03x19 - Consumed Innocent

Episode transcripts for the TV show "L. A. Law". Aired: September 15, 1986 – May 19, 1994.*
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High-powered law firm of McKenzie, Brackman, Chaney and Kuzak handles both criminal and civil cases, but the office politics and romance often distract them from the courtroom.
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03x19 - Consumed Innocent

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on l.a.
Law... You affect me.

You affect me, too.

I think we should take a
break from each other.

Grace, don't you think
we should work on this?

We've done nothing
but work on it.

We'll meet people...

Maybe we'll even fall in love.

It's all true...
What you're saying.

In the long run,

Splitting up is probably the
healthiest thing we could do.

It's still sad.

Abby, I have a new friend.

She's a girl.


Her name's alice.

Here's a picture of her.

She seems very pretty.

I've got a ticket from
when we changed the buses,

And a ticket from the movies.

Two more for my ticket box.

What's a ticket box?

When my father
comes home from a trip,

I put his tickets in a box.

I got tickets from
everywhere he ever went.

If you come with me
on the bus another time,

You could get more tickets.

From your own trips.


Yeah, and next time

You could pick where we go to.

I know what I'll pick.


The same as tonight.

Everything, the same as tonight.


Me, too.



I thought I heard you.

Come on in, alice.
It's getting late.

Need a lift to the bus, benny?

No, uh, uh-uh.

Well, thanks for
bringing alice home on time.

Good night, now.

If we can settle in people.

First up, an official
welcome back

To ms. Abigail perkins,

Who begins her second tenure
with mckenzie brackman today.

Yay, abby!

Hip, hip, hooray!

Hear, hear.

Thank you very much for
making me feel so welcome,

And thank you, dorothy,
for surrendering my chair.

Well, as I was coming in, a wicked
witch wrote, "surrender, dorothy"

In the sky with her broomstick.

What do you know,
she made a joke.

Moving on, let us not forget

The annual mckenzie
brackman attorneys' dinner

Will be held thursday night.

We're at fontaine's.

Cocktails at
7:00. Dinner at 8:00.

Of course, this presumes that
we'll all be healthy enough to attend.

Victor, how are
you feeling today?

Like death.

Might I suggest that you
take a few days off to recoup.

The last thing that we
need is for this entire office

To be crippled by the flu.

Oh, that's very
considerate of you, douglas,

Especially since it was
you who gave it to me.

10 Bucks says abby gets it next.

Sudden exposure is deadly.

Oh, I don't know. My
money's on dorothy.

She's looking a little
white around the gills.

All right, now, this
is no laughing matter.

You should all take precautions
to avoid paralyzing the whole firm.

Victor, it probably does make
sense for you to go on home.

I got some business to clean up here,
and then I'm home to bed. Don't worry.

Yablonsky vs. Green.

Land use dispute over
an undeveloped parcel

In benedict canyon.

It's still under discovery.

Thompson vs. Lion securities.

Trial starts in 2
weeks and it's a bear.

- I'm going to need some help.
- I'm free.

Good. It's a basic 10b-5 case,
but with a lot of crazy twists.

- We'll meet this week,
and go over the file.
- Good.

Down for the count.

Uh, ms. Wyler... I'm sorry.

I think I have the flu.

You owe me 10 bucks.

That amount reflects the
present day video earnings

As verified by your
accountant and mine.


Initial the addendum here

And sign here.


One more signature

receipt of the check.

Press down. You're
making copies.



Arnie, as always.

Sheldon, it's mutual.

God is your witness, you'll
never be hungry again.

This doesn't seem real.

Oh, it's very real, rox.

You're loaded.

Oh, I'm going to
blow this, arnie.


The only reason I have this
is because of david and you.

Left to my own devices,

I end up in
bankruptcy, remember?

Your holding a check with
a lot of numbers on it, rox.

Bankruptcy is
hardly a threat here.

All I know is... Alone I failed.

And this check, however
many numbers there are,

Means I'm alone again.

You're not alone.

Stuart markowitz is going to put
together an estate plan for you

That's going to
set you up for life.

Aw, come on, lady, smile.

You're free, you're
single, you're rich.

Come here.


You two are telling me
solicitation to commit as*ault

Can't be pled out?

I've offered a year's
probation, your honor.

That's the best I
can do on a felony.

- Mr. Macleish?
- My client will
not plead guilty.

- It's as simple as that.
- Mr. Bostik, you know
there's a very real possibility

Of jail time if
you're convicted.

I'm aware of that, your honor. And
believe me, I don't relish the thought.

The fact is, though, this
is a free speech issue,

And I'm not being
sanctimonious when I say that.

I have a talk show, free
speech is my bread and butter.

When you instruct your
audience to attack a man,

And they beat him to
death in the parking lot

I'd say you've crossed
the bounds of free speech.

I also suspect your
eagerness for a trial

Has more to do with the
publicity you can milk out of it

Than it does with
the first amendment.

Guess I'll see you
in court at 2:00.

A trial's great promotion. There's
no question of that, ms. Vanowen,

But you are
prosecuting this, not i.

I'm prosecuting you
because you're a criminal.

Well, in any case,
there's no hard feelings.

You do your thing, I'll do mine.

Right now, it's showtime.

Miss lazar,

How did you happen
to be in the audience

Of the pete bostik show?
On the night in question?

I was invited by moira noonan,
one of mr. Bostik's producers.

She got in touch with
the prison project,

Which is a prisoners' rights
organization I'm involved with.

How many supporters of
your particular view point

- Do you estimate were there?
- Two.

Myself and leonard kaiser.

Is it your opinion that
the tape we're about to see

Is a fair and accurate

- Of the events that
took place that night?
- Yes.

- Your honor.
- The court officer
will play the tape.

Pete! Pete! Pete!

Let me get this straight.
A man r*pes my daughter,

Murders my mother,
and I should worry

About whether he has a good
selection of reading material

- In the prison library?
- You're damn right
you should.

What do you do with
people like this, folks?

Do you know what the
recidivist rate is in this country?

When you brutalize people...

Why is it that all
you limousine liberals

Only worry about the vermin?
Huh, lenny? Can you tell me that?

Because they're not vermin.

You know what I
would have them do?

I would have them on their hands and
knees cleaning out toxic waste dumps.

I would have them licking out
the insides of nuclear reactors.

And then what happens?

Well, if they're smart, they
would head over to your house

In beverly hills
for a little r & r.

You're just a schoolyard
bully. You know that?

Wait a minute, wait a minute,
are you going to tell me

That you never went for a
little third-world nookie?

Why are you humiliating
this young woman?

Oh, what do you think? Am I being
too tough on these sob sisters?

No! Pete! Pete! Pete! Pete!

This is a lynch mob, mr. Bostik.

Just so long it's
you they're lynching.

You and all the rich b*tches

Who make it so people
can't walk on the streets.

I got something to say. I'd like to
see how much compassion you have

For the guy that hits
you upside the head!

I'd like to know that, too.

Maybe it'd knock
some sense into you.

Don't you
understand, you idiots?

- This is what hitler did.
- I got something to say.

Quiet, quiet, quiet.

Quiet, folks. Quiet.

Just take it out in the
parking lot. Shall we?

Stay with us, folks.
We'll be right back.

Pete! Pete! Pete! Pete!

Pete! Pete! Pete! Pete!

Pete! Pete! Pete! Pete!

I have no further
questions, your honor.

Ms. Lazar, had you or mr. Kaiser

Ever watched the pete bostik
show prior to going on it?


So you knew it was

I didn't think that the audience
would behave like a bunch of animals.

They're not animals, they
are the american people.

And if you talked
to them one time,

You might learn something.

Mr. Bostik, I am not
going to tell you again.

Rich bitch!

Rich bitch!

Rich bitch! Rich bitch!

The court officers will
remove these people.

Rich bitch! Rich bitch!

It was a total
disaster. Unbelievable.

How are you feeling?

About the same.
So, what happened?

We're sh**ting that stupid
rock video for living death.

Oh, yeah. Heavy metal.

You know, a zoo! They've got a
goat, a miniature pig, a 12' python.

Lord knows why, they got
absolutely nothing to do with the song.

Hey, I love animals.

Then you're not
going to like this.

After the second
take, we're reloading,

When all of a sudden, the
python swallows the pig.

- Excuse me.
- It was a very small pig,
but still.

The pig guy goes nuts, saying
this was a prize stud hog.

The snake guy is freaking
screaming that the thing's

Supposed to be on
some pork-free diet.

The lead singer doesn't want
this snake draped over him now

'Cause it's got
this big lump in it.

And in the meantime,
the stage manager's

Pouring vegetable
oil down it's throat

Hoping it'll get sick
and puke the piglet.

- Allison.
- Everyone is threatening
to sue everybody, victor,

And I need a good lawyer
to diffuse the situation.

Oh, no, no.

Look, I am very sick.
I need to go home.

If we just pull everyone
together for a meeting

- I'm sure that we can just...
- No!

This is lousy timing, allison.

Victor, I know that there
are certain people think

That just because they're
involved with a lawyer

That they are entitled
to special favors

With their legal problems.

I think it's really important

That at this stage
of our relationship,

You realize I'm one of them.

- Oh, allison.
- I know you're busy, sweetie,

But the sh**t is so
over budget already.

And I don't want to
get fired from this job.

All right, get them
in here tomorrow.

I'll give you 20
minutes and that's it.

Thank you, baby. I promise it will
be over and done with in a flash.

Feel better.

That just leaves the 3 experts.

I'll take them.

2 Word oppose, I'll get
you the transcripts.

We've got a pretrial
tomorrow on scheduling.

Want me to take it?

If you don't mind.

I, um, I think I have a taste of
victor's flu. I might stay home.

Stay home, go to the doctor, go to
the beach, whatever. I got you covered.

It is great to be working
with you again, counselor.

Likewise, counselor.

I have to admit, I took a
certain perverse pleasure

In watching douglas
scramble for a new associate.

One thing I have to know...

Did you at least make him
squirm before you said yes?


Well, maybe a little.

- Come in, leo.
- Thank you, douglas.

I'll see if stuart
markowitz can join us.

No, no, uh...

I'm here on a personal matter.

I agonized about coming
to see you about this,

But I think we may have
a problem with benny.


Don't get me wrong. He's been
in many ways a godsend to alice.

She was at the point where...

Well, she was so
secure in her routine.

I was afraid she was going to spend
the rest of her life in the house,

And benny's changed that.

So what's the problem?

I'm not sure.

- But, I think he tried
to take advantage of alice.
- You're kidding.

I opened the door, he
was trying to kiss her.

I can't be positive,

But it looked like he
wasn't going to stop there.

- If you know what I mean.
- I can't believe it.

Alice had no idea
what was going on.

She's so damn innocent
she had no way of knowing

What he was getting ready to do.

- I'll talk to him.
- I wish you would.

I think it's very important
that we stop this right now.

I couldn't agree more.

Thank you, douglas.

Ms. Nunan, were
you surprised when

Mr. Bostik's show
turned violent that night?

Not at all, we had always
intended for it to turn violent.

It worked for geraldo we
thought it would work for us.

Was mr. Bostik
aware of the plan?

Of course, he was in all
the production meetings.

And he acted accordingly?

No, he did not.

He set out to provoke a level of
v*olence we never never envisioned

And definitely never
would have endorsed.

- We didn't want a k*lling.
- Thank you.

I have no further questions.

You, yourself, were charged
with criminal conspiracy

Following this
incident, were you not?

Yes, I was.

And you cut a deal
with the d.a.'S office

In which you agreed to
testify against mr. Bostik.

- You're right.
- Tell us,

Isn't it true, that whenever
a fight has broken out

Before on the show, that you
publicized the hell out of it?

The fact that we publicized
fights doesn't mean

That we condone what
pete was doing that day.

But, he was doing exactly
what you wanted him to.

First of all, nothing
happens because I want it to.

What's on the air

Is what you think people
are going to watch.

If you're right,
you're a genius.

If wrong, you're out of work.

Do you honestly think that
pete bostik is responsible

For what happened
in that parking lot?

He should have known something
was going to happen, yes.

But, you were his producer.

If he should have known,
you should have known.

Why didn't you call the police? Why
didn't you have security people out there?

I didn't think it
would be necessary.

Neither did pete.

In fact, he thought that
he had done a good show.

That is why you were
congratulating him, isn't it, ms. Nunan?

Well, I'm not
congratulating him now.

Well, he's not your meal ticket anymore,
you rode his back to television glory,

And now you're done with him.

Get something straight.
I invented pete bostik.

He was doing cable tv spots

For discount appliance stores

When I found him.

I told him what to wear.
I told him what to say.

He just started believing
his own publicity, that's all.

He fell in love with all these
nitwits chanting his name.


Hi. Quite a case. I
tried to call you.

You! You! You! You!

Looks like we're surrounded.

What you mean, "we," kemosabe?

Any predictions, grace?

None whatsoever.

You! You! You! You!

- Pretty strange, huh?
- Just be careful.

I know.

Look, if things
start getting rough,

I want you to call me.

What happens then?

I don't know what happens then.

I just want to make
sure you're safe.

You know, I miss
talking to you, kuzak.

- Do you?
- Yeah.

Well, would you go so
far as to accompany me

To the firm dinner
on thursday night?

You mean like a date?

I mean like two people

Who miss each other's company

Spending a little time together.

Ok, counselor.

Thursday night it is.

Mr. Brachman, you
wanted to see me?

Yes, benny.

Come in.


Mr. Hackett came in
to see me this morning.

He says you were kissing
alice the other night.

Is that true?


Well, he's very concerned.

He's afraid you might
try to do things with alice

That she's not quite ready for.

Do you...

Understand what
I'm talking about?

Uh, I don't know.

Well, I guess
what I'm saying is...

Holding alice's hand?

Giving her a kiss?

That's ok.

But anything
more than kissing...

That might not be a
very good idea now.

I didn't touch
her any place bad.

Nobody's saying you did
anything wrong, benny.

But, uh, fathers...

They get very protective
about their daughters sometimes.

And I have to respect
mr. Hackett's concerns.


Does this mean I can't
be with alice anymore?

Do you like alice?


And you think she likes you?

I think.

Well, if you like each other

And you enjoy each
other's company,

I see no reason why you
shouldn't be friends with her.


Before we get started,
I'd like to point out

That I am here as miss
gottlieb's attorney.

Mr. Wiseboro, I understand
you're an attorney yourself.

Mr. Ziffrin, to the extent
that this becomes adversarial,

You might want to consider
retaining your own counsel in case...

Of course it's going
to be adversarial.

- That stupid snake
m*rder*d my pig.
- In self-defense.

In self-defense.

It was a crazy pig.
It charged alan.

- He had to gulp him.
- Oh, right.

Hey, guys...

Now you'll both be able to
tell your side of the story.

Just calm down, let's take
this one step at a time. Ok?

Sir, what do you
mean when you say,

"The pig was crazy"?

I mean it was nuts.

It was running up and down
alan's back, hoofing him.

That's his way of
showing affection.

- Alan's the snake?
- Yes.

Alan's the snake. And
he's not just any snake.

He's our family pet.

The only pet my family has.

Probably 'cause he
swallowed the dog.

David, stop it.

I won't stop it.

He comes in bragging how
trained the stupid thing is.

"Alan, come here." "Alan, stay."

"Alan, flip over and
show us your belly."

Anybody say, "alan, eat
the pig"? I never heard that.

I can't take this.


David, I know how
upsetting this is,

But we have to
act constructively.

It was an accident.

Oh... God.

God, no.

Please, no.

Ok... Ok, you
better tell the kids.

I'll take care of all
the arrangements.

Alan's dead.

You k*lled my snake.


Your stage manager
vegetable-oiled him.

He was sick all night,
and now he's dead.

Oh, for god's sakes.

I'm suing you,
and I'm suing you.

Sir, as I understand it,

The value of the
snake is $6,000.

Now even preliminary litigation
is going to run you more...

I don't give a damn
how much it costs!

We're talking about alan!

I have a funeral to plan.

I'll see you all in court.

Ha ha!

Victor, you've got to
make this thing go away.

Settle it.

I'm done, allison. I've
tried my best, that's it.

Did you hear this guy?

He's never going
to settle this case!

I'm going to be on the hook for
negligence, emotional distress.

You gotta make it go away.

I need to go home. I'm
sick. I need to be in bed.

I know you can do it, honey.

I know that you can come up with
some idea that's really fantastic.

You're great.


And the fact is that you're currently
serving time for manslaughter

Following the death of
leonard kaiser, is that right?

That's right. I'm doing six
big ones in san luis obispo,

In case you want to send
me a christmas card, pete.

Mr. Garwood, just
answer the questions.

Did anyone on mr. Bostik's staff

Speak to you prior to the show?

Oh, yeah. This guy came up to
me and my 2 friends, and he said,

"I want you guys to
rock'n'roll tonight."

He said, "pete wants
to see some action."

We said, "great."

Then during a commercial
break, pete said,

"Get your butt up here and jam."

But leonard kaiser
died of injuries

Sustained in the parking lot.

Well, I couldn't just
turn it off, you know.

As soon as we saw him out there,

We just got into
it all over again.

Thank you. I have no
further questions.

You have previous convictions

For felonious as*ault,

For receiving stolen property,

Driving while intoxicated.

Anybody ever tell you
to commit those crimes?

Objection. Irrelevant.


Did pete bostik ever
tell you to k*ll anybody?

He told me to smack
the guy, that's what I did.

Is that all you did in the
parking lot? Smack him?

I never meant to k*ll him.

But you did. And pete bostik was no
where near the parking lot, was he?


- I have nothing further.
- Hey, what happened, pete?

How come you wouldn't help me out when I
was arrested? I thought I was on the team.

- You were never
on the team, punk.
- That's enough, gentlemen.

And my right to
handle the tough issues

Is not gonna be jeopardized
by the likes of you, baby.

Pete! Pete! Pete! Pete!

Order in this courtroom.

That's all right. Now, cool
it, cool it, cool it, g*ng.

Ok, we'll put you into a
house on the west side

Say westwood
adjacent at 20% down,

You buy a single
premium deferred annuity

Which takes care of retirement,

And you pay off your mom's condo in
florida, which makes you a nice person.

The $14,000 that david
gave me to pay off my debts.

Right, plus we keep
$100,000 liquid in c.d.s

And tie up $400,000 in
tax-free municipal bonds,

Which gives you an
annual income of...

Just under $38,000.


From all that?

Rox, if you want
a higher income,

Don't tie up all that
money in a house.

Look, this is a plan that
makes you safe for life.

I thought I was
rich. I'm only safe?

What if I wanted to quit my job?

Well, that you didn't tell me.

I thought maybe I should
give myself a fresh start,

Maybe away from here.

I can make some adjustments...

Dial back the annuity,
jack up the income,

Plus if you're relocating,

You don't want to buy a house.

Could I leave here if
I wanted to, stuart?

You're financially
independent, roxanne.

That much I can guarantee you.

If the only reason you're hanging
around here is to pick up a paycheck,

Maybe you should go.

- Douglas, - leo?

In your office, please.

Benny called alice last night.

- They made a date
for saturday.
- Oh?

I thought I made myself
clear yesterday, douglas.

I spoke to benny.

He understands your concern.

And I'm satisfied there
won't be a problem.

I'm not satisfied.

I specifically told you to tell
benny not to see my daughter.

First of all, I don't see anything
wrong with their seeing each other.

Secondly, it's not my place to tell
benny how to live his personal life.

Hey, I'm the client who pays
your firm $1 million a year

Making it my place to
tell you anything I want.

It's your place to
carry out my wishes.

Not when your wishes
are unreasonable.

I don't want benny going
anywhere near my daughter.

You're the one who wanted benny
to show her the outside world.

And now that she's seen it,

You're afraid she
might want to live in it.

If he goes near her
or if he even calls her,

I'm yanking my business.
You understand, douglas?

Benny's an adult, so is alice.

If they choose to
spend time together,

That's their decision.

I sure as hell won't tell
benny how to live his life.

Just to accommodate the
baseless paranoia of a client,

No matter how much
business that client generates.

You're making a big mistake.

- Hi.
- Hey.


So you've been successful
at avoiding the office flu?

So far.

Will I see you at the
dinner on thursday?

I wasn't planning to go.

Really? It's kind of
an expected thing.

Hmm. I didn't know.


And it always is a
pretty nice evening.

I better go then.

If you feel weird 'cause
you don't know people,

I'd be happy to
take you with me.

I'm not suggesting a date.

No. No, I know that.

Rest assured, I continue
to respect your wishes

About that whole arena.

As I continue to
appreciate your respect.

So how about... I go alone...

You go alone, we
both go alone...

Not together?

That'd be fine.


That's good.

I'll see you there.

I'll see you there.

Did you ever intend for
your audience members

To physically attack
leonard kaiser, sir?

No way.

Why do you think it happen?

You got a volatile issue here.

People are sick to death with
hearing about the rights of criminals.

As far as I'm concerned,
criminals have no rights.

You got a problem
with prison conditions?

Real simple solution...

Don't get sent to prison.


All right, all right.

Let's dispense with
the applause here.

How do you feel about
what happened that night?


And let me tell
you why I feel bad.

A man's dead. That's numero uno.

Any loss of life is tragic.

But, I also feel bad because
we're better than that.

Get angry, yes. Resort
to v*olence, no way.

Now, if you had to do the
whole thing all over again,

Would you do
anything differently?

If you're asking
me whether I wish

I could prevent what
happened, the answer is yes.

If you're asking me
whether I'd stop saying

The things that need to be said

Because I'm frightened
of the consequences,

The answer, mr. Macleish,
is a resounding no.


I said I don't want to hear any
applause in this courtroom.

If I hear it again,

You people are going
to be escorted out.

I have no further
questions, your honor.

Let's look at some
of the other issues

You covered during
this sweeps period.

The shiite muslims with the
publishers of a khomeini joke book.

That was a good show.

Young american nazis with
concentration camp victims.

That's real stuff. We have
to get that out in the open.

So that we... Us...

The american people...
Can say what's what,

And not the big sh*ts
we usually hear from.

That's right! Tell her, pete!

That's it. Escort
these people out, now!

Pete! Pete! Pete! Pete!

Judge, this was just
a spontaneous thing.

This isn't a spontaneous
place, mr. Bostik.

In honesty, judge swanson,
this isn't the way you've treated

Certain other activist groups.

Pete! Pete! Pete! Pete!

Pete! Pete! Pete! Pete!

What was it about kevin garwood

That made you want him
up at that microphone, sir?

I try to provide my
audience with a forum.

The people who read the
l.a. Times don't need me.

Joe lunch bucket does.

Except you didn't want to
hear joe lunch bucket talk,

- You wanted to see him fight.
- Wrong, all right? You're wrong!

You sat with your producers

And orchestrated the fight.

Objection! She's
badgering the witness.


Did you ever think to warn
leonard kaiser, mr. Bostik?

Warn him about what?

That he was being set up.



You controlled the
makeup of the audience.

Don't you think you at least
owed it to leonard kaiser

To say, "roll with it.

"I'm gonna sic my mob on you,

But it's just for ratings."

My mob? I got a news flash
for you. There's no such thing.

I don't control them.

Hell, I'm more at
risk than anyone!

In the studio, out the studio,

Wherever I am, I've always
got security people with me.

The ones who k*lled that man
could just as easily have k*lled me.

Are you crazy?

I am not crazy, your honor this
is a legitimate ex parte motion.

And I would appreciate
your ruling on it.

You want me to order this
guy to turn over a dead snake?

Papers were filed against my
client yesterday, your honor,

Alleging she contributed
to the passing of this snake.

Now, we need access to the python
in order to perform an autopsy,

Which autopsy is my client's
sole hope of exoneration.

I've been doing
this for a long time.

And I still don't believe this.

Says here the thing ate a pig?

That would be
correct. Your honor.

The python did consume a
small chinese potbelly pig,

After which an
agent of my client

Fed the assailant vegetable oil

In an attempt to induce it
to vomit forth its victim it's...

Excuse me.

It's all there in paragraph two of
my client's declaration, your honor.

And you want the autopsy to
disprove the plaintiff's charge

That you poisoned the snake.

That's right, your honor, and
upon information and belief,

A funeral service
has been scheduled

For the snake tomorrow,
making time of the essence.

I'm sure there's a reason not
to do this, but I can't think of it.

Ok, I'll order the
autopsy. Clerk draft it.

Thank you very much, your honor.

Robbin vs. Mccarthy.

Now what? Suppose the
autopsy proves we poisoned it.

There will not be
an autopsy, allison.

What are you talking about? You
just asked the judge to order it.


You are going to take me home,

You're going to put me in bed,

And you're going to
make me some soup.

Ok, sifuentes.

Let's get you home
and make you soup.

Folks... My name's pete bostik.

I want you to hear this from me.

No lawyers.

No suits, no briefcases.

Me, pete.

I'm not the brightest
guy in the world.

I never said that I
was. I'm just a guy.

I yell a little too
loud at ball games,

I believe in god, I
love my country.

I'm one of the nitwits,

The dolts, the
dummies, the morons,

Who clean carpets,
install mufflers.

I'm the cop on the beat.

The 45-year-old woman who
sits at the cash register.

I'm you!

I call them the way I see them

And thank god we live in a
country where that's possible.

Now, if you send me to prison,

It's because that
idea frightens you.

Freedom is a scary
thing sometimes.

Even though it is our
birthright as americans.

The thing is,

Are we going to
permit free speech

Only if it doesn't
inflame passions,

Rouse the listener to act?

I said what I thought.

I didn't advocate v*olence!

I didn't advocate k*lling!

I wasn't even present
when the k*lling occurred!

If you convict me, you
convict yourselves

Of being unable to do

What generations of
americans have done.

Like it says on
the license plate

Of the granite
state... Live free!

Or die.

Mr. Bostik's told you

That this trial says
as much about us

As it does about him.

I agree.

He's told you that this
trial is about freedom.

I agree with that, too.

But mr. Bostik says

That this case is
about free speech.

And there I disagree.

Deliberately orchestrating
and instigating

A physical as*ault
to boost the ratings

Of a tv show isn't speech.

It's deliberate v*olence.

He didn't have to be
in that parking lot.

He got things started
back in the studio.

He whipped that
audience into a... A frenzy

And now,

Shrugs his shoulders
at the consequences.

Pete bostik says

He represents the american way.

He's a liar.

The american way

Wouldn't have left
a 50-year-old man

Dead in a parking lot

For nothing more than his ideas.

But if v*olence and brute force

Will get you ratings,

Pete'll give them
to you every time.

And pete bostik says he's you.

By your verdict,
ladies and gentlemen,

You will indicate
whether or not you agree.

Thank you.

This is becoming
a daily routine.

You here to pick
up your files, leo?

Nope. I'm here to apologize.

I was way out of line yesterday.

I not only respect
you for telling me so,

I thank you for it.

When she heard I
was coming in here,

She insisted I bring her
along so she could see benny.

This looks like you've
done an about-face.

Well, believe it or not,

After you finished telling
me to go to hell yesterday,

I went home and told alice
not to see benny anymore.

And then she basically
told me to go to hell.

It was the most independent
moment of her life,

And I think have benny to
thank for that independence.

Daddy, can I go with
benny for lunch?

Well, I don't know, honey.

I have to get
back to the office.

Uh, I can bring her to
your office after lunch.

We could take the bus.

Ok. Uh... Sure.
That would be fine.

Oh, good!

Come on, benny.

Bye, daddy.

I don't know, douglas.

Daughters are tough.

- Sir, I can explain
to you why I did this.
- There is no explanation.

What kind of person are
you, denying him his funeral?

There doesn't have to be
an autopsy, mr. Wiseboro.

It's only happening
because of you.

- Me?
- Yes, sir. You.

You are the one that
filed this lawsuit,

Making alan's corpse
a piece of evidence

In a state court proceeding.

It's because of this complaint
alan has to go to forensics

Instead of his
final resting place.

I'm just trying to
avenge his death.

You say you love alan,
but if you really did,

You wouldn't be exalting your
own sense of vindictiveness

Over the welfare of his soul.

That's not fair.

I know you're in
pain, mr. Wiseboro.

But just imagine how your
hurt will be compounded

If alan's body is
chopped up in an autopsy.

- You're trying to guilt me.
- If you drop this lawsuit,

Alan's body will have
no evidentiary value,

And you can give him
the funeral service

That he would want.

It's the right thing to do.

$10,000 Bank check by the
end of business day on friday.


10. That's $4,000 more than
the market value of the snake.

- He's not just any snake.
- Because he's not just
any snake.

Let go, mr. Wiseboro.

Settle this case so that
alan can finally go to...

Snake heaven.



Has the jury reached a verdict?

We have, your honor.

Will the defendant rise?

- What say you?
- We find the defendant guilty.

Oh, you got jobbed, pete!

Sit down, madam.

I apologize for this
young lady. Your honor.

Every person on this jury ought
to be ashamed of yourselves!

You hear me?

Get him out of here.

Sentencing is set
down for the 8th.

The jury is dismissed with
the court's appreciation.

We are in recess.

I just want to say that I'm
going to continue to speak out!

I'm gonna take these issues
to the american people!

Let them decide what
the hell kind of country

We want to live in!

Listen, your honor...
That's their verdict!

In it to win it!

In it to win it!

Miss van owen.

Can I see you for a minute?

Where's your attorney?

I told him I wanted
to see you myself.


I thought you did a
hell of a job in there.

If you would ever want
to be a guest on my show,

Just say the word,
I'd love to have you.

- I'll let you know.
- Now, my lawyer tells me
the judge

Is gonna follow your
recommendation on sentencing.

- That's right.
- Well, I want to make
sure nothing's out of context.

Fun's fun, but I got
to know where I stand.

You really are
scary, you know that?

- It's an act.
- Yeah, you turn it on,
turn it off.

I'm a performer I got
shtick that works.

So what's it going
to be... Probation?

My recommendation to the judge

Is for the maximum prison
term allowed by law.

You're gonna send me to prison?

Oh, yeah.

Wait, wait, wait!
You're telling me

I got to spend a year
of my life in prison?

I don't belong in
prison. I'm not a criminal.

This is show business!

That's not me on the show...

That's a character, like jose
jimenez, crazy guggenheim.

Prison isn't an
act, prison is real!

So was the guy who died.

The american people won't
let you get away with this.

They will not let
you get away with this.

The american people will
yell "pete! Pete!" For a while,

And then they will
forget about you

And find someone else.

$1,500. I should report
you to the state bar.

everything I had to do,

Under the conditions
I had to do it,

- $1,500 Is very, very cheap.
- That's right.

- I want pro bono.
- Yeah? I show you pro bono.

Well, diana, I'm glad your
situation at home is settled.

Miss kelsey? There's
a phone call for you.


Excuse me.

Well, I'm very grateful
for all the support

I've gotten from the firm.

Particularly from jonathan.

The thing is, I used to
need this job for the money.

Then I married david,

I needed it for
the independence.

And now I got freedom, I
don't need this job at all,

- I discover I want it.
- You sure?

The people I care
most about are here.

The people who care
most about me, are here.

I can't walk out on that.

I can't walk out on you, arnie.

You don't owe me
anything, roxanne.

I owe you a lot.

But the reason I'm staying

Is because I like it here.

Well, here's to that then.

Here's to that.

So here we are,
platonic friends.

Seems perfectly natural.

The kuzak sarcasm.

Oh, I miss it.

I miss you, michael.

I miss you, too, grace.

What do you miss the most?



Think we'll miss it
less as time goes on?

I don't know.

I don't know.

Thank you, doctor.

I'll call you tomorrow.

Thank you.

Why did she call you
here? What did she say?

Ann, what?

I went to doctor wooten today

You know because I
thought I had the flu.

I'm pregnant.


How'd that happen?

The normal way, honey.

One of your little
marines hit its beachhead.

Oh, yeah?

Can we go home?
Let's get out of here.

She's sure? She's
absolutely sure?

Positive. I might be as
much as two months.

Two months, huh?

I knew that I missed my period,

But I thought it
was stress or...

How are we going to tell
everybody? What are we going to say?

Stuart, we can't tell anybody
not at least for another month.

Until I'm through
my first trimester,

We don't say a
word to anybody, ok?

I've got the flu. That's
why we're leaving.


Stuart. Ann.

Table's ready.

We're not staying for dinner.


Ann's flu's really kicking
up. She feels terrible.

So, um, we're going to go home.

Is there anything we can do?

Nothing, it's
just... I'm pregnant.



I can't help it.

I can't hold it in.

I love you, stuart.

I'm going to have your baby.

Love you, too.




I... I... I can't...

I love you guys, we love you,

But we got to get out of here.
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