03x15 - The Unbearable Lightness of Boring

Episode transcripts for the TV show "L. A. Law". Aired: September 15, 1986 – May 19, 1994.*
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High-powered law firm of McKenzie, Brackman, Chaney and Kuzak handles both criminal and civil cases, but the office politics and romance often distract them from the courtroom.
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03x15 - The Unbearable Lightness of Boring

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on l.a. Law

I know my case was
just over a contract,

But the settlement
you hammered out

Is going to make a
profound difference

In the quality of my life.

Well, I hope so.

As far as melanie hayes is
concerned, you're a winner.


Would you, um...
Like to come inside?

Well, i, uh...

I'd... I'd better not.

It's... It's been wonderful.


Thank you for a
lovely, lovely evening.

It's all grist for the
mill with you, isn't it?

Everything's broadcast on
your own personal hit parade.

Excuse me, roxanne,
but as I recall,

It was you who were intent on
exposing our private life to a therapist.

So she can help us,

Not so I can hear myself talk.


You know what?

I ruined a whole deposition
yesterday because of you.

I probably lost a client,
cost the firm a lot of money.

And you know what else?

I don't care.

Barbara said that you wanted
to see me as soon as I got in.

Sit down, yolanda.

I thought it was
time to talk again.

- Oh?
- Back in december,
we had a long talk,

Point by point,

About areas of improvement
we needed to see from you.

Please don't fire me.

It's not working out,
yolanda. You know that.

There's a morale problem
among the other paralegals.

They resent covering for you.

Two of the partners won't give any
of their contract work to you anymore.

I've got to keep this job.

You're not happy,
and neither are we.

Give me another chance.

We did. Lots of chances.

Who won't work with me?

They came to me in confidence.

Well, I don't believe you.

You want to turn the paralegal
department into some kind of harem.

Take a deep breath, yolanda.

Full of kittens!


Uncomplaining, pliant kittens

In leather skirts
and cheap perfume!

- Yolanda, sit down.
- I don't want to hear it.

Yolanda, I am so sorry.

He said that I didn't
deserve to work here,

And then he started
calling me names.

Oh, god, roxanne, I don't know
what I'm gonna do. I really don't.

- He's despicable.
- What's wrong?

- Douglas, he fired her
out of the blue.
- Why?

Because I don't fit in with douglas
brackman's view of this law firm.

I'll tell you something,

I fear for this
place, I really do.

That's the truth.

Because if he can
fire someone like me,

Someone who has
skills and seniority,

On no notice,

Then nobody's job is safe here.


Sorry I'm late.

Mary ann doyle
finally called back

And I could not
get off the phone.

Why was it necessary
to fire yolanda, douglas?

She wasn't doing the job.

From what I saw, she
worked her tail off.

First of all, that's not true.

Second of all, arnie and leland
had nothing but complaints

About the quality of her work.

Couldn't she at least
have been given a warning?

People have been known
to improve, douglas.

Not to mention that she's a
single mother with a 5-year-old son.

What makes you think
she wasn't given a warning?

So, that's a different story.

As long as she
was treated fairly,

I don't want to second-guess
douglas' decision. Let's move ahead.

No, as a matter of fact, I'm
not quite ready to move on.

I was found guilty before I
step foot in this room, wasn't i?

You have shown a certain
penchant for brute force

When dealing with office staff.

I also think we should
have talked about it.

I mean, this may just be another
management prerogative for you,

But it has some pretty serious
consequences for yolanda and her kid.

Thank you, michael, for
pointing that out to me.

And thank you, ann, for that
bit of insight into my character.

What a caring and compassionate
group of people you are.

- Come on, douglas.
- No, really.

In fact, I think it's high time

This firm had a managing
partner who reflected that.

Douglas, if we prejudged
you, we're sorry.

Now can we move
on with the meeting?

Leland, I have been simon
legree long enough around here.

- Someone else can do it.
- Like who?

Why not michael? He'd bring all
that sensitivity of his to the job.

Look, douglas, get
something straight.

Losing streak or not,
I'm a trial lawyer. Period.

What about you, ann?

I'm sure you could fire
someone with kindness

Instead of that brute
force I enjoy so much.

I have a baby, remember?

The time I'm here I
need for my caseload.

Don't even look at me. I'm the only
attorney handling matrimonial cases.

I've got my hands full as it is.

Rollins is interviewing
clerks today.

Maybe one of them
could be office manager,

- Douglas...
- I'll do it.

- Stuart!
- It makes sense, doesn't it?

I handle the books anyway.

And to tell you the truth, I
don't think it's that big a deal.

- It's not... It's not
a big deal at all.

- Hey, dave.
- Arnie! Just the man
I was looking for!

- I'm a little busy right now.
- No problem,

I just wanted to remind
you about thursday night.


"Direct-mail man of the year"

My moment in the sun. Tell
me you haven't forgotten?

Of course not.

What a night
this is going to be,

Not just for me,
but for this woman...

Graced, one on each arm,

By the two most seminal
influences in her life.

The one, a selfless help mate.

The other... Moi...
A soulful life mate.

The three of us,
inextricably bound

By twin ropes of
love and commerce,

The one enriched by the other.

- David.
- You're right,

I'd better get outta here
before I bust into tears.

Arnie, uh, there's a little shindig
tomorrow to kick off the festivities.

I think I'll have to
skip that one, dave.

But we're still on for
thursday, though, right?

We're on for thursday.

I appreciate you seeing me
without a referral or anything.

No problem.

I'm just going to lay
this out and cut to it.

A friend of mine, mark ross,

Is currently residing
in division lockup

For cocaine with intent.

I want to get him out
and I need your help.

- Is he's guilty?
- Very much so.

I hope that doesn't
end our conversation.

I'm still listening.

The police seem to
think he's a serious guy,

But I figure with a
joint recommendation

From defense counsel
and a sympathetic d.a.,

We can get the judge
to set a makeable bail.

The district attorney on
this case is grace van owen.

Who just happens
to be a friend of mine.

As it so happens, yes.

I appreciate your
interest, mr. Weiland,

But I don't exploit
personal friendships

- For professional gain.
- I'm not asking you to exploit
anything, ms. Perkins.

I just know the district
attorneys sometimes listen better

To lawyers they trust.

I'm not asking you
to betray that trust.

Nor do I expect you to.

Five grand for doing it.

You get him out,
there's an extra two.

That's seven grand for one
afternoon's work, counselor.

You got yourself a lawyer.

I can't believe you're
representing this guy.

I not going to lie to you,
grace. He's paying me a fortune.

And if I can get a bail set,
he'll give me the case to try.

Look, I could really get
my practice on its feet.

Yeah, but I'm afraid that if he
gets out, there won't be a trial.

He'll be on the
first plane to brazil.

Not going to happen. I promise.

Look, I'm not asking
for o.r. Or anything.

Just give me something
you can live with.

Case number 89804,

People vs. Mark
ross, bail modification.

You owe me.

Your honor, the
people would agree

To 1/2 million
surety, 50,000 cash.

That's crazy high, your honor.
Completely unreasonable.

My client's poses no direct threat to
society, he has roots in the community...

He's a major-league drug
pusher, and a big threat to society.

This is his first
arrest, your honor.

Only because he's high enough
up to be able to insulate himself.

I would respectfully
request a reasonable bail.

100 Surety, 10,000 cash.

Well, you're not going
to get that, counselor.

I'll give you 250,
25 conditioned.

Daily check-ins with probation.

That's all.

Next case.

Thanks, grace. I appreciate it.

Yeah. Abby, be careful
with these people.

I will. Thanks again.

Counselor, excellent job.

Another friend of mine's got a
suppression hearing tomorrow.

- You interested?
- Isn't he represented?

He is, but I kind
of like your style.

- A switch might be in order.
- $1,000.

I'll be in your office after
3:00 to go over the facts.


How many summer interns
are you looking for?

- One.
- I may have a problem
with dates.

You see, I can't start until
the second week of june.

First things first.

You're editor of the law review?

That's been very good for me,

In terms of my critical skills,

And it is apparently revealed
this gift I have for case analysis.

Can't hurt the old
spelling, either.

Top tenth of your class.

Actually, I was ranked second.

Well, the hell with you,
then. Where's number one?

Well, uh, there is this theory,
you know, that first in the class

Always ends up with something brown
and malodorous at the end of his nose.

I don't suppose that you were
first in your class, were you?

Good reflexes, joshua.

Ok. First of all,
that was a joke.

Uh, second of all, in
my particular case,

First in the class does
belong to a classic brown-nose.

Look, I've got the grades.

I've got the recommendations.

I've... I've got the vitae.

What more could
a recruiter want?

We'll let you know.

Send in the next
person, would you?


Hi. Diana moses.

Hi. Jonathan rollins.

Sit down.

Uh... You're from san jose.

- Yes, did my undergraduate
work at usf.
- It's here.

Gaffney scholar, phi beta kappa,

Dickenson fellow.

The whole nine yards
of over achievement.

Spoken like someone
familiar with the syndrome.

You understand we're
looking for an intern,

An extra pair of hands
for the scut work.

Mckenzie-brackman is
top-heavy with partners.

We're not looking to
groom another one.

I'm not looking
for that, either.

My interest is
public policy law,

But before I get too tracked,

I'd like to get a close
look at a private firm.

Leland mckenzie did some
really ground-breaking work

In the fair housing
industry 30 years ago,

And... Well, I'm not telling
you anything you don't know.

But I'd love the opportunity to
work in the same office with him.

All right, um...

We'll let you know, miss moses.


Thank you your
time, mr. Rollins.

Do me a favor?

- Sure.
- Send in the next person.


Oh, yeah.

Yeah, yes!

All right, there are some
things I still need to clarify,

So, uh, bear with me.

Um, strongin vs. Von zell.

That's me, stuart. Ned strongin
developed a vacuum extrusion technique

That von zell plastics is
using without his permission.

As soon as the depositions
are all completed,

I'd like to go in for
summary judgment.

We owe a stenographer $8,500

- For deposition transcripts?
- Is that right?

I need a breakdown on that bill.

Can't we just pay it
and work it out later?

I mean, we've done
it that before.

- Right, douglas?
- Stuart's call, victor.

I really don't like
to do it that way.

It takes forever to
get the money back.

Speaking of which, leland,

Owen powell has used up
his retainer and then some.

I'll speak to him about it. Meantime,
let's proceed with the case.

Yeah, ok, could we at least get some
of the out-of-pocket expenses back.

Does it amount to
that much, stuart?

Yeah, as a matter
of fact, it does.

I have a bill for $600 for
photocopy expenses alone.

Leland said he'd
speak to him, stuart.

- Could we move on, please?
- Ann?

By the way, our service contract
on the photocopier is about to expire,

And I'm of the opinion that
we should consider upgrading.

Anybody have any
feelings on that?

I got a motion to draft.

Uh, mike, wait a second.

I see you have a
conflict next week.

The bartke hearing
falls on the same day

That the suggs trial
is supposed to begin.

I'll take care of it, stuart.

Richard hazel vs.
Castellano tile and terrazzo.

There should be a settlement
by the end of the week.

- Could we move on, please?
- Ann?

Stuart, I told you I needed
the accountant to testify.

Part of the deal was flying him
in and paying for his hotel room.

Well, I'm trying to tell you,

Is I happen to be an accountant,

And this guy has an
obligation to testify.

Considering the mess he made, I
think he should have paid his own way.

How you doing, mr. Benny?

Excuse me, arnie, what
should I tell pamela?

She's been waiting
quite a while.

Oh, I'll be right there.
What's with benny?

I have no idea. Hey, arnie.

You're going to have to
fill me in on the posner case.

Uh, I will.

We're about finished, stuart?

Oh, no, leland.
We've got a lot more.

I'm thinking about
sending out for lunch.

Well, you'll have to excuse
me. I have an appointment.

Actually, I have to run, too.

I'm having lunch
at the club today.

Dolgen vs. Sports
fitness clinic.

I'm waiting on a counteroffer.

I understand he actually
came out of his coma.

Only briefly. He sat up in his
bed, asked for his toothbrush,

And then broke into an
uncontrollable fit of weeping.

I wonder what it's
like to be in a coma.

The world is going
on all around you,

But it's just a distant blur.

Here's a wild one for you.

Maury gelb's challenging
the bill we sent him

For overnight mail expenses, he says
we should have sent it regular mail.

I mean, didn't he specifically
request overnight delivery?

I'm sorry, stuart.
I wasn't listening.

Don't bother telling leland
what an inspiration he was.

I all ready told him.

Actually, my interview's over.

- They asked me to wait.
- How'd it go?

Who can tell with you people?

I thought I totally
bombed with you.

No. I should probably apologize.

I was just trying to at
least appear objective.

Ms. Moses? A moment
of your time, please?


I'm sorry you had
to wait outside.

- Well?
- It's a lock.

What's the matter?

Ross... What's up?

There's no easy way to say this,

So I'll just say it.

The birth mother
wants her baby back.


She changed her mind, and...

She signed the consent form.
What are you talking about?

She's petitioning the court
to have the consent withdrawn.

- How the hell can she do that?
- Stuart...

No, no, no.

The consent form is signed,
arnie. This is a done deal.

No, it's not a done deal.
The adoption isn't final yet.

And until it is,

She has the right to
withdraw the consent,

Or at least the right to try.

- You never told us this.
- You can't be serious.

You never told us this.

I told you it could happen.

I said it virtually never does.

Uh-uh, no. What you said
was it was a 100-to-1 shot.


This is the second damn time
something that never happens

Happened to us, ross!

I'm sorry.

Yeah? You go to
hell with "I'm sorry."

This baby is our baby.

We're not giving her back.

You may not have a choice.

Are you saying she could win?

That's up to the court, but...

There may be a presumption in
favor of the natural mother.

Oh, god. Oh, my god.

Hold it, hold it.

What are you saying here?

Are you trying to
prepare me for...

Are we going to lose our baby?

We're going to fight, stuart.
We're going to fight like hell.

I don't believe
I'm hearing this!

Look. I've asked her, and
she's willing to meet with you.

What's going on right now
is she's feeling confused,

Confused and guilty
about giving her baby away.

I think when she sees you both,

She'll see what a
good home her baby has.

And then maybe,
this will go away.

What if it doesn't go away?

What if it doesn't
go away, ross?

I think when she
meets the both of you

A lot of her fear and
confusion will evaporate.

Look, we'll do whatever
we have to do, all right?

Good. I'll set up a
meeting right away.

I have to... Go home, stuart.

I'll take you. Come on.

Come on.

Let us know, huh?

As I indicated, the search
was incident to the arrest...

Not true. He was
arrested in his apartment

While they searched his
car down in the street.

What's more, they didn't
even open the attaché case

Until they had
him at the station.

A warrant was
obtained for that search.

Your honor, the
warrant issued at 4:30.

The police report indicates
the search took place at 2:45.

Exigent circumstances.

What exigent circumstances?

The police had the case.
My client was in custody.

She's right, mr. Rayole.

Looks like the
officers blew it here.

- A warrant did issue, your honor, and...
- But, it issued too late.

The search was illegal.

That evidence is not admissible.

I have no choice but to dismiss.

- Judge...
- I'm sorry.

Mr. Griffith, this
is your lucky day.

Case dismissed. That's all.

Thank you.

Lady, you're really great.

Tell your friends.

You better believe I will.

This is a fine, fine day.

- Hi, grace.
- Nice argument.

- Can I talk to you a minute?
- What's wrong?

What's wrong is mark ross didn't
check in with probation today.

So we sent a unit to his
apartment and he's cleared out.

- What?
- He's gone.

Grace, I didn't know
he was going to jump.

I swear.

I went out on a limb because
you promised me he wouldn't.

I know. I know.

Grace, I'm sorry.

I'll give you the benefit
of the doubt, abby.

I'll just assume you were
as stupid as I was about this.

Look at this. Look at this.

Roxanne, this is
seymour kupferman

From massapequa park. Sy,

This is my wife, roxanne.

- Hi.
- How do you do?

Boy, this is some year
you're having, my friend.

Man of the year,
a video, a wife.

I still can't get over it.

Is that beautiful?

Hey, jerry's getting out
of direct mail altogether.

Go on.

You know why?

Is that a rock
or is that a rock?

It's beautiful.

$14,000, And that's to me.

Tell them what
they're looking at, doll.

27 Acres of
sphagnum moss, jerry.

Ooh, give me a kiss.

It looks just like
ordinary peat moss,

But what makes it special

Is that it can absorb water

To the tune of 35
times its dry weight.

All right, all right.

I got a parcel on the
coast in new brunswick.

There's a paper
mill 10 miles away.

We're talking
disposable diapers,

We're talking
surgical dressings,

We're talking, and,
you'll excuse me,

Menstrual tampons
and sanitary napkins.

All I can say is the good
lord put it on this earth

For jerry manoogian to find it,

And he found it.

All right, jerry.

This your first shindig with
the direct mail crowd, roxanne?


They don't get better with time.

I've been listening
to sy talk about

Whatever dreck he's
selling for 11 years now.

I can tolerate anything.

That's because you've
got a boyfriend, honey.

Sy has what he needs.
I have what I need.

I don't think I
could ever do that.

Give it a year or two. I
never thought I could either.

Believe me, the men in
this room suffer more

When the post office
raises the bulk rate

Than when their
wives are unfaithful.

All they have to do is go
to work, and they're happy.

Why do they bother
getting married?

They can just put so many diamonds
on their own fingers, that's why.

Ever think about
getting divorced?

Why, so I can sell real estate?

No thanks.

Nobody wants to
grow old alone, kid.

Look, we don't
know dave so well.

Maybe he's different.

Criminals jump bail,
counselor. It's a fact of life.

No, frank. He is your criminal.
He does what you tell him to do.

Not this time. Hey, he
made us both look bad.

I will not be used, ok?

Just because I'm willing
to defend your friends,

Does not mean that I'm
willing to get my hands dirty.

Did I ask you to do
anything illegal, abby?

Grace van owen is a
good friend of mine.

Did I ask you to do
anything illegal?

Now, I said I'd get
you more business

If you got results, and you did.

I am now prepared to fill
your waiting room with clients

On a daily basis, if
you're ready to take them.

The question is do you
want this business or not?

Yes, I want it.


Ok, we'll come out.

- She's here.
- Ok.

So, um, easy does it.

We're nice people.


Uh, I'm sorry to be late.

They said my motel was
real close to downtown,

But it isn't.

Come on in. Sit down. Sit down.

So, uh, where are you staying?

It's on, um, olympic
boulevard near,

Um, you know western?

Oh... Uh, you feel ok there?

- Safe and...
- Yeah, I guess.

They said be sure and get
a room with a kitchenette,

But everything's so expensive.

Yeah, it's the price we all
pay for living in paradise.

It's not even that
pretty a city, huh?

It's a lot dirtier
than I thought.

I'm so happy to finally
get a chance to meet you.

Yeah, ann always said
she wished we could've met.

Oh, I know. I'm
sorry about that.

It's just, I was having a
real hard delivery and...

I was making decisions
I shouldn't have.

I wanted to meet here,
just the three of us,

So that I could tell you...

I could tell you how sorry I
am to be causing you any hurt.

Oh... Uh, look, uh,

It's been a real
rough time for you.

Rougher probably than you
ever could have expected.

Really. I was so unprepared,

You know, for everything,

But mainly for
what happened to me

After I had my little girl.

See, everybody said,
"don't see her, tammy."

You know, like I said,
I was sick and all,

So I never held her.

They took me out of maternity...

So I wouldn't be
near the other babies,

But I still had all this milk.

Nobody ever told
me about any of that.

I knew right away
what I did was wrong.

It was supposed to
be the normal blues,

But more and more I
just felt almost dead.

I never should have
given up my little girl.

Tammy, uh...

It just... It takes
so much courage

For you to be this honest in front
of a couple of strangers like this.

I'm really not surprised
to see how brave you are.

Because that's what it took to give
you baby up for adoption, didn't it?

She loves us, tammy.
She's just a little baby,

But we feel her
love and her trust.

She is an unbelievably
happy baby.

She's knows we're
her mommy and da...

No, I'm her mama!

Excuse me.

Tammy, uh, let me
ask you something.

Long after you
left the hospital,

I'm talking two months
after you had the baby,

You signed a consent form.

That said you'd decided to
give up any claim to her, right?

Nobody wanted me to have her.

Do you understand it's a contract,
tammy? A contract is binding.

My lawyer said you'd start this
legal stuff. He said "don't come alone."

Forget about the law a second.

I know that you can
give her everything, ok?

But that doesn't make you right.

Who's with my baby now, huh?

Who's with my baby all day?

She gets very good
care, loving care.

It's not the same

As having a mama who's there.

Tammy, there were
two different times

You could've said yes to
your baby and you didn't.

We said yes and we meant it.

We owe it to her to fight you
and we're prepared to do it.

- You can scold me.
- Nobody's scolding you, tammy.

Yeah, and scaring
me and put me down.

You probably got all your
judge friends all lined up, huh?

But nothing you can do,
nothing, can make you her mama.

You can finish in
the morning, benny.

I won't be here in the morning.

Why not?

I got fired!

What are you talking about?

I didn't get my paycheck
that means I'm fired.

No, benny, it doesn't
mean that you're fired.

It means somebody didn't take
care of the payroll account.

Nobody got their
paychecks today.

Rox, where's my tuxedo?

It's behind your door.

Arnie, do you know
no one got paid today?

I'll see you tomorrow, benny.

You guys had better figure
out who's in charge around here.

What am I supposed to
do? We're in a warzone.

People need their checks,
arnie. Warzone or not.

Roxanne, everyone
will get a check.

Thank you.

Diana, hectic day one?

I was told it isn't
usually this nuts.

Today was
exceptional. That's true.

- Hi, honey.
- Hey, you ready, babe?


Daryl, meet jonathan rollins.

He's an attorney here.

Daryl tyler, my husband.

- Hi.
- Hi.

See you tomorrow.

You're terrific!

You know, as I look around,

I see some of the same
faces as last year.

For instance...
That looks like...

Sy kupferman. Sy!

Come on, sy! How are you?

You look terrific!

What? You lose some
weight, about 18-20 pounds?

- 27.
- Woo-hoo-hoo. 27?

What, your wallet
drop out of your pants?

I wouldn't exactly say
that sy used to be fat,

But you see once, at a parade,

He had some ropes
strapped around his arms,

And a girl standing on top
of his head, holding on, waving.

All kidding aside, though,

Tonight, ladies and gentlemen,

We're here to pay
tribute to david meyer,

Your man of the year!


Yo, baby!

You know, even as a child,

David was interested
in business.

When the other kids
were playing doctor,

He was playing accountant.

When other other kids
were playing spin-the-bottle,

He was playing
the price is right.

That's not true.

But, seriously, I don't
want to stand here

And list all of dave's

'Cause I know he's going to
do it all by himself anyhow.

So would you please give
a big round of applause

To the three-time winner

Of the golden crying
clown award figurine,

Your very own man of the year...

Your dazzling, stupendous...

Look at that smile!

Yak-a-dak-a-doo! David meyer!

Yo, david!

Go, dave! Go get it!

Here's your plaque.

This is certainly a moment.

I'm going to get emotional
here, you know it?

Hey... Don't worry about it.

You're right! The hell with it!

If I can't get emotional
here, where can i?

We all speak the same
language in this room.

We all know what it's
like to mortgage the house

To pay for printage
and the postage.

To wait for that 2%
response that never comes.

Like the song says...

♪ Each time I find
myself flat on my face ♪

♪ I pick myself up and
get back in the race ♪

That's life.


We've all been there.

I would like to say
just a couple of words

About someone that most of
you hadn't met until tonight.

And that someone
is my wife roxanne.

Without her,

You would not be
honoring me here tonight,

Believe me.

Honey, would you stand up?

Stand up, let these
folks have a look-see, huh?

Please? Come on!

That a girl!


Thank you.

You know, it's hard to know

How to describe
this gal of mine.

I mean, after all,

How would the earth
describe the sun?

The source of light?

Of warmth?

Without it, this
verdant, bustling planet

Would a cold, dead,
distant sphere of rock,

And so, too, would I
be without my roxanne.

Oh, sure, we've had a little
bit of rough sledding lately.

We yell and scream and argue,

We go to a marriage
counselor, the whole bit.

I've been immersed in business,

And she's struggling mightily

To drop a few pounds.

Although looking
at her here tonight,

I have never, ever
seen her look lovelier.

The point being,

My friends, and you
are my dear friends,

We're going to make it
work, no matter what it takes.

Fate brought us together,

And for all eternity, that's
the way we're going to stay.

So, right now, there's
nothing I would love more

Than for her to come up here
and accept this award with me.


Yes! Whoa!

Yay, roxanne!


Uh, that's ok, folks.

She's just a little bashful.
Let's take a break, ok?

Arnie, can we talk?

Sure. Come on in.

I'm going to file for divorce.

Because of what
he did last night?

'Cause of all of it.

Will you represent me?

Rox, I may not be the
right attorney for you.

Why? If it's the money...

No, it's not the money. I have
business dealings with your husband.

He'll... He'll argue it's
conflict of interest.

Is it?

I don't know, but it's
going to be messy enough

Contending with a
husband who thinks his wife

Is in love with her attorney.

Do you believe that?


Then help me.

I don't want to go through
this with a stranger.

Are you sure you want this?

I can't kid myself.

He's never going to change.

Ok. You got
yourself an attorney.

- Knock knock.
- Abby!

Hi. Got a minute?

Of course. How are you?

Good. Good.

Victor, when you were
with the p.d.'S office,

You represented a lot
of drug dealers, right?

I had my share, yeah.

How'd you get
comfortable with that?

You mean how could I
possibly live with myself?



You think of yourself as
part of the process, abby.

Defense attorneys
help stop society

From becoming a police state.

Now, that may mean
day-to-day work for the guilty

But, it ultimately
benefits the innocent.

What if you just
do it for the money?

Nobody expects
you to do it for free.

Thing is, I stand to make
between 2 and 3,000 a week,

Paid up front, in cash.

I'll be in court
constantly trying cases,

Getting more experience
than I thought was possible.

- That sounds great.
- Yeah.

I've got this meeting
with stuart and ann.

- You heard?
- Yeah. How does it look?

I don't know.

Look, abby, one
thing... Go by the book.

If a drug lawyer cuts
corners with the rules,

The d.a.s will pounce.
You can count on that.

Thanks, victor.

The hearing is scheduled
for a week from tuesday.

I'll know who the judge is
by the end of the day today.

And I'm lining up the best shrinks
in town for expert testimony.

And we should make that
decision as soon as possible.

Victor, have you spoken with
anybody at children's services?

Yeah, they're sending
somebody next week.

You'll have do an interview with
the department of children's services.

They'll file a report
with the court.

So we're the ones on trial?
Is that what's happening here?

Pretty much.

The court decides who the
child's going to be better off with.

Towards that end, I'm
bringing in stephanie hall.

She's going to try to dig up
any dirt she can on the girl.

This is unbelievable.

So our plan is to
assassinate the character

Of a 20-year-old
girl from arkansas.

Our plan is for you
to keep your baby.

You know the original
plan was, victor?

Why don't you tell him, arnie.

- We go to a baby broker...
- Ann.

We meet a nice pregnant mother.

We like her. She likes us.

We get a baby.

We live happily ever after,

Watching this little
person grow up.

- That was the original plan.
- Honey...

Only it hasn't worked
out, quite that way, has it?

All the echoes of "no
problem" have gone away.

And in 10 days, I've got
to go and ask a judge

If I can keep my child.

Between now and then

I have to somehow prepare myself

For the very real possibility
that he's going to say, "no."

Ok, honey.

It is not ok! Don't
tell me it's ok.

It's not ok.

They're going to try
to take kelsey away.

I'm scared, stuart.

I'm... I'm just so scared.

It's all right, honey.

It's all right.


I couldn't care less what
happens to tammy harris.

I don't care if you emotionally
cr*pple her for life.

Beat her up. Ruin her. Do
whatever you have to do.

Just make sure we keep our baby.

For obvious reasons, ann
and stuart won't be coming.

All right, let's get started.

Douglas, things are getting
pretty chaotic around here.

Why are you
addressing this to me?

Douglas, take a look around.
We're a rudderless ship.

Nobody's getting
paid. I didn't get paid.

You're the only
partner who's manager.

Let's try an associate, then.

Douglas, no one can do this
job as well as you. Period.

- Plus, I think you love it.
- Yeah, I do, too.

You're too good
at it not to love it.

The fact is, we do
owe you an apology.

You the guy who has to say "no."
Sometimes you're going to get abused.

I'll tell you this, if you don't come
back on board, we're in big trouble.

Is this totally unanimous?

I'm sure I speak for ann,
stuart, the entire firm.

I don't want to feel like I have to
be guarding my flanks all the time.

If anyone has
something to say to me,

I want them to say it to me.

Yes, sir.

- Understood.
- All right.

Let me get back to the office,
and sort out the damage.

First, let's cut some checks.

Where's your ride?

Daryl's working.

What does he do?

- Paramedic.
- Ahh.

You need to get home?

You have kids?

Not for now. No.

Would you like to get a
beer at clooney's? Or dinner?

Uh... Better not.




How was your day?

It was a bitch.

Michael, what do you know
about abby's practice these days?

Not much.

Victor said she was
handling a few drug cases.

More than just a few.

She's become
quite a little star.

You make it sound like doing
criminal law is a crime in itself.

Michael, these guys are
serious drug dealers.

Alleged drug dealers.

Oh, come on! Frank weiland,
for one, is a major player.

Well, good for abby.

How can you say that?

Grace, she's a one-woman shop.

She's struggling
to make a go of it.

How can you imply that
what she's doing is wrong?

She's putting bastards
back on the streets.

There's everything
wrong with that.

So you're not upset with her because
she's representing drug dealers.

You're upset with her
because she's good at it.

Never mind.

Forget I mentioned it.

Can you?

What's that supposed to mean?

It means what it means.

It means we can't seem to
separate ourselves from our work,

As though that is all
we've got between us.

What's with you?

Nothing's with me.

I am just telling it the way
it is and I am not happy with it.

What do you want?

I want some romance.

I'm tired of spending my nights
alone because you're working.

- Me? I'm the only one
who works?
- Ok, yeah, me, too.

But, damn it, grace, you're not
giving me one single reason to change.


Then why don't you go out and
get yourself some airhead tootsie

Who doesn't have
anything better to do

Than sit around waiting to
do prince michael's bidding?

You've been a
prosecutor too long.

I bring up a problem that we
both should be responsible for,

And you respond
by tearing me down.

Oh, please.

Stop being so sensitive.

Me? You're the one who's
being thin-skinned here.

All I know is that I come
in here after a lousy day...

Hell, a lousy week...

Which you are taking out on me!

Looking for some
simple love and affection.

Oh... So that's what
you're looking for.

You know what, michael?

We're not married.

We don't have children.

We can just walk away.

What you doing?

I had to go to the bathroom,

And I thought I'd
check in on her.

I got a good feeling
about this, stuart.

We got victor and
arnie going all out.

They're a pretty
formidable team.

He's got the top
psychologists lined up.

We're not going
to lose her, ann.

There's no way we're
going to lose her.

I love you.

I love you, too.
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