02x11 - Gorilla My Dreams

Episode transcripts for the TV show "L. A. Law". Aired: September 15, 1986 – May 19, 1994.*
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High-powered law firm of McKenzie, Brackman, Chaney and Kuzak handles both criminal and civil cases, but the office politics and romance often distract them from the courtroom.
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02x11 - Gorilla My Dreams

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on l.a. Law...

Stuart and I want to announce

That we have finally set a date.

January 10th at stuart's house.

Name's benny stulwicz.

Matched the victim's
general description.

He took off running

When we tried to question him.

You know why you
were arrested, benny?


Well, r*pe is just a little
more serious than just sex.

Look, we are talking
about benny, okay?

He could not have
done this. I know this man.

He does not have an
aggressive bone in his body.

Man to man, benny.
Friend to friend.

Did you ever try to
make a girl touch you

Or have sex with you that night?

No, arnie! No!

That's not him!

The man who att*cked
me didn't talk like that!

This man's Ret*rded
for god's sake!

I've got to get away. I need
a vacation desperately.

From what?

I need a check for $10,000.

Here's $100.

Have a facial. Get
your nails done.

You'll feel better.

Oh, sh... I'm sorry!

I just looked away
for a split second.

You all right?

Oh, yeah, thanks.

Oh, my god, I'm sorry
about your car.

Jimmy markham, levi-strohler.

Kind of an expensive
way to get introduced.

How about dinner?

I'm sick of it, douglas.

I'm sick of you.

I'm sick of your bald head

And your hairy back.

I'm sick of your humiliating me

With your sickening
little affairs.

My affairs?

And who are you,
the virgin mary?

I can't stand
another day of this.

My lawyer will call
your lawyer monday.

I love you so much, stuart.

Let's not screw it up, okay?



I now pronounce
you man and wife.

Good morning. I'm
douglas brackman.

I just moved into apartment 209.

Andy globas.

So who's your lawyer, doug?

Excuse me?

Who's handling your divorce?

Arnold becker.

Who said arnold becker?

You're familiar with him?

Familiar? Yeah.

That lousy bastard

Tore me up into
tiny little pieces.

So if your lawyer's
such a k*ller,

What are you doing here, doug?

Who is he kidding?

Men can't get a fair
shake in a california court,

Arnie becker or no arnie becker.

How long have you been here?

Oh, you know,

Couple of years, give or take.

Four for george.

And what?

Going on five, right, leo?

Oh, god.

Forget god.

He doesn't handle divorces.

But what about the stewardesses?

I've heard this
place was swarming.

Hey, leo, where's all
the stewardesses today?

Sharing condos at the marina,

Looking for rich guys.

Oh, my god.

Check it out.

She's looking at me.

Be still, my heart.

Hey, you just move in?

Aren't you douglas brackman?


You're a judge and a
partner in a big law firm?

Andy globas, retail sales.

I'm sorry. Do I know you?


We have a lot of
friends in common.


Like who?

Your wife.


Summons and complaint.

Nice chains.

Oh, whoofie.

You can say that again.
Are we having lunch?


I have something else in mind.

Where and when? I'll be there.

I'll call you. With
a room number.

I love you.

Me, too, jimmy.

My dear, don't we look pumped?

What can I say?

I've become a slut puppy.

Snazzy outfit, rox.

Thank you.

Uh-huh, must have
cost about what,

2 Million, $3 million?

Elizabeth, if you'd
taken jimmy's advice,

You could've made yourself
a little money last week.

How does he do it?

I mean, the stock
market's been so crazy.

I don't understand it either,

But jimmy says

If you know what you are doing,

You can make money

Whether the market
goes up or down.

Roxanne, do you think

We could hold off on
the investment seminar

Until you get me
squared away for court?

What do you need?
The seaver file.

I can't find a copy of
the shrink's report.

Think I put it on your credenza.

It's only a major custody trial

Of my client's access
to his only child

Not to mention his reputation
hanging in the balance.

Otherwise, I wouldn't
be bothering you

With such mundane details.


And you are aware of that

Even the court-appointed
shrink says

Your client's a child molester.

Because that's what the
little girl told the shrink.

Because that's what
her demented mother

Coached her to say.

I don't know, arnie.

The old saying,

Where there's
smoke, there's fire.

Thank you, roxanne!

I appreciate the
vote of confidence.

Arnold, I need to talk to you.

Not now, douglas. Now.

Sheila had me served
over the weekend.

Give me a couple of days,

Just till after
this trial is over.

Of course.

Better you should service

The needs of this
child molester.

You know, I'm getting
real sick of this.

A hysterical ex-wife

Makes a baseless,
vicious accusation

And a devoted father
stands convicted

Until proven innocent.

Don't ever change, arnie.

What are you trying
to say, michael?

Well, it's just that if you
were representing the wife,

You'd be calling her a
saint and him a pervert.

That's crap! Mm-hmm.

Look, I believed in this man

Three years ago when
I handled his divorce

And I believe in him now.

If I didn't, I never
would've taken his case.

Unless the retainer
was big enough.

Oh, great, great.
Now I'm on trial, too.

Thanks a hell of a lot, guys.

All right, that's more enough!

How about we let the
courts unravel that problem

While we deal with
one of our own,

Namely, benny stulwicz.

What problem? I thought he was
totally cleared on the r*pe charge.


That doesn't alter the
fact that he was picked up

Wandering on hollywood boulevard

Late at night

After frequenting a porno house.

He is a grown man.


With all the sexual feelings
and needs of a grown man,

Coupled with the
impulse control of a child.

We don't know that.

Well, actually you're right.

The truth is, there's a lot
we don't know about benny,

Maybe because we've
been afraid to find out.

I didn't observe any problems

When he was staying with me.

Did you ever really talk to him?

Sure. Is that so?

Did you ask him what
he does with his time

When he's not at work?

Not in so many words...

What about his sexual desires?

How does he channel them?

Does he know anything
about birth control?

You know, it's even possible

His mother might have
had him vasectomized.

Did you ever ask him about that?

With all due respect, leland,

Why is this my responsibility?

No, no, it's our responsibility

Because benny works here.

And more than that
because we made a pact

With his mother that
we'd look after him.

It was abby who did that.

Let her deal with this.

I personally feel

Beeny would be too uncomfortable

Talking to a woman
about these matters.

So, gentlemen,

Cutting to the chase,
do I have a volunteer?

Well, I'd do it, leland,

But my feeling is that

Benny associates me with that

Whole r*pe charge nightmare

And well, ever
since it happened,

He can barely
look me in the eye.


Oh, i...

I don't think we have
that kind of rapport,

Benny and i.

As much as I like the
guy, I barely know him.

Okay, before this gets
around to me again,

I'd like to say that
I've been more involved

With benny and his various
life crises than anyone,

And right now,
I'm late for court.

What about you, leland?

You're the real
paterfamilias around here.

Now I think it would
be easier for benny

If it came from someone
closer to his own age.

You're right. It should
be a contemporary.

So... Where does that leave us?


You will do it?

Yeah, sure, I mean,
what's the big deal here?

I did the birds and the bees

With my little
brother and my cousins.

I guess I can do it with benny.


Hi, victor.

How was your weekend?

What do you mean?

Did you do anything
this weekend?

No, I didn't do anything.

I stayed inside the whole time,

Except saturday morning
I went to the supermarket.

Well, that doesn't
sound too good.

That's all right.

You don't have to
worry about me. I'm...

I won't hurt anybody.

Hey, hey, benny,
nobody says you will.

So where do you like to go?

I... Uh... Used to like
to go to the zoo,

But I haven't been there
since I got into trouble.

What do you say you and I

Take a ride up
there at lunchtime?



How come, victor?

Look at animals?

Sounds good?

I guess so.



Let me ask you, ken,

Have you read a copy of the
court-appointed psychiatrist's report?


Reading from the
concluding paragraph...

"Based on successive interviews
with the child and her mother,

There is the strong impression

That certain and
inappropriate touching

Of a sexual nature took place."

That is a total lie.

When your daughter
stayed at your house

Over the weekend of
january 15th through 17th

Or any other time,

Did you ever touch
her in a sexual manner?

No, absolutely not.

I'm affectionate with her, yes,

But there's nothing
improper or sexual about it.

Your daughter told the
court-appointed psychiatrist

And I quote...

"Daddy touched
me and made me cry."

The only thing I can think is

Her mother has been mad at me,

So she told katie to say that.

Nothing further.

Didn't your ex-wife
tell you repeatedly

That it was inappropriate
to bring your

8-Year-old daughter
into bed with you?

Well, she complained
about a lot of things.

Yet on the sunday in question,

You proceeded to do so?

She crawled into my
bed to watch cartoons.

Now what is wrong with that?

You don't think it's wrong

To fondle your
daughter's private parts?


Sustained. I'll rephrase.

Did you ever fondle your
daughter's private parts?


Mr. Seaver,

Didn't you once tell
your former wife

That you got a sexual turn-on

From giving your
daughter a bath?


This is absurd.

Would it help your recollection

If I told you that
your wife is prepared

To testify to it?

Hey, why not?

She's made up everything else.

Filthy liar, you did it...

Why don't you tell them why
you're making up these stories?

Please sit down.

You bring your 8-year-old child

Into bed with you,

You buy her silence
with toys and candy.

Where do you think
katie picked up her

Incestual ideation,
mr. Seaver, sesame street?

Objection! From her mother!

Your honor, she's
got katie so messed up,

She probably believes it by now!

Mr. Seaver, please sit down.

I'm sorry.


It's your word against
your daughter's,

Is that right?

It is my word against my wife's.

We'll see, mr. Seaver.

Nothing further.

Are you hungry?



Are you going to fire me?

Benny, why do you think that?

Oh, I don't know,
everybody's mad at me

Since they had to come
and get me out of jail.

No, benny, we're
concerned about you.

Nobody wants you to be hurt.


I don't go out anymore at all.

Nobody wants you to do that.

I won't do anything bad, victor.

I won't go to those bad places.

Look, benny, sex isn't bad.

Everybody... Everybody
has sexual desires.

I can make them go away.

I can keep my head down

When I walk by the store
with the dirty magazines.

I can wash my face
and count to 100.

My mom told me

I can grab my wrist
like this and squeeze.

Hey, benny, benny,

You don't have to do that.

I don't know what else to do.

Hey, stranger.

Haven't seen you for a while.

Hi, ruben.

Who's your friend?


Hi, victor.

Boy, did you guys miss out

On a commotion around here.

The new gorilla,
named little willie,

First time they
put him in the cage,

He took off after momo
and practically broke his arm.

And then he got real bad.

You see mrs. Tubbs in there?

He grabbed her around
the middle and got

Real rough with her.

When you pick on the
female of the species,

You really get
people in an uproar.

W-w-what are they
g-g-gonna do to him?

They got him in isolation,
all doped up like a zombie.

Day after tomorrow
they bring him back.

But you know what
they got to do him first?

Strap him down

And one by one take
out all his teeth,

And then they're
gonna take his mitts

And break every knuckle.

No way. They can't do
that. That isn't true.

It is.

I talked to a guy who knows.

And if that don't calm him down,

They put him back in solitary.

Why do they do that?

You can't let him go around
hurting the women, benny.

He didn't mean to.

He was new here.

He didn't know anybody.

Hey, if it was up to me,
you know what I'd do?

I'd do like they
do with the dogs,

I'd nip the old sex
drive right in the bud,

If you get my drift.

No, they can't do that.

They won't do that, benny.

Hey, it's for his
own good, benny.

I mean, it's better than
spending 30 or 40 years

In a box by yourself.



Aside from the fact that
we're seriously in love,

I've made more money
in the last two weeks

Than in three months'
worth of paychecks.

Has he ever been wrong?

Not so far.

I wouldn't have the nerve.

All I know is

I've been working full-time
since I was 19 years old,

And this is the first
time I've ever had

Enough money to buy a new car.

Just in what you've
made in two weeks?


What do you even do?

You pick up the phone,
you call a stockbroker,

And you tell him what
you want him to do.

And that's it?

Want to hear the tip du jour?

Nah. Yeah.

Put options on
kronstadt industries

Anytime before friday.

What happens friday?

I'm just telling you
what jimmy told me.

Put options?

Hello. Jack fishback, please.

Jack? Hi. Ann kelsey.


Listen, I want to run
something by you.

What would you think if I said
that I wanted to take a flyer

And go short on some stock?

Kronstadt industries.

Say $10,000 worth.

It was really great.

I'm just getting him
to open up a little,

Telling him it's okay
to have sexual feelings

When this old
janitor comes along

And scares the hell out of him

With horror stories

About this rogue ape
beating up on females.

Then he went nuts.

Oh, where is he now?

Hiding out in the file
room. He won't talk at all.

Leland, you're a
trustee of the zoo.

Can't you pull back
and do something?

Oh, wait a second.

When did we go
from sex education

To animal conservation?

Look, I may be
wrong, but I think that

If can we reunite little
willie and his girlfriend,

We have a real chance
to get through to benny.

That's the ape's girlfriend?

Yeah, I did some checking.

It seems little willie
was at the stockton zoo.

When they closed
down, they sent him here.

At the same time,

There was a female
gorilla named annabelle.

She happened to be his
companion since birth.

They sent her to bakersfield.

I fail to make the
connection, but...

It's simple.

I think benny identifies with

What happened to little willie.

And he's feeling so
ashamed and isolated

And scared of his own feelings,

So he's made himself a
prisoner in his own house.

If we can show him
that people care

And that there's a chance

For little willie
to have a good life,

Then maybe benny
will start to believe

That there's a
chance for him, too.

Thank you, dr. Freud.

Come on, leland, make the call.

Who knows, they might name

The first born after you.

Good morning. Hi.

Katie, this is judge phillips.

Hello, katie.

This is mr. Becker.


And you know mrs. Levine.

Okay, come on, honey,

Sit down here next to me.

Katie, do you know
why you're here?

I know you're scared,

But there's nothing
to be afraid of.

You haven't done anything wrong.

You're just here to
answer some questions.

Is that okay with you?


Miss levine and mr. Becker

Are going to question you.

And I want you to tell the truth

Just as you know it.


Katie, sometimes
you stay with mommy

And sometimes you
stay with daddy, right?

When you stay with daddy,

Does he do things to you

That make you feel

I don't think she understands
what you're asking.

Um, when you stay with daddy,

Does he touch you in bad places?

Katie, can you answer?

I don't know.

I know it's hard, honey,

But you got to tell
us what happened.

Katie, when you
talked to dr. Breech,

Do you remember
you told her that

Daddy touched you
where he shouldn't?


She's putting words
in the child's mouth.



Don't make me say bad things

About my daddy.


Would it be easier for
you to talk to me alone?

No, I just want to go home.

This isn't gonna
work, your honor.

I'm gonna take her outside.

Obviously, she's terrified
by these proceedings.

The girl can't testify

To what never happened
in the first place.

I have to tell you,
I'm very troubled...

Not only by what
I've been hearing,

But also by what
I haven't heard.

Which is why I
see no alternative

But to modify the existing order

And grant custody to the mother.

Your honor, no.

What would you
do in my position?

These are horrendous

Which is all they are.

There's not one scintilla
of medical evidence

That say she's been
harmed in anyway.

It's true that the
evidence is not unequivocal,

But this is not a
criminal proceeding.

I have to make my judgement

Based on what's
best for the child.

And I'm sorry. I
cannot take the risk.

What risk?

You've heard two
psychiatrists testify

To his fitness as a parent.

And I've heard
another psychiatrist

Testify that the child
said she'd been molested.

The child adores her father.

Loss of contact
would be devastating.

Which is why I'm going to
grant him weekly visitation

Supervised by an adult

Who is agreeable
to both parties.

At least grant me a stay
of the order pending appeal.

I'm sorry, I can't do that.

You're free to
re-petition the court

At some later date

If there is a change
in circumstances.

This is outrageous.

The ruling stands.

Douglas, I'm sorry
things have been so hectic.

How's the new apartment?

A nightmare.

How she's got ivan mccary. Good.

Good. Things will
get hot very fast.

I've heard he's a bomber.

Yeah, ivan and I have
gone a few rounds.

But you think you
can you beat him?


I'm gonna eat this
guy for breakfast.

He took a nick out of me
in a case six months ago,

I owe him.

When we go to sheila,
she will be laid out so flat,

She will not know what hit her.


Two-pronged as*ault.


You defer your
bonus until next year.

Second, friend, let me ask you,

Did sheila ever execute
a power of attorney?

When she went in the
hospital to have alexander.

Great, you use it to take out

A second mortgage on the house,

Wipe out every
last penny of equity.

Let them come
looking for the cash.

I love it. I just love it.

Mccary is going to
scream like a stuck pig.

It'll be fun.

How's it going today?


I owe you a dinner.

Did you cash out?

I made $1,100. I
can't believe it.

Is this the best?

Did someone else
make a phone call

She wasn't planning to make?

Two phone calls. One
to buy and one to sell.

Roxanne, you are a wise
and generous person.

How much did you
win? I mean make?


Oh, my god!


Where's the rest
of the seaver file?

I put them back
in the file room.

Did it ever occur
to you I might need

To get started on an appeal?

I'll get the file.

I'll get it myself.
Arnie, I'll get them.

How can you pull yourself away

From your stock ticker?

Has it replaced general hospital

As required afternoon viewing?

Why, you're all the
rage around here,

A real financial guru.

How about that.

Yeah, so where's it coming from?

What? The stock tips.

I know you're not
thinking them up yourself.

Jimmy. Jimmy?

A man I've been
seeing. Since when?

Since about two weeks.

Why is this jimmy person

Such an authority
on the stock market

Or anything else
for that matter?

He happens to be an attorney
right here in the building,

Levi, strohler, and hinckle.

Levi and strohler is
an arbitrage firm, rox.


So it's illegal to
buy and sell stocks

Based on insider information.

Oh, come on, arnie.
Come on, arnie?

This guy's an operator

And he's gonna take a fall
as sure as I'm standing here.

And when he does,
you're going with him.

You don't even know him.

I don't want to.

You can't stand it

That I have a boyfriend
who loves me, can you?

Let's see how much he loves you

If your butt lands in jail.

In other words, it's all right

For arnie becker to be
financially independent,

But god forbid roxanne melman
should get a little of the pie.

Did it ever occur
to you that I might be

Genuinely concerned about you?

Not for a split second.

Where's katie?

What has he done with her?


Your client snatched the child

From the school playground
at 10:30 this morning.

Oh, god.

Let me be blunt here.
What do you know about it?

You think I'd actually counsel
my client to commit a felony?

I probably shouldn't
answer that.

Come on, I told you
this was a waste of time.

My only regret is that

We didn't make it a police
matter in the first place.

Wait, wait. Hold on.

Putting a felony
warrant out on ken

Isn't gonna get your child back.

Let me put an
investigator on it.

And when I do locate him,

If I could give him
some sort of incentive

To surrender katie, like,

Telling him that you'd agree
to unsupervised visitation...

How dare you try to
manipulate my client.

Your client is a
kidnapper and a molester.

He should be in prison

And we're gonna see
that he gets there.

Come on, rita.

He isn't.

He isn't what?

He isn't a molester.


I made it up.

I knew it! Damn it, I knew it!

You orchestrated
the entire thing.

No. It was you. You did it.


That agreement you
forced me to sign

Three years ago,

That wasn't a
divorce, it was a r*pe.

You and ken just loved
ramming it to me, didn't you?

Give me a break, lady.

If you didn't think it was
fair, you should've gone

To the court for a modification,

Not brand your husband as
the worst kind of sex pervert.

You know, I always said

That the divorce
settlement didn't bother me,

That it was just money.

And then one sunday,

I went to pick katie up
at her father's house

At malibu, and
she started to cry

Because she didn't
want to leave.

It wasn't that she
loved her daddy more

She told me, it was just that...

She really liked
having her own bedroom

With a big canopy bed,

And running to the
ocean with her sheepdog,

And playing tennis,

And swimming in the pool.

Hell, ken even promised her

That if she came to
live with him full-time,

He'd buy her a pony.

A pony.

He was using the money
that he was cheating me

Out of to get between
me and my daughter

And I hated him for it.

And I hated you.

Just so you understand,

I knew nothing about this.

Under the circumstances,

If you can get the child back,

We won't be seeking
criminal sanctions

For kidnapping.

What about the joint custody?


Anything, just...


Get her back.

Hi. Hi.

You all right?

I brought you a present.

You're kidding.


Aren't you going to open it?


My god!

You like it?

I love it.

It's absolutely beautiful.

It's a little
extravagant, isn't it?

That's kind of
what I like about it.

Yeah, but can we afford it?

I don't know about we,

But I was cleaning up
my desk the other day

And I found this
old savings account

That I had completely
forgotten about.

Well, you know how
I am about money.

And I guess you didn't feel
any overwhelming desire

To apply it to our

'88 Quarterly taxes, did you?

That isn't very romantic.

Ann, this... Stuart? I love you.

I wanted to give you something.

Can't you just accept that?

I guess I'm better at
giving than receiving.

Well, you better get
used to getting, stuball,

Because who knows?

There may be more
where that came from.

No one has ever given me
anything like this before.

That's because you never had

An extravagant wife before.

Well, I love it.

I love having an
extravagant wife.

This is something I could
definitely get used to.

I'm going to love
this watch forever.

You better.

Pull out his teeth?
Break his hands?

Where on earth did
you get that idea?

Some old guy who
works at the zoo.

That's totally
false, mr. Sifuentes,

We do not do that.

We have never done that.
We would never consider it.

I don't know of a
single zoo that would.

So what are you gonna
do with little willie?

Well, if he doesn't
settle down on his own,

We'll have to keep him sedated

Or find another zoo for him.

What about annabelle?

We have offered mr. Malvasi here

The first baby that's born

And a choice of lesser apes
in exchange for annabelle.

I don't know what
else we can do.

The first baby that's born.

Have you ever
heard the expression

"A bird in hand?"

How about an ape
in the newspaper?

What's that mean?

Romeo and juliet
among the primates.

The big plaintive eyes of
two gorillas separated

By the callous
indifference of man.

This is a breeding pair

Of a highly endangered
species being kept apart.

We already have a
mate for annabelle.

She rejected him
during her last cycle.

Well, why not send
willie to bakersfield?

I don't want two males.

I cannot accept this impasse.

I'm afraid I don't
see a way out of it.

Well, damn it, you're
not looking hard enough.

We watch species become extinct

At the rate of one a year.

If you, as the
appointed guardians

Of their existence can tell us
that anything is more important

Than their procreation
and survival,

Well, then, I think we
must seriously consider

Just what it is about
us that's evolved.

Look, I don't relish
being the heavy here.

You find a way to send
that gorilla down here

And I will personally pledge my
considerable fundraising efforts

On your behalf.

I'll make it worth
your while. Believe me.


Not now, rox.

It's ken seaver on the phone.

I was afraid you
weren't gonna show up.

Where's katie?

Don't worry about it.

Where the hell is she, ken?

She's being taken care
of. She is perfectly safe.

You know, this is getting crazy.

You're in a lot of trouble.

If you're not prepared
to come in right now,

I can't be responsible
for what happens.

It's too late, arnie.

You've won.

She signed an affidavit, ken.

I don't care what she signed.

There's no way I'm
gonna get a fair deal

In front of that judge.

So this is how it's gonna be?

You're gonna be on the run
for the rest of your life?

If I come in, what happens?

There'll be another hearing.

The judge will look
at the new evidence.

He has your wife's
sworn statement.

What about me?

It's only been 24 hours.

I can make a case for
extreme emotional disturbance.

Given the circumstances
I can't imagine

That it'd go that hard on you.

And if you're wrong?

I'm telling you, ken,
you don't have a choice.

My client feels genuine remorse

About her prior lack
of veracity, your honor,

And has expressed
renewed determination

To put the past behind her

And to cooperate fully
with her ex-husband.

And joins him in asking

That the temporary
order be vacated

And the original joint
custody provisions

Be reinstated.

You'd like things back
the way they were,

Is that right, mrs. Seaver?

Yes, your honor.

And you, sir?

Your honor, I was
desperately afraid

Of losing all contact
with my daughter.

I saw no way out
of the situation,

So I panicked.

I see.

Your honor, you can
at least understand

And empathize with
the terrible wrongs

My client has endured.

Yes, I can understand

And perhaps even empathize,

But I cannot and I will
not condone what he did.

I will not send a message

To every disgruntled parent

Who comes into this court

That the answer to
his or her problem

Lies in kidnapping a child.

And I have reviewed both
counsels' declarations

And the law on this matter.

I must tell you,

I have serious reservations
about the emotional capacities

Of either the
father or the mother

To act in the best
interests of this child.

Now I'm going to take
this under submission,

But my present inclination

Is to transfer this case
to the dependency court

And to place the child

In a foster home
pending their evaluation.

You're gonna give
my baby to strangers?

You can't give her to strangers.

Truthfully, from
what I've heard,

She would be better off.

And I advise both
you and your husband

To get into therapy

If you have any expectation

Of having your daughter
back with you again.

Lastly, a word
for the attorneys.

Miss levine,
mr. Becker, I am dismayed

By the constant
parade of attorneys

Whose agenda is simply to win,

And to win at all costs,

Regardless of the lives

That are destroyed
in the process.

You pour gasoline

And an already
incendiary situation,

And then you seem
genuinely surprised

When the fire has consumed

Everything in its path.

At the very least,

You two have contributed
to the adversarial climate

Which has fostered
and exacerbated

This family's misery,

And I strongly urge both
of you to go back and think

Long and hard

About your conduct in this case.

We're adjourned.


File it.

Arnold, listen,
I've had a thought.

I've got $100,000
in a c.d. Account.

I'm thinking,
supposing I cash it,

Wash it through a couple
of dummy corporations,

Then reconvert into jewelry,

Which we could stash
say in a safety deposit box

In the cayman islands.

We can cover our tracks

By claiming it went
into a failed business.

I don't want to do
it, douglas, any of it.


Look, sheila has been
a good wife to you

For a lot of years.

If you're reasonable,

I'm sure she'd be willing
to meet you halfway.


You're supposed to be
my tactician, not my shrink.

You asked for my advice,

If you don't want to take it,
get yourself another lawyer.

What has gotten into you?

Maybe if the two of
you didn't have any kids

And you just wanted
to wail on each other,

But like this,
douglas, it's... It's...

There's just... There's
too much at stake.

I certainly hope this
isn't how you're handling

Your other clients.

With legal advice like this,

You'll be out of
business in six months.

Maybe everybody
will be better off.

Get another lawyer, douglas.

I'm not gonna be able
to do this right now.

I guess I was wrong
about ken seaver.

It's really kind of a
hard break for him, huh?

It's pretty hard.

Maybe it's easy to
get the wrong idea

About somebody

If you don't know
the whole situation.

What's that supposed to mean?

I misjudged ken seaver.

Isn't it possible
you misjudged jimmy?

For god's sakes, roxanne, no!

Oh, you are so close-minded,

Self-centered, self-indulgent...

That's it! I've had as
much as I can take!

I'm going for a massage.

Thanks, man.

Well, benny, 4:00 today,
come meet me in my office.

Why, victor?


What kind of surprise?

A good one.


I got a choice for you.

We can spend the
weekend at laguna nigel

In a suite
overlooking the ocean,

And live off room
service and sunshine.


Or we can go to
the city of industry

And take a room in the motel six

And listen to the trucks
outside of our window

And test the depth of
our love for one another.

I'll take laguna
nigel. Easier test.

Arnold becker.

He's here.

It's for you.

Yeah, hello.


You... You didn't.

Why didn't you just
tell them I was gone?

Mr. Markham? You
are james markham?


Federal bureau of investigation.

Please stand with
your feet apart

And place your hands
on the edge of that desk.

Mr. Markham,

I'm now placing you under arrest

For violation of section 10-b

Of the securities and
exchange act of 1934.

You have the right
to remain silent.

You have the right
to an attorney.

If you cannot
afford an attorney,

One will be appointed
by the court.

Anything you say
can and will be used

Against you in a court of law.

Okay, fellas, let's go.

Wait a second. Where
are you taking him?

What's your name?

She doesn't have a name.

Just sit tight, my
firm will have me

Out of there in a
couple of hours.

Don't count on it.

Michael, what's section 10-b?

Securities fraud...

Most likely insider information.

Where do they take him?

Lockup, federal court building.

I'm gonna go down there.

I wouldn't recommend that.

Well, someone's
got to bail him out.

Yeah, but you don't
have that kind of money.

I've got $15,000.

Roxanne, I'm not gonna ask you

Where you got
that kind of money,

But if you post his
bail, the feds will.

Poor roxanne. What a trauma.

I feel terrible for her.

I can't believe this
guy was trading

On inside information.

Gee, I don't know.

I just hope he didn't
drag her into it.

What do you mean?

Well, yeah, you got to notice,

You got a new car, clothes.

The feds take this
stuff pretty seriously.

Believe me, if she profited
by inside information,

They're going to get her.

Really? Yeah.

What if she gave someone a
tip to secretary or something?

They're finished, too.


Well, at the very least,
they got civil liability.

They'll be forced to disgorge
any profits that they made.

Any way you look at it,
it's not a pretty picture.

Oh, my god.

Oh, look, there's
nothing more we can do.

And according to my new watch,

We'd better get home and change

We're gonna be late for dinner.

He looks happy.


I guess annabelle
makes all the difference.

How about you? Happy?

I don't know.

Sometimes I wish

That there was somebody for me.

How do you know there isn't?

My mom told me.

She said not to wish
for things I couldn't have,

Like driving a car or
playing with children

Or going to the
movies with a girl.

Maybe your mom was wrong, benny.


You know, my mom told
me I couldn't be a lawyer.

She didn't say it to be mean.

She loved me a lot.

She just didn't want
me to be disappointed.

Guess what.

I'm a lawyer.

Is your mom mad at you?

Oh, no.

She just wanted me to be happy.

I think that's what your
mom wanted for you.

You know, benny, I've
done some checking

And there's a center
here in los angeles.

I've got bus directions
on how to get there.

They do all kind of things,

They have dances and mixers,

Lots of nice girls.

They wouldn't like me.

I think they'd like you a lot.

Are they Ret*rded?

Yeah, they are.


Worth a try.

Maybe if one of them liked me,

Maybe we could keep each
other company sometimes.


That's what people
do for each other.

Let's go.
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