03x21 - The Great Hazzard Hijack

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dukes of Hazzard". Aired: January 26, 1979 – February 8, 1985.*
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Cousins Bo and Luke certainly have a way of finding trouble with the law everywhere they turn.
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03x21 - The Great Hazzard Hijack

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, we're rich!

When Bo and Luke discover
part of a $ million fortune...

everybody rushes to Hazzard
county to join the search

for the rest of it.

Good news!

Cletus, move.

Even Roy Orbison joins in.



When it comes to
cross-country racing

General Lee moves
out real smart.

But running is only half
of cross-country racing.

The other half is
knowing the course.

If the good Lord had
meant for cars to swim...

he'd have put water
wings on them, wouldn't he?

I swear, Bo, there are times...
This shouldn't be too hard.


Y'all picked a heck
of a time to go wading.

I thought we was racing.

One thing I can't
stand is a sore winner.

Especially when he
wins fair and square.

I'll get you out of there.

Nice piece of driving.

You got a rope or
something in here?

It's real funny, ain't it?

The General could
beat you on the ground.

Double that thing up, there.

Hey, Bo, come
here, look at this.

- Hey, them's $ bills.
- Got to be of them here.

Let me see that.

Cooter, we found us
$ , ! Hey, we're rich!

I never did think I'd be giving
General Grant a permanent.

Soon as you're
done with his hair

hand him over here
so I can iron his shirt.

Uncle Jesse, I ain't
never seen nothing like it.

That money jumped out of
Hazzard Creek into Luke's hands

like a big-mouth bass.

And the best part of it is,
we've no idea who it belongs to.

Don't get excited, Bo.
It don't belong to us.

We'll just have to give
it back to the Sheriff.

Turning it over to Rosco is like
putting it in Boss' back pocket.

Then we got to figure out a
way to get it out of his pocket...

before he figures out how he
never had it in the first place.

That's about the size of it.

We don't know how the money
got there or where it came from.

Will you two just hush?
You just lie all the time.

You probably stole the money
and lost your nerve. Didn't you?

- Rosco.
- What?

That ain't no way to talk to
someone who's giving you money.

Let me show you how.

- Hand it over.
- Here.

- Well, well.
- Not to him. To me.

Come on.

- Thanks, Boss.
- What was that all about?

Recording the incident
for posterity, Boss.

We'll take that picture
and serial numbers

over to the Hazzard Gazette.

When the rightful
owner shows up...

he'll know exactly
where to find his cash.

- You...
- Have a nice day.

Just give me, I'll
just have a little...

The Hazzard Gazette don't
get an exclusive story very often.

Unless you count
three-yolked eggs

or missing dogs as an exclusive.

"$ , was found in $
bills by Bo and Luke Duke...

"while wading in Hazzard Creek."

And it says here "This
discovery is expected

to touch off a wide search
for the additional money...

"since the serial numbers
of these bills confirm that...

"they're part of the
$ million stolen...

"in the Hazzard County hijacking
that took place five years ago."

What do you know, you're famous!
Still broke, but you're famous.

- Yeah.
- Could be worse.

We could've found the
whole kit and caboodle.

Giving it back would've
been like pulling teeth.

Soon as that story broke,
just about every fortune hunter

and treasure seeker...
who could read...

headed for Hazzard like
bears to a honeycomb.

Including a few with a
personal score to settle.

But that's getting
ahead of the story.

"And the serial numbers
confirm that the bills were part...

"of a $ million hijacking
that took place in Hazzard...

"five years ago."

I knew it all along. That
was that bank shipment.

- Don't you remember?
- No.

The thief, or thieves,
was never caught.

And that $ million
ain't been seen since.

Rosco, I smell
something in the air.

It ain't Flash 'cause I gave
her a bath this morning.

I mean money.

$ million worth of stolen
money that's about to fall

right into my lap.

You don't have a lap.

I don't need one.
I got me a safe.

It's already got a down
payment on that $ million.

Wrong. See, you're wrong there.

All you got in that safe
is a piddly little $ , ...

that the Duke boys...

You think those Duke
boys h*jacked that money...

five years ago?

Don't make no difference
whether they did or didn't.

Don't make no difference.

'Cause they're gonna
be arrested for the crime.

I love that.

Even if they only found it...

I want you to watch
them night and day.

Whenever they go back to
get the rest of that money...

we'll catch them in the act.

We'll catch them.

Then they'll go
straight to prison.

And we'll be left
to count the money.

I'll be left to count the money.

You'll be left to
count the money

Well, Rosco's come up with
another new secret w*apon:

His own army and troop.

And he didn't waste no time

trying to catch
the boys in the act.

You just...

He's still hanging
in back there.

I'll just have to lose him.

That old boy don't
look too easy to lose.

He's sticking like glue.
What're we gonna do now?

He won't do anything
in front of witnesses.

Maybe I can raise a few
locals and scare him off.

He might've a CB
and then he'll hear you.

Good. Maybe that
will scare him off.

Mayday, mayday!

If anybody in
Hazzard is listening...

we need help in a hurry.

We're being chased north
along Hazzard Creek...

by a mean-looking
fella in a blue sedan.

Please, somebody,
anybody, help us.

There they are. Over there.

Alright, lady, we see you.

Just stay ahead of him
till we catch up with you.

Tell you what, them
boys could find trouble

in a Sunday-school class.

Reckon it's time to learn
this jasper some manners.

I got a feeling we ain't
seen the last of that old boy.

- You folks alright?
- Duke!

Ain't it funny how a man's
past has a way of catching up

with him when he
least expects it?

The last time them two
seen each other was

in the Marine Corps.

Phil, my old Marine buddy.
This here's Bo Duke, my cousin.

- How do you do?
- How you doing, Bo?

This is my sister Kate, and
our friend Tommy Dunkirk.

Hold on, you ain't
about to tell me that...

you're the scrawny little thing

that Phil had a
picture of in his wallet?

Okay, I won't tell
you, but it's the truth.

All you've to do is tell us who
it was that was chasing you.

Wish I knew. Whoever it was
has been watching us for days.

I hate to think what
might've happened

if you hadn't run him off.

Let's not worry about him.

You and I've a lot
of catching up to do.

Besides, Uncle
Jesse'd kick our tail

if we didn't invite
y'all over for dinner.

Seeing as how you
just saved our skins...

I guess it's the
least we can do.

- Alright, then.
- Luke, I'll follow you.

You got it.

Hey, ain't that the fellow that
was chasing Luke's buddy?

So you're Phil...

the one that saved
Luke's life during the w*r.

I've been waiting a
long time to meet you...

so I could thank you personal
for what you did for Luke.

That goes for me, too.

I was in the right place when
Luke's chute didn't open...

so I'd to grab him.

I'm sure he'd have done
the same thing for me.

Better believe it. What
are y'all doing in Hazzard?

To tell you the truth,
we're looking for you.

When we read the serial
numbers on those bills y'all found...

we couldn't get
here fast enough.

Kate was a dispatcher for
that armored car company...

when that money was
stolen five years ago.

She was the only one who
knew the route of that shipment.

The company thought
it was an inside job.

Matter of fact, they still do.

I was arrested and
jailed for hours.

Then they'd to release
me for lack of evidence.

Ever since, I've been
followed by weirdos...

all of them thinking I'd
lead them to the money.

Including the guy
in that blue sedan.


Only way we can put this mess
behind us is if we go there and

find the money ourselves
and give it back to the company.

We thought we'd start looking
where you found the bills.

Good a place as any.

We can get started as soon
as you get settled in somewhere.

That'll take five minutes 'cause
you're gonna stay here with us.

Kate, you can share my room.

Phil and Mr. Dunkirk,
you've the parlor.

Y'all best not refuse.

Uncle Jesse don't
take no for an answer.

- Daisy's even more stubborn.
- That's right.

- Got some luggage?
- The luggage is over here.

Flash, they're coming.

Looks like everybody's watching.

Don't worry, Flash.

I'll get them
quicker than you...

Oh, hush.

No, I don't know
who he is either.

You get back in here
and put your seatbelt on.

We're in hot pursuit.


What do you see that I don't?

Look at that. There's old
Rosco playing soldier again.

Rosco's our sheriff.

Spends half his time chasing
us around Hazzard County.

We spend half of
our time losing him.

Hang on y'all. Come on, Rosco.

Does he always drive like this?

Well, no. Usually
it's more radical.

What a jump.

Well, I don't know who he
is, but he sure is determined.

Cletus, this is your
superior officer...

Rosco P. Coltrane calling.

You got your ears on? Come on.

Yes sir. I've got my
ears on, eyes open

and my nose pointed
due north. Come on back.

Well, unpoint
it, you dipstick...

and head over
toward Meadow Road.

We got a couple of
Duke boys to watch.

Yes sir. Roger Wilco.

That's Cletus
coming straight at us.

We can't stop now, he's
gonna pound us good.

Hang on, y'all.

Honey, I don't blame
you. I'd hide my eyes, too.

Cletus, move.

I'm okay.

See what happens when
you're buckled up for safety?

There's no problem whatsoever.

Does scuff you a little
bit, once in a while.

Not only is he ugly,
but he ain't even helpful.

Now, looking for
missing money...

will get some folks
out of their house.

And Boss is making a pretty
penny on every one of them.



Alright, that's
it. Hold it there.

Let's have the money.
That's right. Alright.

There you go.

No mappie, no findie cashie...

I'm very sorry, sir, I can't
make change for that $ bill.

But here, take a second
map. You look really lost.

That's it. Alright.

Hurry. Hurry. Hurry.

Get your $ Hazzard County
Official Money Map right here.

What do you want?

How long have I got to keep
hawking these dang things?

How long have you been
talking about getting a raise?

You mean if I keep selling
these things, I get a raise?

No. But I'll let you
keep talking about it.

Now go on. Give me that.

- That's my fingers.
- Give me the money.

- You can have it.
- Now, go on.

Keep peddling.


- Get your maps right here, $ !
- Come on

Flowed right downstream to us.

Think the rest of the
money bags could've...

flowed further downstream?

Any further downstream
would've took them

to the middle of Hazzard.
Would've been found for sure.

- What's in that other direction?
- Swamp, mostly.

Been that way
ever since the flood.

That would've been
right after the hijacking.

I don't care if it's
wall-to-wall with alligators.

We gotta keep on looking.

Won't do us much good now.

We'd best start
looking in the morning.

That suits me just fine.

It'll give us all of
tonight to get acquainted.

Funny thing. I was thinking
the same thing myself.

Let's go, Bo.

What we gotta do now is
figure out where to start looking.

I got a map of
Hazzard Creek inside...

ought to give us a few ideas.

Come on.

Here you go, dear.

I'll be with you as
soon as I freshen up.

You got it.

You know, this fellow
keeps popping up

like a bad penny
in a collection box.

Kate, you alright?

- You alright?
- Yeah. Just frightened.

Did you get a good look at him?

I think it's the same guy
who's been chasing us...

but I can't be sure.

How about you?

I didn't see a thing. I
was busy playing catch.

He went out the window. Whoever
it was, he's long gone by now.

No, he'll be back.

If it ain't him, it'll be
somebody just like him...

thinking Kate can
lead him to the money.

Let's change their minds.
Let's beat them all to it.

- Let's get back to the map.
- Alright.

What do you think? The
Treasury Department or the FBI?

Neither. A Fed wouldn't
have to break in.

He could've gotten
a search warrant.

Phil, I'm scared. Maybe
we should get out of here...

while we still can.

Not while we're
this close, baby.

Back at the creek I could
almost taste that money.

Did you spot any
of the landmarks?


I think the flood
washed them all away.

But sooner or later, them
Duke boys will lead me

to a place I recognize.

And when they do...

it's gonna be all
downhill for us.

Next morning, the money hunters

were still flocking
into Hazzard...

and Boss was still
fleecing the flock.

HOTEL ROOMS - . - free TV.

HOTEL ROOMS - $ - free TV.

HOTEL ROOMS - . - free TV.

. - TV. . per Hr.

- Here you go.
- Thanks.

Meanwhile, it was hard to say...

who was thinking
more about Kate:

Jesse or Luke.

What's bothering you two?

Why would you say
something like that?

Neither of you opened your
mouth in the last minutes.

Sometimes it's best not
to say anything at all...

than to say something
you'll be sorry for.


What's your excuse?

- Nothing. I'm just thinking.
- I bet I know about who, too.

Bo and Phil are fixing to
leave any minute now, Luke.

Tell them I'll be out directly,
just as soon as Kate's ready.


What did I tell
you, Uncle Jesse?

He fell for her so fast...

for a minute I
thought he was Bo.

- Good morning, everybody.
- Good morning.


- Morning.
- Hi.

- Hi.
- Good morning.

You're just in
time for breakfast.

What'll it be, bacon and
grits or grits and bacon?

I'll just have some
black coffee, thanks.

I'm fighting the
battle of the bulge.

You could have fooled me.

I keep thinking about
that snapshot Phil had.

You don't look
nothing like that.

That's probably because
I wasn't blonde then.

Sounds like the General
Lee's ready to go.

We're gonna take both cars.

So if one gets
stuck in the swamp...

we'll be able to pull it
out with the other one.

Good idea.

Coming, sweetheart?

After being half scared to
death yesterday afternoon...

and then staying up
half the night with you...

I'm so tired, I think
I'd just slow you down.

Suit yourself.
We'll see y'all later.

- Take it easy.
- Bye.

Hey, Cousin, we'll meet
you at Bear Point. Follow us.

If you can keep up.

- Coming along?
- No, I'll stay here.

- Sure?
- Yeah.

I see your friend
Tom's not going either.

That was Phil's idea.

Just in case we got some
more of those visitors.

That's good...

seeing as how I won't
be here to look after you.

Where are you going?

Into town to get
Maudine some oats.

You bought oats
yesterday, Uncle Jesse.

Then I'll get her some
alfalfa cake or something.

For once, old Rosco's
doing everything right.

Guess he must've been
taking lessons from Flash.

You are messing with
the wrong man just now.

Jesse decided to do a
research at the Hazzard Gazette.

Hazzard County Gazette

Here you be, Jesse.

Every word we ever printed
about that armored car hijack

back five years ago.

Thank you, Emma.

I had to climb plumb up
to the top shelf to find them.

I appreciate that. I
hope I didn't put you

to too much trouble.

Oh, my Lord, it was my pleasure.

You know I'd do
anything for you.

- Then could I've my hand back?
- I must've been carried away.

You want me to turn the pages?

No. That's what I
need the hand for.

See, it works just like that.


Well, I'll be hornswoggled.

Is she a friend of yours, Jesse?

Not exactly.

Her name ain't
Rhodes. It's Ackley.

Maybe she changed it.

Wouldn't take much for the right
man to make me change mine.

- Could I borrow this, Emma?
- If you promise to return it.

I work at the post
office afternoons, but...

you can drop it off at the
house most any evening.

I'll remember that, Emma.
But don't wait up for me.

Shepherd to Lost Sheep.
Shepherd to Lost Sheep.

What's that all about?

I don't know. Sounds like
Uncle Jesse, I can't tell.

Luke? You catch any of that?

Not a chance. It's all I
can do to make you out

over all that garbage.

He must be too far away.

Uncle Jesse, if that's
you trying to reach us...

on the emergency channel,
you must be too far away.

We can't understand
a word you're saying.

We'll have to try
back again later, okay?

Repeat, Uncle Jesse...

Shepherd to Lost
Sheep, can you read me?


Like I said, Bo falls in
love at least once a week.

But Luke? This is
something special.

Hey, Uncle Jesse.

You look mad
enough to chew nails.

I am. And I'm just
getting started.

You haven't been exactly
honest with us Dukes, have you?

- About what?
- Take a look at that.

In case you've forgotten, it
says your name is Sandy Rhodes.

And you're no more Phil's
sister than Daisy here.

It don't make sense. Why'd
you lie about a thing like that?

I've my reasons.

Look on the other side.

- Remind you of anybody we know?
- Phil.

He's the hijacker?

She planned the whole
thing. It was an inside job.

The only thing is they
lost track of the money.

Now all we need is that fellow
in the blue car to show up.

Yeah, that should hold them.

I'm sorry we had
to do this, Daisy.

Yeah, I'll bet you are.

Save your breath, Daisy.
We'll get our say at the trial.

Don't count on it.

That $ million is gonna take us
a long way from Hazzard County.

- Pity you ain't found it.
- We will.

Just as soon as Luke and
Bo lead Phil close enough...

to recognize the spot
where he buried it.

I'll get the jeep.
You finish up in here.

By this time, the boys had
worked their way up the creek.

Which is exactly where old
Rosco wanted to keep them.

This ain't our day.
The dang bridge is out.

Just our luck.

I just love police work.

We must have searched
ten miles of that creek bed.

- Still no sign of that money.
- We had to do it.

Maybe we'll have
better luck at Bear Point.

So many dang places
to look over there.

Indian caves, stump
holes, hollow trees.

Go ahead, Phil, take your pick.

How far is it to Bear Point?

I'd say just about a couple
of miles as the crow flies.

We ain't crows. That creek's
too swollen to drive across.

How long would it take us
to drive to the nearest bridge?

At least an hour and a half.

Listen, if that money
is at Bear Point...

somebody else is liable
to get it before we do.

Not if we jump the General
across, then drive from there.

This can't be
more than feet.

Might as well be , .

You ain't gonna
get a lift off this.

All we do is fill in some
pot holes and pack it up.

We'd get enough lift, we'd
be across before you know it.

I like that. I'll get the
shovels out of the car.

Right, you got it.

Why don't we give Uncle
Jesse a call on the CB?

It might've been him
trying to get us before.

I'm way ahead of you.

Lost Sheep to Shepherd. Lost
Sheep to Shepherd. Come back.

Lost Sheep to Shepherd.
Lost Sheep to Shepherd.

Uncle Jesse, this
here's Luke. Come back.

That don't make no sense.

Channel's clear, static's gone,
how come he ain't answering?

He always monitors that
frequency when we're out, too.

Something's wrong.
I just got a feeling.

I got the same feeling. What
do you think we should do?

Split up. Me and Phil
will make the jump.

You get back to the farm.

Phil, can I use your car? I'm a
bit worried about Uncle Jesse.

Yeah, be my guest.

Me and Phil will
make the jump...

and then head to Bear Point
and look for that hijack money.

Soon as I get to the farm,
find out everything's okay...

I'll go to the bridge
and meet y'all there.

- You got it.
- Keys are in it.

Crazy Cooter, this here's Bo.

I hope you're
monitoring this channel.

Breaker one. Might be
crazy, but I ain't dumb.

Crazy Cooter
coming back at you...

making hay all day with a
heavy load on the open road.

You got the time,
I got the rhyme.

No, sir. Not unless it
rhymes with Uncle Jesse.

I can't raise the farm. I've got
a hunch he might be in trouble.

Why didn't you say
so? I'll see you there.

That's a big - . Thanks a lot.

Sure hope old Tyrone don't mind.


Good news! Good news!

Boss, listen, I
got news for you.

Well, I got news for you, too.

I ain't gonna put up with your
bursting in here incognito...

trying to get your
choppers on my ribs.

If you're so desperate...

go buy yourself
some food stamps.

Listen, Boss.

- I know where the money is.
- Where?

- It's up at Bear Point.
- Bear Point?

Luke Duke is up there
right now digging it up.

Then why ain't you out
there trying to catch him?

There's no big rush, you see.

He'll jump the
General Lee in there

but there's no way
he can jump it back...

which means only one thing.

Yeah? What?

He has to come in from the west.

I thought you'd wanna
be in on the k*lling.

Well, I do. I'll be waiting
for him and the money.

- Every last dollar.
- Every last...

Wait a minute. Shame on
you, "every last dollar" indeed.

If there's one thing I
can't abide, it's greed.

How do you get that?

Because if we keep all
the money, bonehead...

we ain't gonna have any at
all to plant on the Dukes. And...

frame... Finagle them into jail.

Into jail. I love that.

I just love you when you
get those evil thoughts...

about the Duke boys in
that fat little head of yours.

I love it. I love it. I love it.

Then stop making love
and start making money.

Come on, let's go.

I'm gonna make
myself a sandwich.

A little bone sandwich
there. This is a good one.

- Rosco!
- What?

I thought you were
right behind me.

Maybe we could
take a little snack.

Uncle Jesse and Daisy filled
Bo in on the whole story...

while being untied.

Since Kate and Dunkirk
figured to meet up with Phil...

old Luke would be
outnumbered -to- .

Worst of it is, Luke
don't suspect a thing.

Old Luke wasn't born yesterday.

I'll try to get him on the
CB and talk some way

so Phil won't get suspicious.

Shepherd to Lost
Sheep. You out there?

Do you read me, Luke? Come back.

We're on our way.

Shepherd to Lost Sheep,
you out there, Luke...

you got your ears on?

He didn't even get no static.

No static, no noise, no Luke.

I never felt so
helpless in my life.

Kate and Dunkirk ain't
been gone an hour.

Means they couldn't have
reached Bear Point by now.

Still too far to cut them off.

We'll have to go the
same way the General did.

Right on.

Sooner we get started, the
quicker we even up the odds.

Mind if I go? If there's a
fight, I don't wanna miss it.

Let's do it.

Now that the ramp was
finished, General Lee was raring

to take off like the
Yankees at Manassas.

That's Bull Run, all
you folks up north.

Alright, Phil, hang on tight.

It's gonna be the closest thing

to a parachute
jump you've seen...

since you left the service.

Long about now, bet that
boy wishes he had a parachute.

Come on, General.

Like a piece of cake.

That was awfully close there.

We don't have any more
like that coming up? Do we?

No. We're only a couple
of miles from Bear Point.

Seeing as how there's
more than one way

to get where you're going...

old Bo is making a beeline
to the jumping point...

while them two had to go
all the way to the bridge...

before they could
get to Bear Point.

And Rosco and Boss figured
that they'd make up for lost time...

by taking a short cut through
town. Y'all want a map?

Then there's that
fellow in the blue sedan.

He's still tagging along and
I still don't know who he is.

But why?

- This is it.
- How do you wanna work this?

Why don't you go downstream...

Luke, and I'll go look
up here a little bit?

You got it.

Phil, look out.

- What is this all about?
- Hold on, I'll show you.

Come on, get up.

Look out. Watch yourself.

Bear trap.

Had to be set by some
poacher. They're strictly illegal.

I can see why. Thing
could've k*lled me.

Not could have, would have.

That's designed to
hold a -pound bear.

Now I know why I saved your
life during that parachute jump.

I was gonna need you
around to save mine.

- We'll call it even.
- You got it.

I sure hope old Luke don't
come to regret what he just done.

Because here comes
Kate and Dunkirk...

in Daisy's Dixie...

with Boss and Rosco
breathing down their necks.

And this fella's
probably getting set

to steal all the marbles.

You reckon maybe he's just lost?

Hang on.

All these rocks washed
out from the flood?

I imagine. Wasn't
like this before.

Maybe we ought to split up.

I'll take a look at
them Indian caves

over at the ridge there...

No. You're wasting your time.

The money wouldn't
be anywhere near...

I don't think it
would be down there.

Just a hunch.

You got any ideas?

I thought we'd just hang
around here, look in this area.

You got it.


- Luke, we found it!
- I think we did.

Golly, lookie there.

Well, now, looks like
y'all are here just in time

to help us count the money.

It'll have to keep.

Daisy and the old man
know the whole story.

I was beginning to suspect.

Ain't no way you could've
known that money wasn't...

in the Indian caves unless
all three of you'd something...

to do with it in the beginning.

Now you're starting
to catch on, Luke.

Not quick enough, it seems.

What I can't figure out is

why you left the money
here in the first place.

We had to stash it in case we
got stopped at the road blocks.

We figured on coming back
for it as soon as things got quiet.

Only the flood beat us to it.

Look, we got the money.

Let's take the jeep
and get out of here.

There's another
thing that bothers me.

You didn't get that jeep away
from Daisy without a fight.

Let's just say she wasn't
in any position to fight.

She's okay. So is the old
man. They're back at the farm.

I'll see for myself.

Luke, you just hold on now, boy.

We're old friends.
Saved each other's lives.

Don't make me sh**t you.

You ain't got what
it takes to use that.

You don't drop that money,
you're gonna find out.

Luke, don't be
stubborn about this.

Give us your word you
won't make any trouble...

and you can walk away scot-free.

Can't do that. I've
got family to consider.

Drop that bundle.

Hang in there,
Luke! We're coming.

There ain't nobody
left to fight but the girl.

Yeah, and she's mine, Cooter.

Go get her, Daisy.

They'd never forgive
me for spoiling their fun.

Stay put.

Don't you just love her spunk?

You arrest them crooks.

That's just what
I plan on doing.

Which crooks, the Dukes
crooks or the "crook" crooks?

- Whichever has the money.
- Oh, the money.

That lets us Dukes out, J.D.,

'cause the money's
over yonder...

all by its lonesome.

Freeze it right
there. Freeze it!

Everybody froze.
Alright, young lady.

That's enough, Daisy.

Don't want to scuff her
too badly. Come on with me.

I got my hands on $ million.

And nobody or nothing's
gonna make me turn them loose.

Except maybe...


Danged if that fella
with the blue sedan...

didn't turn out to bea
special investigator...

for the armored car company.

How about that?

Boss didn't get one thin
dime of that hijack money.

But, for once he made
Rosco an equal partner...

by selling him half-interest
in ten years' supply

of Hazzard treasure maps.

You know what they're good for.

Old Luke learned that a girl...

ain't always as pretty inside...

as the package that
she's wrapped in...

and that an old friend don't
always remain that way.

Folks do change.

But things did
pick up that night.

'Cause Boss Hogg's
celebrity speed trap...

snagged another one:

Roy Orbison.

He was passing through
from here to there.

Hey, that's great.

- He's great.
- Let me buy you a beer.

Thank you very much, but I
need to get out of Hazzard County

as soon as I can.

I'm sorry, you can't leave
just yet. You're under arrest.

I just sang the song.

And I was only going
miles an hour, anyway.

I know, but the only way
to wipe the slate clean...

is to tear up your
speeding ticket...

and give you another
one for slowing down.

I guess we're gonna have
time for that beer after all.

Not quite, at least, not
until you finish the next song.
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