03x10 - The Plane Mutiny

Episode transcripts for the TV show "L. A. Law". Aired: September 15, 1986 – May 19, 1994.*
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High-powered law firm of McKenzie, Brackman, Chaney and Kuzak handles both criminal and civil cases, but the office politics and romance often distract them from the courtroom.
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03x10 - The Plane Mutiny

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on l.a. Law...

Ta-da! The finished product.

What do you think?

Nice. Very, very nice.

I like the possessory credit...

Arnold becker's
guide to divorce.

They're not gonna be able
to keep it on the shelves.

I'm trying to lose weight.


I think I'd look better.

I think you're pretty now.

I'd be prettier if I
weighed 10 pounds less.

My mother is
going to be thrilled

When I tell her I went
out with an attorney.

Named sifuentes?

Well, I don't think
I'll tell her that part.

Unless, um, I see you again.

Well, that's up to you.

I'd like that.

All right, thanks. It's
ross burnett's wife.

Ross is at the airport.
He's got a baby for us.


Three days old, coming
in from arkansas.

And the flight gets in at 11:20.

Meister meyer, how goes it?

Hello, arnie.

- What is this?
- Take a look.

There's a couple of bon
mots on the other side.

"To arnie becker with great
appreciation. Dave meyer."

- Dave...
- I'm a sentimental guy,

People are important to
me. They figure prominently.

Not just as demographics
or zip code clusters,

But as friends and associates.

It's beautiful. Thank you.

Anyway, having addressed

That which can't be
financially defined,

I.e., Measured in money,

Let us now turn
to that which can.

How are we doing?

It is scary.

Early projections give us sales

Of over a million units
within three years.

And what are you
basing the projection on?

Market analysis.

We have identified
our primary market

As what we call the sensitive
satyrs and hausfrau hedonists...

Centered around urban areas,

New money, voracious consumers

With, of course, a very
high rate of divorce.

- That's who's
buying the tape?
- In droves.

What is surprising is who
else is buying the tape.

And here, I am talking
pulpwood cutting

And strip mines,
the far hinterlands,

Remote exurbia with near
zero cable saturation.

What are we talking
about in real dollars?

You're asking me what are we
talking about in real dollars?

Ok, this is belt and suspenders.

I'm gonna figure
things to go wrong

That I know will not go wrong.

- All that?
- Yeah, all that, dave. All that.

Net net, your end:

$2,400,000 This fiscal annum.

A cumulative net
of $8 to 10 million

Within the first three.

That's most
gratifying, I must say.

Only the beginning.

You know something?

It's not so much the money.

It's just one
consequence of many.

The ability to reach
millions of people,

To be at the leading
edge of your discipline...

The simple satisfaction
of a job well done.

That's it.

That is ultimately
what really matters.

We'll sit down next week

And start talking
about promotion.

Dave, it is always a pleasure.

And, uh... Thank you.

Oh, my god.

I'm rich. I'm rich. I'm rich.

I'm rich!

You'll be interested to know I'm
off to chicago on the noon flight

In quest of a major new
client: maxwell enterprises.

- What's that?
- Maxwell was hit

With a hostile takeover
attempt last week

And they need to engage
outside counsel asap.

- That does sound major.
- It is.

Who are we up against?

Flaherty and dunne,
householder and doyle,

And cohen, simon, goorwitz,

But I've had lengthy

With their house
counsel, kevin mcnally.

And I believe we
have the inside track.

- Good work, douglas.
- Thank you.

Hurrying along, I've
scheduled a partners' meeting

For 10:00 a.m. To discuss
an issue of some urgency.

Will mother markowitz
be here, stuart?

Well, she said she
was going to be here.

Good. Good.

Victor, where do we stand
with the shaeffer trial?

It started yesterday.

You know, I don't get it.

He gets drunk in a bar,

Says what a billion
other guys have said

At some point or another...
"I'd like to k*ll my wife."

What's the big deal?

The big deal is that this guy,
unlike the other billion guys,

Actually talked
turkey to a hit man.

Only to tell him that it
was a misunderstanding,

The harmless ravings of a
guy who'd had a few too many

Going through a lousy divorce.

Which reminds me, arnie,
could you stay available?

- I might need to call you
as a witness.
- Why?

He was your client.

You could testify
as to his state of mind

As well as to the kind of things

That people say in
the heat of a divorce.

You know, I don't think I'm
violating a confidence here

When I tell you
that gracie thinks

She's gonna kick
your butt on this one.

Well, she did it before
when I was at the p.d.'S office

And she might do it again if I
can't locate my key witness.

- Who'd you get on it?
- A p.i. Named stephanie hall.

I hear she's good.

I hear she's gorgeous.

Guilty on both counts.

I hereby sentence her
to six months hard labor

At the becker penal
colony in malibu.

I'll fondle, I mean,
handle her appeals.

- Gentlemen, gentlemen.
- Aha!

Hey, there's little
kelsey. Hi, honey.

Oh, a baby.

- Hi.
- Hi, honey.

She's so beautiful.

- Yes, yes.
- Aw.

Can... Can I see her?


You want to hold her?



- She's so tiny.
- Mm-hmm.

She likes you, benny.

Well, I like her.

Well, who was it that
called you, mr. Dunham?

The contact was a
man named willie kosar.

The information was
that he wanted me

To k*ll a mrs. Joseph shaeffer.

What exactly did
mr. Kosar tell you, sir?

He said the woman's
husband wanted...

Objection. Hearsay.

Goes to show state of mind that
a deal was being made, your honor.

That doesn't matter.
It's a totem pole.

She's asking the
witness to tell her

What mr. Kosar told him about
what my client told mr. Kosar.

I'm overruling the objection.



I'll ask you again, mr. Dunham.

What did mr. Kosar tell you?

He said shaeffer
would pay $10,000

To have his wife k*lled.

- And you accepted?
- I accepted.

Thank you, sir.

I have nothing further.

You never k*lled
mrs. Shaeffer, did you?

No, I didn't.

Because, in fact, willie
kosar called you back

And told you to cancel it.

- Isn't that right?
- That's not right.

I just decided to tell
the police about it.

You just decided
to tell the police.

And this sudden attack
of candor occurred

After you were arrested on
racketeering charges, didn't it?

I made a deal. So what?

Yeah, you made a deal.
You made a great deal.

You give them a m*rder conspiracy
in exchange for total immunity

And all racketeering
charges against you dropped.

What's the point?

The point is you were
looking at 12 years minimum.

And since you had to
give the police something

To avoid growing
old at vacaville,

You decided to give them
this m*rder conspiracy,

Leaving out the part of
how kosar canceled it.

That didn't happen.
Your client's guilty.

Because you say so, right?

Tell me, mr. Dunham, you
m*rder people for a living?

I refuse to answer that

On the grounds that
it might incriminate me.

Oh, I'm sorry.

We wouldn't want
anything to incriminate you.

Nothing further.

You can step down, mr. Dunham.

Your honor, I'd like
to request a sidebar.

We're done for the morning.

I will see counsel
in my chambers.

Your honor, I'd like to
move that miss van owen

Be disqualified from this trial.

- What?
- On what grounds?

Conflict of interest, judge.

She is personally involved
with a member of my firm and...

Give me a break.

I didn't think it would pose
any conflicts, your honor,

But I have just learned
that miss van owen

Has had communications with
mr. Kuzak regarding this case.

And I think that in the
interest of justice here...

I have had no significant

With mr. Kuzak concerning
this matter, judge.

And mr. Sifuentes has been
fully aware of this relationship

Long before he took this case.

He simply brought up this motion
now so that he can buy extra time

While he continues his
manhunt for willie kosar.

Your motion is
denied, mr. Sifuentes.

In the alternative,
then, your honor,

I would like some time
to look for mr. Kosar

Whose testimony
is certainly vital...

There is no reasonable expectation
that he will ever be found.

We've looked for
him, too, judge.

- He's gone.
- Do you know
where he is, counselor?

No, but I think with
a little bit of time...

Motion denied. See you at 2:00.

Your honor... That's all.

Victor, victor, you surprise me.

Hey, it was worth a shot.

If the situation was
reversed, arnold,

You'd be taking the same position
we are now, and you know it.

No, I wouldn't.

- Absolutely not.
- Shh, shh.

This firm is not entitled to
one dime off of my videotape.

Time out.

I direct your attention to
paragraph 11, subsection j

Of the partnership agreement.

"All revenues attributed
to or connected with

"The practice of law shall inure

To the benefit of the firm."

But this isn't the
practice of law.

This is show biz.

Gee, I distinctly remember
hearing something about

How it was providing legal
services for those in need.

I'm not saying it isn't, but
what's making this tape

Fly off the
shelves is this face,

This voice, and this
screen presence, period.

Arnie, you fell into this.

Anything you make
from it is gravy.

- My gravy.
- No, sir!

Putting the principle
aside for a minute,

How much money do
you really need to make?

Please, michael, don't start

With the warmed-over
woodstock rap.

Do me a favor...
You may live to avoid

The trappings
of wealth, I don't.

Well, you're just
gonna have to make do

With the trappings that 1/6
of your royalties can buy.

Now if you'll excuse me,

I have a flight to catch.

Look, if I had come to you
with this idea before I did it,

You all would have
hooted me out of the office.

And don't tell me it isn't so.

You would have sniffed and said
it was unbefitting an attorney,

That it involved a schlock
merchant like dave meyer.

Crass arnie. Hollywood arnie.

Unrefined arnie.
Undignified arnie.

I am stunned that you
would turn on your partners

With this vehemence over money.

Put your hand in
my pocket, leland,

I will turn on you every time.

Going to chicago?

Well, I think that's where
this flight is headed, yeah.

- Great town.
- Yes, it is.

City of big shoulders,
hog butcher to the world.

Miss joyner, I'm astrid,
your flight attendant.

Would you care for a
cocktail after takeoff?

Club soda will
be fine, thank you.

Your choices for lunch
today are navarin of lamb,

Pomegranate chicken,

Or vegetarian pate with
assorted bread sticks.

I'll have the
chicken, thank you.

Mr. Brackman?

We've got some good news
and some bad news today.

Oh, no.

The good news is we have
perfect flying weather

Both here and over the midwest.

The bad news is that we've
got a red warning light

- On the instrument panel
of the no-go variety.
- He's kidding.

Please bear with us
while we check it out.

Hope to get you where you're
going just as soon as we can.

- Thanks.
- Excuse me one moment.

I've got a meeting in chicago.

You're not the only one.

Excuse me, miss!

At what point will passengers

Be allowed to make
other arrangements?

- Excuse me?
- How long does this delay
have to run

Until the pilot lets us
return to the terminal?

Right now we don't anticipate
that being necessary, sir.

When do you anticipate
it being necessary?

That's the pilot's
decision, sir.

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

This is unbelievable.
We might as well

Have been taken
over by the hezbollah.

I really do have to
get off this plane.

Mr. Brackman, I'm sorry,

But we're all out of
the lamb and the chicken.

I don't care about that.

What I care about is that
the entire purpose of my trip

Is being frustrated by
your pilot's indifference.

We're all in this together, sir.

We're not all in this together.

You didn't pay
$1,500 to be here.

Ladies and gentlemen, due
to the length of the delay,

We've decided to proceed with the
showing of our movie this afternoon,

The good mother,
starring diane keaton.

That's it.

I've got a meeting in chicago.

I'm leaving this airplane.

Mr. Brackman, please.

Captain, we're having a problem
with one of our passengers.

Mr. Brackman, sit back down.

I won't sit down.

Sir! Mr. Brackman, please.

Get away from that door.

Ah! The captain emerges.

Get back in your seat, sir.

No. This isn't the army and
you're not my commanding officer.

I said, return to your seat!

No. You will deal
with me rationally.

I cannot deal with you rationally
until you return to your seat

And stop endangering the
safety of the other passengers.

I want you to explain why
we've been held c*ptive

In this airplane
for 2 1/2 hours.

I want reasons or I want
to be allowed to leave.

Once we pull away
from that terminal,

Your rights as a citizen end.

Now I am in sole charge of
this plane and everyone on it.

Now you may be unhappy
with my decisions,

But you may do nothing
to challenge my authority.

Should you persist in doing so,

I am fully empowered
by federal aviation law

And the rules of the
warsaw convention

To take any and all measures
required to restrain you,

Up to, and including,
having you shot dead.

Right now, we are
waiting for a part.

I'm expecting it to
be installed shortly.

I hope that suffices as
an explanation for you, sir.

Even if it doesn't, I
trust that you will

Sit in your seat and
do what you're told.

Let me know if he acts up again.

I admire your nerve,

Even if it didn't work.

Let me borrow
that phone of yours

And I'll make a call that will.

I was sitting at a bar, talking to a
guy that I had never even seen before.

That would be mr. Kosar, right?

And I was going on
about the divorce,

About how my wife
makes my life hell.

And then he said
that he could arrange

For her not to
bother me anymore.

- He could put her on ice.
- How did you respond to that?

I thought he was puffing.

I mean, you know, two guys
sitting at a bar, talking tough.

So, we went on
about k*lling her,

But it was talk...
Really, just talk.

I mean, I didn't
take it seriously.

I sure as hell didn't
think he took it seriously.

Till he called me the next day.

He said he'd set up a
meeting with a hit man.

Well, what was your
reaction to that?

I told him, "forget it!"

I said, "look, I may hate my
wife, but there's no way...

There's no way I'm gonna
hire somebody to k*ll her."

All right.

Did you ever give this
mr. Kosar any money?

Of course not. I never
even saw him again.

Thank you, mr. Shaeffer.
Nothing further.

You did tell mr. Kosar

You wanted your
wife dead, didn't you?

Look, I was just rambling.

I had too much to drink.

I was very upset and
maybe I blurted out

A few things that I
shouldn't have said, but...

Well, according to the bartender

Who overheard your discussion,

You spoke in a
clear, hushed tone.

You asked specific,
deliberate questions

As to where the body
should be disposed.

You asked whether
the entire $10,000

Would have to be
given in advance.

I mean, that's very reflective
for a blurt, mr. Shaeffer.

- Objection, your honor.
- Sustained.

Your phone number, your address,

The information as to
how you could be reached...

That all just popped out of you?

All right, look,
look, ms. Van owen,

See, I'm not denying that I
said any of those things,

But I never, never meant
to go through with it.

You meant to go through with it

Up until the time the
police arrested you.

That's not true.

Now I called it off with kosar

Long before the police
even showed up, I swear.

You called it off.

So, at some point in
your mind it was on, then?

- No!
- Well, why bother to call off
something that's never on?

I just misspoke
just now, all right?

It just blurted out, right?

Objection, your honor.


Mr. Shaeffer, what
is the net worth

Of your community property?

Including the
house, 1 million, 200.

And pursuant to your divorce,

- You're to split this
with your wife, correct?
- Yes.

But if she, for some reason,

Should die before
the divorce were final,

You'd get it all, wouldn't you?

I don't know.

I guess so.

You guess?

I have nothing further.

You can mail it to me. Bye-bye.

Hi, jonathan.

- Hey, ab.
- You look busy.

Yeah, douglas is
stuck on a plane.

They've been on the
runway since noon

And I'm trying to get a
court order to get him off.



I've got to get to
the judge with this.

Your honor, someone's
here from mckenzie brackman.

Douglas brackman
vs. Omni airways

And captain charles laughlin,

Emergency ex-parte application.

Approach, counsel.

Your honor, douglas brackman

Boarded flight 725 at noon.

I'm here now because that flight

Is still sitting marooned
on the tarmac at l.a.x.

Unless he's permitted to make
alternate travel arrangements,

The firm he represents will suffer
permanent, irreversible damage.

Cut through it.
You're asking for what?

A court order requiring the
pilot to return to the terminal

And permit those passengers
that wish to to get off that plane.

It's been on the
runway how long?

Four hours.


I believe that such relief
is not terribly extreme

Relative to the potential
harm threatened.


Furthermore, there is judicial
precedent for the court intervening.

Never mind, counsel.

With all due respect, your honor, in
the case of banta vs. Sacramento air,

The court of appeals
affirmed an award of damages

Based on excessive delay
and specifically stated...

You made your point.

I'm more than happy
to grant your motion.

Furthermore, I'm
going to keep it in mind

Next time I get stuck out there.

Enter the order.
Call the next case.

He's a ghost, victor. Kosar
is nowhere to be found.

Jesus, he's got to be found.

This guy's the only
chance that we have

At proving that this
hit was canceled.

Well, I've got my mole
in the fbi moonlighting,

I've called in every favor
ever owed me by the police,

And I've got trunk lines
on his family's telephone.

Trunk lines? How'd
you manage that?

This lech at the phone
company has been chasing me,

So I let him rub my
knee the other night

While I whispered sweet
telephone digits in his ear.

And he's tapping them for you?

Well, what can I say?
He likes high cheekbones.

So, if mama kosar
gives little willie a ring,

We might know something.

That sounds promising.

I'm going to find
this slug, victor.

You just gotta do whatever
you can to buy me some time.

Ok, ok. I got arnie becker
on the stand tomorrow.

That'll string it out
for another day, tops.

Other than that, there's
not much more that I can do.

Let me just throw something
out for your consideration.

I've got the names and addresses

And incomes of every juror.

Sometimes these jurors
can be a little susceptible

To some anonymous influence.

- I don't work that way.
- Neither do i.

But sometimes it is an option
some attorneys do explore.

I don't, steph. Ok?

Just find kosar for me.

I'm trying, victor.

Believe me, I'm trying.

If we stay here much longer,

All I'm gonna do when we get to
chicago is turn around and come home.

I know. We'll probably sit
on the runway there, too.

I've put so much time
into preparing for this.

I cannot believe that I'm
stuck here on the ground,

Watching it all go to waste.

Ladies and gentlemen,

You'll notice we've
started our engines.

I wish I could say we were
preparing for takeoff.

Unfortunately, I
have to inform you

That the passenger in seat 3a,

Mr. Douglas brackman, an
attorney from los angeles,

Has obtained a court order
requiring me to return to the terminal.

All right!

- Thank you.
- It's okay.

I am not ready to
fly. I know that now.

It's too confining.

- Douglas brackman?
- Yeah?

Place your hands
against that pillar, please.

What's going on?

I'm placing you under arrest
for reckless endangerment,

Interfering with a flight crew

In the execution
of their duties,

And using a cellular phone
while on board an aircraft.

You have the right
to remain silent.

You have the right
to an attorney.

If you cannot
afford an attorney,

One will be appointed
to you by the court.

Anything you say
from this point forward

Can and will be
used against you...

Any revenue that derives
either from your practice of law

Or from your expertise
gained in the practice of law

While a partner at
mckenzie brackman

Shall be deemed monies subject
to all the terms and conditions

Of the partnership.

In other words,
what's mine is theirs.

Unless you signed it under duress,
you don't have a leg to stand on.

That partnership agreement

Clearly never anticipated
a situation like this.

Well, no agreement
between parties

Ever anticipates every
situation that could arise.

That's why we have lawyers.

Well, you're mine.

What if they sue?

You'd lose.

And I think you'd lose
a lot more than money.

Mckenzie brackman
is a great firm.

Much of your reputation derives

From your
relationship with them.

Are you prepared to lose that?

But it's my money.

Giving up 5/6 of it

With absolutely no
input from them isn't fair.

Hell, stuart markowitz
and ann kelsey are married.

Is it fair that they
should make more money

From my guide to
divorce than me?

Arnie, you're a
masterful negotiator.

This is a unique situation.

I suggest you
reconvene the partners,

Throw yourself on
the mercy of the court,

And negotiate a settlement
you can all live with.

What if they
refuse to negotiate?

You're a valued
member of the firm.

And your partners, by and large,

Are fair-minded men and women.

I'm sure there's a
way out of the thicket.


What a greedy bunch of bastards.

Who better than a lawyer knows?

A difficult divorce can
be emotionally crippling

For all parties involved.

And it isn't at all uncommon
for a spouse to be given

To volatile threats
and outbursts.

Now in the course of your
representation of mr. Shaeffer,

Did he ever manifest any
kind of criminal intentions

Towards his wife?

He never had any
criminal intentions.

That business at the bar
was very simply joseph

- Exfoliating his frustration...
- Objection!

This man has no foundation
to render psychiatric opinions.

He has represented the
defendant in his divorce

For the past three years

And he can certainly
speak to his state of mind.

I'll give you a little latitude,
counselor, but that's it.

Joseph shaeffer is a law-abiding

And extremely moral person.

He would never hire
somebody to commit a m*rder.

- You're sure?
- If a client of mine

Had criminal propensities
of that nature,

I'd know it, believe me.

Ok, thank you very
much mr. Becker.

Nothing further.

Two years ago, mr. Becker,

A client of yours by the
name of carolyn glasband

Walked into a settlement
conference with you at her side

And blasted her husband
with a p*stol, didn't she?


Did you know of her plan, sir,

When you scheduled that meeting?

Of course I didn't.

Then I guess it
would be possible

For one of your clients to
harbor criminal propensities

Without you having
a clue, wouldn't it?

That was a one-time thing.

A one-time thing.

And last year, a client of yours

Kidnapped his child
from his estranged wife

Who had been awarded
custody, right?

- Yes, but...
- Did you see that one coming, sir?

- No, I didn't, but again...
- Joseph shaeffer himself

Once threatened
to strangle his wife

In a settlement
conference, didn't he?

All he was doing was venting.
He certainly didn't mean it.

Because you would have
known if he did, right?

I think I would, yes.

That's fine.

Joseph shaeffer
is a client of yours,

- Isn't he, mr. Becker?
- He is.

And as such, you have a duty,

An obligation to protect
his interests, don't you?

That would be correct.

And, in fact, if you
were privileged

With any incriminating
information about mr. Shaeffer,

You wouldn't share
it with us, would you?

No, I wouldn't.

Attorney-client privilege
would prevent me from doing so.

Thank you, sir.

I'm sure the jury will
have no have no trouble

In evaluating your totally
objective opinion, then.

- Objection!
- Withdrawn.

I have nothing further.

You should have been
objecting up and down.

Never let your witness get
savaged when they're there to help.

- Savaged?
- I think grace
has a grudge against me.

Come on, arnie. She
was just doing her job.

Oh, that's beautiful.
Defend her.

I tell you, the
support I'm getting

From my coworkers these
days is really overwhelming.


Guess what.

- I found him.
- Kosar? Good deal!

Arizona probation
had a new alias

Which I plugged into
our local computer.

Then I tracked down
a job that he had,

And then a friend of a friend
who worked with him at that job.

And he pointed me to a
loan shark in glendale.

Where's he at right now?

Holed up in a downtown
rooming house.

Landlady says he's
out days, in nights.

- I'll grab him tonight.
- I'm going with you.

No, that won't be necessary.

- I can handle it.
- I'm going, steph.

I need to talk to
him first anyway.


I'll pick you up at
your apartment, 8:00.

Dress casual.

So my thinking is rather
than make a big deal about it,

An equitable split
of, say, 5% per partner

Would be a fair
division of profits.

In other words, the
five of us split 25%

And you get 75%?

This isn't in the nature of legal
fees, douglas, and you know it.

Arnie, what about the firm's
30% allocation to overhead?

That come out of our cut, too?

All right, we each
throw in 5% to the pot.

Leaving you with 73%

And the rest of us with 3%.

Naught but greed laid bare.

Douglas is right, arnie.
It hardly seems equitable.


You want to talk
about equitable?

I put my ass out there in
front of the camera, not you.

If the thing
stinks up the joint,

I'm the laughingstock
of the industry, not you.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

What if you represented
mckenzie brackman in a divorce?

You'd be claiming the profits from
that video were community property.

But this isn't a
divorce, stuart.

'Cause you know
if it was, you'd lose.

All right, all right,
people, that's enough.

Now I've listened to both sides,

And there's merit
to both arguments.

But in the interest
of peace, arnold,

And given that there
is a binding agreement,

May I suggest the following...

You get 50% of
your net profits... 50?

The rest of us
split the other 50%,

With the 30% overhead charge

Being borne equally
amongst the six partners.

Is that, uh, acceptable?

Sounds fine to me.



I bow to the will
of the majority.

I don't like it...

But I guess I can live with it.

Thank you, people.

Douglas... A moment?

It appears we've lost
maxwell enterprises.

Kevin mcnally hasn't
returned a single call of mine.

Nor mine.

You indulged a
childish temper tantrum

At considerable
expense to this firm.

It wasn't my fault.

No? Whose was it?

The pilot's, that n*zi bastard.

Not the pilot, yours.

I can be on a plane tomorrow

Right after my
preliminary hearing.

Tomorrow is their deadline

And I doubt if they'd push it to
accommodate your schedule.

Maybe you could go? Or kuzak?

You're the only one
conversant in the case, douglas.

Face it, you
behaved like an ass.

Now we're all paying
the price for it.

- I'm sorry.
- Sorry?

Sorry doesn't begin to
cover our losses here.

Not to mention what
could happen to you

If the court decides to
make an example of you.

I'll get on a plane tomorrow
anyhow... Just on the chance.

Well, if you do,

I suggest you book your
ticket under an alias.

Buenas noches, chula.

¿Que pues?

- What a dump.
- What did you expect?

Ok, here it is, 232.

It's showtime.

Who's there?

Private investigator, willie.
Could you please open up?

Ahh, get the hell lost.

Oh, rude, rude.

You got no egress, willie,

While I got a
bodyguard and a g*n.

Now open up real fast,
willie, before I call the cops

And tell them where to find you.

Ok, what?

Mr. Kosar, my name is victor
sifuentes. I'm an attorney.

If we could just come in
and talk to you for a second?

Of course we can. We're guests.

- Hey, nice digs, willie.
- What do you want?

Mr. Kosar, look, I
represent joseph shaeffer...

The man on whose behalf
you hired edward dunham.

Come on, to k*ll his wife.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Look, we need you to testify.

We need you to tell the jury
that you called the hit off.

Yeah, right.

I'm gonna go into the court
and tell them I ordered a hit?

Yeah, right.

I think that there's a
way that you could do it

Without really
incriminating yourself.

Why don't you get the hell
out of here, counselor?

Hey, dr*gs.

Gambling chits.

What lovely
evidentiary trinkets.

Hey, you can't be doing that.

I'm not police, willie. I
don't need a warrant.

I can just turn all
this over to the cops

And it's all
admissible in court.

- You listen to me, bitch!
- Hey!

No, you listen to me, slughead.

- Now...
- Hey...

We tried polite, but
since that didn't work,

You now get plan "b."

Now these are the facts of life.

My little search for you

Turned up all kinds
of interesting things,

Including the
connection to a m*rder

Of one stevie bennison
in torrance last april.

I got names and dates
the police would k*ll for,

Not to mention this little
bag of illegal substances.

So, in short...

I can deliver you.

You're crazy.

Yeah, well, that's
the first thing

You've gotten right, big boy.

Now you either testify in court,

Or I haul your ass down
to the police right now.

After... I blow your stones off.

You got three seconds to decide.

Ok. For god's sake, ok, ok, ok!

All right, willie, good.

So now we're a
team... You and me.

And this is what
we're going to do.

We're going to go over
your evidence real careful

To make sure we get it right.

It's gonna be so much fun!

And cheer up, now, willie.

Hey, you're the luckiest
guy in town, you know,

Because after we
finish reviewing,

You get to spend
the night with me.

I knew he had
been drinking a lot,

But I still thought
he was serious.

Till the next day.

And what happened
the next day, mr. Kosar?

I called mr. Shaeffer
back to tell him

About the meeting with
mr. Dunham I'd set up.

And he tells me that he doesn't
want to really go through with it,

That he was just talking in
the bar to hear himself talk.

How did you respond to that?

I said, "are you
sure?" He says, "yeah."

Then he says, "I don't want to
have a meeting with mr. Dunham,"

And for me to forget
the whole thing.


So, what happened then, sir?

Then I called dunham back
and I told him the deal was off.

Thank you, mr. Kosar.

Your witness.

Would you tell us, mr. Kosar,

Why it is that you suddenly
decided to appear here today

And incriminate yourself
in a m*rder conspiracy?

There wasn't any conspiracy.

Like I said, it was just
a misunderstanding.

Well, not in your mind, sir.

I wasn't conspiring anything.

I was just passing on a message,

And I got the message wrong.

Your honor, I request
a 15-minute recess

So that I may confer
with defense counsel.

Any objections, mr. Sifuentes?

Uh, no, your honor, no.

15 Minutes. The jury will stay.

I know stephanie hall, victor,

And I know kosar doesn't
come prancing in here like this

Unless you've got him
jacked up pretty good.

He is telling the truth, grace.

We sometimes use the lovely
miss hall ourselves, okay?

I mean, we're talking
about a woman

Who goes bounty
hunting on her vacations.

Now, I am willing to bet that
she threatened kosar physically

As well as with whatever
dirt she dug up on him.

So cross-examine him.

I can do better than that.

I just might offer him immunity

On whatever it is
you've got him on.

What good is that gonna do?

In exchange for that,
he'll gladly tell the jury

Exactly how you motivated
him to come forward.

Who knows? If I remove duress,

His testimony might even change.

Grace, look, I am
not going to deny

That we pushed this
guy's hand a little,

Just like you did with dunham,

But there is no way that I would
put false testimony up on the stand.

Now, you know me.

You know, what we
both know, victor,

Is that even if your
guy did call it off,

He initially agreed
to commission the hit.

At a time when he was drunk

And he lacked the mental
capacity to form an opinion.

Uh-uh, no go.

Grace, you are never going
to get a conviction here.

Now, you can go, you can
push kosar all you want,

But he just established reasonable
doubt, and we both know that, too.

I'll get whatever I can get,

But I'm not kicking him, victor.

Right. Grace.

Off the record, ok?

We both know what
went down in there.

Shaeffer agreed to the hit,

And the next day
he changed his mind.

Now, the guy's not a saint,
but he's no m*rder*r either,

And we should be able
to work this thing out.

I can give you conspiracy
to commit as*ault.

- That's the best I can do.
- Recommend probation.

- No, one year suspended.
- Mm-mm.

Come on, victor. No jail time.

It is a bargain.

I think he'll go for that.

I think he will.



And did you ever thr*aten
anybody, mr. Brackman?

Absolutely not.

Put up any physical struggle?

Against the captain
and his copilot? Not i.

How about the flight attendants?

I'm not a bully, sir.

I just asked for
permission to leave.

Your witness.

You don't like to be
kept waiting, do you?

I'm not the most
patient of men, no.

But what would it have taken
to permit passengers to leave?

A flight of stairs
pushed up to the plane?

Excuse me, I don't believe you've
been qualified as an expert witness

In airport ground operations.

- Have you?
- I'm just trying to use
a little common sense.

That's all I was trying
to do on the plane.

I could have walked back to the
terminal when you get right down to it.

Ask that the witness confine his
comments to answering the question.

Come on, counselor,
there's no jury here.

What are you worried about?

All I wanted on that plane
was to be dealt with reasonably.

We get on a plane and we
entrust our lives to a company.

We trust that the
pilot's competent,

That the plane has been
properly maintained.

We trust that we'll
get where we're going

Somewhere around
the time designated.

The company spends
millions of dollars

To encourage that very trust.

Tell me what happens when
they're not trustworthy.

What do I do... Watch the movie?

Wait it out?

I'm not a violent person

And I'm not
particularly reckless,

But things have to
make sense to me.

And sitting on a
runway at l.a.x.

For 4 1/2 hours on wednesday?

Things didn't.

Hear, hear.

Your honor, I have to ask

That the witness be instructed
to stop making speeches.

All right. Step back, mr. Appel.

Without specifically endorsing
the actions taken by the defendant,

I'm convinced there was
sufficient provocation

For all kinds of things
to have happened.

Insofar as the court finds
probable cause lacking

As to criminal intent, I
am dismissing the charges.

- Your honor...
- That's it. Gentlemen.

Any airline that tangles
with mckenzie brackman

Will know they've
been in a fight.

Is your firm gonna make a
specialty of taking them on?

We don't shy away from anyone.

- Mr. Brackman.
- Mr. Brackman,
one more question.

- Excuse me.
- Whose idea was it to...

I didn't get a
chance to thank you.

You came here just to do that?

No. As a matter of fact, I
came here to testify for you,

But you were doing such a good
job that it wasn't even necessary.

I certainly appreciate
the gesture.

Your getting that court order,

That allowed me to charter a
plane and make my meeting in chicago.

Is that right?

By god, you're one
resourceful woman.

I'm also an attorney
for householder & doyle.

- Householder & doyle?
- That's right.

I was going to chicago for
the very same reason as you.

- Well, any word?
- Still waiting.

It's probably a lost cause,

But I'm flying out
this afternoon.

Well, if it isn't
us, I hope it's you.


Uh, mr. Brackman, win or lose,

Will you let me
take you to dinner

When you get back from chicago?

I'd like that a lot.

Rox. Damn it.


Roxanne, where...

Where the hell
is the rosen file?


What's the matter with you?

What's the matter with you?

Nothing. Just having
one of those days.

I have a lot of those days
and I don't take it out on you.

- I'm sorry, ok?!
- Very heartfelt, arnie.

Ok, you want to know
what's bugging me?

I make this videotape, right?

It's tearing up the marketplace.

They're projecting sales
in the $10 million range.

People are starting to actually
recognize me in restaurants.

So I should be ecstatic, right?


Because suddenly
everyone wants a piece of me.

Your husband gets 40%.

The partnership
gets 50% of my 60%,

Which leaves me with 30%.

5% Of that has to
go to overhead,

Which leaves me
with a lousy 25%.

That's what's bugging me.

25% Of 10 million is
still a fortune, arnie.

Roxanne, do you
realize that you and dave

Are gonna make more money
off my videotape than I am?

That if you divorced
him tomorrow,

You'd come out with
2 million bucks cash

In community property.

Is that fair?



Talked to mcnally an hour ago.

You can unpack your briefcase.

Who did they pick?



They read about your
ruckus in the chicago papers.

Mcnally said something about
any lawyer aggressive enough

To find a legal way to get off an
airplane caught in a holding pattern

Should be smart enough to
fight off a hostile takeover.

Congratulations, douglas.


Victor, I didn't get
a chance... What?

I wanted to tell you...

Wow. Preview of hell, huh?

I know. It's terrible.

I refuse to put
an alarm in my car.

Anyway, I didn't have a chance

To see you after we closed,

And I just wanted to tell you

What a first-rate
lawyer you are, victor.

Your client was really
lucky to have you.

Thanks, grace, thanks. That
means a whole lot coming from you.

I just hope you
and I get to go up

Against each other
again one of these days.

Me, too.

See you.


Mike and I are friends.

I know.

I'm sorry.

I've just always
wanted to do that,

From the first
time I ever saw you

In the p.d.'S office.

It will never happen again.

I promise.

We ok?

Yeah. Ok.

Good night.
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