03x08 - I'm in the Nude for Love

Episode transcripts for the TV show "L. A. Law". Aired: September 15, 1986 – May 19, 1994.*
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High-powered law firm of McKenzie, Brackman, Chaney and Kuzak handles both criminal and civil cases, but the office politics and romance often distract them from the courtroom.
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03x08 - I'm in the Nude for Love

Post by bunniefuu »

previously on l.a. Law... well,

[Door slams]
congratulations are in order.

Kelly was impressed,

And she wants you
to adopt her baby.


Look, dave, what
I offer a client

Can't be replicated
on a videotape.

The client comes to me, for me.

Yes! Absolutely true.

But you will have
to admit there are

An awful lot of people
who can't afford to hire you.

But the $ . , They
would shell out

For an hour's worth of your well
chosen words could add up to a seven,

Maybe even an eight-figure
income, for you and yours.

A-are you making a
movie about, arnie?

Would you sit on
arnie's desk for a minute?

We need a stand-in.

I'm allison gottlieb.

Benny stulwicz.

I've got some bad news.

Kelly changed her mind.

- What?
- No.

I got a call last night from
an attorney in new york

Telling me the deal was off.

- She took another offer.
- Why?

I don't know. I
never saw it coming.

A star is born you two,

And I say that having
just watched the tape.

He speaks the truth.

[Rox] what on
earth is that, david?

A point of purchase display.

How do ya like it?

You should be very pleased.

When's our next sh**t?

I'll be editing down this show
footage over the weekend.

Oh, benny, this is
a videotape of you.

Mr. Kuzak.

Our recommendation to
the state bar association

Is that you be publicly censured

And suspended from
the practice of law

For a period of not less than
one month effective immediately.

Whatever happened to
freedom of expression?

Right of assembly, does that
count for anything or not?

Well, I guess some
people just don't like

Nudist colonies
in their community.

Oh, it's the same
darn bunch every time.

First they say "fire hazard"

Two years ago it was
zoning, and now it's nuisance.

How the hell are we a nuisance?

Well, basically what
they're gonna say is

Ever since you welcomed miss
nude galaxy into the compound

It's become a kind of
teenage male tourist trap.

Speaking of which, she's
given two separate statements

And I'm gonna have to
review these with her.

She should be right outside.

Marsha, if tracy shoe is
here, send her in please.

This is a wholesome young
woman, mike, and these people are

Just a bunch of
narrow-minded, nature bigots.

Well, maybe so, but the kids did try
to scale the walls in the weekends

And it has caused a
stir in the neighborhood

And that's what they're gonna
base their nuisance action on.

The judge can shut
us down for that?

Because they can't
control their own kids?

- Lawrence?
- Ah... Tracy, come on in.

Michael kuzak, tracy shoe.

Tracy, this is the lawyer
who will be trying the case.



Lauren said you wanted
to go over my affidavits.


[Douglas] well, well,
welcome back, brother kuzak.

Freshly returned from exile.

Thank you, thank you.

Boy, did that month fly by...

I take it you're all
ready to plunge

Into your defense
of the nudist colony.

Yeah, I just came from
there. We're ready for trial.

Ready for trial?

Do I detect a little unauthorized
practice of the law at home here?

Certainly not

My suspension ended on friday
and I prepared over the weekend.

Well, in the interest of the firm
and the client I wish you good luck,

But as a purely
personal observation.

I wouldn't want those perverts
prancing around my neighborhood either.

Check out the centerfold
of this month's flamingo, mike.

It's your star witness.

Yeah, thanks but... I've
already seen the evidence.

Moving along, malay vs
century partners limited.

That's actually,
uh, abby's case.

I'm doing a little tax
work on it for her.

Abby perkins is hiring mckenzie
brackman to work for her?

That is correct, douglas.

And am I assuming we're to be
compensated for these services?

Also correct,
you're assuming that.

Ben ray, jamie ferguson?

Doctor takes the stand today.

How's it going, victor?

It's rough, ann, real rough.

- This is the girl
in the coma right?
- Mm-hmm.

Forgive me, but I
can't see forcing

Anybody to stay alive like that.

Euthanasia's illegal, stuart.

You can't just k*ll
somebody because...

Even her parents
want her to die.

So where do we draw the line?

First we start k*lling coma
patients, and then what?

Babies with down
syndrome? Ret*rded people?

Come on, victor, the woman's
practically brain-dead.

If her own parents wanna pull
the plug, who are you to say no?

Now we are
representing the hospital.

This is the firm's client, not just
victor's. Which means to the extent

That this draws any
questions from the press

Directed to anyone of you,

You recite the company line,
your personal feelings aside.

On-the-record, we stand committed
to keeping jamie ferguson alive.

On-the-record, the taking
of a human life is wrong.

That is the client's position
therefore it is our position.

Are we understood?



Move along, douglas.

That's it.

We're adjourned.

- Arnie.
- Hi, allison.

Final cut, it's stunning.

- Hi rox, how's the diet?
- Fine.

Well, come on
in, let's, put it on.

I can't, I'm running way late.
Are we still on for tonight?

O'clock, clooney's.

See you then. He's a star.

- Hi, benny.
- Hi!

- How are you.
- Good.

I... I played my tape.

- Did you like it?
- Yeah.

Well you should. You are
very handsome on-screen.

- No?
- Yes, you.

You-you wanna bagel?

For later.

I gotta go now, benny, but
I'll see you real soon, okay?


- Bye.
- Bye.

How does a normal, healthy,

-Year-old suddenly gets
struck down by an aneurysm?

There's no real explanation.
It just happens sometimes.

In jamie's case, she
suffered a rupture

At the apex of
the basilar artery.

It's like a time b*mb in
the head that can go off

With no warning, whatsoever.

And what is jamie's
condition today?

She's in what we call

A chronic or persistent
vegetative state.

And has been for two years.

She has no cognitive
brain function

And no ability to interact
with the outside world.

Basically, she just exists.

And what is the prognosis

And recommended
treatment for this, doctor?

Her condition is irreversible.

It's my opinion she
should be allowed to die.

Thank you, doctor.

Nothing further.

She's not brain-dead, is she?

Well, technically no,
but she has no capability

For thought or emotion.

The left side of her thalamus

Is completely destroyed...

But her hindbrain
is still alive, right?


And her eeg measures some
forebrain activity right?

But it's completely

Yes or no, doctor?

Does the eeg indicate
activity by the forebrain?


Thank you.

Is jamie ferguson terminal, sir?


She could live for another
or years, right?

- She could - and
tell me doctor,

When you say that her
condition is "irreversible,"

Is that medical certainty,
or is that simply your opinion?

- My opinion, as well
as everybody else's.
- I see.

And to your knowledge sir,

Has such a person ever
regained consciousness?

Well, that's not
going to happen here.

The question is, doctor,

- Has it ever happened?
- It's happened, yes.

And despite this possibility

You wanna k*ll a
non-terminal patient

Without ever giving
her a chance to recover?

That possibility
is so unrealistic

It can't justify prolonging
this woman's misery.

Wait a second, jamie
ferguson is feeling misery?

I'm just talking about
allowing her to die with dignity.

Oh, so she's capable
of feeling dignity then.

I didn't say that.

Well, i-i'm confused, doctor.

You say that she can't feel,
but you wanna end her misery.

You say that she can't think

But you want to
preserve her self-esteem.

You know darn well
what I'm talking about.

The patient is gone!

There's nothing
going on in her head.

Doctor, when you make your
regular checkups with jamie,

Do you ever talk to her?

Sometimes I talk aloud, yes.

Well, according to
some of your nurses

You often take her
hand to comfort her.

You talk to her, you
tell her little stories,

Once you even sang
her a song, didn't you?

That doesn't mean she hears me.

No. But if you're so
positive that she doesn't,

- Why do you bother?
- I just do.

Is it because maybe, just maybe,

She somehow does hear you?

I'm sure she doesn't,

But I suppose you can't
ever really know for sure.

No, you can't.

That's all, doctor. Thank you.


Hey, benny. What
brings you here?

Arnie, uh, has to be late.

He sent me to keep you company.

Oh, great!

Would you like
something to drink?

Ah, well, okay, a root beer

Comin' right up.

Can I have a root beer please?

Excuse me, is this seat taken?

You want a place to sit?

I got a place you can sit
that'll make us both happy.

Go ahead, benny, sit down.

Oh, come on. Just a
little barroom humor.

Practically protocol.

More like pro-magnon?

[All laugh]

Yeah, well, judging
from your friend here,

It looks like you're into that.

You know, you're kinda
cute for an ignorant drunk.


And I think you've
got a big mouth.

- Leave her alone.
- Hey, hey, it talks.

- Come on, benny, let's go.
- Where you going?

Off to ride dumbo's pony?

You bitch!

Stop it. Stop it!

Stop it or I'll hurt you!

Let him go, benny. Let him go.

Yeah, everything's cool.

We're just leaving, that's all.

Thank you, benny.

Thank you.

Come on.

She was so vital.

She should be
remembered that way.

Not the way she is now.

There's no life in
my baby anymore.

What do you think about when
you think of your daughter?

I think of a wonderfully
giving person.

A college track star.
An optimistic little girl

Who thought she could do
anything in the whole world.

You realize, mrs. Ferguson,

That if the doctors
disconnect the g-tube,

Jamie will be gone forever?

She's been gone for two years.

That isn't jamie
living in that body.

And you're convinced that

This is what she
would want you to do?

She wouldn't wanna
be seen this way.

It's so degrading.

God should just take her now...

Thank you, ms. Ferguson.

Nothing further.

Ms. Ferguson,

Do you understand exactly
what you're doing here?

I'm asking that my
daughter be allowed to die.

Well, forgive me ma'am. But
it's a little more than that.

You're asking that she
be k*lled, aren't you?

- Objection!
- My daughter is dead.

- I'm just...
- No, ma'am, she's alive.

She's being kept
alive by that machine.

Well, she's not
connected to a respirator

Or any artificial
life-support system.

She's hooked up to
a gastrostomy tube.

Yes, she is, ma'am,
and what is that for?

Nutrition and hydration.

Nutrition and hydration,
that's food and water right?

You see what's happening here,

Is you're asking permission to
starve your daughter to death.

Starving her, mrs. Ferguson.

That's not allowing her to die.

That is deliberately
causing her death.

I hope you never have
someone you love look like this.

I hope you never have a daughter

Who ends up lifeless on
a hospital bed drooling,

Staring at nothing day
after day, unable to die.

Refusing to die.

Maybe because somewhere
deep inside her she wants to live.

Why are you doing this to me?

I'm doing it

Because you are trying to
end another human being's life

And I really want you
to consider that fact.

Oh, I've considered it.

And given the alternative,
it's a decision I can live with.

But your daughter cant, ma'am.

You see, she dies with
that decision, doesn't she?

Your honor.

Doesn't she, mrs. Ferguson?

I have nothing further...

Hey, hey, hey look who's
at mckenzie brackman.

- With the long awaited file.
- Good.

I hope you're a genius, stuart.

Why? Did ya doubt me?

Well, the offer came in at

And I don't even know
if that's ballpark.

So if you would just run down the
stock valuations and past consequences.

I'll just wade through
it, and I'll let you know.


Now, do I ask you the question
that douglas brackman

Will inevitably ask me?

My contingency is one-third,

So I'll give you %
of whatever my take is.

But I'd want the use of
your office support staff.

How 'bout if we
charge you by the hour

With a cap of %?

That way if you settle
in a couple of days,

You won't owe us a
big chunk of change

For a couple hour's work.

Thanks, stuart, I appreciate it.

And now, more important things.

- How you doing?
- Good!

It's a struggle, but
I'm making it so far.

Really? Ann says
there's a little something

With a certain detective.

[Sighs] blabbermouth.

Well hey, if you're
doing it, flaunt it.

I think it's terrific.

Yeah, I guess I think it is too.

Listen, ann also told me
about the adoption thing.

- I'm sorry.
- We'll keep trying.

It may take a little while,
but it's gonna happen, stuart.

- It is.
- You know the worst part of it?

How darn determined we are
never to get our hopes up again.

I mean, isn't that half
the fun of having a baby?

- All the runaway hopes...
- You'll get your baby.

I know we are. I mean we are.

Wow! Are those for me?

Don't think so, benny stulwicz.


You can set them
down there, I'll sign.

Benny, look these are for you!

- Me?
- Yes, you.

- Look there's a card.
- Mmm, they're gorgeous.

They're from allison... For me!

To benny stulwicz.

My fearless hero, love allison.

Well, that's for saving
her life, you stud!

I'll bet they cost
a lot of money.

- Uh... They're for me.
- They're beautiful, benny.

They're from allison.

Well, that was very nice of her.

I'm gonna go pour water in 'em!

What they do in
their private homes

Is their business.

But when they cause our
streets to be congested,

When they drive our
property value down,

We have to be concerned.

And when did the nudist colony

Start causing all
this, mr. Weeks?

It's been going on for years.

And it's been getting
worse, especially

When that woman arrived
the one who won that contest.

And how did she change things?

Oh, lewd little juveniles
started flooding into the area

Driving all around,
blasting their horns,

Shouting out their
car windows, "tracy."


Mr. Weeks, tracy shoe
didn't really do anything

To encourage this
madness, did she?

Oh, but she did.
Three months ago,

Three or four of our
neighborhood boys

Snuck into their compound.

And she, uh... Engaged them.

And how did she
"engage" them, sir?

- Nude wiffle ball.
- The boys were nude as well?

Completely naked-nude.

And when the word got out

Every kid in town lined
up for a batting practice.

- Objection.
- Sustained.

I have nothing further.

Mr. Weeks, isn't it
true you've been trying

For a long time to shut
down this nudist colony?

Going back, a long time before
tracy shoe ever appeared.

It's been interfering
with the quiet,

Enjoyment of my property. Yes.

Come on, mr. Weeks.
Transportation studies reveal

Only a marginal
increase in traffic,

And police records show that

There's been no substantial
rise in criminal activity.

Just because we
don't call the police,

Doesn't mean we're not upset.

Well, tell us about the time
that you did call the police.

Last fourth of july when
they put up the big tent.

That was an eyesore.

That's not how you described
it to the police, is it, sir?

You said it looked
a like giant condom.

That's what it looked
like from the south bridge.

I've changed my
position on that.

Well, isn't it true, mr. Weeks,

That what you're
really trying to do here

Is impose your own
sense of morality

On how these people live?

No... That is not true.

You visited my client's colony

For the event of the nude
chili cook-off, didn't you?

I was just curious, and I was
fully clothed at all times.

Would you tell the court
exactly what you saw there?

There were, uh, naked
breasts all around me,

Bare buttocks and the men...

They just walked around
with everything out.

And you found that to be
horribly disgusting, didn't you?

- Yes, I did.
- Thank you, mr. Weeks

I have nothing further.

And dr. Lacker,
as chief of staff,

You made a decision to
overrule jamie's position.

- That's correct.
- Can you tell us why, sir?

It's against hospital policy.

If a doctor comes to me
and tells me he wants to

Discontinue medical
treatment that's one thing,

But food and water those
are basic human needs.

Doctor, could
you tell us exactly

What would happen to jamie

If her nutrition
were to be cut off?

Well, first her
mouth would dry out

And her lips would crack.

The tongue would swell,

Her eyes would recede
to back of their orbits,

The lining of the nose
would crack and bleed.

And the brain
cells would dry out

As would the stomach lining.

She'd have
convulsions, she'd vomit.

Her bladder would burn.

Eventually all of her
organs would just shut down.

And, uh... Will this
cause jamie to suffer?

We can't rule out the
possibility of tremendous pain.

There are many experts

Who described
death by dehydration

As cruel and violent.

Thank you very much, doctor.

Do you think this death
would be painful for her?

I honestly don't know.

And dr. Lacker,

You concur with
dr. Alan's opinion

That jamie ferguson
has no capacity

For cognitive
thought, don't you?

Yes, I do.

Do you think she'll ever
regain consciousness?

It's possible.

I didn't ask if it was possible.

I asked, do you
think it'll happen?

No, I don't.

Thus, it would be
your medical opinion

That jamie ferguson's
vegetative state is irreversible?

That would be my opinion, yes.

And although it's
against your policy,

Many hospitals would, in
fact, disconnect the g-tube

Under these circumstances,
wouldn't they?

- Perhaps.
- Perhaps?

In fact the reason
that you have refused

To authorize the
transfer of this patient,

Is because you're afraid
that another hospital

Might do just that. Correct?


Thank you, doctor.
Nothing further.

You may step down, sir.

Your honor, I'd like to adjourn

Until tomorrow
morning, at which time

I'd like to call my last
witness, ms. Jamie ferguson.


According to hospital officials,

There's no problem with
bringing her into court.

- You can't be serious?
- Mr. Sifuentes.

They've characterized her
as being lifeless, your honor.

They are asking you to pronounce
a sentence of death upon her.

I think that you should
at least look at her first.

This is cruel and sick.

I'm not gonna sit
back and take...

Bringing her in here is
more cruel than k*lling her?

More cruel to them.

This isn't about
them. It's about jamie.

And if she's as dead
as you say she is

It won't make a damn
bit of difference.

Both of you be quiet now!

Mr. Sifuentes, I have
no intention of turning

This thing to a sideshow.

It wouldn't be that
way, your honor.

Jamie's capable of sitting up.

We can bring her
in, in a wheelchair.

Alright coordinate
it with the hospital.

- Your honor, please.
- Mr. Ferguson, I grant you

This is extraordinary
and I don't like it myself.

But you're in here seeking
an extraordinary measure.

We'll see jamie ferguson
in this courtroom

Tomorrow o' clock.

We're adjourned.

So, ms. Shoe, you don't accept

The label then of being
a sexual provocateur.

By walkin' around naked?

Psychiatrists will tell
you if you wanna stop men

From yearning to
get inside your pants,

Don't wear pants.

Have you, or any of
your fellow members,

Ever purposely done
anything to enflame

- The neighborhood teenagers?
- Of course not.

Do you consider your
community to be promiscuous?

We just shed our clothes,
mr. Kuzak, not our morals.

Thank you, ms. Shoe. I
have nothing further.

So, I suppose when these boys

Swarm your gates every weekend

They're just hopin' to see

A little high
quality volleyball?

I wouldn't know, maybe
you should ask the boys.

I did ask the four

Who snuck into play
nude wiffle ball with you.

They told me what
they gotta look at.

- Were they pleased?
- Oh, yes.

You, naked, pitching to
four buck-naked teenagers,

Letting 'em take their pokes.

- Objection.
- Sustained

Come on ms. Shoe, level with us.

You enjoy working
the neighborhood boys

Into a frenzy, don't ya?

I'm not ashamed of
my body, mr. Knots.

If it happens to
give rise to a frenzy

Well that's not my problem.

Well, in fact, it's
a thrill, isn't it?

No, it isn't.

Are you telling
me, ms. Nude galaxy,

Doesn't get a charge outta
being admired by the teenagers?

Is it flattering to know
that I arouse them, yes?

Do I enjoy seeing their young,
hard, streamlined bodies?

Of course I do.
Do I often wonder

What it would be like to
unlock that teenage passion

To feel the full fury of
a lean -year-old adonis?

Uh, your honor...

Excuse me.

They're just fantasies.

I wouldn't necessarily
indulge them.

Thank you, ms. Shoe.

That was just fine.

You k*lled us. You buried us.

I was just telling the truth.


I never heard about this

"Hard body" truth
before, for god's sakes.

Look, I'm not gonna apologize
for my sexuality, lawrence

And neither am I gonna deny it.

Your membership is
hereby terminated.

- What?
- You heard me.

You're not representative
of my community.

You can find yourself
another camp.

Well, how about that?

It's okay for us to
expose our bodies,

But we should just keep our
thoughts completely covered.

That's just fine.

So what do we do now?

Well, I'm not gonna lie to you.

We got very hurt in there.

Oh, to hell with it.
I'm selling the place.

Come on, don't start
getting rash on me.

I'm not being rash.

A buyer offered me
million dollars for the land,

And I've been seriously
thinking about it.

Well, think about it for
another week but don't...

I can't risk that
injunction, mike.

I'm barely floating
this place as it is.

If I lose membership
dues, I'm going down.

The banks would foreclose

Even before we could
complete the sale.

Set up a settlement conference.

I'll agree to close the camp

If they'll agree to
suspend the trial

And give me time to sell.

I don't know, lawrence.

Do it. We got no choice.

Okay, mr. Sifuentes,
I've seen her.

With the court's permission

I'd like to ask her a
couple of questions.

Come on, she's certainly
not competent to testify.

Well, then let me do
it as a demonstration.

Your honor?

We have already heard testimony

That her own doctor
addresses her.

Now that puts in
issue the question

Of whether she is
capable of responding.

I don't see the point really.

But I don't see the
harm either, so...

Go ahead.

Jamie, do you understand
why you're here?

I want you to listen to me.

Your parents tell us
that it is your wish to die.

And they're asking
this judge here

If it would be okay for them
to starve you to your death.

For god's sakes.

They think that you
should be k*lled, jamie.

- Stop it!
- Mr. Sifuentes.

They think your
life has no value

And that it would be
best for you to be dead.

Stop it! You stop it!

- Leave her alone!
- You're out of line.

I'm only out of
line, your honor,

If she understands me.

And if she does, then
she shouldn't be here.

What the hell's wrong with you?

Mr. Ferguson, that's enough.
Everybody just settle down.

Mr. Sifuentes, I've seen her,

And you've asked
enough questions.

We're recessed for minutes,

Then I'll hear closing
arguments. That's all.

We don't want you to
suffer anymore like this.

We're doing it for
you, please understand.

Oh, please.

Hi. [Phone rings]

Hi, benny

I have a package here to be
delivered to peterson and o'brien.

Thank you.

Hi, dorothy.

Have you lost weight?

- Pounds. Can you tell?
- Oh, yes.

Even your face
looks a little thinner.

- Really?
- Really!

Go look at yourself.
You look great!

You know, I should
be reading this first?

I'm a lawyer, for god's sakes,

And I'm blindly signing contracts
that directly involve me.

They are just promotional
releases, mr. Lawyer.

Sure, which give you
the unfettered right

To commercially exploit me.

Well, would you like me to
exploit you in some other way?

Ooh, yeah! Now there's
a video we could sell.

Come on, let's go to lunch.

- Benny.
- Hi, benny

Roxanne said you had a package.

Yeah, it's right on her desk.

Well, I can't do
it now, I'm busy!


Uh, maybe I should talk to him.

No. I'll... I'll do it.

Excuse me.

- Benny.
- Leave me alone.

You want to tell me
what's going on here?

Is she... She your girlfriend?

Well, she is my friend,
and she is a girl.

She shouldn't be
your girlfriend.

Look, benny, whether
allison is or isn't my girlfriend

Has nothing to do with
her feelings for you.

You know how much she likes you.

She doesn't like me.

She's just nice to me
'cause I'm Ret*rded.

Everybody's nice to
me 'cause I am Ret*rded.

Not only is that a mean thing
to say about yourself, benny,

But it's a mean thing
to say about me.

I don't wanna talk right now.

I'm busy, go away!

- Benny!
- Leave me alone!


Okay, we'll go.

She cannot think, your
honor. She has no memory,

No personality,
no emotional state.

She's not livin'.

This is modern medical
science sustaining her body.

Forced medical treatment,

That financially
devastated these two people.

They sold their home.

They don't have
anything left, judge.

Except the daily horror

Of looking at their
little girl that way.

She is irreversibly

And she will never get better.

She is forever
incapable of having a life.

Please let her have her death.

Let her parents bury her.

Let her have her dignity.

And let her have
her final peace.

They are wrong, your
honor. They're wrong,

When they call food and
water modern medical science.

They're wrong when they say

The life of their daughter
is now without value.

And they are wrong

When they ask a judge
to measure the quality

Of a person's being.

To decide whether that
person has a right to be.

A little while ago, this
whole courtroom erupted.

Mrs. Ferguson was
hugging her daughter.

Mr. Ferguson was
screaming at me.

You were ready to
hold me in contempt.

That all happened...

Because in that chair...

Sitting there...

Is life.


Whatever its definitions

By you, or me or some
other fancy doctors.

It's something that
we as human beings

Instinctively cling
to, and jamie ferguson

Is clinging to it with
all of her pound might.

No, she's probably
not gonna get better.

But the microscopic
chance that she might,

That belongs to her.
That is all that she has left

And no judge should
ever take that away.

We're always told that...

That the laws and the
courts of this country exist

Above all to extend
society's protection

To its weakest and most
vulnerable individuals.

Well, no one needs
that protection anymore

Than does jamie ferguson
at this very moment.

I-i know they love her.
They love her very much.

But they are asking
you to play god.

We're asking that you allow
for that fraction of a hope,

That god will be
god in all of this.

Not only for their
sake, but for hers.

Mr. Kuzak.

I got your message
sounded a little urgent.

Yeah, thanks for coming in.

I wanted to commend
you personally

On your little performance
in court yesterday.

Well, I'm really
sorry about that,

But I felt I had to be honest

Even if it meant losing
sight of our objective.

You're not sorry, tracy.

And you didn't lose
sight of your objective

For one single second.
You see, I did little checking

On that investment group
that's buying the colony.

Imagine my surprise

At seeing your name listed
as one of the limited partners.

So I like real estate.

Yesterday's testimony was
designed to lose that trial.

So lawrence stone would
have to shut down the colony

Making him more
inclined to sell the land.

Yesterday's testimony
was the % truth.

I like being physical.

I enjoy entertaining a
few sexual fantasies.

And that was just
me on the stand,

Being my honest self.

And when you joined
the camp, six months ago...

When you enticed the boys
into playing nude wiffle ball,

And when you enflamed

The neighbors into
bringing this lawsuit,

You were still just being
your honest self, right?

That sounds real calculating

For a dumb nude
beauty queen, mr. Kuzak.

Well, I'm gonna tell
lawrence stone about this.

He's gonna cancel the deal.

Too late, offer's been accepted.

Then I'll have it nullified.

I can vitiate it on
the grounds of fraud.

Spare me, counselor.

There is nothing fraudulent
about my testimony,

And there's nothing fraudulent

About me being
one of the buyers.

And lawrence stone
needs the money.

If you clear the
deal you'll be sending

Your own client belly-up.


You want the
land so badly? Fine.

But the purchase price
just went up to . .

In your dreams.

You think you
have all the cards?

Well, maybe I can't
win on a fraud count,

But I can sure, as hell,
make one stick long enough

To take the fun out of things.

And maybe you forgot?

Lawrence stone's personal
residence is on that property.

Which means, I can put
him into bankruptcy.

I can break this deal,

And I can protect him
from his creditors.

And I can make this
thing drag out forever.

So you go to your partners,

Tell 'em to come up
with another ,

Or tell them to get ready
for a long expensive ugly fight.


I'm sorry I yelled
at you yesterday.

Come on in. Have a seat.


I don't care that you got mad
and yelled at me yesterday, buddy

That's gonna happen.

What does concern me is

How wrong you
are about something.

The people in this
office aren't nice to you

Because you're Ret*rded.

These people are your
friends, we care about you.

Not because you have a handicap,

Not because you bring
us donuts every morning.

It's because you're kind,

Generous, and honest.

We can share our trust with you.

Those are the things that
go into a friendship, benny.

And those are the
things that you have.


With boyfriends
and girlfriends, it...

Usually takes something more.

You have to have a
real lot in common

And you have to be
alike in a lot of ways.

If you don't...

They're not meant to
be together as a couple.

They can still be
very close friends.

Do you understand?

I-i should be with
somebody more like me...

Someday you'll find a
woman you love, benny.

She will love you
back even more.

I don't know.

I know.

I know.

Would the parties
and counsel approach?

I think it's ironic,
maybe even stupid,

That while euthanasia
is against the law,

We are legally entitled
to starve people to death,

And call it the withholding
of medical treatment.

Frankly, I find it hard
to call food and water,

"Medical treatment,"

But, other courts have done so,

And I was prepared
to do so as well.

I was also prepared to find that

Jamie is incapable of
cognitive thoughts

That her condition
is irreversible,

And that, if competent,

She would probably want

The g-tube disconnected.

What I wasn't prepared for,

Having never done
one of these cases,

Was my own personal feelings
about something like this,

And how those feelings would

Pervade my
professional judgment.

And I have to tell you,

With the slightest chance

That she could improve,

Or that starvation could
cause her pain, or that

The not so remote chance

Maybe that she would
like to go on fighting.

When I combine that with my

Basic presumption
in favor of life,

I cannot terminate the
nutrition and hydration.

Oh my god... Your honor, please.

This is not easy, believe me.

I wish I could hide
behind the law.

And tell you that I'm bound
by some legal precedent,

But I'm not. I'm free to
go either way on this.

Then why must she spend
the rest of her life like this?


Because I'm the judge
here mrs. Ferguson,

And this thing turns
on my judgment alone,

Nobody else's.

And this is the
call I am making.

You can't do this.
You just can't.

I'm sorry

I hereby deny the
plaintiff's petition,

And order the continued
provision of nutrition and hydration

To the patient, jamie ferguson.

This matter is adjourned.

Hey, mr. Sifuentes,

I hope you're happy
about your "big win".

- I am sorry.
- Must be...

..really nice just to be
able to walk away, huh,

Just to waltz on outta here.

Put it outta your mind.

Move on to your next case.

Mr. Ferguson, you're
represented by counsel.

It's really inappropriate for me
to be talking with you right now...


Tell me somethin',

- How appropriate is it
for my daughter - sorry sir.

- It's not proper
for me to engage...
- To lie here like a...

- ..in conversation with you
- ..vegetable for years?

- And how appropriate is it that -
without the consent of your attorney..

- I have to watch her
rot away, - now excuse me.

Day after day after day?

You think we get
to walk away? Huh?

You think this is over for us?


Knock, knock.

You're late, kuzak.

Late nothin',
reservations are for : .

Can we do something
besides dinner?

Or a movie? Like
las vegas, maybe.

Las vegas?

Well, I don't know.

I'm just in the mood
for something other

Than what we do every
single night of our

Boring, mundane,
monotonous, tedious,

Stagnant lives.

Well... You know,
i-it just so happens

I've been invited to a
party. But y-you wouldn't...

A party? Well, let's go.

[Sighs] no, I don't think so.

Oh, come on.

Grace, trust me on this one.

You wouldn't be caught
dead at this party.

Don't be silly.

Michael, I feel so conspicuous

It's their whole theory, that
if you take your clothes off

You become more anonymous.


I dunno if I agree, counselor.


Thanks for comin'.

We figured we at least
oughtta throw a farewell bash.

Grace van owen, lawrence stone.

- Hi.
- My pleasure.

I don't know how you jacked up
the purchase price, counselor,

But boy, I owe you!

Well, wait 'till
you see my bill...

Oh, my god..

Oh... Uh, I'm sorry.

I imagine you must find all
this rather embarrassing?

Well, no... Not really, no...

- A little.
- This is the way
we live, ms. Van owen.

It may seem funny, or
embarrassing, at first,

But I can tell ya this...

If the openness, and the
warmth, and the loyalty

That exists among these people
as a product of our lifestyle,

Then the lifestyle's well worth
an occasional snake in the reed.

Well, enjoy!

I'll catch you two later.

- Hello.
- Hey.

Thank you.


Mickey, do you suppose
they really are happier

With their lifestyles
than we are with ours?

I don't know.

They all seem so at
ease with themselves.

You thinking of running
off and becoming a nudist?

No! But it might be fun to
try it for an hour, or two.

- You're kidding?
- Well, why not?

We could hang around and get...

You know, visible?

You are kidding?

When in rome, mickey!


Hey, it's a party!

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