.

The time when their students no longer need them.

This is incredible.

Are you sure this isn't a mistake.


It's real.

It's gotta be.

It's addressed to us. Look.

What, what is it? Bad news?

It is highly unusual.

Oh, we gotta get ready.

What...what happened? Someone's

Someone broke in to the tea pot of Tehran?

My father been found?


You got an invitation.

To Shintaro.


Mm-hmm. the Ivory City.

You don't deliver one of these everyday. No siree.


Fancy card.

That's the fanciest card I've ever seen.

It even smells good.


As in Shintaro?

As in the remote and exclusive
Mountain Kingdom of northern Ninjago.

Invitations to Shintaro are exceedingly rare.

In recorded history

There have only been a handful of
outsiders allowed into the ivory city.

I heard it is incredible.

It's the most beautiful city in the world.

And the people have wings.

You can't beat wings.

Well what's it say?

The invitation.

King Vangelis of the Northern
Kingdom of Shintaro of the sky folk.

Kindly requests your presence.

Of course he does.

As honored guests.

Well that makes sense.

To celebrate the birthday of the princess Vanya.

Princess Vanya, who's that?

Apparently the daughter of King Vangelis.

Little is known about Shotaro.

Up until recently.

It was still considered a mythical place.

Well, it looks like we're gonna see it, in person.

Let's go.

I'm gonna pack.

Let's get the Bounty ready.

What's this about Shintaro?

We've been invited to the kingdom of Shintaro.

To attend princess Vanya's birthday.

Master Wu, this is just what you need.

This will get you out of your funk.

I am NOT in a funk.

And I'm not going.

I'll stay here with Misako and Pixel.

I can assist her in the hangar bay.

He's in a funk.

But how often does a chance to visit a
legendary fabled kingdom come your way?

I've visited my share of legendary fabled kingdoms.

Once you've seen one you've seen them all.

You go.

Enjoy yourselves.

You don't need me tagging along.

Now you listen to me, Wu.

I've had about enough of this moping around.

You are going with the ninja.

I can't go charging off to far-flung places.

Adventures and legendary kingdoms are for the young.

You of all people should understand that.

Why should I understand.

Wh...Wh..What I meant to say a...am...

You listen to me Wu.

You are going on this journey and you are going to like it.

Is that understood


But I...

The chicken need...


He's in.


This is gonna be just what we need.

All my optics circuits are even putting full visual data.

Somehow the zeros and ones of my comb
cannot convey the grandeur of this moment.

Yeah, It's like...like...

total super cool.

I really captured the moment beautifully, Jay.


It really is beautiful isn't it, Master Wu?

Yeah, beats doing chores back at the monastery that's for sure

Wh...What was that?

There is something you should know.

Early accounts of a Mythical City of Shintaro.

Claimed that the mountains surrounding
it were home to a vicious species of bat.

Called the Dire Bat.

Dire Bat?

There is much debate among historians.

As to whether dire bats are real or fiction

That's gotta be made up.

Not make up!
Not make up! Not make up!


They're trying to take us down.

Shu, shu bat.

I'm coming for you, buddy.

Dude, wait, hold on, can...can we be friends?

You owe me.

Jay, Cole, grab the line.

What do we do?

How do we stop them?

Use your elemental powers.

Master Wu!

Hang on.

Brace for impact.


Guys you're not gonna believe this.

Greetings honored guests.

I am Hailmar.

Right hand of King Vangelis.

I welcome you to The Kingdom of Shintaro.

You just saved our lives.

It is the least we could do.

The Dire Bats are a plague.

They are one of the many reasons we discourage visitors.

For their own safety.

But come.

Let us put our woos behind us.

And welcome you to the Ivory City of Shintaro.

Well you don't see that every day.
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