02x20 - Chariots of Meyer

Episode transcripts for the TV show "L. A. Law". Aired: September 15, 1986 – May 19, 1994.*
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High-powered law firm of McKenzie, Brackman, Chaney and Kuzak handles both criminal and civil cases, but the office politics and romance often distract them from the courtroom.
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02x20 - Chariots of Meyer

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on l.a. Law.

Arnie, would you be willing to
cosign a note for me on a loan?

You're buying a car?

I owe the irs, $14,000.

Rox, you've got a visitor.

Our last date wasn't
that bad, was it?

It was fine.

So, how about dinner sometime?

Maybe swell.

How about tomorrow,
because I got to go to boston

Over the weekend and who knows,

I could go down in a plane crash

And you'd never get
to know the real me.


I can come back.

No, no, no. Come in, come in.

I want to ask you
about bankruptcy.

What's wrong with you, roxanne?

I'm 38 years old and I've
got absolutely nothing.

No family. No money.

I've got no control
over my own life.

I'm, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I've got to go.

I'm sorry, arnie.

It's 9:15.

You're supposed to message
in a supplementary declaration

To judge cramer by 9 o'clock.

Oh god, I'll get it
done right away.

No, no. I've already done it.

What's the problem?

I was robbed on the way to work,

In bright daylight.

I'm grounded by two kids.

For all I know they were
on their way to school.

They had knives.

I think they would have
probably stabbed me.

All right, it's okay.

It's okay. Sorry.

It's not okay.

I don't really have
to be scare to death

To come to work.

Kepler versus henderson, leland,

I believe this one is yours.

Mr. Kepler whacked mr. Henderson

With his artificial leg after
the man allegedly defamed him.

We have an action
against him for his slander,

And here's one against
us for as*ault and battery.

Pardon me.

Since we're talking
about liability here,

This has got to
be 10 grand tops.

Why is this being handled
by a senior partner

Who bills at it 300 now?

Because mr. Kepler
insists, that's why.

Oh, geese. He's suing everybody.

What's his problem?

Who knows?

Moving along, do we
know the whereabouts

Of victor sifuentes?

Oh, yeah. I spoke
to him last night.

He's finishing up
in cabo san lucas

And he'll be back here
for a couple days to

Meet with the twins.

The twins? They're here in la?


Do you want to
explain to me, please,

This infantile
sexual fascination

That men have with twins?

It's not infantile.

It's, well, it's just
different. That's all.

Like, you know, all about it.

Well, not all about? No.

But I once had a
little summer fling

With a couple of twins.

Now get out of here.

I don't believe it.

Oh, my god.


Ah, it's them.

Excuse me.

I have brynn and holly
debeque looking for victor.

They say it's very important,
and they need a lawyer to...

I'll go.

No, no. This is domestic stuff.


Could be a tax problem.

Michael, since you were
the one who spoke to victor.

Would you please
tell the young ladies

When they'll be back
and send them away?

We've got an agenda to complete.


Rox, you got a visitor.

Some guy named david meyer.



What are you doing here?

I just got back from cleveland.

I wanted to apologize about

What happened at
dinner last week.


I was the one who
acted like a jerk.

Well, if I just shut
up and listened

Instead of endlessly
talking about myself,

I would've realized what
kind of trouble you're in.

David, can I call you later?

This is, isn't really a
great time right now.

Yeah, it's just, but, look,

I just want to ask
you question, okay?

I mean, have you figured out

What you're going
to do about a car yet?

Yeah, I'm taking a bus.

Because you see,
I have this car?

Excuse me. I'm sorry.

Actually I have three of them.

It's my one vice cars.

Anyway, they're just
sitting there in the garage.

I'm gone 20 days
out of the month,

There have been some
break-ins in the neighborhood,

And if you could just
driving them for me.

Oh, I don't think so.

Why not?

I mean, it's got to
be riding the bus

And you'd be doing
me a huge favor.

I don't know. It
wouldn't be right.

Look, I'm leaving town
for a couple days,

Why don't we just try it?

If you're not
comfortable, no problem.

Well... Because see,
I thought it might be

A solution to both
of our problems.

That's all.



I'm flying to philly
in the morning,

Why don't I swing by,
pick you up after work,

Take you over to my place

And you could drive
one home tonight.



So, I'll see you at 5:30.

Vernon, welcome.

Leland, you remember my
granddaughter, jennifer?

Well, I most certainly do.


Jennifer's a third
year law student. Oh!

And if you don't mind
I'd like you to sit in.

Well, fine.

Here, take a look at her resume.


She's brilliant, leland.
And you should hire her.

Grandpa. I'm sorry about this.

Oh, don't be, don't be.

I'd be glad to
take a look at it.

First things first, vernon,
let's talk about your case.

I'm ready.

I can settle this out
right now for $5,000.

No way.

Not as we'll be,
I'm getting a nickel.

I did nothing wrong.

Well, you whacked him
over the head with your leg.

After he slandered me.

It was an argument
over card game, vernon.

It wasn't slander and
is just as frivolous

As all your other lawsuits.

I hired you to represent
be in a trial, leland,

And I'm damn well
going to get the trial.


Now you hired me to
render legal advice.

My advice is to stop
running around,

Picking fights with
people and suing them.

This case is a loser,
it should be settled.

I didn't back down on
the shows are normally

When world w*r ii took my leg.

I didn't back down,
when they told me

I need a college
education to be a success.

I built a multi-million
dollar company from scratch

And served on the boards
of four different banks.

I didn't get where I
am by running scared.

This isn't about
courage, vernon.

Damn it! He called me a liar.

But I'm not going to
give that stiff 5,000 bucks.

That's half the cost of a
three-day trial, grandpa.

Now stop being a
stubborn on goat

And let mr. Mckenzie
try for a settlement.

It's foolish to
rule something out

Before trying all
the possibilities.

And if it doesn't fly, you'd
be willing to try it, right?

Of course.

Okay, grandpa?

All right.

But don't you offer a penny
over 5,000 bucks, leland.

Not one bloody penny.

We usually keep all the jewelry
locked away in the glass cases,

But with the sale
and everything,

There were a lot of
earrings and rings

Out on the counter that day.

So I was a little
extra-security conscious.

And you said you
saw the defendant

As soon as he entered.

Oh, yes.

I noticed him the
second he came in

Because he looked
very suspicious.

I immediately told
walter briles,

Our security guard to watch him.

So what happened
then, mrs. Clarent?

I just went about my business.

And then a few minutes
later, the shouting broke out.

What shouting was that, ma'am?

Walter wanted to
search the man's pocket,

And the man wouldn't let him.

He was just really screaming.

And when he tried to
leave, walter grabbed him.

What happened then?

I hit the alarm.

And when I turned back, they
were in a wrestling match.

Walter's g*n was out,

And the man was prying
the g*n away from him.

The man being the defendant?

Yes. And then he shot him.

He shot walter with his
own g*n and then ran away.

Walter was just
lying on the floor.

People were screaming.
We all thought he was dead.

It was awful.

Thank you, mrs. Clarent.

No further questions.

You didn't actually see

My client taking
earrings, did you?

No, but... You were
suspicious, I know.

Why was he suspicious, ma'am?

Well, he was acting
sort of funny.

You said he looks suspicious

The second he
walked in, mrs. Clarent.

Is your testimony, you
reached this conclusion

After a one second observation
of my client's behavior?

No, but, he was awfully young.

He's 26 years old.

Well, most of our
customers are older.

I mean, a young person
is a real rarity there,

Since they really don't
usually have enough money

To buy the kind of jewelry
that we sell, you know.

I see.

You sir, on the right.

Could you stand up, sir?


How old are you, sir?

I'm 25.

If this man would've
walk in the jewelry store,

Mrs. Clarent, would
you find him suspicious?


Thank you, sir.

So, I ask you
again, mrs. Clarent.

Why was my client suspicious?

Well, his youth
was a part of it.

And the way he was dressed.

How is he dressed, ma'am?

Well, I don't remember
exactly what he wore,

But he looked poor,

Not the kind of person
that would buy jewelry.

May I ask you to
stand up against, sir?

My client was
wearing khaki pants,

White running shoes,
a light blue shirt

And a blue windbreaker,

Exactly the way this
man is dressed right here.

I object to this trick.


Exactly like this man, who
according to your testimony

Under oath, does
not look suspicious.

I'll ask you one
more time, ma'am?

Why did my client
look suspicious to you?

Come on, mrs. Clarent.

We ruled out behavior,
we ruled out clothing,

We ruled out age.

What's left, mrs. Clarent?

We don't get many
colored people in.

So you plant the
seeds of suspicion

With a security guard because
james ray edwards was black.

I just told him to
watch him, that's all.

You just said, "watch him."

Thank you, mrs. Clarent.

Thank you very, very much.

This case has nothing to do
with color and he knows it,

But he is making his client out

To be this poor victim
of racial bigotry.

Are you sure that he is not?

This kid has got a list of
priors as long as my arm.

He is knocked over three
jewelry stores before,

Which of course, the
jury knows nothing about

Because atkins got
it all suppressed.

Sounds like he's good.

He is good.

He does not have to use
race as a smokescreen.

Sounds like you ought to
get yourself a black d.a.,

Maybe greg feels that
he'd be sitting with you.

No way.

The second I come
down to his level

That is when I lose this case.

What are you going to do?

Nail him.

Without pandering
to a jury's guilt,

I'm going to beat
his brains out,

Fair and square.

How can ever
happen to this sweet,

Dorsal adoring girl
that I fell in love with?

I don't know, dearest.

Maybe you can look for her

At your high school reunion.

Were you ever children?

Stop it.



Isn't it great?

Ooh, let's jimmy out of jail.

You're not going to believe it.

David meyers
letting me borrow it.

You little slug.

Very funny, elizabeth.

He's got three
cars and he worries

That they might get vandalized

While he's out of
town on business.

Uh-huh. And I'm
an indian princess.

Oh, douglas. Jennifer
kepler's resume.

The old man's granddaughter?


Cla top 10 law review.

Take a look, we'll talk.
She couldn't a good one.

Arnie becker's office.

Hi, david.

How's your trip?

Is it boring?

Yeah, it's wonderful.

It's so much fun to drive,

But presumably
get really spoiled.

And for you, roxanne.

I signed for them.

Uh, david, could
you hold on a minute?

"Roses are red,
violets are blue.

I'm coming home tomorrow,
could I have lunch with you?"

David, they're beautiful.

Yeah, you shouldn't have.

Well, of course I'll have
lunch with you tomorrow.

Yeah, great.

I'll see you then, okay?

Okay, bye.

They're so pretty.

But they cost a lot of money.


What should I do, benny?

I don't know.

Pour water in them.

So, you and the twins,

You're going to tell
uncle arnie all about it?

No, uncle arnie.


So you don't have to
say anything about it.

Maybe you could just blink
once for yes, twice for no.

Is it fantastic?

Well, yeah, that
was pretty good.

I'd have given anything
for the fat twins.

You're still young, arnie.


My playing days are over.

Wait a minute.

You and the judge?

Guilty is charged.


Well, let's put this way.

If I divorce her final,
I'll marry her tomorrow.

Well, that is serious.

Oh, i, look, let
me ask you this.

Let me ask you this.

Did you experience them
as it were individually

Or, you know, as a package deal?


I've never been sexually
jealous of another man,

Ever till now.


No deal. They refused to settle.

I knew it.

I'll tell you the slug
would never go for it.

You also tell how you sabotaged

The settlement conference
by phoning the slug

An hour before the meeting.

Just tell how you swore
at him and flaming him.


I called to initiate a dialogue.

He started to scream first.

Vernon, I'll represent
you in this trial,

But this is the last one.

After this case, get
yourself another lawyer.

I'm telling you it was
an absolute affront.

He called me a liar, a thief.

The abuse with unrelenting.

So it was then you
remove your prosthetics?

But not to hit him with it.

I've been taking the thing
off at meetings for 25 years.

Ever since I saw crews
stop silence that room

By pounding his shoe.

I'll tell you, he really
gets their attention.

Well, you're saying then
you do this for effect?

Exactly. It unnerves people.

I use it to my advantage.

In this case, I was simply
trying to intimidate

Mr. Henderson a little.

What happened then?

The abuse escalated into a
scathing personal attack.

He called me a criminal,
said I was pathological.

I lost my temper
and I struck him.

Not hurt, but I did.

I'm sorry it happened,
but I really was provoked.

Thank you, mr. Kepler.

Nothing further.

Mr. Kepler, the bulk of this
scathing personal attack

Was the accusation
that you cheated

At a game of cribbage, right?

Well, there's nothing
insignificant about being

Called a cheater.

It was certain...

But the point is this was
just an ordinary dispute

Over silly card game
until you suddenly began

To beat my client senseless
with an acrylic foot.



And when my client
tried to run for safety,

You threw it at him, didn't you?


Mr. Kepler, did my
client ever touch you?

No, but...

Did he ever physically
thr*aten you?


In fact, so this is a case
where you responded

A verbal taunts with
physical v*olence, isn't it?

He deserved it!

Thank you, sir. Nothing further.

That men is...

Nothing further, sir. Thank you.

And then what did
you do, mr. Briles?

Then I asked to
search his pockets.

He started screaming at me.

He made a move for the door,

And that's when I grabbed him.

Had you identified yourself
as the security guard?

Yes, but that didn't
seem to stop him.

And I drew my w*apon
and tried to apprehend him.

He, he really went nuts.

He started wrestling
for the g*n, and then...

All of a sudden...

Take your time, mr. Briles.

I, next thing I know
I heard this pop,

Didn't even sound
like a real g*n.

And then i, I felt

This burning feel in my stomach

Then I felt nothing at all.

Did you know what had happened?

I remember lying on
floor and thinking,

Oh, god, i, how did I get here?

And then thinking,
oh god, I must be shot.

I must be shot.

Mr. Briles, do you see the man

Who shot you in this
courtroom today?

That's him. The defendant.

Thank you, sir.

Nothing further.


You couldn't actually
see what it was my client

Put in his pocket, could you?

I saw him holding earrings,
and I saw him slip his hand

Into his pocket.

I had a good idea.

A good idea?

But you could've
been wrong, too?

Seven years I've stopped
over 80 people, counselor,

And I was wrong three times.

And for those three mistakes,

What color skin do
the suspects have?

What differences that makes?

Gee, I don't know. Humor me.

What color were they, sir?

I believe they were black.

Funny thing.

And to those 80
some odd detentions,

How many times did you have
occasions to draw your w*apon?

Before this time,
four other times.

And could you tell us
the color of the suspects

On those occasions?



Listen, buddy, 90%
of the store's thieves

Happen to be blacks.

So naturally statistics...

No, sir. You just
made another mistake.

Police records indicate
that only 47% have been black.

There was no mistake that day.

Your client was
guilty of shoplift.

Wrong again, sir.

The law provides that a
person cannot be guilty

Of shoplifting before
he leaves the store.

And you jot my client while
he was still inside, didn't you?

Because I thought
if he got outside,

I wouldn't be able to catch him.

Why because blacks
run faster than whites?

Objection. Sustain.

What's wrong?

Isn't it true that you
wanted to harass my client

Into leaving because
he was making

The white customers never...

If I harassed real good
and let him sh**t me.

Well, who drew the w*apon, sir?

You or he? I did because...

You grabbed who? I grabbed...

You call who a n*gga?

Objection. Sustain.

I never did!

Now you're on the
hold, mr. Briles.

Isn't that truth that
you pointed the barrel

On your g*n on my
client's head and said,

"Freeze, n*gga! I'll blow
your black ass off!"

That's a complete lie!

Mr. Atkins.

You victimized
him, provoked him!

Who is the victim?

I'm spending the rest
of my life in a wheelchair

Because of that damn.

Damn what,
mr. Briles? Damn what?

You're missing the noun.


What were you thinking?

co*n, spade,
jiggaboo, jungle bunny.

Your honor. Mr. Atkins.

Go ahead, mr. Briles.
Finish the slur.

Mr. Atkins that will be enough!

I have nothing further.

He always has to make the rules,

Always has to be in charge,
never anybody challenges him,

It was a connection.

Well, you called him
a cheater, didn't you?

I asked to double
check his card counts

And he in for the
allegation, not me.

That's a lie. Vernon.

Mr. Kepler, be quiet.

Isn't it true you began
to shout at this man?

Of course, I yelled at him.

Well, we're in a
push country club.

People in suits and
ties and all of a sudden

He's waving around
this fiberglass foot

And a dirty sock.

You disparaged him in front
of a room full of people.

Oh, he disparaged himself.

Your client is an embedded man
who can't go along with people.


Motion to strike.

He destroyed every friendship.

Mr. Henderson...

You and I never had
a real friendship.

You used me!


You needed me to... Needed you?

I associated with
you out of pity!

Mr. Henderson. Shut up!


This man is a strange for
everyone who's never met him.


Who fix the whole world
of odds around here.


Oh! Damn you!

Hey! Vernon!

What the hell is going on?

I'll k*ll you! I'll
k*ll you! I'll k*ll you!

For god's sake, vernon!

That's it. Lawsuit number two.

Your honor, I want
that foot impound.

You got to be kidding!

Give me back my leg!

You want to how surfed up it is?

You can tell he
throws it all the time.

Give me that!

I demand to return of my
client's limb, your honor.

This is completely prejudicial.

It should have been tagged
as an exhibit in the first place.

Everybody shut up!

Look, this is inflammatory
and this in prejudicial.

That is legitimate ever!

I said shut up!

Counsel, in my chambers, now!



Anyway we're going to go down

To the convention
and see how it plays.

If we can interest nurserymen
in a garden tool catalog

Then maybe you just can't
sell stuff through mail orders.

How long would you be gone?

10 Days.

I ought to go down friday

And set up the booths
over the weekend.

By the way, you wouldn't
want to house it, would you?

I know its short notice.

You can say no, if you want to.


Sit around the pool
for a couple of days,

Fire up the old jacuzzi.

David, I can't.

Could be just what
the doctor ordered.

I said no.

Just a suggestion,
what's a big deal?

I just don't want to
feel like some sort of

Reclamation project that's all.

I may be broke, but
I still have my part.

Of course, you do.

If you didn't, I wouldn't
be interested in here.

And that's the problem.

Look, I don't think
that I can be interested

In you the way I think
you're interested in me.

I'm just not looking for
a relationship right now.

And even if you were,
wouldn't be with me, right?


I don't want you to get the
wrong idea and then get hurt.

I see.

I'm sorry.

If you want the car
back, I understand.

Look, I'm not naïve.

I know I'm not the most
electrifying guy in the world.

I'm 45 years old,
not much to look at.

I'm not in a real
glamorous profession.

I don't know a lot of
interesting people.

Basically, I'm a schlub.

You're not that bad.

She said damning
with faint praise.

I admit there's a part of me
that wishes for something

More with you,
but I'm a realist.

I just want to be
a part of your life.

And if I have to, I'll
settle for your friendship.

Cars, flowers, houses, dinners,

I can't reciprocate, david.

You don't have to.

It makes me happy to
be able to help you.

Otherwise, what's
the point of any of it?

Oh, david.

I know. I'm sorry.

I'm making a fool of myself.

Just the opposite.

I think you are the
sweetest guy I ever met.

There's no slander here, people,

Just a flat-out as*ault.

That man att*cked
my client that day,

Just as he did a little while
ago before your very eyes.

And you know what?

He's going to keep doing it,

Until somebody gives
him the message to stop.

Now that job is up to
you, ladies and gentlemen.

Send him that message right now,

And help put an end to
this meaningless v*olence.

I agree.

It's time to send the message,

But instead of
issuing some dictum

That people shouldn't use
prosthetics as weaponry.

Let's turn to the real
abuse that's going on here.

Now these two
gentlemen have taken up

Three days of a
california court.

Three days of your
lives at great expense

To the taxpayers with a silly
little dispute over a card game.

Oh, yes.

He called him names and
he hit him with his foot,

But come on, nobody got hurt.

And it is a disgrace that
this case is even before you.

It takes over four years,
ladies and gentlemen,

To get a civil lawsuit to
trial in southern california.

That means, legitimate victims,

People who have
suffered real tragedies,

Sit and wait while their
cases are backlogged.

Backlogged on a docket,

Crowded by stupid
little matters like this,

Where the only things
bruised or self-inflated egos.

I'm embarrassed to
be the lawyer here.

My client is an immature
75-year-old child,

As is his counterpart,
mr. Henderson.

You wanna send a message?

Don't reward either one of them.

Tell the world that litigation
should be a last resort.

The courtroom is a place
to send only those issues

With cannot
otherwise be resolved.

It is not a playground
for rich eccentrics

To air out their hurt feelings.

Shame on both of them,
ladies and gentlemen.

Let's send them to
bed without any supper.

How dare you do that to me.

Well, you gave me no choice.

And that was the only
strategy left to me.

We could've won instead you
tell them to give me nothing.

Well, after that
little stunt of yours,

There was no chance of winning.

The only game plan
left was to not lose.

Sorry, if I embarrassed you.

But the best verdict
we could possibly get

Will be a finding of no
damages for either party.

And my argument was
designed to get that verdict.

You've had it.

I'll sue you for
defamation, for malpractice.

And I'll show you right back.

You want to see
litigation, vernon?

You try, taking me on?

I'll hammer you.

I'll tell the jury

About how you sued six
people in the last year.

I'll tell him about a man
who retired two years ago

And has nothing better to do

Than go around trying to
find new adversaries to hate.

I'll tell him about a man who
abuses the court process

To satisfy his own
sense of inductiveness.

Come on, sue me, vernon!

It'll be the last
shot you ever take.

You're a dumb leland.
I'll get me another...

No, grandpa. Be quiet!

Are you going to shop around
for a new granddaughter, too?

You're behaving badly.

And I want humor
your own expense.

Now, mr. Mckenzie is acting

In your best
interest, and so am I

When I tell you
let him continue.

He's ridiculing me.

He is just trying to win a case

That you forced
him to prosecute.

Now please.

Let's just get through this one

Before he decides
to sue somebody else.


You'll let us know when
the jury comes back?


Come on, grandpa. Let's go home.

He never said, excuse me
or wait a second or anything.

He just grabbed me from behind.

And what did you do?

I tried to push him off.

So, he goes to get me around
the neck and I swung at him.

So he pulls his g*n like
he's going to sh**t me.

But, james, if you hadn't
taken the earrings,

Why did you put up
such a struggle?

But you think being innocent
counts for something

It don't stop him
from arresting you.

It don't stop him
from sh**ting you.

You really believe
a security guard

Can just sh**t you
and get away with it?

All I know is if you take a
cop, a black dude and a g*n,

And a g*n goes off, nobody's
ever going to blame the cop.

You have any basis
for that opinion, james?

I had a dead cousin
with a big hole in is back,

How is that for basis?


Goes, a state of mind, judge.

This witness has
first-hand knowledge

Of an innocent
person being shot dead

By a law enforcement officer.

That has no
relevance whatsoever.

It is completely relevant.

Mr. Edwards had every
right to fear for his life!

Now he's testifying.

You're obstructing.

Be quiet, both of you.

How far is this path
going to stray, counselor?

I'm attempting to show, judge,

That my client had
a legitimate distrust

For this white security guard,

Just as he has a
legitimate distrust

For these proceedings.

He was jumped by
an overzealous god,

And now he's being prosecuted
by an overzealous attorney.


This woman was
wounded a year ago

By a black gangmember,
your honor.

And in since prosecuted
black defendants

More aggressively than whites.

Atkins, move for a
immediate mistrial.

This trial is completely biased.

Mr. Atkins, you'll
be quiet right now.

I ask for a mistrial and for
sanctions against counsel

As well as contempt.

Quiet. No mistrial.

Jury will disregard
that nonsense.

And we will adjourn
for 20 minutes.

During which time, mr. Atkins,
I would strongly suggest

That you straighten up your act.

One more outburst like
that and this trial will be over

And I will hold you in contempt.

We are adjourned.

What the hell was that?

It was being
representing my client.

Calling me a r*cist goes beyond

Representing your
client, mr. Atkins.

Get used to it. I
probably do it again.

It's a vicious lie.

But it's not the first one.

That security guard
never called your client

A n*gg*r and you know it.

I never said he did. I
just asked a question.

You're trying out
this racism crap.

It's a way of
deflecting attention

From the real
issues of this case.

Which are?

The guilt or innocence
of the defendant

Based on what happened
in that jewelry store.

You pick your
issues, I'll pick mine.

You're hurting the credibility
of every legitimate case

Against racism by raising
it where it's not relevant.

It's relevant every time

A black person
deals with america.

Baloney, you're trying
to turn this whole case

On a jury's
collective white guilt.

If they're not r*cist, they got
nothing to feel guilty about.

But that doesn't mean
you'll let off your hook,

Does it?

After all, he was a black man
have to have the final authority

On who is and isn't a r*cist.

And the fact that you may
be hurting your own cause

Isn't as important as
being able to stand up

And be the accuser.

My cause is to get
my client acquitted.

And don't you dare
presume to tell me

What it should or shouldn't be.

What I'm doing in there
is what any lawyer does.

You don't want to talk
about racism, I don't blame you.

Doesn't help your case,

But I'm going to
do my job in there.

I'm going to use whatever
I can to get an acquittal.

You neither win
miss vernon, so am i.

Have you reached a verdict?

Yes, we have your honor.

And question number one,

And the matter a vernon
kepler versus stephen henderson

For the cause of
action of slander,

We find in favor of the
defendant stephen henderson.

For question two, and the matter

Of stephen henderson
verses vernon kepler

For the cause of action
of civil as*ault and battery,

We find in favor
of the defendant

On the cross-complaint
vernon kepler.

Thank you very much,
ladies and gentlemen.

Court is adjourned.

What did I say?
Right. Jst take it easy.

What happened?

You both lose.

Neither one of you gets a dime.

This is an equitable
way. All right.

What do you mean?

We knew the answer
that again just...

Leland, I'm sorry.

It's all right, vernon.

Okay, I'll meet
you guys outside.

I don't heck
retirement too well.

I was the big man, the ceo
used to be so damn significant.

Uh, you're still
significant, my friend.

I'm dropping the other lawsuits.

Lord knows what
the hell I'll do though.

Why don't you take
some of the money

You lose in the cribbage?

Start a new business.

There's an idea.

I'd need an attorney though.

More do i, chop liver?

Maybe we can kick around
some ideas at dinner tonight.

Well, it'd be my
pleasure, and my treat.

That's the least you could do
after blown my case like that.

They never found any
earrings on my client,

Nor did anybody
actually see him take them.

The only thing seen
people was a struggle

Between him and walter
briles who had g*n went off.

And for that, they're trying
to charge james ray edwards

With attempted m*rder.

Racism sometimes has
a real simple formula,

Ladies and gentlemen.

White guy starts a fight,
white guy pulls a g*n,

g*n goes off, black man hangs.

And if you don't believe
me, when I tell you this,

Then just believe them.

The store clerk
admitted under oath,

But my client looks suspicious

Simply because
his skin was black.

The security guard
admitted under oath

That his initial
suspicion was predicated

On the store clerk's paranoia.

His testimony revealed a
history of harassing black people

And you mistakenly
accused my client

Of a crime he didn't commit.

So why did james ray edwards
act guilty by fighting back?

After all, if you're
truly innocent,

The wheels of justice will
spin him through exoneration.

This is a world where law
enforces are righteous,

A world where truth wins out,

A world where innocent
people don't get punished.

The problem is james ray
edwards never lived in that world.

James ray edwards
lives in a world

Where he was judged to criminal,

Simply by being black
in a jewelry store.

James ray edwards
lives in a world

Where innocent people
sometimes get shot

In the back by police officers.

James ray edwards
lives in a world

Where the wheels of justice
don't always spin so good.

My client is being prosecuted
for trying to fight his way free

From a white man with a g*n

And feared for his very life.

And you can't
comprehend that fear,

Simply because none of
you have ever been there.

I don't deny the world that
james ray edwards lives in.

I don't deny the
prevalence of racism

On the streets, in
department precincts

And even occasionally
in the courts.

I know, however,
advanced our society maybe,

It still consists of some people

Who judge others simply
on the basis of pigmentation.

It is inexcusable.

It's indefensible.

But in this case, it
is also inapplicable.

Racism in no way
factors into the evidence

Before you, people.

James ray edwards was seen

Holding a pair of
earrings worth $10,000,

The exact same pair that
coincidently turned up missing.

He was seen by a security guard,

Secretly putting
something into his pocket

And when questioned, he
made a mad dash for the door.

After he was grabbed, he fought.

He pried the guard's g*n away,

Shot him and left
paralyzed for life.

James ray edwards is a thief.

He is a dangerous criminal
who almost k*lled a man.

He is not guilty
because of race,

He is just playing guilty.

And we, convict guilty
people, ladies andgentlemen.

No matter what color they are.

Thank you.

The polls on a timer,

So if you feel like
a dip in the morning

It's already for you
right about 75 degrees.

Oh, and I better warn you,
the gardener comes thursday,

He starts blasting that
leaf blower pretty early.

That's not a problem.

I'll show you inside.

Are you sure you don't want
me to drive you to the airport?

Don't worry about it.

I'd be happy to.

No, you got to get back to work.

Besides, they need some
work done in back of the limo.

Your basic kitchen.

Oh, I love it.

Lucia gets here about
quarter of seven.

She'll get you a breakfast.

She doesn't have to do that.

I didn't know what you like,

So I just had it
stake the fridge.

Décor is not exactly
my strong suit.

How long have you been here?

I'm embarrassed to tell you.

I found it like this
almost five years ago,

But I'm away all
the time, I'm so busy.

I just haven't had a
chance to get around to,

You know.

It's a great home.

All it needs is new
wallpaper and some furniture.

What it needs is
a woman's touch.

That would be the limo.

That's about it.

Any questions, ask lucia or
you can call me at the hotel.

You have the number, right?

Thank you, david.

Just enjoy it, okay?


And I'll see you
when I get back.

What say you, mr. Foreman.

In the matter of the people
versus james ray edwards,

We the jury find the
defendant not guilty?

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen,

For faithfully
discharging your duties.

Now it was the jury,
you are dismissed.

This court is in recess.

Oh baby.

You got away with it.

Feel cheated, huh?

I feel disappointed.

I lost a case, I should've won.

I was outperformed
by another lawyer.

And the better lawyer?

I'll beat you next time.

Till then, counselor.

Till then.

Even if he is right and
it is a r*cist system,

Which I don't believe,
that still no justification

For what this guy did.

Gracey, you're talking
about a legal strategy.

That's all.

That's all?

But you expect just
because atkins is black.

He's not allowed to use all
the weapons in his arsenal.

I am not saying that, michael.

To be honest with you,
if I have this kid's case,

I'm going to try
the same defense.

The difference is I don't think

That the jury would've
brought it for me

Which is like to say
that atkins is wrong.

It's because we're
all racists, right?

Well, that's not the point.

The point is black racism is
no better than white racism.

No matter who espouses it,

It is every bit
as hateful to me.

Yeah, well there
are certain feelings

That we do not have access to.

You're not black.


So we have no idea
what that means.

And we have a luxury of

Never having to think of
ourselves as white americans.

Lee atkins, james ray edwards.

They are always black americans,
and that makes a difference.

I'm telling you, leland,

You try playing cards
eight hours a day,

You'll be yanking
all body parts, too.

Well, cheers to a
pretty good lawyer

And a good future lawyer.

Here, here. Cheers.

I got to go empty
out this whole leg.

Order me another
one. Would you, sweetie?

Of course.

He's a quite a guy.

Yes, he is.

Oh, I've had a chance
to look at your resume,

As has my managing partner.

We agree. It's outstanding.

Thank you.

Based on your record, as
well as the sound judgment

I've seen you exercise
over the last few days,

I'd like to offer
you a clerkship.

I'm honored.

But actually, I think I'd
like to disqualify myself.


Because I've become
socially interested

In one of your firm's partners.


Based on, what I've observed

These last few days

I have become attracted
to my grandfather's lawyer.


I would like to
pursue a relationship

With you on something other
than a professional basis.


I know what you're thinking.

Why? What does she want?

Well, it's not a job. I
just turned one down.


You do have my trust
funds so, it's not that.

What then? Who knows?

You're an intelligent
compassionate caring man.

And I'm a sucker
for those qualities.

Jennifer, I must be 35
years older than you.

Are you suggesting that
I'm either intellectually

Or emotionally immature?


Are you suggesting you couldn't
be physically attracted to me?


Do you dismiss the idea

That I could be physically
attracted to you?

I don't exactly have
a young man's body.

Sex is up here, leland.

May I call you leland?

Oh, sure, sure.

Am I embarrassing you?


Should I stop?


It's just a, I think
our age difference

Would make this
terribly inappropriate.

I've seen the obstacles,

But I also see the
common denominators.

And I wouldn't be
walking this plank.

I didn't feel so
strongly about it.

Besides, didn't I
want you to say

Would be foolish to
rule something out

Before exploring
the possibilities.

Sorry about the wait, folks.

Where is my drink? Waiter!

You all right, leland?
You're white as a ghost.
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