02x12 - Hand Roll Express

Episode transcripts for the TV show "L. A. Law". Aired: September 15, 1986 – May 19, 1994.*
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High-powered law firm of McKenzie, Brackman, Chaney and Kuzak handles both criminal and civil cases, but the office politics and romance often distract them from the courtroom.
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02x12 - Hand Roll Express

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on l.a.
Law... Oh, whoopee.

You can say that again.

I love you.

Me, too, jimmy.

Want to hear the tip du jour?

Put options on
kronstat industries...

Anytime before friday.

What happens friday?

I'm just telling you
what jimmy told me.

Aren't you douglas brackman?

I'm sorry. Do I know you?

We have a lot of
friends in common.

Like who?

Your wife.


Summons and complaint.

Roxanne, you're a wise
and generous person.

How much did you win?

Uh, you know, I mean, make?


Oh, my god!

Mr. Markham, I'm now
placing you under arrest

For violation of section 10b

Of the securities and
exchange act of 1934.

Poor roxanne. What a trauma.

I feel terrible for her.

I can't believe this guy was
trading on inside information.

Gee, I don't know.

I just hope he didn't
drag her into it.

Thank you.

You come here often?

My first visit.

I enjoy sushi, but my wife
never have stomach for it.

Is she out of town?

Excuse me?

I asked where your
wife is tonight?

We're getting divorced.

Oh, that's too bad.

It is and isn't.


I said it is and isn't.

This way, I can indulge
myself any way I like.

I'm douglas.

Hi, douglas. I'm sandra.

Are you very
experienced at this?

What do you think?

I don't know, I'm so confused.

Everybody's speaking japanese.

Well, you and I speak
the same language.

Then maybe you can help me.

I haven't had
any in a long time.

What is it you want?

Uh... How's the giant clam

Or perhaps the red snapper?

Why don't you go
for half and half?

Would that be enough of each?


How much is it?


Is it like a hand roll?

A hand roll is 20.

Maybe I should start
with the hand roll, then.

That's it. You're busted.

Take him.

What? Let go off me.

You're under arrest.
Assume the position.

What? I didn't do anything.

Soliciting an act
of prostitution.

You have the right
to remain silent...




Jonathan, mcmurray
versus brinkley.

Uh, $185,000 award plus costs.

That brings
mr. Rollins to 5 and 0.

I'd like to see
those kind of stats

From other people around here.

Seidell tax audit?

Yeah, I'm not gonna
have anything

Definitive on that until friday.

Emile's versus
southland magazine?

Opening arguments
scheduled for today.

Your case made
the editorial section

Of the l.a. Times today.

I never would've thought
a restaurant review

Could generate this
kind of controversy.

Are you kidding?
Lorna landsberg...

Who by the way I'd love to
meet sometime if you could.

She's probably the most
influential food critic around.

She makes and
breaks restaurants.

More importantly
this is potentially

A landmark first amendment case.

The same elements that
were in westmoreland vs. Cbs,

Tavoulareas vs.
The washington post,

Sharon vs. Time magazine.

They're all there.

It is the kind of
case that makes law.

Immortality, victor.

Nothing less.

It's a serious issue though,

If you don't have a free press

If they're cowered
by fear of being sued.

Yeah, but on the other hand,

Is the press entitled
to be malicious

If it means this guy with
the restaurant suffers.

Was h.l. Mencken malicious?

Lincoln steffens,
was he malicious?

If you don't like
someone's opinions,

It's easy to call him malicious.

Yeah, and there's something else

Really important
to consider here.

We now have a client who
knows spago's private number.

We'll never be shut out
of a table there again.

Could you find
out for me, victor,

If she knows of a restaurant

That's serving chinese
food from the hakka region?

I think that this might
be the next big cuisine.

Folks, we have to
discuss one other matter

Before we conclude.

Michael, what's going on

With the united
states of america

Vs. Roxanne melman's
own true love?

She's under subpoena.

If she agrees to
testify against markham,

Give up whatever
profits she made,

U.s. Attorney's willing
to let it go at that.

Sounds a lot more
lenient than I intend to be.

Meaning what?

Meaning she's
history around here.

I'll let her get through
with her legal travails first,

Out of compassion

But once they're done,
it's good-bye, charlie.

That's not really your call.

It most certainly is my call.

All right, all right.

We'll discuss this issue
up at the partners' meeting.

You bet we will.

That's it.

I think this is
gonna be around us.

Absolutely not.

Prosecution goes
upstream, not downstream.

That's true.

The u.s. Attorney's only
interested in roxanne

In order to get to jimmy.

This whole thing will blow
over once they're done with him.

I think you're right.

By the way, have you
said anything to anybody?



Leland, could I have
a word with you?

Oh, certainly.

Shut the door.

I'm in trouble.

I was arrested last night.

They're saying I
solicited a prost*tute.

Oh, douglas.

They must be working sushi bars

To crack down a
japanese businessman.

I started talking to this woman.

And she was a vice cop.


What are you gonna do?

That's just it. If
I take it to trial,

The whole thing could go public.

The press could get wind of it.

I hardly think that's likely.

Sheila could find out!

Her attorney will crucify me.

I could lose my children.

All right! Calm down!

Calm down? These
people are fascists.

You don't know
what I'm dealing with.

Would you be willing to
plead to a lesser charge?

Absolutely not!

I'm innocent.

On my father's grave, I
was not pursuing her.

Given my recent spate
of misadventures,

I don't care if I never
see another woman again.

Leland, I am many things a
whoremonger is not one of them.

I didn't even find
her very attractive.

Whether you found
her attractive or not

Isn't going to sound very convincing
if they produce a transcript.

What? A transcript.

She had to be wearing a wire.

Of course!

Leland, you've got
to get hold of it.

You'll see it was all some
grotesque misunderstanding.

I swear,

All we were doing was
talking about the menu.

Let me see what I can do.

Thank you!

Thank you.

That's... That's all right.

The defense will likely say

That the issue here is
freedom of the press.

But the evidence will
demonstrate, it's not.

Now we don't mean to
suggest that food critics

Should not be allowed
to review restaurants

Or to print their
honest impressions.

First amendment
guarantees that right.

What it does not guarantee

Is the right to publish a
malicious series of lies.

That woman right over
there, lorna landsberg,

att*cked this restaurant,
vilified its chef,

With no regard for
the truth whatsoever.

This isn't freedom of speech.

It's libel.

It's slander.

And they might want you
to get up and wave the flag

And sing a few bars
of god bless america.

That's fine,

But what she did
was not patriotic.

It was reprehensible,

And people got hurt...

Seriously hurt.

You can believe him when he says

That the food critic
said some nasty things.

You can believe him
when he tells you

That the restaurant has
been losing money lately,

But when he stands
here and tells you

That this case is not
about freedom of the press,

Don't you dare swallow that.

The facts will show that
she published her opinion,

And they're suing 'cause
the words were too harsh.

Now I don't care what kind
of label they hang on it,

They're chasing her because
they don't like what she says.

And that, ladies and gentlemen,

Goes to the very essence
of the first amendment.

Believe me, people,
you may think

That a magazine restaurant
review isn't all that important

In the scheme of things.

And if this case were solely
about the relative merits

Of their salad dressing
and their beignet sauce,

Then I would be in
complete agreeing with you.

But it is not.

It is about a right

That is fundamental
to the constitution,

To democracy, and
to every single of you.

They're actually asking
you to punish the magazine

For the expression
of an opinion.

My god, what a dangerous,
dangerous request.

Please don't even
consider granting it.

So... Not bad, eh?

Oh, not bad.

To you.

To you.

You're the one
making the big move.

To the quality of life, then.

I'll toast to that.

You remember we
were in law school,

We always said we'd
open a practice together

And change the world?

And instead you married terry,

Moved to new york, had 2.6 kids,

And made a fortune
in business law.

Yes, hated every minute of it.

We're californians, grace.

The quality of life in new york,

Money notwithstanding,

It's not what I
wanted for my family.

Well, I toast your
courage, charlie.

It takes a lot of
guts to start over.

I didn't see as if
I had any choice.

14-Hour days, 7 days a week,

No time for my kids,
fighting with terry

What little time I was home.

I was running myself
right out of a marriage

And right into a
nervous breakdown.

They don't teach us how
to handle that in law school.

No, they sure don't.

Anyway, I got to tell you...

You look terrific.

I feel like I'm
about 80 years old.

You think the jungles
of new york are a bitch,

You tried a couple
years in the d.a.'S office.

Follow me.

You like?

It's beautiful.

It's got your name on the door.


I'm dead serious.

You've always had integrity,

You work harder than
anyone I've ever met.

You're a terrific litigator.

Which is exactly what I need
to complement my strengths.

Well... What do you say?


I don't know.

No more downtown traffic jams.

No more crowded elevators.

You keep your own hours.

Starting salary...
One and a quarter.

Exclusive of
benefits and bonuses.

Charlie, charlie,

It... It is incredibly
attractive and flattering.

I just don't think
it's realistic.

Why not?

I don't know.

It just isn't.

You mean you can't see yourself

In a ground-floor
office suite with a patio,

Making some real
money for a change,

Being a full partner...

Having a little quality of life?

I just... I don't
know what to say.

Say you'll think very
seriously about it.


Uh... Yes, I will.

Here's to the future.


You were absolutely brilliant.


Just doing my job.

Maybe you think of it
as only doing your job,

But that opening?

Well, it reminded me that
my journalistic integrity

Is at stake here.

Mmm... Here, try my pulpo.

Oh, no. No, thanks.

You know, the fact is the
stakes are much higher

Than journalistic integrity.

We're talking about
freedom of expression here,

And that affects everyone.

In that vein, victor, I
hope that I can feel free

In expressing my personal
attraction toward you.

Excuse me?

I don't mean to embarrass you.

It's just that I'm a sucker

For a man who's
big on principle.

Do you mind?

There is nothing like a good oil

Drizzled over warm chevre.

Lorna, I'm flattered,

But you do understand
that the point of this dinner

Is to go over your testimony.

I understand the substance
of my testimony completely.

They can't win unless
they prove malice.


I'm therefore to appear
passive and sympathetic

Without the slightest
hint of hostility.

Any further objections?

Look, lorna, this is probably
the biggest trial I've ever had,

At least in terms of
overall significance.

I don't want to be distracted.

I've never known a man

To become distracted
with me, counselor...


All right.

Well, let's just say
that my luck with women

Hasn't been all
that great... Lately.

Why not give me a chance?

I can guarantee you can
get very lucky with me.

No, no.

You are a client, lorna.

House rules.

Come on, baby, it's not
the end of the world.

No, I heard this prosecutor
wants to be governor.

He's supposed to
be tough as nails.

My attorney is no pussycat.

I mean a lot of
things can happen.

We could make a deal.

We could beat him cold.

I'm sure not helping
you any by testifying.

Now listen to me,

It's the only thing you can do.

You don't have a choice,
you have to testify.

You really think that?


I don't want you to go
to jail for contempt.

But my sentence wouldn't
be as long as your sentence

If you got convicted.

Rox, I don't want
you to go to jail

For one single hour.

This trial and divorce
I'm going through,

It's all just a temporary thing.

When they're all over,
and the dust settles,

You're gonna be my wife.

Now, that's forever.

You want to know something else?

Who knows how much your
testimony is gonna hurt me, huh?

They're not offering
me immunity for nothing.

I don't want to see
you go to jail, period.

Listen, there's no guarantee

I won't see you
go to jail, is there?

Rox, I'm not gonna lie to you.

The sentencing guidelines

For this kind of
white-collar crime,

They come down
pretty hard on it.

I think it makes me look
even handed or something,

If I do go,

I don't think I'm looking
at more than 18 months.

It's a year and a half.

It'll be a
minimum-security prison,

Probably be a bunch of
lawyers in there with me.

They'll disbar you.

Listen to me.

The hardest thing

That we may have to endure...

You know what
scares me the most?


Waking up at night and
not having you there.

Me, too.

I'll be late for work.

Be late.

We both may need the memories.

I'm sorry to keep
you waiting. Come in.

Thank you.

Let me guess. This is on a 167b.

That's right.

Client of yours,

Good marriage, modest
standing in the community.

It's gonna ruin his life

If this thing goes
on his record,

So he sent you down
for special pleading.

Actually I'm here
to do you a favor.

Everybody's looking
to do me favors today.

Take a look at
this arrest report.


What do you know about
the undercover officer?

Sandra davis?


Are you aware that she
graduated police academy

In october of last year?

And she was transferred
out of parker center into vice

All of 2 1/2 weeks ago.

Whoa. Before you start
screaming entrapments...

Not entrapment. Sushi.

Excuse me?

Mr. Martin, I'm not about to
argue the legal issues here.

This isn't about
questionable police tactics.

Would you take a
look at this menu?

It's from the restaurant

Where my client allegedly
approached the officer.

And could you read aloud
from the circled items, please?

"Red snapper, giant clam,

Tekka maki hand roll."

Now, if you check that
against the wire transcript.


I'm sorry. I'm not
laughing at you.

He was ordering sushi.


I assure you we see
nothing humorous about it.

No. Of course not.

Let me be more precise.

I've advised my client

That he has the potential
for a major lawsuit.

Now he may or he may
not pursue that option.

What would he want?

Dropping of all charges

And a letter of apology

From every individual associated
with this disgraceful arrest.

I will tell my boss.

Uh... Okay if I hang on to this?

The guys would
get a kick out of it.

It's almost 10 o'clock, roxanne.


Did you bring your
financial files?



Look, I appreciate both of you
taking the time that you have,

But I've changed my mind.

I'm going to take the fifth.

Roxanne, once they've
granted you immunity,

You have no right
to take the fifth.

But they can't keep me in jail

Once I see that it won't
make me change my mind.

Did your boyfriend
tell you that?

Isn't it true?

Oh, yes,

But a judge can keep
you in jail for up to a year

Before he decides that
it won't change your mind.

What's more, the
u.s. Attorney's office

Could withdraw the
immunity and prosecute you

For insider trading
and mail fraud.

Now why go through all of that?

Because one day this
is going to be over.

One day I'm going to say
goodbye to mckenzie/brackman

And make a life with jimmy.

So whatever else happens,

I can't do anything to hurt him.

Doesn't it bother you at all

That those brokerage
accounts were in your name?

No, it doesn't.

He was in the
middle of a divorce

And he didn't want his
wife to find out about them.

Why didn't he tell you?

He was going to tell me

As soon as the
divorce became final.

Well, that sounds
real convincing

Coming from a
straight arrow like him.

Michael, please,

Tell the federal prosecutor
that the deal is off.

Absolutely not.

If you're intent on
putting yourself

Through this kind of a ringer,

I want you to march into
open court tomorrow

And tell him and
the judge yourself.

Maybe between now and then,
you'll come to your senses.

He's got her too twisted
for that. She's set.

Arnie, you don't know
the first thing about him.

You've never even met him!

Oh, roxanne, I've met this guy.

I've met him a thousand times.

His wife hires me, I
make him look bad.

He hires me, I'll
make him look good.

Either way I know him for what

He is the minute I see him.

He comes on like a romantic

But he's only in
business for himself.

I know this guy, roxanne.

Hell, I've been this guy!

Thanks for the legal advice.

So on the one hand, more
money, more autonomy...


More time with you.

But on the other
hand, bruce rogoff.

He'll be thrilled for you.

Huh, are you kidding?

He'll chew my head off.

He hates it when people leave.

He'll make me feel
guilty for selling out.

Besides which what if in
two months, I can't cut it?

Well, you'll go crawling
back to the d.a.'S office

With your incredibly sexy
tail between your legs.

I don't know.

Well, whatever you decide,
you know I'll support you.

Don't be so damn neutral.

Well, don't you go setting me up

To make all your
decisions for you.

Michael, I don't
know what to do.

Look, grace, there are two
kinds of mistakes you can make.

Ones of commission
and ones of omission.

You learn from what you
do, not from what you love.

Easy for you to say.

I guarantee you when
the moment comes,

You'll know what
decision to make.

Mr. Bowers, would you tell
the court your occupation?

I've been a professional
food critic for 14 years.

And in your capacity,

Have you had the
opportunity to dine at emile's?

Several times, and
on each such occasion,

I found both the food and
the service beyond reproach.

Mm-hmm. You're familiar with
ms. Landsberg's negative review

Of this restaurant?

I found it to be totally
malicious and unprofessional.

Do you see any basis at all

For the aspersions
cast in her article?

None whatsoever.

The whole review was
completely lacking in foundation.

And as a fellow food critic,

I was embarrassed.

Thank you, sir.

Nothing further.

The function of a food critic

Is to sample the food
and say what he thinks,

Isn't that right?

There's a big difference
between saying what you think

And an unmitigated attack.

Uh, I see.

Well, perhaps when I can
quote one of your reviews

To illustrate exactly
where that line lies.

Regarding putnam's restaurant,

"The sewage they call clam broth

Will induce you to vomit.

But don't, management
will scoop it up

And proffer it to the
next patron as pea soup."

Putnam's was an
unsanitary restaurant.

Every critic said
the same thing.

Are you saying that if every
other critic loved putnam's,

You wouldn't have
printed your opinion?

Certainly not. I
expressed my opinion

Regardless of what others think.

And why shouldn't ms.
Landsberg do the same thing?

She should, but...

Her opinion stinks.

So as I understand it, sir,

While you disagree
with the content

Miss landsberg's opinion,

You fully support her
decision to publish it?

Yes. That's right.

Thank you, sir.

I've nothing further.

Hold that elevator.

Excuse me.

Hey, don't you see
the sign? No smoking.

I'm smoking where I
want and when I want.

Sign don't mean nothing.

I said put it out.

Come on, man. Take it easy.

Get out of my face!

Come on, bro. Be cool, okay?

Be cool.

Come in.

Mr. Brackman.

I'm officer davis.

I didn't recognize
you in your uniform.

May I come in?

I realize I'm supposed
to write you

A letter of apology,

But I wanted to
tell you in person

How sorry I'm about
what happened.

And I know that as
a lawyer you'll take

Whatever action you
think is appropriate.

And that if get suspended,
I only have myself to blame.

Has the suspension
been threatened?

Not yet, but it's
a pretty safe bet

If you go through the lawsuit.

I see.

I don't have a right to
ask you for anything...

But I know I'm gonna be a
good cop, mr. Brackman.

All I've ever wanted is a
career in law enforcement.

Yes. I believe I'm
taking the full measure

Of that commitment
even as we speak.

If you go through
with this suit, sir,

I understand,

But if there's any way we
can rectify the situation...

Perhaps we could work
out some kind of settlement.

I could pay you
out of my salary.

Money is not the issue.


Well, I just wanted you to know

That whatever you decide to do,

I'm prepared to take
the consequences.

I'm sorry.

Well, wait.

Go on, he's not gonna k*ll you.



Want to see me, grace?




I... I've had an offer
to join a law firm.

Really? A lot of money?

It's not just the money.

It would be a whole
change for me,

A whole new set of challeng...

Tell him I'll call him
back in five minutes.


I guess what I am trying to say

Is I'm leaving,

And, bruce, I want you to know

How hard a decision
this has been for me.

And that I'm not leaving

Because of anything
that's happened here.

When would you have to start?

It's flexible. I made it clear

That I could not
leave you in the lurch.

Can you finish the week?


We'll be sorry to
see you go, grace,

But it sounds like
a fine opportunity.

Okay. I got to take this call.

We'll talk later, okay?




Oh, grace. Excuse me.


How did he take it?

Not great. He was very upset.

She's here.


Roxanne, where have you been?

You're supposed to
be here at 9 o'clock.

Jimmy's lawyer called and
said the trail was put till 11:00.

Ask your boyfriend
if it's all right

If you consult with your lawyer.

I got a name, ace.

I wasn't talking to you.

Come on, jimmy, let's go.

You do a pretty good
job of talking about me.

Why don't you say
something to my face?

I'm interested in her.

Well, I'm in love with her.

What's between us
doesn't concern you.

You're gonna tell
me what concerns me?

Whoa, whoa, we're gonna have

A fistfight right
here in the corridor?

Roxanne, everything's
gonna be fine.

I love you.

Where will you be?

Attorneys' lounge.

So have you thought
anymore about

What you're gonna do in there?


I've thought a lot about it,

And there's no way

I'm going to
testify against him.

This guy got
himself a sl*ve girl.

Arnie, maybe you ought
to get a cup of coffee or...

You know something

I don't give a damn
about the insider trading.

But for him to let you
take this kind of rap,

We've got to be talking
about a world-class slug.

For your information, he
doesn't know anything about

And he wants me to testify.

What a guy. Did
he tell you that?

Why is it you need to my
poison my love for him, arnie?

He never did anything to you.

Yeah, but he sure as hell
is doing something to you.


Forget it, michael!

There's nothing
I want to discuss

With either of you.

Well, that was helpful.

Come on.

Officer davis.

Mr. Brackman.

A moment.

How did you know I was here?

I called your desk sergeant

And he told me said you
were in court testifying.

Not another
solicitation bust, I hope.

Speeding. A guy was
doing 53 in a school zone.

Good for you.


I want you to know

I think your coming
to see me this morning

Display the great deal
and spirit and character.

Thank you.

Given that and that I've
no desire to be punitive,

I've decided to
drop the lawsuit.

I don't believe a promising
career should be derailed

Because of a single
incident of poor judgment.

Mr. Brackman, I'm very grateful.

I don't know how to thank you.

May I make a suggestion,
let me buy you lunch.

Right now?

Is now not a good time?

Well, it's not
that. It's just...

Well, I'm in my uniform
and everything.


You don't mind?

On the contrary,

I think the authority
of blue serge

Makes for a most pleasing,

And if I may say
so, feminine appeal.

Shall we?

Now you have reviewed
emile's several times in the past.

Isn't that true, miss landsberg?


Why do you review a restaurant

More than once?

Well, they change.

Improvements need
to be recognized...

As does decline.

And could you summarize

Your most recent
impressions for the court?

The food was disgustingly vile.

It was an affront.

Hold on.

I would like you
to calmly tell us

Your specific criticisms
of the food and service.

I actually found the service
to be quite acceptable.

The problem was the
incompetence of the chef.

I object to that!


I happened to be the
chef at the meals.

I don't care who...

You're the one who
should be on trial.

Quiet please.

I was sous chef
under stefan de sueza.

I have worked in three-star
restaurants throughout europe!

I don't care who you are!

You're disrupting this court.

And if you don't
return to your seat,

I'll hold you in contempt.


Proceed, counselor.

Thank you, your honor.

It was your opinion then, ma'am,

That the work of the
chef was substandard?

As a food critic,

One of the things that I
look for is how the style

Or the personality of the chef

Is reflected in the
culinary product.

What I tasted here was a
total lack of commitment.

I tasted fraud.

I tasted impotence.

How can you do this to me?

Have that man removed.

She's lying!

You're a complete disgrace.

It's my constitutional
right to say so.


You're a little toad.

Miss landsberg.

How can you do this?

A puny man!

Miss landsberg!

Sit down, miss landsberg.

It's not true!

I'll ask you to
control your witness.

Your honor, can I
have a short recess

To confer with the witness?

Yes, you may.

What do you think you're doing?

Just stating my
opinion you asked.

I told you not to sound
vindictive or mean-spirited

And you deliberately
just did that.

Whatever happened
to free speech,

Mr. First amendment?

Look, I am trying to
win a lawsuit here,

Which I'll not do if you're
up there showing malice.

Can I help you?

Hasn't this gone far enough?

Please, get that
man out of here.

I'm leaving her, lorna.

I'm getting divorce
just like I promised.

What the hell is this?

I know how much I
must have hurt you.

Forgive me, I beg you.

Oh, my god.

I still love you.

I miss your passion,
lorna, your fire.

You devour my tete de veau
like no woman in the world.

That's what this is about?

A jilted lover punishing her
boyfriend with a bad review?

You're really
gonna tell your wife?

Everything, including the fact

That I want to spend the
rest of my life with you.

Let's get out of
here, right now.

Victor, I'm quitting this thing.

Oh, no. This is a test
case, for god's sakes.

You don't quit a trial
on the bill of rights!

I do.

You quit and the
magazine will lose

And they will get full
indemnity from you.

Won't happen.

You tell them

That I'll retract the
review and write a new one.

And I will also publish
a four-part series

On the food critic
who fell in love

And ran off with the chef.

That restaurant will be
more popular, more trendy,

And more lucrative than
anybody's wildest dreams.

That won't work.
It just won't work.

You'll make it work.

Victor, this is
the kind of stuff

That makes a
hollywood restaurant.

I'm offering them
more positive exposure

Than they could with
a thousand reviews.

You just ask them. They'll jump.

Let's go.

My darling.

Please state your
name and address?

Roxanne melman, 1509 cheremoya.

And are you acquainted
with the defendant,

James markham?


Miss melman, have you
ever sold or bought stocks?


And has the defendant
ever offered you any advices

To which stocks to buy and sell?

Miss melman?

I refuse to answer
on the grounds

That it may tend
to incriminate me.

Your honor, may I have a short
recess to confer with my client.

Your honor, I don't
need to confer.

Approach the bench.

Miss melman, as I would hope
your attorney has advised you,

Since the u.s. Attorney's office

Has offered you full
immunity from prosecution,

You're in no danger
of self-incrimination.

As suchi'm ordering
you to answer.

With all due respect to
the court, your honor,

I refuse to answer anyway.

The prosecution asks that
the witness be held in contempt.

Your honor, I insist on
speaking to my client.

No, michael, there's
nothing to say.

Do you understand

That you'll be taken to the
sybil brand institute for women

And held there until you
do decide to cooperate?

That day will never come.

Tell me that again
after you've been in jail.

Take the witness into custody


They told me, my
attorney was here.

Who are you?

My name's gay halloran.

How did you get in?

They only allow lawyers.

I'm a legal secretary at
tecowsky and goldfarb.

I presented our
letterhead to the guard.

And said I was a lawyer.


Because I want to
tell you something

About jimmy markham that
you obviously don't know.

You're his wife.

I'm his girlfriend.

Oh, my god.

I'm who he wants
to make a life with

Just as soon as his
divorce becomes final.

I'm who he reaches for
in the middle of the night.

Or maybe you thought you were.

Something like that.

I read about you in
newspapers this morning,

Probably with the same
dumb expression on my face

That you have on
your face right now.

My god, I can't believe
this is happening.

Yeah, well, I didn't come here

For us to cry on each
other's shoulders.

I was involved in
jimmy's stock deals too.

The say way they come after you,

They're gonna come after me.

Only I don't want to
give back the money I made

I don't have to hire a lawyer,

And I don't think
you want to spend

Another night here in jail.

So why don't you save
us both the trouble

And stop protecting him?

I trusted him.

How could he lie to
me when I trusted him?

I guarantee you he never
lost any sleep over it.

So now you're in jail,

I'm expecting a
subpoena, any minute

And we've both had
our hearts stomped on.

You stand fast,
they come after me,

I'm gonna send that bastard
up without a second thought.

Nothing heals like vengeance.

Your honor, the
prosecution having failed

To make a prima facie
case, against the defendant.

I would move that all
charges be dismissed

Mr. Kelly?

Your honor, prior to
the court's disposition

Of defense counsel's motion,

I would ask to recall
roxanne melman to the stand.


Miss melman, does
your presence here

Suggest that you're
now ready to discharge

The contempt citation
against you and testify?

Yes, I am.

While I'm sure we're all glad

That roxanne is out of
her legal difficulties,

By this time we're
aware that hers

Were not the only
indiscretions committed.

While personal investments

Are, as a rule,
personal business,

Anyone trading on stock tips

Even remotely questionable

Is compromising the
integrity of this firm.

I trust that those
of you involved

Would take appropriate
steps to rectify the situation.

Leland, if I may,

The only thing I would add

Is that since roxanne's matter

Wit the u.s. Attorney's
office is concluded,

I'd like to give her
two weeks' notice

Before the close
of business today

And start interviewing
for a replacement

Now wait a minute, it
hasn't been established

That roxanne knew that
those tips were illegal.

That maybe, but this isn't
a criminal prosecution.

It's a law firm

Depending upon the good
judgment of its employees.

Roxanne let us
down. Get rid of her.

If she didn't know the tips
were based on inside information,

How can we punish her?

And what was her
conduct when she did know?

Did she immediately
offer her cooperation

To the federal prosecutor

And seek to contain the damage

Or was your priority
to shield her paramour

And further involve this
firm's time and manpower

In some tawdry little melodrama?

Who the hell are
you to vilify her?

How many times have you
had to call out for help

For the simple reason that you
couldn't keep your fly zipped?

All right, arnie, let's
not get into that.

Whatever my past
scrapes, I had gotten into

I've never put this
firm in jeopardy.

For all your
sanctimonious braying,

Douglas, neither has she.

Well, I don't intend
to let this drop.

Fine, let me make
things very clear then.

You can express your
outrage about this incident.

We can have a
series of discussions

About moral consequences,

Situational ethics,
or whatever you want.

Just so you know,
if you fire roxanne,

I walk out right behind her.

What are you doing in today?

I just came in to
pick up my check.

Why don't you stay
home tomorrow?

Home will feel as
bad as any place else.

I know that you
loved him, roxanne.

But you know he was a
bad guy anyway, right?

That's not what I
was going to say.

But it's great to be
right, isn't it, arnie?

Do you think that I
like seeing you hurting?

When did you ever notice?

Excuse me.

Come here.

Thank you.

I'm okay.

I'm okay. I'm sorry.

Just so you know,

When the suggestion
was made to fire you,

Arnie said, "if she goes, I go."

Oh, yeah.

He just wants to keep me
around so he can rub my nose in it.

I think he wants
to keep you around

Because he needs
you and values you.

Look, roxanne,
tell me to shut up

If it's none of my business,

But you brought
this on yourself.

It doesn't mean
you're a bad person,

It doesn't mean
you're a criminal.

But we all have to
accept the consequences

For what we did.

I lost my boyfriend. I'm broke.

I used my old car

As a down payment on my new car.

So now I don't
have any car at all.

Why am I the only one
taking the consequences?

Why not you or abby?

Or elizabeth?

You all profited
jimmy's as much as I did.

So what's your consequences?

I'm not sure,

But like it or not I think
I'm gonna have to find out.

Roxanne, I'm sorry
for your pain.

Maybe self-interest blinded me

From the risks you were taking.


It's not your fault.

Or anybody else's.

Come in, grace.



Jim is going to
take your office.

Fine I thought I'd come
in over the weekend

And get everything
ready for you.

No rush.

Also I'm gonna have
to take your badge.


You gonna have to pay your
traffic tickets now, gracie.

Well, I guess that's it then.

Gracie, seriously,

It's good working with you.

You, too.

Good luck, grace.

Come back and visit us anytime.

Thank you.

Uh, one more thing.

♪ For she's a jolly
good person ♪

♪ For she's a jolly
good person ♪

♪ For she's a jolly
good person ♪

♪ Which nobody can deny ♪

For you.

What is it?

Open it!

Help me.


Oh, my god.

One of the court
artists threw it together.

It was bruce's idea.

He's trying to get
on your good side

Maybe you'll bring
business him into the firm.

I, um...

I can't believe it.
It... It's really great.

She really is a
girl. She's crying.

Stop it.

Thank you.


When he realizes that
it totally skews market.

Yeah, just little
bit on the salad.

People are invited
to invest money

In publicly held corporations

As though they had a fair shot.

What they're getting
here is a rigged deck.

That seems to me
the deck was rigged

Long before insider trading.

Big investment bankers
aren't there business

To give johnny
small-time a fair shot.

There's a difference
between having an edge

Because you're smarter

And having an edge
because you're a criminal.

Stuart, I have a
confession to make.

The watch I gave you,

I bought it with money I made

From one of roxanne's tips.

This watch? My watch?


Ann, how could... Oh!

Stuart, it doesn't
change the fact

That it was an expression
of my love for you.

I don't understand how could
you do something like this?

Maybe roxanne didn't
know the tips were illegal,

But you're a lawyer.

She's getting them
from an arbitrager.

They're always right.

At some point they ought
to put two and two together.

I just didn't stop to analyze it

Quite that thoroughly, stuart.

Maybe you should have.

Maybe I should have.

But since I didn't,

Can't you accept the watch

In the spirit it was given?

I don't know.

I love this watch.

But I hate the idea

That every time I
look at the time,

I'm going to think of it...

I don't know, as
ill-gotten gains.

Stuart, the watch is
bought and paid for.

What you want me
to do should I hock it

And give the money to charity?

Would that make you feel better?

I don't know.

Stuart, aren't you overreacting?

What if your engagement ring

Was bought with stolen money?

It's not the same thing.

How is it different, ann?

I don't know.

I just wish we could
purge ourselves of this.

Have you got the time?

Yeah. It's 10:30.

Nice watch.

Thanks. Can I have it?

What? It's stickup time.


Hand it over. Watch,
rings, money, come on.

You, too, miss.

Do as he says.

Can I keep my wedding ring?

In consideration of the watch

And the diamond ring,
what the hell. Okay.

Hey, aren't you going
to say thank you?

Thank you.


Attorneys, right?

Well, you folks
have a nice evening.

You wanted a purge?
You got a purge.


I just purged my shorts.
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