03x05 - And In This Corner, Luke Duke

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dukes of Hazzard". Aired: January 26, 1979 – February 8, 1985.*
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Cousins Bo and Luke certainly have a way of finding trouble with the law everywhere they turn.
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03x05 - And In This Corner, Luke Duke

Post by bunniefuu »


It was one of them unusually
peaceable Sundays...

in Hazzard County.

So unusual, the Duke
boys hadn't even gotten...

into trouble... yet.

Breaker, breaker. Bo,
Luke, do you copy?

This is your kissing
cousin calling.

Wall-to-wall, feet tall,
Cousin. Where you at?

I'm at the Boars
Nest and closing early.

- So I need a ride, fellas.
- Say no more.

We're on our way. Down and gone.

Hang on.

- Hey.
- Hi, Daisy.

- How you doing?
- Pretty good.

- What's the problem with Dixie?
- I had to take her to Cooter's.

- I need a little body work.
- Could've fooled me, darling.

I thought I was the one
with all the bad jokes.

You are. You are.

Now, things are different
in Hazzard, alright...

but even plumbers
don't start to work

by hiding in the bushes.

Uh-huh, see?

Now, Billy Joe...

there's no reason at
this stage of the game...

for you to start
getting the yips.

Sorry, Pa.

Now, what do I always keep
telling you to think about...

whilst we're doing our job?

Do I got to say it?
Can't I just think it?

If it's worth remembering,
it's worth saying. Say it!

"A good thief is a calm thief."

You keep thinking that as
you calmly pick up that silver.

And the next morning when
old Boss Hogg opened up...

and saw he'd been robbed...

well, he took it like a man.

- What, Boss?
- Look, all gone!

Everything's gone.
I've been cleaned out!

All my silver!
Looky! It's all gone.

My sterling silver Pickled
Pig's Feet Eating Contest...

first prize trophy.

- That's gone.
- It's gone.

And looky there.

My sterling silver Junior
Chamber of Commerce...

Businessman of the
Year giblet gravy ladle...

is gone. And there...

my sterling silver

Statewide Honorary...

Public Humanitarian punch
bowl with the six little cups...

They're all gone, too.

You know something, Boss?
There is no sign of forced entry here.

Now that may mean
that it's an inside job.

Inside job?

You mean somebody's wheedled
their way into my confidence...

by pretending to be honest,
trustworthy, and loyal...

and now they've dropped
the mask and done me dirt?

- Well, that's a possibility.
- Who?

I don't know. Well, now...

see, Daisy Duke was the last
one to check out of here yesterday.

I happen to know her vehicle's
down at Cooter's garage.

Bo and Luke Duke probably
came by here and picked her up...

- And all my silver with her.
- Yes, that's it.

I should've known it.

- The Duke g*ng!
- The g*ng.

- They're the silver grabbers.
- Yeah.

- Let's go get 'em.
- Let's get 'em.

Now, most small towns
have got a haunted house...

and Hazzard ain't no exception.

Ever since old Ezekiah
Pringle passed on...

under mysterious
circumstances years ago...

folks don't go near there.

Them plumbers are melting
down all of Boss' silver

into little silver bars.

However, they're
also melting down...

the evidence to prove
Bo and Luke are innocent.

Bo and Luke are in trouble.

Which seems natural, somehow.

How'd you ever come
across this setup, Pa?

Found out about this goofy
place when I was in the slammer.

This little butthead of a
moonshiner was my cellmate.

- He from Hazzard?
- Was.

Kept telling me about
this place for two years.

He set it up this way

just to scare the neighbors
whilst he made shine.

Now, hold it! Hold it, you
two! Hold it right there!

Alright, you drop
those packets...

No, you dimwit!

- They'll ditch the silver.
- Oh, yeah.

What in tarnation
are you talking about?

- What silver?
- What silver?

My silver! That's what's silver.

From the Boars Nest. You thieves
have pulled one job too many.

Now gimme that.

- Now look what you've done.
- Boss, that ain't silverware.

The only "ware"
there is "underwear."

No, it's because them thieves
have already hidden their loot.

- Search the place!
- Now, just a minute.

You ain't putting one little
fat toe inside of my place...

without a search warrant.

Luke and me are right
here to make sure of that.

Now, J.D., you're
barking up the wrong tree.

My boys wouldn't take
your silver or anybody else's.

Now you get out of here
before I boot you out.

Now git! Go on, get out!

- That hurts!
- Just git!

And Daisy Duke, don't bother
showing up for work tomorrow...

on account of you're fired!

Now git!

He makes me so
mad, I could bite a hole

in the bottom of a milk bucket.

- What happened, Uncle Jesse?
- Go ask them!

What happened?

J.D.'s raving on something about

us stealing his silverware...

which means he's
talking grand larceny.

The only way out of this one's
to find out who really done it.

Let's get into town and
shake some trees, y'all.

Might as well
take me to Cooter's

since I gotta
look for a new job.

Rosco, I want you to
unglaze your eyes, if you can...

and keep them on that Duke g*ng.

Uh, what for?

To find out where they
hid my silver! You hear me?

That's, that's a
good idea, we'll just...

That's a big
affirmative on that.

Hey, y'all. How're you doing?

Well, we're doin'
alright, Cooter.

- What's your problem?
- Fell over.

And so, with Rosco
keeping tabs on them...

the young Dukes
hurried to Cooter's garage:

intelligence central for
all of Hazzard County.

You seen a car wandering around,
something you ain't seen before?

No, just this here one with
a gummed-up carburetor.

But I'll tell you right now:

The little lady driving this
here one ain't no silver thief.

My car ready yet, Cooter?

No, I had to wait
on a part, Mary Lou.

Mary Lou Pringle!

Golly, you sure have
changed since sixth grade.

Yeah, there's a lot
more of you now.

Hey, y'all, Mary
Lou's thinking about

moving into the
old Pringle place.

Your Uncle Zeke's place?
That's been deserted for years.

I wish y'all could
talk her out of it.

I was telling her, lot of people
think that place's haunted.

Oh, sh**t. That's
just a silly rumor.

But Uncle Ezekiah left it to
me, and I'm here to try to sell it.

That is, if I can ever get
out there and take a look at it.

Look no further, I will
take you there myself.

- Just hop into my chariot.
- One second, Bo.

Rosco ain't gonna let us
leave until we clear ourselves.

Excuse us, y'all. We
got a sheriff to shake.

There they go.

There you go, Flash.

Okay. We got 'em this time.

I tell you, the surveillance
pays off, doesn't it, Flash?

I tell you, this police
work can be fun.

I tell you, I
love it. I love it.

What kinda trouble are
Bo and Luke in, anyway?

- Don't ask.
- Yes, Ma'am.

It just depends on what
day of the week it is.

- Well, Daisy, you're all set.
- Well, that's great, Cooter.

I'll drive you out to your
place myself. We can catch up.

- Well, thanks.
- Thanks, Cooter.

Sure thing.


- Don't forget your toothbrush.
- That's right.

- Okay.
- See you, Cooter.

Bye-bye, Daisy.
See you, Mary Lou.

Now pay attention, Flash.

This is what they call, in
the police force, "hot pursuit."

Oh, I love this.

See, 'em gumballs
will get their attention.

I don't mind being
chased by Rosco.

Give me a hint as to
where we're going...

once we lose him.

Let's head out
to the Boars Nest.

Whoever ripped off
Boss' silver might've left

an unexpected calling card.

Maybe, we'll cut across
on Timbertop Road.

That's as good a place
as any to lose old Rosco.

Bye-bye, Rosco.

Now Flash, get down
and buckle up for safety.

Well, it don't look any better
than the last time we seen it.

And friends and
neighbors, it's daylight out...

and still spooky.

It's a lot stranger
than I remembered it.

- Do you care to come in with me?
- No. But I will.

- Here, let me help you out.
- Alright.

Oh, boy.

This house gives me the creeps.

This place's gonna take
a lot of fixing and cleaning

before I can sell it.

I'm beginning to believe in the
ghost stories about this house.

Here's a match.

Let's go take a look around.

- Daisy, will you look at this.
- Seems kind of spooky to me.

Oh, shit!

It just was the wind.

Mary Lou, are you sure
you wanna stay here?

Look, Daisy, I think we're
both getting a little carried away.

The house is fine and I'm fine.

I'm sure you got better things
to do than stay here with me.

Well, I do have to
find myself a job and...

You don't mind being
here by yourself all alone?

Isn't there anything you need?

No, Daisy, I'm fine, really.
Thanks for driving me out.

Oh, it's my pleasure, Mary Lou.

Listen, I'll see you
later, take care...

- Bye.
- Okay, bye.

Maybe, Daisy was
right about this place.


Watch it, Bo. Hit the brakes!
We ain't gonna make it.

I bet they do. Hide and watch.

Ooh! Ooh!

That was a horrendous crash.


Rosco looks like he's got
himself a brand-new convertible.

He's a lucky man.

Flash, you can come up now.

The worst part's over.

It's not only a lonely life,
it's downright hazardous.

- Bye-bye, Rosco.
- Hit it.

While the boys headed
back to the Boars Nest...

to do some investigating
on Boss' missing silver...

Daisy was having second thoughts

about leaving Mary
Lou alone back there.

So would I.

She'll hold for a while,
Billy Joe. Come on.

Come on. Come on!

That gal up there
don't scare easily.

I still got Judge
Peabody and what's left

in Boss Hogg's house to get yet.

You know, Pa, this silver
stuff here is small potatoes.

We ought to be spending our
time knocking over that bank there.

You just wait a minute.

You got to crawl before
you can walk, Son.

And this silver will bankroll
our big job... the right way.


But if she gets in our way
or slows us down any...

we're gonna take care of her.

Okay. If she does
either you can handle it.


Back at the Boars Nest...

Boss was cheating
himself at solitaire...

because nobody else was playing.

And old Bo and Luke were
snooping about outside...

looking for clues.

- Figure they went in the back?
- Don't you?


Look at this, Luke. Look
at all these tire tracks.

About a -inch tread.

Looks like it was either
a small pickup or a van.

From the looks of things,
looks like a pretty new tire, too.

Would you look at this?

I bet them crooks dropped
this when they lit out of here.

They weren't none too careful.

Alright, I've got you!

Alright, I'm not
kidding this time.

Just hold it right there
because I've got you.

Assume the usual positions,
you two. And I'm serious about it.

Alright. You two. Put
your hands on the...

Rosco, why don't
you just let us be?

- Bo, that's not the usual...
- Rosco, that...

I don't care, get it up there.

What's this? By golly,
you are the silver grabbers!

Boss, hey, come
here! I found the silver.

- We just came down here to...
- Hush! Boss, come here.

What's all this screaming
and screeching out here?

I caught them with
the silver. Your silver.

Oh, you did!

- Nice work, Rosco!
- Appreciate it.

- Where is it?
- What?

- All my silver.
- Oh, here it is.

One piece?

Where's the rest of
my silver, you bandits?

My debating trophy,
my punch bowl?

All my doodads and geegaws.

Boss, listen. I can explain.

Explain, nothing!
I want it back!

Rosco, you take and lock
them up and sweat it out of them.

Yeah, I'm gonna
sweat it out of you.

Hold that g*n on
them while I cuff them.

Hold it right there
while I put your hand...

- They're getting away!
- Freeze!

Cletus, this is your
superior officer...

Rosco P. Coltrane calling in.

Listen, I'm in hot pursuit
of those Duke boys.

I'm going east,
going on Highway .

I want you to set
up a roadblock.

Is that a copy? Come on.

That's a big - , Sheriff.
One roadblock, all set up.

That's great, Cletus.

We're gonna make a
meat sandwich out of them.

Watch it Luke.

Move that thing!

There they go.

Buzzsaw, Sheriff.

Looks like we done lost
the meat in our sandwich.

What happened to
the rest of your car?

- Cletus.
- What?

Let me see your
driver's license.

Talk about trying to find
a needle in a haystack.

All we gotta do is find a
van or a small pickup truck...

with new -inch tires, right?

He's probably hightailed
it out of town by now.

Maybe, maybe not.

If it was me, I think I'd
stash that silver someplace...

till things cooled down.

The only problem is where?



Mary Lou!

Looked like brand-new
tires. About a -inch tread.

Might be a van or maybe
even a pickup truck.

I ain't seen it, y'all. Sorry.

Bo, Luke? Got your
ears on out there?

We got you, Daisy, go ahead.

Mary Lou's inside, screaming
her head off in this house.

I'm on my way in
there, so you hurry up.

Daisy, wait.

- Let's go.
- Burn rubber, y'all.

Holler if you need me.

Ahh! Ahh!

Aw! Stop it!

Mary Lou, help
me with this door!

No! No, please stop it!

Mary Lou! Mary Lou.

Oh Daisy! Daisy. Daisy, help me.

Come on, we gotta
get out of here.

Sounds like the whole
roof's fixing to drop.

Well, at least,
it ain't raining.

- Ah!
- Look out!


- Am I glad to see you fellas.
- What happened?

Well, that chandelier
fell and just missed us.

That chair's been chasing me,
the painting's been bleeding...

the organ's been playing,
and wolves have been howling.

I told you. We
should've done it my way.

Instead of scaring
people out of there...

we're getting more of them in.

Mary Lou, I just knew
it wasn't a good idea

for you to stay here alone.

I'm just thankful you decided
to come back for me, Daisy.

I don't know about
the rest of y'all...

but I'm gonna get
the heck out of here.

You mean, this place
is really haunted?

You better believe it.

Luke, I came here
to sell this place.

Look, nobody's gonna come
near here, much less buy it.

So, you better come
and stay with us.

Don't say anything
more, just say "okay."


- Come on.
- Let's go.

Let's go, Son.

We still got lots of silver
sitting around waiting for us.

Ooh, Boss! Listen,
those silver grabbers

done struck Judge
Peabody's house.

They took everything,
including his silver gavel.

That Duke g*ng sure moves fast.

First here, then there. Just
where is Judge Peabody's house?

Oh, I think it's right there.

You know, Mary Lou,
there's folks that could swear...

that's old Ezekiah's ghost...

running around that
house over there.

I ain't seen a ghost yet
that had to tie a string

to a chair to make it move.

- Who else could be doing it?
- Yeah and why?

Well, this could be the reason.
I found it next to the wall.


That looks like a little
silver bead of some kind.

See, we figured them fellas
that stole Boss Hogg's silver...

didn't leave town at all.

They're still here hiding
out at the Ezekiah place.

We're heading back to find out
now that she's settled in here.

Wait a minute. I'm not settled
in anywhere. I'm going with you.

Now, Mary Lou, these
boys travel fast when they...

That fast enough for
you? Come on, let's go.

There comes Cletus. You
boys better get outta here.

You ain't got time
to argue with him.

- Yes, sir.
- We are.

Take care of Mary Lou.

Cletus, this is your
commanding officer...

Sheriff Rosco P.
Coltrane calling you.

You got your ears
on, dipstick? Come on.

What the heck are you doing
there, skinny-dipping or what?

- Come on.
- Heck, no, Sheriff.

I never go skinny-dipping.

No place to put my badge.

In about two minutes, I'll
tell you where you can put it.

I want you to
hightail it back here.

Those Duke boys done
perpetrated another silver heist...

over at Judge Peabody's place.

Buzzards on a buzzsaw!
They must have just done it.

I'm in hot pursuit
of them right now.

Ah, he looks alright.

Cousin Boss? Sheriff Rosco?

I don't know how
to tell y'all this...

but this time I
am in the creek...

but I swear I'm
not skinny-dippin'.

- Boss, what do you wanna do?
- Do? Oh, do, do.

Alright... I'll tell you
what I'm aiming to do.


Hold on to what
little silver I got left.

Including my valuable
coin collection here

in my office safe.

Dang this thing!
I can't get it open.

Well, that's because you
done messed up, Boss.

You turned it to the
right, instead of to the left.

Yeah, so I did, to the left.

How'd you know that?

You been sneaking peeks
over my shoulder, ain't you?

Just once...

That's gonna cost you
$ out of your pay.

- Out of my pay?
- Yes, it will. Hold on to these.

- Why my pay?
- Why?

Because that's what
they're gonna charge

to change the
combination on this thing.

- Yeah, but-but...
- Never mind about this.

We gotta get over to my house.

The Duke g*ng cleaned me
out here at the Boars Nest.

I sure don't want them
to get their hands...

on any of the valuable
Hogg family heirlooms.

- No.
- Give me that.

The Duke boys figured the
only way to surprise anybody...

was to sneak in.

At least they couldn't be
charged with breaking an entry.

Mary Lou owns it.

Alright, come on with
that stuff, will you?

Careful with it, you dodo!

You chip off one
little bit of my silver...

you're gonna to pay me back
with all the fillings in your teeth!

But they're gold.

So I'll make a little
profit. Come on, hurry up.

Boss, let me ask you something.

Are you sure this is
the right thing to do?

Yeah, I'm positive.
Absolutely positive.

The only safe place for all my
precious silver Hogg-looms...

is right back in my
office at the Boars Nest.

I think that is wrong, if you
don't mind me saying so...

because that's the first place
that the silver-nappers hit.

Yeah, well, that's why
it's safe, you dum-dum.

Don't you know the old proverb?

"A criminal never returns
to the scene of his crime."

Is that the way that goes?

Well, Son, ain't
that nice to know?

- Uh, Pa, we ain't gonna...
- Oh, that we are.

But first we gotta get back
to the house and load up.

Yes, sir.

Ain't that silver pretty?

Luke, my knuckles
is getting raw.

These are the solidest
walls I've ever seen.

No, that wire went
behind the wall.

There's gotta be an empty
space in here somewhere.

Watch your step!
That stuff's valuable.

Rosco, I want you and Cletus
to stand guard personally...

and protect my silver
Hogg-looms with your lives.

- Right.
- Oh, here.

J.D. Hogg here.

Oh, hello, Lulu, sweetheart.

- Say hello from Rosco.
- Hello from Rosco...

No, no, no, cupcake.
Everything's just fine.

Your silver is as safe as a
hushpuppy in a cookie jar.


Just a second, dumpling.

But, sugarpie, babykins...

- Oh, dang!
- Boss, what did she say?

She said if any of
her precious sterling...

even one napkin
ring, is stolen...

it ain't separate
bedrooms for us anymore.

- She's moving in with me.
- Ooh.

- That is a powerful threat.
- Yeah.

I'm telling you, there's a
false panel here somewhere.

It's just a matter of
finding it, that's all.

Hey, hold on.
Take a look at this.


Your uncle sure was a sneak.

Hey, he got himself a little
moonshine cellar, Luke.

Yeah, except these old
boys ain't brewing moonshine.

- They're brewing up silver bars.
- What is that?

Well, it looks to be their
own portable smelter.

That way they can't get
caught with the evidence.

Uh-oh, looks like them jackals
are headed back to the lair.

Maybe, we ought to call the
Sheriff. Once he sees this...

he'll know you boys had nothing
to do with stealing that silver.

No way will Rosco believe
anything over the CB.

I'll have to sell
him this in person.

- Don't you mean "we"?
- No.

Mary Lou will come with me.

If I can't convince
him, maybe she can.

- You stay and watch the goodies.
- Yes, sir.

We got company again, Billy Joe.

The last time I remember...

there was one more.

Must still be inside, you know?

Old Bo is sure keeping
an eye on things.

But he's looking the wrong way.

Now, that was a downright
dirty, sneaky way to hit a man.

And when Bo wakes up, he's
gonna tell you the same thing.

Let's load up and get out.

We still got another
stop to make.

Let's skip that, Pa,
and go get that bank!

We skip nothing.

Now, you listen to your
daddy and help me tie him up.

Lordy. How he gets
out of that side of the car

I'll never know.

It's the Duke g*ng!
They're after my silver!

Listen, we found out where
them silver crooks are hiding out.

Don't believe him. It's a trick!

If they take one
more step, fire!

Luke is telling you the
truth. You gotta listen to him.

If you don't believe me...

Rosco, put the cuffs on me,
and let's go to the Pringle house.

- You can see for yourself.
- Doesn't anybody believe him?

I believe him.

That's because instead
of brains in your head...

you got funny putty.

Then believe me!

Boss, maybe we
should check it out.

Well, you know, your
silver would be safe then.

It'd save Lulu from
moving into your bedroom.

Rosco, you said the magic
words. Alright, check it out.

But put cuffs on him first. And
let me know what you find out.

Because I'm staying here
with my silver, irregardless...

'cause I never did trust a Duke.

You ain't coming this time.

You stay here. Boss
will take care of you.

C'mon, Rosco, Cletus. Let's go.

- Yeah, alright.
- Don't run off with my cuffs.

And you-you, over there
now. Just don't move.

You go on. I hate a coward.

Go on.

Come on, Rosco. You look fine.

Cletus, come on.

Hey Cletus.

- Ooh.
- Just watch!

- What did you do that for?
- I'm going.

- Don't leave me here.
- Hush.

Rosco, everything's gone:

the silver bars, the
smelter, everything.

- What happened?
- Two guys came down here.

They hit me with
something, I don't know.

Then they took all that
stuff and scooted out of here.

That's a lie. You
just lie all the time.

It's not a lie. Look at my face.
You think I did that to myself?

I don't put anything
past you Dukes.

Here, Cletus. Here, cuff them.

Rosco, you're
making a big mistake.

Just cuff them
and we'll stuff them.

Hold that.

Rosco, I wouldn't go back
there. I think there's a ghost.


Will you hush? There ain't
no such thing as ghosts.

They're just...

Why we're wasting time when
the real crooks is getting away?

Will you just get on with them?
Get them on. Get them on.

You're wrong. The real crooks
are headed for the slammer.

I love it, I love it.

Rosco's thinking was
up to its usual stunts...

while Boss was holding
down the fort, walking guard.

Alright, hog-belly, freeze!

That goes for you, too, ma'am.

If you don't mind.

No, don't-don't-don't sh**t!
Don't sh**t. Don't sh**t!

Look, that stuff ain't worth
nothing, it only looks pretty.

But you know, it ain't worth
anything, it's papier-mache.

Bo and Luke, this is your
Uncle Jesse. Do you read me?

This is your Uncle Jesse.
They're not answering.

I know, it's no use.

We gotta let Sheriff Rosco
know there's something wrong.

There is something wrong. I
got a funny feeling in my bones...

that the sun isn't shining.

Uncle Jesse!

Dumb idiot!

acres and you
gotta run over me?

- Bye-bye, Hazzard!
- Bye-bye.

I thank you kindly.

Boss. Mary Lou.

What happened, J.D.?

I've been robbed again!

- They left before you got here.
- Who robbed you? Do you know?

Get me out of here.

Must've been that green
van that nearly ran over us.

This is Sheriff
Rosco P. Coltrane...

calling his little fat buddy.

Little buddy, got your
ears on? Come back.

Rosco, I ain't your little
buddy. And where are you at?

Boss, I'm out at
the Pringle house.

Them Duke boys
did it to us again.

Lied about the silver,
and the smelting...

and all them
crooks, and all that.

They're just lies, a
bunch of succotash.

Well, of course, it was,
you pinhead. It was a decoy.

While Luke Duke had
you off gallivanting...

the rest of the Duke g*ng
broke in here, assaulted me...

and stole all my
silver Hogg-looms!

You're wrong about
them Duke boys...

Stay out of this...

or I'm gonna run you
in with your thieving kin!

Rosco, you there? Start moving
and drag in them Duke boys.

I'm gonna lock them up
till Hades freezes over!

That's a big - . I'm
beginning to drag now.

I'll be on... Wait, freeze!

Will you hush?

Boss, listen, the Duke boys

just took off in Cletus' car.

- But we're in hot pursuit.
- Dang.

Hey, look what Cletus left us.

Gotta remember to tell
him how obliged we are.

There you go. Hold it steady.

This is J.D. Hogg
calling Sheriff Coltrane.

Rosco, what's going
on out there? Over.

Don't worry, fat little
buddy. I'm hot on their tail.

Boys, this is your Uncle Jesse.

I saw those crooks headed
north out of town in a green van.

Do you read me?

It's manna from
heaven, Uncle Jesse.

- Much obliged.
- Come on, girls.

We're gonna go help them boys.

You ain't going nowhere
without me, Jesse Duke.

It's my silver!

I think we got
clear sailing ahead.

How's it going back there?

Just about ready to
start cooking, Son.

- Hot doggie, Pa.
- Hot doggie.

Look at all that smoke.

What do you suppose
it is they're burning?

You can bet it ain't oil.

My guess is they're
cooking up Boss' silver.

Great, if they do that

there ain't gonna be no
way to prove we didn't steal it.

You're sharp.

There is a way, though.
If we could stop them...

You asked for it.

Damn! Pa!

The fuzz is after us. We
ain't got no more time for that.

Chuck it in, Pa.

I need more time. This ain't
chicken gumbo I'm making.

Let's see what Cletus
got in his bag of tricks here.

- There ain't nothing in here.
- How about this thing here?

That might do it.

- You got one shot, Cousin.
- I'm gonna wing this guy.


See if you can pull up close
for me to pull a Santa Claus.

I'll ride this sled
right up their chimney.

Hang on out there, now.

Pa, I think there's
something on our roof...

and it don't sound like mice.

Shut up and drive.

They're watching, Luke.


And so them father-son silver
bandits were finally nabbed.

All the Hogg family heirlooms
had been melted down...

silver-engraved baby pot.

But Daisy got her job back,
and Bo and Luke were cleared.

J.D. HOGG Presents

Even Boss still had some things

working for him...

like the Hazzard speed trap.

Whenever he heard somebody
was driving through Hazzard...

he'd have Rosco nail them
for driving over mph...

then give them their choice:

six months in jail, or one
free song at the Boars Nest.

Oh, call me Tammy please.

It's a pleasure having you
in Hazzard, Miss Wynette.

I can't believe you're here.

That fine
performance of yours...

just squares the fine
on this speeding ticket...


You can call me Miss Wynette.

Let's go, kids.

Mary Lou, don't you
worry about a thing.

Me and Luke will make sure
that house is cleaned up...

and we'll sell it for you, too.

- I don't know how to thank you.
- Well, I do.


Well, thanks a lot, Bo.

Yeah, you're welcome.

- Bye, Daisy.
- Bye, Mary Lou.

- Bye, Mary Lou.
- Bye-bye.

- Bye, Mary Lou.
- Bye.

Well, that's it, folks.

Proves again you never
know what's coming next...

in Hazzard County.
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