02x05 - The Brothers Grimm

Episode transcripts for the TV show "L. A. Law". Aired: September 15, 1986 – May 19, 1994.*
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High-powered law firm of McKenzie, Brackman, Chaney and Kuzak handles both criminal and civil cases, but the office politics and romance often distract them from the courtroom.
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02x05 - The Brothers Grimm

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on l.a. Law.

Ever since I was first assigned

To your courtroom,
I've had these dreams

About us.

I've got leukemia, miss perkins.

I'm dying.

Oh, my god.

I am so sorry.

No, no, no, don't.

I'm not afraid for myself.

It's benny I'm worried about.

There may be a job for him here

As a messenger.

I'd like you to benny stulwicz.

Benny is going to be
our new messenger.


Mickey, it's been forever.

You look great.

You know what?

I'm going to call you for lunch.

I'd really like to catch up.

Who was that?

My ex-wife.

Damn it, I'm gonna go in there

And tell mckenzie
that I want $20,000 more

Or I'm out of here.

Don't thr*aten to
leave unless you mean it.

Or is that what you think?

Or do you really think
that because I'm a woman

You can exploit me financially?

That is a crock and you know it.

Describe for us if you
will, what took place

In the four deuces on
the night of january 11.

My boyfriend and I were sitting

Across from each
other in a booth

And there were only a
couple of other people there.

Two men came in.

One went up to the bartender,

Put a g*n to his face
and asked for money.

And the other one
came over to matty

And asked what
he was looking at.

Matty is your boyfriend?

He was.

Then the guy looked down at me.

He shoved me over and sat down.

He reached into his jacket

And pulled out a knife
and put it to my neck.

What happened then, carmen?

The guy with the g*n
came over to matty

And put it to his head

While the one with the knife...

r*ped me.

Did anyone try to interfere?


Carmen, were there
any police officers

In the bar at the time?

I didn't know it at the time,

But he is a police
officer and he was there.

Let the record indicate

That the plaintiff has
identified officer carl sackett

Of the los angeles
police department.

You're now suing the
city of los angeles.

Can you tell us why?

Because he could have stopped it

And he didn't.

Did he ever identify
himself as a police officer.

Not until they left.

Carmen, can you tell the court

If you perceive any differences
in your day-to-day life

Following what happened
to you on january 11?

I can't stand to be alone.

I used to come home from work

To my own apartment

And I would go out at
night with my boyfriend.

Now I live back at my mother's.

My girlfriend comes to
pick me up in the morning,

Drives me to work.

I don't go out anymore.

But what happened
to you is over.

It's not over.

There are men with
knives everywhere.

There are also police.

He is a police.

He... What difference
did it make?

A coward can strap on a g*n.

The only one he
protects is himself.

He didn't care
what happened to me

As long as he could walk away.

Don't you talk to
me about police.

There's no such thing as police.

Rohner versus gradinger.

Now that kleinberg's quit,

I assume this one
is back in my lap.

Correct assumption.

Coreo versus the
city of los angeles.

Trial is in progress.

I must say, I would have thought

This is one that
could be settled.

I wouldn't be trying
if that were the case.

Difo versus boxer.

We're ready to pick a jury.

Good morning, benny.

Good morning.

They rolled out a pumpernickel.

Oh, I'll try it.

Whatever you've got is fine.

I've got one extra poppy seed

And one extra pumpernickel.

It's fine.

How's your mother?

She had to go back
in the hospital again.

Well, if you need
to go over there

Or feel you want to take
the day off, please feel free.

No, I'll go over after work.

Thank you though.

New business.

Samoise versus
morongo valley gas

And electric company?

What's this, leland?

Actually, that was originally
a case of your father's.

My father?

And after he died gideon samoise

Decided to take the case
to martin and traslow

Where it got lost in
the courts for 12 years.

Now he has decided
to bring it back here.

That ought to be a candidate
for the litigation hall of fame?

Anyway, it's advance thinking.

But maybe mr. Rollins
could hack his way through.

If it's all the same,

I think I'd like to
handle it myself,

Just for the sake of history.

And that's it.

Court adjourned.

Elizabeth, messages?

Yeah, craig addams called

And two from lynn
palmer and one from grace.

Thank you. Mm-hmm.

Is it everything for now, arnie?

Looks like you've
got it covered, benny.

I kept the change
for each one separate.

Good system.

I'll clean your
car this afternoon.

Terrific. Wait, here.


You'll find a piece of
shammy in the trunk

When you're all down
with the soap and water.

And then when you're finished,

I'll come down

And take it around the block.

Great, arnie.


He is here to be
working for the firm.

What do you mean?

What effect do you think

It has on benny's self esteem
to finally get a real job

Only to have it wind up
being as your man servant?

Roxanne, I really think

It's good for
benny's self esteem

Just to be trusted
with responsibilities,

Not to mention taking
his mind off his mother.

And I'll tell you something.

I like the big guy.

How about that?

I like him too, arnie.

Well, how do you
suppose he'd feel

If we marched him in
here and we told him

He couldn't run
errands for me anymore?

We'll just tell him
that it's too demanding.

How do you think he'd like that?

You're too good, arnie.

Not to mention
that by allowing me

To function at my best,
benny is working for the firm.

Thank you.



Can I talk to you?

Last week, I wanted
him to tell me

That my making less
than rollins or victor

Was everyone's fault but mine.

And you didn't do that,
I'd like to thank you.

I'm on your side, you know.

I know you are.

And it's easy just
to tell someone

If they want to hear.

Not if you really
care about them.

Anyway, I want to apologize

And I think I can do better.

So how about a shot at
rohner versus gradinger?

You've got it.

But I'll tell you it's a mess.

I'll straighten it out.

You have my blessings.

Can you take a break
to discuss something

Altogether outside
the practice of the law?


I've gotten a jump on
some of the wedding items

You need doing.

Such as?

Such as caterer,

Engraver for the
wedding invitations,

Guest list.

Well, I thought I'd
narrow things down,

Save you from the
horrible details.

Do fill me in sometime.

As a matter of fact,

I have an appointment
with a piano player,

A guy named lenny paul.

He's supposed to be fantastic.

What are you going to tell him

We want for our first dance?

♪ The shadows fallen spread
their restless charms ♪

♪ In the mist of night
when you're in my arms ♪

♪ I feel your lips so
warm and tender ♪

♪ My one and only love ♪

And one other thing.

What's that?

We have to take care

Of getting in an
agreement down on paper.


Mm-hmm, as in prenuptial.

You think we need a
prenuptial agreement?

Yeah, you know, I'm
just being prudent.

You know, there are certain
fiduciary relationships

With my family's
trust account people

And I'd be totally remiss

If I didn't get
express agreements

In place as the assets.

Besides let's not forget

That you yourself had a marriage

That was something
less than a forever deal.

If we need to have
one, we'll have one.

Good, and we'll try
to grab some time

From arnie tomorrow.

Can't we just do it ourselves?

Well, he does these
things all the time.

It's standard
operating procedure

More than anything else, okay.


Happily rooting
through the past today.

It's really something
how vivid it becomes

When you read his papers.

I find myself going back in time

Being a teenager

And listening to him
talk about his cases.

I can see his brown
leather briefcase

Where he would leave it
just inside the front hallway.

I can smell the quinine
he used in his hair.

God, I was in awe of him.

By the way,

Would you by any chance
know someone named rusty?

No, why?

It's a familiar name
for some reason

And my father apparently
wrote a little note for himself

In the margin of a legal pad.

It says rusty's birthday
present and a phone number.

Probably a client, or
a business associate?

My father never
remembered birthdays.

That's a very old set of papers

You have in front
of you, douglas.

I doubt there's much
present day meaning

In what you find
scribbled in the margins.



Would there by any chance
be someone named rusty there?

This is rusty.

What did you have to drink

On the night of
january 11, officer?

Maybe three cutty sarks.

Did you feel your judgment

And your reflexes
to be impaired?

Yes, I did.

Would you tell the
court in your own words

Why you decided not
to draw your g*n?

Because I thought innocent
people would be k*lled.

If you would had a clear shot,

Would you have been willing
to discharge your w*apon

To prevent the
commission of a r*pe?

Yes, I would have.

No further
questions, your honor.

Officer sackett, now
you've just testified

That you were impaired.

How did you get home that night?

I drove.

Did you ask any of the officers

Who were present
taking statements

To give you a lift?


Did any of them offer
to drive you home

Due the impairment
of your reflexes?

I don't remember
whether they did or not.

Now then officer,
are you familiar with

The manual of the los
angeles police department?

I doubt if I spend as much time

Reading it as you do, counselor.

"Off duty officers have
peace officer authority

As to any public offence
committed in his presence

With respect to which there
was an immediate danger to person

Or the escape of
the perpetrator."

Are you familiar with
this section, officer?

I think the manual also calls

For a tactical evaluation of
each situation before acting.

Do you identify yourself
as a police officer

Before making an arrest?

I do.

Is it a fair statement to make

That an individual
is less likely

To continue in the
commission of a crime

In the presence
of a police officer

Than he is outside the
presence of a police officer?

Is that a fair statement? Sure.

And you've had to make decisions

As to the use of force
before, is that right?

Yes, that's right.

And you use your judgment?

Yes, I do.

You wouldn't sh**t out the tires

Of a car that was driving
with a broken taillight.

Right, I wouldn't.

You wouldn't draw
your g*n on an individual

Who you're arresting

Because he had failed
to respond to a summons

For walking his
dog without leash.

How about forcible r*pe? Ght.

You know something,
you're an idiot.


Guys like you go
after cops for sport,

Men you shouldn't even
be in the same room with.

You want for them
to walk through hell

In a gasoline soup
when you're in a jam,

But turn it around and
you'll nail them every time.

Tell me, tell me if
I had used my g*n

That you wouldn't be
going after me for that?

You're out of order.

Why did you fire on
that man, officer?

He only had a small
machete in his hand.

Did it really require two
rounds to bring him down?

Sir.one have done it?

Why didn't you use
your mace, officer?

Why didn't you radio for
supervisory personnel?

You ever go to a cop's
funeral, mr. Sifuentes?

Are you just there
for the trials?

He tried to help with my career.

I did some dinner theater

And for a while I
was in the chorus

In the jackie gleason show.

Then things weren't
really happening.

So I did a couple of
pictures that were,

You know, little blue.

And of course,

By today's standards
they were nothing.

My gosh.

Your father said he hated them.

Of course, I'm not so sure.

He saw them?


One night he came over and
I put them on the projector.

I got them around here somewhere

If you want to take a look.

That's okay.

I guess seeing them would
be a little rough, huh?

This is a side of my father
I never knew existed.

To me, he was a
father, an attorney,

A founding partner
in a downtown firm.

To you, he was
porfirio rubirosa.

Not exactly.

Not exactly?

My father kept a mistress
who made porno movies.

You were his mistress.

I was also the
mother of his child.

You're my mother?

Not yours, your brother's.

My brother?

Since when do I have a brother?

Since 35 years
ago, last saturday.

I have a brother?

My god.

Who is he?

His name is erroll farrell

And I'm very happy
to say he is a lawyer

Right here in los angeles
like you and like your father

And he is doing very well.

Erroll farrell.

I fell in love with
him in captain blood.


Erroll flynn.

Does my mother
know about all of this?

No, not so far as I know.

Your father set up a
trust with the condition

That erroll be cut off

If he got in touch with
either you or your mother.

Who did my father
elect as trustee?

Leland mckenzie.

This is all too much for me.

I know it is, honey.

Can I get you a drink?

Captain reynoso,

You are officer sackett's
commanding officer.

Is that correct?


Sir, do you recall the
airdrome street sh**ting

Of sergeant thomas donofrio?

Objection. Irrelevant.

Those are the defendant's
pattern of behavior

And state of mind, your honor.

I'll allow it.

Captain? I recall it.

Would you be so kind
as to tell the court

What the police records
of that sh**ting reflect?

Well, donofrio and sackett
pulled over a vehicle.

When donofrio approached
the driver side door,

He was shot at close
range and critically injured.

As I recall,

Officer sackett
requested back up.

Do you recall, captain, as to
how many rounds were fired

By officer sackett
after his partner was hit?

No, I don't recall.

Well then, let me
refresh your recollection

In that case, sir.

The police report

For the sh**ting of
sergeant thomas donofiro

Reflects that no
rounds were fired

From the service revolver
issued to officer carl sackett.

What was the reaction
of the department

To the fact that while
his partner was being shot,

Carl sackett's g*n
never cleared leather?


The internal investigation
of the sh**ting

Resulted in no charges
being brought against anyone.

What procedure would
you have followed, captain?

In officer sackett's place,

Had you been thomas
donofrio's partner.

Listen, different
cops react differently.

No two situations are the same.

When an officer's
partner is being fired upon,

Is that officer
permitted to return fire?

Of course.

Would you say that he is
expected to return fire?

That again would depend
on the circumstance.

Is it fair to say, captain

That an officer is not expected
to be cowering in the safety

Of his squad car
while his partner

Is being gunned down outside?

Objection. Sustained.

I don't know that that's
what happened, counselor

And neither do you.

Are you saying captain,

That sackett might
have had a reason

For not returning fire
that night with donofrio?


Did he also have a reason

For not getting involved

As carmen carillo
was being r*ped?

I wasn't there,
sir, I don't know.

Is it true captain,

That since the r*pe
of carmen carillo,

Sackett's partner has
requested a transfer

Because he felt imperiled
by working with him?

I don't know that for a fact.

Is it true he
requested a transfer?

Yes, it is.

Thank you, captain.

I have nothing further.



What exactly are you
hoping to accomplish

By having lunch with my ex-wife?

Well, she got the news
to you pretty quick.

Did she call or come over?

If you're jealous,
just talk to me, grace.

I have talked to you.

Now, I want to talk to lynn.

I don't want you
meeting with her.

Michael, I don't want
you to see her anymore.

But I can't tell
you not to, can i?

I don't like mysteries, michael.

I don't want to play detective.

I think it'll be a lot
better all the way around

If I go see her rather than

Start picking stray hairs
off your jacket wondering

Whose they are.

Are those the only alternatives?

Those are my only alternatives.

Great job, benny,
clean as a whistle.

Thanks, arnie.

You're having fun?

It's great.

Yeah, this car
drives like a dream.


Arnie, it's roxanne.

Benny got a call
from the hospital.

He should get over there.

Right now?

Right all right.

Look, why don't you meet
us in front of the building.

I'll drive him over there.

We're just a few minutes away.

Arnie, he has to go right now.

Roxanne, I don't do hospitals.

I hate hospitals.

Most people do.

They frighten me.

Look roxanne, I've got people
coming in this afternoon.

Can't you take him over there?

All right, all right.

We're on our way.


Your mother was just
too weak to keep going.

Is she dead?

Yes, I'm sorry, she is.

Could I see her?

If you want to.

Does she look different?

No, I don't think so.

I'd like to see her.

Would you come with me, arnie?

Yeah, sure.

I've never seen a person
who was dead before.

She looks like she
is just sleeping.

I know she is not though.

Whenever she was sleeping
and I'd come in the room,

She'd wake up right away.

I wouldn't mean to wake
her, just sit by her bed.

But as soon as I'd look at her,

She'd open her eyes.

She's not even really
in the room now, is she?

Not really.

Is she in heaven?

Yeah, benny.

She is in heaven right now.

Can I help you?

My name is douglas brackman.

I'm here to see mr. Farrell.

You've got an appointment?

I don't have an appointment.

Well, what do you
want to see him about?

It's a personal matter.

Then you can just
take a seat and wait

Because he's on
the phone right now

And you've got all these
people ahead of you.

I'd appreciate it if
you tell him I'm here.

Just as soon as I
get an opportunity.

All right, watch
yourself in the stairs now.

All right, who is next?

Vandergit rick graham.

Erroll farrell,

I'm douglas brackman.



In half a minute, I'm
going to burst out crying.

She's some dame, that rusty.

You've got to see
pictures of her

When she was younger.

They would knock you right out.

How well did you know
our father, erroll?

He saw me like once
every two months.

My mother was
making stag movies.

This wasn't exactly
father knows best.

Do you hate him?

Yes, I do.

But it's probably not
for what you think.

It's not that you've
got the big chair

While I'm giving christmas
presents to paramedics

So they carry my business cards.

I mean this is my life.

I accept that.

He did give you an education.

Dougie, I'm not saying no.

What hurt was I couldn't
have a big brother.

I would have liked
a brother too.

Tinkering with a chevy
out in the garage.

Touch football on the
lawn at thanksgiving

Like jack and bobby.

The smell of old
spice in the friday night

When the older brother
gets ready to go out.

This is the stuff
I'm talking about.

I missed it too, kid.

God, I missed it.

You don't know how much
I've wondered about you.

Lynn, this is not the most
comfortable thing in the world

For either of us, believe me.

It's just that if
you're so concerned

About michael and me,

I think the person you
should be talking to is michael.

I guess I want to know
what it is you have in mind.

I don't have anything
particularly in mind.

You're not interested
in a second go around?

I don't know.

Can I get either of you
something from the bar?

Yes, a vodka tonic, please.

Nothing, thank you.

Look, the fact is michael and I

Have a lot of history together.

History doesn't interest me.

Well then, I'm not sure

What you want me to tell you.

Well, you've already told me.

I'm not walking away from here

With any kind of assurances.


Is that what you've wanted?

Well, not really.

I probably wouldn't
have believed you

Even if you gave them to me.

So why did you ask me to lunch?

To take a measure of you,

To talk to you face to face.

Having done and I
can say I dislike you.

Or are you.

What's worse, I
can't dismiss you.

I'll tell you what else
you can't do, grace.

You can't win me
over as a friend

In order to remove
me as a threat.

Oh, that's okay, lynn.

I'm not here to make friends.

Vodka tonic.

Are you ladies
ready to order yet?

Guys, a lawyer can
only serve one client.

As amicable as everything
maybe right now,

There's no guarantee
that at some point

The two of you aren't
going to go to w*r

And having an agreement
drawn by one attorney,

Especially one that's
close to both of you as I am,

It's an invitation to charges
of overreaching of a sell-out.

Of confidences being abused.

It's bound to create resentment.

Arnie, there is no resentment.

All we want to do is make
things as neat as possible.

I've read the agreement.

Is everything in order?

There's nothing
manifestly wrong with it,

If that's what you mean.

Fine, let me have it.

I don't want you to think

That I'm passing on the
fairness of it though.

Arnie, you've really
made your position

Very clear on this.

Stuart, I've seen
this kind of thing

Blow up all too often.

Now believe me, this one won't.


You know,

I honestly don't think
I've ever loved you

As much as I do right
at this very moment.

No, I do.

Your willingness to
sign this... This agreement

Is all anyone could ever ask

Or I certainly couldn't
ask for more than that.

Stuart, stuart.

Thank you, here you go.

I think I'll let you two have
a moment to yourselves.

You manipulative little bastard.

Ann, come on.

This had nothing to
do with your relatives

Or your family trust funds.

This was a test.

You can't trust what I say
or rely on my character.

So you set up a situation,

See if ann will put herself
at a legal disadvantage

For any future
lawsuits she might bring.

Aren't you clever, stuart?

Aren't you just the grandmaster
of subtle gamesmanship?

Look, I'm not a
grandmaster of anything.

I'm a 42 year old guy

Whose whole life
is about to change.

Well, maybe you should
save yourself the trouble

And leave it the way it is.

Can you understand
that I just had to know

Whether someone
would want me for me.

Not someone, stuart, me.

And you just have
arnie notarize that

And you'll be all set.

I don't want the agreement, ann.

You might wish
you didn't want it,

But you suggested it,

You drew it, you
got me to sign it

And now you are
going to live with it.

I want fully ex*cuted
copies of that agreement

In a file marked
kelsey markowitz,

So this little gesture of
yours never gets forgotten.

And one more thing, stuart,

Don't you ever try
out your hoops for me

To jump through again.

Leland, you wanted to see me?

Where do we stand on carillo?

We have something up
for the jury tomorrow.

Victor, I've got a call
from the city attorney.

You turned down
another settlement offer.

Carmen carillo

Turned down their
settlement offer.

On your
recommendation, I assume.

On my recommendation?

Well, I'd like to get your
thinking on the matter.

My thinking is that
it's a lousy offer.

And why the hell
are they calling you?

Well, it's strictly
your decision,

Which is what I've
told the city attorney.

But I do want to know
what's driving you.

I want to know that
personal animist

Is not getting in the way
of a member of this firm

Practicing good law.

Animist toward whom?

Well, let's stop
waltzing around.

You've got no love
for police officers

Going back to your days

In the public defender's office.

Well, actually I'd date it
farther back than that.

There's no question
cops can't step out of line.

Leland, don't tell
me about cops;

Not until they've
shined their spotlight

Into your eyes and told
you to grab some wall,

Not until you've been
spread-eagled and cuffed

Because they thought
you look like someone else.

You recall that happening
to you much when you were 15?

That's never happened to me.

They make much of a
point of checking to see

Of whatever vehicle
you happen to be driving

Is stolen to this day?

Victor, you're not doing
your client any good.

If the merits of the case
are taking second money

To your wanting to
tee off on the lapd.

Our client has the benefit
of my best legal judgment.

The fact that I don't
mind nailing a cop

For not doing his job
doesn't change that.

Mr. Markowitz, believe me.

It's really best to work
these things out in advance.

Yeah, look I'm going to
have to let you know.

Let me tell you about a
wedding I once did, okay.

To start off, I
do a little arlen,

Little carmichael,

Little garnishment, nice stuff.

Now, somebody says,

Ooh, ooh, do you know
"send in the clowns"?

Hey, I'm an agreeable guy.

Four bars into it,
the bride screams,

Runs over, slams the lid
down, busted two fingers.

She probably had

A bad association
with that song.

I guess.

Anyway, the deal I
usually work out

Is I do three sets
of an hour each,

Plus the pre-ceremony.

I can let you have a
little classical there

If you want for $500.

Yeah, but like I said,

I'm just going to
have to let you know.

Not to push here,

But you better give
me the date in advance

As soon as possible.

Fall, I've got bat mitzvah's,
christmas's cocktail party

And spring k*ll,
forget about it.

We're into... Weddings.


You'll know as soon as I do.

So what's your
favorite song anyway?

My one and only love.
You know that one?



What's all this?

I think we ought to take
a little break, you and me.

What kind of break?

I'm moving back to
my place, michael.

It isn't a punishment.

It's a way of regaining
my balance a little.

I need to take a deep breath
and think about what I want.

Well, I know what I want.

Well, maybe you do
and maybe you don't.

But if you need to
think about lynn,

If you need to see
her or to talk to her,

You should do it.

And I don't want to
feel like I'm in the way.

Well, what if I need to see you?

You will call me
and you will see me

Just like I'll call you.

This isn't the end of anything.

It's just a temporary retreat.

I always get a little nervous

When anyone tell me
something is just temporary.

Yeah, well, I'm a
little nervous myself.

Your honor.

Did you in fact
promise this woman

That you would
correct her accent?

I am not a carnival barker.

I am a professional person.

I told her we could
with diligence on her part

To correct her accent.

Don't forget, an
eastern european accent

Is one of the most
difficult to correct.

He tell me nothing,

Just fast, fast, sign here.

At the time, they
cancelled the classes

And the meanwhile
every audition I go to,

I open my mouth

And all anybody can
say is another albanian.

All right, all right.

The defendant will
return the amount

Of the plaintiff's tuition
without interest or penalties.

As this is the last case
on today's calendar,

We stand in recess.

Thank you, your honor.

I see you've been decorated.

You've got quite an eye, judge.

You're the first
person to notice.

I make it a point of
noticing you, miss vasek.

What's the award for?

Large bore sharp sh**ting
from a prone position.

Is that right?

Hey, your honor. I've
got something for you.

Stand back, sir.

Whoa, no mas, baby, no mas.

It's all right, rhonda.

Your honor.

What brings you down here?

What brings me?

I follow your career
from a distance for years.

You parachute into my life,

Awakened deep
feelings of eternal love

And you ask what
brings me down here?

I'm just surprised you knew
where to find me, that's all.

This ain't bad.

Erroll, I'm a little
pressed for time.

Hey look, I've got a
mutually beneficial

Business proposition to make

From which I feel assured
we both can prosper.

You ready?

Wacky wally, the
appliance giant,

They're looking for a firm to
take care of their collections,

Flat retainer
against billable hours.

All you do is go in to
do it when it counts.

You throw me a piece
and the rest is yours.


Mckenzie brackman
isn't a collection firm.

What is that, written
in stone in some place?

As long as the money
is green what's the diff?

Maybe there's no diff.

We're just not inclined
to get into that field.

Do I detect a certain
reluctance in you

To get involved in any
business dealings with me?

Is that an accurate
perception on my part or what?

Because if it is, the
least I would expect

Is some recognition
of the degree

To which I took it in
the neck family wise.

Well, that really wasn't
my doing, was it erroll?

It too, dougie.

Well, was it?

What do I have to do to get
a little caring in this world?

I was cut adrift in a
dark, dark ocean, douglas.

Do I have to go to your
mother for a safe harbor?

That sounds like
blackmail, erroll.

That's somewhat of a
harsh characterization.

I happened to be a very
family oriented individual

And maybe I can get from her,

What you seem unwilling to give.

Well, you do what
you have to do.

But I'll tell you right now,

I'm not running the
firm into the ground

Or risking my own disbarment

In order to spare
my mother's feelings.

She'll have to take her
knocks just like everyone else.

Are we clear on that point?

Being a cop is one tough job.

There is no question about it.

Our lives however
depend on someone doing it

And doing it right.

Now we have heard
witnesses who were present

Testify that there
was an opportunity

For this officer to have acted,

That there were moments

When the gunman's
back was turned,

When his g*n was pointing
towards the floor.

But this officer wasn't
looking for an opportunity.

He turned his back and
he waited for it to be over.

Police can't be everywhere.

How many times have
we all heard that said?

The real point of this trial is
that carl sackett was there

With his badge and his g*n

And it didn't mean
a blessed thing.

Now he has told
us in his judgment

It was safer to do nothing.

Ladies and gentlemen, it's
always safer to do nothing.

Carmen carillo deserved
better than that then.

She deserves that someone
be held accountable now.

Imagine if you will
a different scenario

Than the one presented here.

Imagine that officer sackett
produced his badge and his g*n

And the plaintiff's assailant
refused to peacefully surrender.

He fires, they fire back,

Carmen carillo is wounded.

Well, we all know
what happens now.

Same plaintiff, same defendant,

Only this time the
complaint charges

Negligent use of force,

Reckless endangerment
etcetera, etcetera.

Now we all know that
being a cop is a tough job.

But what the plaintiff
and her able attorney

Have done for all their
claims about public safety

Is to make it an impossible one.

Now this cop made a decision

Based on 17 years of experience,

On the conditions of the moment

On everything he
had to base it on

And he decided
not to make a move.

Now the plaintiff insists

That the result of this
decision is that she was r*ped.

I ask you to consider that
the result of this decision

Is that she is alive.

Now, no one wishes
to minimize the trauma

That carmen carillo
has gone through

And perhaps this trial will have
some cathartic benefit for her.

But what she is asking
for is not justice.

The men responsible
have thus far

Escaped having to
answer for their crimes.

Don't make an
innocent man guilty

In their place.

Did you plan on taking
it to your grave, leland?

What's that?

The whole netherworld
of my father's life

Which you, my
partner and confidant

Have been concealing from me.

What are you talking
about, douglas?

I'm talking about rusty.

I'm talking about
erroll farrell.

I would have been
in here sooner,

But I feel like I've been
locked in the fun house

For the past two days.

Didn't you think I had a right

To my own past, leland?

It's not your past.

It's your fathers.

And my loyalty is to him,

My legal duties as trustee
were more compelling

Than your right to know.

And if that hurt
you, well, I'm sorry.

Your father,

He chose a difficult
existence for himself, douglas.

But I think he dealt with it

In the best way that he could.

I guess I'm a little more
like him than I thought.

I always wanted to
be the lawyer he was,

The personality he was.

As it turns out,

We both just like to
cheat on our wives.

Well, it's a chapter and
a biography, douglas.

It's not a whole life.

How long does it usually take?

Well, it depends.

Can I talk to you for a minute?

Go ahead.

Can I talk to you without
your lawyer here?

No, he stays.

I just want you to
hear it one time from me.

I'm sorry, what
happened to you in there.

Who isn't?

What happened wasn't
because I didn't care.

It happened.

I couldn't have stopped it.

How do you know? You didn't try?

I'll never know, okay.

I'll never know.

Maybe I could have dropped them.

But maybe I would have
put a round in you trying.

The fact is, at least
you're alive and well.

Listen, I may be alive.

But mister, don't you go
telling me that I am well.

I remember what it
was like to be well

And I am not well anymore.

We used to have a saying.

Iron men with wooden
sticks have been replaced

By wooden men with iron sticks.

There's nothing I
can say, is there?

Back then was
when it call counted.

I'm finished in the department.

Nothing is going to change that.

But do you think there's any way

You could find
it in your heart...

To forgive me?



Of course, not.

When all is said
and done, I sat there.

You and I both know that.

The rest is for the lawyers.

Are you okay?


Jury has been out
a long time, huh?

No, not that long.

You're getting hungry?

No, no.

Oh, god.

All right. Come one, back
out. Back out. That's all right.

That's a nice picture of her.

That was at a
4th of july picnic.

Benny, would you know if
your mother had a cake comb

Or a big knife to cut the cake?

I'm not sure where she kept it.

Oh, that's all right.

I'll find something?

Arnie said he'll try to
come by this weekend.

Oh, did he?


He'd have been at
the memorial service.

But he had to be in court.

This is me and my
mom at the olympics.

It's real hard to lose someone
who is close to you, benny.

It's the hardest
thing in the world.

It is hard.

Sometimes it makes it easier

To be able to go to work

And see that there
are other people

Who care about you.

It's never going
to be like it was

With me and my mom again, no.

No, no, it's not.

She used to make a big
plate of ginger snacks.

She called them zu-zu crackers.

We'd sit in the den together.

Sometimes we'd watch
tv, sometimes we play card.

Benny, do you know

Where your mother
kept the dish soap?

She told me, but I forget.

I forget where
she kept anything.

It's okay, it's okay.

It's okay, benny.

It's okay.

It's okay.
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