02x09 - Divorce with Extreme Prejudice

Episode transcripts for the TV show "L. A. Law". Aired: September 15, 1986 – May 19, 1994.*
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High-powered law firm of McKenzie, Brackman, Chaney and Kuzak handles both criminal and civil cases, but the office politics and romance often distract them from the courtroom.
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02x09 - Divorce with Extreme Prejudice

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on l.a. Law...

My husband armand sevilla...

The land developer.

This divorce, he
never wanted it.

He's made certain threats.

And you're frightened of him.

Yes. Well, I'm not.

So why don't have dinner
with me tonight, lauren?

Mckenzie's called me into
his office this afternoon

For a meeting about
rohner vs. Gradinger.

This can only mean one thing,

I'm getting fired.

Marty and I have agreed to merge

And go public.

You're kidding!

Of all the attorneys we had,

She's the only one who realized

That what we really wanted
was to get back together again.

Well done, miss perkins.

Not to worry, we're
brothers, remember?

Brothers help each other.

Like you're gonna help me

With office space
nights and weekends.

Your lovely bride,
what's her name?


I don't know any way to say this

Except to be blunt.

We have to break it off.

I'm being blackmailed.

Oh, no.

Your brother?

Douglas brackman
to see mr. Farrell.

Oh, yeah.

The brother, right?

Would you just tell him, please?

It's your brother.


He'll be out in a jiffy.


Brandy ball?

Entre, mon chere frere.

Is this a christmas visit
or a business rendezvous?


It's quite simply
good-bye. Good-bye?

I told sheila about my
relationship with rhonda.

It cost me a lynx coat,

An emerald necklace,
and a jaguar,

But you'll blackmail
me no longer, you swine.

Dougie, mon frere.

Don't "dougie" me,
you cheeseball.

It is douglas.

As a toddler, it was douglas.

As a teenager, as a collegian,

At this moment in time

And ultimately on my
tombstone, it is douglas.

Now give me back my office keys.

Okay, okay. Relax.

Don't have a heart attack.

I'm gonna miss you, dougie.

This is gonna be a
serious loss to me,

Emotionally speaking.

Especially this time of year.

Which reminds me...

Merry christmas.

Aren't you gonna open it?

I can't accept this.

It must've cost a fortune.

That's the beauty part of it.

I got a client deals the stuff.

Perfect knockoff, huh?

Wear it in good health.

And if you ever need a brother,

Or a lawyer...

Ho ho ho.

Merry christmas.

I wish I could give more, I do.

Merry christmas.

Ho ho ho.

Merry christmas.

Ho ho ho!

Merry christmas.

Merry christmas, chief.

Same to you.

Good morning.

Good morning.

Do you like ballet?



Not my thing.

So you won't be angry

If I take my niece
tonight instead of you.

I promised her months ago.

It's fine.

As long as you promise
me that you'll come back.




I promise.

You don't know how
much you mean to me.

I was...

So dead inside.

I never thought I'd
feel like this again.

And then there you were.

Here you are.

I feel so loved.

So safe.

So hungry for you.

I'm paying for both.

Trying to bribe the
opposition, conrad?

My way of wishing you

An extremely merry
christmas, grace.

And an extremely
merry christmas to you.

How about we sit for a minute?


Got to be back in court in five.

Actually what I was thinking is

We should probably
save ourselves the time

And the taxpayers the money.

Conrad, please.

How many different
ways can I say

I am not going to
dismiss a m*rder case?

My client is every
bit as much of a victim

As his father, grace.

No, conrad, there
is one big difference.

His father is dead.

And it was pure self-defense.

He stabbed him 11 times.


His father was
trying to k*ll him.

I mean, he'd been
physically brutalizing

That kid for years.

You tell me, what
in the hell was

That kid supposed to do?

Well, here's a real
original thought.

He could've called the police.

I'm sorry, conrad.

I don't care what kind
of an ogre his father was,

It didn't give reuben
the right to m*rder him.

I don't get it, grace.

I mean, what are
we talking here?

We're talking a
basically good kid.

No priors... No priors?

What about the two
burglaries, as*ault,

Possession of a
controlled substance?

All committed as a juvenile,

Which means the jury is
never gonna hear about it.

All they're gonna see

Is this brutalized, terrified,

18-Year-old kid,

And they're going to acquit him.

You're dreaming.

The evidence easily
supports m*rder two.

Your client is looking at

A mandatory 15
years to life, conrad.

And the thought of
that really gets you hot,

Doesn't it, grace?

No, it doesn't.

And it happens

I feel there are extenuating
circumstances here.

And I do feel for this kid,

Which is why I'm still willing

To let him cop to a
voluntary manslaughter

With a recommendation
for minimum sentence.

He'd be out in three years.

It's a good deal,
conrad, take it.

I'll see you in court, grace.


Would you tell us

What happened
then, officer tanana?

At this point in
time, my partner and I

Knocked on the door and
we identified ourselves

As police officers.

The defendant reuben
mendez opened the door.

There was blood all over him

And he had a bloody
knife in his hand.

I told him to put it down

At which time he complied.

Showing you
people's exhibit one,

Is this the knife?

Yes, it is.

Yes, I put my
initials on the tag

Before booking it into evidence.

And what happened
after the defendant

Put down the knife?

My partner and I
entered the apartment

Where a male hispanic

Later identified as jose mendez

Was dead from
apparent s*ab wounds.

At that time we
placed reuben mendez

Under arrest for m*rder.

Did you advise him of his
constitutional rights?

Yes, in english and in spanish.

He said he understood his rights

And he wanted to waive
them and speak to us

Without an attorney present.

Did he make a statement to you?

He said his father
was hitting him,

So he got a knife,
and he cut him.

Thank you.

Nothing further at this time.

Officer tanana,

You say that when reuben mendez

Let you into the apartment

He was holding
this knife in his hand?


Now did he thr*aten you
or your partner with it?


Did he resist you in any way?


Officer, you testified

That reuben made
a statement to you.

After he was mirandized

Both in english and in spanish.

Right, I'm not disputing that.

What I am disputing
is the substance

Of what reuben said to you.



Ask a question, counselor.

Thank you. I will.

Officer tanana, isn't it true

That reuben told you
his father said that

He was going to k*ll him

And that's why he got a knife

To protect himself?

I don't remember
anything like that.

He just said his
father was hitting him.

You don't remember?

Well, didn't you write down

What reuben said
at the time he said it?

Not in full, not until I
got back to the station.

Well, don't you think it
would've been a good idea

To do it at the scene

While you might
have had a chance

To actually
remember what he said?

Objection. Argumentative.


Officer tanana, did you see

Any bruises or injuries
on reuben's body

The night you arrested him?

They looked like old ones to me.


Motion to strike
as non-responsive

And conclusionary.

Officer, did the defendant
have bruises or injuries?

A simple yes or no will suffice.

Uh, yes, yes.

Thank you. Nothing further.

Officer tanana, have
you had any training

And/or experience in
identifying the origin

And severity of injuries?

I had training at
the police academy.

And then ten years in the field.

Unfortunately, you see a lot.

Based on your
training and expertise,

Did you form any opinion

Regarding any
bruises or injuries

That reuben mendez
might have had on the night

That you arrested him?

He had a bruise

And a small cut
around his left eye.

But both injuries appeared to
be a couple of days old at least.

Thank you.

Nothing further.

Who's in charge here?

Over there?


Hi. Victor sifuentes.


The attorney, huh?


I'd like to see
my client, please.

Yeah, well, the grieving
widow is hiding out.

Upstairs bedroom.

What's with the
attitude, detective?

In my experience, counselor,

A woman with nothing to hide

Usually doesn't mind explaining

What her husband's
doing shot to death

In the driveway of their home.


Thank god you're here.

It's okay.

It's okay.

Sit down.

Why don't you tell
me what happened.

Um... I was...

Pulling my car into the garage.

I thought you were
supposed to come to my place

After the ballet.

After I dropped my niece home,

I stopped by here to change.

He must have been waiting.

When I opened the garage door,

He slipped in behind me

And he grabbed me
as I got out of the car.

And he started yelling...

That I was a bitch and a whore.


He punched me and he
said he was gonna k*ll me.

So I took out my g*n

And I told him to
leave me alone.

You carry a g*n?

It was his.

He has six or seven of them,

All unregistered.

I didn't think he'd miss one

So I took it before
he moved out.

Victor, I was scared of him.

I didn't mean to use it,

But he kept coming at me.

He kept telling me he was
really gonna make me pay.

I was terrified.

So I closed my eyes
and pulled the trigger.

What did you do with the g*n?

I dropped it on the
ground next to him.

I came inside and called you.

Fingerprints will
probably tie you to the g*n.

There are no fingerprints.

I had gloves on.


I wore them to the ballet.

Where are they?

The police will
want to test them

For g*nsh*t residue.

I burnt them.


Oh, victor please.

This is armand sevilla
we're talking about.

The sevilla
institute of science.

The sevilla collection
at the county museum.

People don't think of
him as the sort of man

That sends out for
teenage prostitutes

Or forces his wife

To have sex with a
business associate

While he watches

And then breaks
her jaw for doing it.

I also took his watch

And all the cash
he had in his pocket.

Aw, lauren... I'm sorry.

I didn't think anyone
would believe me.

I thought I was
doing the smart thing.

What happens now?

They're going to arrest you.

Why do they have to arrest me?

Why, because that
cop out there believes

You m*rder*d your
husband, that's why.

What about you?

What do you believe?

I don't know.

I don't know.

Moving along to
lipper vs. Lipper.

Yeah, that's mine.

The husband's
referral from ed to paul

At some sort of
a custody matter.

I'll know more about it
when I see him next week.

In re estate of spraik?

Still waiting for that release
from the franchise tax board.

Mr. Rollins, what is the status

On bass vs. Capital studios?

We filed for a
court-ordered accounting.

We should have
something scheduled

By the first of the year.

Excuse me. I got to go.

Victor, are you sure
you don't want me

To take over the arraignment?

Thanks, michael.

It's under control.

Anybody know what happened?

Haber said he was k*lled
right outside the house.

Boy, would I not want to defend

The woman I loved
in a m*rder case.

You think they
have a case, michael?

People, if we can
refrain from speculation

As to the day's headlines,
I'd like to get through here.

Miss perkins,

Why don't you bring us current

On the rohner-gradinger merger.

I'm trying to get
the s.e.c. Filing

Put together by year end.

I figure with some
serious nightwork

This week, we
ought to be in shape.


As that concludes
the morning's agenda,

I'd like to remind you all

That our annual
yuletide festivities

Will be held this
coming wednesday at 5:00.

While attendance
is not mandatory,

All those present will receive

Their christmas
bonuses at that time.

Anything further?

We're adjourned.

I can't believe you
guys filed on this thing.

There is absolutely
nothing here to tie my client

To the m*rder of her husband.

Gee, I don't know, victor.

Call me cynical or
maybe I've just been

Doing this job too long,

But I see people every day

Who k*ll for 20
bucks and a timex.

So somehow it's not too hard
for me to imagine your client

Doing it for 50 million.

Oh, that's nice, jack,

But your imagination doesn't
exactly establish proof

Beyond a reasonable doubt.

I've got this theory,
so hang in there

With me for a minute, okay?

You start with the premise

Of a beautiful and
very smart little cookie

Who's married to this
guy with 100 million bucks.

Only now he wants to
unload her and do it cheap,

Thanks to this
prenutpial agreement,

So our cookie gets an idea.

A do-it-yourself divorce.

And because, as we said

That this is a smart cookie,

She wears gloves

So there's no prints
or g*nsh*t residue.

And then to throw
the police off,

She lifts his watch and wallet
to make it look like robbery.

Unless you think maybe
she had an accomplice.

You think that, victor?

Go sell it to the movies, jack.

In the meantime
you still don't have

One piece of physical
evidence to tie her to the crime.

The m*rder w*apon, victor.

You were able to
connect her to the g*n?


It's unregistered
and untraceable.


How many street
robbers do you know

Who leave their g*n behind?

Now what jury
could possibly harbor

A shred of reasonable doubt

After you present them

With something as
devastating as that?

Speaking of juries,

They're not gonna like her.

The accent, the looks.


They're gonna
want to see her pay.

And between you and me,
that's really kind of a loss.

I mean, look at her.

Gorgeous, smarter
than your average bear,

And if you could get
her off, richer than god.

If I could only learn to
overlook small character flaws

Like m*rder, this is a
woman I could get real with,

Maybe even get married.

Sure, it might
get a little scary

Every time she got mad at me,

But what the hell
is life without risk?

Hey, how about you
give it a rest, okay?

What... What do I sense here?

That our crusading
lawyer has perhaps

More than a professional
interest in this case?

Oh, great, the
judge just buzzed.

He's coming out.

All rise.

This court is in session.

The honorable sidney
schroeder presiding.

It's nearly 11 o' clock.

Can we get started here?

People vs. Lauren sevilla.

Ready, your honor.

Victor sifuentes
representing the defendant.

Your honor, we're ready.

Waive reading? So waived.

Miss, uh, sevilla,
how do you plead?

Not guilty, your honor.

Preliminary hearing
set in department 137.

Your honor, at this time,
I would like to request

An o.r. Release for my client.


This is a capital crime,

m*rder with special

You're looking for the death
penalty here, mr. Angeletti?

It's possible.

Your honor, I would argue
that this is not a capital case

As it does not fall under
the special circumstances

m*rder for personal
gain provision.

Furthermore, I would
like to point out that

My client has never
been in trouble

With the law whatsoever.

Further, the d.a. Has an
exceedingly weak case.

How about save it for the
prelim, okay, counselor?

That's enough.

Mr. Angeletti,

Is the d.a.'S office opposed
to any bail whatsoever?

A million dollars
bail, your honor.

And I would once again
reassert my petition for o.r.

Or in the alternative
argue that $25,000

Is more than sufficient

To ensure my client's
presence in court.


Bail set in the
amount of $200,000.

Next case.

Mrs. Mendez, will
you please tell us

What happened
when your son reuben

Pulled your husband off you?

He started going after reuben.

He was crazy, drunk.

And what did you do

When your husband
chased your son?

Like I always do, I
grabbed the baby

And ran into the
bedroom and locked it.

That's when I heard it.

Now I want you tell the
court exactly what you heard,

Mrs. Mendez.

He was screaming at reuben

That he was gonna k*ll him.

And all of a sudden,

The noise just stopped.

I opened the
door, and I seen it.

Jose was dead, and reuben had...

He had a knife.

Would you like to
take a break, ma'am?

I'm so ashamed.

I saw him lying in
all that blood...

My husband... And I felt glad...

Glad that my children

Didn't have to be
afraid no more.

Thank you, mrs. Mendez.

Um, nothing further, your honor.

You said your husband threatened

The safety of your two children

On and off for the
last three years?

That's right.

And yet, not once

Did you ever call the police

Or notify any authority.


We usually got away.

We would lock
ourselves in the room.

Only this time,
reuben didn't make it.

Jose was going to k*ll him.

I swear.

There was a telephone
in that room, mrs. Mendez.

If you were so sure

That your son was
about to be k*lled,

Why didn't you pick it up?

There... There was no time.

No time?

So you chose just to sit it out?

Your honor...

There are 12
reasonable people here,

And you're asking
them to believe

That while your son's
life was in danger,

You didn't go to his aid,

You didn't call for help,

But instead you sat and
waited for the noise to die down.

Your honor, she's badgering!

And she's lying!

I am not lying.

You stayed in that room

Because there was
no reason to believe

That reuben's life was in
danger, isn't that right?

He's a good, good boy.

You don't know what
he's gone through!

He k*lled his father.

He's a good boy.

Nobody should have
to take what he took.

Nothing further.

Douglas, would you mind...

May I help you, young lady?

Who the hell are you?

Erroll farrell. And yourself?

Abigail perkins. I'm
an attorney here.

Oh, well allow me to
formally introduce myself.

I'm douglas brackman's brother.

Douglas brackman
doesn't have a brother.

Look at this face.
Look at that hairline.

Senor martinez, could you, uh...

Excusame uno momento?

Por favor.


So, miss perkins,

You're so young
to be an attorney.

You must have passed the
bar first shot out of the box.

Just what are you doing here?

Well, dougie is letting
me use his office

While my new space at
city is being decorated.

And does douglas know you're
charging these people $2,500

To process their
residency forms?

I'm providing an
essential public service

For these people.

I mean, somebody's
got to do it, am I right?

Hey, wait!

Hey, what did you tell them?

That you're a crook.

Hey, now I'm losing
my temper when

You mess with my livelihood.

You told them your
brother owns the i.n.s.?

No, no. She's confused.

I said he owns this firm.

The language thing
is a real barrier,

You know what I mean?

Look, look, I'm
providing a service here

And I notice that your command

Of the hispanic tongue
is pretty serious.

What do you say I cut you in,

Together we do
three times the volume.

Nice cash business.
What do you say?

Hey, you just cost
me close to 15 big ones!

And that's called
restraint of trade!

Interference with
business opportunity.

Inducement to breach.

You listen to me, mr. Farrell.

What you're doing is
ripping these people off.

And if the police are
not interested in that,

Then I am sure that the
state bar association will be.

Assuming of course that
you are actually a lawyer.

Hey, hey, take it easy.

Of course I'm a lawyer.

Then I suggest you
pack up your things

And get out of here right now!

No need for threats, honey.

See, that's the
beauty of america.

Even two individuals
who disagree on principle

Can still remain respectful
towards each other's

Inalienable right
to turn a buck.

Pleasure to have met you.

Vaya con dios.

Ciao, baby.

Without going into
the sordid details,

I knew nothing of
my half-brother's

Heinous activities.

He said that you gave
him the office, douglas.

I won't mince
words, miss perkins.

He was blackmailing me.

But that climate has
been rendered hostile

And erroll farrell
will no longer blacken

This firm's reputation.

But if he has keys to
the office complex...

He returned the keys
to me, miss perkins.

I can only assume he
made a duplicate set.

However, not to worry.

I've already seen to having
all the locks changed.

Nevertheless, I
appreciate your diligence.

Have you told anyone
else about this?

No. Good thinking.

And I would take it
as a personal kindness

If this matter were kept
strictly confidential.

All right, douglas.

The matter is well in hand.

Call the building locksmith.

I want all the locks
in the complex changed

By end of business today.

See that all the appropriate
people get new keys.

Yes, sir.

Oh. Mrs. B called,

She wants to know what
time you'll be home tonight.

The usual time, 7:30.

Tell her I wish to have
dinner on the table at 7:45.


What about the bail?

Why is it taking so long?

I'm still trying.

But the money in your
husband's estate has been frozen

Until the disposition
of your case.

I didn't sleep.

I can't stand it in here.

Preliminary hearing's tomorrow.

Just hang in there.

What if the judge
makes me stand trial?

I don't think that'll happen.

You're not even
convinced I'm innocent.

Why should the judge be?

Lauren, you're not required
to prove your innocence.

The state has to prove
that you're guilty.

You want me to take
a lie detector test?

Courts don't put
much stock in them.

I'm not talking
about the courts.

I'm talking about us.

I love you.

I thought you loved me.

Since the night it happened,

You haven't been able
to get it out of your head

I'm a m*rder*r.

What you did...

The way you tried
to cover it up...

I'm having a lot of
trouble with it, lauren.

It's not gonna
work for us, is it?

I really don't know.


Um... If, uh...

If you can't believe me...

Should I be looking
for another lawyer?

I can still be your lawyer.

Do you want to be? Yes.

No matter what...

No matter what, I can't
live with the thought of you

Spending time in prison.

I already did my time for
marrying armand sevilla.

I'd die if I had to any more.

Victor... I shot
him in self-defense.

I swear.

Then my mother locked
herself in the bedroom

With the baby.

So it was just you
and your father

In the living
room at this point.

And he had me by the hair.

Kept smashing my
head into the wall.

Said he was gonna k*ll me.

And then what happened?

I broke free.

That's when...

When I went and got the
knife from the kitchen.

And I come back and
I go, "you stay away."

I show him the blade
and tell him, "keep away!"

And did he keep away, reuben?

He just came lunging at me.

And then... I stuck him.

I had to.

He was gonna k*ll me.

It's gonna be all right, reuben.

Your witness.


When you broke away
and ran into the kitchen,

Did your father follow you?


So it would be fair to say

That the attack had
stopped, correct?

No. He came at me again.

But only after
you returned to him

Waving a knife.

I told him to stay
back and he charged.

Did he continue to
charge after say,

The fourth or fifth time
you stabbed him, reuben?



What about the 10th
or 11th puncture?

Did that discourage him any?

It was self-defense.

I was scared for my life.

There's a door at
the end of the hall

And another one in the kitchen.

Tell the jury why,
instead of running away,

You chose to go back in
there with a carving knife.

I was...

He could have k*lled
my mother and sister.

So suddenly it's
not your life that

You were worried
about, it was theirs?


No, both!

I had to protect them.

But you just said that
they were locked safely

In the bedroom.

I thought maybe they came out!

You went back in there
for revenge, didn't you?

You weren't afraid.

You were angry!

He was crazy, lady!
He had to be stopped.

I had to stop him!

You stabbed him 11 times!

Stopped him pretty
good, didn't you?

Yeah! Yeah!


One, two... Objection!

Three, four...

Your honor!
Five... Six, seven...

Miss van owen!

That's enough.

I'm sorry, your honor.

I'll stop at seven.

But you didn't, did you?



Nothing further.





What are you doing
in my bed with my wife?


This is all a giant

Sheila... How could you?

Payback, douglas.


What about the car?

The fur?

The jewelry?

Just a down payment.

Look, people... Shut up!

Did you really think
you could buy me off

With a few trinkets, douglas?


You guys want to be alone?

Be quiet, you dog.

How could you do this to me?

How could you?

Believe me, douglas,

Luring this sleazy
little woodchuck

Into my bed is not my
idea of a great time.

Now, bjorn and roger
were a great time.

Bjorn and roger?

But this is strictly business.

Quid pro quo.

You play, you pay.

And if you don't like
it, I'll divorce you,

And take half of
everything you hold dear.

Your house, your
money, your kids,

And your law partnership.

Is this clear?


Kids, I got to run.

Dougie... Hand me my pants.

I show you this,

And I ask you if you recognize

People's exhibit three.

It's a picture of the
deceased armand sevilla.

And is this a fair

And accurate
representation of the victim

As he appeared when
you arrived on the scene?

It is.

I offer this photograph
into evidence,

And I have nothing
further for the witness.

Mr. Sifuentes?

Did you find any fingerprints
or other evidence

Linking my client to
the g*n, lieutenant?


Did you run a g*nsh*t
residue test on my client

To determine whether in
fact she fired a revolver?

We did.

And what were the
results of that test?


Were there any witnesses
to this crime whatsoever?


Thank you, lieutenant.

I have nothing further.

Mr. Angeletti?

People rest, judge.

You may step down.

Your honor, at this time
I move for a dismissal.

There is absolutely no
physical or testimonial evidence

Connecting the
accused to the crime,

Or to suggest in any way...

Just so happens that the
accused stands to inherit

Over $50 million,
which she never

Would have gotten if the
divorce had become final.

Not to mention the coincidence

Of his getting
shot at her house.

Motive and opportunity
alone does not constitute

Sufficient probable
cause, mr. Angeletti.

If that's all you've got,

I have no choice but to
grant defendant's motion.

We expect the
ongoing investigation

To turn up physical
evidence, judge...

Mr. Angeletti, I make
my determination

Based on what is before me now.

Case dismissed.

Your honor...

If you turn up anything,
you can refile at that ime.

Until then, defendant
is free to go.

Thank you.

And since I had to be
at the sales conference

On such short notice,

It seemed worth the
additional expense...

Excuse me.

Is it very warm in here?

You want me to turn
the heat down, judge?

Please. Sure.

Miss woods, is it
your contention then

That your dog was mistreated
at mr. Crone's kennel?

Pet hotel. You haven't
heard a word I said.

This is not my dog.

Your honor, this is a
copy of our registration.

You can see there was
no other english bulldog

Registered among our guests.

All our dogs are
carefully supervised

And monitored.

Your honor...

This is a photograph
of my dog jake

Taken on his birthday.

And this is the dog that
they tried to pawn off on me

When I got back.


Look at him. He's
listless, he's overweight.

Look at his
overbite. Do you see?




Oh, my god.

Heart attack.

Everybody, don't panic.

Just calm down.

Get that animal out of the way.

I'm gonna have to give
this man mouth-to-mouth.

No, no bodily fluids.

In the matter 0f people
vs. Reuben mendez,

The jury finds the
defendant guilty

Of m*rder in the second degree.

Sentencing to take place

Second week of january.

Defendant will be
taken into custody.

The jury's excused.

This court is now adjourned.

Oh, god. Oh, reuben.

Come here.

Oh, god, you can't
take him away.

Oh, god no, reuben... Reuben...

All right, all right.
Thanks, victor.

Merry christmas.

What a farce.

All year long they
treat us like schnauzers,

And then once a year
they gather us all up

And expect us to
sing christmas carols.

How can they even
think to have a party

With mr. Brackman
in the hospital?

Oh, hilda, you think they care?

They don't care.

Do you think I should
I go to the hospital?

I think mr. Mckenzie
will let you know

As soon as there's any news.

This has got to be
the deadliest party

I've ever been to.

What's the protocol around here?

You think I put in enough time?

I think you'll be all right.


Listen, if I don't talk to you,

Have a reasonably
great christmas.

You, too, jonathan.


Merry christmas.


Well, thank you very much.

I will put this under my tree.

Okay, I won't tell
you what it is, then.


Maybe I'll give them a call
and tell them I have the flu.

Arnie, they're your parents.

They're expecting you.

Besides, there's
lots worse things

Than christmas in
palm springs, you know.

Name one.

Being home alone all weekend,

Like I'm gonna be.

Why don't you come to
palm springs with me?


Well, yeah, sure.
It would be great.

We could drive out
first thing in the morning.

What about your parents?

Won't they want you
all to themselves?

That's exactly why
I need you there.

Besides... Hi.

You'd make a great
fourth in canasta.

Will I have a separate room?



Hi, guys. Hi.

Merry christmas.

You seen kuzak?

Yeah. He just... Come on.




Merry christmas.


How did it go?

What do you know
about conrad peters?

I hear he's a pretty
good lawyer.


He's a jerk.

I offered him
voluntary manslaughter

With a recommendation
for minimum sentence,

Three years.

He told me to shove it.

His kid got second
degree m*rder.

He's looking at 15 big ones.


I'm gonna go to the
sentencing hearing and argue

For a reduction to manslaughter.

You think the judge will buy it?

I don't know.

I hate to see a client paying
for his attorney's ego.

Too bad he didn't have
victor for a lawyer.

What's that supposed to mean?

Michael, don't
you find it ironic

That this kid's looking
at 15 years to life,

And lauren sevilla walks
away with $50 million?

There's a difference here.

Lauren didn't k*ll anybody.

We know that for a fact?

We know for a fact that she did?

Come on.

It just doesn't seem right.

Oh, let it go, grace.

It's christmas.

Want to go out on
the stairwell and neck?

Yeah, I would.

Okay. Let's go.

You're too good to me.

May I have your
attention, please?

I've just spoken at length

With douglas' doctor,

And it was not a heart attack

As was first feared.

A stroke?

Well, actually, it
was an anxiety attack,

Complicated by a
gastrointestinal disturbance.

He had a gas attack?

Inelegantly put, yes.

The doctor said
they plan to keep him

For observation for 24 hours
and hope to have him home

In time to spend christmas
with his wife and family.

So we have much
to be grateful for.

I'd also like to
take this occasion

To wish each and
every one of you,

And your families, a
most joyous season,

And to thank you all

For making this
past year a success.

Merry christmas to you all.

Merry christmas.

Can I say something?

Of course, benny.



I never had a job before.

I used to worry that
maybe I never could

Because nobody would
want to work with me.

But you were all so good to me

After my mom died,

I just want to tell you that I'm

I'm really happy
to be working here.

And I want to say
merry christmas.

You're my friends.

And I love you all...

A lot.

Merry christmas, benny.

Merry christmas.

Feliz navidad, victor.

Feliz navidad.

It's funny.

I thought we were gonna
spend the holidays together.

It was gonna be the
first merry christmas

In a long time.

I'm not feeling all
that merry myself.

I never thought I'd be
able to come up here.

It's not that I didn't want to,

It's just that

I'm usually a little too
big in the pride department.


I don't want to make
this thing about pride.

How many women do you think

I mean, in my life I
fall in love with?

I thought maybe we
still had a chance.

It's different now, isn't it?


Since I won't be with
you on christmas.
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