04x10 - Trouble at Cooter's

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dukes of Hazzard". Aired: January 26, 1979 – February 8, 1985.*
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Cousins Bo and Luke certainly have a way of finding trouble with the law everywhere they turn.
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04x10 - Trouble at Cooter's

Post by bunniefuu »

The Duke boys are all tied
up in Hazzard's big fur robbery.

Give it a push.

You boys are under arrest.

Go, boys!

To the cars!


Bo, look out.

I love it, I love it.



We ain't gonna make it.


It's one of 'em beautiful
Hazzard County mornin's.

General Lee is
runnin' the kinks out.

And Bo and Luke are
feelin' uncommonly good.

Ain't nobody chasin' nobody.

But there's fixin'
to be trouble.

That ain't the
trouble. That's singin'.

Well, sort of.

'Do you know the words?'

That's trouble.

Now, this feller
ain't no fur driver.

He's a thief.

Delivering stolen
merchandise to one J.D. Hogg.

That is, if he could ever
find the right road to Hazzard.

Sorry about that, buddy.

- What can I say, you know.
- Yeah, well.

Look, mister, it's no big thing.

Let's forget about
it. I'm in a hurry and...

I bet your lady's
waitin' for these foxes

'and minks in a hurry too.'

I'm sorry. Look,
I'll tell you what.

I got a place in town,
the Hazzard Garage.

You bring this by there and
I'll fix this door, the bumper

dent, everything for free, huh?

Well, that's very
kind of ya. Thanks.

- Sure thing.
- See you later.

Now, friends and neighbors

that ain't no skunk
layin' in the road.

That's a mink.

And y'all know
what's gonna happen.

Hey, what's that up
there on the road?

No idea. One way to find out.

- It's too big to be a raccoon.
- Should look good on a mink.

What's that ol' boy gonna
say? Hey, y'all got my stolen fur?

What is it doin' here in
the middle of nowhere?

I don't know. One
thing's for sure.

Nobody in Hazzard could
afford somethin' like this.

Ran that chicken wire
back to Uncle Jesse

before he throws a fit,
and then go back into town

'and turn this into
lost and found.'

That was ol'
Rhuebottom's general store.

Boss Hogg foreclosed on
Rhuebottom to use the storeroom

for warehouse and
stolen merchandise.

Boss eased his conscience by
sendin' ol' Rhuebottom a turkey

and it was spoiled.

You mean you let a mink
coat fall out of your truck?

And it's still lyin' out
there somewhere?

You go get it. Do you hear me?

Maybe that mink wasn't dead
yet and it jumped off the truck.

- Oh, zip, you...
- Forget it, I tried.

Two country boys stopped,
picked it and drove off with it.

Goin' faster than a
duck in a hailstorm.

Two country boys, huh?

Was one of them blonde
and the other dark-haired

and both drivin' an
orange clunker car?

- Yeah. You know 'em?
- Hmm, never heard of 'em.

- Never heard of 'em?
- No, just a lucky guess.

Yeah, just a lucky
guess. Lucky, lucky, lucky.

- Where's my money, Hogg?
- Your money?

Oh, I'm glad you
asked me for that.

Alright, uh, here's
what I owe you.

Um, less the price
of a mink coat.

- Why, you little butter...
- Ah! Easy, easy, son.

I advice you to take what I gave
you and skedaddle out of town.

Or else I'll have the sheriff
here escort you out personally.

Yeah, I will, boy. I get..

- I will?
- You will.

Oh, yes. I will.


You win, Hogg.

- This time.
- Yeah.

So, Boss set the law after
the Dukes to get back the fur

that he hadn't paid for

and nail Bo and Luke for
possession of stolen property.

Now that's slick.

- Ooh! It just feels so good.
- It sure is.

Don't get too used to it.

They're gonna give it back
to Rosco for the rightful owner.

I bet they're goin' nuts
wonderin' where that coat is.

- Can't imagine.
- Here.

- Here you go, sweetheart.
- Come on, give it up.

Let's go.

Looks like we just
saved a trip to town.

- 'Hey, Rosco.'
- Ha ha!

Freeze it, you Duke boys.
Just freeze it right there.

Hey, Rosco, we're
comin' to see you.

We found this.
Wanted to give you.

sh**t! Alright. Turn
over that furry coat.

Alright, Cletus. You will notice
with your beady brown eyes..

'...the evidence is
in the Duke's hand.'

Now, just hold it right there.

You didn't notice nothin'
with your beady little eyes.

Them boys were doin' just
what they said they was doin'.

They found that coat,
and was bringin' it to you

to give to the rightful owner.

- Hockey puck, Jesse...
- Get your finger off their car.

- Listen.
- Both of you.

We caught 'em with the
evidence and they're under arrest.

And I've got a warrant..

- Gimme the warrant.
- That's my tie.

Give it to me. Alright,
you boys are under arrest.

Just get out of the
car nice and easy like.

What ever you say, Rosco.

Cletus, note this with your
beady brown eyes, we're gone.

Come back here.

Go for it, boys!

Those guys..

Y'all realize that this all
started with Bo and Luke

just singin' their
little ol' hearts out.

You're tirin' down, Bo?

I'm tryin'. The General's got
some kinda wheeze or somethin'.

I got an idea, hang on.

I love it, I love
it. Hot pursuit.

Ooh, ooh!

You dipstick. Ooh!

Scuffed another
one of my vehicles.

General, what's wrong with ya?

It's gotta be the carburetor.

- Oh, damn! Just what I thought.
- What?

It's the carburetor float valve.

We get a little ways on it
but not too much farther.

Let's call Cooter on the CB.

Get a new one. We won't
stay ahead of Rosco for long.

Here you go, sweetie.

Yeah. Anything on
Atlanta Papers about it?

Absolutely nothin', darlin'.

They did say that
somebody saw a brown van

drivin' away from the
scene at the crime.

But nobody's seen you,
darlin'. We're free and clear.

Not till I get rid of that van.
You know where to meet me?

Yeah, Indian Creek Road.
Just north of Hazzard.

Don't push it too
hard 'cause that ain't...

Are you kiddin'?

Where did you get that?

I never thought I'd
see a fur like this.

Not twice in one day
in Hazzard County.

- You've seen another one?
- Mm-hmm.

Had a bump up this
mornin' with a guy

'in a brown van
that was full of 'em.'

Bet he saw us find
it and informed Boss

and Boss sent Rosco to the farm.

If Boss is determined to lock
us up, it can mean one thing.

- He's in cahoots with that man.
- Right.

Wait, I ain't exactly
straight on what's goin' on.

But I know one thing.

All you gotta do is find a brown
van with Mississippi plates.

- Mississippi plates?
- Alright.

The boys CB'd Uncle
Jesse at the farm

and Daisy at the Boar's Nest..

Hawk-eye a brown van
with Mississippi plates.

Ten-four, cousins.

Then the boys decided to
have a little fun with ol' Rosco.

A plan from Confederate
General James Stewart's Law.

"When in doubt, attack."

Flash, look there's 'em
Duke boys behind us.

We got 'em this
time. Okay, hang on.

I'm gonna hook it.

Boy, there's a flaw in
the slaw somewhere.

They're playin' "Follow
The Leader" with me.

Those Duke boys are.

Flash, they thought I
was born yesterday.

Well, I wasn't.

Watch me lose 'em.

This is where we lose him.

We did it.

I lost 'em, I lost 'em.

What am I sayin'? I'm
not supposed to lose 'em.

I'm supposed to
catch 'em, right?

Listen, not one woof of this
to Boss, you understand?

Not one.

Luke, Bo, are you there?

Yeah, go ahead,
Daisy. We got ya.

Jackpot, cousins.

I just found that van y'all
talkin' about at the parking.

Mississippi plates and all.

Listen, sweetheart.
Just keep your eyes on it.

Luke and me's on our way.

He spotted us. Hang on.

Now, that boy's mama
didn't raise no dummy.

He ain't about to
tango with two Dukes.

- Luke, you're losin' him.
- It ain't me.

You wouldn't do so hot either

the way that float
valve's acting.

We'll cut over to Willow
Creek to close the gap.


Hang on, cousin.

We ain't gonna make it.

Bo, that ain't no way to
give the General confidence.


- Did you get the money?
- Yeah.

But that big, fat bale of cotton

short-changed me,
'cause I lost one lousy fur.

Oh, what's one fur, sugar?

Acapulco, here we
come, right darlin'?

Wrong, darlin'.

sh**t! We should've
come up that van by now.

Yeah, unless he pulled off
on the side road back-a-ways.

'Cause I figure on taking those
furs back off Hogg's hands.

And sell 'em again,
somewhere else.

But I think I got this
one figured out real good.

Let's get back to town.

I got me some
investigatin' to do.

Look, there it is.

Sure as sh**t'. Good eyes.

'Stripped cleaner than
a hound's tooth. sh**t!'


Hey, look. Some
fresh tire tracks.

I bet he met up
with his buddies.

- Wonder which way they go.
- Hey, let's follow 'em.

- Hop in, let's go.
- Okay.

Over at the courthouse
that feller found

just what he was hoping for.

Blueprints on file for the
Hazzard building code.

- See here, babe?
- Yeah.

That wall at Hazzard's garage

is on the other side of the
same wall where them furs are.

That's the only way in
for me without being seen.

Well, that feller in that garage

might have somethin'
to say about that, darlin'.

No, he won't.

Because you're gonna get
him out of there for a little bit.

He's seen me.

But he ain't never
seen you before.

- Hey.
- Hi, there.

I'll be right with you.

If I were you there,
I'd fix that fuel filter

or that fuel pump's gonna
be workin' overtime for nothin'.

I was just thinkin'
the same thing myself.

You're not from
around here, are you?

No, I'm just passing through.

I'm a freelance
writer from Atlanta.

I'm here doing a short
story on small towns.

Well, I'll be, a writer.

You picked a good one to write
about. Old Hazzard's somethin'.

Other than a few thousand
problems with city government

it's a great place to live.

You know, if I didn't have to
finish up on old Jake's car here

I-I'd love to show you around.

I'd really like that.
What's your name?

People call me Cooter.

- Cooter? Well..
- Cooter Davenport.

Real nice to meet you,
Cooter. Bonnie Lane here.

- Bonnie Lane.
- Yeah.

Sure is a pretty
park over there.


Hey, you know somethin'?

I don't reckon ol' Jake would
mind waiting a little while.

Come on, I'll show
you around here.

- Thanks, Cooter.
- Yeah, this way.

This park down here,
they call it Hogg Square..

Now, that fella with Boss Hogg

is old Harvey
Dunsmore out of Atlanta.

And everybody knows Harvey
is a Boss Hogg with class.

Ol' Harvey buys most
of his things from Boss

and for a lot less than
he sells 'em for himself

like furs, for instance.

Now, while ol' Boss and Harvey
were fixin' to wheel and deal

that Mitchell fella was on
the other side of the wall

doin' a little
dealin' of his own.

These furs are the
best merchandise

you've seen in quite
a while, ain't they?

- Oh, they're alright.
- Well, you bet they are.

Hello. Did you hear
somethin' over there?

Like a little tap, tap, tappin'?

Oh, it's nothing, J.D.

Of course, it could
be your heart poundin'

at the thought of what you
think I'll give you for these furs.

Most of all I do
is just sort of..

Hang out, work on cars.

- You like cars, don't you?
- Oh, I love cars, Cooter.

Dad taught me all about
cars when I was a little girl.

- He did?
- Yeah, I think he wanted a boy.

Well, his little girl
turned out fine.

Thanks, Cooter.

Hey, I reckon one
of these days I'll..

Quit my crazy ways
and settle down.

I'd like to settle down, too,
if I'd find the right situation.


'I tell ya, one time I thought
I had the right situation'

'and it just didn't work out.'

Hey, I gotta get back over
there and work on ol' Jake's car

or he's gonna k*ll me.
A promise is a promise.

Y'all don't reckon ol'
Cooter's kinda going for her?

Man, I hate that.


Back to square one.

- Oh, hey, Cooter.
- We got trouble.

- What's up, y'all?
- We need that float valve.

- We need it as soon as we can.
- Uh, the float valve.

Oh, I tell ya, I-I just
plumb forgot about it.

I was gettin' ready to
go over to Murphy's and..

Excuse me.

Bonnie Lane, this here's
Luke Duke and Bo Duke.

- Hi. Nice to meet you.
- Bonnie, pleasure.

- Pleasure, too.
- Friends of mine.

Oh, well. I guess I
better get goin', Cooter.

I gotta do some shoppin'.
Thanks for the tour.

Well, you're sure welcome.

- See you later.
- I'll see you again.

Nice to have met
you, boys. Bye now.

- My pleasure.
- 'Thanks, Cooter. Bye-bye.'


Hey, hey.

Look, we found that brown
van you said was haulin' furs.

- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.

The boys filed ol' Cooter
in on the empty van

and how they tracked another car

that must have brought
the driver back to town.

And guess who was listening?

What we can't figure out is if
Boss is already bought them furs

what's that guy
doing in Hazzard?

We gotta find out wherever
Boss has got them furs stashed.

Hey, take this
for what it's worth

but I did see Boss
and Harvey Dunsmore

going in and out of
Rhuebottom's next door here.

If Boss has got business with
Harvey over at Rhuebottom's

means we owe ourselves a
peek at whatever that business is.

Got a real easy way
to do that. Lookie here.

We got a key to the back door.

Rhuebottom used to leave me
one in case he locked himself out.

Thanks a lot, Cooter.
We'll check you later.

Hey, y'all, stay
out of trouble now.

Let's check all the
closets and cupboards.

You got it.

When, oh, when are you
gonna learn to trust me?

J.D., I ain't paying you
for expensive furs

when I'm sure I counted only .

You gonna let me
count 'em again or not?

Okay, if you wanna count
'em again, we'll count 'em again.

Lemme get the key out here.

Look at all these keys.

I don't know which one's
the right one. Lemme try this.

Ah, sh**t.

- Find anything?
- No luck.

You got any idea,
which key this might be?

Oh, try that.

- Let's check the storeroom.
- Alright.

- Aha!
- Would you look at that?

This looks like it might be it.

'Mark my words, Harvey.'

When you count them furs

and you find out I
ain't been cheating you

well, you're just gonna
have to apologize.

- Ah, J.D.
- What?

I'm not against cheatin'

except when it's
done against me.

Well, I'll tell ya, Harvey

nobody's doing any
cheatin' against you

so just start counting.

I tell ya, there's only , J.D.

Let's see. Two, four, six,
eight, ten, twelve, fourteen

sixteen, seventeen,
eighteen, nineteen.


Oh, come on. What are you doin'?

That's the first one I counted
down there. What are you up to?

Did you count that
one down there?

I didn't see that. I
thought you missed it.

Don't you try to pull
the fur over my eyes.

Oh, listen, now, it's pretty
high-class fur, ain't it?

The fella who sold 'em to me
must have short-counted me.

I can't help it, so
I'll tell you what.

We'll renegotiate that whole
deal. What do you say, huh?

Uh, too stuffy in here.

Let's you and me go have
a drink and we'll talk turkey.

Hey, Cooter! Them
furs is over there alright.

But with Harvey Dunsmore
involved, they gonna take time.

- He's from Atlanta, ain't he?
- Heh, funny guy.

We oughta keep
an eye on the place

I'll call Uncle Jesse, and he'll
call the authorities in Atlanta.

- Alright.
- Good idea.

Luke called Jesse and told
him to get on the horn to Atlanta

and told 'em they
better come running

if they ever wanted to
see them stolen furs again.

Right away. Right away.

Mabel? This is Jesse. Will
you get me the Atlanta police?

Well, never mind
what for, just get 'em!

You sure you can get
through the wall, Russ?

Yeah, babe. It's
just old bricks.

Shouldn't take me too
long to knock 'em out..

If, I ever get in there.

Dang! I can't wait here all day
for them to come out of there.

Russ, my southern charms
did work on that rude mechanic

but I don't know
about the other two.

You heard them say they
were runnin' from the law.

- Yeah?
- Well.

Why don't we get the law to
get them out of there for us?

Ooh, my blessed. You
got more fleas than any dog

I've ever seen in my whole life.

You know what you
gonna have to do.

You're gonna have to put
a sign on "No Vacancy".

Excuse me a second.

Sheriff's office..

Sheriff Rosco P.
Coltrane speakin'.

Look, I seen them
Dukes at Cooter's Garage

real plain, sheriff. I
thought you'd like to know.

Oh yeah, I do wanna know!

But how'd you know
I wanted to know?

'Who is this?'

I'm just a concerned citizen.

Listen... She hung up on me.

- Cletus!
- Yo!

Front and center!
Excuse me, Flash.

Cletus! Will you get
that thing out of my face?

What's wrong with you?

Listen, the Duke Boy's is
over at Cooter's Garage.

- What?
- Yes.

And now, we've got to
get over there right now.

Well, let's go!


Cletus! You..! Get off me.

Ain't nothing happening
over there at Ruebottoms'.

Plenty happenin'
at the court house.

Come here, take a look.

We gotta really fly out of here.
Now remember that float valve.

We'll see ya later.

Alright! Alright you Dukes!

I know you're in here.
Just freeze. Freeze!

- Ey, Roscoe.
- What? What?

- We lookin' for Bo and Luke?
- Yeah yeah.

- They ain't here.
- Oh, see, I knew it..

They were here. We had a
phone call. What do we do now?

To the cars!

Man, I tell you. That
Cletus is tough on doors.

- They almost hit us.
- Will you get after 'em?

- Let go of my tie.
- You're a coward.

I hate cowards.

- Well hey!
- Hi there, Cooter.

- What you got here?
- I brought us a picnic lunch.

Are you interested?

Well now, Miss Bonnie, I'm
interested, but I gotta work.

I don't know about that Cooter,
got fried chicken, tater salad.

I got some corn bread and
guess what I got for dessert?

- What?
- Blackberry cobbler.

- You know somethin', Bonnie?
- What?

You sure got a way with words.

Ain't it amazing how a
pretty girl with fried chicken

can make a man forget
about a carburetor float valve?

Don't you just hate men that
use women to mess up other men?

Well, that carburetor
float valve is something

ol' Bo and Luke could
sure use right about now.

That's Cedar Creek Bridge.

And it can take only
one car at a time..

Goin' either way.

Ooh. Ooh. Ooh!

Bo, look out.

Now friends, there ain't
no way to jump this one.

Oh, maniac on that bridge.

Your daddy taught you about cars

but your mama
taught you how to cook.

I sure like to see a
man enjoy his food.

Well, I enjoy watching you
enjoy watching me enjoy.

And all the time she
was baitin' Cooter

she was really worried
about how close her boyfriend

was getting to them furs.


Dang it.

I don't know why
you bothered to look.

- It's the float valve.
- Yeah, I know.

Ol' Boss and Harvey were still

lyin', cheatin' and horse
tradin' on them furs.

Now, $ , for
them furs is peanuts

compared to what
you gonna get for 'em.

You drive a hard bargain, J.D.

But if it's $ in
peanuts, that's what you got.

How do you want 'em.
Shelled or unshelled?

- Come on! Stop it, will ya?
- Ha ha ha.

Listen, come over here.

What in the world?

- Sitting on my tire gauge.
- That sure is a nice one.

Oh yeah, this one here's
top of the line. Sterling silver.

Look here. Measure accurate
to a quarter of a pound.

- Sure is nice, Cooter.
- Thank you.

- You like it?
- Oh, I love it. It's beautiful.

Oh, come on, Cooter,
I can't take that.

- Yes, you can.
- That's yours.

You've been awful nice to
me and I'd like you to have ah..

Remembrance of our picnic

and momento of Hazzard County.

Thank you, Cooter.

That's damn right nice of you.

You sure welcome, Bonnie.

Friends and neighbours
this do look serious.

'Hey, Crazy Cooter,
you got your ears on?'

- 'Come in, Cooter.'
- 'Scuse me.

Riker bikers, Crazy
Cooter comin' back at ya.

I hear ya, Lucas Ducas, come on.

Hey look, good buddy,
we hate to bother ya

we need that float valve 'bout
yesterday, know what I mean?

'We just won a race
with Roscoe and Cletus'

'But it's the Generals
last, I got the feelin.'

Ah, look, I'm sorry y'all.

I got into something. I'll run
over to Murphy's and get it.

What's your ?

'Bout a quarter mile
up Stone Canyon Road.

We figured to head to your place
'cause Roscoe won't look there.

'I'll get the valve
and meet ya there.'

I'm sorry, Bonnie, I gotta take
a rain check and a doggie bag.

- Well... yeah.
- Sure was nice.

Ah, see ya again, ah... mercy.

Well, now there ain't
no way that, that lady

wants Bo an Luke to go
anywhere near Ol' Cooter's Garage.

Callin' Hazzard Police.
Callin' Hazzard Police.

And once again that
concerned citizen

blew the whistle
on the Duke Boys.

Told Roscoe, where they were
held up on Stone Canyon Road.

And I tell you, I'll be
glad when she leaves.

Cletus! This is your superior
officer Roscoe P. Coltrane.

Listen, follow me!

We got those Duke
Boys by the tail!

I'm gone.

'Shepard to Lost Sheep.
Shepard to Lost Sheep.'

'You out there, boys?'

Got your lost sheep
here, Shepard.

'We're 'bout a quarter mile
up Stone Canyon Road.'

'We're waitin on Cooter
to patch up the General.'

Did you find out if them

stolen you-know-whats
came out of Atlanta?

They came out
of Atlanta, alright.

The Marshall should be
in Hazzard this afternoon.

Great. How the heck
they know we were here?

Shepard, the cops
are after us again.

Could you stake out
Ruebottoms' for us, find out where

- those stolen furs go?
- I'm your man.

And I'm on my way.

General, don't quit on us now.

Turn off, I know just
the place to lose 'em.

Ooh! Ooh!


'Ooh! Ooh!'

It's all your fault.
You dipstick!

It's all your fault.
I'd have made it.

May seem amazing that all
the road construction in Hazzard

the roads never get finished.
That is until you remember that

Boss Hogg contracts
all the road work.

I just can't figure out
how Roscoe knew

where we were all them times.

First Stone Canyon,
then Cooter's Garage.

Unless somebody told 'em.

Besides Cooter,
nobody knew about it.

- Except Bonnie.
- Yeah, but why would Bon...

'It doesn't matter why.'

What we got to do
is get back to Cooter's

get that valve put
in so it runs right.

Oh, sh**t, we sent Cooter to
Stone Canyon with the valve.

Sure, that's the easy part.

We just raise him on
the C.B. and cut him off.

Hey Crazy C. this here's the
Lost Sheep, you out there?

Crazy Cooter coming
back at you, Lucas Ducas.

Come on talk to me, lean and
mean, long and strong. I'm gone.

Cooter got the message
and headed back to town

to join Bo and
Luke at the garage.

Jesse took his position to
keep an eye on Rhuebottom.

Till the Atlanta
authorities showed up.

Meanwhile, that Mitchell
fella was still busy as a beaver

building that new
door at Rhuebottom's.

We got to get out of here real
quick before Cooter gets back.

Okay, I'm ready. Get the
car and bring her round back.

And meanwhile, Boss
and Harvey's negotiations

were getting down
to the fine hair.

It cost me , just
to get a hold of them furs.

And I ain't in the
business of breakin' even.

Tell you what. You gimme
, and they're yours.

- I'll give you .
- Fifty eight.

- Three.
- Seven.

- Four.
- Six.

- Five.
- Done! Alright!

I'll have my man come by
this afternoon and pick 'em up.


Hey, Cooter.

- Cooter!
- You in here?


- Hey, Bonnie.
- Uh-huh.

Wish I could say it's a
surprise seeing you here.

You can hand over them
furs now. And for once

we're gonna be the ones
calling the police not you.

And who do you think
they'll believe? You or me?

Not that it would make lot of
difference, tell you the truth.

You reckon he's gonna hit
both of them with a bank shot?

That boy is having one bad day.

I got him. I got him.

'What did you hit me for?'

Alright, that's enough.

Thanks, Luke.

Like I said, I made this
deal with Harvey Dunsmore.

- Sold them furs for .
- No.

Only, he didn't have the cash
with him. Can you imagine that?

Pay attention. He had
to go back to get it all.

I never heard of such a
thing. Anyhow, I think it best

that you stand guard furs, 'til
he gets back with the money.

- And... uh-oh - What?

Don't look now..

But guess who's sitting back
there watching us. The red hat.

That's Jesse Duke.

Told ya... yeah,
it's Jesse Duke.

Tight enough.

You never deserved a nice guy
like Cooter Davenport anyway.

Tell him it was
nothin' personal.

Why don't you tell him
yourself... Miss Bonnie?

I don't want him to see us
walking into Ruebottoms, yeah.

Ooh. No.

Tell you what. Let's
go around to the back.

That's a good
idea. That's... ooh.

- Tell you another good idea.
- What's that?

- Follow me.
- Ooh, well. Ooh.

Let's go.

- Ooh! Ooh!
- What? Ahh!

He's out to k*ll me.

- He's drivin' like a fool.
- Yeah, just like you.

Ain't you gonna
give him a ticket?

I would, Boss, but I don't
think I can catch him on foot.

Yeah? You couldn't catch him
if you were sittin' next to him.

Ooh, I could too! I
hate drivers like that.

Come on. Come on.

- He ties a good knot.
- Hey!

See if you can get my
knife out of the pouch.

Alright - Got it. - Get it?

- Yeah.
- Alright. Come on back up.

Can you get these here?
Can't untie it, maybe I can cut it.

Okay. If I slip, watch yourself.

Heh. We're already blood
brothers, remember? Ha ha.

I don't have to tell you
how valuable these furs are.

So you guard 'em
good. You hear me?

- Guard what?
- Guard these here furs.


Oh no, lookie lookie. Look, oh.

Roscoe, some low down
thief stole my stolen furs.

- Well I..
- Where are they?

Lookie lookie look look.

- Hole there.
- They came through that hole.

What's in there? There's
Cooter's Garage through here.

'I'm stuck!'

Roscoe! Gimme a push!

- I'm stuck!
- Get ready.

- Ah!
- Ooh! Ah!

Oh, what do you know!
They're our fur thieves!

- Who?
- The Duke Boys!

Oh, alright, you Dukes!
Just freeze it right there!

Now, what'd you
crooks do with them furs?

Re-upholstered the
General with 'em.

They put 'em in that blue
car. They're getting away.

Boss, maybe that
was that blue car

headin' South and nearly ran
over our posteriors going North.

Yeah, but you believed it.

Give us a chance,
we'll help you catch 'em.

Oh sure you will!

You believe in the words
of a Duke? Lock 'em up.

- Time to go.
- Okay, boys. Alright I'm..

- Ooh!
- Ah! Ah!

Where are they?

Oh, let go of me, will you?

Where's the car?

Where's the car?

What's the matter with you?

How would y'all like to
have them protecting you?

Gimme my hat!

We ain't never gonna shake
Roscoe 'til we get that valve.

Speak of the devil.

Hey y'all I got that float
valve. How you expect to

put it on there if y'all
don't stay in one place?

Cooter, you keep on goin'.
We'll meet at your garage, alright?

That's a big you-know-what
y'all. I'm gone.

All we gotta do is lead Roscoe
and Boss on a wild goose chase.

Boss, I don't see 'em.

'You said they was
headed South, didn't ya?'

Alright then keep
goin' South! Come on.

Ol' Boss was right
about one thing..

Something was headin' South..

His furs.

This oughta 'bout do it y'all.

While Cooter fixed
up the General

the boys was trying to find an
easy way to him about Bonnie

not being the girl that
he thought she was.

There really ain't no way
to tell you, but straight up.

That's the way.

Your girl ain't been
quite straight with ya.

Cooter, there's
somethin' goin' on with

'people stealin' furs and
their tryin to pin it on us and..'

Cooter, it was Bonnie and
her boyfriend that tied us up.

Ya'll real sure?

We wouldn't say
nothin' if we wasn't sure.

Sorry we had to
tell you like this.

That's alright. Ain't the first
time I've been made a fool of.

Ol' boy's set to go.

If ya'll mind I'll tag
along with you on this.

Yeah. They got a
pretty good head-start.

There's two roads heading
south outta Hazzard.

We're gonna need you're help
anyway. I'll tell Uncle Jesse.

- You pick me up out front?
- Yeah.

'Hey, we've all been there.'

I-I've been keeping
my eye on it.

Yeah, them furs is..

Good old Jesse missed
all the fun up to now.

But no more, now that Bo
explained what he had to do.

Hit it!

Them fur thieves had
everybody in Hazzard after them..

Except the Hazzard
Confederate Cavalry.

They'd have been after him too.
His ol' manouvers near Atlanta.

There they are,
come on. Get movin'.

They're going further.
Go on after 'em.

'Get moving.'

Boss and Roscoe, we
gotta try and lose 'em.

Haven't got the time right now.

Besides, when we
catch them fur thieves

someone with a
badge oughta be there.

'You're right.'

With that new float valve
the General was cooking

like a country band.

If things worked out right,
Rick-thunders road would take

the boys out in front
of them fur thieves.

But they figured to turn
and round up one of them

two other roads.

Uncle Jesse was on one and
ol' Crazy Cooter was on the other.

But first, they
had to find them.

There they are. Yee-ha!

Ross, it's them
boys and the sheriff.

Jesse, Cooter, listen,
we got them headed

towards Timber-top cross roads.

We sure'd appreciate it if
you'll could block them forks.

Eh, you got it, Bo.
This is shepherd.

Russ, look out.

Run now.


Cooter was still steamin'
about that girl snookin'.


You ought not to have
done what you did.

You can keep
that old tire-gauge.

See you around.

'Alright, come
on.' Let's get them.'

- Come on. Oh.
- Yeah.

- Oh yeah. We can get all..
- Come on..

- Uh, uh, men?
- Hello, Jesse.

- Oh, Jesse.
- That's you under there?

- Yeah, well, it is.
- Look what we found.

Well, Boss realized that
he could no longer claim

them stolen furs to be his own.

Not with the Atlanta
authorities to pick them up.

So Boss decided
instead to share the credit

with the Duke boys for
apprehendin' them fur thieves

and returnin' the
stolen property.

But ol' Cooter sure
had a close call

and was out of a genuine
sterling silver tire-gauge.

All in all, though you might
say that it was a pretty full

day in Hazzard County.

It was still three
hours to supper time.
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