02x07 - Rohner vs. Gradinger

Episode transcripts for the TV show "L. A. Law". Aired: September 15, 1986 – May 19, 1994.*
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High-powered law firm of McKenzie, Brackman, Chaney and Kuzak handles both criminal and civil cases, but the office politics and romance often distract them from the courtroom.
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02x07 - Rohner vs. Gradinger

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on l.a. Law.

Rohner versus gradinger.

Discovery is complete

And I'm pushing to an
accelerated trial there

To try and startup some action.

What are you
doing with this case?

I'll show you disruption.

Let the record reflect
that attorney kilbourne

Has risen manifesting
violent propensities.

Excuse me.

You know what this kid is doing?

I'm wearing him down,

Sir, he is about to
give up, I can... No.

What if other
firms did this to us?

Tying up michael
kuzak or arnie becke

For two full days,
do you have any idea

How much that would cost us?

Come in.

Mickey, it's been forever.

You look great.

I'm going to call you for lunch.

Who was that?

My ex-wife.

I think we ought to take

A little break, you and me.

I'm moving back to
my place, michael.

You're being just as controlling

And manipulative as
you accuse me being.

Stuart, that's just not true.

You won't accept one
single gift from me.

You don't want to make love.

You don't even let me hold you.

I call that punishment.

I'm not saying you're right,

But I'll take it on
your advice now.

Thank you very much counselor.

Go away.

You down there, did you find it?

My bailiff lost
her contact lens.

Got it.

Out of curiosity, is your wife,

Know you're carrying on
with the nearsighted tutsi?

Rhonda, please sit down.

Rhonda, I don't know

Any way to say this
except to be blunt.

We have to break it off.

I'm being blackmailed.

Oh, no. Your brother?

He is determined to
turn this into something

Cheap and tawdry.

Oh, douglas, I'm so sorry.

It's all my fault.

Rhonda, no.

You were wonderful.

You brought feeling back

To what has long been heartless.

Your passion, your kindness,

I'll never forget you.

How does it go, "they
know not I knew thee,

Who knew too well, long, long

Shall I rue thee,
too deeply to tell."


It's a poem by byron.

I can't believe it.

No one ever quoted
poetry to me before.

"In secret we met,
in silence I grieve,

That thy heart could forget,

Thy spirit deceive.

If I should meet thee
after long years,

How should I greet thee

With silence and tears."

Michael, how's that
celebrity hoodlum?

I can't believe the da's office

Is actually making
me take this one trial.

He beat up a fan

And they found
cocaine in his pocket.

What should they do?
Make a movie of the week?

This is simple as*ault than
less than a gram of cocaine.

They usually plead
these things out.

Only in this case, the deputy da

Likes to see her face
on the nightly news.

And on the subject
of entertainment,

How's that producer,
gordon bass doing?

Hey he's, he's still
unhappy, douglas.

We filed a complaint
against the studio

But he wants instant result.

He will be in tomorrow,

So you all might want
to close your doors.


Rohner versus gradinger.

Well, the more I go over
this, the more convinced

And the parties really
want a reconciliation.

Are you nuts?

I'm going to bring them
into a little heart to heart.

I think they can work it out.

This isn't coffee
klatch miss perkins.

This is a complex
breach of contract

Case involving
millions of dollars.

The bottom line is
that we are talking

About two ex-best friends

Suing each other
over muffin recipes.

And from everything I've seen,

They're looking for an
excuse to get back together.

This is insanity.

I know what I'm doing.

Abby has the matter
in hand, douglas.

Next case.

There is no next case.

We're adjourned.

Do you want to
get a cup of coffee?

Sure. Let's go.

Stuart, you got a minute?


What's up?

I had some bad news.


It's my mother.

Is she sick?


She's in san francisco
with some tour group

And she wants to jump off
and fly down here tonight.

Well, it's not so unreasonable.

Is she going to stay with us?

No, she stays with some

Old college roommate
in hancock park.

What's the big deal?


She's not sophisticated
on lot of ways, stuart.

I'm just afraid you're
not going to like her.

Ann, she's your mom.
I'm going to love her.

Don't underestimate me, okay.

I'm to be amazing around moms.

When I was in high school,
all 'em had crushes on me.

It was the, the daughters
had trouble with.

Trust me, okay.

Are you okay?

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...


We're stuck at... Oh, dear.

Hello. Hello,
we're stuck in here.

Okay, we're on it.

How long do you
think that'll take?

We're sending a man right now.

Okay, thank you.

And it shouldn't be real long.

Oh, dear, I'm sorry.

Got to feel like such a fool.


Thank you.

It's okay.

I was with my divorce
lawyer all morning.

That is doing all right.

You divorced?

No, actually I've
never been married.

I just could imagine

How difficult it must be
seeing your marriage die.

Not this marriage.

Even in front of these
two lawyers out there,

My husband was still
so abusive towards me.

I mean, finally I just
had to run out of that.

And then you get
stuck in an elevator.

I guess, this just
isn't your day.

Yeah, maybe.

I'm sorry maybe not.

Anyway, I'm lauren sevilla.

Victor sifuentes.

How do you do? Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

Do you work in this building?


A lawyer then?

Oh, no. You mean, I'm going
to start look like one?

Yeah, well.


We're moving.

Oh, good. Great.

You know, I can guarantee
you, if I were trapped in here

With a dozen screaming kids

They would have taken at
least an hour to get me out.

Look, what would you say,
to continuing this over lunch?


Oh, thank you very much
anyway, but I better not.

Thank you. Bye-bye.


Mr. Cevenko, can you
describe the events

On the night of
june 21st for us?

My girlfriend and I were
walking around on sunset

In a limo pulled up
in front of spagos.

And we saw patrick boyd
and his date get on go inside.

When my girlfriend
wanted to get some pictures

Or maybe an autograph
or something,

So we hung around
waiting for him to come out,

When we did, she goes
to take his picture,

He starts cursing at her.

What happened next?

Right, he was acting like
he was going to knock

The camera out of her hand.

So, I step in front of her

And I don't know
where the guy slugs me.

Now I tried to cool
him out, but I couldn't.

So, the cops came,
they broke it up

And I told them I wanted
to press charges.

Can you tell the court

What you observed at this point?

The police had him
up against the car

And they were patting him down.

And when they came up

With that little dark
brown glass vial,

I saw him just kind of slump.

I have no further questions.

Patrick, you are so gorgeous.

Officer, remove
that young woman.

Sorry, your honor.

I'm sorry, don't make me leave.

I love you patrick.

Another such outburst

And I will clear this courtroom.

Mr. Kuzak?

Mr. Cevenko, I've
a sworn testimony

From one of the parking
attendants at spago

That you and your girlfriend,
were having a heated argument

Just prior to your
altercation with patrick boyd.

Couples fight.

At the moment sir,
you and your girlfriend

Are the only couple
I'm interested in

And the question is, what
were you fighting about?

She could not stop
talking about him.

She wouldn't leave
without seeing him.

I'm standing on a sidewalk
waiting for this guy

Like an idiot he comes
plowing through

Like we're not even there.

And when he pushed
you, you pushed him back.

Yeah, in self-defense.

And that's when the
punching started.

He threw the first punch.

And you punched him back.

He was threatening me.

Mr. Cevenko, do you
workout with weights?

Gold's gym five times a week.

And you are currently employed
as a bouncer at a disco bar

Called the golden
cadillac. Is there right?


And yet in your testimony
you say that you think

My client poses a
physical threat to you?

I suppose to be so
tough in his movies.

He ain't nothing.

I then knocked his
teeth down his throat

If the cops didn't showed up.

Thank you, mr. Cevenko.

No further questions.

Oh, I want to have
your baby, patrick.

It's a charming
place, surprises.

Hey we're celebrating.

Besides, nothing is too good

For the mother of my wife to be.

Well, isn't that nice.

So, stuart. Tell
me about yourself.

Now I understand that

You're a brilliant tax attorney.

Well, tax attorney
parse that anyway.

You're just being
modest, I'm sure.

You people are always so
good at that sort of thing.

But me, I can't even
balance my checkbook.

Oh, really?

That must be where
ann gets her head

For figures, uh?

Stuart tried to do
my taxes last year.

Well, aren't you lucky?

Your father used
to say if only he had

A jewish bookkeeper,
we'd all be millionaires.

I don't think you should
generalize like that, mom.

Oh, god, I meant
that as a compliment.

Stuart, I want you to
know I do not judge a man

By his race or creed.

That's what's in the
heart that really matters.

Good for you, ma'am.

So, how's aunt fiddle, mom?

Fiddle's fine just to
take it easy for a while.

She is so happy that annie
is marrying a jewish man.

She says, jewish
men don't drink,

Jewish men don't run
around with women

And jewish men put
their wives on a pedestal.


You want to know
why we put our wives

In the pedestal, mrs. Kelsey.


Because that way it's much
easier to kiss them on their...


I know we can't prove it.

These things are jacking
me up and down like this

And you're doing nothing.

Well, we recently
filed a complaint.

The movie has
grossed 90 million,

And those lying pictures
say they're not in profits yet?

And that's why we're
suing them, mr. Bass.

A litigation takes time.

I want an immediate injunction.

Oh, you can't have one.

I want it, damn it.

You're seeking money
damages, mr. Bass.

You're not entitled
to equitable relief.

Crap! Legal technical crap.

Nevertheless, the law.

That stinking studio is
getting rich of my movie

And you're letting
them get away with it.

Read my lips mr. Bass,

They're not
getting away with it.

We're suing them. Your
rights will be vindicated.

It's going to
take a little time.

You know what
the problem is here?


There's not enough
froth in your mouth.

You're not mad enough.

I'm an attorney, not a pit bull.

Well, you're not my
attorney anymore.

Have the files sent over
to my house this afternoon.

Did you ever heard a word about
the attorney, the movie mogul?

You know, you're the
fourth lawyer in four years.

I wish someone
would explain to me

What the hell is going on here.

Well, mr. Rohner, I've
been paring over the claims

And the counter claims
and deposition transcripts.

And the thing that
sort of jumps out here,

Is the two men are paying
lawyers a lot of money

Because their feelings are hurt.

Why shouldn't my
feelings be hurt?

Just because my best
boyhood friend took my recipes,

Went national, international

And now isn't all the
supermarkets too?

I read your
deposition, mr. Rohner.

Page 27.

He's the only
partner, have ever had,

The only one who understood me.

His deposition, page 47,

Those early days in our
first mini-muffin store,

I always thought we'd
stay together forever.

And those statements have
nothing to do with business

Or money or breach
of contact, mr. Rohner.

But those statements say to me

Is that you two miss each other.

I hired this firm
for legal advice.

I already have a therapist.

I'm sure you do.

And I'm willing to bet
the name gradinger

Comes up at every session.

Look, you came to this
office four years ago

Because someone had wronged you

And you wanted
lawyers to fix everything.

And no matter what
the legal ruling

Is in this case mr. Rohner,

I don't think that everything
will feel totally fixed

Until you sit down
with your friend

And you work out
your differences.

Even if I agreed
he'd never do it.

If I can get him to talk, you
promise you'll talk back?

Good, good.

Benny, my man, you got

The gordon bass file handy?

Right here.

Mr. Markowitz
wants me to bring it

To mr. Bass in a taxicab.

Well I'm going on that
way I'll take it to him.

Save you some time.

He's supposed to get it today.

No problem, buddy.

It's as good as there.

Mr. Sifuentes?



I hope I'm not disturbing you.

No, no, not at all.
Come in please.

Thank you.

I wanted to return this to you.

Oh, you didn't have to do that.

Sit down.

I'd also like to explain

That I did want to have
lunch with you yesterday.

So, why did you say no?

My husband, armand sevilla...

The land developer?

He is a man where he used
to getting his own way.

And this divorce,

He never wanted it.

He's made certain threats.

And you're frightened of him?


I'm very frightened of him.

Well, I'm not.

So, why don't you have
dinner with me to night, lauren?


Okay, I like that very much.

Mike, I just found out

I got to testify
in federal court,

So, let's get this held
over till tomorrow, okay?

Oh, you got a co-counselor,
who can try the case, don't you?

Oh, come on.

You're going to make
me get this continuing

With some judge.

You know, there's nothing

That says that we
have to finish this trial.

You're not going to
start this again. Are you?

My client's an actor, you
know what that means?

When he gets on that stand,
the jury is going to want

To reach out and touch
the hem of his garment.

The last thing they're
going to want to do

Is send him to jail.

So what's your problem
with finishing the trial

If that's the way you feel?

You know, it occurs to
me that there is something

More important going on here

Than either you or me
getting our name in the papers.

But maybe my
client could benefit

From being in a drug program.

Now if that jury comes
back with an acquittal,

He's going to
think he's invincible.

That's only going to
make that problem worse.

So, what's your suggestion?

Same as before,
dismiss the as*ault.

It's trash anyway.

Suspend the criminal proceedings

On the felony possession

And let him enroll
in a drug program.

And I'm supposed
to want to do this

Because he is a big star, right.

Damn it, yvonne, maybe you're
supposed to want to do it

Because it's the
right thing to do.

You know, this,
this guy kills me.

What's the matter?

He's never heard the word no?

Things have all been
put on this earth

Just to make him happy.

Patrick boyd is
entitled to the chance

To get himself straight,

That's no more than
anyone else would get.

All right. All right, all right.

Tell mr. Boyd

If he enters an
approved drug program,

I'll ask the court to
let the prosecution ride.

Entry into a drug program,
by itself, won't do it.

Either he cleans up
his act permanently

Or the charges get reinstated.

The d.a. Has been subpoenaed
to testify in federal court.

So, what is this
have to do with me?

One day continuance.

You're telling me I sat
in there all morning

For nothing?

It happens sometimes.

Just do me a favor,

Don't tell me it
happens, all right.

It doesn't mean anything.

It doesn't excuse
anything it's nothing.

There's nothing for you
to excuse here, patrick.

This is official court business.

Do the studio lawyers
know about this?

I'm not consulting
with the studio lawyers.

Well maybe you should be.

I mean if they're rearranging
their sh**ting schedules

Run this trial they'd like to
know that some civil service

Bimbo is trying
to stick it to me.

Well, what can I say,
sometimes being a defendant

In a criminal trial
has its inconveniences.

And your job is to insulate me

From as many of
those as possible

And the more that I have to deal

With those on my
own, means that more

That you are not doing your job.

Now, you don't pay
for that I pay for that.

Patrick, the d.a. Is
willing to suspend

The criminal proceedings

Provided that you check into
a drug treatment program.

Well, you tell her
to jam it, all right.

Now look, drug programs
for people with drug problems.

I don't have a drug problem.
Now what are you, my mother?

Your job is to try my case,

Not enroll a drug program.

You want to take a
poke at me too, patrick?



I got sprung unexpectedly.

I thought I drop by and
see what you're up to.

Going over motions
and eating the yogurt.

Well, I have a better idea.



Why not?

Come on, mickey.

I miss you, grace.

I miss touching you.

How is your ex-wife?

The operative word there is, ex.

I haven't seen her and
I don't think about her.

But I do think about you.

Can I at least
have a kiss please?

There's about a million
people outside my door.

So what?

Come on just, just
one little kiss, okay?

One kiss.


Oh, god.



Mickey, stop.


I locked the door.

No, no, no.

If we're gonna do it

Might as well do it right.

You like the biltmore
or the bonaventure?

Before we embark down the
list of accounts receivable,

There is something
else on the table

Which is the situation
with miss perkins.

I thought we settled this.

We settled nothing.

I think we should give
serious consideration

To yanking rohner versus
gradinger from her before

We risk losing a major client.

Your mind is so made up
that she can do the job.

You won't even give her a
chance to prove you wrong.

She has no experience
with complex

Commercial litigation,
particularly not in a matter

In as delicate a phase
of negotiation as this one.

My apologies.

Something came up.

Douglas, rohner versus
gradinger has been

On the books for
four and a half years.

I've had it.

Michael's had it and it is no
closer to a resolution now

Than it was when it came in.

If abby has the initiative

And wants to put in the hours,

I don't see the downside.

I'm with ann on this.


You want to give her
enough rope to hang herself,

Be my guest.

She just better be prepared
to take the consequences.

Excuse me.

Excuse me. If you
have a summons I can...

You bastard.

You went to my captain and
got me transferred, didn't you?

Excuse me?

You got me put on
disciplinary probation.

I'm being reassigned
to county jail.

My court, bailiff.

Miss vasek, I will
be happy to discuss

Your employment problem.


But this is not the
appropriate forum.

What a jerk I was?

I really thought
you cared about me.

I do care about you.

I care about everybody
in my courtroom.

And what about everyone
in your chambers?

The disgusting things
I let you do to me.

I assure you, I
know nothing about

What she's talking about.

Waiting for you like
a fool, after session

So you could jump on me
and do your dirty business.

And then five minutes later,

You were back on
your way to your wife.

Rhonda, please.

You know the craziest thing?

I thought all this time
you were so decent.

So, above me, but you're
not above me at all.

You're a swine douglas brackman,

And I will hate you forever.

If you all excuse me.

Oh, jonathan.

Gordon bass called,
looking for his file.

Benny said you took it.

I thought I take it him myself.

I think I can convince
him to stay with us.

Oh, we don't solicit
clients, jonathan,

That's not our style.

Well, it's not the stationary
just a little salesmanship.

Just to say, I
might appreciate it

If you just deliver the
file without the pitch.

Stuart's handling
of the case was fine

And if bass doesn't
like it that's his right.

But we don't stroke
clients business.


I'll get file to him right away.

Yes. Mm-hmm.

Mr. Mckenzie.

Oh, yes.

God, she's great.

And I think she's
smart, beautiful, funny.

You're rolling your eyes.

You're rolling your eyes!

Well, forgive me if
it sounds like, maybe,

I've heard this story
from you before.

Look, look, I know that I haven't
had the best track record

That when it comes
to picking women,

But she seems totally
normal, down to earth.

Oh, armand sevilla's
wife down to earth.

Kind of hard I think when
you're worth $50 million.

No, she signed the prenup.

Forget it.

I never say a
prenup I couldn't buy.

Thanks arnie,

She is really not
into the money,

She's already got
herself a lawyer.

Michael, victor.


Steven, do you have a minute?

Michael, victor, a moment?

I just want you to
know I had no idea

That woman would pursue me

Into the workplace
to recur vendetta.

It's not as if I pursued her,

She practically
threw herself at me.

Well, who can resist
a woman in uniform?

Don't start.

Hell hath no fury. I just
hope you used protection.

If you mean you think
you might have messed me

Into a paternity situation,

I can assure you I made certain

She was on the pill.

Not her, you.


Aids, douglas, the second
coming in the black plague.


Look, if you're going
to practice surgery,

Take it from someone who knows.

Never operate
without your gloves on.

What are you talking about?

Heterosexuals aren't at risk.

I read an article in playboy.

Do you believe
everything you read?

Arnold, it's not as
if I'm promiscuous.

Well, okay what about her?

She's what 30, 35 years old,
15 years of sexual activity

Average above a
dozen guys a year

Each with the dance
card of his own

That's 12 times 15, 180?

180 To what?

20Th power?

Face it, douglas.

Each time you hit the
sheets with someone new

You link yourself
up virally with about

Half the world population.

Victor, have you met my mom?

Charlotte kelsey.

Victor sifuentes.

Victor is one of my colleagues.


Nice to meet you.

Mom is here all the way
from waterville, maine.


Well, that's in new england.


Who's from maine?

Annie's mother.

Charlotte kelsey. John rollins.

John's just joined us.

Isn't that nice?

Maine is only about my
favorite place in the world.

You've been there?

Couple of us from
school used to run a house

For the summer on deer isle.

Listen, I love to talk about
it, but I have a file to deliver.

I got to get back too.

Pleasure meeting.

I don't understand,

The spaniard was
wearing an earring

And that n*gro man,

Is he a lawyer or
the delivery body?

A lawyer, mom.

Can you tell us what
happened as you were leaving

Spago's on the
night of june 21st?

I'll tell you it's a
little hard to say.

It seems though we just
stepped out the door

When this flash
went off in my face.

I asked both mr. Cevenko
and the young lady

He was with to please
respect my privacy

And especially that
of the young lady

That I was with.

He kept pushing into me though.

His girlfriend kept
snapping pictures,

And I put up my hand and said,

Hold it and that's when
he took a swing at me

And I just did the best I
could to defend myself.

I'm not much of a fighter
to tell you the truth.

Mr. Cevenko testified

That you cursed
at his girlfriend

When she asked to
take your picture.

When I said no to any
more photographs

And she did it anyway,

I said, damn it, I
asked you not to.

And we've heard the testimony
of officer richard bartke

Of the l.a. County
sheriff's department

That you had a vial of cocaine

In your jacket pocket.

Well, that's just it.

It wasn't my jacket.

You see, it was karen's birthday

And we were going out.

I knew she was going
to be all dressed up

And I felt kind of
bad that I wasn't.

We were running late on the set

And I wasn't going to have a
chance to go home and change.

So I grabbed a sports
jacket off the wardrobe rack.

I sure never expected
anything like that

To be in the pocket.

So, you're saying
the vial of cocaine

In your jacket pocket
didn't belong to you?

No, sir, it did not.

I wasn't knowingly
carrying dr*gs of any kind

Nor do I use dr*gs of any kind.

Thank you.

I have no further questions.

Take me with you, patrick.

If they send you to
jail take me with you.


If you bend your knees

And really get out
in front of the ball

You could cream those
for crosscourt winners.

Who are you?

Jonathan rollins, from
mckenzie chaney, brackman.

I got the file.

About time, may be now I
could do something with it.

Excuse my candor sir,

But it's silly to recruit
an entire new team

When all you really have to do

Is change quarterbacks.

What are you talking about?

Talking about someone
who bust these guys

And crush a few
stones in the process.

And I suppose that's you.

You mind?

Go ahead.

Attorney auden thompson

Please, jonathan
rollins calling.

Excuse me?

Yes, tell them he can talk
to me now or see me in court

After I move for
sanctions against him

For frivolous motions.

Thank you.

Try keeping your body
at a 90 degree angle

When you make contact.

Keep your racquet up and
don't turn your wrist over.

This isn't squash.

Yeah, yes, mr. Thompson,
jonathan rollins,

New mckenzie, brackman
attorney for gordon bass

And I claim against
capitol studios.


Now, how about we dispense
with the pleasantries

And cut right to the chase?

You continue the stalling
tactics at my expense

Not haul you at the
motion for sanctions.

Yeah, I know who I'm talking to.

A heel dragging defense lawyer
who likes to make life miserable

For legitimate plaintiffs
with legitimate claims

But before you pull
that crap this time

I suggest you learn
who you're talking to.

Good day, counselor.

And that was just warming up.

Now, give me 20 minutes
with your backhand

And I'll have your next
opponent eating the ball.

Mr. Gradinger, in your
interview last year

With fortune magazine,

You said that the
one thing missing

In all your success

Was the opportunity to share

With a person that
it all began with.

Do you still believe that?


Funny way of showing it.

You're the one who said

You never wanted
to see me again.

I never said that.

You always make...

Now hold on, both of you.

Mr. Rohner, I'd like
to ask you a question

And I would like
an honest answer.

Do you miss working
with mr. Gradinger?

A little.

And if there was some
way to work all of this out

And to get you two
back together again.

Would you be interested
in exploring that?


Mr. Gradinger.


Now before I get
all choked up here,

May I point out none
of this is relevant

To mr. Rohner's blatant attempt

To rip off royalties
from my client.

Rip off?

Yeah, rip off.

You let my client
take all the risks.

Now you want to cash in
on the payoff, don't you?

You had to go big time
at the expense of quality,

Preservatives and the
muffins are radiated blueberry.

There we go.

You are the
purist, I'm the hawk.

Look, let's just get us back...

You're just as blind and
petty as the day we split up.

And you're as greedy.


A negative little
small-minded rip off artist.

Mr. Burnett you
are provoking this.

You like to keep
milking your cash cow.


You are always small
time I carried you for years.

This is it. I'm out of here.

Manny! That's it.


For what's have the guts
to face up to something.

I'll face up to you.

Ah, you're still the
scared little man.

Manny? Stop this.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
We just have to...

Oh, no.

Oh, my god.

Are you all right?

47 And 5 inch.

It's a miracle no one was hurt.

Tell me the truth.

Should I offer to
pay for the new glass?

Insurance will cover
besides you didn't break it.

Tell that to brackman.

Why, did he say something?

No, that's what
has me terrified.

He's been in his office all
morning with the door shut

And I know they're
going to fire me.

They're not going to fire you.

You miscalculated that's all.

Says you.

Come on I'll buy
you a cup of coffee.

You think you got problems.

My mother is driving me nuts.

The woman drops
in out of the blue

And expects everyone
to run around

And dance attendance on her.

Is it really that bad?

It's that bad.

Besides that,
stuart is convinced

That she is anti-semitic.

Oh, now why would he think that?

Because she is.



At least, she want to be
here a couple more days,

But tonight is the worst.

Tonight the people
she is staying with

Are throwing a party,

Complete with cut
glass punch bowls

And a guest list out
of the descendants

At the mayflower.


Stuart will have a
chip on his shoulder

And I can feel my neck
getting as tight as piano wire.

They're both adults, right?

I'm sure that they're
going to behave themselves.

Of course that's what I said
about rohner versus gradinger.

With the january
start that portugal

But this time no one

Is going to jack me
around on net profits.

You wanted to see me?

Here's my k*ller.

It seems you persuaded
mr. Bass to stay with the firm.

As long as you're my lawyer,

And I've told about a thousand
of my closest friends about you.


I better go. I know
your hourly rates.

Go get them man,
and keep me informed.

We well.

Bye. All right.

Well, whatever you play was,

It must have been
pretty effective.

What can I say?

How about nothing?

Last week, you were instructed

To make short
shrift of a deposition.

You've turned it
into a marathon.

Yesterday, I directly told you

Not to solicit for his
business and you did just that.

And the execution
of this grandstanding,

I'm told, consisted
of your berating

Of respected attorney

In this community
over the telephone.

I'm not that crazy, sir.

The only thing I berated was
my own answering machine.

I'm the one who
brought you in here.

I thought then and still do

That you have the potential
to be a colossal talent.

But my name comes
first on the letterhead

Defy me, disobey
me, or embarrass me

And you'll be
doing a little dance

At somebody else's
prom, understood?

I hear you.

Has the jury reached a verdict?

Yes, your honor, we have.

On a charge of as*ault,
we find the defendant,

Patrick boyd, not guilty.

On a charge of possession
of a controlled substance,

We find the defendant
also not guilty.


The jury is discharged
the defense of the court.

This court is recess.

There's a little celebration
planned at jardino tonight.


How'd you know there's
going to be some celebration?

I think positive is
the key to success.

Anyway, look, I
hope you can make it

Because I intend
to tell everybody

That when I'm in a
jam you are my man.

Patrick, to tell you the truth,

I really don't
need the business.

Not to worry my days
of defendant are over.

Patrick. Patrick.

patrick. Thank you.

Have any statement
for the press?

Ah, maybe later, right now
I want to thank the jury,

I think they'd like that.



I want you to move
back in with me.

I don't think so.

Not yet.

Well, what about
the other afternoon?

Maybe I'm crazy, but I was
on the distinct impression

That you still kind of like me.

Making love to you has
never been problem kiddo.

Well, realistically then,
you work 12 hours a day,

I work 12 hours a day.

So, how are we going
to work things out

If we don't live together?

You sound like an
efficiency expert.

Oh, grace, these last
few weeks without you,

Well, what I'm trying to say is,

That you are the most
important thing in the world to me.

And if I thought to being a
part would make things right,

I'd have no problem.

But I believe that the only way

We're going to heal
this relationship

Is by being together

And fighting for it
as hard as we can.

Damn it.

Kuzak you're not playing fair.

You know I love you,
you know I lust after you.

You're seducing me.

Thank god, I still can.

Mr. Kuzak?


You have a telephone call.

You get the most
wonderful parties.

There are so many
people I want to meet you.

You don't have
to stay that long.

I'm okay.

Are you sure?

Will you stop worrying, ann.

I'm fine, I'm fine.

No thank you.

Nice, nice, slice
of south africa.

I need a drink.

Can I get you some?

Would you, white wine.

White wine.

Excuse me.

Can I have a vodka martini
and a white wine, please.


And what about the children?

They'll be jews you know.

He'll never let her take them

To church or be baptized.

Well, I'm just so afraid
of the alienating her.

Charlotte, it's a mother's duty

To let her child
know how she feels.

She's such a lovely girl.

I can't believe she
couldn't do better

That some awful
little money man.

But she said, she's happy.

Listen to me.

Jews are not like us.

They look different,
they think differently.

Let them keep to their own kind.

Excuse me.

I couldn't help that
hear your conversations.


You've expressed so
much hostility to me,

The jews in general.

Let me ask you a question.

Has a jew ever done
anything to you personally

To fill you with such hatred?



Well, excuse me.

Step aside please.

Thank you.

Now one has.

Well, didn't take you
long, did it patrick?

You wipe out your car, send
your date to the hospital.

Get nailed with two and a half
grams in the glove compartment.

Oh, just do what you have
to do to get me out here, okay.


Not this time.

I'm finished mopping
up after you.

Hey counselor,

Lawyers are a dime
a dozen in this town.

Oh, yeah?

I'm not releasing you, okay.

Don't bother.

I'm releasing myself.


Come on, you're going to tell me

That you don't reach
for a little nose candy

Every once in a while
jumping on occasion.


This conversation
isn't about me.

You're the one whose
names on the arrest report.

You're the
self-destructive little jerk

Who has a drug problem

That you can even come
close to controlling.

Yeah, well it's
my right isn't it?

Live fast, die young.

Leave a good looking corpse.

Yeah, you want to be james dean,

Why don't you do it right?

Why all the meaningless
fistfights and drug busts?

Just get off my back, all right?

Oh, put the pedal to the metal.

Check out clean, no skid
marks, no mop up, no nothing.

Look, I don't want
to die, all right.


Well, you sure as hell

Give the impression
of someone who does.

Wait a minute.

Please, you don't
know what's its like

To lie in bed at night,
scared to death,

That they're going to find you
out and take everything away.

I do a couple of
rails of cocaine

And the whole world is mine.

The truth is, I can't imagine

What it would be
like not to do cocaine.

Well, maybe the first step is
to get some help imagining it.

I don't know how
to explain them.

Just, I heard them

And this rage
started building up

Till it reached the flash point.

I'm not like that.

I've never done
anything like that.

I know.

I'm not a very good jew.

I don't go to temple, I
don't observe the holidays.

It's who I am.

I don't know it's like the way
to 5000 years or whatever.

Stuart, you don't have
to justify anything to me.

What happened, what they said,

I'm just so sorry
you had to hear it.

I hate that I'm the
cause of this rift

Between you and your mother.

That's old business.

And anyway she had it coming.

Yeah, well, given what happened.

Are you sure you
want to get married?

How can you ask that?

Well, she and I are never going
to be able to repair this thing.

Stuart, if there's really
any doubt in your mind

Let me make it simple.

I love you unconditionally
and unequivocally.

And if she's gonna
to make me choose

Between you, it's no contest.

She either accepts you
and me for who we are

Or if that's too much
for her, it's ever simpler.

She's out of our lives.

I'm nuts about you.

And I want to marry you.

And right now, I'm freezing cold

And I want to take you home
and make you something to eat.

I'm very hungry.

Some nice chicken
soup, what could it hurt?
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