02x13 - Here's to You, Mrs. Kinsella

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Murphy Brown". Aired: November 14, 1988 – May 18, 1998.*
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Murphy Brown is the star reporter of "FYI," a newsmagazine series.
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02x13 - Here's to You, Mrs. Kinsella

Post by bunniefuu »

Korky Hey hidey-ho top of the morning to

ya fill her up please and thank you mmm

premium unleaded Frank it's morning it's

Monday why are you so cheery poker game

last night at my house

cleaned up my buddy Mike looks like his

kid's gonna have to settle for junior

college next year I mean I was hot then

as luck would have it on my way to work

this morning I found this little beauty

in the street gee Frank a quarter now

you can buy that little farm you always

joke if you will but it was heads up a

universal sign of good luck to come hot

great idea Frank what having those young

men rotate your tires while you're at


rotate my tires damn hard workers they

taking them completely off the car


Betty can't type either


Murphy I'm not you're miles you only

think you see me Murphy I really have to

talk to you about something can you make

it quick I've got 7,000 things to do for

cancellous birthday party tonight

god I hate giving parties Murphy I have

a personal problem this is really

important let me make it easy on you I

never get involved in the personal

problems of others Murphy I don't know

who else to go to if I don't talk about

this I'll explode okay I'll start at the

beginning $100 for a cake are they nuts

I want you to know this is not something

I'm proud of but this weekend I went to

Boston for a broadcasters convention ice

ice for 30 people three cubes per glass

and while I was there I went to the

hotel cocktail lounge for a cappuccino

and some pistachios that's all I went in

there for I swear I never expected to

see a woman in there wearing this red

and black MIT thing and this perfume

that went up my nose like a hook you

just pulled me just pulled me to her

slobbered on yourself in a bar big deal

you're absolved now get out of here and

then before I know it we were upstairs

where the rooms are what why miles you

will jackhammer

god I'd get a burden help for this I've

never done anything like this Murphy I

had a meeting with one-night-stand I'm

gonna be k*lled by a truck

now listen miles if I'm truly going to

help you I'm going to need some more

details right what were you wearing

probably that blue blazer and the red

tie with those little ducks on it you

always act big when you wear that you

didn't have you didn't have a problem

did you miles is that what this is about

no I did not have a problem we were

animals we used every inch of space in

the room I'll never look at a folding

luggage rack to see

Liyana that was her name

Leona was very knowledgeable guess

that's because she's older this all

happened with an older woman how old was

she old at least 40

I'm busy miles

I'm gonna be fending off a curb but

it'll come from nowhere an 18-wheeler

a crowd will gather look down at me and

say write miles Silverberg he deserved


listen sometimes these things happen and

no one is to blame I mean it's not like

you do it every day and no one got hurt

assuming that is that you took

precautions she had a variety Peck

if you want this to be over it's over

unless you think there's old broads

gonna call you she can't she can't I

didn't give her my real name

what Dame did you use I don't want to

say come on Hector okay okay yeah I can

see who I'm dealing with here all right

I'm just gonna have to forget about this

I mean one tiny little moral

indiscretion does not a dooms man make

so I'm out of here

on with the day a new day and after I

spend the week begging in temple life

will be good again

see you around Hector


I know I speak for everyone here tonight

when I say that Jean Kinsella is not

only a good friend he's the VP of

network news

happy birthday Jean

well brownie what can I say everyone

thanks now let's get started on this

cake I think it's going well don't you

oh sure

for you you're not the one who got stuck

picking out jeans gift from the office

he'll be opening at any minute now

then it'll happen he'll take it out of

the box and try to pretend he likes it

but in his mind he'll be saying what the

hell is this electric towel warmer

couldn't they find anything more asinine

it was the store all out of talking

bathroom scales and everyone will see

right through and then they'll all turn

and look at me me you got him an

electric towel warmer and usually I'm

not one to complain but there Dana like

this who so after I fish my keys out of

the sewer great I'm gonna the cleanest

he told me that he lost three of my

favorite shirts am i boring you

No so over here what happens my car

blows a valve I think I'm still praying

kind of a prank yeah your egg roll is


miles how nice of you to show up you

missed all the fun the shrimp balls are

dying and I caught a low Henderson from

sales going through my medicine cabinet

I hate giving parties you know nothing

to worry about Murphy I'm here I'm in a

party frame of mind

watch the master mingle where's the

birthday boy Oh God oh god she's here

who's here huh the woman the sex woman

you're kidding

miles that's the woman that's Lois


kinsella you said Kinsella Broyles you

slept with the boss's wife

this is possible her name is Leona

it can't be mrs. Kinsella her name is

Leona gee you know then she why do you

have her

this is not good not good at all look

she hasn't seen you yet why don't you

get out of here before she dies good

good thinking you're good at this I see

the door come on miles you can do this

of course I understand miles if Walter

Cronkite wants you to read a chapter of

his manuscript you have to go the man

never stops working miles have you been

I've been looking for you everywhere how

do you think Kinsella I'm going crazy I

know he knows he's just trying to

t*rture me well god I can't keep up this

charade I've just got to tell him the

truth even though I'll pay the price

it's the right thing to do isn't it

Murphy isn't it

look miles you know I hate to give

advice I mean I really don't want to get

involved in this but if you're asking my

opinion I'm asking uh nasty you should

probably just keep your mouth shut shut

gotcha really I know Jean can sell it

pretty well if he knew what you did he

just come out and confront you with it

that's the type of person he is

but if you tell him and he doesn't know

it's just going to hurt a lot of people

okay mr. Kinsella well hey I was just

walking casually with Murphy just

chatting about this an act casually you

don't mind Scylla burger I'd like to

speak privately with Murphy mine of

course not

I'll just go go away well I'm going

goodbye you people

San Joaquin I guess you probably want to

discuss my expense account right I know

it looks like it went a little over this

not that it's personal Murphy

we've known each other a long time

you're a good friend and frankly I need

a woman's perspective it's about Lois

Lois and me listen you you and los mince

words Murphy

I think Lois is having an affair oh gee

gene she and I've got a pretty good idea

who it is - really

yes but I don't really know how best to

handle the situation I mean should I

pretend I don't know

or should I nail the SOB to the wall Oh

gene well um you know I hate to give

advice but since we are good friends let

me just say Jeanne that usually when

this sort of thing happens in a marriage

maybe I'm no expert usually when this

sort of thing happens gene it usually

means there are probably problems

problems within the marriage yes maybe

it would be better if you and Lois sat

down and focused on those problems maybe

see a marriage counselor I mean it would

be a much more positive way of dealing

with the problem than wasting your

energy trying to nail someone whoever it

is to a wall

Murphy what you've said makes a lot of

sense but I'd rather nail him I know I'd

feel a lot better thanks for helping me

to clarify this no problem

all packed it off to Iceland doesn't

zoom boy I don't envy you Jean Reykjavik

39 months after the summit I don't know

who's late my dear this was but it's

real doozy it's my idea Frank listen I

saw you chit-chatting with my wife last

night oh yes she is one terrific woman

end up very attractive if you don't mind

my saying stuff well isn't that just so

very kind of you to say I'll have a nice

time and ice land when Frank be sure to

take a coat tends to get a little nippy

up there



fancy would you get Murphy for me

Myles thanks Daisy

I just wanted to say thanks again for

saving my tail oh god I was just sitting

here thinking about how much I love this

job and how easily it all could've gone

away miles were right he doesn't suspect

a thing I'm sure of it now

I mean you would've told me to my face

he would have fired me on the spot smile

he knows but he knows of course he knows

he could see right through me I might as

well have been wearing a t-shirt that

said hey Kinsella I point you're white

this is why I don't get involved into

other people's problems they ask me

questions I give them answers and bad

things happen very very bad it's over

these are my last few moments here no

more coming in each day to see whatever

crises are facing me on my desk

goodbye desk goodbye kitchenette with

the self-cleaning oven my couch someone

came to me with a book this thick of all

these little fabric pieces so that I

could pick out the one I wanted

goodbye couch oh and there's a Lloyd

washing my windows every month like he

has for the 14 months I've been here

sometimes I wondered if he ever owned

another shirt besides that one I'm gonna

miss that shirt I love you boy

I get the feeling Kissinger is going to

come through that door the two of you

are going to pray together I gotta do

something think think think]
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