03x15 - My Son, Bo Hogg

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dukes of Hazzard". Aired: January 26, 1979 – February 8, 1985.*
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Cousins Bo and Luke certainly have a way of finding trouble with the law everywhere they turn.
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03x15 - My Son, Bo Hogg

Post by bunniefuu »

- Freeze!
- He's already frozen.

What's going on here?
What's happening to my family?

The Dukes are in a heap of
trouble when Bo gets amnesia...

and Boss Hogg gets a son.

Say hello to your daddy.

- Bo Hogg?
- Bo Hogg?

Bo Hogg.

- Anything you say, Daddy.
- That's my boy.

Trust me.

Is that all?

In Hazzard County...

a youngster growing
up learns the four "R's."

Reading, 'riting,
'rithmetic, and racing.

It ain't no secret which "R"
the Duke boys like the best.

Old Bo was in a
loaner from Cooter...

and Luke was in the General,
and they were out for a run.

Them boys would have raced
if they had to ride on tricycles.

Meanwhile, Cletus
was on the job, as usual.

Look out, Bo. Trouble up ahead.

There's no time. We
gotta go around it, Luke.

We got us some
fence mending to do!

Okay, I got you Duke
boys for speeding this time.

Now, pull over! Please.

Can't do that. I got me a
date to go boar hunting.

Come on, fellas, just
this once, pull over.

Now, Bo, you heard
the deputy, pull over.

Buzzards on a buzz saw.

I guess today ain't the
day to ask Boss for no raise.

That old clunker Cooter
loaned me ain't half bad.

Get out the way, you. Come on.

Luke, you sure you don't
wanna go hunting with me?

Well, Bo, I sure
would like to...

but I'll be doing a little
camping of my own on Saturday.

Yeah, with Betty
Rogers, isn't it?

I'll tell you what,
when I get back

we will all be eating
high on the boar.

- You get one, I'll cook it.
- Yes, sir, Uncle Jesse.

Now, who would've ever
figured that anything so peaceful...

would get the Dukes
into more trouble

than a bee romancing a buzz saw?

And in Hazzard trouble
usually begins here.

- There you go, Boss.
- Yeah.

Thank you.

I'll get it. I'll get it.

- I hate you.
- J.D. Hogg talking.

This is C.V. Gumble
here, over in Chickasaw.

J.D., honey, have
you found anybody...

to drive that
shipment for me yet?

Not yet, C.V., honey.

But I'm trying.

I can't find me a truck
driver down here...

who ain't afraid of that
sh**ting Sheriff you got up there.

J.D., honey, I am desperate.

My customers are so
dry they're sneezing dust.

I am willing to pay you
four times the going rate.

Four times the going...

Four times the going rate.

Oh, my! That's a mighty
tempting offer, C.V.

Look, I guarantee
you, I will find a driver.

And I'll be getting back
to you real quick, honey.

- Bye, C.V.
- Real quick.


C.V. Gumble's offering
four times the going rate

for third-rate moonshine.

And I can't find me a driver.

It's enough to make
a grown man cry.

Listen, I have a handkerchief
in my car. I'll get it to you.

Forget your handkerchief!

- Let's use your car.
- Okay.

There's gotta be a greedy truck
driver out there somewhere...

who ain't no fraidy-cat,
and I aim to find him.

Let's go. Come on.

Stop! There's my driver.

The volesly one. Get
over there! There, there!

When Boss started out...

he sold patent medicine,
vacuum cleaners...

used cars and
Bibles, door to door.

So selling this truck
driver should be like

taking candy from a baby.

Bubba, listen, have
I got a gig for you.

I want you to take a
load of moonshine...

at double your
regular driving fee.

Bubba, I don't
think you heard me.

I said double your
regular driving fee.

Money ain't no good if
you ain't around to spend it.

I ain't tangling with that
Sheriff Little, no how.

Sheriff Little. Sheriff
Little. That's all I ever hear.

- The man's human, ain't he?
- I ain't so sure.

Me, neither.

He once wrote a moving violation

on an illegal left-hand turn...

to his own daughter.

And when it comes
to sniffing out shine...

the only thing quicker than
his nose is his trigger finger.

- Yeah, but...
- He'd rather sh**t you
than talk to you.

- I know...
- Chickasaw County?

Forget it, Mr. Hogg.

Bubba, listen.

Boss, it looks like there
ain't a crooked driver...

gonna drive for you
in Hazzard County.

I knew it.

Rosco, this is the most
frustrating moment...

in my whole entire life.

- Rosco, that's Bo Duke.
- That's him alright.

Ain't you gonna
give him a ticket?

What am I gonna
give him a ticket for?

He ain't speeding or nothing.

Give him a ticket for
something, will you?

Don't tell me you're
going honest on me, too.

The whole dang world
is letting me down.

Not Rosco P. Coltrane.

He wouldn't let his
little, fat buddy down.

Alright! Hang on, Flash!

- We're in hot pursuit!
- Yeah, come on!

Get out and move along.

Over there! There, there!

Let me outta here! We got him.

Alright! I got you!

He fell.

- Bo, you alright?
- He's alright.

I wish he'd say that.

He will when you
slap the cuffs on him.


- He ain't moving.
- That's 'cause he's faking.

Here, I'll cover you while
you examine the suspect.

- Freeze!
- Boss, he's already frozen.

Well, that's a trick.

- He's breathing.
- That's another trick.

I don't know. He
don't look good.

He never look good.

I think he hit his head on
that log and hurt himself.

Well, I think
maybe you're right.

I better get him
to Doc Petticord.

Doc can't help him now.

- Why?
- Doc's out of town.

Then we'll get him to the
Tri-County Emergency.

Let's do that. They
got a good charity ward.

I guess Bo knew what he was
doing, heading off chasing possum.

You kids can shuck and jive me
about fixing this porch just long enough.

Hey, Earl, how you doing?

No, Bo left here
about two hours ago.

Maybe he got a flat
tire or something.

Okay. Sure, of course. Bye.

That was Earl Hooper,
up in Greenriver.

Bo hasn't showed up yet.

Even with a flat tire, Bo
should've been there by now.

- I wonder what happened?
- Yeah.

How are you feeling?

- Where am I?
- Tri-County Emergency.

I'm Dr. Floyd. You
took a blow to the head.

How did it happen?

You went off the road,
don't you remember?

No, sir.

I'm gonna ask you a
few simple questions...

to determine the
extent of your injuries.

So, suppose we start
by telling me your name.

My name is...

Doc, I don't remember my name.

- Where do you live?
- I don't remember that, either.

- Doc, what's the matter with me?
- Take it easy.

It's quite common
in an injury like that.

There's nothing to worry about.

Well, sh**t, that's
real easy for you to say.

You know who you are. I
don't even know who I am.

It's obvious, sir. Your son has
a temporary case of amnesia.

His son? Amnesia?

Doc, you've made one
horrendous mistake.

No, I haven't made a
mistake. It's amnesia, alright.

That's not the mistake
I'm talking about.

I'm talking about
him being his...

Pay no mind to the
boy's uncle, Doc.

He's gone swimmy-headed
about this nephew of his...

and worked himself
up into a state.


Say hello to your daddy.

Talk about bad luck.

Friends and neighbors, how'd
you like to wake up to that.

- You're my daddy?
- That's right. I'm J.D. Hogg.

Jefferson Davis Hogg.
And you're my son, Bo.

- Bo Hogg?
- Bo Hogg?

Bo Hogg.

Did y'all get that?

- It's good to see you, Daddy.
- That's my boy.

He ought to be back to normal
in about three or four days.

Three or four days?
That'll be just fine.

You come along. We'll get
you your shirt and shoes...

- and get you all fixed up.
- Thank you.

Now, you do just what the
doc tells you to do, sonny.

Listen, I know for a fact...

that you and Lulu have
never had any children.

Will you just hold
it? Don't you see?


Life has just taken a U-turn
for me. Ain't it glorious?

I found me a
driver for my shine.

Not if you're talking
about Bo Duke.

See, those Dukes hate you.
Bo ain't gonna drive for you.

Maybe not Bo Duke...

but there never
was a more loyal son

to his daddy than Bo Hogg.

Listen, I feel real bad

about not remembering
you or anything.

Don't worry about that, son.

Doc says you're gonna get
your memory back very soon.

But not too soon.

What I mean to say
is, I hope it's real soon.

You just have to forgive
your Uncle Rosco, sonny.

He's just gone out of his
mind worrying about you.

- You're my Uncle Rosco?
- Yeah, I am. Hi, nephew.

- You're a sheriff, ain't you?
- Yeah, that's the badge.

I kinda remember
something about a sheriff.

- You do?
- No, you don't.

- No, you don't.
- I don't?

No. Don't strain
yourself, sonny.

Uncle Rosco, take
him out to the car.

Sure. Right this way.

Lots of rest and his
mother's home cookin'.

That's the best medicine.

Not in this case, Doc.

On account of seeing him
in his present condition...

would only worry his
mama. That's Lulu.

I'm gonna take him straight
out to the Boars Nest...

where he can get
fresh air, lots of rest...

and stay out of circulation.

I don't know what to tell you. I guess
you better go hunting by yourself.

Listen, if he shows
up over there...

tell him to call
home right away.

Yeah. Alright.

I'm gonna call the sheriff, and see
if any accidents have been reported.

Mabel, I know you've been listening.
So just give me Sheriff Rosco.

Well, then give me Cletus.

What do you mean he's out,
too? Wait. Why don't they...

She hung up.

What kind of a sheriff's
department is that?

How can you report
a missing person

if your sheriff's
department is missing?

Come on, Daisy, let's go.

You two see if
you can find Rosco.

I'll check the garages
between here and Greenriver.

Boss couldn't take
him home to Lulu.

Her cooking would
k*ll a buzzard.


Well, well, well.

Here we are. This
is the Boars Nest.

You practically
live here, sonny.

Your home away from home.
You remember this place?

The Boars Nest?

Daddy, I'm sorry. I just
don't remember a thing.

I bet once we get inside...

if I look around it'll
help me remember.

'Cause then I'll be able
to see all my own things.

Your own things?
Yeah, alright, alright.

Here, you just go inside.

Stay close to the door.
I'll be right with you.

- I gotta talk to your uncle.
- Yes, sir.

I think I'll go with him.

Rosco, you hightail it to
the Duke farm. Quick, like.

And you swipe a bushel
full of Bo's personal things...

souvenirs, pictures,
anything. You hear me?

But that'd be stealing. I ain't
stole anything in my whole life.

You mean, I'm gonna
steal in broad daylight?

It ain't stealing.

When you're sheriff,
it's confiscating.

Now get along, will you?

Sonny! Sonny!

There you are. Good.
You just stay put right there.

We're closed today...

but Daddy himself is gonna
fix you a nice, little old snack.

Hog jowls on cornbread...

Daddy, I ain't quite
as hungry as I thought.

Dipped in molasses.

That's your favorite.

OUT - IN Trust me.

Buzzards on a buzz saw.
You gotta believe me, Luke.

Daisy, I have checked every
hospital, even the state police...

and there have been no accidents
reported involving anybody named Duke.

Sounds to me like we gotta
file a missing persons report.

I'd love to help, but
only Sheriff can do that.

- Well, where is he?
- I don't know.

He hasn't called in today. Must
be something terribly important.

Let's go, Daisy.

Looks like we'll have to
track down Rosco ourselves.

Sure hope Bo turns up okay.

Now, Boss may call
that confiscating...

and Rosco may not
know for sure what it is...

but where I come from,
that's about one to five.

Flash, don't you
look at me that way.

I got it, Flash.

Listen, Flash, you
gotta understand.

Sometimes even
an honest sheriff...

has to bend the
law once in a while.

Especially when the man giving
orders will split the loot with me.

Namely, Boss Hogg.

Alright, it's Rosco!

Sheriff Rosco, this here is
Luke Duke. Come in, please.


Looks like we
better go after him.

They found us out.

We done been caught with
our paws in the biscuit box.

This is embarrassing.

This is a switch,
us chasing him.

Old Rosco knew he
couldn't shake them...

and he couldn't lead them
back to the Boars Nest.

So he did the only
thing that he could do...

he stopped.

Great gobs of goose goo.

And I get caught. Just hush.

Alright, you Dukes. What
the heck are you doing?

Sorry, Rosco, but this
is urgent. Bo is missing.

Of course he is.

He is?

Yeah. He went Greensville,
but he never made it.

We decided to track you down

so we could file a
missing persons report.

Is that all? That's
all. That's it.

What do you mean, is that all?

You see, I'm sorry about Bo.

But, you see, I can't mess
around with that piddling stuff.

I'm on an emergency
call. Toodle-oo.

Rosco sure acted strange.

Even jumpier than
usual. Piddly things.


Flash, it's not stealing.

I have to explain to
everybody it's confiscating.

I made it. I made it.

Daddy Hogg, I'm back.

I'm coming, Uncle Rosco.

Sonny, I gotta go in there

and talk to your Uncle
Rosco for a minute.

Now, you finish
all them hog jowls.

I wanna see a clean plate.

Yes, sir.

That's my good boy.

Alright, you, get
that stuff here.

We just got to get
it up on the wall.

Here we go. That
goes right there.

Listen, Boss.

- I got some bad news, though.
- What?

The Dukes, they're
out there looking for Bo.

Oh, yeah? Just let them look.

They can have him right back

as soon as we
finish my shine run.

What worries me is that
amnesia will wear off of Bo's brain.

Will you stop
fretting about that?

You heard the doc, didn't you?

It'll only take Bo two or three
days to get back to normal.

- You bean brain!
- What?

What'd you bring this
picture of the Dukes for?

- It's a nice...
- Come on now.

If Bo gets one look at this,
our goose is cooked, ain't it?

I finished my hog jowls, Daddy.

Well, ain't you a good boy.

Sonny, look around here.
You remember this little room?

It's the favorite part of
your home away from home.

- Go on, look around.
- Look around.

You remember it, now?

You know, this poster here
sure brings back some memories.

What sort of memories?

Seems like I was in a
car, maybe in a race.

Oh, them memories.

Yeah, you're just like your
old daddy, namely, me.

You always liked fast
cars and fast women.

And fast food.

- What's that, Uncle Rosco?
- What? I don't see anything.

Daddy, now you come on.

I see it. It's behind your
back. Now what is it?

So you did notice that, huh?

Well, that's a little warning.

This is a photo of the
horrible Duke family.

Jesse Duke, Daisy
Duke, and Luke Duke.

The Duke family?

- You recognize 'em?
- No, you don't.

- I don't?
- No.

No, sir.

This guy here in the
cap, he looks kind of nice.


The Duke family is a
menace to the county.

They're a mean bunch
of no good varmints.

Always poking their nose
in other people's business.

- Mainly here.
- Namely mine.

And if you ever meet
up with any of them...

you avoid them like the plague.

Yes, sir, Daddy.

And speaking of the Dukes...

there goes a couple of the
"no good varmints" right now...

checking out the road to
Greenriver for any sign of Bo.

Daddy, these
trophies sure are neat.

What's that up
there on the wall?

Is that some kind of award?

That sure is. It's a Hazzard
Citizen of the Year Award.

Given to Bo Hogg.

Sure made your daddy
awful proud of you.

It sure seems like I'd
remember something like that.

It seems kinda funny, you
and me being father and son.

We don't look a thing alike.

Of course you do.
I mean, you did.

You used to be the
splitting image of each other.

You looked like
two peas in a pot.

You wouldn't believe it,
but Boss used to be skinny.

Had a whole bunch of fuzzy
hair on top of his fat head.

I've had a hard life. The years
have taken their toll on me.

If he was a building,
he'd be condemned.

While Luke and Daisy
were beating the bushes...

for any sign of Bo...

Uncle Jesse was asking
everybody for any leads

they might have.

- J.D. Hogg here.
- C.V. here.

Hello. Hello,
hello, C.V., honey.

Listen, I am desperate, J.D.

I'll up my offer to ten
times the going rate.

Ten times the going rate.

I have got to have
that shipment.

I'm gonna see that you get it.

You mean you finally
found somebody

that ain't afraid
of Sheriff Little?

I sure did, C.V.

My boy ain't afraid of nobody.

He would be, if he had
one eye and half-sense.

He'd be afraid of
sh**ting Sheriff Little.

Now, when Little finds
moonshine, he gets awful testy.

Now them two are revenue boys.

Now that there
is their evidence.

You can just imagine what
he does to folks that drive it.

C.V., honey, that
order is on its way. Bye.

Sonny, your Uncle Rosco and
me have gotta go out on business.

Why don't you stretch
out in my barber's chair...

and take yourself
a nice, long nap.

- Daddy, I ain't tired.
- You hush up.

You gotta pay
attention to your daddy.

That's right. The doctor
said a rest will do you good.

Now, you just stretch out
here and when I get back...

I'm gonna ask you
to do me a big favor.

- Anything you say, Daddy.
- That's my boy.

We won't be long.
Goodnight. Sleep tight.

Don't let the bedbugs bite.
- Don't let the bedbugs bite.

- Alright, Rosco. Rosco!
- What?

Come on.

We gotta skedaddle
up over to the still...

and make sure that that
shine is bottled and ready.

At ten times the going rate.

- Ten times.
- It's just like Christmas.

More like Father's Day.

However, old Bo had too
much on his mind for napping.


I bet them's Daddy's keys.
He might be needing them.


Uncle Rosco! I got your keys.

We've been all over
these back roads.

There ain't no
sign of an accident.

- No skid marks.
- No busted trees or bushes.

Excuse me. Could y'all tell me
where I can find Mr. J.D. Hogg?

Bo, where have you been?

You're them Dukes. I
don't want no part of you...

- What's he doing?
- He's crazy. Let's find out.

Watch out, Luke.

So you wanna play dirty, huh?

Now, friends and neighbors,
this is the biggest mess...

since the dog chased the
chickens through the sorghum vat.

That Duke fella is
a pretty fair driver.

But, Bo Hogg, he
ain't as good as you.


I bet I can find my daddy there.

Hazzard, here we come.

I know how you feel but
worrying never helped nothing.

Can't help but worry about it.

I mean, I've looked

and it's almost as if he's just
dropped off of the face of the Earth.

Jesse, he'll show up.

- What are you stopping for?
- There's Bo Duke.

- Bo.
- It's him.

Bo, there you are.

You Dukes is all over the place!

Bo, wait! Wait!

Jesse's seen him.

If he tells Jesse that
you're his daddy...

the fertilizer's gonna
hit the fan blades.

Stop blabbering
and head him off.

We gotta get that boy
out of here. Come on.

That's it, come on. Pull
over on him. Pull over on him.

Come on, get him.
Come on, get him.

What're you doing
in town, sonny?

I thought I told you to
take a nice, long nap.

Yes, you did, but
I couldn't sleep.

Besides, I found
your keys on the floor.

- Keys?
- Thought you might need them.

Don't say that so loud.

- What, keys?
- Never mind what.

Here comes one of them ornery
Dukes I was telling you about.

Let's get out of here
before they contaminate us.

Hold it, J.D., I
want to talk to Bo.

He don't wanna talk
to you, you polecat.

I think maybe we
should talk to the man.

Hush, hush, hush.
Rosco, let's get out of here.

Bo. Bo.

Am I glad to see you kids.

You'll never guess
what just happened.

- I've just seen Bo.
- So did we.

But he completely ignored
me. Wouldn't talk to me.

Same with us.

He just rode off with
J.D. and Rosco...

like they were bosom
buddies or something.

Something's gotta be wrong. Bo
would never do that in his right mind.

He'd never borrow a car
and bring it back like this...

without saying he
was sorry, neither.

Maybe, he banged his head or
had an accident or something.

That's why he's
acting so airheaded.


Luke always was the quick one.

You think J.D. is taking
advantage of him?

I'm going over
there to J.D.'s house

and beat some of
that suet out of him.

Uncle Jesse, just settle
down. We're just guessing.

We'll trail him for a while,
see what we can find out.

You stay close on the
CB. We'll be talking at you.

What's going on here?
What's happening to my family?

Well, like I've always
told you, sonny...

if you and I are
going to get along...

you're gonna have to
remember one thing...

when your daddy tells you
to do something, he means it.

I'm sorry, Daddy, Uncle Rosco,
I was just trying to help y'all.

I guess I'll go
take that nap now.

You can forget about that nap.

Right now I've got something
more important for you to do.

By now, you'd think they'd
leave that motor running.

I'm about to give
you all the details

of that important
job you gotta do.

So you pay real
strict attention.

Now, Bo, I want you to
think hard and tell me...

if you remember ever having
driven through Chickasaw County?

Chickasaw County?

No, sir. I don't recollect.

Well, it ain't far.

He's been there a
million times, Luke.

I want you to make a
delivery to a C.V. Gumble.

This is her address.

Just exactly what is it
you want me to deliver?

Oh, well...

- it's a load of sorghum.
- Fertilizer.

- Fertilizer.
- Sorghum.

- Sorghum.
- Fertilizer.

You through? Alright.

Looks like the sorghum
is about to hit the fertilizer.

Bo, you watch careful
'cause I'm gonna...

If Boss is shipping
it, it's gotta be shine.

Yeah, somebody that we know
is going to violate his probation.

It's time to go in and
drag him out of there.

No, listen, I'm
telling him how to go.

It's the Dukes! It's the Dukes!

- Come on, Rosco!
- Hi, Daisy, Luke.

- Rosco, quick, arrest them.
- Alright, I'll arrest them.

- Now, sonny...
- On what grounds?

They're on my grounds.
Make it trespassing. Get them!

Cletus, arrest them!

- Get the lights.
- Wait!

Oh, oh. Where're
you going, sonny?

Just going in there to
help my Uncle Rosco.

There's no need to. He's
got everything under control.

That smarted.

Alright, Daisy Duke.

No, Daddy, I've
got to help him out.

He's got his deputy
to help him out.

Hey, Cletus, come on over here.

You're getting my
dander up now, boy.

You alright back there, Cletus?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Let's get out of here.

Cletus! Get up.

Follow your leader.

That smarts.

- I see you there. Freeze it!
- Sheriff, they're getting away.

Of course they're getting
away. Get in your vehicle.

- Yes, sir.
- That's my vehicle.

This is your vehicle, dipstick.

Everything's gonna
be all just fine.

Right now, you and
me gotta be going...

to get you ready for your
drive to Chickasaw County...

with that load of sh-sh-sorghum.

Down Hazzard and
Chickasaw way...

news travels faster
than a turpentine can.

Fact is, right
now, Sheriff Little

is getting wind of
Boss's shine shipment.

And he ain't
even started it yet.

I'll be waiting.
Thanks for the tip.

I owe you one. - .

I hate litter.

It's a low down
shame for old Bo...

but the only ones
that can save him...

from driving into that trap
are on the run themselves.

Cletus, this is Sheriff Rosco.

We got them trapped now.

Yes, sir. I mean, yes, sir.

Luke, there's a gully up ahead.

Friends, they ain't never
gonna get out of this...

if they don't stop
flying off in all directions

like a bunch of guinea hens.

Oh, Jesus!

Cletus, you dipstick!

What are you trying
to do? Stuff my dog?

Oh, Flash.

Lost Sheep calling Shepherd.
Come in, Shepherd, please.

This is Shepherd. What'd
you find out about Bo?

I can't talk on the air, so meet
us at Pine Ridge crossroad.

- And, Shepherd, please hurry.
- I'm down and gone.

I'll see you, Coot.

That's , , , , ,
, , , , . Alright.

Put them in. Put them
in. Now hurry it up.

- Everything all tuned up good?
- Yes, sir.

Alright, then.

Hey, Boss, listen.
I hate to tell you...

- Then don't.
- I've got to.

Luke Duke and Daisy
got away from me.

Rosco, if there was a prize
for jackass of the year...

- you'd win it hoofs down.
- I appreciate that.

It's too late for
them to stop Bo now.

Okay, boys, here. That's
for you. Now get lost.

Okay, Bo. Sonny boy,
we're all loaded up. Let's go.

- This van'll really hum now.
- That's good.

On account of this
load of sorghum's

gotta be in Chickasaw
County pronto.

You got your map
and your address.

- And don't you stop for nobody.
- Nobody.

- You can count on me, Daddy.
- Okay.

And just to make sure
that nothing happens...

Daddy Hogg and Uncle Rosco
are gonna be following right behind.

I love it. I love it.

And you just make sure he
don't know he's being followed.

Come on.

What'd you find out about
Bo? He ain't in trouble, is he?

He ain't yet, but he's gonna be.

He's running shine for Boss
Hogg into Chickasaw County.

Boy's gotta be out of his mind.
He could blow his whole probation.

That ain't all he could blow.

Chickasaw County, that's the home
territory of that sh**ting Sheriff Little.

We gotta stop him.
Let's get cracking.

There's two ways
into Chickasaw County.

You take , I'll take .

Got you!

Bo Hogg.

Bo Hogg?

Shine's coming. I can smell it.

Yes, sirree bob, Rosco.

Life sure is smokin' its way

down the clear
open track for me.

It's smokin'.

I'm gonna make me
ten times the going rate.

That's gotta be my all-time
money-making record.

Shepherd to Lost Sheep.
You got your ears on?

Come in, Shepherd.

I just come up on
Rosco and J.D. Hogg.

They might be riding shotgun
on Bo. I'm gonna find out.

- More later.
- - .

And to think it's the
Dukes that done it for me.

That sure is the
honey on the hotcakes.

We, Boss. The
Dukes did it for us.

- That's us.
- Alright. Alright.

Let's just say they done it
% for "we," and % for "me."

That's better, that's...

Wait, let's say ...

Get your hands back on the
wheel and your eyes on the road.

- And don't lose that van.
- No, no.

- Hi, Jesse.
- Hi, Jesse.

Jesse Duke! What's
he doing here?

Maybe he's trying to stop Bo.

Over my dead body.
Come on. We gotta stop him.

Alright, Jesse. Pull it over.

This is Sheriff
Rosco P. Coltrane.

I'm serious now.
You're under arrest.

Come on, get him. Catch
him. He'll blow everything.

It's Shepherd to Lost
Sheep and Pretty Maiden.

You got your ears on?

We read you. You got
anything, Shepherd?

This is our lucky day. It's
Highway . Number three.

I'm being chased by
Rosco and J.D. Hogg.

I just got a quick glimpse
of a van up ahead.

It was painted that
night-driving gray.

Highway , gray van. Okay,
we got it. Give them a run.

Bo, pull over!

Bo, pull over, please!
We want to talk to you.

I don't wanna talk to you.

Would you guys just
get the heck outta here?

He's talking like he
ain't even a Duke.

Something's definitely wrong.

And we're almost to the
Chickasaw County line.

If Sheriff Little is waiting
there for him, Bo's a goner.

Breaker. Breaker.

This here is Hazzard County
Commissioner J.D. Hogg...

calling Sheriff Little. Come in.

What in Hades is going
on here? That ain't me.

Someone's using my name in vain.

Come in if you can hear
me out there, Sheriff Little.

This is J.D. Hogg.

Sheriff Little here,
Commissioner Hogg.

What can I do for you?

This is Sheriff
Rosco, I want you to...

Not you. Let me... Breaker.

I was wanting to warn you...

there's a shipment
of illegal liquor...

that's coming into your
county on Highway .

That's Highway .
Do you read me?

Loud and clear. I'm gonna catch
them whiskey running dogs...

and send you back the pieces.

Whoever's using my
name, quit doing that.

Nice going,
Commissioner. He bought it.

Let's go catch Bo.

If you want them to hear you...

you're gonna have
to speak louder.

- The CB is out.
- What..

Blast this thing!

I knew it. It's a trick. I
can just smell Dukes.

Forget all about Jesse.

What in the heck do
you think you're doing?

What do you think you're
doing? You start talking right now.

My name is not Duke. My
name is Hogg, Bo Hogg.

- My daddy told me all about you.
- He's lost his mind.

He ain't lost his
mind, just his memory.

Yeah, but he doesn't
know who we are.

It's amnesia.

If you Dukes don't
quit pestering me...

Hold on a second, Bo.

This is your cousin Daisy,
I'm your cousin Luke.

We're all blood kin.

Your name is Bo Duke.

You get your hand off of
me. I got a delivery to make.

He's not only lost his memory, I'd
swear Boss Hogg brainwashed him.

Are you gonna get out of my
way or do I have to move you?

Bo, you can't do this,
you'll violate your probation.

The heck I can't.

Bo? Bo, you alright?

We've got to get him out
of sight, the General, too.

If they find us near that load of
shine or across the county line...

we're dead.

- You got him?
- Yeah, I got him.

- I'll stash the General.
- I'll stash Bo.

Pull up! Pull up over here!

- Come on.
- I've got it.

He's still out cold.

- I wonder where Bo is?
- My shine!

If it ain't okay,
I'll k*ll myself.

I wonder what happened?

The shine's fine.

Would you look at that?

But what did happen
to sonny boy? Bo? Bo?

Hey, Boss.

- Hey, isn't that...
- Sheriff Little.

That's Sheriff Little.

How is he?

He's out like a light.

He banged his
head inside the van.

Commissioner Hogg
and Sheriff Coltrane.

- Welcome to Chickasaw County.
- Appreciate it.

Well, looks like
we caught you...

with your pudgy little hand
in the whiskey jar, didn't we?

- He's got the pudgy little hand.
- You...

Sir, I'll have you know that
Sheriff Coltrane and myself...

were in hot pursuit of
these here shine runners.

Yeah. And we
apprehended this vehicle...

but the varmints took
off like a scalded hog.

- Pig. I'm sorry.
- Yeah, that's right.

And we now are now hereby
confiscating this here hooch...

and transporting it back
to Hazzard County...

where it came from.

Cow chips.

This illegal contraband is
now in Chickasaw County...

and I'm destroying
it right here.

You'll be destroying
evidence. Valuable evidence.

Don't do it. Don't
do it. Don't do this.

Ten times the going rate.

Don't you worry.

That's a mess.

That's good stuff, too.

- Listen, Boss...
- You...

I was saving that for my own...

And so Boss Hogg's dream
of making a financial k*lling...

came to an inglorious end.

As for Bo Hogg...
How're you feeling, boy?

I just don't know
what I'm doing here.

Thought I was
going boar hunting.

Well, you did.

And you caught the biggest
boar in the whole county, honey.

- We did?
- Yeah.

Yeah, come on. I'll tell you
all about it on the way home.

In the meantime, it's
good to have you back.

Felt like I got hit by a truck.

- Cousin.
- Howdy.

Which put everything back
to normal in Hazzard County.

Whatever that is.
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